Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 01, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Minim""1 charge, 15a.
IPBUNtB pickers wanted. Phone 29F1L
- 9-4
WANT to trade stumpage for Ford
car. Bor 333, Salem. 9-2
FOB SAttiB 35 head of goats. R. An
derson, Jefferson, Et. 1, box- 72. 8-2
TRUCK haulinp- wanted. Phone 629.
H. A. Bailey. 9-5
R9 AnttTCS imnrnved farm to trade fot
larger acreage. C. A. Boling, Rt. 6,
box 30A. f hone iuwuzj..
"WOOD FOR SALE Seventy cords
large oak seven mues soutn on roc
m Tia hauled all winter.
iPhnn'it Marion "notcl. ... ' 9-2
WANTED Woman or girl for general
bouseworK, must De gooo pium cuu-v.
Apply 316 N. Church St. Phone 1238.
ir !R I,. Steeves. 9-2
APPLES-Choice appl a wanted, any
quantity, must do iree or any ui
cullii wanted.
VhnnA 10. . 9-20
FOR SALE Canning peaches $1.25
: n hnahal Thnn nveninsrs - 10WF23,
M .T Ornik. Fruitland. 9-2
EXPERIENCED man wants to rent
Kruno nrchnrd nnl bcniea. 330 Di
vision St. 9-14
wit .t. itoif Ana nn lioTjsfi.- bunffa-
l" J in... j
low stvle preferred. Well located.
1 5 davs. L. B. care Journ-
.1 tf
WANTED To rent 5 or d room house
close in, prefer one with garage, ao
Arm V" R are Journal. tf
PEACHES for sale, Crawfords and El
t.to lu. mil pa from -bridfcre on
Wallace road. Phone. 56F13. C. C.
ffliaf ffifc - 9-16
"WANTED Modern house, responsible
party, no children; will, lease for o
. months or year. X Y Z care Jonrn-
nl. tf
wivfisri t iu a. 5 or 10 acre
tract with chicken houses for 500
to 1000 chickens. Bt. 6, box 22, J. &.
KirlTarir.k. 9-26
PEAQHBS-r-Early and late Crawfords
and Tuscan cling for canning: Phone
win a AT. til Chevrolet tourinz. run
less than 1100 miles. . Inquire at 880
N Winter arter o. '
w niTun in tr. 2ft acres small fruit
ranch to rent. 231 Miscsion St. 8-30
"WANTED To rent or buy second
hand drag saw in good repair. Phone
754 evenings or call 500 N. Capitol.
, 8-30
JOB hauling and truex work try the
Tanners Transfer track, phone 160S
J, 1170 N. 15th St. A. H. Bieder
man. 9-4
ITOB SALE A modern house ready to
move into. Come and look it over.
645 S. 12th St. FVA. Erixon. tf
WANTBD For cash, a modern bun
galow by Oct. 1st. Mrs. L B care
. Journal.
FOB dress making see Mrs. A. H. Bie
derman, 1170 N. 15th St. Phone
1608J, . "
.WANTED To rent S to 7 room mod-
nn:v am a.
Nov. lat. Dr. Fred Ellis. tf '
mo k-n fl,a Ha nnwflr nrane aimiera.
K7OU0U1 JJCLlg U., OVl 0.1. Mb.,
iM- -,. 1 -)Hfl XT Tiini t f .
JAS. LYONS practical painter. Phonc
T04. Vf. V. WEIGHT, Turner, auctioneer.
Why no get himt . tf
flOVEBNMBNT " loans- at 5- percent.
W. D. Smith,., Salem Bank of Com
eree. OEKOBATO sanitary wall tint, best
made; beautiful new colors. Bnrena
Ooml St.
WALL PAPEB 15 cents per double roll
npward. Buren's Furniture Store.
179 Commercial. tf
IOB SALE Cheap, 5 room house, two
lota, plenty fruit; no Incumbrance.
