THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1919. PAtfE SEVEN The Famous Bathing Beauties IN PERSON-CLASSY CHICKS IN CLEVER COSTUMES HERE IS ONE OF THEM is : - i D SEE THE 6 Dainty ft Dimpled I Dancing II Damsels 6 Stylish A Swimming J Songsters I- r i i ' 1 "I' ... SEE THE Pretty 6 Maidens L Perfect V Poses 6 '- Blonde A Brunette I .Bathing II "Beauties V AND THERE ARE FIVE MOKE OF THEM JUST AS1 '. ! - " GOOD TO LOOK AT THE GIRLS THAT SETTHE STYLE FOR THE PACIFIC COAST A SHOW THAT WILL BLOCK STATE STREET WITH THE CROWDS. THAT'S THE WAY THEY DRAW WHEREVER THEY SHOW SEE BOB FINLEY THE FAMOUS COMEDIAN DI RECT FROM THE SENNETT STUDIOS t HE APPEARS IN PERSON WITH BATHING BEAUTIES I . ;? 1 NOTHING TO OFFEND THE MOST CRITICAL A LAUGH FROM CURTAIN TO CURTAIN FUN SINGING- ADMISSION: Adults 30c, War Tax Included DANCING TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY M G Hs T h e attire Tomorrow 'Wednesday and Thursday B OPPOMillY KIMS AT DOORS OF SALEM V Development Of Dehydration industry Held Big Thing For Ceiitrai Valley. Spooking of the Salem King's Prod uct company .aud what has happeued to what was formerly the Wittenburg-kiiig Products company and the new deal that i now on, a prominent business man hb has investigated, lias expressed the opinion that opportunity; is knocking must awfully hard at the doors of Salcoi and almost everys body is asleep aud no one nears. uuas- n wp omsino parties umio saw the great possibilities of devliuration and..tha parnnts owned by the Saloni IUn&s Product company and that it was outside parties, backed bv tlie Ladd & Tilton bank of Portland, and ail that bank stands for, that is now proceeding to pufc-Salem oa the map with a Quarter' of. a- million dollar national advertising unmpaign ting tall. 'Tho business'iiir of Salem is ehartrnd with a movement that bears all tho ear marks of tho" biggest step' forward this city have ever taken, industrial aim commercially," he said. "It iS ciiarac 'teristiii of a people not to see or know the big 'tilings' right at homo and for this reason, it .is tho far seeing man from tho outside that conies in and at tempts to show people their possibili ties, i .; " ; "The great movement that is iiow on to devolup a- tremendous dehydration center through the medium of the Salem Jong's' ..Products company shows 'what tne Outside man saw and which was not wen - by those living in the city. Far seeing men, associated with the Ladd & Tilton bank of Portland , have come to Salem and made known what may be eventually one of tho greatest industries of the country dehydration. A number of progressive Sulcm men have heard the knocking of opportunity, and have become associated with tho financial in terests now back of dehydration. t' Dehydration and Salem, Oregon, will within a few months, bo known all ovor the world through the medium of nation al advertising thutrill. reach the read ers oi nmxazuics witn a montuly circtl liition of ,006,000y Conservative adver tisers figure five readers to each maga zinc, and tha; first big gun in- the ad vertising of Salem: and. dehydration will bo in the. double page colored advertise ment of. 'the Saturday Evening I'ost of October 4. . i ' "Dehydration means taking thc,ater out of fruit and vegetables, placing sanio in. convenient enrtou and then through tho patented process, enabling the housoepers throughout the United States to servo fruits; and vegetables with exactly tho original fresh fi&vor. -: uenynraiKin means that Salem is oventuallv to hav one of the lurgest plants invthe fnite'd St jtes and that this part of the valley, will bo the best ad vertised valley in the wholo country. "The only thing that can hold back the rtcvolopment of a"ij immense plant in Huloni,. is tho question as to vhetlier tlie farmers will pioduco the fruits and vegetables. The men backing the plant have tho captial and, confidence in the future of dehydration,; but in order to develop, there must be the acreage and una question or ncieac WUJ De put up squarely to the bpsiuess men and farm ers this fall and winter." BIG FIGHT 1$ IIAIII TOPIC IN BRITIAN Interest Keen In Battle Be tween Beckett And Mc Gorty Tonight London, fjept. 