Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 03, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PAG2 TWO
It May Est Be Troubling You
Dri2 The Warm Weather,
. CthisSlLlIaYcurEIood.
Catarrh is not only a disgusting dis-
but m m dangerous one, ann voj
hould never let up in your efforts to
get it out of your system until yon
Save done it thoroughly. Get rid of it,
Whatever it costs you in trouble l.hd
'aoney. ,
There is no use in permitting your,
lf to be deceived, l'crhaps, like thous
ands of others afflicted with' Catarrh,
you are' about ready- to believe thnt
the disease is Incurable, and that you
' arc doomed to spend the remainder of
, your days hawking and spitting, with
no relief in sight from inflamed inii
stopped-up air passages that make the
days miserable and the nights sleepless.
Of course this all depends v. inn
whether or not you are willing to con
tinue the old-time, make-shift methods
of treatment that you and many other
offerers have used for years with no
taibstantial results.
You. must realize that the 'disease
itself, and not its symptoms, is what
. you have to euro. .Of course you know
that when you are cured of any dis
miss its symptoms will disappear,
atarrh manifests itself by inflam
. nation of the delicate membranes of
the nose and air passaegs, which'choke
wp and make breathing very difficult
To get rid of these distressing efforts
yen must remove their cause
- Don't be misled into thinking your
catarrh is gone. The first touch of
winter weather will bring H back
witn all its discomforts. -
'The blood is laden with the Catarrh
germs, which direet their attack
against the tender and delicate mem
branes of the nose and throat. These
germs cannot be reached by sprays or
douches, which of course,, have no
effect whatever upon the bipod;
Mild weather will aid the treat
ment and this is an excellent time to
thoroughly cleanse the blood of the
germs of Catarrh and be forever'rid
of the troublesome sprays and douches
that can only relieve you, for the
time, .
ti. S. 8. is a' purely vegetable blood
remedy, made from roots and herbs
uirect from the forest, which combat
promptly disease getniB or impurities
in the blood. This great remedy has
ibeon used for more than fifty years,
with most satisfactory results. It has
been successfully used by those af
flicted with even the severest cases of
catarrh. It relieves catarrh thoroughly,
for it treats the disease at its source.
S. 8. 81 is sold by druggists every
where. For 1 the benefit of those afflicted
with catarrh or other blood diseases,
we. maintain a medical department in
charge- of a specialist skilled in these
diseases. If you will write us fully,
he will give your case- careful study,
and write you just what your own in
dividual tease requires. No charge is
made for this service. Address Swift
Specific Co., 414 Swift 'Laboratory, At
lanta, )a. .'"'"'!
(Capita) Jouraal Special Service)
lloyerdalo, 8opt. 3. .Qua Drager
' u.l family returned Thursday from
Newport where they had spent a few
' days. He reports . that the roads are
Jierfect over that way and that they
jfcnd a fine trip. ... - ,
; Miss Kosa Drager will teach In Shor
. -nan countv this winter.
Mr; and Mrs. Hickman of Sarem vis
ited here with Mr and' Mrs. WV H,
.;Wllsou a few days ago.
' John Thomas and. family motored
to Silverton to visit relatives Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. . Hamilton spent
v fow days at Wilhoit apriugs last
week.'"'' v . s ' ', ' .'.'.. '.'"' i:
.Mrs. V. A. Wood was a fialcm visit-
or Saturday. ' 1 ' : "" '
Misses Ethel and Violot Craie have
gon to Livesleys hop yard to' spend
me nop; picKing season.
Mrs., W, J.. Hadlcy's nephew, How
ard IHcott and wife, visited her Sun
day afternoon. Mr. Scott has just re
turned from a trip around the world
as (first engineer on a ship. ,
' J a i i
.Remove blackheads, soften rnuph
skin, clear the blood, brighten the
eyes, sweeten tne whole system. Noth
ing helps mako a' pretty face, winsome
smile, a HolllBter's Hockv Mount
Tea. Try it tonight. 3Se. D, J.. Fry.