Phone 1393. . 8-
HAVE a car of nice old fir and one of
nice dry second fir wood now being
11 n 1 d iii Orrtm o nMA it vntl WAnt.
wood. John H. Scott Realty Co. 404
Hubbard, bldg. tf
PEACHES and pears, 1 mile from
oriage on -wauaee roaa. jrnoue shm
12, . Moses P.. Adams. M
CANNING peacties, all varieties, bring
1 . 1 . . 1 -J
Doxes, nair nine irom enu or uriugo
on Wallace ' road. The Imlah fruit
farm.. Phone 52F11.- 9-J
WANT to trade stumpage for 1000
nrria wnnti Miitv tn maraer.. xor nouse
and lot. Box 333 Salem. 8-30
FOR SALE Or rent, 3 room house
nearly new, cneap. vvooa, xyno
bldg. "2
FOB SALE Nine room bouse, large lot
modern conveniences, aouoie garngo,
close in, on street ear line and paved
street. G L care Journal. tf
G. SATTERLEE, Office 215-216 Mason
ie bldg. Phone nil, 1WV. Jteai eBta.
and stock sales.
tEAOHBS Early Crawford, good qua!
ity but small, prices ydo per ousuei,
pict them yourself. 2 miles out on
Wallace road. Bring boxes. Bunn. tf
FOR SALE By owner, practically new
modern 8 room nuowj, nrar "i1"
from capStol. Exceptional value;
terms if desired. A-30 care Journal
WANTED 'Lady cook for small res
a..amt Wrltft M. K. GH1UW1U. Ill
aliAYirlflnAA. Or. .9-2
WHEN U R buying, selling or exchang
ing real property try onr non-coumuB-mon
system. It works to perfection
,.,.na TT mnnnv. OtaETOH BealtV
Vwhanae, Investment Co., 407-40K
Wnhharfl hnildinff. . tf
kvytj fiAir-P Piivo hnttnm ranch' of
151 acres, 40 acres cleared, House ana
barn, hard cottonwood timber, the
finest kind of loganberry land at
$65 per acre. Will take some city
property in trade. Terms on balance.
Merlin Harding at Salem Hardware
. -!
THE Boyal typewriter has stood the
test and made gooa, h siuu
the highest point of efficiency, give
thn work and VOU
will choose a machine that has Ibeen
indorsed by some of the largest bus
iness organisations in the country
today, frop us ; a earn ior aom
li.aham , Wnllo. aitents,
rirtj-wnllia. Or. 9-1
i i7 nnn 7 tirnhnr. hftlaiice in cul-
tivation, large barn, silo, tool house,
t i kminA . no f o era Anii 5 I OOIH
house, good family orchard, place wire
fenced. The Dest ouy in iu
$jso pur iiio. t .
ttft oa is in cultivation, 15 in
j ;Mu fniv imnrnvementB. A
good buy at $100 per acre. 1500 cash
$300 yearly. ...
lOV CliV-J - -
strictly modern 6 room house, large
barn, two suos, ia.rgc
j i ma..hina ahon. 12 mutt
WOOU uouow ux -
t 1 loo tnnm. 4 hOfrs. 2UU
chickens. All hay and grain goes with
p.uvo, .... 8
An : HitTotinn 21) Ml
U acres, to ,
timber, balance in brush and stump
pasture, fair unproveuieuw,
spring, some fruit. A real buy at $80
ia . 1 ir lonanberries, 200
... on A small mixed orchard.
4 acres in crops, balance pasture, fair
improvements, this is a rcai s"i- -.-
500. - ' ' ' .
18 acres, fair improvements, 11
strawberries, 7 acres prunes, 3 acres
gans, 7 acres stump pasture. ow
Mn.A nt .hnuv
n nt Rickreall. all in cultiva
tion. Fair improvements. $10,000. -1(M
acres. aU in cultivation, good
family 'orchard, fair improvements,
good spring, wire icnceu. a. -j
at $11,000. . .
62 acres river bottom, 32 in culti
vation, fair improvements, aU stock
and machinery, with grain and wood,
goos with sale. $550ft "
3 acre home just outside eity limits,
modern house, barn, chicken house, gar
age, good water. A dandy place. $2a00
3 acres with 5 room cottage, on
hard surface road. $1800.
We make liberal terms to buyers on
all properties offered. Our properties
will stand close investigation and are
real bargains. ' ' ,
404 Hubbard Duuoing
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 131?
N. Commercial street. W6
HOUSE for rent, 360 Lincoln street.
J'none 71.
