THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1919. r PAGE FIVE. CIRCULATION BEING BY FAS THR LAB.GEST OF ANY PAPER IN MARION COUNTY INSURES' THOROUGH DIS TRIBUTION OV SfOUB ADVERTISING." gr.APPTTTBT) ADVERTISING BATES: list per word New Todays .Each Insertion . le - AaawMk fll insertions! . fio Hna mnnth f2rt insertions! 17t ' The Capital Journal will not be re pannbla for more than one insertion, 4n mnaoSfinA Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day it appeara and notify at Immediately if error occurs. Minimum charge, 15a. BIRD dogs for sale. 957, If. 15th St. 9-6 FBTJNiB pickers wanted i-none aBr - ,L n- ' t i i ii i 1 TOMATOES for sale. Phone 8F25. 9-9 "'WU.EII not straw fnr sale. 8 a ton if taken at once. Phone 15IF12. t ' "WANTED A .woman to care for in ', -valid. Address 2090 Ferry St. 9-5 WOOD for sale,' ash and fir. Phone Ka tf FOB 8AL1J-Furniture. Phone 2208J ... nr nail flfHJ center at. .-. : ti ! -WAITRESS wanted at the Cherry City t. 94 i W A WTRT Bonnie loads of loose al - folfo hnv Phone 77111. 9-4 TOR SALE Ankerhoth separator, ti. . .. . nnm Q.,1 wp, SAIT.K Good milk cow. Guernsey ntud .Tnrsov. 1821 Center St. ' tf TTPWTSTTiKD aloeDinir rooms for rent. At Tift N. Com'l. - tf FOB the best shoe repairing., go to N. Brueek, 163 6. Coral St. - 9 13 POINTER bird dog for sale, first elaae mono n f-w ASH wood for sale. Phone 31F11 af- ter-8 p. m. o PRUNE nickers wanted. Robert Mc- .. . . - ... . o n . r- n K uu&arist, Kt. -none win. - W A VTPT iR-mfirienCfid Wlrtll for ffen eral storo worK. care journal. - SMALL furnished apartment for light x nnt- it 1 riL ft 4 IIP ifa Kmiooa Wn tY finvAilCA WA HftVe them. iatiar & J-.anar, uo-f-o w?- crnn tnirtff. w a " 0- -r., ... Pfitt. aATi'R-JChoiea buildinEt lota. In WANTED Experienced girl for house wnrK. smau iamiiv uuuu . nrnxc Phone 392M. 404 N Winter. , 9-6 FOR SALE-Cheat seed. Btv 6, 46x 8. I A ft ttiow. SATE" A srix room bungalow ' ... . ...... ," !, VT 1,14.1. rnone loo or. can at om. . "i" St Thin iii a pond liny. Terms. a WANTED Prune pickers, campers preierxea, 1 mue irvm ourtiuv vu .Tffnrnn road. 'ttone VtHl. - w- WANTED Two men, one to tray, one tn ahnkn and Haul prunes, jrnone vj . . it ... 1 1 Tl. A IP p . h. . Arnoia. fit. ij- MTAOHTE&TTia "itiani ran a nnr 'hush el Kind." jaosen tr. Aaams. wauaco . .v . n II C road. iKtinne oar la. w-u WTA VTl?r Tmn ariil Ainlnff room cirl at Willamette saniionum, mum ha nver 20. 754 Ferry St. tf OANJfING peactios, all varieties, bring hnTAs nn r mi n Tram ena ox uriuc nn Wallace road. The Imlak fruit farm. Phone 52F11. 9-4 iTTfiTTOirRSni a SATTWRTiKK nffii-B 215-21A Mason itk blag. Pnone nil, iuuo. ncai esiaie aua stocK saics. WANTED Cattle and calves, any fEAOHES Early Crawford, good qual kind. Phone 1576W. . . 9-5 jty but Bmall, prieea- 75e per bushel, OBAVENSTEIN apples 7nc delivered. Phone S0F11. per bo tf Wallace road, wring Doxes. xsunn. u W BE AVER well drillet-Phdne 827J. tis N ifllh St. Salem. Or. 9-9 PEAOH pickers wanted at once, by J. v. Bressier. Lavesiev stnuoa. ruuno 7aV9. . 9-6 WOOD orders filled, ash, fir and oak. j I rtione zza, 11 ; i FOR SALE Nie, gentle fresh Jersey ; l . ii r . -n T 1 4..- ft COW. Zio Oiaurci AYO, 9-d WANTED First clase cook and help-1 mo an! n-lfn n.n. ferrcd. Phone 1460W. - 9-5 i V i WANTED Woman to do pressing and : 1261 6tatc . . 9-3 GOOD fresh Jersey eow for sale, also! I 3 J A 1 ,1 l,.nM : horse. R. S. Grettie, Rt. 3. 9 4 iWim?,K" wnntnd 'for man and two teams any kind of hauling. liSO uxTora tree. 9-6 YOiTJNGI man attendi'ni Willamette . . . i i. university wianes permanent wurn out nf school hours. 