- ,;
: : : "
been made honorary director of
the American committee for
devastated France, which h com
pleted plans for raising money for th
suffering women and,, ehjljlren . of
France. Mis Cornelia Marvin has
been placed on the executive commit'
tee, on which such prominent women
aa Mrs. Helen Iadd lorbett, Mrs.
George Ocrlinger and a host of other
important Portland social leaders -wjll
The Committee has secured the At
cazar- theater, complete eompany, pro
duction and orchestra, and will pre
sent "Sari," which is second only to
"The Merry Widow, '.' in : popularity.
Mies Mabel Wilber, Osea Fig man,
Henry Coote, Ueorge Natanson, letr
mar Poppen, 'Lee Duly Edward Sedan,
Eva Olivetti, May Wallace and others,
most of whom appeared in the original
company when "Sari" enjoyed such a
long run in flew York Will Ibe in the
cast. In addition, an entirely new
added feature ' will be arranged for
each evening. These will, be given by
the debutantes and young men of Port
land and are in the nature of a sur
prise. It is understood that the Flora'
dora sextet and solo dance- numbers,
as weir as other features to be an
nonruced later will be given between
the acts. ft.
The work is thoroughly organized.
"Sari" will 'be given fof the week
beginning Monday, September 15, with
matinees Wednesday and Saturday.
.Profits will be sent to 'France to aid
the suffering women and children.
moxes and some of the best seats
will be sold at auction.
1'lannintr to be cone for nearlv. a
month, Mr. and Mrs. O. 0. Brown left
yesterday for .Philadelphia, where Mr,
Brown will represent Oregon at the
o4th triennial session of the wand com
mandors of the Knight Templars of
the United States, to be held in that
city September 8th to 12th. They will
be joined in Spokane by the Washing'
ton delegation. Before returning Mr.
and Mrs. Brown will visit in Chicago)
JNow xork. and Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Koon left
Sunday on a trip to the eastern states.
They will be gone about a- month, re-)
ruining ''by way of California where
they will spend part of the winter.
11 M
Of real benefit
, to. all leathers
A fade ofpure mix and oils
Mkh protect the Miifee
Good tea costs about
Yi cent a, cup. Poor tea
costs moreit is weak in
tea-flavor; doesn't go so
far. -
So what's the use of
paying the same price for
poor tea and good tea?
Don't think so much
of the cost per pound.
Think of good tea that
comes first.
Schilling Tea-costs less
per cup. ",
' There are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong,
English Breakfast. All one quality. In
parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages.
., At grocers everywhere ,
A Schilling & Co San Francisco
Four Big Specials
Excellent Woolens At About Half Their Real Value ;
. . This prediction of higher prices, may be getting to be an
old story, nevertheless, we are brought face to face with
the realities, each day with greater emphasis. Why not
take advantage of this clean-up of odd lines of Woolens,
some of which are actually being sold at double our price
right within the confines of the Willamette Valley? Look
them over and profit thereby. . . ,
At Yard $2.65
46 to 54 inch SuitingsPanamas,
Basket Weaves, Serges, Stripes,
Checks, and Heather Mixtures
A most excellent lot of under-
priced fabrics.
40 to 56 inch all wool English
Serges, Granites, light Plaids,
and Novelties. Solid colors ars
navy, brown, green and black.
At Yard SL85
42 to 54 inch Hairline Serges in
navy, black and wine. These Ser
ges are really extra good. For a!
good, all wool garment, don V
pass them up.
Very good.
At Yard 75c
.16 to 44. inch Hairline Granites,
lohairs, Serges and Plaids'. Half
wool and all wool. Splendid ma
terials for School Dresses,
Taslac Is A Perfectly Won
. derfd Medicine" Says Mrs.
; Jbsepse Freesaa.