1. Fight talk was the main topic of London sporting copver- J sation today on the eve of one ot ti." greatest boxing shows ever, stag( 1 In Kngland. Interest became acnto with thf t r v Biination of training in the cam i . Joe Beckett, the British heavy V!-!? ehampioa aiid Ikldic Jfcflorty tht erican soldier-scrapjer, who are to t- -tomorrow night 'in a 20-rouni l.- .' which will feature a card iacl ; '.; two British champions, a ir'ionch. i. Jjun; two Amoricani aud a erack ,-,-ish heavyweight. Dallas Boy Goes To j France For.'i't Dalias. Sept.", 1. William Bo; ' eon cf-JIr. and Mrs. James. Ug :.- . f this city left Dalian thi n for Cnntrea, France, where he w J a Freaeh wirl he mrt duriag I s; Mr. iBovdston was a nieiuiier of the Third Oregon band and vas station ed in France near Centres for . more than a year. It wasdierc he fell in love with a little rraneft girl and when he separated from her to return with the Oregon boys he swore that he would re turn some day and marry her and bring her to the United States to live. He started Saturday morning to make good his promise. Mince his return to Dallas Jlr. Boyd ston has been working in the shipyards of Portland but gave up his .position last neeit ami returned to his home here to make preparations for his trip to Friinie. Mr. .Boydston while stationed in France made a special slody of the r ance made a special study of the jently. IJo also took a. special course i music at a cQuservatory in that coun toy, Afr. Boydston and his. bride, expect to -rturn to this city, to make tlioir home -nnetiino the latter' part of -the year, . ro!lag Man Buys Lincoln County Hanch (Jeorge Wcdekind, a former 1'uptain a the American army in .France and fho recently returned from abroad, his weeK -urchased a 70 acre dairy ant-h in Lincoln county near the town if Waldjiort and will leave the first of he coming week to take possessioa of he same. Mr. Wedeaind returned the first of the week from a business trip ro Idnhu wherc he formerly resided. Mrs. Wcdekind and little daughter will eontitnie to make their home in Dallas unrtl after the, first of the ycar- Blr 108 Acne Bancs Sold K. X. Keeney, one of the most prom inent farmers and noultrymen in Polk county this week dixpored of his big 100 acre farm near Smithfield to Wm. Oarbutt aud late this fall will move with his family to Monmouth where he will make his home. The Keeney farm is one of the 'best ranches in tlie Smith field community and is in a high state of cultivation. . Sir. and Mrs. Paul Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. ('rider returned this week from an automobile trip through Washington. ' Misses Xrfla Ooad and Alice Grant, teachers in the (Portland public, schools, left .Friday for. tho metropolis to take up their duties next Tuesday with the opening of the institutions of fearnin;;. Miss Loid Cobb who has been the guest pf relatives in Dallas' thi week, haa returned to her home in Portland. B. ,A. Booth and W. L. Thompson of the state highway commission -and State Engineer H. L, Nunn, were busi ness, visitors in Dallas last week. District Attorney and Mrs. E. K. Pi. asecki were capital city visitors the first of last week,, .. Charles Bilyeu, proprietor of the Gail hotel was Portland business visitor several dajxt last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Starr of Portland were guests at the home of Mr. and Jilr F. H. Morrison in Dallas last week ' Mr. aud Mrs. R. U. Stcelquist of Al bany were Dallas visitors this week. The Steelquists Were formerly resi dents of this eitv. State Treasurer and Mis. O. P.