Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 01, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The greatest thing in tho
. world is the plain truth
lurre great reputation be
cause they tell the truth abou I
good tobacco, finely blended.
You cannot buy better cig
; arette for the money andthat
'is a fact accepted everywhere
as true.
10 for 13c
The John Bollman Co. Brand
TpHE mnny friend of Miss Iucile
I ' Elliott will be interested in learn-
, ing that she hat accepted an en
gagement with, the Ellmon-White Chau
tauqua circuit for the coming winter
- season. Mils Elliott, during the past
jear was an instructor in the depart
' mcnt of public speaking in the local
;- !gn school, oh is gifted with excop--.tional
talent and was greatly in do
- aaand. at club meetings and social
, gatherings. Ihir'ing her comparatively
, enei residence in fctalom she made for
fcorself a large number of friends, all
' of whom, while regretting that she
will not return, will be pleased to hear
ef hor opportunity of displaying her
i: auitlltjr.
'v ' ' ' ' ' ' ".'
.: The following item concerning the
engagement announcement ef Miss
- tatrothy; Donaldson npgeared in the
: Sunday Oreeonlan. and will no doubt
of interest to alcm's younger so
f trial sot, of which Miss Donaldson is a
- yopular mcrnhof! .
s iPriendaVof Miss' Dorothy Donaldson
of Salem will be interested in learning
of the announcement of her engage
ment this week to IBriton W. Sears of
; this city. The young eouple waited to
snaae known their coming wedding un
til Mr. Soars . had returned from
! sV'ranoe, where lie taw service with the
;J8th engineers. He is' a son of George
; ui. rjears. or it'ortiand, (Several years
ffgo ne attended the Oregon. Agricul
' 4ural college and was a member of Al-
f- tthn Tau, Omega fraternity there. Miss
awiMiirtimti 1 the daughter of Mr, and
' lira. Ales Donaldson ,of - VCrlenn
i swonue, Portland. She Is a grAduato of
; Jefferson high school,
No definite date ha been set for
-'the wedding, which will probably be an
vent of the late fall and will take
v f lace at the home of Miss Donaldson's
i larents.
;. ., r:
The Wedding of Miss Ruby Cornell
una worge u. unriittt will be solomu
irasd tomorrow at tho home of Mrs.
4nta Wostacott, 675 Court street. The
riue is wen and favorably known in
nlem and the groom is a prominent
uiifccii or jerroraon. ine ceremony will
e a quiet affair only the
families and
A wedding of much interest in so
ciety circles in Marion and Polk coun
ties waa solemnized in Portland last
Monday when Miss Marifcn Oonwcll
Blivea of Salem was married to Floyd
D. Moore of Dallas. The ceremony was
performed by .Reverend C. T. Sivander
at hia residence, 744 Yamhill street.
The ceremony was a simple one, the
principals being attended only by F.
i Mellinger and Miss Nell 'Link, life
long friends of the- bride and groom.
Mr. and . Mrs. Moore are both well
known in educational eircles. After a
short honeymoon at one of the Oregon
ibeaches they will make their home in
Miss .Bfezol Miller and William
George Earl were quietly married Sat
urday afternoon at 2:30 at the First
Christian church parsonage. Roverenjj;
Leland W. (Porter officiated The cere
mony was a simple affair, taking place
in the presence of only a few relatives
and friends.
The bride is a charming young wo
man and has a wide circle of friends
in the city. The groom is also well
known in Salem. After a short wedding
trip the young couple will be at home
to their friends at their residence on
times and South 15th streets.
A large motor party of Salem folk
enjoyed an outing at Vitae Springs
yesterday. The group consisted of Mr.
and Mrs. P. K. i uilerton, Dr. and Mrs.
O. A. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daue,
Mr. and Mrs. tester Davis, Mr. and
Mrn. .1. I. Savage. Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Oanfiold Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. diaries Knowlaad, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Kurtz and Mrs. Ada
Mrs. F. M. Wilkins, state regent of
the waugnterg or the American Bevo
lution, will hold a state board meet
ing Thursday, September 11, at the
Multnomah hotel, Portland, at 10
o 'clock in the morning, to make plans
ror tne coming year. Mrs. Wilkins
hopes that all the Daughters of the
American KovoluttVin that can, will
attend. The . Willamette chapter will
oe hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Raymond White
are being congratulated upon the ar
rival of a son. He has been named
James g-den in honor of his matornal
grandfather Mrs. White was formerly
miss a vis js. ugclen ol Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. IFraaer of Port
land motored from Portland yesterday
and were guests of Mrs. Fraeer's sis
ter, Mrs. W. H. Parker.
Miss Grace Holt. Mis Marie Church-
ill and Miss Olara Breitonstien went to
Portland Saturday to spend the week
en a ana uaaor day holiday.
Milwaukee, Wis. "Where's the Is
land of Yaf" inquired a reportor of a
passerby. "Then you have tho pass
word," was the reply.. "It's tho first
swinging door to the loft. You can got
anything up to 89 per cent."
