Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 01, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Walsh And Cohaian Urge Sen
ate To Refuse Approval
ihs j Jig
To Covenant .
."Washington, Sept. 1. Bcforo an en
Vacuum packt.
State House.
thusiastic audience of several hundred
that packed the senate foreign rela
tions committee roomJo suffocation,
representatives of the Irish independ
ence movement today urged the com
mittee to reject and destroy the peace
treaty utterly, as a "dishonest docu
ment that no amount of amending can
make honest," The- audience frequent
ly applauded.
Yoking, they claimed, tho "senti
ments of more than 20,000,000 Ameri
cans of Irish descent, Justice C'ohalun
of the New York supremo court, Frank
P. Walsh former Eovornor of Illinois
and JiUchael ,T. Kyan of Philadelphia
members of , the American commission
ou Irish independence that went to
the peace conference and to Ireland,
made a two-fold appeal to the com
niittee. They urtred rejection of the
treaty as a menace to American, sov
ereignty and commercial independence
u ml also as a airier to tnc indepen
dence of small nations liko Ireland.
They declared the Irish are united for
a republic; that though ''they would
sink I if I a ml to the depths" rather
flic I "'nn nun me interests or ine unitco.
urates Amorii'uus or i.nsn uioou nrc one
t,;ih ti.u;.. i.-Afi. ...... :.. I-..! i :.. ...:n.
each other ill the employment of lwlp hlttu(,ss lH flilUt to thft d j. upd
be, for Irish fredom,
The eosmmttee votad to give Ire-
rtHieiVLUl til THO nt, nnrmutiitu nmwlitinn Unik wrillitl not' tl.ww,
- ' " ...... - - - . i i iv imiwv uuui rwaiiun u uutu irt:c
m tukm.
M. I B.
. Coffee
Because of its superior strength and
richer flavor you use less M. J. B.
per cup than any other coffee.
The most economical
coffee you can buy
of t!ic fact that wo all are working for
the same .boss the state of Oregon
result is that departments bid a;':iiut-t
and the department havintr the ui'iatci'
a'l, sulnry appropriation usually wins out.
it is. to huv the 'least. uubusine.uliKi,
A letter was recently received al tne -.. ,iit;..,,
iifriee i.f secrotnrv of state, written by .... ii..,.i i, ,i i,i.." .-.,, I
- ois'ii'guishod -Japanese, H. xo"""'! There should be au adetimito remeJy mid
who is in this country as special invent- t() ascr,aju ,ilis remcdy, I have :ikd
t-ator a liydro-olectlic development .'.or for a nie(,tiug p the representor es of
the Japanese government. Hon. HosnK, . VI;.riolm departments here,
nil is chief cnginor ot the nkainuii in . ...... ,
tit ite at Tokio, and he Vritog to aBk! 0ll accmmt 0 tUe unusual firo record
, lor detailed information with regard to .i10W,, i, ,iin,itv of Klamath Fall dur-
the wator power resources and develop-. t ho. past two years, tttnto Flro ilnr-
metn in uregou, im wu nut. ,v,u,m,, gMa, iiar,m. BM deemed it ndvisaoie to
to tilt omee or tno state engineer, ww ond twi deputies from his-dcpaitmont
to that place for the purpose of making
liui forinwiirded the desired data.
,., .. i', ,'jeele, special agent in clittrj,''! r.f
irriiriilton ia the department- of com-
n thorough Investigation of coiul tluns
Moved by the nuinorous comnlninrs
i nioico at Washington, has written State that have come Into their department
- Kiigmoor t'upper iciiM'sting data ai re with regard to the exasperating luefu
w.tiei filinirs. oowcr tiro.iects nnd iiri . ciencv of the American Exnross com
Katij), (listric.ts in Oregon. In reply t'.ifl' puny lit Oregon, the public service corn-
engineer e office has furuishod a list mission has sent to the management in
- showing 39 important irrigation districts Portland an emphatic request that etcps
now under way" or completod, u Corey bo taken to improve it without conipoll
uct projects, 2 II,, S. K. B. projects nnd !ng the coinmissiou to nir.kc u formal ia
two. private power and irrigation liro-'vostigatioii, v ,
jeet J. . TIicho represent humlrcdi, of
thousnnds of i;cres of. irrigable lands,
aid -million of potential horsepower in
.electrical' energy, v.-.
Tiiiiquc H'o'tt the list of new incor
porations during ,tite past week was the
filing ot articles.,. by tho " hiwanis
:inl)"a' non-commercial orRanUation
of T'orthuid, with Louis I'. Ilesvilt B
president. TJio ciuu is lunuo up or uusi
iiess and professional men, and its ob
ii-ets are to build uu and niuiutnin.a
high stnndnrd of business ethics in tjie
roitimimityi to promote all undoi takings'
that will make for tho health, happiness
kiul noierity of the community, and to
eonduct a system of education along tho
line of social problems nnd the obliga
tions of citizenship.