560 'JN. 14th St. I 9-8 EA.-MAR1NE wants job driving truck ... i Tii .in ,i ji ; i or delivery oug. rnune oo uuruis office hours. tf FOR SALE 1918 Buick four, in good condition, gooa 'Dumper, e., xu uu sold tnis wee. oee at vicks garage. a-o MEET ME AT "MEYERS" Stvle,Oualitv and Price .WAiMUP.TTi PlafB hw ar-hinli airl to work tor room ana ooara. a.aurc R fare Journal. 9-6 W AlVTMn iWaiudh in nn TirpRSintr and ioi Htate. - J iTJ. fvon-n PUtia VfTt. Slkf.TP iVnlinn an rnnpp. in rer- A -' " . . d 7 I . , .... . .. i ii i-i a leot condition, iyieap. ivv a. vum mercial. Phone 630. 9-4 GROCERY store wanted, any size; we nave tae reaay visa, nins uruour care Journal. 9-4 FOR SALE Or trade, improved 160 an eastern wasmngiun, iur iarwuu lars call at room 10 in 144 N. Front 'St. Salem, Or. . 9-3 PEACHES for canning, Crawford and Mmr, bring your Boxes, just out oi city limits, river road, across road from county poor farm. Phone 2503W 2. M. T,. Waring. .9-3 These three elements you not only want, but are entitled to, On these we have built our READY-TO-WEAR Business, which is recognized as the greatest and most reliable in tne Willamette vaney. v i a WW. RATR innd jiit rnnm Ttlasterod nouse, lot oxiaw; nas ut-ariu,. fruit trees. Tice sjsw. rnone la CENSUS CLERKS (Men, women). Uw needed, ipwa moniu. &ge,.io up ward. Examinations everywhere soon jiaxperience unnecessary, rur xico n-.ffiniilni.fl. writfi J. Leonard fform- er government examiner) 1382 Equity ale oldg., waanington. - rp.Timr iiiinlinn wanted. Phone 629. W A Wailev. 9-5 APPLES Choice, appl . wanted, any quantity, must oe iree oi any uio Anaa jil HrlirnH fill cull a wanted Phnni. 10. 9-20 EXPERIENCED man' wants to rent .o orflmril nnl bcrilea. 330 Di vision St. 9-14 miHTni Tn runt 5 oi 6 room house close in, prefer one with garage. Ad- amh v k tiArfl .lournai. 1 miiNTun Tn mnt.i wood ranch, will pay eaahufeWhat have yoi)r. Address WA'NTED--8 teamsters at the cottage farm for farm work, pay, $40 per month including joard, room and i . . . '...t initio nA laundry, rnona ueo jjauo, am 1 ... 1 n 1 sr.iraiES fnr nln. Crawfords and El- berths, 1 mileg from bridge on WollnnA mad. Phone 56F13. C. C. rik.Hu 9-1B WANTED To lease a 5 or-10 acre tract with chicken houses for 500 to 1000 chickens. Rt. 6, box 5iiJ, J. Kirkpatrick. 826 I"OR hauling -and trucit work try the Farmers Transfer trck, phone 1608 J, 1170 N. 15t St. A. H. Biedcr- - man. . . ' -U.' ' 9" I)R SALE A mo Jern house ready to move into. (Jomo ana iook it uver. 645 8. 12th St. F. A. Erixon. tf FOR dress making see Mrs. A. H. Bie dernian, 1170 N. 15th St. Phone 1608J. 9-4 FOR SALE Strictly modern 8 room house wittt oouoie garage, jjbvou street and carlino. Part terms. W. A. Uston, agent. 1 ;j -o FOR SALE By owner, practically new modern o room nouse, tour uioco from capitol. . iixceptionai vaiue. terms if desired. A-3U care journal. ti FOR SALE-Well lmprove,d farm on gravel road, close to aenooi ana mar-t-at teVa BftmA tralo. Dallas or Sa- lnm nmnertv. Addrims box 633. Dal- . r..r.,. - 'no HA. 4 ir. 1 - . f-o WANT to rent, a grain and stock rancn, suataoie lor raising sneet. Will nav cash or grain rent. J S W ictirn. Journal. 9-6 THE parties are known who took the things from tne JtoDert vrawioru house. Please return and avoid trou ble. ' 9-6 2 JO-AiCRE tracts, 4 miles from town . . irti. . 1 .11 -n joining $ouu, per acre iana, win sen 2i.O nor ftnre. No build ings. Laflar & Laflar. 