Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 04, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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: ( society: J
'-' '- . , '
A 8 a farewell eomrjliment to Mr.
is: here
v 1
Hov American Women Break Down
Owing to the modem manner of living and the nervous
haste of every woman to accomplish just so much each day,
they overdo, and as a consequence develop ailments peculiar
to their sex, as is indicated by backache, headache, nervous
ness, the blues, displacements and weakness.
Womenwho find themselves
in this condition should slow
down, and depend upon
that good old fashioned root
and herb remedy, Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, to restore them to
health and strength, for there
is no other remedy known
that so quickly restores a
healthy, normal condition.
Here is the Story of a Most
Remarkable Recovery
Minneapolis, Minn. "I was run down
and nervous, could not rest at night, and
was more tired in the morning than when
I went to bed. I have two children, the :
youngest three months old, and it was
drudgery to care for. them as I felt so
irritable and generally worn out. From
lack of lest and appetite my baby did
not get enough nourishment from me, so .
I started to give him two bottle feedings
Alter taking three bottles of
dia E. Pinknam's Vegetable
bmpound I felt like a new woman,
lull of life and energy. It is a
pleasure to care for my children
and l am very happy with them
and reel line. 1 nurse my
baby exclusively again, and
can t say too much for
your medicine."
Mrs. A. L. MILLER,
2633 East 24th St.
jSurely this
proves the
value of
'to.' iO&" S '
! 0q
w m it
1 mfntmmirimCw
V" ' 'Am.- j
Zerolene is correctly;
refined from selected
California' crude oil. It
meets with scientific ac
curacy the lubrication
needs of all tvnea of au-
lindvVV tomobile engines. Get a
Chart for your car.
It IL CAMPBELL, Special AgL, Standard OU Co, Salera.
iYca See What You Buy Before rayingBuying At Home
(Continued from page one)
sinck company of New York, of
which the former general Is now pres
ident, isn't partly owned by Sioms-
Carey H. 8. Kerbnugli company which
reeoived. the mni'h discussed cost-plus
contract for spruce production in Clal
lam comity, Wash,
Disqne replied the corporation has-
n't a "nickel's worth of interest" in
tho Amsinek concern. Questions from
Frear brought the admission from the
witness that the Amsinck company
was bought by tho American Interna
tional corporation during the war; that
John B. Hvnu, former director of air
craft production, ia a director of the
American International; that Ryan
recommended Distpie for hi present po
Rev. H. C. Stover of the Congrega
tional church of 8lern and Airs. Stover
visited Tuesday at the home of Dir. ana
Mrs. John F. Allan. Row Btover Is an
old friend of the Allan family, having
had charge of a church at Gibbonavinp-,
Idaho, their former home, fifteen years
ago, Jessie steinmctt f M&rshfield ac
companied Walter Allan 'from Marsh
field Tuesday and will remain here for
some time at the Alhvt home Kuj,ui;
and Mrs. William Marshall and"
m Dr. f . H. Thompson -who leave
soon for tho east, Mrs. Al Steiner en
tertained Tuesday evening -with a de
lightfully informal , dinner jrnrty at
rear home on the Wallace road. The
tab! was prettily centered with white
aad yellow bloom, the entire decorative
iwfceme being tarried oat in the same
sujbdued tones. The remainder of the
ereaing was pleasantly spent with card
playing and social convene.
Mr. and Ma Marshall arc connected
with tho state accident insurance com
mission of which Br. Thompson is con
sulting physician, and the eastern trip
will be of a business nature.
Covers were laid at the dinner for
fourteen guests. '
Salem friends were welcoming Mrs,
H. B. Thiclsen and her. daughter. Miss
Nell Thielscn, yesterday when they
were in the eity as the guests of Mrs.
Russell Catlin. Tho visitors left for
Portland last evening where they will-
remain a week before leaving on an
extensive eastern trip. Their ultimate
destination is Providenee, Rhode Is
land, where they will spend the winter
with JuliuaThielsen, and alt the prin
cipal cities of the , middle west and
east will be visited en route.
Mrs. Thielsen is a former 6alem res
ident and was prominent in social cir
cles during her residence here. ;
'..'.', '
The many friends of Miss Belle
Grover will too grieved to hear of her
untimely death in Seattle. Her funoral
was held today in McMiunville. Miss
Grover, for many vears dean of women
at McMiunville college, was well and
favorably known in Sulem. She was a
woman of unusual intellectual ability
and prominent in educational circles.
Her mother and sister were with her
at the time of her death.
Mrs. D. D. Olmstead will be hostess
for the C. W. B. S. of the Christian
church, Friday afternoon -at 2:30, at
her home, 245 Union street.
