Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 30, 1919, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Is by far the best place to get
ILaldies, IReady-to-Wear
Apparel of all kinds. . Our buyers do not make hurried trips to the style cen
ters where they are not acquainted, as do so many of the one-store mer
chants, but we have the best buyers to be gotten and they are on the ground
the year around and become thoroughly familiar with all angles of the buy
ing game. In buying from us you get an opportunity to take advantage of the
better styles they are able to pick, as well as to take advantage of the low
prices due to buying in such large quantities for our 197 Busy Stores.
MENT of;: v','"' ' .' :
Goats, Suits and Dresses
coats ...... ....$14.75 to $65.00
SUITS ...:..;..... ..... ..........;..$24.75 to $45.00
DRESSES ...........:..... .... . .............; ......i......... ..........$12.50 to $35.00
We have a large standing order for weekly shipments of the very , latest and
best Georgette and Crepe de Chine
PRICES ON THESE WILL RANGE FROM....... ........'............$3.98 TO $6.90
, JJ Incorporated
IN .
. See $750 ad on page seven.
Dance armory tonight.
Crawford canning peaches now ready
at Louis Lachmund's ranch in Keizer
bottom 5 miles north of Salem. Bring
your boxes. H. W. Bowden, foreman.
Phone farm 29F3. . tf
o -
Dr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, 407-8.
T. M. Newberry will leave tomorrow
for Buffalo where he will attend the
international convention Jof barbers.
He goes as a delegate from the local
lodge and expects ; to remain In the
east about a month visiting several of
the larger cities.
We buy liberty bonds. 311 Maaorlc
building. . tf
Clyde Cutsforth left last Sunday for
Cutsforth Bros, stock ranch at Eddy
villc where he is making up a ship
men', of cattle.
Men and teams have besn hnsv for
a couole cf days past hau'ieg luml.er
from an S. P. oar rr- the ,v.y Bower
man 'ar n to r-ibui'd the build ngs -
centlv burned.
- Ralph Edwards arrived - home last
Thursday afternoon to the-delight of
his relatives and friends. He is looking
i fine and wears a sharpshooters inedai
' He says he has some notion or re-en-i
listing. .
I Thomas Harrison, whose serious ill
iness has been previously announced,
died Wednesday night, Aug. 27, at 11
o'clock at his home near Parkersville,
Funeral will take place Saturday at
2p. m. at the home, and burial at
Pioneer cemetery.
Luke Lemery has brought suit
against Leonard (Bros., farmers, for
$74 for sheep he ' claims the Leonard
Bros, unlawfully took from him. In his
complaint he alleges that he was the
owner of 11 ewes and 8 lambs and that
the ewes were worth $10 and the lambs
$8 each. That Aug. 5 1919, the Leon
ard Bros, unlawfully took possession of
them. He also asks for $50 damages.
If you want to buy a farm or acre
age it will pay you to see or write Con-
dit, Lewis & Hansom, Aumsville, Or.
(Continued from page one)
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names,
Salem, Oregon, Boarding
i ; , and Day school
Host Approved Methods
Primary, Grammar and
High School Departments
Complete Courses in Harp,
Piano, Voice Culture, Violin
and Harmony .
Elocution and Physical
. Culture Dances
Modern Conveniences And
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
September 8th
Sister Superior ?
See 9750 ad on page seven.
Dance armory tonight
Francia Lebold returned a few days
ago from Skagway, Alaska, whore for
several weeks he was visiting his broth
er twlward Lcbold, who is employed in
tho office of the White Pass & Yukon
railroad. While on his visit hp mado a
trip to Lake Bennett and Lake Atlin,
two of the moBt beautiful lakes in Brit
ish Columbia. ;
See V7C0 ad on page seven.
Choice honey for sale Phone 8212 9-2
' A rather unusual situation confronts
number of people who cannot find
houses, or who have hud their leases
cancelled. Whilo there are a number
of houses not occupied in tlio city, the
owners will not rent or spend money
in uiukmg them modern. They figure
now is a good tlmo to sell, and in
many instances, in order to find a
home, parties have been obliged to
buy. ; . .. y; , , ,, '
See 9750 ad on page seven.