ASH wood, for sale. Phone 31F11 af
ter 8 p. m. 1 8-0
HORSE f on sale, 1600 lbs, 8 year old.
Phone 1207M. . 9-3
BLUE Damson plums for sale, 15 Co
lumbia St. cor. N. Front. . 9-2
FOB SALE 3 fresh cows with calves
at 725 South 13th St. 9-3
HARTZ mountain and Boiler canaries
for sale. 725 8. 13th. -3
COW for sale, large Swiss1 Jersey, five
years oia. muK test o.vx: ireun soon.
1UH5 . iaDertv. - fa
VCMt SALE Tnilinnn.' Rilo. small boiler
ana miiK Dotiing worss. -none ioio
W ANTED To rent a uood ranch, will
pay casn. vvnat nave you jiaaTess
Kancn care journal. w-o
WANTED To rent farm, about fif
ty acres, near (salcin, close to scnooi
and church. Pbons 1141M. -a
PTOAifJTTRSt -far. aale. enniiincr reaches
ouo to 1 per iDusnei at x. a. jonen
orchaTd on Mission. Dottom. near
WhAntlnnrl nn pnat airlfr: nf Willam
etto river; Brintr your boxes. T. B
Jones. . 9-6
WE need 100 ; women in all prepara?
tftrv rtnYfl.rT.mpiiTa aiHnv wnric. iroou
wages. Apply at once. Salem Kings
Products Co., Front and Market St.
...--.' 9-2
30 AiCRES river bottom land close, to
Salem, 5 acres in bearing orchard.
Wood. Bavne bldrr. . 9-3
PAT?. AA.TR IRAft In. mnm flrnnd Jtintrle
- ' " " " " " b 1
i i 3 : Ti . i v.
or aoiruie, uuu vunumuu. avi. j, w
3. Biiverton roaa. -
FOB SA1LE Loose straw by s load-or
whole- stacx. jiuDoara tarm,. uaraen
road. . ' ' . 91
FOB SALE (Well Improved farnv on
gravel road, close to scnooi ana roar
ket, take some traae, Dallas- or Sa
lem nroDcrtv. Addrnss box 633. Dal
las. Or. M
WORKING man will purchase small
home on installment plan. Fruit and
good lot. Have good job in eity.'Can
pay $20 a month. Do't want amy
agents' to vay commission tai H eare
Journal.' tf
HIG-HLY improved 40 acre farm" for
sale, lncludin" all personal property
and crop ror ojw.uuu; win accept n
loin aiihnrlmn nrnnflrtir nn JkftftfMT.
- - - " i' - j- - - j - - .
Write for particulars, John J, Cra
mer. Harrisbursr. Or. 9-3
WOMAN wanted for general house
work. Mrs. a: U. rlaie. liyu is. I4tn.
Phone 1629W. tf
WAMTTTIS("hnn1 oirl tn naaiat with
house work tor jroom and Doard and
small wage. Write S Q care Journ
al, tf
FOR SALE Or trade for shoats,
calves or cow, 1 work team and har
ness. Address F. N. Unssett, Salem,
Rt. 7. - 9-3
REACHES for canning. Come, to orch
ard and bring boxes. Phone 4F2, Rt.
8, end of river road pavement. G.
w. weens. v-o
FOR SALE heap, house at 780 N.
Cottage St., also lot 12, block 17 in
Yew Park. Write Mrs. J. Knapp, Kt.
5, Aurora,, Or. 9-20
FOB SALE Well improved 40 aere
farm near Mill City, will accept as
part payment, a small home in Sa
lem. - H. Ji isoiingcr, 3zs tiu&Dara
bldg. ... tf
SELL FOB US We have choice trees
of varieties greatly in demand now.
Liberal commission with cash, ad
vance. Secure, copy of contract at
once. Salem Nursery company 1030
Chemeketa St., Salem, Or. 9-16
I WANT houses to sell. While. I claim
the best list in the city ar none
-"I want more." have the buyers.
For the next sixty days I am mak
ing a special offer to owners. Call
rnoncs iuov ana io.
Having sold my raneh, am compell
ed to sell my fine laying stock of
White Leghorns, 200 pullets, ready to
lay now; 250 1- year old hens laying
now;- 20 2-ycar old hens laying now.
