PAGE THREE. New Today (Continued from page seven) C-l THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM; OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919. 7 GOOD BUYS 57 acre tract-located 1 miles from! FOR SALE 1500 lb. mare good'single or double, good condition. Kt. 7, bo S3, Silverton roao. 30 ACRES river bottom tend close to Salem, 5 acres in bearing orenara. Wood, Bayne blilg. - "2 LEAVING CITY Home,' strictly modern, with every convenience, large lot, fine fruit and walnuts, garage. Near capitol building on -Court t. ipouw. donn a. racuii jvcai- ATJCTIONEER G. SATTERLEE, Office 215-216 Mason ic bldg. Phono-mi, llruu. iieai estate and stock sales. .V FOR SALE Nine room ions, large lot modern conveniences, aouoie garngo. close in, on street car line and paved street. G L care Journal. tf -Salem, 30 acres cultivated, balance pas , pog SALE Or rent, ture and 5 acres of good timber, run-1 nearly new, cheap, ning water; 10 acres of bearing prunes i folda UUU UUUOL, UMU, ' 'I UCAIMlg 1.11' . . . some apples. iP rice $160 per acre. 98 acre farm located 7 miles from Salem on main Silverton road, house and barn,' well, orchard. Price $125 per acre. 63 acre flarm on Howell prairie, near ly" all cultivated, goo.d house and barn. Price $160 por acre. 44 acre farm, 40 acres cultivated, bal t i.ur and past rc. gi wl lnusc , Co i04 Hubbard blilg. $250 peracro. " ' " ;- i Well improved 19 acre tract, jood house, 'barn, rok road, close to main highway;;8 acres of prunes, l4acres Of loganberries, family orchard, best of ! soil. Price $10,500. " 5 acre tract, house and barn, 1 acre of loganberries, somo cherries, prunes. .Price $1600. , 10 acre tract, all cultivated, 5 acres mostly in fruit, peaches apples and loganberries; bungalow not finished. Price $2000. Wall ImnrAVnrl Ql. APrA tl'RC.t. finO modern house, bearing fruit, close to earlino. Price $10,000. , r3R? hrm 200 ncres cultivated. b.i'anee timber and pasture, house and barn, veil, best of black soil. Price $100 per acre. ,. . . 92 acre farm. 90 acres under cultiva tion crnnA hllil'linTOL ItlnilATIl hoUSe ! land -n high state of cultivation, wheat threshed 45 bushels per acre. Price $( per acre. 1 . Well improved 12 acre tract located close to Salem, modern house, bearing fruit, good road. Price $6000. ,- ' ifi'ionma nf hnnrinc Italian Drunes, 6 arid 9 years old, good road, 4 miles out. tfrice SDDm). i.,-17 acre .tract, 10 acres orchard, most ly nrnia! house and bain: located on main highway, 4 miles but. Price $5500. . i 'imnnvil 3 nrr tract, aood house aiid barn, . bearing fruit of all kindsJ close in. rnee ifoouo. goo aom t a rm . SO nc.rcs cultivated holan.a trftml timber, honse'and barn; located 2 miles from highway. Price $40 per acre. P--160 acre farm, bouse and. barn,. 30 acres cleared, balance pasture ana nm 20 acre tract located 4 mires out, some fine bottom land, small hous, barn, family orchard, 4 acres set to prunes and some peaches, rock road. Price $4500 2 acres located close to carline, g'rav el road,' 5 room house, good Tocairon, tome fruit. Price $2500. 14.80 acre tract located 4 miles out, all cultivated; 5 acres of prunes; 3 ' acres logans, good 5 room bungalow, barn, family orcliarn. rrice ipouuu 3 room house Wood, Bayne - 9-2 FALL OF 1919 FALL OF 1919 WANTED To rent ranch in western Oregon from Rosebiirg north, west of Salem. About fifty acres cultivated loud anndnfl ' nastuie for ten dairy cows, one hundred ewes and their lambs. Wish to rent 3 to 5 years with option to buy after 3 years if place suits, renter wuang tu cafe and improve place same as own. Can pay half cash now, rest in spring. Ray .Billings, Sweet Horae POULTRY FOR SALE . : Having sold my ranch, am compell ed to sell my fine laying stock of wrn;t Lnohnms 200 millets, ready to lay now; 250 1- year old hens laying nnnr. rtn 2.vnar old hens lavinff now. J. E. Kirkpatrick, Rt. 6, fox 22, 3 miles east of penitentiary. vnvt aiT.R 84 lots, mostly 60x120, Tifh nt vipw Rionff rturai avi-iiuo bounded on west by High street, and extending eastward, diocks to x.i, Nob Hill annex, Inquire of Mr. Weil- K,.nn Wntnl Marion Salem, or .,; .W 1029 Seattle. Wash. 9-6 .v. WUA , ... .. . -. MARRY IF LONELY For results, try mo; best and most successiui - nume Make;" hundreds rich' wish mar riage soon; strictly confidential and reliable; years of experience; de scriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Ball, Box 556, Oakland, Calif. r M M M B I If f If If If II ' M III . f I I i .is ii f t j i until ii im iit in ill - )m IM JI III X M IM llliliSM SI M MA M If ;M la.