Prominent Saka Couple
Married Saturday Night
L. H. McMahan, prominent i state
and county political circles, sad. Hist
Bertha Byrd, a teacher in tSe Sales
schools, were married Saturday evening
at the home of the bride's soeth-cr, lira.
Martha C. Byrd. 643 Union street. The
ceremony was performed by Dr. W. ft
Hantncr of the First Congregational
church The wedding was very inform
al, only immediate relatives being pres
ent. After a brief wedding trip, they
trill make their heme in Salem.
Mr. McMahan was a candidate for
governor of Oregon a few years ago on
the Progressive ticket and at the last
general election was candidate for dis
trict attorney. At one time he was ia
the newspaper business in Salem sal
Woodburn and in recent years has been
operating a large farm in Mission Bos
ton. Last week he disposed of his farm
ing interests to the Phez Farm company.
Miss Byrd is a sister of Dr.- W. H.
Byrd and Dr. B. D. Byrd of Salem and
of Calvin Byrd and Ed Byrd of Spokane.
(Continued from page one)
A special session of the hoU and
senate labor committee has already
been announced for Thursday, when
the Kelly-Poindexter resolution, direct
ing the president to call an industrial
conference will be considered.
Senator (Kenyon, chairman of the
senate labor committee, said that the
president's announcement would not
change the plan for action on the reso
lution at the earliest moment.
Adoption of the resolution would
merely give the conference which the
president has in mind, the approval of
congress it was explained.
' trie president's plan for a nation
al conference seems an excellent one,"
said Secretary John Scott, of the- rail
way department of tho A. Jr. of L. "An
understanding must tie reached be
tween employos and employers in all
industries if the present industrial un
rest is to be quieted. The government
should use it influence to emphasize
to employers that none can refuse to
recognize the right of workers to or
ganize and bargain collectively. The
president is right in declaring n new
basis must be adopted for wage ad
justments. Tribunals should be set up
in all communities to promote Indus-
Sacred Heart
Our experience and
extensive rose arch
into the soionce of
our profession man
lea us with the au-
inority to aerve with t i
a tiw irinnna ittnindiiir I i r . ..
Under, the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy .Names,
, Salem, Oregon, Boarding
and Day school
Most Approved Methods
Primary, Grammar and
High School Departments
Complete Courses in Harp,
Piano, Voice Culture, Violin
and Harmony
Elocution and Physical
Culture Classes
Modern Conveniences And
Domestic (Worts ,
Scholastic year begins
September 8th
Sister Saperior
Owing to my limited, time I will be unable to call on
all the farmers and business men in and arpund Salem to
whom we wished to extend the invitation to join with us
in the building of what we hope will make Salem the
At the same time we are quite anxious to have all
those who wish to do so, join us in the upbuilding of this
great industry here in Salem, because we know that the
desired results here will be attained quicker and. easier
if we have a large list of local partners in the industry.
Many of your prominent men have joined us already,
and I take this means of reaching all of you and extend
ing the invitation.
Aside from the great community and increased land
value profits which you will all derive from the industry's
greatest development, we feel sure that the investment
will prove most profitable to you.
C. A. PARK, Salem, President
E. .A. CLARK, President King's Food Products Co.,
Portland, Vice President.
I. L. PATTERSON, Polk County, Director.
M. L. JONES, Brooks, Marion County, Director.
S. L. EDDY, Vice President Ladd & Tilton Bank,
Direct or -
GEO. F. JUDD, Portland & Marion County, Director
CAMERON SQUIRES, Director Ladd & Tilton bank
Portland, Director.
J. H. WALKER, Salem, Secretary and Plant Manager
Every banker in Salem is thoroughly familiar with
this entire undertaking and we refer you to them or to
Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland.
' I will be in Salem for a limited number of days, at the
Marion Hotel, and will be glad to meet any one who would
like to know the details of the entire transaction. Leave
word with the operator at the hotel where I can reach
you by phone.
Four Big Specials
ExceEent Woolens At About Half Their Real Yahie
This prediction of higher prices, may be getting to be an
old story, nevertheless, we are brought face to face with
the realities, each day with greater emphasis. Why not
take advantage of this clean-up of odd lines of Woolens,
some of which are actually being sold at double our price
right within the confines of the Wifiamette Valley? Look
them over and profit thereby.
At Yard $2.65
46 to 54 inch Suitings Panamas,
Basket Weaves, Serges, Stripes,
Checks, and Heather Mixtures
A most excellent lot of under
priced fabrics.
Ai AtaYrdS1.45
40 to 58 inch all wool English
Serges, Granites, light- Plaids,
and Novelties. Solid colors are
navy, brown, green and black.
Very good..
At Yard $1.85
42 to 54 inch Hairline Serges in
navy, black and wine. These Ser
ges are really extra good. For a
good, all wool garment, don't
pass them up.
At Yard 75c
;K to 44. inch Hairline. Granites,
. Mohairs, Serges and Plaids. Half
wool and all wool. Splendid ma
terials for School Dresses. v
trial harmony."
"The first duty of the proposed co
ference should be to apply the right to
collective bargaining! to government
employes," said President Gilbert Hy
att, of the post office clerks union.
