Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 04, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAGE 6lX
MOUNTA-l.V HONOR CODE 13 SAME FOIt CK.NTUBY Interior of several
quaint homes in the fthriTRidge Mountains of Kentucky, which ore shown
,in "Bill Apportion' Boy," tho ftrit Notional feature to bo seen at the
Liborty theater, starting Sunday, furnish a eloso study of the lives of the
mountaineers who are character in the picture. '.
These people, who have lived with littlo .change for tho past hundred
years, contributed some of tho best fighters who wont to France under tho
.amcricau banner and have within themselves a code of honor which is one
of tho strictest in the world. , . ,
British Champion, However,
Insists Upon Meeting lar
pentier Firsi.
London. Sept. 4. Reports that Jack
Dempsey had already signed to meet
the French champion, George Carpen
ter,' got ft rise here today from Promo
ter (Cochrane,- who put on the recent
ilieckott-McGoorty fight.
Cochrane claims he has t tie ttoiu'Ii
fighter' name to a contract for a
battle with lllcckett, tho-Jtritish cham
pion, on two months notice. He also
said that Manager Dcscamps had post
ed a thousand pounds forfeit and made
himself liable to heavy damages if his
French scrapper met. Dcmpsey 'before
Beckett. ,
A letter from Jack Kcnrns states he
Crowds at Newport Beaches
Thinning Slowly; September
Weather Will Draw Few More
Newport, Or., Sept. 3 This week has to Corvallis after several wee
seen the Newport beach season leach with Mrs. William Brodees.
u.K..- ...ur nuu xne .me oi uavei Mrs P- j. gtout and.dlildrcn anived
is again slowly and steadily ebbing to-, Tuesd fl.om CorvaUis nnd aro sC rn.
nrm-Hq Tim riairn, et,l Maotr IL... nvn. . "
- " " . ; ' ing at Nyebeach. ..,.-'
who regret the necessity that compels! " ,,. T - , .
H. t.. i.:. c !, ., J Th Misses Inez and Florence Weid
rnii.in .,nn i.f ,.. L.i,r,.o nA ,.i mer lllve returned home to" Salem from
to the drudcerv of tho business riiidJtheir summcr vacation-
The season now nearinir its close has. I Dr. C. H. Newth of Philomath wte a
1 WAAlTAllri Violin with M ra nJau.1 1. .aiit
A Firestone Year
GOOD news,travels fast.
That's why "the
trade" speak of this
as a "Firestone Year." The
mileage that the Firestone
Gray Sidewall has been giv
ing has gotten around.
No more shopping around
for those who have discov
ered the real MOST MILES
Jvlost,Mile3 per Dollar
quoted Kearns s saying: "1 repeat
that Dempsey is willing to fight tho
winner of the Carpcntier-Beckett fight.
lUeckett. triumphant in the role of
challenger for the world's heavyweight
ehnmpioiiship talked touny of the vic
tory which had gained him that posi
tion. But lllcclie tt ' enthusiasm over
beating MeOoorty whs running wild on
Iv because he believes he is in lino to
battle Dempsey,. ,
"Carpeutier is next," Beckett said.
"I do not think ho is as good as Me
Ooorty. I shall ''dispose of him easily.
After" thnt 1 hope to meet Dempsey.
" It 's too early to discuss my chances
of 'beating 'Dempsey. But I'll give him
iny best. "
v Tlioibig illritou said he hnd no inten
tion of fighting it'red Fulton, as the
latter was listed among Dempsey'
victims. ... .
; MeOoorty Is a wonderful fighter,"
Beckett remarked. "I had no doubt of
tho result, however, though I thoughtj
I would win sooner thau I did. i
"Mv victory was due to secret train-.
iug which developed iny foot work and
my speed in punching and defense.
Bernard Mortimer, iny manager, want
ed to surprise McO-oorty. 1 think we
did, too. MoOoorty's punches didn't
harm me. I was surprised thnt I was
able to hit the American so easily. How
ever, I still have room for improvement
"MeUoorty was a hnrd man to.
knock out.".
milium i-Afiuion oeen tae ucs; icw-i
port has yet experienced and the "cnerahson Carrol, at Nyebeach..
satisfaction expressed among tin thou- Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Morrison and chil
sands who have visited this beach au- dren of Dallas are at Nyebeach for a
gurs wen ror the future. One sentiment ten days' outing.