- irr v y i 1 ill 1 4zr nis' n m :z ' v iv v: m 9-5 im W. H. GRABENHORST &.CQ. 0.7S Stofe street. , 9-1 PEACHES Early Crawford, good qual ily but small, prices 75c per bushel, nior thorn yourself. 2 miles out on Wallace road. Bring boxes. Bunn. tf FOR SALE By owner, practically new modern 8 room house, four blocks ...untnl TTf Anti niial value: terms if desired. A-30 care Journal WANTED l.ndv cook for small res tanrani'. Write M. R. Baldwin, In uependence, Or. 9-2 WIOODS BARGAINS Six room house in orn ennrt tion. S7UU. inree room house $550. 3 acres close to Salem, small' house, $900. 6 room house close ; nnvnil street.. $1900. 7 room bungalow, $2000. 5 acres prunes and loganberries close in on paved road, iinofl 511 Statu St. 9-1 WANT ' to - trade stumpage ' for 1000 cords wood, easy to market, for house and lot. Box 333 Salem,' 8-30 BEST BUYS. WHEN U R buying, selling or exchang ing real property try our non-eommis-elon svstem. It works .to perfection ami saves U money. Oregon Realty Exchange Investment Co., 407-40$ Hubbard building. tf 10 acres all in logans, 3 miles from Salem; well and shack, cheap at $5000, and a good income. ' 40 acres of best valley loam, good buildings, dairy barn and silo; priced below the market. Look at this one; ilt ha artlH i 380 acre hill-dairy with income oi 1000 per month; only $100 per acre win anii nrtiiinnprl with stock, cheap. 30 acres at auiusvuic, uu 'ci., well fenced, new stock barn, $2350. ifcKirtn ..oat, . ' 10 acres good loam, 4 acres fruit, buildings, mile school, 2 miles city limits; prico $6500. 6 acres with family orchard, 8 room house, basement, other buildings, close to cit limits; only $3500. .. A onnn in TtrllnCA and loeanberries, 'in good location, only $300 per acre. ... ..... ...-j mn c A T I.. T7..n intnYi Qnnh ftf 151 acres, 40 acres cleared, house and j ce -lt before its sold. .. 3 i j Darn, hard cottonwouu u-mui-i, finest kind of loganberry land at $65 per acre. Will take some city property in trade. Terms on balance. Merlin 'Harding at Salem Hardware io. 91 . W JiiNTED About Sept. 20 by small farriily withjut phiildVeji, a amtill, modern, unfurnished house, near ear line, between high school and Wash ington school buildings. Send infor mation to box 4, Milner, Idaho. 8-30 OPTIONS guaranteed by New York stock exchange houses, limit your possible losses on stocks. Insure your margins without limiting profits. . Apply particulars, Max Hesslein & Co., 60 Broadway, New York. THE Royal typewriter has stood the test and made good, it stands for the highest point of efficiency, give it a trial, compare the work and you will choose a machine that has been indorsed by some of the largest bus .iness organizations in the country tsdav. Drop us a ara ror a aeiuuu- 4.0 acres ibest land, good layout for fi..,it fHno Wntinn: 10.500. 5 acres, zocd Duiioings, minutes from street car. at school, 75 walnut trees; $3000. in oi'TPs -half cleared, buildings, ! good soil, only 4 miles Salem, $2250. Fino 0 room modern nouse, oasemein furnace, garage, lot 100 feet by 250 fnot fruit anil shade tiees. everything in first class condition; cost $7500 to blind; owner must saennce to ei mone- soon: $4750. You can't dupli cate this anywhere. 50 acres all cleared, Dest vaney iuam good house and barn, 4 miles Salem, $8000. 21 acres best dark loam, family or chard, 8 room house, own water system good barn with hayfork, practically in tue city; $14 000. For best ouys see S0C0L0FSKY 341 State stration. Graham Corvallis; Or & Wells, a "Forget It" Buv At Home $$$KepThemHome$$$ You will miss a treat if you fail to see our Show Windows. Every window is showing the very last word in Ready -to-Wear, the pick of FASHIONS DEMANDS. This display will remain until Tuesday. Walk by and feastyour eyes, then step in and make a closer inspection of the quality, materials and workmanship, whether an intending purchaser or not. Let our com petent sales force try the garments on you. I Monday is shall be closed all day. j Every Window Tells It's Individual Story You Can Always Do Better At Imi Every Window Will Please the Feminine Fastidiousness KB - ' n I SUBBAKU KWB WeeKS' Visit BO tne Home