"Post office clerks are -now denied
the right to confer with officials in
determining wages and working condi
tions. If ths is granted, the clerk's
union will approve the conference.''
(Continued from page one)
States, Belgium, the British Empire and
France, of the one part, and Germany of
the other part, with regard to the mili
tary occupation of the territories of the
Rhine, also signed at Versailles on the
28th of June.
"The declaration of the 16th of Jun.
to which you refer, was a mere declara
tion of policy and does not become in
any way pertinent until the treaty is
eifected. My impression is that a cer
tain degree of embarrassment would be
caused, not to the TJnited States bnt to
the countries with which we must neees
sarlly cooperate in many- particulars in
the execution of the treaty, if it were
communicated now. It will, of course,
be made public in due time.
With regard to tho treaties of Aus
tria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, it
would be out of the question for :ie to
submit them in their present form, even
to tho committee on foreiga relations.
They are in process of negotiation
and and are subject to change and re
consideration until completed and sign
ed. I am sure that the committee on
foreign relations wilT appreciate :iie un-
desirabihty creating the precedent
which could be created by submitting
treaties in their draft form. It would
tend to take the f uiu-tio i of negotiating
treaties out of tho hand of the execu
tive, where it is expressly vested liy the
In reply, Senator Lodge wrote, in
part: ,
"The declaration of the 16th oi June
WiiA printed some time ago in tho rec
ord frAra the English white book, the
declaration having, been submitted to
the noime of commons en the Fourth of
July, l believe. The committee asked
for it merely because they thought it
better that it should be officially before
tkem. -.
" Aa ia the request of the committee
as, ia drafts of information regarding
the treaties of Austria, Hungary, Bul
garia sid Turkey, the committee wae
aware that negotiation are wholly in
tho hands of the executive and there
waa ne thought ef trespassing upon
your jurisdiction. " Torn noticed, of
emirpe, that the request asked merely
for such information aa yoa eould give
them, if it were not incompatible with
public interest. The four treaties still to
be mace are so closely connected with
the German treaty, that many senators
have thought that all the peace treaties
should be considered together an! the
r?nueat waa made merely for such in-'
formation aa yoa felt could be properly
given in the hope ths. t it might hasten
action upon the treaty of peace with
Germany. If it is not compatible With
the. public interest to give an informa
tion with, regard to them that is a mas
ter upon which, of course, your decision
is final." -' : :' ,
About two months ago when the city
had two of the large rollers used with
its paying plant for sale, it was offered (
$1500 by one of the gravel companies, I
provided the eity would take in pay
ment gravel at 65 cents per eubto yard. !
But the eity fathers arose in their wrath j
at the mere suggestion that the city was
willinir to trade gravel, even if it did
need it, for the two rollers.
The same eity fathers said tbeywaiit
ed reai hard money for the rollerj and
that the council was not in the swap
ping business. Hence there was no trade.
And now the city, instead of geUir.ji its
gravel for 65 cents a yard, is paying 90
eents for the rough gravel, $1.00 for con
create gravel river run and. $1.30" per
cubic yard for sand or screenings. There
are at present two gravel companies in
Salem and according to a competent au
thority, while they may not be breaking
any law by combining prices, tho same
authority has noted that each have the
same prices and that each has estaolish
cd zones for hauling in which prices are
precisely the same. While the Walcm
Sand & Gravel company and the Oregon
Gravel company, both of Salem, have a
uniform price of 00 eents for grave to
sell the city, it is understood that Al
bany has a municipal gravel pit ancTthat
its gravel costs about one-half the price
charged the citv of Salem. The price
of all kinds of gravel has gone up 25
cents a yard during tho past two
Keep Them Home!
Harrisbuig, Pa. Wreckers i .;;
in dismantling an old house .-, :
an almanac dated 1864 and a quart
flask ef whiskey enrbctlded in j the
Walls. The almanac is on exhibtion .in
a store window.
Milwaukee, Wis. No more breaking
into jail here. The front door of the
county jail has been ordered locked
every night after 12 o'clock,, breaking
a precedent of many years standing.
Ecniuve blackheads, soften 'rough,
skin, (clear the bod, brighten tb
eyes, sweeten the whole system. Noth
ing helps make a pretty face, winsome
smile, as Ilollister 's Rocky Mountain
Tea. Try it tonight. 35e. J. J. Fry.
ft to fat fc
Cream, Eggs, Lire
rill Or Prtett mi Tap
iAn Economical Delightful, light Place to Tradei
Many people would like to know the reason "why" of this store's
phenomenal success. The explanation is simplevery simple indeed.
It has to do with the old, old adage, "Honesty is the Best Policy.
We don't want to make capital out of honesty. Neither do we
want, to advertise the fact that we are honest. We just want to tell
others how pleasant and profitable we have found it to conduct a
business on the good old-fashio ... d plan of truth telling and plma
The confidence of Qur customers is a constant source of inspir
ation. It spurs us on to further efforts. In seeking to further their
interests we invariably further our own.
Honesty pays in the broadest "sense of the word and this big; suc
cessful growing business is incontroyertible evidence, conspicuous evi
dence of the fact
New Location
State Street