- Hoff of Salem were guests of Dallas friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Price of Oregon City were guests at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.'C. L, Crider last week. Mr. Price was-formerly a Dallas 'business man. J, A. Griswold a prominent Falls City business man, was a Dallas busi ness visitor Thursday. . , TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORE National (Morning gamo) Boston-New York postponed, rain. jPhiladeilphiali- Brooklyn p.ostponod, rain . ' ' ' B. II. E. Pittsburg 4 6 0 St. Louis 5 13 8 Schupp and demons; Cooper and Schmidt " Cincinnati 3 7 1 Chicago 4 10 1 Kller and Wingo; Martin and Daly (Afternoon games) Boston 2 7 1 New York 3 10 0 Hudolph and Oowdy; Nehf and Sny der Philadelphia .-. 6 11 1 lirooklyn 4 10 2 Hogg aad Adiims; Pfcffer and Wheat. St. Louis l 6 S Uttsburg . ..'....... 6 8 0 Sherdell and. Clemens; Cooper and Lee. COAST BAT ARTISTS Blue, Portland's Best Eel Holds Fourth Place In LeagneAyerages. San Francisco, Sept. t' Sam Craw ford is not only leading the Coast lea gue swatters but is shoving his aver ago stilL highen The. big Angel 's avcr aao f 0134- games, is now 73, three points hotter: than his mark a, week ao. Kumler of the, Bees is second with .85, Miller of the Oaks is next with .335, while Tub Spencof of; the Bees is hitting .343. " ".'.' " ' ' Couipton, who is leading the Seattle batters jumited three points to .298 and Blue, the Beavers, Ibatting acp is hit ting .2T7. Maggei't is leading the run gotters and Lane of Oakland is ahead in base stealing. ' Averagos of Portland aud Seattle players hitting ,2(i0 or ibotter' follow: J'laver 1 ' ' "; Pet. Compton, Seattle .298 Sweeney, Seattle ............' .290 Cunningham; Seattle ..: 282 Blue, Portland .277 Knight, Seattle 274 Walsh, Seattle I......'..!...:............. .272 Siglin, Portland : 271 Vox, Portland- 208 Wisferzeil, Portland .267 Fnrmor, Portland' 267 Dra. Caahatt and Pen1 bt? ton have moved their office to 508 Bank of Commerce bldff. Phono 80o. - . 9-' o -s' Mexican Say American Has : Confesstd To Oil Robbenes Mexico City, Sept. L (United Press) Federal authorities here declared yes terday that an American citizen -mimed Tolley had been arrested at Tamico and had confessed to complicity in recent robberies of oil companies. . His con fession involved other Americans Mex ican authorities said. "Secretary of State Bcrlanga issued a statement yeg torday preliminary to President Cntran- za's message to congress, which will bo delivered this afternooji. : . Berlanga deciiired ,the statcmc-uts of interventionists that Moxieo was crush ed and that her salvation was hopless except through foreign action woio do void of truth, . This was deinonstmted, ho said, by the large investmenta being made constantly by foreign interests; Joiaa! Vaat Ac! Quick Reference To Firms That Giro. Service On Shorji Where Buyer And Seller MeetWe Recommend Our Advertisers. EVESTTHIKO ELECTRICAL Salem Eleetna Co., Masoni Timple, 127 Noitk Hi Talepboaa: -Mmi lSOT HACHIKE SHOP WORK Expert machine shop aerv by Mr. sergman. at men schOv. ' macainff hop. 12 years experience. Gear cut ting a spocialty. High class machine tools. Quick service. Phone 444, MS OPTOMETRISTS. DR. L. HALL WILSON Spe cialist in the Modern Scientific Application, of Glasses for the aid of vision and the relief, of Eyestrain and Headache. Office closed Saturdays. Office 210-211 H. 6. Bank building. Phones, office 14S; res. 1244. BEST BUYS. . 