406 407-408 lOrnirnn Wdff: 9-5 O -T-Cl- . WHEN U R buying, selling or exchang mg real property try onr non-coniuii-9ion system. It works to perfection anil MVHB TI money. Oregon Realty -Exchange. Investment.. . ui-uo Huhharjt nuiiain?. z j- M BUYING A FARM OR , ACREAGE? FOR SALE Prune ranch, 32 acres, 12 n .11 i. .. in .. 1 . acres -year oiu itcon, iw twrcD year old trees, 6 acres set into logans, fine spring, 7 room Bouse, Data, noi nnrl KnA water: 3 acres of zreen tim ber, Vt mile from paving on good . V. . n nni nrli. rt IT road, rrice U)U"V' rixe- care Journal. , "i s , 9' PWAifffTRia fnr snlo. ftannins oeaehe. oins to sji per uusnei m i. a ow orchard on Mission Dottom, nw Wheatland on east side or win"' otto river. Brinir your boxes. T. B Jones. 9-9 WANTED To rent ranch in western Oregon from Roseburg north; west oi Balem. About filty acres cultivated land, seeded pasture tor ten aairy cows; one hundred ewes ana tueir lambs. Wish to rent 3 to 5 years its nntinn to buy after 3 years if place suits, renter willing to take care and improve place aame as own. nan nnv half cash now. rest in amino Hnv IH1UH1S8. IfWeet Home Or 9-5 WORKING man will purchase amal) . . 11 . . l- T.1 li X nnniA nn inaTaiinoRnt msn r ruii dm good lot. Have good iob in city. Cmm pay ipsu a., montn. xjuu i waus n'rpntH to nav .commission to. H car O K if ' Journal. V W f - -iWci tuff 'A .if--J i I 0 mm WE make the best power prune dippers. Salem Mfg Co., 1398 N. Front St. tf AH. LYONS practical painter. Phone T04. I W. F. WRIGHT, Turner, auctioneer, wny not get mini OOVEENMENT loana at 5 percent. W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com aerta. tf DEK0RATO sanitary wall tint, best nade; beautiful new colors. Buretn Oornl St. tf WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Burcn's Furniture Store. 179 Commercial. f FOB SALE--Cheap, 5 room house, two Iota, plenty fruit! no incumbrance. Phone 1393. 9-9 PERMANENT man wanted to drive Fordson tractor and to do general vnrV PnironnaTlt loh tO good man with house, wood, fruit, etc., furnished. Poarcy Bros, 210 Oregon bldg (formerly Hubbard MdeV 9-4 117 Huron 7 timber, balance in eul- barn. ailo. tool house house, good family orchard, place wire a -i mi t j. 1...... ; Ida xrallov? rencea. rne uest uuj v-v , S5 ucr aere. ' t 1 - rt anros in in euUivatioii. 15 in iiot fniv imDroveinents. A good buy at '$100 per aero. $1500 cash $300 yearly. " : tja ell nUitlvatlOll, I strictly modern 6 room houso, large I barn, two silos, large mi' wood house and machine ehop. 12 milk cows, 1 bull, 1 heavy team, 4 hogs, 200 chickens. All hay and grain goes with place, including 20 eords of wood. Price $17,500. A great buy. 80 acres, 41) in cuiiivanuu, ... timber, balance in brush and stump pasture, fair improvements, good spring, some fruit. A real buy at $b0 per acre. . ,.,.. no 14 acrca. i. acre logauucmOT, prune trees' and a small mixed orchard. 4 acres in crops, balance pasture, fair improvements. This is a real snap. $2,- 500. . 18 at;res, fair improvements, 11 acres i strawberries, 7 acres pruneB, 3 acres logans, 7 acres stump pasture. $300 per acre. Get busy. , , . 60 acres at KiCKreaii, an m oumvo; tion." Fair improvements. $10,000. 1UO aeres, an in cui""i 6u t :i .iioi.l fair imDTOvements, iuu"V . i r , good spring, wire fenced. A good buy 62 acres river Dottora, os in vation, fair improvements, an atocis. and machinery, with grain and wood, goes with sale. ojuu. , 3 acre home just outside eity limits, .i.. kmiu Knm p.hicken house, gar age, good water. A dandy place. $2500 3 acres wittt o room cubage, " hard surface road. $1800. W mnb. 1ihrrnl lernu to buyer On !11 properties offered. Our. properties will stand close investigation nun real bargaina. WANTED School girl ;to assist with nouse wont tor room ana uuara buu small waee. Write S G care Journ- al. . . tf STOP-LOOK-LISTEN! Do you want to biijr.a good ranch finnA rptfinnce in Salem 5, 10 or 20 improved acreage Cinnr ntntil: ranch, if SO jB-4-U-BuyCUs. Or if you want to soli i.f vim nrnrnrrv wir.n lia cut reauiic. Perrine & Marsters, 306 Hubbard build ;nr tf -"ft. RT'.AfTTF.S fnr eanmncf. Come to orch ard and bring boxes. Phone 4F2, Rt. 8, end of river road pavement. G. W. Weeks. 