PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919, By Gertrude Bobison .UlttfcB surprise in the way of i an extended Californian motor trip. weaaing announcements came to Tiuin (a.i -u.,, . , Salem when it became known that the engagement of Joseph Lind ey McAllister and Miss Alma. Haines of Portland had been announced. Mr. McAllister is one of the city' most popular young men. He is an overseas man and at present is drill . master for the Cherrians, .Salem 's most important organization of men. He haa recently been put in charge of the iArabian Knights' Patrol of the Shrin ks. Concerning' the announcement the Portland Telogram says: : The betrothal of Miss Alma S. Haines, one of .Portland s most' popu lar maids, to Joseph Lindsey McAllis ter of fctalcm, was made known at a beautifully appointed luncheon at the lienson hotel this afternoon given by Mrs. M. A. Newell, mother of the bride cioet. Fifteen intimate friends of Miss mamcs were invited, and to these, as to her- other friends, the announce ment conies as a complete surprise the news was told by means of small rnras bearing the names of the bride elect and her, fiance, which were at- Jacned to tiny Kewpie brides about the floral centerpiece with white ribbons from each of the various place cards. Miss Haines is a charming and lov able young woman. She devotes much of her time to philanthropic and social work, and i an enthusiastic member of the junior league. During the war he was an ardent worker,, devoting her services to the Red Cross and war relief work. Before making Portland her home she attended private schools in San Francisco and the east. Sho has also traveled extensively. Mr. McAllister is from an old and prominent family of 'Canada and serv d almost two years in France with the JStfa ngifieertj. ,A present his liome is in Salem, where he is in tho the state reclamation service. He is well known in civie and fraternal or ganization! and it a Phi Delta Thota nan. No exact date hR been set for 4he wedding, but it will take place this winter. ' Leaving Salem about four weeks ago the party has spent the past month in visiting all the points of interest in the southern state. Tia Juana,. Mexico, was tho -most southern point toucher) at. Los Angeles, Ban Francisco, Fres no, Stockton, Eureka and Crescent City were all included in the itinerary. The return trip through Oregon was made by way of Bandon, Coquille and Boseburg. .... "-'- . - ' Honoring her sister, Miss Ella Ruge, whose wedning will be an event of the early fall,. Miss Mabel Huge presided at a pretty shower last riday evening. The bride-elect who was the recipient of a number of beautiful and useful gifts, is well known in Bplem where she wa employed for a number of years in the office of Dr. D. X. Becch ler. Among those present at the show er were, Mrs. D. X. Beechler, Mrs, Floyd Springer, Miss Hallio Gibson, Miss La Yicrne Gibson. Mrs. L. B. Gib son, Miss Ruth Bedford, Miss Beth Bedford, Miss Flossie Becker, Miss Alida Becker, Mrs. Earl Bushnoll, Mrs. oRss Ottncroll,- Mips Mildred Douglas, Miss Mabel Patrick, and three sisters of the guest of honor, Mrs. W. T. An derson of 'Nowberg, Mrs. Edward Bex of Independence and Miss Lily Huge, Salem folk, who are interested in the progress of the women 's buildiwr of tne university of Oregon will be glad to hear that Mrs. George T. Gorlingor, regent ot university and head of the women's builuma fund has .lust receiv ed a memorial irift of $500 from the Scott family in memory of the late tiarvcy Scott. A bronze memorial tab let will 0)0 ulaced on the cranrl ntnir- case of the building, in his honor. This hall will bear the names of nearly all the. representative pioneer families of Oregon. ... . . , - ,v The CorvaUis Woman's club at ro sent meeting officially indorsed Mrs. Ida Callahan as their candidate for the state Presidency of the Oreson Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Myers and Mr. , eaeratln r. women's clubs, the in and it rs. i ; lb' Webb rr w ' ""enient being signed officially by ' Wtbb " h0m foom.Mr. Mary F. Ikelton, president, and Not ABIerm, .mars the perfect I appearance ot her com. 1 plexlon, Pcrmanrnt and temporary skin troubles are effectively meealcd. Reduces natural color and correct f greasy skins. Highly antiseptic, lustd with beneficial result