5" Mrs.' Josephine . Fteeman:.' of 647
Town avenue, Los Angeles, Calif., a
graduate nurse who had practiced her
profession for seventeen years, recent
ly made the remarkable' statement that
she has not only 'been relieved of a
ease of stomach trouble of tea years
standing by the use of Tanlac, but
that she. Jiad also '.gained twenty two
pounds in weigh.tu
When asked if She 'would be willing,
for her experience with Tanlac to ibe
published, Mrs. Freeman said:
i-VYea, dndeed.i'l feel that I would
be doing anyone suffering from stom
ach trouble and a rundown condition
a'good turn bygetting them to take
Tanlac. For ten years I have been hav
in trouble with my stomach. I could
not eat anything without suffering in
tense pains afterwards, and at times i
would bloat. up so with gas and such
pains and pressure . around my heart
that I would almost faint. I became
so nervous that I could hardly get any
sleep or rest, and got so ran down and
weak, .that yX ' could, scarcely keep' lip
my work as a nurse. 1, or course, usea
all kinds of medicines and did every
thing possible ibuf could never get
more than just - little temporary re
lief. . w4. i -
"Finally a friend of my husband,
who had tieen relieved of the same
trouble by taking Tanlac, advised him
to have me tryjtf, and right from the
first bottle I began to fee.1 bettor. My
appetite came back my blood circula
tion improved wonderfully, . and my
nerves began to' quiet down. I can eat
just anything. I want now and never
have the .least " pain or trouble after
wards. I 'steep' soundly ' every night
and, I feel rested and refreshed on
getting up in the mornings. When X
'began taking Tanlac I was weighing
only one hundred and thirty pounds
and w stilt- ilosing. But - now I tip
the scales at one hundred' and fifty
two. making an actual sain, of twenty
two oouhds ori four 'bottles of Tanlac.
I just feel so strong and 1 now that
it s a roal pleasure for ,mc-to recom
mend the. medicine that helped me so
much. Tanlac is a perfectly wonderful
medicine and. lam glad to give credit
where it belongs." , '
Tanlao is sold in Satemi by Dr. S. C.
Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug
Co., in Mt. Angel b Ben Gooch, in
OerVais y John Kely, in Turner by
H. P. Cornelius, in Woodbnrn by. Ly
man H. onorev, in Silverton by Geo.
Steelhammer. in Gates by Mrs. J.
P. Mc.Curdy,., n atayton by V. A.
Beaucharap; in - Aurora by Aurora Drug
btore, in 8t. Paul by Groceteria Stores
Co., in Donald by M. w. Johnson, in
Jefferson. byjFqshav A . Mason aBdin
Mill Cit bja IrKeteri -Gros (Co. i i
- r. . 1. lit ..'.-
milium tIMMIMMM MM MMMttt M M M v
Mr. and Mrs..R. M. Hofer have left
for ' aiiextensTve tour: Of' California.
They will include Los Angeles, Sac
ramento, Pasadena, San Francisco and
a number of other important cities in
their itinerary.' ' ;' 1
Mr. and Mrs. .B. L, Bcall and sons
returned last evening' from a hunting
and fishing trip near Blodgett. They
have been gone for several, dnys.
Mrs.' Dan , Fry; Jr.,, is home from a
visit at 'Neskowin' where she was the
guest of her motheri-n-lnw, Mrs. .Dan
Fry Sr. '
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Price were La
bor day visitors in Portland. While
there they were guests at the Multno
mah hotel.
Miss- Lillian Boot spent the week
end in iPortland as the guest of friends
The home coming of Sergeant Don
It. Moore, First United States engin
eers division, was celebrated with a
family reunion at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Moore, 834
Lovejoy street, Portland, at which all
the members of the family were pres
ent. Sergeant Moore was formerly of
this city and has been si the service
for the Dast twenty seven months. He
has seen active aeryice at the front
as an observer with the Third army
corns, was encased in six of the ma
jor battles, has four citations for brav
ery ami was ilecoratea witn tne croix
de uncrre. Ho has spent tne last six
months in the London school of eco
nomics laud luoJitical riene, where
ho met mid married a young English
woman, Miss Constance L. Conde, who
accompanied him home.