9-5 FOR SALE ' heap, houso at 780 N. .... rt. . 1 . . 11 !!-!- 1ft uottage- t., aiso lot iz, diuck ii m Yew Park. Write Mrs. J.. Knapp, Rt. -5. Aurora. Or. 9-20 SELL FOR US We have choice trees of varieties greatly in demand now. T.ihprnl commission with cash ad vance. Seeuro copy of contract at once. Salem Nursery company," 1030 Chcmeketa St.. Salem. Or. 1 9-16 GOOD BUYS Fashion's New Designs IxpTess shipments reach us almost daily, assuring you of theory new est aSest and every garment individually selected by an expert, especial ly for our "EXCLUSIVE TRADE." - ; v v - ' ' Shoo mornings if possible. While we have increased our salesforce, we cannot give you tne piuuiyu FOR SALE Cheap, good 5 room house, rurv wntp?. -nineo Tor not ana coia wfitAi nlpfifrifl -Hifhts. Brood well. .... t --0 , o- - lurgo lot, fruit trees, some .berries; easy terms. 1 . XJ. Wallace, caiem, Oregon, Rt. 5, box 125. Phone 89F23. tt POULTRY FOR SALS Having sold my ranch, am compell ed to sell my fine laying stock of White Leghorns, 200 pullets, ready to lay now; 250 i- year old hens laying now; 200 2-year old hens laying now. J. E. Kirkpatrick, Rt. G, fox 22, 3 miles east of penitentiary. 9-5 !0MH, SCOW REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard Dnuaing - BHWfWirOWWWWl r twmm mt n mm 1 5I";-Fffl LOIS-6 WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL r.nw YOTT TO PAY S100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Banding FOR SALE 84 lots, mostly 60x120, ...llU ..Inn. nW. avflflll'll wnu xuic view aiuu vn.w. bounded on west by High street, and extending eastward, blocks 8 to 15, Nob Hill anner, Inquire of Mr. Weil bacher,. Hotel Marion, Salem, or write box 1022, Seattle, Wash. 9-6 DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A USED CAR? ' If so-See Us. 1916 Maxwell $300 Studchaker bue $200 . 1916 Ford in good condition, $375 Hudson Super Six $950 ' 5 passenger Studobaker, electric lights and starter, $485 Chalmers' 5 passenger, A l condi tion $275 1917 Saxon ix 700 Wa anil nil, prnnsn. crftsnline. tued auto parts, tires ind Recifsories. mm S AUTO tAtHAMlih 349 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. HLOCK Flumblng and Water Systems Installeo by GRABES BROS, 141 Sooth Liberty 8tn Phone 550. Also agent for Fair bank-Morse Oa Engines. sr n-ra ii-art lncnterl l1 miles from an acres cultivated, balance pas Jure and 5 acres of good timber, run ning water; il acres or oearmg prunes good house, barn; 45 bearing cherries, some apples, frree jwj per acre. 98 aero farm located 7 miles from ! Salem on main Silverton road, house and barn, well, orcnarci. i-rice yer acre. U3 aere farm on Howell prairie, near ly all cultivated, good house and barn. Price $11)0 per acre. ' 44 acre farm, -u acres cuitivaieu, u ance timber and pasture, good house and barn, orchard, gooa roaa. rat $250 per acre. Well improved 19 acre tract, good house, barn, rock road, close to main highway; 8 acres or prunes, jv acres of loganberries, family orchard; best of soil. Price $10,300, 5 aere tract, house and warn, i acre of loganberries, some cherries, prunes. Price $1600. 