: 5250 CIRCULATION (25,000 READERS DAILY) Only Circulation id Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. t FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WltLAMETTB VALLEY NEWS SERVICE - . t Weather ,' . ' - Oregon: . Tonight - and Sun" ' day fair; cooler except near the - const: gentle westerly winds. - u O0,TRAINS AND Kt I STANDS Ttvm gbhm FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO. 205. FOURTEEN PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS AMEH1CAN FOOD SPOILING UPON ENGLISH DOCKS Plans To Entertain Shrincrs 1 Who Visit Portland Session Next Year, In Salem Are Made Officials Investigating Alleged waste vr Articles -Shipped Out. . Jauto to the ceremonial, will bo em SUSPENSION OF EXPORTVcUhtoT.throl,gh Barcm I: UKliLU 1U KLUUU lUMiv Colver Savs Americans Only ; nanon rermuuns rooa ! Use As "Poker Chips." ', By Ralph F. Couch (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Aug. 30. Officials here today are investigating a report that big shipments of American food are spoil ing in, England because the strike of the transport workers has . congested docks and whr.rvcs. , Food shipped from New York and " Boston is reported to be piled high on docks at Liverpool ana soutuampion. '.t Monnwliilo Attnrnev Crenevnl Pnlmcr is awaiting action of congress on hisj control bill providing jail sentence for profiteers. Upon how soon congress passes the amendments will depend whether: Hie government will be permntvutly suc - cessful, "Palmer believes, in forcing fur ther food price reductions within 90 days. Through the efforts of Snlem Shriners' the Arabian Knights club, alqm will be frivAR an nnnortunitv to entertain for one day 1,000 or more Shriners from the easth who will attend the national cere monial to be held in Portland next Juno. And not only will arrangements be made for Salem day', but action was taken at the meeting last evening of Shriners and prominent Masons, inhere- by the thousands ot tourists coming oy emor- on a -iers will not take place until next 4 flkalreadv plans are under way in Pv Ji to 'care for the 00,000 to 75, 000. ""ays, and in Salem, in order that the V rinds who pass through the city w . Know that Salem is the center of the Loganberry industry of tfie coun try country, as well as a great fruit raising country. ... Tn order that Salem mav at onco be am it nrenarations for next June, at the meeting last night, Lot L. Pearee, president of the Arabian Knights ,club, appointed an advisory committee of John H. Albert, Dan J. Fry, Z. J. Biggs, Dr. C. A. Olson and B. F. Shaver. As a "pep" committee, one that will ore down to work and keen alive the fact that Salem has the opportunity to show itself to thousands or nunners, President Pearee appointed Hal D. Pat ton, Walter Smith and Lee Gilbert. -And tn hrinir to the attention of 32nd device Masons and members of De Mo- f--e, lav commandery, as well as all inemrjcrs of the fraternity, a membership com mittee of ten will be appointed by the orosident. whoso duty it. shall bo ..to secure additional Shriners for the cere minimis for next January and Juno. TJiifl to the fact that Salem ha-s had no literature or. has had printed and pamphlets lor tne past rive yearn showing what is going on in this part of the valley, and advertising commit tec was appointed, including Fred A Erixon and Lee Gilbert, who will con flUHUY CAN PREVET1T : STEEL STRIKE (Continued on page eight) NINE-TO-OLD BOY PERSHING REFUSES TO KennediRoth,SonOfMr.And Mrs. Theo. Roth Is round , Dead. Kenneth T. Roth," the nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Iloth of 925 D street, was drowned last night in north Mill creek near the Summer btreet bridge. ' . Would Bar Exports. w;ii, iinh nt nt.hnr children he Washington, Aug. 30, Suspension of,ia(1 been .Aaving on the banks of the exports of foodstuffs, or licensing of, ... t1ie venw, had a net with whicli he was catching min nows and it is thought that whilo plying his net, he became separated from the other children, and accidentally stef noti J in nun of the deerj water'nolos. In the evening he had been helping hie mint. Miss Pollv Pearmine, when ho told her he was going to the creek and invited her to come along. Later Miss Pearmine went to look for the boy and not finding him, became alarmed, Mts pth fonrinir thnt he was in tlw water-. asked that the creek be searched in the deener holes. The