Sunday, coma -out to the Indian Hill
farm, Crawford peaches $1, $1.50 per
bushel. I'luino 510. . .
Capital Post No, 9 of the American
Legion will moot next Tuesday eve
mng at the vommercinl club for the in
stallation of officers. Delegates to at
tend the state convention to be held
in Portland Sept. 17 18 will bo elected
Other business will come before the
meeting including thut of arranging
or a social riav nt the state fair. It
I will piiat itlinrinr mnmlinrn lint. AO. tn
Do you want your Freight and Ex-
pressjout of Portland to arrive quicker?
join now, but those who delay later
than Nov. 1 will not only pay the mem
bership fee of $2 but another "$2 for
initiation. At the first nicotine held
Ihst we it the Commercial club.
about 50 were present. It is estimated
tliat Capital Tost No. 9 for Marion
county should enroll at least from six
to eight hundred.
See 9750 ad on page seven.
For rent bedroom with private bath.
Vick Apts., above garage.
C. F. Hurlbert, 270 H. Com. has lust
taken a 2 year lease on the store for
morly occupied by flic Btono drug
store on N. om '1 St. and will put in
a full line of groceries and dry goods.
O. Satterlee, office 124 Liberty.
phono 1211, office 93", real estate and
stock sales.
Morris Bace has accepted a Position
with Messrs Watts & Wood at the Lib
erty garage. This will be of interest
to hia many f riemlr who will wish to
avail themselves of his mcehanical
: Dance armory tonight.
We still nave several new 8-foot
tranter type double disc harrows which
we will sell at a sacrifice, first come
first served. Vick Brothers.
Sunday, come out to the Indian Hill
farm, Crawford peaches, $1, $1.50 per
biuihol. 1'liono 51(1.
Cider and vinegar r-nnles wanted.
Sacks furnished. Rcndy to receive fruit
now. Clideon Stola Co. Near comer
Mill and fnmmer Sts. Phone 20. 9-29
Indian HiU Farm, Crawford Deacb.es
$1 to $1.50 per bushel. Phone 516. tf
Try Northern Flour. It's a Bear,
every sack guaranteed. At your gro
cers, tf
All stores will be closed Labor day,
Monday. Sept. 1st.. . 8-30
Lulu E.. Glass, wife of Elmer Class
of Portland, died at her home in thaV
eitv August 28 at the age of 38 years.
Besides her husband and two daugn-
ters, she is survived by two brothers, !
Oscar Hedrick of Salem and fcrnest
Hcdrick of Haines, Oregon, and two
sisters, Mrs. Berl Crum and Eva Hcd
rick of Salem.
Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your
repair work. Phone 1668, 220 N. Com.
street. tf
See 9750 ad oh page seven.
WiUard Storage Battery Service Sta
tion will move to 188 N. High St.
about Sept. 1st. Youri, for better serv
ice. " '' 8-30
Artificial teeth,' have expert plate
man, with over 35 years experience,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den
tist, 302 U. S. Nat. bank bldg. tf
Dr. Q. E. Prime In Dr. O. B. Miles
office, Ladd 4 Bush bank bldg. 9-25
Willard Storage Battery Service Bta-
Hon will move td 2A8 M. High St.
about Sept. 1st, Yours for better serv-
ie. 8-3W
Indian Hill Farm, Crawford peaches
1 to 91.50 .per bushel. Phone 516. tf
Dance armory tonight
rapidly resumed."
Sproulo reported the same condition
on all the lines under his jurisdiction.
Thoy include the Southern Pacific, San
ta Fe aud Salt Lake line.
There are no vacant store buildings
in Salem. About this time last week
there was two buildings that could be
rented, one just to the south of the J.
C. Perry drug storfc1, which is now oc
cupied by headquarters for the Cletrac
tractor, and the other the former loca
tion of Dr. Stone's drug store. An
nouncement is now made that this drug
store location will "bo occupied by C.
