Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 02, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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0ey J"" v.
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Coming Sunday and Monday to The Oregon Theatre. All
vj. a, xv. men are invitea 10 see tnis great civil war pic
ture, free of charge.
(Capital Journal Spocial Service.)
The indicatons are that the altend
anee at the normal school will he much
larger than last year. All rooms in the
dormitory were engaged some tiuie ago
and inquiries for board and room in
private homes keep pouring in.
Miss Edna Mingus, successor to Miss
Parrott,' and her mother are to occupy
the Liosk cement block house and have
already moved in.
President Askeinian. left Sunday for
Klamath Fall, where ho will take an
important part in the county teachers'
institute to be held there September 2,
3 and 4. :
Professor Gilmore has practicaliy
ished the work of wiring for and iii
stalling electric light in the lower halls
of the normal building. Several weeks
of Mr. Gilmoro's vacation' has been
spent in completing this contract.
J. B. Stump and son started a car of
full-blood Jersey last Monday for Spo-.
t e to attend the lair circuit, of the
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone
costs only a few cents.
With your fingers! Vou ean lift off
any hard icorn, soft corn, or corn be
tween the toes, and the hard Skin cal
luses from bottom of feet. . '
A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs
little at any drug store; apply a few
drops upon the corn or callus. Instant
ly it stops hurting, then shortly you
Eft that .bothersome corn or callus right
off, roof and all, without one 'bit of
pain or- soreness. Truly 1 No humlbugl
northwest. There were nineteen heltd in
the cai-f young and old, the choicest of
the nairasics herd, headed by the herd
sire Dominus. AH the nineteen except
two are descendants of Pominus". Jim
Dalrymple is in charge of the stoc'i,
which win De exhibited at five fairs, the
last one being the Oregon state Xau i:t
I. F. Willard of Twin Falls, Iadho, has
purchased 2 acres of the Butler estate
inside the city limits in north 'Monmouth
at $140 per acre. This tract has no im
provements but adjoins tho OInrles
Jackson residence which .Mi'. AVillard
has rented for the ensuing year.
Bov. W. A. Elkins, captain-chaplain
in the coast artillery and former'pnstor
of the local Christian church, has pur
chased a book and art store in Eugene,
known as the Church & School Publish
ing company, and has taken chargo h.iv
ing moved with his family in July.
The new officers of the Social Hour
club elected for tho ensuing yeai are:
rresiaent, miss Maggie itutler: .vine-
president, Mrs. George Boothby, secre
tary, Mrs. George Crawfoot; comnittee
on classification of books, Mrs. Cletus
Butler, Dr. Laura Piice and Mrs. L. P.
Gilmore; comniitteo on entertainment,
Mrs. Orvillo Butler. Mrs. Booth1 v ond
Miss Cassle Slump. 'J i.? first mt'j;
of' the season will H' neld Wednesday
at the home of tl'j Misses Butl.-.-. ,
. The Treat horns .'n east ,Mei.iiiouth
was tho scene i,f a'Jfiy Jippy surjfise
party Saturday, Aajjr-st 23,wlien a-uuhi-ber
of -fvjfinda and iiOs, 1 bois, gathered
there to-help Ki'V' Tcea f celebrate 'hi r
68th.-birt.hdny, ,V sni-c'al, feature of The
ui'Leruoon entevtainmi ii. was the whist
line ot an old time su'ig by Mr ;, Laik
liail. Refreshments ot ice crean. inn
cake were served and the guests depart-,
ed leaving many beautiful birthday
cards with their messages of cheer for
the invalid lady.
Miss Daphno Ostrom has been taking
a rest from her duties at tho office of
the American Eailway Express company
in Portland. After spending a week
with friends in Washington, and at the
beach she came to Monmouth or a
Vitck's visit with homo folks.
.Miss Dorcas Conklin, who wa taken I
tj a Saiom hosp::al last Tuesday, is
much improved Mir! was brough': homo
Sunday. Miss f crklin was suf rJ'g
from an abeess in her head which broke
and discharged onto the ear drums, seri
ously threatening, her hearing. . i'hysi
cians thought for a time that it would
be necessary to operato but her ooudi
tion became so much improved thut this
was not necessary.