body was not recov ered until about 9:30 o'clock.. Thysi cians wore immediately called and the Congressional Committee's an MM . Request ror lesumony is Turned Down. would lowof 'the cost of living within tne wu aay truce perioa esiauimneo uy labor, in the opiniou of William R. Col ver, chairman of the federal trade com mission. ,, In an interview with the United Press today, which he explained was an ex pression of lus personal views ana not an official expression by the commis sion, Colver said: "There is au single cause for the high tost tf living. Therefore there is no panacea. This is the only nation on earth that permits Us foodstuffs to bo used as poker chips. This is the only nation where speculation is permitted in food each a canned nun, iruits auu vege Intervention Of President Can Alone Ward Off Tie Up Of Industry. HMRfiARY AMINES TO ANSWER UNION NOTE Workers Asked To Postpone Action Until Othciais tan Investigate. Washington, Aug. 30 f- Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, today an nounced that the epcecutiye council had decided that I; the federation s shall take no staid at this time with regard to the Fluinb plan. A : sub-committee has been created to , ' examine all facts and obtain adtice ; from all who can,' contribute and later to report t tli executive ? council on the entire matter. ; . ' Battle Predicted When Senators Attempt to Thrash Reservation Into Final form Wosliinivton. Aue-. 30.tA sharp strug gle in the scnato foreign relations com mittee over the form ot treaty reserva tions when the subject is taken up early next week forecast here touay. . RiMiiiMir.an views on reservations vary widely. ' Senator Lodge, chairman of the committee, is confronted witn tno tasn nt KMiniieilinir the ideas of Senator Mc- Cumber with those of Senator Knox and senator nranaegee ior uomuvra. Again Lodgo s own ideas ao nos en tir.iv mnteh thnn of Knox and there are irreco:icilables Johnson, Boru'ii and ( nil wno must be reckoned wai. Demnnrata will tnhc'no more part in itsservalion m:.king than in adopticiuoi textual amendments, which being power less to stop-, they merely opposed to the Umit of their voti.ig power. , f - , -With but one more amendment in sight reservations will come up early next week and the committee hoi es to get-the treaty reported by wouuosaay or' Thursday. The vital and truly im portant committee worn is now in signi, many members feel. 1 ' ,;; ,'':;"-' ,: Paris, '.. A'ugi 30. (United Press.)- General Pershiiig refused today to testi fy before the congressional committee inquiring, into American war cxjjohui tures in France. ' '. PnHiiwinnr Pnrshinirs' refusal In testi fy, Congressman Bland, chairman of the committee, issued a statement declaring thai-Ms- action waa typiearexampie of . the war department's indifference and its contempt for the wishes of the people. 1 : . Replying to Bland, persuing said ne had no desire to conceal the records of the Amorican expeditionary force, which were open in every way. He add eti. however, that on the eve of his de parturc for home, it would bo physical ly impossible to grant tne commmee request, which would necessitate the un packing of the records relating to the affairs of the A. E. F. The ono amendment yet before the committee is that ; of Senator Fall's striking out the labor clauses. The committee adopted three others late yes terday, thus nearly cleaning the slate of textual changes proposed. . Tho treaty opponents met today ' to try to decide on plans for stumping the country in opposition to President Wil son. They have been unable thus lav to determine how many senators stall go, or when, or where. Senator Lodge is uying to discourage the whole by pointing out that t:iey can get bettei publicity by remaining in WaBlimijton una answering the piesiueni irum ui. senato floor. The committee mot today to hear a Dlea for Irish independence. In tno sen ate, Seuator Owen, Oklahoma, was scheduled to deliver a speech in reply to that made by Sonator JLoage ou Augum . . . : I V. 1 1 1 .. .. J .. - , rtv. iv wnnn rnfl vniiiiiMM'.iiu it;uut.-i nan . on' an ovation, following his attack on the pact. . , .i-... .., By Fred S. Terguson : (United Press Staff Correspondent.) : Washington, ; Aug. ;30. Iiitervontion by the president , appeared. todi,y io Jit the only thing that will avert a strike ol union workers in tlicstcr) 1 industry, if they attempt to ; carry out their threats. ' : Tlin tinln limit O'lVll .T iiHta ' (tTV. llicad of the United Sts; e' steel rovpora.