L f M cursavt agent for 70 van. N - Mrs. D. iB. Stuart, secretary. The club sent the notice of its. action to the state .chairman, ft publicity. Action was tauen in recognition of Mrs. Cal laimu's ability and general fitness.., . . - Mr. and Mrs. H. Lelund Boss and two children have returned from an enjoyame motor trip to tho various beach resorts. ' A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. William MeGilehrist Jr.. and children. airs. James Mciuilchrist and two daugh ters, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Savage and Mrs. O. F. Jforr have returned from an enjoyable outing at. Newport. They ware gone lor several weeks. l School Days WILL SOON BE HERE Next month the little ones will k starting off to school again to continue their education, and parents should remember that success or failure-depends largely upon the condition' of the eyes. All children should have their eyes examined before entering school and now is the time to attend to it. Great in justice is done to many children by accusing them of obstinacy, inattention and stupidity, when, as ma: ter of fact, they are only victims of physical defects of sight. . Such children, with the proper ad justment of glasses, often become the brightest of scholars. Eye Sight Specialists Across from Ladd & &Bush Bank MOTORIC "continues to be the chief social activity of the aea son. Almost daily, tourist- par tiei'leavo! the city? for a trip through their own state or their , neighbor states to the -.south and north. The beauties of Rainier National park and tho sights of Seattle and the Sound cit ies, vie vritbv the'! wonders of the Gold den Oate and southern California for popularity , with; Oregon . tourists. Al ways there, if the same variegated tale of enjoyment to relate when the visit ors return. (Generally it is marred a mue oy ine reports or -me neavy lour ist traffic, but even the everyday dis comforts suffered because of the lack of sufficient accommodations cannot detraet very much from the almost unbelievable-natural beauties of the Pa cific coast states. Harold Bell Wright and Jack-' London, have' made. Califor nia scenery famous in - the literary world, and the "Paragon City" on the Sound has come in for its share of publicity in more than one tale ot tne west. It seems that 'by some strange I trick of fate, Oregon has been shame fully neglected. Aside from the 'Bridge of the Gods' and a few scattered nov els with historic settings, the wonder state, boast of some of the most beauti ful' valleys and magnificent mountains in the world has been slighted. It is comforting to read, lately, of the visits of Peter B. Kyne, Stewart Edward White, and other eminent writer, and to pick up current literary articles with distinctly Oregonian titles. And it is not too much to hope that the wonders of the Columbia and Willam ette, and even the strange beauties of the eastern Oregon country will soon ral the .scenes if lUalifornila and Washington in the world of literature. ... . Reverend J. It Buck was host at aiu informal dinner. Thursday, honoring a motor party of out of town guests. Circling the prettily appointed table wero Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ward of For est Grove; Dr. and Mrs. Anderson of Forest Grove; their niece, Miss Nell Hughes of Los Angeles, Reverend Father Derouin and Reverend J. R. Buck. . v? A club of a different sort in "The Oasis," formed recently in New York city as a national center and club head quarters where women living in .Now York, as well as those from all parts of the United (skates, may meet to ex- Autumn Styles That Are Assured And Inexpensive Too Chosen with Trained Foresight, Every Selection in this Stock of Women's and Misses Coats, Suits arid Dresses IS Has been certified in the Development of tho Season. This Stock Surely one of Distinction Both from the Point of Style and in the Ad vantage of Popular Pricing; SUITS 1 change ideas, professionally, artistic ally and socially. "The OasiB" is do ing everything possible, say its mem bors, to foster a new sense of democ racy which the war has given to wo men. . The clubrooms are in tho Commodore hotel and here women from all over the country who are members may moot. Teas, musicales, talks and discus sions on political reconstruction topics are being planned. Membership