: .
Mr. and Jtfrs. J. R. Janz and' small
daughter, Creta, and son, Saul, return
ed last evening from Netarts where
they hav,e been enjoying an outing for
the past few days. -
The weddine of Mils Johanna Cath
erine Domogalla ' and Elmer Edward
Weatley tooft place at et, josepn-s rec
tor- yesterday. Only tne immediate rel
atives and a few riends of the young
couple wer present. Reverend irather
Ierouin officiated. The bride is a
oeautiful and accomplished young wo
man of alem. The groom is the young
est son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. West
ley of Claxtar. He has recently return
ed from Carlstrom field, Arcadia, Flor
ida, where be served in the aviation
department. Immediately following the
ceremony the bride and groom left for
Astoria. ' " ' - " ' -v-'
Mrs. Clara E. Feller of Donald has
left for Port Huron, Michigan, to at
tend the quadrennial supreme review
of the Women's Benefit association
of the Maccabees. In addition to the
regular work of the convention the
delegates will also celebrate a peace
jubilee which will ibe attended by at
least two thousand members, from the
United States and ICanada. The mam
moth service flag -of the .association
will be demobilized, with a patriotic
ere'mony ;prestflwl ' iyer 'by . a ; grand
state pageant preceding this ceremony.
Prior to her departure Mrs. Feller at
an informal evening when a handsoms
electric set. was ' presented to her !by
her home review. The evening was
spent with music. Mrs. Feller was
commander of her review for six years
and is chairman of the hospital board-
of the association..;' -
Mr. and Mrs. William Patrick, Miss
Benjamin, Misg Hose. iBodayla and H.
M. Patrick have returned from a three
weeks outing at Newport, While there
they wore domiciled at the Patrick
cottage "'Sunny Nook." :
The Standard Light Bearers of the
First Methodist church will: meet
with Mrs. A. A. Lee tomorrow after
noon. These gatherings are always look
ed forward to with a great deal of
pleasure and an enjoyable afternoon is
anticipated. -
Mrs. Ellis Bennett. Robert Bennett"
Klla Bennett nnd their house guest.
Miss Mario Shenanu of Portland, have
returned from a two weeks outing at
Newport. . .
W. 8. Poormnn of Roseburg was
guest of honor at an informal lunch
eon Tuesday nfternoon at the home of
his aunt, Mrs. Al bteiner. Mr. Poor-
man has juat obtained his release from
the service, in which he spent two
years, the greater' part or which was
passed in France, He was a member
of tho old Third Oregon.
. . .. '
The Woman's Home Missionary so
ciety of the First Metho'dist church
will meet at the home of Mrs. Tr. E.
E. Fisher, 515 Market, street, Friday
evening at eieht o'clock. Reports will
be given of the missionary convention
which is being held n Uregon city
this week. The huahands of the mem
bers are eordiallv invhed to attend. .
A m.otor'artr composed of Mrs. W.
i' mi ries
Groceries . MenslibishiDfs
i Dry Goods " 7ePWlffllStQf& HatsShoes
This Beautr
t f The Lily
caa be yours. Its
wonderfully pure.
soft, pearly white ap
pearance, free from all
blemishes, will be com
parable to the perfect
beauty of your skin and
cOttpKnonlf you will ui
Stop Itch
ing Skin jj
There 3 one safe, dependable trcat
rner.t that relieves itching torture and
s'.cin irritation tdmcst instantly and
that cleanses and soothes the skin.
Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle
of Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon
you will find that irritations, pimples,
bl.ickhcad s, ezema,b!otches, ringworm
and similar skin troubles will disappear.
A little Zemo,the penetrating, catis
fying liquid, is all that is needed, for i".
banishes most skin eruptions, makes
iie skin soft, smooth and health?. -The
K. W. Rcre C. Owelasd,
T. Anderson and daughter Joyce, Miss
Esther Anderson and Miss Mabel Bilge
left today for a weeks outing at New
port. ....'.
. .i .
The Woman's Allinnee of the Uni
tarian church will meet with Mrs, C
E. Houston at 280 South 23rd street
Friday afternoon a.t-J2)30, ' .f t. .
(By Dr. E. R. Parker.)
The mouth is the greatest gcru, pro
ducer of all parts of the human anatomy
for within it are the four contributing
conditions for germ breeding, as weft as
the germ itself. These conditions are
(1) darknees, or the absence of sunshine,
which is the best natural sterlizire; (2)
proper heat, which is normal body tem
perature ; (3) moisture and (4) tissues,
the necessary food for frerm life.
Decayed and diseased teeth and their
faulty, artificial substitutes, in addition
to being a handicap toi proper mastica
tion, are cesspools of infection and filth.