- lion, ior reply "xo ttwr lun iciwr wi mc .toel wnrkiii-Mf 4nniuiltte. renuentincr a conference, had expired without u reply being received. . ;r The committee informed Gary th& ti'iy cou.'d be reached at the KaUon.il n a cuiuieu iiu, Aiuitn aiiii -- . t. -i. nurnr liruu rni irum uh, .nu """os, TUUieS. . HUI O'llV IKimo -tuwo iw'J'm i r. ,i i their cans, but before the snow is oft but all efforts to resuscitate tne boy the ground where the seeds are planted, were futile. .,,,,. lefore the ice is off the river, where The funeral services will bo held at the fish are to be caught. . : 4:30 o'clock from the home Sunday ii "The profits of speculators in food, ernoon. and will bs conducted by tne represent no useful service, cutting them Rev. George F. Holt. Burial wiJ be in out can hurt no one. the City View cemetery. "If exports of foodstuffs were sus pended, prices in this country would be reduced." Hog Prices Tumble. 1 FINE FARM SOLD . The W. L. Upson ranch of 61 acres in Sr.nth Siliprton has been sold to 11. D. ., , ... . nn tm, 1.1.1. TJillor n-f VVoodburn Who Will tnKC POS- of living in Portland is due for a turn- session ot his new property as soon as ble-at least as far.aihe price of pork the same is vacated y "P is concerned. wUl be between now and the middle ot Hogs dropped" $5 per hundred on the September. Mr. Miller is a brotii.'r of K " I ; Elwin Miller, who owns nn up-to-date (Continued on Togo Eight.) I ehickou lanch near by.-Appeal. California's Railway Strike Effectively Ended; Federal Operation Threat Does Work . .. -in f.,;fi At tl.a nffinn nf William Snroule. dis rrancisco, auk- . , ., , -California's rail strike had end- trict manager for the rail admiinstra- . ..: l.., T.n Anon ei Hon. it was said tnr.t eiiori noum uu a scant seven hours before the govern- made today to move perishable freight San Press.) Passenger service will be normal w ithin f.or hr.urH it Wftfl flflld. The Shore Line Limited left for Los ; ble track lines Anizeles at 8 o'clock. Seven trains will make the run today from ran i raneisco l m.nt nltimntiim exoired made it un necessary for the government to put in to effect its threat to operate the trains beginning at 7 a. m. today. . .... itnnn nirid liv tintinn. however, tolnml Ofiklcnd to Los Anaeles run. the trains a -id Hundreds or nqranes had been sworn in to protect property. Governor Stephens had eome to the assistance of the rail administration and had enlled upon all mayors, sheriffs and other peace officials to aid the govern ment. The Los Angeles strikers voted re luctantly to return to their posts. The ii meVtlniT lasted three hours and was one of the most stormy labor sessions in the history of the str.te. A. F. Whitney, international vice-president of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, who addressed the meeting, was hissed. Epithets were hurled at him. At one time only the prompt ac tion of conservative prevented radicals from sweeping Whitaey off his feet. A dozen radicals with clenched fipts start ed for him, but were finally ejected. MICTION OF FRANCE MOVES FAST Twelve Hundrel Miles Of Rail way Restored Since Armis tice Signed. Pm-ia. Auof. 30. France has restored over 1250 miles of railroads in the de vastated districts sinco the signing of the armistice. This mileage is in addi tion to the 1000 miles which had been provisionally repaired before the actual end of the righting, l.ee tnan iuu mues of destroyed roadbed remain unservice able. - Of the destroyed railways between Paris and Belgium ou the Northern Hull lv fl-t dpi- cent of the 1101 lions out of service last November have been restored. On the Eastern Rauway the restoration has been less complete, but even ou this line which suffered heavily on the Champa igue a :d erdun fronts, over 80 per cent of the lines are again being used. Mm.li ,f tlm restoration work has had to be of a temporary nature because of the sohrtagc of materials. The haidcst work was encountered in the region about Verdun and along the valley of tl,o full where numerous tunnels and bridges were destroyed. Nearly uiie.-half of the restored mileage lias lieen on aon- SIT TIGHT. ADVICE Washington, Aug, 30. The ' main thing to do is to -sit tight in the boat, President Wilson told tho governors committee which called on him yesterday, according to Oovernor W. 8. 