: a : a d a n n .. m. . , ... flBPIIf ATMM tffatV VUlVVUlllUll (25,000 BEADEB3 DAILY) , Only Circulation in Salem Guar- anteed by tha Audit'! Bureau of ' Circulations. : FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WI-LAMETTB r VALLEY NEWS SEBVIGB 1 FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO. 209 EIGHT PAGES. I Thousands Speech at Columbus President Says League Only Can Prevent Future Wars For World Conquest N K? Husrh Baillie (UniteuV-" taff Correspondent) i Memorial Hall, W jjis, Ohio, Sept., 4.---A new ef fort at conquest will be rhude by some nation, as soon as the last war is recovered from, unless the peace treaty, in cluding the league of nations, is ratified by the United i States, President Wilson told day, in the first speech of his ' The league or nations is the onry , safeguard against more wars," he as 1 serted. V-'( Furthermore, he said, the league must 'be ratified 'by this couutry to make good the promise to the Ameri can soldiers who were called to fight to end all wars. Without, the league, lie ' predicted, peace will be brought into contempt. "I'd rather have everybody on my side than 'be armed to the teeth," he said with regard to the league. He said he Believed he knew the real heortv-of the American people better than the fet of the treaty knew it. - 1 The, treaty rectified ago long wrongs in Europe, Wilson said,1 which has been fertile, sources of wars for generations. He went into detail with regard to the racial and national lines in Europe showing how they were altered to give every pooplo it rightful territory. The audience, which filled every Ran. i;c.wl ...v : lence, with occasional brief outbursts of handclapping. Wilson apparently made no orator ical effort, but explained the treaty with painstaking detail, like a lecturer. The treaty, he said,, is "shot through with the American principle of letting the people pick the government." This lirought loud, cheers. ','The treaty contains among other things a magna eharta of labor, a thing unheard of until this interesting year of grace." ..... He said that an international labor conference would be held in Washington next mouth, under this clause. "And let me tell you," ho added grimly, thrusting out Ms jaw, "that con ference will meet next month no niattor whether the treaty is ratified by that time or not." The discovery has been made in the treaty, he said, that nations are com posed of their peoples, not of eovern- ments. "There is not a si'tirle ivct of annexa- tion in this treaty," he said explaining the mandates under the league were for protection and advancement of unde veloped peoples. -Criminal traffic is ended by the troa- (Continued on page three) WITNESS INFERS GRAFT WON DISQUE FAT SALARY Investigator Traces Connec tions Of Amsinck Co., And :T ' Road Builders. Portland, Or., Sept. 4. Testifying ibefore the congressional . sub-eommit-teet which is probing the -spruce pro duction 'division,' Guy George Gabriel aon, of the accounting firm of Scud der and Seudder, Xew York city, de clared the American International cor poration owns 100 per cent of the stock of G. rtro-iin-iv company, of which Krice P. Disqtie is prescient. v- (Hibrielson, who is now serving as investigator for the probing commit tee, testified the American Interna tional owns 30 per cent of the stock4 of the Sieius-Carey company. The lat ter concern, with H. S. Kerbaugh, ibuilt the spruce railroad in the Olym pic peninsula. The witness stated Difque's salary with the AusinCK company is $30,00,0 a year. ''Cut out the political flapdoodle. " "Quit making campaign literature at the expense of the government." the people of Columbus to ratification campaign. i STONE DBS PACT BE RATIFIED AT ONCE Chief Of Locomotive Engin eers Asks Immediate Ac- tion By Senate. : ' j- Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 4, Immediate ratification of the peace treaty, includ ing the league of nations, by the United States senate, was demanded by Warren S. Stone, grand chief of tho Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, in an in terview here today, - - - . "I know of no one thing that will tend to stabilize conditions today so much, as settlement of this question about the peace treaty and the league of nations," said