F. Hurlbert who has been conducting
the sale of the Schrunk stock. The for
mer Rchrnnk location has been lcusei
by Woodry, the auctioneer, who will
occupy the room with his second hand
store and auction headquarters.
o 1
Newport fishing season opens; ling
cod sliced, 15c, and whole fish 12c per
pound; red cod 10c pounj. Fitts Mar
ket, tf
Travelers Flood Stations.
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 30 Announce
ment of the resumption of rail service
today brought thousands to the South
em Pacific, Santa Fe and Salt Lake
stations eager travelers whose journeys
had been halted by the strike of rail-
oad men in sympathy with striking lo
cal streetcar men.
Crews arrived on the jobs an hour be
fore the time set by the reeeut govern
ment ultimatum, but they were not there
before the would-be passengers,
Surging, crowding and fighting, they
forced their way into the stations end
stormed the ticket windows. All would
be served, but some delay was unavoid
able, the rail officials said.
Silent engines burst into life and Los
Angeles industries, temporarily para-
lvzed. swu:iir into step again. A tow
hours will find vail service normal, com
pany officials declare.
Freight yards were as eagerly Dcsicg-
cd and long strings of cars were started
off in the early morning toward iamine
threatened desert towns in California
and Arizona.
According to off icials of the three rail
road .companies hero, feight and passen
gor traffic is clearing rapidly.
Shortly after 7 o 'clock this morning,
15 trains which were made up at the
Southern Pacific yards, "steamed up'
for the breaking of the strike bonds
which had successfully stopped all
steam railroad communication with this
Tho first Southern Pacific train to
SOMEWHERE, outside your .kitchen, are
things you want to do pleasures you want to en
joy. Does time interfere? Or are you too tired
when kitchen tasks are done? "
The Hoosier will save time for wanted diver
sions. It will save the strength you need to en
joy them. Its forty features of convenience will '
solve your kitchen labor problem as it has for a
million and a half women. t . '. ;
'See the Hoosier at tKis store. See how it
places over 400 articles within easy reach every
thing needed in preparing meals. But come soon.
Don't be a drudge another day low prices and
easy, terms make Hoosier easy to own. "
leavo was a local to BakersfieTd. The
The strike, which had spread to Ari
zona and Nevada as well as effecting
central California- for several days, came
to an end at 11:30 last night when a
strikers' committee informed employers
they would return to work.
Santa Fo and Salt Lake roads resumed
service shortly after 7 o 'clock this
While the railroad men have returned
streetcar service is still partially tied
up. Two weeks of the local strike in
volving 5000 men finds Los Angeles still
without night service. "
(Continued from page one)
Though making heroic efforts to re
assert herself in the linen induhtry, the
Shore Liue Limited to San Francisco i city of Lille is making but little prog
. ... .a .11. ! 1 J! a n..:n!
left at 8 o'clock.
A request has been made for the
loan of automobiles for the pasade
Monday morning for the use of mem
bers of the G. A. B. and others who
would like to take part in the parade.
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1400
M ,
Round Extension Tables
Oak Dining Chairs
Special new $85.00 Gas Range .............
Babcolin perfect floor covering, yard..
. ...65c and 85c
I Peoples Furniture Store
271 N. Commercial St. Salem.
Radiators, fenders and ens tanks
repaired. Tractor radiators a specialty.
Ford radiators for sale.' 100 S. 12th
St., Salem, Or. 9-22
Just received a supply of "Motor-
lifo," the gasoline saver. "Motorlife"
removes carbon, cleans your engine
and will give you more power. Revere
tires and tubes. Clark's Tire House,
319 N. Commercial St. 8-29
f '" P. M. OKEOOa V, Mgr. "
PJ-..M 2194 1010 X. to-n'l St.
Did Ton Bead This Advertisement?
Tonight, dance at M. B. A. hall near
Ohwnawa'; The usual good music and
good time. Take Silverton stage at O.
E. depot 8:30; round trip 5flc. , .
Peaches for sale, canning peaches
50c to $1 per bushel at T. B. Jones
orchard on Mission bottom, near Wheat
Innd on east side of WillamTtte river.
Bring-your boxes. T. B. Jones.
Poaches for sale, canning poaches
30c to $1 per bushel at T. B. Jones
orchard on Mission bottom, near Wheat
lnnd on east stdo of Willamette river.