Dr. and Mrs. H. H. dinger and
son Harold, have- returned from an
enjoyable outing at NesKowin.
Mr Minnie Marcy Bates is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marcy
of i'ortlaml, at their home, ojo i-xena-lem
avenue, for a few weeks. Mrs.
Bntca is president of the Luella club
of the Kimball Ool'ege of Theology. .
IPortiand Ihnd its attractions over
Sunday and Mommy for a party of
roung' Salem folk, made up of Mr. and
Mrs. D. J. Frv and Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Slade, wiho registered a the Benson.
Mrs. Sla le until three months ago was
Miss Margerv Marvin, sister of the
state librarian. Mrs. Fry is a daughter
of Dr Steiner, warden at the peniten
tiary. The Snlemites came to Portland
bv automobile.... ortland Oregoninn.
Miss Ruth Tiosa is in Portland for
a few days visit win friends.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Kimball have re
turned from a visit iu PortlanA, where
thev went to meet Mrs. Kimball "s sis
ter. Mrs. H. M. Brimen of Columbusji
Ohio, who accompanied them home as
their guest.
(Continued from page one)
Heavy wool ve
lour with' the
new .drooping
shoulders .
Consider the Coats
at $34.75
If that is $bout the price you planned
to pay. .
In these brisk days of Autumn new
coats come, rushing in to claim atten
! tion each day augmenting a collection
that maintains delightful interest. ;
Just now there's a completely rourvded
group at $34.75 the price many like to
consider. You may readily find a style
very adaptable to your individuality:
The choice is not restricted in color,
and the models are so diverse as to ff-
ford the utmost satisfaction in decision. r
Notably gopd in quality, splendidly lin
ed we picture two.
Heavy wool ve
lour. For girls
and small worn
en ..$34.75
This most femarksMeremedy i
causes the stomscb to act natu. I
nllrand keens the bowdsopcii. I
Is purely vegetable, producing!
only hi ctaly beneficial results:
Tk UeV uJ CMWi Rtoklnr
Absolutely harmless-complete fer
nraU on every bottle only very best
ingredients used. At all Wrwfate.
. C. Perry'a.
fluenza. In families patients who have
influenza or colds ought- to be ktipt by
themselves. They should not associate
with others. ''' '" ' .
"Apparently tho germs of influenza
are conveyed by the hands more easily
than other days. Everyone should have
eloiin: hands. People should make it a
rule to wash the hands and face several
times a day with soap and water. "" '
. Commissioner Copeland says there is
no cause for excitement since the board
of health is watching symptoms of in
fluenza the world over and is co-operating
with other boards of health through
out America. It is also working on vac1
"Masks are- no good, it has been
demonstrated to the, satibf action of
scientists," says Doetor Copeland, "We
aro old fashioned here. We do not be
lieve in elofd-ig schools or churches. We
did everything unconventional here in
1918 and had the lowest death rate of
all". -
T nrove t" masks arc dangerous in
stead of healthful, Commissioner Cope
land cites the case of San , Francisco,
which had a high death rate, he thinks
because "the masks aro filthy, pievenk
the-patient from getting eood air, aivo
cause him to rebrenthe bad bream. "
"Above all, let's not get "cackled,"
says Commissioner Copeland, who ad
vises everyone to do his utmost to
"keep his equanimity, piety, and occu
pation." ' . .
;-::-::C0ASrS00M..-:'"' ."-
' Continued from page one)
fts advantages are not to bo overlooked. 1
: At San Francisco, in the words of one
commanding officer, "the entrance" to
the bay is fine but a widening and'deep
cning of the channel will make .it bet
Conditions on the Columbia river and
on Pugct Sound remain to be bludicd
but it is certain that tho navy will seek
improvements there.