Stone. "We will eventually ratify the peace treaty, including the league of nations. So, why not nowT "Tho whole country is in n turmoil, trurest is permeating tho land. The United States senators should stop play ing petty partisan politics and ratify the treaty at Once. "It's about time the American peo ple snoko mi nnd told their mis-repre sentatives in tho United States senate how they feel about their behavior in re gard to the 'peace treaty. Although I am not of the same po Appaauaeo litical belief as President Wilson, I fecljDibbern a lump sum of $4000 for the strongly with him in this matter. accidental death of her husband while "Once the senate has done its plain worki fof the Qrant-Sniith-Portor duty and ratified the treaty nnd the i , . . , ., j ., . . league, it can turn its attention to the ipy.rd in Portland, the commrss.on constructive legislation so greatly need- Cd nt this time. Anions Hi most imnortcnt. tive needs to which the Benate should , devote its time is measures to curb the necessity for the ever-increasing icost.of living." "Shut down the poison gas fac tory." - Those are some of the shots Con gressman 'Clarence i. Lea fired at Chairman James A. Frear during to day's hearing. Waving his fists, Frear charged in replv that Lea alone had tried to cov er up facts. Lea replied he had beu trving throughout the investigations to get at the facts "despite the flap doodle." PERSONALITIES ENTER INTO FREAK'S CLASH WITH DISQTJE Portland, Or., Sept. 4. -When Chair man James A. Frear of the congress ional subcommittee investigating the spruce production division, rose half way out of his chair nnd shook his finger at Brigadier General Brice P. dUque, retired, yesterday afternoon, the. latter replied: "You doa 't need to shake your fin ger at me." . "You can calm your tone," added the witness quietly. "I want this scene to go in the record. You are be coming pe.onai." Frear a"Aed Iiso,ue if the G. Am- (Continued on page two) SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1919. I,,, 1 1. . 5 ... ;,; j LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS DEBATES RECALLED BY PRESENT CONTROVERSY By Fred S. Ferguson (United J'ress Staff Correspondent) 'Washington,, Sept. ,4. The most spectacular series of de bates and the most far reaching in possible consequences since Lincoln and Douglas spoke from tho same platform, opened today.-' . ., ; ' -. , With President Wilson in Co lumbus, Ohio, to deliver tho first : of . his speeches urging unro-. served ratification of the peace treaty, republican senators were fairly sitting on the Washing ton, end of telegraph wires, awaiting his first, words, and - prepared to deliver their coun- ter attacks from capitol hill. - vOnly a presidential campaign; could demand the attention this , debate is expected to attract during the next three weeks. And the- presidential campaign of 1920 is not beyond the minds of any of tho democrats and re publicans, Meantime, the republicans are keeping an interested oyo on the : administration's efforts to lower the cost et . living. . Itffa appreciated, that by tho time the: ' president returns! and calls the "round table'.' confer- 'euce of oapital amd labor on bo tober G, more than thirty, of the "90 days truce the railway work-, ers are expected to observe wiK have expired. II SUIT IS THROWN OUT Judge Bingham Dismisses Case Growing Out Of Lump Settlement. When the state iudustrial accident . commission awarded Mrs. Edna Blanche knew v,,,e was B rslalt of Oregon, al- luouji l nnaiu was made on the Wialn-'.ground that she was a non-resiuent ot ""8 state, This in substance was the decision yes terday of Judge George G. Bingham in tho suit tried yesterday in which cn ac tion was brought against the industrial uccident commission to compel It to bring suit against Mrs. Dibbern to re cover the 4000. ' Judge Bingham, holds that Mrs. Dib bern was a resident of the state and thereby not entitled to receive legally a lump sura but that she in no ways acted with fraud and deceit in the mat ter, and for this reason the suit to com pel the commission to attempt to recover the money from Mrs. Dibbern was dis missed. As the matter now stands, Mrs. Dib bern got tho money, and the state can-.