10 acres all in logans, 'iVi miles from Salem; well and shack, cheap at $5000, and a good income ' 40 acres of best valley loam, good buildings, dairy barn and silo; priced below tho market. Look at this one; it must be sold. '" .,' ' '380'- acre 'lull daJry"with income 'of 1000 per month; 'only $100- -per aero. Will sell equipped with stock, cheap. 30 .acres at Aumsville, all cleared, well fenced, now- stock barn, $2350. $1000 cash. : , . , 10 acres good loam, 4 acres fruit, buildings, VI mile school, 2 miles city limits; price $6300. ft acres with family orchard, 8 room house, basement, other buildings, close to cit limits; only $3500. . ' A snap in prunes and loganberries, in good location, only $J0O per acre. See it before its sold. 40 acres best land; good layout for iruit una location; SIU.oUU, 5 acres, potd, ouildings, 5 minutos from street car, at school, 73 walnut trees; uou. - . 10 acres, half cleared, buildings, good soil, only 4 mile Salem, $2250. Fine 8 room modern house, basement furnace, gurago, lot 100 feet by 250 foot, fruit aud shade trees, everything in first class condition; cost $7500 to build; owner, must sacrifice to get. mbnc- soon; $4750. You can't dupli cate this anywhere. 30 acres all eloarcd, beat valley loam good house and barn, Vj milca Salom, $8000. 21 acres 'best dark loam, family or chard, 8 room house, own water systom good barn with hayfork, practically in tne city; in uuti. f or Best miys see s S0C0L0FSKY 341 State f L.M.HUM ! far of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Oe. t Haa medicine which will cure any 2 known disease. Open Sundays from 10 A. 1L until 8 P. M. . ; , . 153 South High St. Salem, Oregon .. Phone 232 M mWAIsTEDi Call 398. Highest prices paid fa junk, Mcoitd hand goods and amehla erjr. Be sure and call 398, get the tlgnft prices. The tquare deal house. CAPITAL JO CO. 271 Ohemeket St . Salem, Ox. W. T. BIODON OO. Undertaken 258 North High Street ' .-.. '.,?. . PORTLAND CABMEN OBANTE1X 12 PERCENT WAGE INCBEA8E New York. Aug. 12. (United Press) i The war labor board late today giants ed a. flat wngo increase ot 12 percont for employes of traction llnea in Port land, Or., East Bt. Louis and the vicini ty of Cleveland. The increase it was stated, was based on tho increasod cost of living. ' TV Capital Journal Daily Market Report 1 omn Wheat, : soft white No. 1 ; ..,...,,Tr.... $2 Feed oats (......85c Hailing oats ......... ;i.6 Hay, cheat, new :Jzl Hay, oats, new ni(oizu MiU run' .. ...4344 Cincinnati Chicago Sallec and Rariden; Killifer (eight innings) 3 .... 2 Vaughn and America Morning game) Xew York-Philadelphia postponed, rain Washington . 1 11 0 Boston 2 ' 8 1 Harper and Charritv: Buth and Schang Chicago ., 6 14 1 Uelroit . 0 8 1 'Williams and Hchalk; Dauss, Love nuu AinsHiun. (Afternoon games) New York Philadelphia .. Ouinn and kins Washington npston Buel; Noyes 5 12 0 2 7 3 and Per- Shaw and (iharrity; Bussell aud Wal ters Chicago 5 9 2 Uetroit 13 0 Cicotte and Sehalk; 'Boland and 8ta nnge - Cleveland ... ..,... i! 7 0 St. Ijouia 3 8 1 Vhlc and Thomas; Gallia and Sev-CToid. TODAY AND TOMORROW Anita Stewart IS and - . Earl . lliams in "From Headquarters" Other Features, Too YE LIBERTY Butteif at. Buttcrfat Creamery butter Font, vai ana Pork on foot-... Veal, fancy ....A 8teers Cows - Mutton ere 81Q)62e Spring. Iambs Ewes Shoep, yearlings - Eggs and Foultry Eggs, cash Hens, livo -. Old roosters Broilers Heavy Springs ...19e 22c ... 7(Me 10c ... 435c ...."7e WHY SELL FOR LESS? We will pay you more eaati for you. ' household goods. Get our bid befor you selL People Furniture and Hard ware Store: 271 N. Com. St. Pho . 