J. E. Kirkpatrk-k, Rt. , fox 22, 3
miles east of" penitentiary. -9-5
FOR SALE 84 lots,, mOBtljr 60x120,
with fine view aloirg Rural avenue
bounded on west by High street and
extending eastward, blocks- 8 to 15,
Nob Hill annex, Inquire of Mr. Weil
baeher, Hotel Marion, Salem, or
write box 1022, Seattle, Wash.
149 N. COM. T. M. C. A BINTK
1918 Pord in good condition, $375
Studebaker bug, light four, $200
Hudson Super Six $950
Stedebaker bug $225
6 passenger Studebaker, electrie
- lights and starter, $485
Chalmers- 5 passeng-jr, A 1 condi
tion $275
1916 Maxwell $400
1917 8axon ix $700
We sell oils, greas3, gasnline, msed
anto parts, tires and aeoitories.
BALED hav for sale. Phone 105F11.
TOR SALE Reasonable," new 6 room
Dungaiow.. ii a a. tn bi. v-a
LAUGH front room- for rent, with
Doa.ro. 4ti n. ruga. v
WANTED Oirl fon house work, no
cooking. 401 jn. xugft. mono ioby. u
FUBNISHEiD sleeping rooms for rent."
At: 748 Ht omJ. II
"ANTED" Cattle and calves, any
kind. Phone 1576W. 9-6
ftBAVENBTTEIN apples 7Sc per box,
delivered, mono turn. u
. BEAYEB well driller. Phone 827J.
1165 Ni 19tfc St. Salem, Or. 9-9
FOB, the best shoe repairing, go to N.
Brueck,, ion. a. v-omx oh -ia
tTCAjfHnCSt The "more cans nor l)ush
el kind." Moses ir. Adams, wanace
road. Phone 5SF12. 9-6
REFINiED buainefs woman wants
room within walkine distance, or
hare home. Address B B care Jour
nal. 9-1
FOB SALE-:-Seven. room house anc
lnroa Int. R75(k Small nflvment down
balance $10' per month. Phone 648-
htweeiv (V-and i xy. m. v-o
W A WOTOn- . Trshr and' flinintr room
girl at Willamette sanitorium; bum
b ovr zu. 04 ierrv at.. . u
A BEAUTY 5 room bungalow for sale
Price f 1500, hail casn; will ecu rurn-
itttriy-if desired. U. a. JJonngpr, aza
Hubbard. . tf
PEAiCHES for canning, Crawford and
, Muiry bring your coxes, just out oi
city limits, river roao, across roaa
from county poor farm. Phone 2503iW
2, M. L. Waring. , .9-3
FOB SALBtCheap, good 5 room house,
city water,;, piped tor not ana coia
water, electric lights, good well,
large lot, fruit trees; some berries;
easy terms T. D. Wallace, Salem,
Oregon Bt. 5; box: 125. Phone 89F23.
FOR SALE 4 room dwolling, good
condition, small : store Diniumg ana
stock of groceries oni street car line
and paved street. Au clear of en
cumbrance;; nice" little home and a
chance': to go into business. H. E.
Bolinser, ag. 3'2 Hubbard bldg. tf
Do you want to buy a good! ranch
Ooed residence- in Salem .
5, 10 or 20- improvedf acreage
ftnntl at ft ! It ranch, if BO
B-4-tJ-BuyCUs. Or if you want to sell
liaf- vnnr nrnrArt.v with lis- fcl results.
Perrine & Marsters, 306 Hubbard build
inir. ' tf
K7 flira t'rftr.t. located; 1U, miles from
Salem, 30 -acres- cultivated, balance pas
tura and 5 acres of good timber, run
ning water; 10 acres of bearing prunes
good hoHse, barn; 45 bearing cherries;
some apples. Tice -fibo per. acre.
98? aere farm located 7 miles from
Salem on main Silverton toad, house
and barn, well, orchard. Price $125 per
RS nrrn tterm on Howell nrairie. near
ly all cultivated, good house- and barn.
Pricn lfi0 Der acre.
44 acre farm, 40 aeres cultivated, Dai
i,i. ti-iii- and rastiifp. s-i( n:inse
and barn, orchard, good road. Price
$250 per acre.