-xit recover. The law provides that in such cases for residents of Oregon, the s tu to shall pay a monthly allowance up to a certain amount and in the case of non rcsideuU, the amount shall be in a lump sum. t It is understood that the suit was brought against the commission to re cover the mo-y from the fact thr.t n attorney claims to have had a contract with Mrs. Dibbern to cet 40 per cent of any money she might receive from the state, l.'nder the decision just tendered, the lawyer will be obliged now to take his chances of getting his money through a suit against Mrs. Dibbern in Portland; AUSTRIA GIVEN MOBS TIME - -- ' " Paris, Sept. 4. The peace conference todajr granted Austria an extension of two days for her consideration of the treaty. The Austrian delegates prob ably will sigj the treaty September 12. MmM top w ww i ill. . - Ju LIVESTOCK I'lEII 111 OF HIGH COSTS National Association Market Committee Appeals- To President Today. INCREASE OF mLK GRAZING LANDS PLEA Enactment Of Legislation To Control t!?at Industry Also Requested. By Raymond Clapper (United Press staff correspondent) Washington, Sept. 4. Declaring' that Uie steadily rising cost of living is a ''serious menace" members of the Am erican National. Livestock association, market committee today addressed n letter to President Wilson outlining tho plan of relief. ' Tho livestock men propose: 1 d'lacing 200,000,000 acres of pub lic grazing land under federal control to increase meat production., ; a 'Prompt completion or tne depart- mcnt of agriculture's survey covering! tne cost or meat fproouetion rrom iarm to consumer. 3 Enactment of legislation looking to federal control of the meat indus try, similar to that proposed in the Kenyon and Kcndrick bills' now pend ing. 1 . The letter is signed by livestock men including H. A. Jastro, L. Burke, Uwight B. Heard and H. C. Wallace. - All data in the hands -or the com mittee is offered to tho president. , ""We recognize , that the steadily mounting cost of living is a most ser ious menace to our national welfare and largely the cause of industrial dis content," tho letter states. ' As meat products constitute a large percentage of this living cost, we of fer for vour' consideration the follow ing definite suggestions, for improve ment: frompt action by congress provid ing for a constructive plan for just and thorough going federal control of the packinp- industry which shall main tain the efficiency of this greatest of our national industries, 'but shall pre vent in the future such misuse of the (Continued on page two) i Fight Over Oil Leasing Bill Shifts To House Washington, Hept. 4. The fight for ?thc oil leasing bill shifted to the houso I today following its passage by the sen ate Into yesterday without a record vote. Senator Smott and others interested in the legislation today were trying to vci. a. ueau.ocn oucn as ne nus Kmea several similar bills passed by cithor the UUU.-U ui nt-imie jh jkihi, sessions. ABE MARTIN No matter what kind of a combination you play in a self serve rostaurint tncselalr tat gnmo tune to s times it alius come.t' fifty-five cent. 0f the sugar equalizing board today no j Next t' a salaried man thcr hain't noth- tificd Senator Hitchcock, in response I in' ns patient as a Colorado burro, M : Railroad Shopmen Reject By Overwhelming Vote Wilsonys Four-cent-an-hour Increase Washington, Sept. 4.The railroad shopmen have voted overyhelmingly to reject President Wilson's pro posal for a f our-cent-an-hour increase, but have also voted to leave the matter of strike action in the hands of their national officers. . The vote, announced today by tne railway department of the Araerlci.n Federation of Labor, was taken in re sponse to the letter sent out last week pointing out to the men that something define should be known of the results of the fight on tho high cost of living within ninety days and asking that mat ters bo left with the national officers during that time. The vote was 345,000 to 25,000 to re ject the four cent increase, it was an nounced. . .