8proule of Pennsylvania today. The wbiiildine of the network of can als is progressing almost as rapidly as the railway work. The total destroyed mileage of canals exceeds TOO miles, to gether with 450 bridges and 115 locks. By October I the greater portion oi these lines of cheap transportation will Trains left Bakersficld and Fresno today for the first time in several days. The strikers o i the I'acuic l.iectnc e r n in(r.L. l,av. tint w'timied UU. I A - 'VO .......VB " .I,..;- .trlr T w,,a t.i jiiKinort thcseMiavp been rebuilt. men thnt the sympathetic strike of rail Simultaneously witli tne ranroaa re men was called' whiiout sanction of their buildings the factories in many ot .iu international officers. " "martyred" cities are resuming pi uduc- . - ition on a small scale. Machinery, stoi- W. R. Scott, federal manager of the i en by the Germans, is being collected in Southern Pacific, made the following 'all ports of Germany and shipped bach statement to the United Press: I to the almust efnpty factories in i.nie, "Everyone in the vnrd and road serv-1 ian and ht. vueuii- Airracy- uei .. ..J ... .!... l.!..r.A . nC ..ln manliin.fV U Hll I11fltlr- ice wno has oeen paneu iw um a um iuhx -j working and all passenger service is!ital have been gathered and shipped " .. .. . . ...... . 1 tin. ...niimtl. moving normally today, as yet our re ports are incomplete on the shop situa tion, but there are no indications ui un hotel, Washington, until last night. Tney wniteil until ft lnte hour, whoreuno". Sec retarr Foster announced hu was laklai; a 1 1 a in tor iiome. Kin-lv tntlsv. whpn a renlv was still li-k r.g, John Fitzpntrick, head of the committee, detiated tnere was -"uotning mni't. Iri l.o rlnnp. " 1Jvniilint flniiineVR nresenteil the eK of the steel men to the president along with an outline of the general laboi sit uation yesterday. Moantime telegrams were sent out, asking local leudirs to prevent any praeipitate action by the men, in advance of a review of their case by the president and recommenda tions from the committee. The letter to Gary, however, informed him that the only way the committee could prove its authortiy, which. Gary questioned, was to enforce the strike vote of the men.. The committee mem bers regivrd Gary's failure to reply as closing the channel of direct negotia tions. As their final letter was not sent to Gary until after x-onsultatioit with Gompers, it is assumed the A. I". of L. leader entirely supported the steel men before President Wilson. With the crisis threatened by the inil- wav shopmen passed for the moment, the attention hud switched to stee. to day, though there was still the lurking mici-itaiiity of whether the shopmen can be kept in line. - M' ti n time ail departments coniCTner in the fight to lower the high cost of Hvinir were beinir urired to sriced UlV in order to make good within the ninety day truce period which the railway em ployes department of the A. F. of L. has sought to establish. -! -" The executive committee of the A. V. nf I., continued its sessions but was expected to adjourn this afteornoon over Labor day. ' . : SPRUCE PROBERS OFF TO INSPECT BIG HILL Investigating Commiltee To Delve Into Production ' i : " VYork Today, ' v Portland, Or., Aug. 30. Representa tives James A. Froar, W. W. Mngeo and Clarence F. Lea, members of the con gressional committee which is invest! iIia' annicn ni-nduction division activities during the war, left Portland early this morning lor ijiucoiu cotuujr , The conrgessmen will spena two any "-e-' j county and tne million nonar goru mnnt 111 ill jit Tnlndn. Oregon. Thev will resume their sessions in Portland Tues day morning.,,,. '... Afi.. hAinrr nAfiiirnil that .Secretary of War Baker had promised protection to enlisted. men appearing before tho ....in.al ..mm, l-f on GonrtTP- . W. French testified at the hearing which was conducted by the congressional prolers nere tate iriaay anernuon. .French,, wBo served as a private m the pruce division, told of conditions at tsc spruce cut-up plant at Vancouv er,' Wash., during the war. He stated that tho general policy( there appeared to be speed, to the detriment f quali ty; that the men were given pour iuuu, that he was threatened with court mar tial for making a report regarding tne food; that oldiors, after putting in an I...... .In. in tlm ent-nn nlatlt. einv uvui U'V "t- i wer comneJIed t n on. fatigue , duty for two or three hours. Denial Of Mexicans That Thev Found Plane Pilots J 7 , Missing Deepens Mystery .n IttMm." Cal.. Atiir. 