10 acre tra?t, all cultivated, 5 acres mostly in fruit, peaches, apples and loganberries; bungalow not finished. .PnnA lit'' no i Well improved 9 acre tract, line modern house, Dearing iruu, ciose i" ... na k'rii.A ffilU.UlU. 363 acre farm, 20O acres cultivated, hnlannn and Ti&sture. house and i barn, well, Best oi oiacit boh. jrnoc l a Tini. IICTI. - 92 aere farm, 90 acres under cultiva tion, good buildings, modern house; land in high state of cultivation, wheat threshed 45 bushela per acre. Price A9r.fl no aprn. . V Well improved iz acre tract, locau-u close to Salem, modern house, tearing trnnn maA. PrilCB 6000. 10 aeres of bearing Italian prunes, 6 and 9 years old, good road, 4 miles out. Price oau. rant. 10 acre orchard, most ly prunes; house and barn; located on main nignway, mu ouv. Improved 3 acre -tract, good house . f it e nlt liimln ana Darn, iiniarni jiuh ui r" finnn in. I'lGOO. 320 acre farm, 80 acres cultivated, balance good timber, house and barn; "located 2 miles from highway. Price Ailn i0Y 160 acre farm, house and barn, 30 acres cleared, balance pasture ana tim tun- Prin tXOOOf 9A urn rni-t located 4'A miles out, some fine bottom land, small house, bam, family orchard, 4 acres set to prunes and some peacnes, rocn roau n lnr-nted e ose to canine, irrav el road 5 room house, good location tr'.,it Price 2.r00. 14.S0 aero tract located i miles out, all cultivated; 5 acres of prunes, acres logans, good 5 room bungalow, f ,i.V,irI Priio .tfioftn. 'l.UJ 11, Idlllll,' v.. .. - . W. R GRABEKHORST & CO. IV You Can Always Do Better At HOP PICKERS We are headquarters j for gloves, and UTILITY SUITS FOR SALE Good registered Cotswold yearling ram anil icw risin.iv. ewes. Also steel range. A. T. Savage Silverton, Or. Phone 43F42. 96 FOR SALE 2 room house, new paper ed, painted, wired for ngnrs, juu .., 450, terms. First house north West Salem school house. " 9-i LOST On tho Turner road, late Wed nesday afternoon, one b;u-k i u meal and two sacks of mill run. Please phone 74F12 and notify o. I. Martin. o t 8 ROOM hoime ana largo corner lot for sale; ehorry trees, uarn uii wood, shed. Price $1800. 1390 N. 4th St. Phone 143HR. 8 3 LOST Umbrella Sat. morning, be tween Wheeler comer and u. a. uo pot. Mrs. J. N. Oathern, Rt. 9, box 139. 98 A Liitle W Ad Sells It 8MAiL ACREAGE ia r. . in hnfiriiitr louans. 3 m young cherries, 42o0; it is a buy worth seeing, i , . 13 acres logans, prunes and mixed fruit,' tair improvements, 2S0O. 3 acres joining city limit", niouorn ;m ,..,., mit. R00! look at. this. John II. Hcott Realty o, 404 llubibard -Hit.'. Gil HOLD LOST Strand of pearls last Saturday night on Court or uommcreiai sireui. Reward. Return address 228 North Capitol St. lc Word Class Ad WiH Sell It RANCH for sole, 105 acres, 3d in cul tivation, balance in pasture and tim kv. on t i,uv in barn, some ON BUFFALO SHOPMEN osilion To President's Compromise Plan Devel ops Over Country. Buffalo, X. Y., Sept; 3, Tho radical olomcnts among the 15,000 railroad shoDmen of Buffalo and vicinity was reported today to be rapidly gaining oats and wheat; 3 horses, cows a"" I control and despite ctrorts or in all implements included. Price 70i:on i,.aders a general strike is antUi n.i nn iha Pacific hiuh-1 kj atnra tlm oml of tho week. ...n.r a V. I. ..Urn ilHlllllll. . 9 4 Tlin WE WANT HOUSES. wiiir. criun t-nml. resuonsible party without small dliildreii, tne use ui piano in return for one or two rooms in which to store furniture. M B care journal. "-4 llmiAur lion nt the New lork. li,...vnl linna nrA uOnSed todav. OUO thousand men employod. thcro having I gone on strike, 1'ollowing a meeting ,., . .ia i.,,un. Inin. M'.vt niolih l ho men issued tue follow- we nave eoiu no ninny ---- - Iv that our list is coning low. "oi"'s mow." I It . 