- . .. a. Champion Salesman Of W. S. S. Arrested; Sells $500 Worth To Desk Cop r - Spokane, Wash., Sept. 4. f"eary" Wilkins, champion W, ; S. S. Bclcr, of Seattle, was ar- J rested here at noon -today, charged with blocking traffic. He was soiling saving staps, with the aid of a jazz band, in the downtown district. $ As he was being booked Wil- kins sold the desk sergeant $500 worth of stamps. ; ; He was re- . leased on his personal bona. " Roosevelt Estate Sued By Confidential Correspondent Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 4. Alleging that he was a "confidential correspond ent ' ' of Colonel Boosevclt and that Boosevelt held hi note for 300 at the time of his death, but that the money the note caHed for had never been sent to him, Giles Otis Pcarco of Sawtelle to day has a suit on file against Boose velt 's heirs for 5374." , ' The sum represents the amount of the note and damages for alleged sufferings and inconvenience. Pearcc alleges Boosevelt promised to loan him the money and he sent his note, but Roosevelt died before tho t300 was sent him. AVIATOR FIRED UPON OVtR AMERICAN SOIL Plane Attacked By Mexicans Never Across Border Is Official Report. Washington, Sept. 4. The American i, v,--j. w. t no time over Mexican territorr ftn official report forwarded to the war department from Larodo, Tp-rnii nflaerterl todav. I The renort sent by Major General Dickman, commanding the southern de partment, who received it from Colonel Henderson at Laredo, declared that tho plane got no nearer Mexico than the river along the' border. The plane ww flying at a height of about 000 feet when Lieutenant Johnson noticed that the Mexican town opposite the ranch contained an unusual number of people. When the aviators descended to 100 feet above the river to observe the towns, the plane was fired upon. . Immediate and thorough investigation will be made by the Mexican govern ment of the firing by Mexican federal soldiers on the American army airplane, the state department announced todr.y. The America! embassy at Mexico City formally brought the incident to the at tention" of the Mexican foreign office, basing their action on a report of the American consul at Nuevo Laredo tell ing of the attack by Mexican soldiers on the army plane. Relief From Shortage Of Sugar Not Yet In Sight Wadiinztou. Sept. 4. There is lit tle bopc of relieving the sugar short- come, oiriciais to a request for information PRICE TWO CENTS 1 "There will be no immediate strike," said President M. F. Hyan of the shop men's union. "We will give the gov ernment a reasonable time in which to show results in tho attempt to lower living costs. . The vote authorized the national of ficers to use their discretion on the matter of whether the government ts making progress ia its efforts to redoes prices." Amil IS KILLED by mm oiaiis Yaqui Warriors Slay Truck Driver And Four Carran za Soldiers, Report. Nogales, I Ariz., Sept. 4. (United Press.) A. P. Hennessey, an American of Kogales, Ariz., was killed yostordty and four Orr&nza soldiers also wore killed when XAguj,. Jnflia'ft attacked' a truck Hennessey-was driving near San Juiver, Sonora, according to word reach ing hore this afternoon. .,. Hennessoy was 21 years old and was exceedingly popular in Nogales. ' Details of the attack are meager. : It appears a band of Yaquis of consider able size attacked Hencsscy ' truck and a party of federal "troops came to his rescue. A brief battle followed. Advices here do not nhow whether there were any Yaqui casualties. . . i Owing to Hennessey 's popularity feel ing here is running high. 0 Correl Case Confirmed. Laredo, Texas, Sept. 4.-L-Chargc that Carranza, soldiers were tho assassins of John W. Correl, Amoricun ranchman killed near Tampico, Mexico, several weeks ago, were confirmed in special dispatches from Tampico, to El Univer sal of Mexico City. Copies of the aiowspapers of Septem ber 2, received hero today contained an officials report of the arrest of General Kamon Diaz, Lieutenants Buiz and Fruncisco Gamboa, and Privates Bias, Vidal and Juan Valverdo, all of the Carranza army on charges of murder. Tho report is from the Mexican de partment of the interior. The men were arrested nt Guaymas ranih, near Tampi co, by Mexican secret service operatives " planted " in the army. . Sacramento, Cal. Blue ribbon pigs were brought to the state fair in limousines. High priced raisins came ! higher via airplane. AMERICAN MORALE WON WAR DECLARES DANIELS Secretary Of War Praises Y . M.C. A. For ran Taken