in the club intrudes also slipping service. Tho niemborship is limited. A branch haa "been opened In Paris and there Is also one in London. Among the mem berg are Gertrudo Atherton, Miss Ma1 bel BeardBley, Mrs. Frances Hodgson, Burnett, Miss Hclon Dickinson, Mrs. J. Hartley Milburn, Miss Rnth St. Denis, Miss Keith Wakeman, Miss Martha iieclmnn and many others. :. Miss Elizabeth lvy, accompanied by her mother, iMrs. 8. iLevv. is in Gal- ifornia.'visiting relatives and friends in tne various cities of the state. At present they are in Snn Diego. After epiTuuiiiK u wceA in kkiii irrancisco, iney went by steamer to Los Angeles and mtor to Banta Monica, Venice and Ocean Park. At San Francisco and Los Angoles. Miss Levy filled professional engagements. Mrs. Ida M. Bnbcock is in Portlnnd as the guest of her daiurhter. - Miss JVtamio Bnbcock who is connected with the Union Abstract company. - ...J ..-..$29.75 to $85.00 COATS ......$16.48 to $75.00 DRESSES ... ........$16.48 to $75.00 Our salespeople wiH gladly extend every courtesy to those who desire to become acquainted with the garments, even if not quite ready for im mediate purchasing, r - " 'v -1' ' .Libeity .Street TRY THE SALEM STUDIO FOB PHOTOGRAPHS 384 STATE STREET ALL NEW vtTTTTMMtMtl-MMMt,ttH ALL GOOD Edison Diamond Disc Columbia Victrola Disc Records Sponsored by. the Balem Woman 's club, the most influential body of wo men in the eity, and given in the in terest of he womens building at Eu gene, the leetureNjf Lieutenant Lamar Toqze at he 'larmory Jist Tuesday drew, ft record rowd of appreciative listeners. Always a favorite with1 Sa lemites, the topics which Lieutenant Tooze chose to discuss 'were those of vital interest to every one- in attend ance and the applause which greeted tne speaker at irequent intervals dur ing his speech was proof 'enoueh that me lecture was more than a success. The lecture was not, in the literal sonse or ne word, a lecture. It was rather an enjoyable succession of anec dotes told in pleasing, intelligent manner, recounting a soldier's .experi ences and opinions. Elaborating clev erly upon the human and sometimes comical side of the great war, and touching lightly upon the gruesome as pects or the struggle, the speaker car ncd his listeners with, him over the long lonely roads of iFranee. throutrh- pitcn Diack darkness and pelting rain, or deposited them comfortably at a soap box table in a tent jnst beyond the lines with a plate of doughnuts and cup of steaming coffee before them, and Major Carlton Smith acting as gracious host. 1 ' ; - It was undoubtedly a success, and tho Salem Woman 'a. club ia highly pleased with the results ot the affair. The money will be placed in the fund ror tne women's building at the state university. A weddiner of interest ia tht of Marjorie I. Wood, and William Bevens. I '.he groom being a graduate of the Capital Business college and well known in the citv. foneerninu the wed ding which took place last Bunday the ('.veiling xeirgram says:: Miss Mar.iorie I. Woods became the bride of William Bevens at a prettT ceremony Sun da v afternoon at the nomo of Mrs. Lela Brock, on Sandy , wwmubb; win be solemnized m New boulevard. Kev. D. Lester Fields, pas-! York the latter part of September, tor Rose City Park Methodist chnrch I M-9 ;owden. who is a prominent officiated. The bride wore a smart . University of Oregon girl, elass of '14, Salemites will be pleased to learn Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Durdall have re that they will soon have an opportuni- turned from (Newport where they have ty of seeing Corrinne Rcily Barker on boen summering. Miss Hallie Hinges, the screen in one of Goldwyns latest who has 'been with them for the past productions. ',Th play, stnrrjng Paulino two weeks, accompanied them home. Frederick will be at Ye Liberty id aV - . . . . . week, or two. Miss Barker is related to : . Miss Gladys Ruef who is employed a Humber of prominent residents of at the stato house is enjoying a two Salem and while here recently renew- weeks vacation at her horite in Hills- ed old acquaintances ami made new boro. - friends. h Apropos of the subject, Miss Bark- After spending an enjoyable outing er was planning a rush across the con- at Newport and along the McKcnzie tinent" visit of two days at the Pen-! river, tho