The families of Ed Bodgers and Paul
Eilcy are taking an onting at Netartg
beach. They motored over Friday and
will remain for a week or until they
succeed in bagging a good supply of
clams and perhaps a deer or a bear, both
of which uro to be found there.' ,
Mrs. E. J. Clark, who has been ili for.
tho past" two weeks at Ikt home" here,
became worse Saturday afternoon and
was takeu to the Salem hospital. On
Monday - morning her . condition was
somewhat improved. ;
The Pollan brothers have finished
with the; har est in ct.-i.tein Oregon and
have moved on to Washington where
(hoy arc now hauUi: grain. . f lev are
getting eight and ton dollars per iay.
bord and horse ''eil extra.'
Miss Gladys Evans has been pasting
cvoireen blackberries "".n thr vicinity
ot Louuvill'j latel ', enning up h'jOut
$4 per day. . .' . .; ' '.. ,
The offer of sixty cents per box for
hop picking. doe hot s..ni to appeil to
a great number of IJoninoutliites this
vear; tho ftmflimncc of wild blacibcr
lies to be held x'oi ,the picking, which
oring a good price at-the canne.is :.nd
ilie increased piice pr'j nj'c I r work
in the prune orchards seems more attrac
tive. ' ' - - '
.. A number of Mc jT.outh young people
are plann.ng to enter thivCmvonut.v f.f
Oregon this fall, several of them being
returned soldiers. Clares v Powell and
Stanley Evans motored to Eugene balur
day whero they will remain for u f ow
days investigating conditions and pros
pects preliminary to their entrance at
the beginning of the fall semester.
William Biddcll !r., returned Satur
day ovening from Salt Lake City where
he had gone to attend a salo of ftney
sheep. There were all kinds of sheep of
fered for sale and Mr. Biddcll hu'l in
tendtd'to purchase rams for his floek
but miw none that he considered e.i' ugh
better than his own to justify making
the change.
The Ostrom family are taking the air
in, a Ford sedan, purchased, last week
of Graham & Son.
; George Sullivan and wifo have sold
out in McMinnville and havo returned
jto Moiunouth. They will occupy their
residence on Main street, where they
formerly lived. ; Mr. Sullivan expects
to buy stock hogs and fatten them
the market.
': - (Capitnl Journal Special Service) ;
' Stayton, -Sept. 2. The numerous
friends of Alva Myers of this place.
' are congratulating him over his mar
riage, which occurred Sunday at the
home of the bride near Salem", to Miss
Maleda Baunick. . The ceremony . was
performed in the presence of only im
mediate friends and relatives' of the
happy pair. They will make their home
On the farm of the groom's father, 0.
V, Myers, iear Stayton, of whi'ch the
young man will" have charge, " , '
Mr. and Mrs. Oi J. Hucttgers - of
Kingston celebrated ,their wedding an
niversary Wednesday. Four daughters
of Mr. and Mrs. Buettgers, all from St,
Mary's convent at Beaverton, . came
homo for. the occasion.
Mrs. J. A. Cox of Springfield is vis-itin-
Mrs:' Sarah Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Forrette are
the pleased parents of a nine pound
son, born the 27th. His grandfather,
E. T. Mathicu1, says he is strictly all
right and of the right politics.
J. h. Porter who was on tho list of
sick for several days, was able to visit
town the first-of the week.
Edwin Keech and Carl Ruble return
ed Tuesday from eastern Oregon where
they worked in the harvest field. -
il. C. Smith and wife of Portland,
who haye been visiting his brothers,
John and T. J., have returned home. '
Chas. S. Clark, editor of the Mail,
has ibeen confined o the house for sev
eral days this week with erysipelas,
his paper was somewhat late, in- get
ting out owing to his illness and a
shortage of help. He is reported im
proving. William Kerbor and wifo aro tMf
parents of a daughter, born Friday.
- Edward Luthy, with his wife and
child, were here from Bend Saturday'
for a brief visit with his brother. C. !t T1 lir I 1 T . '
... Luthy and family. They will visit:iry 1118 W 311110 WaYll S
The One Best Bel, He Says
a few days with his mother and other
relatives in Salem.
''- Lawrence, son of Alva Smith, is
wearing his right arm in a sling, hav
ing had it fractured while cranking a
Ford. .-.'-. ; .. -
-r. and Mrs. Geo. Korinek arrived
Saturday for a few days visit at the
Alexander home.