Wnll imnrnvml lfli acre-tract, good
house,, barn, rock road, close to main
highway; 8 acres of prunes, 1 acres
or loganoernea, lumuy uuai-, -3
nt anil .Prico 10.flOO.
5, acre' tract, house and barn, 1 acre
of loganberries, some- cnemes, prunes,
mcei $iovu. ,
10 ni?re tract, all cultivated. 5 acres
mnstlv in, fruit, peaches armies and
loganberries; Bungalow not imisnea.
Price- $2000.
Woll imnroved 9 acre tract, fino
modern housed bearing fruit, close to
carhne. Price to,uuu.
frti n,r. form. 20u aires cultivated.
h -.'pnnc f.nAm-and Tatnrc. house and
barn, veil, best of black soil. Price
$100 F acre
09 a.frA -farm. 90 acres under cultiva
tinn annH hntldiriiis. modem house;
land 'n, high state of eultivation, wheat
nrnvA(, 12 .crB tract located
close to Salem, modern house, bearing
fruit, good road, nice wuu.
in'avrM nf hnarinir Italian primes. 6
and 9 years old, good road, 4 miles out.
Price $5500.
17 acre .tract, 10 acres orchard, most
ly prunes; house and barn; located on
main highway, 4 miles out. Price
Improved 3 acre met, good house
and barn, bearing- fruit of all kinds,
close in. Price $3000. -
320 acre farm, 80 acres cultivated,
balance, good timber, house and barn;
located 2 miles from highway. Price
$40 per acre.
160 acre farm,, house and barn, 30
acres cleared, balance pasture and tim
ber. Price $8000.
20 acre traot located 4 miles out,
some fine bottom land, small houa,
barn, family orchard, 4 acres set to
prunes and some peaches, rock road.
Price $4500
2 acres located elose to carline, grav
el road, 5 room house, good location,
some fruit. Price $2500.
14.80 acre tract located 4 miles out,
all cultivated; 5 acres of prunes, 3-
aeres logans, good 3 room bungalow,
k... rmUzr nrotisrd. Prir.A SfiOOO.
275 State street 91
FOB SAiLB-Used lumber, doors and) f
windows, IW) estate t. xnon ista
W. . 8-30
HOUSEHOLD furniture fo sale, par
ty leaving town. Phone 70S or call
at 1205 B. 14th St. , . 9-1
GROCERY store wanted, any sine; we
nave tne ready eaen. write uroccr
eare- Journal. 9-
WANTED" To: trad- stock and. farm
implements for lit use-, and lot, close
iai.-15frFM9ry.Bt. W
SXB RENT To responsible party, 10
. , j
acres- ciose inj1 goou nuuse uuu uitu
ard, all furnished. F. L. Wood, Bayne
bldg. 9-1
FOB SAiiE Stock and implements
antnease on- wi acre -"rain ana uw
ranch, drain rent. Feed and seed
anoV everything on place. Phone 33
24, Wm. Sheridan, Turner, Or. Bti,
BOYS over 1 year wanted at Club
nawnnir auev. Jfiui or TarF umei i"
N. Com'l npstaiisi 9-1
FOB SALE-JPrune ranch, 32 acres, 12
acres 7-yeat old trees, 10 acres 1
year old trees, 6 acres set into logans,
fine spring-, 7 room house, "bath, hot
and cold water; 3 acres of green tim
ber, mile -from paving on good
road. Price $18,000. Write O It care
Journal. 9-4
FOR SALB Early Crawror canning
peaches at home for $1.50 per hushel,
$1.75 delivered. Address Gorvuis, Rt.
2, IPhone 3IF11. W. H. Egan & Son.
FOB SALE At a bargain, new 214
ton, truck, used only as a demonstrat-
' or. See Salem- VeKe company at 162
N. Commercial street. 9-1
Qood 7 room honse, 5 blocks
from, business-center. On paved
street.. Good basement, bath, etc.,
for quick sale $2500.
Two. goodt 5 room, bungalows in
South Salem, three blocks from
Commercial street. One at $2250
the: other $2500, .if sold soon.
Good 5 room "-bungalow with
. basement,, J. Cttage street on
-paved, straet. If sold by: Bcp-
tember 10 $2200.