.uicea piucucauy unanimously among! Mr. and .Mrs. William Porter end
the visitors and tourists is the hope of ' daughter, Mildred, have returned home
u.,nur trausponanon iacmties before to Corvallis from their summer vacation
uiioiner season opens. Tne Southern Pa- Mr. nnd Mr. .T. v, v,m,. r,.;-n,i
is seriously conquering tne orror company is rouuaiy ana soundly! from Albany the first of the week and
fight in London, Cochrane said. lie .'condemned by all for its refusal to oper- will remain indifintelv.
ute us trams to Jsewport this season. Walter G. Cumming, wife and family
Ihero has also been considerable com-. motored over from Corvallis Sunday nnd
plaint regarding an insufficient m;mbei I are enjoying a season of camp life at
ui pussenger coaciies m me trains and the Beach. .
imiiiorous instances are mentioned of! Lieutenant William Frederick Den-
peopUj being unable to obtain seats and man and bride of Portland are enjoying
bei.i,K obliged to ocupy the smoker. Of their honevmoon at Nvebeaeh.
late, however, this has been remedied. Prof. C.'r. Lewis and familv Jl Sc-
Some further excitement was caused lom, are sojourning at Nyebeach."
yesterday by , M. Baker, the proprie- Mr. and Mrs. Guv Frink nnd Mr. "hnd
tor of the Nyebeach Nutatorium, getting' Mrs. Virgil Frink motored over from
into an altercation with a jitney driver j rhilomath Sunday morning, returning
and pulling his gun on hini. The driver i homo again in the evening,
sought refuge in a nearby shooting gal-1 Misses Harriet nnd Lucile Duncan
lery. Some time Inter Deputy Marshals j have returned home to Oregon City after
Brown and Kisor arrested Baker andja several weeks' visit at Pacific View,
disarmed him. Marshal Kisor using hi south beach.
club to enforce submission. " I Mrs. C. P. McFarlund, Mrs. B. VV. Lid-
Deputy Grand Master Johnson, I. 0. ' d'0 ot Corvallis and Miss Ethel punn
0. F., of Portland visited the Newport o Billings, Montana, are enjoying an
lodge last evening and gave a very in-! outing t Nyebeach.." - ; v ,.
reresting nuuresB to tho lodge and vJs-f Mrs. -juim Bimmoos- una daughter,
iug members. Later refreshments were I Ml'8- d"' Bruns of Silverton are at
Hot and cold water. All mod
ern conveniences :
Furnished tents and cottages
Location, Service and Accommodations the Best.
. AND -..' . -' : . .
Royal Theatre
W. T. Crocker. Prop.
Newport, Oregon.
Agate Cutter and
Manufacturing Jeweler :
Open the Year Round
((!npltalJouriml"Special Service.)
Dul las, Or., Sept. 4. L. D. Brown and
Krt Hamilton returned Monday after
noon from short fishing trip on the
Trask river. They report no fish' bit
ing at this time of the year.
Mrs. C. II. Kundberg bus returned
from an extended visit with relatives in
I'ortlund. .
Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Morrison and chil
dren returned the first of the week from
a teu days' vacation at Newport.
Miss Frankie Crider has accepted k
positiou in the Sibley & Kakin abstract
Misa Almeda Fuller left the latter
port of Inst week for Haines, Oregon,
where she will teach school the coming
school year.
. George L, Cooper of Salem, district
orgaitizer of the Modern Woodmen lodgo
is in Dallas this week on business.
County Clerk : and Mr. Floyd W.
Moore ur spending few days vaca
tion at the Tillamook county hcarhe.
Fred Toner left the first of the week
on a deer hunting expedition in the Cow
Creek countr in southern Oregon,
Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Sehaefor and little
daughter returned Sunday from a
week's visit with relative in Portland.
Mis I.oi Cobb, who has keen visiting
at the home of her grcnduiother, Mr.
Alice I. IVmpsev for the past week, re
turned Suiidnv to her home in Portland.
M. A. Burch of Rickreall was Dallas
business visitor the first of the week.
Mr. Burch is one of the pioneer hop
growers of the county and has charge of
the Fred Stump hop yard near Suver
this yj'ar.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dullas, Or., Sept. 4. Walter aud Jess
Burham, Hon. C. L. Haw Icy and Frank
l.ynn returned from a two day' hunt
in the mountains west of Dallas Tues
day with three deer to their credit. The
hunters had good lurk from the time
they (turted to hunt until they returned
to this city but stated thnt owing to
the dry condition of the timber at this
time the deer would get away from them
before they got sight of them and in
this maimer they lost several irood shots
at the animals.
One deer killed was an unusually large
specimen and required the combined ef
forts of nil the hunter to carry it seven
miles to their camp.
o far this group of hunters have been
the only successful ones of the ninny
puities that left Dallas Saturdnv and
Sunday iu quest of game.
(By United Press.)
Yesterday's winners:, Portlan San
Both Larkin anil Klein were easy for
the Beavers, 14 hits brought a 9 to
1 victory over Sacramento.
A ninth inning rally liroke-a tie and
won for the Weals, 3 to I over the Ti
gers. ,
il.harlie Mullen, who since ho became
manager of tho Seattle club has won
his two series and a bride, pits his
team against Oakland in a double
header this afternoon.