In Big Victory. Valiejo, Cul., Sept. 4. (United Press) Americui's great guns; drendimughts, wircraft and other implements of war fare, potent forces though they were In the winning of the war were insignifi cant as compared with another force the morale of the army, navy and Amer ican people,1 Secrotnry Daniels declured today in an address at the laying of the cornerstone of the now Y. M. C. A. building here. ... . He cited tho final results to show the wisdom of the fight for inoralo ss welt as physical fitness for the men in uni form and eulogized tho Y. M, C. A. as the first big organization to work for this in the army and nnvy and as a per sistent worker to elevate the old type of arm ylifc without "thou shr.lt not" re strictions... ...... "It was not to be expected when the zone order was put in operation nt Mare Island and other stations where young men were under training, it would be v : m . . Oregon: Tonight and Friday probably rain; moderate souther- lv winds. if . u ONSTBAINB AD IHTS WANDS ITVJ CLJm A Tfad Table" LVJFcr Discussion Of Eccczic Problems Approved. INVITE COMESS: IS EDGES SUGGEST! Vll Pcindoxter Sccres t Lch To See lessee. Washington, Kept. 4.-residet Wil son's calling of an industrial "round table" conference in an effort to ad iust present critical conditions wa giv en the unanimous approval of the senate and house labor committees in joint ses sion today. The committo decided to report to each house a resolution in dorsing the president's plan, ; Senator Edgo, New Jersoy, suggested that congressmen be invited to the con ference, but this , was not ineMed U the resolution. The committee decided not to suggest any names to the presi dent as delegates to tho itonf crence. Senator Poindeibr,' replying 16 eriH- eism from a 8t.. Louis bttslaese man the plan, today made publie a letter; declaring that some, men of property " are not even owaro ',' of the danger ef revolution in the United State - "One of the ontstanding features of the present situation is tho utter apathy and blindness of fliose Who are most in terested, namely, the possessors of prop erty, to the progaganda of revoluHoa with which the country is Beething," Poindexter stated. His letter was ad dressed to Edgar Gengenbaeh, Bt. Louis, Mo., chamber of commerce. 1 "Your idea- of paying no attention to it on tho part of tho federal govern ment would be very delightful if it were not for the fact that tho federal govera mcut is the only agency able to cope with this revolutionary 'movement," Poindexter continued. "Apparently it is necessary for government to devise ways and means for pioterting thoso who are not only unable to protect, but who are not even aware, judging from your letter, of the, dnnger which confronts thorn." ' The chamber of commerce represent ative had protested to Poi-dcxter that tho federal government should let the industrial situation alone nnd "not fur ther increase the concentration of no tion.". Ho favored local action by each community. i ; Dallas, Texas Times do change. When two 14 year old boys hold np a , rim .fnro messenizer last nignt inuj I took $S nnd left a gallon of ice creum he carrving, ''roundly roasted' by some in evory eon munity affected ind not few did 'not criticisze it, doubted its eifce tiveness. But, us the war went on, the doubters were converted and every fath er or mother who had a boy in the serv ice thunked God for a government that threw every possible safeguard roimd their boys who were freely risking their lives for their eountry." The Y. M. C. A., Daniels said, wa first to realize that good influences must be provided when evil influence are forbidden. - ' "The work that the Y. M. C. A. haa done in the world war Is monuineatcV1 he said. "I havo seen its value not only with men of the navy, but along the" trenches and in the camps in Fiance and Italv. and also with the army of oe- n.,r,,t',nn in flnl-manv T ftlH liat find a place abroad where soldiers or saltof fioqnented, no matter how small er re mote, that I did not find Y. M. C. A. men with open doors and cheer for onr fighting men." .'-...-.. Daniels congratulated Valiejo on 1M new Y. M. C. A. and urged the city t make tho place cheerful and clean as a temporary homo for sailors.- Ji ii : COIHffilS snn BonmwiiES