All harbor improvements are made
under the direction of the jvar depart
ment. Tho part of the navy department
will be to make its needs, known and to
nse it well founded influence in behalf
of securing favorable action.
Secretary Daniels points out that the
commercial organizations of " the west
should take the lead in launching harbor
improvements. The program should be
i to gather a concrete plan pf what is
! needcd,'submit it to the war-department
and then to lay the situation! before the
t-navy showing how the .navy would bene
fit. .. .;,
ir tne project is wor uyh iuo nearty
support of the navy department is as
sured. - '
Blackheads, blotches and pimples
are generally caused by improper ac
tion of the bowels. Hollistcr's Rocky
Mountain Tea regulates the bowels,
cleans the stomach, clears the com
plexion from the inside nature's way
"Get that healthy, happy look." D. J.
Fry. V
New York, Sept. 3. Liberty '1boiiiJ:
quotations: First 4 'a, 94.50; first 4 V
94.56; second 4U's. 92.98; third 4
94.90; fourth 414 93.34; vifttory 3.!3
99.50; victory 4 's, 99.56. ,
Two discovories have added, grealVy '
to human welfare.
In 1 835 Newton originated the vac
uum process for condensing milk with
cane sugar to a semi-liquid form. .
In 1883 Horlick at Racine,Wis., dis
covered how to reduce milk to a chy
poirdef form whn extract of joroHed
grains,' tfiVow'caTie,'sugar.,,-1-'',v
This product HORLICK namliV
Malted Milk.. (Name since copie.
by others.) Its nutritive V8lu,
digestibility and ease of preparation
(by simply stirring in water) andtjic
fact tliat it keeps in any c)imar,
has proved of much value to tnankhvi
as en ideal food-drink from infancy
to old age.
Aeh fo l"tMTt- tnHatlcin
Try Salem First In Buying iffl-P Home$?$
at Sf.n Pedro still are uivdetermined,
What use the navy will make of that
harbor, it is known, largely remains to
be determined. It is certain, however,
using common sense with regaid io food,
uro the best prevcutrtivea.
"Above all, avoid those who hvc in-
clear Bin?
r tf your skin is not fresh, smooth and
rlowmg, or has suffered trom an unwise
use of cosmetics, here is an easy, inex
pensive wy to clear it: Spread. on a
little Resinol Ointment, letting it remain
for ten minutes.. Then wash off with
and hot water. Fmish whh a dash of
clear, cold water o tctt- ti. r.i... Tkn
rtnbrhr. me dir, nd Mt if ft o., D4t
"" " n vim, Inxn the tcM.
enc In piiwpim, ami lun thcxnplra, dm. fmh
.nd nlmy. MniMl Smr ud kuoul Oiouini
r mm hrti) drarii
System in Dentistry
Reduces the Cost
Founder and Executive Head of th E, R. Parker System
'TIMINGS done by system cost less
than things done piecemeal.
The reason you can send a letter
across the continent for 2 cents is
because of system in the-postoffice.
By employing the E. R." Parker
System, Registered Dentists do
dental work that is good, depend
able, satisfactory and moderate in
price;: dr. parker '.
It is a System founded upon every
new advancement in the profession and upon the com
bined skill of several dentists working together.
- Prices under the Parker System are based upon the
cost of materials and the time consumed in doing the '
work, to which is added a fair profit.
The prices are often smaller than you expect, because'
the System plan saves much time; and the saving made
is shared with the patient. .
Examinations are made without charge. Why not
rind out what your teeth need and h w little the price
will be for having the necessary work done?
Dr. Wallace Hylander, Dr. Fred G. Bunch,
Dr. Ray J. Greer
Registered Dentists Using the
303 State St. Salem, Ore.