Mrs. J. P. Fuim of Corvallis visited
over Sunday at the E. Forrette and
Geo, Spaniol homes. . . .
vv'm. Mendel has returned from east
ern. Oregon, -where he has been em
ployed the past few month9.
- Loren. Wilson, who has been visiting
relatives here, , left Tuesday morning
for ,ew Lond n, Conn., where, his wife
and child are and where he expects
to -roeide; ,
.'...DrV.J.'.W. .Thomas ot Seattle, who
has-'becn visiting his mother; Mrsv C.
W; jThonias and other relatives, "has
gone to. Philadelphia, Pa., where he will
take .post-graduate work in his profesj
sion. lr. - Thomas has. become quite
prominent in the. medical fraternity of
the Sound city, and goes east to add to
his knowledge.
Mrs. M. J. Smnck and children have
returned) to iStilvton .from Portlnnc?
and Salem, where thev have been for
several weeks., '.
Mrs. Eugenia, Pearey of Boaeburg
and her sister from Portland, visited
friends here over Sunday. .
J. L. S. Bossell and family, who have
been at Forest Grove for the past three
months, havo returned to Stayton to
remain. '.' , : ,. , ,
That The Capital Journal
Want Ad way is the best way,
when it comes to the matter re
sults and general satisfaction's
well strongly testified to in the
following letter received by Tho
Journal today, addressed to the .
"Dear Sir: : - ' '
"Some time ago I inserted in
your New Today columns a want
ad with the very best of resuus.
I not only had a largo number of'
a;swers, but found exactly what
I was looking for and am well
"Th. nks to The Capital Jour
nal. I also wish to thank all
those who answered my ad.
"Yours truly,
- "N. E. B."
Chicago Somebody else will have to
qualify as president of tho Cook Coun
tv Liquor iDealers Protective associa
tion. Fred Bohde present head, closed
his saloon today,
New York An armored health mo
bile is the latest weapon of the health
department. It. is a motor truck "ar
mored?' with a movie outfit and will
tour the state, warring on disease.
New Movie Combine Buys
Many Theatres On Coast
Portland, Or., Sept. 2. Control of
seven , of the leading moving picture
theaters in Portland, four at Taeoma,
two in Butte and one at Medford. Or..
has passed into the hands of Jensen
and Von Herberg, according to an an
nouncement which was made here to
day. The theatrical merger includes the
Victory, the Bialto, the Colonial and
the Strand and the Peoples at Butte
and the Liberty at Medford.
.Jensen and Von Herberg also an
nounced their intention of soon build?
ing modern movie houses at Yakima,
Bremerton and Everott, Wash. They
contemplate- the eonstruction of thea
ters in other cities of -the northwest
before the end of another season.
20,000 Workers Take Part
In Portland's Observance
Pnrtknd. Or ,Wt 91UTi.rl.Tl.,J
ranks of stalwart men, with here and
, there a group of women workers, march
( ed through the streets of Portland Mon
; day, their measured steps echoing : to
the musie of numerous bands.
I Twenty thousand workers, represent
ing 87 unions, participated in the I.a
bor day celebration, the largest and
most pretentious in the ' history of
. Portland.
Scattered thrnmrli Ho rim-mta'
toilers who recently returned from the
uu" Jiiius, ui:riug lao nag rur
which they lately fought, and leading,
the way for their comrades of shop
and factory.
Common Witchhazel ;
Fine For Sore Eyes.
' it is surprising how quickly eye in
flammation is helped by common witch
nazol, camphor, hydrastis, etc., as mix
ed in Lavoptik eye wash. One elderly
lady,..who had been troublpd with chiou
ie eye inflammation for many vears,'
i. i , . . ...
Yvivn (-reaiiy ncipea ui two days. ; vvo
guarantee a small bottle of Lavoptik
to help ANY CASE weak,, strained or
inflamed eyes. Aluminum eye cup
FREE. J. O. Perry, druggist 115 Suuth
Commercial. , .