, , Tlit only local organization to file ar
ticles wus- .tho Jiien KnrniN company,
with ft capitalization of $50,000. Albuny
lie n the Hub (ileaning Works, capitalized
at $5000. Tillamook has tho Kuppen
bender compnny, with $oO,000 capital.
Other important organizations are the
International Harvester company of Chi
eiigo, a foreign corporation capitalised
Kt $100,000; Portland Storage Battery
To., $10,000; Kendall Water & Improve
ment Co., Portland, $;ll00; Joiihlid-Otiu-iIimrii
i Lumber Co., Oregon City, $10,
000; Interstate Hales Co., Portland;
$10011; King Salmon Fisheries Co., Port
lnnd, $200,000; Nursery Furniture Co.,
I'fiithmd, $8000; Condon Hotel Co.,'Ooil
dou, $45,000; Const Kugine Si Mnuufue
turing Works, Portland, $10,000; i'.quity
Distributing Co., Portland, $50,000; Mc
itorinlek Lumber Co., Portland, $100,000.
Noting the fact that nil unfortunate
toudition has beeu broughftibout ationg
tho various departments of the ttute
Ihe city of Portland through its tit
lurncy hns forwarded to the publu K.rv
ice coin in irhi on a request, support) d by
eiaborate data," that the lines or tuc
Pi.''tliind Hallway, Light & Powoi eoui
pany be extended to the new Kt. Johns
terminal, at the same time stilting that
Hie necessary franchises would be fur
nished and that the extension would be
tlnf)nnlH nu nn hi titt'ot'hntv 1 itm tuilli fun
rates equitably established. '
Up to tho close of business HiUurday,
the office of secretary of stivte had re
ceived a total of 81 applications from
returned soldiers and sailors who w ished
to take advantage of tho educational aid
act. Of this number 20 hnve selected
Willamette university as the school of
their preference, The complete list is
as follows: , .
DeKeyser Institute of Optometry,
Portland, 11; Willamette I'liiwisily, bn
lem, 20; Kugene Business collego, 2;
HohnkP'Walkcr Husiness college, Port
Innd, 13; I'nivcrsity of Oregon, Kugene,
B; Reed college, Portland, 4; Holmes
Business college, Portland, 1; Portland
I. M. V. A. deiwrtinetit of education,
10; Philomath college, 3; Adeox Auto &
(ius Kugine school, Portlaiul, 1; Pacific
University, Forest drove, S; Astoria
Business college, 1; North Piiciiic Col
lege, Portland, 2; Northwestern College
of Law, Portland, 1; Tho Dulles high
school, 1.
People Ate Infected Beef;
Whole Town Feared Rabies
. .
Seniles, France, Sept. 1. When a ru
mor spread that a certain lute cow
which had been slaughtered and sold for
Mrs. -George Cole who baa been vis
iting her sister, Miss Maud Smith for
the past , three months, leaves .today for
her home in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Lady Decies Opens Hotel
Without Drink Provision
government, through the bidding of onC;food hiul bpln sufftrinR fl.om ,.r,Wi,3 ,
tll.ftHi ilD-DI UIIIC UIIIHIU'I ill llinV-
ter of obtaining competent employes,
uovernor uicott tins rteeirted to roll a
conference of the Various bor.rds and
eoiiiiiiission heads on the morning ot Sep
ieinber 5, when the matter of stauilnrd
i.ution of salaries will be discussed.
Htclt department head is requested to
P'esent a tnouiatea statement el the tickets for
ti.nicai joico umuio.vea nuu tne muiic- ot ;. i. i..t .i..i.,-
the time of her death, the population of
this Froueli village descended on the
doctor und the mayor for advice.
Everybody who had recently eaten
beef concluded that he or she had con
tracted hydrophobia, and had conse
quently gone nind.
forty four of the inhabitants bought
raris, where they intended
IMi'W-'-,J tl,p thl8enger aboard the train rebelled at the
conference the governor says in part
"I have become thoroughly couvineed
through long observation and experi
ence that a ilneidod improvement can be
el for ted In the manner of employment,
nf clerical lieli In the various depart
ments of state government. As now
instituted, there is no uuiformit y or
uttempt at uniformity in salaries paid
i.y the different der..rtmeiits. It is ev
ery depart me it for itself, losing sight
Idea of traveling with people who might
suddenly go mad and start snapping at
them, so the forty-four were huddled in
cattle cars and mad the journey stand
in A hundred more were getting ready to
go when a meat inspector nniiounoed
Hint, though it was true the cow had
been iufectcd there was no danger ot It
being eo itracted.