Diarrhoea in Children. .
For diarrhoea in- children one year
old or older yon will find nothing bet
ter than Chamberlain's t.'olic and
.Diarrhoea Remedy, followed toy a dose
Of castor oil. It should 'be kept at hand
and given as soon as the first unnatur
al looseness of the bowels appears.
Evanstan, III. The "wages of itt"
are about to become more costlv here.
Justice announced fines for misde
meanors will be doubled, commencing
TflE ,
In Person
, and
served. This morning ho passetd down
tne coast to visit the Waldport lodge.
N. R. Moore, the sedate business man
ager of the Corvallis Gazette-Times,
mane las appearance on skates at the
rink Monday evening and held tne other
skaters and audience spell-boumt with
liis hair raising stunts. The manner in
which he manipulated the "rollers" or
tho "rollers" manipulated hiin was sim
ply marvelous artel evoked great ap
plause. m
A silver tea was given Wednesday aft
ernoou at the home of Mrs. Ella Hays,
on May street, nt which the neat aum'of
$13 was realized for the benefit of
St. Stephen's guild.
The latest diversion of the sammer
people is gathering huckleberries which
are now ripeniug fast are are very plen
tiful this year.
J. R. Howell, nn early, set tier of New
port, arrived this week from enstern
Oregon for a visit among old f rleads.
Mr. and Mis. S. R. Willet and iumilv
of Albany are occupying the Anderson
cottage at Nyebeach.
Dr. and Mrs Wallace Howe Lee have
as their guests their daughter, Mrs. Kate
Blair and two children of Seattle, Wash
Miss Violet Hertig arrived Friday
from Newberg and is visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. 0. E. Vanderpool.
Captain R. D. Morse of San Diego,
C'nl., spent a few days this week visit
ing old friends. Captain Morse was en
route home from Seattle, Washington,
Nyebeach for a brief vacation ouiing.
Mr. and Mrs. George Obar of Dallas
aro at IMyebeach for an extended, vaca
tion. ' .--,' "' . '
Dr. Solon Shedd of Pukmau, Wash.,
arrived Thursday i-.nd is the guest of
his father-in-law, Rev. Dr. J. R. i,. Bell
at the Grand.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Will, nowlyweds
or haiem, arrived Friday and are honey
mooning by the breakers. .
jrn. mm mis. uarrei .lonnson, iiiss
Wanda and Muster Jimmy Johnson ar
rived Thursday from Corvallis anil are
occupying the MeHenry cottage.
Mr. aad Mrs. John Fawar and Mr.
and Mrs. Edward L. Baker have return
ed home to Salem after a- fortnight at
Seal Rocks.
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Branson and two
children of Joseph, Oregon, arc at Nyo
beaeh for a short outing.
George F. Billings and family return
ed home Monday to Ashland after their
annual vr,cation at this beach. Mr. Bill
ings and his family have been regular
summer visitors at the Newport beach
for many years past.
Mr. aad Mrs. PJ. E. Kennedy and
son, Homer, are at Tent City from Port
Dr. and Mrs. 0. A. Olson and Mr. and
Mrs. Daue were weekend visitors from
Mr. and Mrs. William Fortmillcr and
daughter, Miss Flora, are occupying the
"Bonnio Doon" cottage at Nyebeach.
They arrived from Albany the first of
tne ween.
n.l,.ift 1,A 1,0.1 i .. .i i
pleasure yacht to her owner. Ls?w J, t M Ta7
Mrs. Austin Bond and family motored ,0l.?,c5 """J thclr ""J" 8 "t,n8-
over Thursday from Riversido and will
remain for a fortnight.
Mrs. W. Brodio and daughter of Sa
lem are enjoying nn outing at Nyebeach.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Parker have re
turned to Albany after a brief outiug at
their Newport cottage.
J. G. Weisncr and family of MoMinn
ville arrived Saturday for a two weeks
W. L. Iluekabay of Portland is spend
ing a few days at the beach combining
Dusiness wth pleasure.
A party composed of Mrs. Ves Carrol
and daughter, Lena-, Mrs. George Ross
aue! son, Walter, arrived Sunday from
Lebanon a id -are at Nyebeach for a two
weks' outing. " .
Rev. and Mrs. Edmund T. Si aipson
nnd Miss Avers have returned home to
Corvallis after enjoying several weeks'
rest at the beach.
Miss Mabel Crosno of Walla Walla.
Wash., is tho guest of relatives at Ya
quina. Miss Flora Mason departed Tuesday
for her home at Albany after several
weeks nt Nyebeach.