64 acres five miles south of Sa
lem, about; 7 acres of timber,
the rest all cultivated. Fair
buildings, good rock road. A
snap at $125 per acre.
18 acres throe and-, a half miles
from Snleiuj. 6 acres in orchard,
the rest cultivated. On good
road. $2000.
Good 6 room: house on S. Liber
.ty street, fairly modern, cast
front, plenty of trees and good
garden. If sold soon $2300.
Good 4 room- house on comer lot,
fairly modern. Located on the
car lino. $1000 including wood
for the winter.
Good 4 room house on S. Lib
erty. Two big fine lots, plenty
of trees, fruit and garden. $1,
350. '
Good. 7 room house with 2 large
lots. Good barn and plenty of
fruit. Located on Highland ave.
$1600. Might take some trade.
06-407 Hubbard bldg.
Notice to Investors
I have completed arrangements for direct lines FROM SALEM TO NEW
YORK, CHICAGO and BOSTON, with the object of supplying investors with
the latest information on any listed se curity. This is the first time that such
service has been offered to investors resident m balem and vicinity, am, 1
have developed the service so that my clients may be given the attentionlhtnr
business warrants. It will take approximately fifteen minutes to obtain an
answer to any query from either of the above exchanges. The service is free
to all interested. . , , , . , . .
I will buy any approved security, and Liberty Bonds to any amount for
soot ceisIx
Probably the choicest of the many securities that I am now offering is
At par and interest. Subject to prior sale.
Ladies' Blue Silk Hose
V The color that is now in greatest demand. We
are showing these in a quality that will satisfy all
women of particular dress. The product of one of
the leading hose factories in America.
They are priced right for quick selling.
The time to get rid of the moth is while it is
fluttering in the winged state, before it lays its eggs.
This ts What NO-MOTH Does.
No Offensive Odor,
When REEFER'S NO-MOTH is installed in a
clothes closet or wardrobe, it renders them practic
ally a moth proof Cedar Chest. -
Saving one garment from the MOTHS wilt more
than pay for this wonderful discovery.'
Ask the-young lady at the Notion Counter about
Reefer's No-Moth
You Can Always Do Better At
WOODS BARiGAINS-eix room house
in good condition. $700. Three1 room
houso $550. 3 acres close to Salem,
small house, $900. 6 room house- close
in on paved street, $1900: 7 room
bungalow; $2000. 5 acres prunes and
loganberries .close-in on paved road,
$3000.' '341 - State 8U - -l
WANTED To rent ranch in? wostern
. Oregon from Roseburg north, west of
Salem. About fifty acres cultivated
land, seeded pasture for ton dairy
cows, one hundred ewes and their
lambs. Wish to rent 3 to 5 years
with option to buy after 3 years if
placo suits, renter willing to take
care and improve placo same as owm
Can pay haff cash now, rest in
spring. Ray iliings, Sweet Home,
Or. 9-5
WANTE1 -Woman for housework and
care of baiby. Phono 79F1 1, Rt. 3,
. box 230. Hurt Stout. 92
Household Furniture
Tuesday Morning
9:OO a. m. to 12:00
Range, Heater, Rugs, 2 Beds, Springs and Mattress
Roll Top Desk and Chair, 2 Rockers, Fruit Jars,
Fruit, Kitchen Utensils, 2 Card Tables.
1740 Court Street
' .mm
FOR SALE Or trade, improved 16fr
in eastern Washington, ior particu
lars call at room ,10- in 144 .N. Front
St. Salem, Or. 9-3
FOR SALE Several head of good
work horses, 2 grain drills, 1 8-ft.
. diss, harrow, J, Jf,. Mahony,. Gervais,
.-Or. ... .. ...... 9.2
Spokane Interstate Fair ,
Opens For Week's Program
Spokane, Wash., Wept. 1. The po
kame interstate fair, the largest in the
northwest, opened its gates this morn
ing for a week's run,
t Hundreds of Indians are living in
primitive style at the Indian village
and will take part in coutestsi
The industrial, agricultural and met
chanical displays are bipger than ev
er before..
Thousands of farmers from all over,
the northwest are in the city.
215-216 Masonic Building.