The panic subsided.
Ascot, England, Kept. 1. Prohibi
tion added a temporary recruit to its
ranks here when Ltidy Gertrude Decies
widow of the late Baron, embarked in
the hotel businoss with a "dry" bar.
Tho hotel was formerly tho country
residence of the Decies and will be
known us The 8cotswood Golf hotel.
Guests will bo welcomed at a daily prico
of $3 per head, but with the understand
ing no liquor will be served.
In its place the perspiring golfer or
race goers can have lemon pop, ginger
nle, ice cream, milk and many other soft
There are, however, several oasis. Not
far from tho hotel is the aristocratic
and fashionable Hwinlcy Forest Club
whore those fortunate enough to have a
friend for n member may get "hard"
Local pubs aro looking forward to a
"landoffice" business. . .
Hut it is nut because Lady Denies is
a prohibitionist that she is running a
temperance hotel.
Licenses are hard things to get these
days and it won't be until next Febru
ary that, one will bo available. It Is
expected thou thnt one will be sought
unless the prohibitionists can persundo
the aristocratic proprietress to a pi;i
ninnent "dryness."
Nashville, Tcuii., Aug. 30. The body
of Kobiu J. Coowr, who was convict
ed of the murder of United Mtutes Sen
ator .Edward Ward Cnrmnck, hero in
1008 and Inter whs pardoned, was
found today in Richmond Creel:, near
Nashville. ' '
Cooper evidently had been murdered.
His skull was crushed. His automobile,
was found earlier, a short distance
from tho spot whero the body lay,
showed evidences of a struggle. Its
cushions were stained with blood.
Cooper was last seen alive lust Thurs
day night. He left his home here at
that time in his automobile. A strang
er, the police say, accompanied him.
It has been established that Cooper
drew $10,000 from a bank the day Ire
started his death ride in his ear. The
police are working on a theory that
ho was in some way the victim of a
blackmail plot.
Catarrh is a Real Enemy
and Requires Vigorous Treatment
When you use medicated sprays,
atomizers and douches tor your
Citarrh, you may succeed in un
atopping the rliokeJ-up air pass
ages (or the time being, but this
annoying condition returns,' and
you have to do the tame thing
over and over again.
' Catarrh - has never yet been
cured by these local applications.
Have you ever experienced anv
reil beuefit Iron such treatment?
Throw these makeshift remedies
to the winds, and get on the right
treatment. Get a bottle of S. S.S.
today, and commence treatment
that has been praised by tutierert
for nearly half a century.
S. S. S. gets right at the source
of Catarrh, and forces from the
blood the germs which cause the
disease. Fur special medical ad
vice free regarding your owu cse,x
address Medical Director, 51 Swift '
Laboratory, Atlanta. G.
Grace Baker to Klla M Baker, part
of lot 2S, Capital it'ity Fruit farm.
Frank JSniith to W. R. Ziikel, 10.S5
"A !-! 'uup sMHAitf siwe
J. Wi Hustings to II. II. Bennett, lot
8, block 2 Willamette additiou
Kimiin ii:rey to Ami ('alalia, lots
SO and 35, Grnbeuhorst fruit farms.
Ifeury Xuens to W, J. Nuens, lot 61
of Kwald Fruit farm, and lot 41 of
Sunnyside iVuit farm No. 3.
Henry Aliens to K. II. Hnmel, lot 40,
Snnnvside Fruit farm.
C iX Troudt to P. J. Ott,"5 acres in
.T. .Churchill claim, 4-1 W.
W. L. - Hpaulding to I,. D. Simmons,
pint, of block 48 .N, Salem.
W. MeflllchrJst to K. II. Jtarnholdt,
part of block H, Nob Hill. -
Klia Albrecht to W. R. White, part
of lot 8. block 28. $5000.
J. C. Rabe to H. H. Wilson, lot 8,
block 17, Yew Park annei.
V. ,T. I.infoot to O. O. Watkins. 7.9
acres in sections 18 and 19. 8 S W.
J. M. ientrv to .1. V, Wilson, lot 3.
block 28. Capita! park.
Geo. IH. Doust to H. O. Rhodes. 84
acres in .T. Force c'sim. T-S W. $1.1.750
.1. B, Cooler to W. C. Mason, lot
Mock 500. N. Saloai. $1000.
Trw SW Pirst h Bnvintf
55$ Keep Them Hoine $$$
' --
Cigarettes that
Cigarettes that please you most
It s real good sense to roll your own !
teed bjr
f' ?! 3; 4: hf j 7i89. Lj it; 12 n iAA tXr a i9 of jihi
in r V I i
' r M tit ... h VI
I i : I ' With VXISk paper you can roil t "' W
tfac be,f "BuU" L?urb"m iJ y .