1 7B house, for sale like one realty 'Wo might ust as well' starve with idealor has advertised. We don't want out as within tne snops frhftt many at one time. Wo cannot do BAROAIiNS IN RKAL KSTATE- We have a largo list or gooa nu lamette valley farms, stock ranches, prune orchard, loganberry tracts, close in acreage tracts, nice city homes, cheap house and lota. B-4-U-uy--R lit. . . All we ask is a fail trial. Perrine Marsters, 306 Hubbtt.'d bldg. tf our clients justice by trying to find sale for so many houses at one time. A smaller number, well e"leted, priced right, suits us better, wo always ex amine tho property before offering it for sale. If the price is right wo can sell it. Come in at once and see us if you have propertv for snle. ICiiN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard bldg. Denver Colo., Sept. 3. Machinists in all Denver railroad shops votea 10 reject President Wilson's foil FOR SALE 50 acres with S acres "bear ing prunes, 5 acres cherries, pears, walnuts and apples, ten acres timber balance in .cultivation, cheap house. Price 000, terms. Also 8 ten-aerc-tracts all in cultivation with living water on every tract, facing on coun ty road. Price 200 per acre. Very reasonable terms. .. A. Llst"n' agent. g' 275 State street 9 3 AN NOCN'CKM BNT Ave wish to announce to the people of Polk and Mariont counties' that we have received onr first shipment of Oakland "sensible Six" 1920 model ars. We extend a cordial in vitation to all to oibi in nnd ex amine this new-Oakland model. It s s -winner. American Auto Company, 185-197 a Ooml Bt., Salem, Or. Phone 399. 8 4 HOMES PRICED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALES K room plaslered, eleetri ity, fcath and toilet, two lots, fine corner on street cur, $273(1, 1500 cash. . 7 room modern, fine t ut ana oii ries, garage, nnir capitc.', $fi0(Kl. H room olastnrrd, finf lot, good fruit $2200 $500 rash. !5 rooms, electricity oath and louoi, large comer lot, frui- :iud nuts; a good v.... mxiu iifi i. 5 room modern bungalow, .iuu, $800 cash. ' .-.,. 5 rooms, pleetr!;ity, bath and toilet, a real snap; 17"!, corner lot, improv ed stress, close in four cent an increase offer. The blac- boilermnKcrs voted to ae- hoNr wage smiths and :cpt. Rmwu'ta vfiniiliinir riffit'er of tho shop men hero are that in the eastern states the president's proposal not to strike pending the government's further ef forts to re.luco living costs is meeting with general repudiation oy tne saop- men's- local while in the west tue sentiment is divided. , Springfield, Mas, Sept. 3. Shop in ii of the Boston and Maine and Now lia. en railroads, were expected today to fallow tho action of the Boston and Alu.any shopmen in voting to reject ill'! "ovornment's of for of an increase in wages of four cents an hour. Cumberland, Mr., 8ept. 3. Increasco of noven cents an hour for mechanics and 15 cents for helpers are tho do-rra-iU of nearly SoOO men striking at (he Baltimore and Ohio railroad shop l.n re. - - ' ' .. Machinists are. now paid 68. cents :iid UellierB forty five cents an hour. I0HN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard build log TENUIS STAR WED3 New York, Sept. 4. Miss Moll 'ajurstedt former woman singles chairs plot went into cupid's doubles lat vea erduy when she married FranS X. . .... . j Ma'.lory, Jfew York brnkwr. Tho Druio Use The JOUraal Want AaStgave her ago as 27. Hor husband i 43.