Uring your boxes. T. B. Jones. ...
Tonight, big dance at M. B. A. hall
near Chemawa. Take auto at Masonic
temple 8:30. ,
Come and pick them.
Bring botes.
ONLY $1.10.
Per box. Down ValUy road S'-j
Kilos, in Mission Bottom, V.j
miles west from Hopm.?re.
Evergreen Oc
Blackberries, lb.
Bring; them In even if you hare only
a few pounds. We furnish hoses and
crates. . . .
Warehouse High and ferry Street.
Phone 717
Office 512 State St. Salem, Or,
Portland, Or., June 14, 1919.
To Whom it May Concern:
I have been a constant sufforer of
stomach troubles for the past six years.
Have suffered untold agony and mis
ery and spout money doctoring with
first class doctors. Have been told by
them that I had ulcers, cancer and a
erowth in the stomach. Have tried so
jjiiany kinds of patent medicines and
remedies which helped others, was on
diets, lost my appetite, broke down in
my nerves, couldn't eat, dnuK or sleep
in a minute of peace was a wreck in
fact all ovar. 1 filially lost in weight
from 100 pounds to scant 124 pounds. I
lived and existed on cold, fresh, sweet
milk to which the doctor ordered me to
add one tcnspooni'ul of malted milk in
elass of milk 1 drank. 1 suffered no
one knows but myself the unknown in
ward misery with that constant nng
ging, burning, throbbing sensation in
my stomach. At times i would get per
fectly despondent and earnestly pray
to die. So over a year ago I heard of Dr
8. iC. Stone's Stomaeh Powders and
Blues Relief and thought I'll tke an
other chance, and thank God, my heav-.
enly Father, it did and has proved my)
relief and help and I believe cure. Ij
eat and drink anything I see I want ;
and crave at any time. As l say it is
over one year ago lnit I . constantly;
.keep the. powders in my house and
when 1 Ice! tne least distressed or any
one of my family or friends complain
1 am only too glad to mix them a uose
and see how quickly they are relieved.
I can't recommend it to highly, neither
can I say by writing and make one
know ami understand the relief it has
given me from suffering untold agony
and I say to each and everyone who is
suffering with indigestion and stomach
troubles this powder is worth its weight
ress because of the absence of spinning
machines. Of over 500,000 spindles
which were operated in and about Lillo
beforo the war less than 12,000 arc
working now. The others were destroy
ed or carricdaway by the Germans. In
the meantime Lille beliovcs that the pre
dominance of her linen industry has
been lost for all time, as other rations
have made a quicker start since
of the war.
' Washington, Aug.- 30. President Wil
son todav was endeavoring to dispose .
of administrative matters so far' as poti- ;
siblc in preparation for his speaking '
toiir, which will entail an absence from
Washington of 27 days. . .
Ho was giving serious attention to ;
the possibility of a strike' in the steel
industry. The position - of the stool
workers was explained to the president ,
in a conference by samuei uompors ana
union officials who hope the president
will exert his influence in somo way to
persuade officials of tho United Stales
Steel corporation to recede from the
stand that thoy will not deal with un
ions. " '
The president on his coming tour will
avoid as much as possiblo public func
tions and general meetings. He will
keep in touch with affairs in Washing
ton by telegraph. . Cabinet heads and
democrutic congressional leaders '.will be
advised frequently and the president
, , will learn of the progress of the treaty
tne end u thc gl,nateaa the actiivties of tho
government to lower prices.
Think It Over
Workers can only do things as well as
they can see them. Efficiency slips away
more easily through faulty, vision than
from any other cause.
m&M-a.. "l3
Better Have Your Eyes Examined.
204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Building
We boy aad sell notes, mort
gages and all kinds of bonds.
114 Mtaonis Building
Salem, Oregoa
Dance at Armory
5 Piece Orchestra
in gold. Am onlv too glad to tell oth
er sufferers what relieved me and
truthfullv believe will relievo them.
491 Williams Ave., Portland, Or.
Manufactured by Ir. S. C. Stone, S-
Labor Day Dance
lem, Oregon. Price 50c. For sale by all
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