ui g HIPPODROME VAUDtVILU SUNDAY If You Want to Buy A House See Weimev er BEST LIST IN SALEM Cash or Installments C.W.NIEMEYER Real Estate and Investments 215-216 Masonic Building A nicely balanced show that pro- i..iii.iiit from several dif VlUtB CIHUlo.u""". - ferent angles is the vaudeville bill se lected by Manager Bligh tor the Bligh theater Sunday. ' Lee and Bennett have an especially attractive act called ' I Love That Girl," and it is a keen, colorful ar rangement of eomedy dialogue plus singing, original as to theme and amaz- : i nn..ln mitli thA nnrlience. The "Oirls or of is a ntfnrma in which romance of earlier davs is suggested and maintained act- lveiy. ine sirii, auu uw6..-. this act is charmingly sustained. A Von ..hnn in Air JtlDOn. WHO reg isters 100 per eent with his dummy f.;,i vnnoU Kpovip for brief. All 'i inttm i1 -c er-- comedy is new and smart and applause winninir. Tk nhntnnlay oieatinff uuus j five part Vitagraph feature on the same show. ' ,1c D. H. MOSHJSB DOES HIGH CLASS LADIEB - TAILOEINO F. II. Mvcra and family moved to Roseburg last week and the properly u- cated by them, tne rummm pro . .y, was at once occupied by Peter o.o'k and family, moving here from '. o Al burn. Mr.' Stock is one of the proprie tors of the Hubbard meat mm- t. Mrs. Henry Boje went t Myrtle Creek Thursday to be there v. jr'u lie son Orlie picks his bumper cr prunes which will soo::i. begin to )ipon. iieu.y Bojc will probable arrive at the same interesting location & few days Inter, as ono man doesn't like to batch any Kntn ttinn Amither. Mr: und Mrs. Charles ingcr and daughter, Gladys, of Brownsville, spent the week-cu the guest ot Mr. ana Mrs. O. H. Miller a id Bunday made the trip over the Columbia highway. Mr. tnger said that Brownsville was beginning to recover from the recent bad nro mere (Kot .i..atrnvpl throe block of buildings some good buildings were to replace thn mm hnrneff. Hfr. Ali.n Richmond, formerly ot Hubbard, but for the past y -or ut Bend, was in Hubbard Tuesday calling on friends erjoute to Eugene on business. Mrs. Richmond has disposed of ner prop erty at Cottage Grovo and was eontcm- nlatinir making Eugene ner nomc, our son being located there. Miss Eva Rich mond, who for two years was a incmoer of the Hubbard school faculty is living in Portland. '"":' W on,l Mr. W. B. Brown returned to their home in Hutchinson, Kansas, weeks' visit at the home of their son, W. L. Brown. While here they drove ovor the Columbia highway, visited Sa lem and other points of interest and were favorably impressed with Oregon. They took a lot of views back home with them.' On the way out here t'.ey came through the Canadian Rockies, but they liked Oregon scenery eqiuJiy ns well. They expect to return next year. Enterprise. REMOVE KAISER'S PICTURE. Berlin, Aug. 30. The kaiser's pie ture is to be taken out of the schools. The proposul provoked considerable dis cussion, and many memners ui mo I'rnrainn nplllblv Were Opposed to it. The r.-o'.-prnmc-nt explained, however,! that it is not li ttine- pontics ming.e with eduration and t'liit this is the basis for the removal. PICKERS GET LOST IN THE - ABIQUA PEACH ORCHARD I i Buy Your Jewelry mf Where you know that quality and beauty of design are the finest. Tour best assurance of this is the name HAttTMAN iBHOS, on the box. HARTMAN BROS. CO. Jewelers and Opticians Northwest Corner ot State and Liberty Streets HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR !to ineir nuiuw ..uuiu...... " , last Saturday morning after a seven from the Abiqua peRch nr.Ur.l that Homo of the picker there j actually got lost among tho trees and haveto be brought in oy searcnina pur- ties. The management nave now piareu mnrkoro tlirnntrhout the orchard to fcuidc the pickers safely out.' The treci in the on-hard are well down to ine grounu making it impossible to sec under them, thus the confusion. v nai a pu-isa.u sensation though to be lost In a peach orchr.rd, especially this time o tke year Silverton, Appeal. , ' - PIES LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE SZXZf VTv Try , our aeiicious pies. . an S4??rMl with fresh fruits or rich pastry TrT fillings '- All our baking is done the sanitary way in our big electric ovens. BAKE-RITE SANITARY BAKERY . 457 State street You See What You Buy Before Paying Buying At Home SAVE MAIL ORDER POSTAGE BUYING AT HOME