784. SECONDHAND GOODS NO 0AS3 REQUIRED -flood evareoef shoes and suits, all Kind of nnakeor al instruments, shotguns, rifles, het ing stoves, gas stoves, suit ease aaft 1000 other Useful articles to sell o trade. What have youl The eapitaK Exchange 337 Court St. Phone 498. WE WANT YOUR used furniture, etovet, eupeWi and tools,, aa we pay fair price toa everythingk Call 947 ' , CAPITAL HABDWABE FUBNfc TUBE OO. 285 N. Com! St. lists Blocked I RENOVATE, block and trim ladle and men' hats at iui7 prices, aaai better; work; material i acaree, hat are expensive, what's the answer I C. B, Ellsworth, 49S Court St., Bar lent, Or. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND BEPAIBJW. 60 years experience, Depot NsttOMtr and American feace. -Sizei 28 to 88 in. high Paints, oil and varnish, ete. Loganberry and hop hooka. : -Salem Fence and Btovr Works, 250 Court street. Phone i24. SCAVEGER 3ALKM SCAVENGER Garbage aM refuse of all kinds removed en moat, ly contracts at reasonable jtjitjaa Cess pools cleaned. Dead animate. moved. Office phone Main 16T. 48c. 2224c ;. 16c 21c .. .... 20c Vegetatnee New potatoes Green onions do .............. Onions, per sack Celery doz - Tomatoes 3c 40e ; $3.25 $1.00 90c Iran Peaches - 75c(S$l Watermelons .. i? Changes !'H55-?2 Tmnns. hox J.0HO!O-" Mnanal r R. axtmstfld Cantcloupes $2.75$3.25 Bunch beets . . - Cabbage 'e Head lettuee 2e Carrots . SC Retail Prices. Eggs dozen - 50c Creamery butter . 70c Country butter "e Flour, hard wheat .$3.103.25 roruana nuxnt Portland, Or., Sept. l.-tHuttcr, city :reamery 6062o Kggs selected locul ex 5r? Heus 2228c Broilers 2526e Cheese, triplots 36o4c DAILY LIVE '8TOC K MARKET Came Receipts 2400 " Tone of market lower Good to choice steors $10(10.50 ', Fair to good steers $7.50(0)8.50 Common to fair steers 7(i7.50 ' Choice to good eowa ana heifers $li(a7 - Medium to good cows and hciferj $fi7 ' Oannera $35 ... Bulla $07 ' Calves 1015 Bog , Receipts 1200 Tone of market steady Prime mixed $17.50(0) IS Medium mixed $lH.5i((i 17.50 Rough heavies $15.50(ild - rigs $14.5015 Bulk $17u 17.50 . ' , Sheep . . Keeelptt 500Q . Jt . ' Tono of market steady Prime lambs $12.50(u l.f.2.1 Fair to medium lambs $11.5012.50 Yearlings $7.50(28.50 Wether $7M , f Ewes $fffi7.50 MONEY TO LOAN On Good Beal. Estate Soeurity THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd k Bush bank; Salem OregsH FARM LOANS S Hi FEDERAL cent interest. Prompt eerviee. years time. Federal farm loan'bond4 for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedtj, 401 sonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. WOOD SAW PHONE 1090B Onr Prices are Bight W. M. ZANDLER, Proprietor 1255 N. Summer Street, Salem, Ore lest LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS Off PYTHIAS MiTRT A McCornack hall on every at 8. Walter Lenon, C. C, P. Kuntz, K. B. 8. ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gon Grape camp No. 1360 meet aTRors Thursday evening in McCornaek ha Elevator ar'vice. Oracle, Mm, Oai. rie E. Bunn., 648 Union St; Teeoaa der Mr. Melissa Person, 1418 Jl 4th" St. Phone 1436M. UNITED AJ?TI8ANS--eanatal Assem bly No. 84 meet first Thureday 4 each manh at 8 p. m. in Mnson) Tantple. Gnu C. Niles, M. A.; C. A, Tlbbert, sccrtyary, 340 Owens street, MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246,meeta every Thursday evening at 8 o'elock in McCornack building Court aid . Liberty trect. W. M. Peiscaa, V, C; Frank A. Turner, clerk. WATBR COMPANY 9ALEM WATER (Jai?ANY OffUtSJ eorner Commercial and Trade street) Bills payable monthly is advance. -Phone 604. Out. nf 60 stndnnta in tne tmasraaal department of the University al Wftefe iiigton this year 38 are mnen. To rcDlace the old buildinc recently burned, the school district of Empire in Coos connty, has voted fond ef Brenbnm,. Texas. When; : WUlia Wheeler of Hempstead offered a dol lar a pound for the first Gorman cap tured by a Walter county boy, Charlca Hawkins Joined the marinee. Today Hawkins collected $170, Keep Inera Hoiae--$i$