Paris, Sept. 2. Cardinal Mcrcicr left
here today for Brest, en route to Ameri
ca. He will sail for New York on tho
Agamemnon tomorrow. Tho cardinal will
be accompanied by the Belgian ambas
sador to the United States, Barou fcrhil
Do Cartier Do Marehionuo. ' , y ;'
DeB Moines, Iowa. It had "some
liiek." Several bottles, .home brew id,
Vr..n I TL gu 0p hP'd at poljce headquarters, exp.odeo.
9p IVeep em in IOC tirCle Slying glass injured Sergeant McCar-
Try our delicious pies. ' Made
with fresh fruits or rich pastry
fillings . -
All our baking is done tie sanitary way in our big electric ovens.
457 State street
"Red Crown" givei Ctiy
Btarting. It is straight - dis
tilled, . all refinery gasoline.
Look for the Red Crown sign
before you fill.
Uhe Gasoline of T Qualify
- " ' " V' : ' ' 'V:' ;-'
DOES any little exertion leave you
tired and, worn? Do - you feel
weak,' nervous, "all unstrung?'' iDo
you suffer daily backache, dizziness,
and sick headache? You shouldn't!
Too many folks drag along day in and
day out, thus handicapped. And too
often they overlook the kidneys which
are likely at fault. Weak kidneys
cause many queer aches, pains and kidney irregularities. But, if taken in time, kidney ills are
usually easily corrected. Neglected, even a slight kidney weakness may turn into gravel,
dropsy or Bright's disease. Don't wait! You owe it to yourself to get well and to stay well.
Use Doan's Kidney Pills!
people back to health. Salem
Doan's have brought thousands of weak, tired, discouraged
folks tell the story. Ask your neighbor!
These Are Salem Gases:
State Street
P. W. Brown, retired .farmer, 1499 State street, Salem,
says: "Hard . work weakene d my kidneys and I often felt
t the effect in lameness and soreness across the small of my
back. Finally my attention was called to Doan's Kidney
Pills and I got some. The backache and soreness entirely
left me." ' ' .
Over ten years later Mr. Brown said: "I am ready to
confirm any time, what I said in my former statement re
garding my experience with Doan's Kidney Pills. I still
consider them a medicine of merit and they always do good
work when I take them."
Mill Street
' Mission Street
Mr. O. H. Deacon, 1498 Mission Street, says: "It has
been a long time since I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills,
but, speaking! f fom past experience, I can say they are a
medicine of merit. I had a dull pain across my kidneys and
f l times it was very severe. After I had taken Doan's KM-:-
Pills a few days, that disagreeable ache disappeared.
iV.v back and kidneys have caused me but vc:y little
trouble since."
W. G. Johnston, gardener, 1021 Mill Street ' says:
"Taking eold and over-exerting myself brought on kidney
trouble. For two years I suffered with pain in thn small
of my back, right across my kidneys. My back ached at
night and is the morning I felt tired and lame. I was lan
guid and nervous, also. Headaches and dizzy spells both
ered me and my sight blurred. The kidney secretions did
n't pass often enough and they contained sediment. Fin
ally I heard of Doan's Kidney Pills, and after taking
them, was greatly relieved. Doan's sure are fine.".
A' V. SI ' ,1
Xo package of Bonn's Kitjmy Tills is genuine UJilf'sa is
bears tho maAic-lf trade-mark and the signature--' Jamrs
iigh Street
Joseph Wint, retired blacksmith Cfi8 High stroot, says:
"My back and kidneys bothered mo. My kidi.eys were dis
ordered and my back seemed to lose strength. A short use
of Doan's Kidney Pills soon put me right." '
Over three years later Mr. Wint said; ''My opinion of
Doan's Kidney Pills is just the Mine today as it wa, when
I gave my first endorsement. I haven't had any kidney
trouble now for several years and I give Doun'g ciodit for
bringing such lasting resultB." ' (
South Thirteenth Street
Mrs. I,. M. Drnger, 909 South Thirteenth Street, says:
'! can conscientiously say Doan's Kidney Pills are a re
liable medicine for kidney disorders, I have taken them
at different times when I have had a dull, tired feeling
across my kidueys and when my kidneys haven't been ac
ting regularly, Doan's have never fuiled to give me quick;
relief. It is only onco in a great while now that I have to
use. a kidney medicine."
Every Druggist Has Doan's, 60c a box. Foster-Milburn Co Manufacturing Chemists Buffalo, N. Y.