Misses Nellie and Marie dleton Kound-up, as the- guest of Schwab have returned to their home on friends, but has had to postpone tho (statesman street. idea since she is having probably tho j busiest time of her youthful career W. T. Jenks and his mother-in-law, trying to please two directors at the Mrs. J. M. Winstanley, who have been same time. '"Ordinarily,", says Miss enjoying an outina at Newport for the Barker, 'it is a task to please one."' past two weeks, have returned home. sne finishieg the last scenes in Mrs. Jenks and the children are still "The Climbers" for Tom Temss, and: at he resort. works every other day at the studio in Pelham. The next day she works on a Vitagraph picture under John Noble' direction.. Reporting an ideal trip. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Sheldon have returned to Salem after a twelve day motor tour of Oregon and Washington. They went by way of Olympia, crossing into British Columbia where they visited trienda in Victoria. The return trip was made tron;h Seattle and .North Yakima. At the latter plaee Mr. Shel don attended the Washington ' state Elks convention bcine a member of that ledge. . Mr. and -Mrs. E. T. Bussolle and two sons, Earl and Elbert, have returned from a weeks motor trip to Mount Hood. . Sitverfon, Or., August 30. (Special) The college set is keenly interested in learning 'if t.lie engagement of Mis Bess Oowden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oowden of Silverton, to Tmth Smith of New York. The NEW NUMBERS NOW IN Salem's Music Dealer Geoirge Will Mr. and Mrs. Walton Younr and Misa bome in KewhalL California, aftar alM5s Ceorgia, and sun Louis, are week delightful visit at, the home of teir.'e" Rus at U Theodore M. Ban sister, Mr. F. A." Baker. Thev were I reautenee on North, 14th street. alse guest for a short time of their T V ' ' 1 Mf . M M M M . t Washington house juest at the F. L. Poindexter I residence. v gown of georgette erepe with bre- telles of ribbon. After the eeremonv the compRnv motored to the Crown Point chalet, on the Columbia river highway where a five course dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Bevens will be at home at 6T3 East Seventy first street -Norht . "Those present at the Ceremony were Dr. Guv A. Woods, brother of the bride, and family; Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Woods, parents of the bride; Mrs. Lela 'Brock and Miss Ethel Woods, sisters ft tne) brute; William Brown ' and family and Rev. and Mrs. D. Leiter Fields. "The bride is a graduate of the high school at Boise. Idaho, and attended the Albion state normal. Idaho. 8he has taught in the public schools for several years. "The bridecroom is a graduate of the .Buena Vista high schoei and of the Capital Business college of Salem. Je is the proprietor of the garage at 840 Sandy boulevard." is at present ,in Portland purchasing ner treusscau. and is the ituest of Mrs. Ralph Service of Lncretia court. Mrs. (.ewden and her daughter will leave for "Sew York September 14, Mr. Stnfota. reewitly returned from over seas service with the New York ar tillery. He is manager of his father's big eavelap manufacturing concern in Jfew York, ,. Mrs. Charles H. Cashier, president of the Oregon Federation of. Women's elubs, who was in Portland last week, annoanrea mat ail clubs or individ uals having amendments to present at the Mate federation in CorvaUis Octo ber 13 16, should have the same in the hand of the president at Hood River by September 1 so that they niav be printed and go out in the official"call. The program committee of which 38ia Mattie Beatty is chairman, met in Salem Teeently and arranged the tentative program which will be print ed with, the call. Miss Gertrude Eakin and Miss Alice Judd are. spending a fortnight at New port. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Emmett and family left this morning for a ten days outiug at Belknap Springs. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. R. Jan?, accompan ed by their daughter, Miss Crcta Janz, and son Saul, left yesterday on a motor trip to Netarts. They will be gone aoout a week. Br. and Mrs. Frank Barr. of Port land, accompanied by their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David Eyre have re turned from a delightful motor trip to British Columbia. They left yesterday ror a oriet outing at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elain and daughter, Florence, anc in Albany for a few days as the guests of Mr. El gin's sister, Mrs. H. H. Hewitt. Colonel aud Mm. E. Hofer, Lawrence llofer and Captain and Mrs. Allan Bynon have returned from a motor trip to British Columbia where they wore the guestg of relatives and friends in v ancouvcr and victoria. - Mr., ond Mrs. Frank E. Shafer and h T. Smith are suendine a--fortnight touring Oregon and California. AH the points ef natural and historic interest in the two states wiil be visited. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Benson and Miss Mary Hopkins have returned from a six weeks visit in Seattle. . Mr. and "Mrs. George H. Alden have been entertaining their guests dur ing the week. Mrs. Charles W. Lenfoot of Onxko. Minnesota and Mrs. Charles W, Russell of Fanwood. New .Ipmov. Tho three women are former class- ma tes. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brophy leave today for Southern Oregon for a vaca tion. Mrs. Brophy wiil go as far as Drain where she will visit, friend while Mr. Brophy and Budd Welch go aiuit-r somn aeer Bunting.. The party plans to be gone two weeks. A motor partv comnosc) nt ir ..j' Mrs. E. E. Dennison and Mr. and Mrs. John Suttle. have returned frnm ). liijhtful trip to Rainier National park. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harris are visit ing friends in Portland over the week end. Whilo there they are domiciled at the Imperial hotel. Mr, and Mrs. E. T. Bussello will have as ,their house guests for the next ten- days. Mr.iand. J4rSj B. Hoffman, of Mt. Lassiiii,' Caiiforniai'i- ' ' " , Mrs. Charles C. Atkiu, aoeompanied by her baby daughter,; Harleen, left for her homo in Fresno, California, af ter a visit of several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miner M. Gray. Miv and Mrs. Henry C, Greta: of Portlnnd, accompanied by Miss Loval Gray of this city, have returned from fortnight '8 outing at Netarts and other Tillamook beaches. Mrs. Gregg is visiting relatives and friends in the citv for a brief period while Mr. Gregg is in southern Orceon in connection Iwith the internal revenue department. uiss x.uzaoctn uni was sponsor m ' their honor for a pretty dinnor last Sunday when covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Gregg, Miss Grace Howell; Chalmer George, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gill and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gordon and two children, Wanda and Dora, whe have been envying a visit at- the country home of Mr. and Mis. Sey mour Jones, have returned to their home in Portland. Mrs. Lee Gilbert and two children are home from a six weeks sojourn at Seaside. . - Mrs. Carrie Laiubrith who has been visiting in California for the past sev eral weeks, has returned to her home in Salem. She visited in San Francisco, M Angeles and Oakland, and while in the latter city was the suast of her sister, Miss Ida Moss, ft former resident of Salem. - : Miss Marjory luauman is visiting friends in North Yakima, Washington. Her stay will be of indefinite length. Mrs. James Qden of Portland : the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. R. White at the White residence on Fer ry street. Mrs. Goorgo II. Alden 'a entertain ing as her guest her mother-in-law. Mrs. Arlcta M. Page of Seattle. Ob the first of September Mrs. Alden and Mrs. Page will leave on an ex tended trip to the middle and eastern state. ,;- . . ... , . Mrs. William Babcoek. her brother and sisteran-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Parr, who are her house guests for the season, returned Tknrsday.rom a pleas ant so.iourn at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. ' William M!ilchrist have returned from an extended visit in California. They brought with them as their guests their daughter, Mrs, William Page Douglass and her two small children, of Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bishop of Xew berg are guests at the G. F. Evans residence. They will remain a week.. Helsingsfors Reckless speculation in currency is advanced as the reason for the bankruptcy of M. Lilitrs, lead- i n I.-; ... -u V Anfli . i- ;""! "ngni are u placed at twenty five million f ia- spendmg the week end m Portland. nUh mwks. ;