Micro-organisniB responsible for tuber
culosis, typhoid fever, erysipelas and
other disease ate commonly found in
tooth cavities and diseased gum pockets,
from which recesses they are absorbed
into the blood and lymph streams. They
are also distributed to the' organs asso
ciated with the mouth, aud through the
snliva are transmitted to the stomach,
and through breathing to tho lungs.
They are a menaee to those with whom
you come in contact because they are
distributed when talking, spitting and
coughing. .
Doctors Join Movement To
Prevent Recurrence Ot
Dread Disease.
$3,000,000 auti-influenza appropriation.
Dr. Eugene L. Fisk, director of the in
stitute says. "The fighting of this epi
demic disease is not a matter of medical
treatment, but prevention along definite
lines which we canriot follow, until we
identify our enemy and know where his
machine gun nests are located." He
adds that until the cause of influenzal
is located the disease is as dangerous an
enemy as were the Germans. ; -'
Dr. Geier also has enlisted in Mn-eam1-piii.gn
a number of industrial organizli-i
tions. Among these are the Toungstown
Sheet and Tube eonipany and the Eric,
Pa., works of the Goneral Electric com
pany. - Dr. As Or. Cranch, physician of
the Inttor organization, also bus asked
the Northwestern Pennsylvania Manu
facturers ' association to give its aid in
the hight. '
The board of health of Erie, Pa., has
endorsed the $5,000,000 fund and has
called on congress to appropriate the
money. ' 7 ,
: (Continued irom page one)
enormous rapidly growing economic
and concentrated financial power of
the group of five great packers as the
investigation of the federal trade com
mission show have occurred in tho
past. '
The letter calls for the enactment
of such reasonable, effective and defi
nite legislation as shall possibly pre
vent manipulation, hoarding or specu
lation in meat and other essential food
products; shall provide for the regula
tion and control iby license of the pack
ers, under the agency of the depart
ment of agriculture an impartial agen
cy assuring, fair treatment to produc
ers, packer and consumer alike; shall
prevent packer control of all food pro
ducts; shall provide for "marketing
placed to be treated as public utilities,
free from packer control."
The lettor' further protested against
alleged abuses cited by tho federal
trade commission, and stated that the
Kcndrick and Kenyon bills incorporat
ed the principles advocated.
No Two
Person's Eyes
Are Alike
That means that an Opto
metrist must give the strict
est 'personal .and ' individual
attention to every patient.
And where lenses are fur
nished, they must be pre
scribed and prepared to suit
the peculiar needs of the pa
tient under consideration.
As an Optometrist we have
confidence in our ability to
render a satisfactory ser
vice as nearly as conditions
will permit. -
' Jewelers arid Opticians
' - Salem, Oreogn.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 4. -(United
Press.) That uifluenaa'is coming back
is the opinion of scientists who have
pledged support to Dr. O. P. -Oeier, of
Cincinnati in his fight for a congression
al appropriation of -$5,00,000 for the
study of the cuuseg and means of pre
vention of influcna.
The measure is fathered by the Pre
ventive Medicine Section of the Amer
ican Medical association and tho fight
for it is bciivg led in congress by Senator
Warren O. Harding and Representative
Simeon .Fees, both of Ohio.
, Numerous htnlth authorities and or
ganizations have endorsed it in letters
received by Dr. Geier.
We will have a recurrence of in-
fluensa this full," writes Dr. A. R. Lew- j
is, commissioner of health of the stare
cf Oklahoma. "
" That influenra will come back is a
snro thisg, and what we want to know
is how to .guard against it and quickly
cure it when oace it as taken hold,"
says A. N. Dubois, public health expert
of Alabama.
Tho Life Extension Institute of New
Vork, of which William II. Pnft is
hoard chairman, is backing the fight for
Department is now opened with a large variety of
new Fall Hats. As usual we have the best stock in
this city, our hats are of the best materials and cor
rectly trimmed, and reasonably priced. Buy your
new hat early; and get all the good out of it: You
are invited to visit this department, and will not be
urged to buy. - - --- - - -
We have a nice assortment of Ladies' and : Girls'
cloth coats, all new this season. Latest styles, and
not high priced.
The Mayer shoes for Ladies' and Girls and the
Washington shoe for Men and Boys. All guaran
teed shoes. Don't waste your money on inferior
goods. Buy the guaranteed shoes, and take no
chances. The fiberoid and paper counters are not
visible to the naked eye, but show up in a very short
time. Ours are all leather shoes, guaranteed.
Good values in Table Cloths, Bed Spreads, Blankets
and Towels. '
240-246 N. Commercial Street
, Guard.