Mrs. George Mcl.oy and daughters,
Lulu nnd Katherine, arrived Monday
from Corvallis and will remain for u
two weeks' outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Walker and Mr.
aad Mrs. Shedeck of Portland have re
turned home to Donald after a p.iasant
vacation at this bench.
Newport, Oregon.
Agates Cut and Mounted
Watch Repairing
23 years in business
(Formerly of Salem)
Post Office Block
PHONE 3452
Staple Groceries
Front Street
E. 8. Cross & Sons Meat
Out-of-Town Orders Carefully Packed.
Newport's "Big Town" Confectionary
And Ice Cream Place.
Front Street, Newport.
Everything in Groceries, Confectionary
and Ice Cram, Fruits, Vegetables,
Cigars and Tobaccos. Both in and out
of Seascn,
Also Fresh Fish
Corner Coast and Beach St. :
Phone 2303.
Mrs. W. G. Graham and son, Teddy.
mm misses veinia jonnson and Merle ti, , i,i, t .i.- .i: ;.: .
iv: .. ... . . i "m kiuu'ciu ui kuv uisuuaiiiun ui
i IVlMinn a 1'., cnnn.lm ir .Unln 4 : ..I '
.Nyebeach. They arrived from Men- l.. C", ' Z' Si'"
mouth the first of the week.
Miss Alda, of Vanceuvor, Washington,
will leave for their home Saturday alt
er a month' outing at this beach.
Mrs. Morgan has returned home tti
Auburn. Wash., after an extended visit
with her cousia, Mrs. Mida Smith.
Miss Alicia McElroy arrived Monday
evening from Portland for a week 's rest
by the seaside.
State House.
Mrs. Jack Flynn and children have re
turned home to Spokane, Wash., after a
several months' visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Moore motored', r "ncl B" M" at Nye
o- f-.,n:. vr...i ,i ....ii ! beach. ,
over from Corvallis Monday and will re
main for a short outiug.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Marks returned
homo to Albany, Friday from tluir sum
mer vacation.
James Ambrose returned Tuetiay to
Divide, after a brief vacation outiug.
Captain and Mrs. William Clark and
family and Hillis Kent arc guests of
Mr. and Mr. Rufus "Waggoner at their
Nyebeach home.
Miss Marjorie Guernsey, chief - opera
tor of the Pacific States' teleohOiie ex
change, left Wednesday for Portland
and will remain there indefinitely.
Miss Ether Knotts has returned home!
L. D. Drake of the East Oregonian,
Pendleton, has been enjoying n ten days
vacation at this beach. "
Mrs. P.-fi. Shafer and sons, Eail nnd
Frank, returned home the first of this
week to Salem, after a month's vaca
tion outing at Nyebeach.
Mrs. Henry Hoewer nnd children, W.
I- Chambers and family and Miss Ashe
arrived this week from Beaver foi a few
weeks outing. ,
Mr . nnd Mrs. Charles MeCurdy and
Charles Rich of Gatens arrived Sunday
for a short stay at this beach.
Mrs, C. A." MeDoaah and daughter,
ha been found more complicated than
was expected. Considerable time has
been; spent ty Attorney General
Brow and associates in investigation
of the area and in conference with set
tlers without reaching any definite de
cision, and further investigations will
be carried on. For some reason still
to be determined the water of the lake
has been receding during the past year
or two. making available from 30.000
to 40,000 acres of land that can be
adapted for farm purposes. This con
dition may or may not bo permanent,
but it presents a situation without
precedent. The surrounding ranchers
who have had big additions of land
presented to them would naturally like
io nom title to the lands, which will
be of considerable value. The problem
ibefore the investigators is to deter
mine whether the lands are an" addi
tion to the public domain,"
At the coming meeting of the state,
highway commission to be held in
Portland September 20 another huge
block of $2,000,000 worth of bonds will
be offered to the bidders. These will
mature in from 5 to 25 years and will
bear interest at the rate of four and
one half per cent.
The industrial accident commission
has ibecn given a toKen of the JL W.
W. spirit in an aaanymoui communica
tion recently sent in from Portland,
in which is given a round of brimstone
and blue vitrol because of the provis
ion by which the beneficiaries under
the compensation act receive a maxi
mum of 60 per cent of their ordinary
wages during the period of total dis
ability following an accident. The writ
er curses hoth the commission and the
governor and threatens to "get" theat
in the near future.
Denver Street Railway Men
Denver, Colo., Sept. 4. The Plumb
plan made its first appearance in mu
nicipal ownership when organized la
bor here announced today that th
principle of nationalization of the
country's railroads would ibe attempted
as a solution of Denver' street rail
way problem. Petitions to initiate tha
Plumb plan in city ownership of Den
ver ' street ear lines will be circulated
by unions. The service at cost plam
and an elastic fare scheme have al
ready been approved by the city eoua
cil for submission to popular vote o
October 22.