30. A strtte- ment attributed to American Consul Sid- ain.4th of Kiisenadn. Lower uaiiror- ,,in thnt Cnnlain Truhillo. of Governor Cantu's army, had denied tnat nis men i,n.i f.,m,l th nrmv aviators, Liente- ' . ... 3 3 .l ants Watorhouse and uonnoiiy, wiaeu tn.lnir to the mvstery surrounding the disappearance of the two men ten days agO, v j...f.,-;.-;. - - ; !- j . - . A,.nflr anundron of airplanes is due back some time today after fb inpt ovor .1.- ii whie i t ne men are inr riw.i.j '- . thought to have been forced to laud, iVIOI TO RUSSIANIZE U. S. RAILWAYS , , 1 Union Pacific Head Says scheme Is Assault Ua via : . Institutions. COUNTRY FAILS TO SEE AND UNDERSTAND DYE Plumb Proposal WcJJ Tcra Lines Over To One Chss For Its Exploitation. - SLAYER OF PORTLAND WOM CAPTURED Clarence Johnson, Caught In Alaska, baid lo Have ton fessedTojW Portland, ' Or.,. Aug. , 30. 'Clarence Johnson, who is alleged to have mur dered Mrs. Eunice W. Freoman in Port land recently was captured at Nome, ai..i, ., ,.;ii( tn n. fahloram AlMnn, n , which was received here this morning from United Btates Marsnai . J oraau - Jordan's message smmu xum v.. iotr confessed to killing Mrs Freeman. . f . . 1 .1. Tn. . ...n.ul.ol Ho also eoniessea, -inw inumw " ...j .i nniitiiio a mnn in Seattle of 50, with which money he made the trip to Aioma... -..( , Mrs. Freeman, who was one of the most prominent W. C. T. U. and prison- i :a .uii.hr nrnrltnn In OreffOll. Via oiu oviiv.j - -- - c - was instrumental in securing Johnson a rclonse from the San Quentin peniten tiury, where he was serving time for having attempted to kill a woman who had lived with him as his wife. Tho (theory for Johnson's alleged crime is that he feared his benefac tress, Mrs. Freeman, knew of certain np liia urkiph wniild rouse her to nniuim -- have his parole from San Quentin re volted. - " ' ' . . , ' ... . 1 , '' Mrs. Frecmani was brutally muracrea with a piece of gas pipe. - WOULD GIVE AIRMEN ION J u. -l. . 1- 1- 1- 1- . ABE MAETIN i . New York,' Aug. 30. Th OPlnmb plan is an effort to Russianise Ameri can railways and apply to them ther Stiviet system, according to Judge E. 8k Lovett, head of the Union Pacific. In an interview with the United 1'resg today, Judge Lovett character iised the Plumb plan as ail aianlt upoa" American institutions wnicn tno mm of railroad employes as well as citi zens fail to understand. vr.,Uiii tlmt the Americsn TienDW rather than railroad owners or execu tives would suffer most if tho Plumh :. plan were attempted, -'Judge lovett said: v, - : - . 'T1ia Plnnik nlan; as I erraso it. i plainly an effort to RussianiKO Amer- ican railroads; that is . to turn over each industry to the employes operat ing it for exploitation in' their own interest. ,.: .f . ... ' Whether the government takes tne railroads for operation by the govern ment, as ordinarily understood, for tho interest of all the people, or takes thei for operation In th interest of railroad .,1 ,, ,-r.- .vililaiifnlv . IWATlAMIft bT thepiumh plan, J 'probably not, very material to .tne raurusun or iiini As such, In either ease, So long as we ,, hnvn . constitution, the owners would "he paid for the railroads! - "In that view and in tnat sense, op- ni-itiAn A thn Plumb 111 Art U Ot tho fight of railroad owners as such or of the railroad executives representing tha railroads, but is a matter that eoncerna all the citizens of every elnss and oe. enpation,: If the government taaee " pays for the irailroads and then turn them over to the employes to operata in thoir interest,.; the result' is easily foreseen. . "Sinco tho beginning of federal con trol,' the wages of tho railroad em ployes have been increased approxi- ' (Continued on page foui) : CONSTRUCT DIAMOND BROOCHES TO French Contractors Say Avia tors Well Fitted lo Boss Work. Costly Souvenirs Presented At Launchings And BSl Sent To Government ilUU, UK. IU. I .11 " " - ! ' , , ficulty here. - Freight service" is being a French commission. (Conlinned on page ten) Portland Lahor Would Kill Road Contract Civcn Oxman Portlaid, Or., Aug. 30. Oii'anized labor in Portland has started a cam paign which it hopes will culminate in the rejection of a road buildiug con- while even a lsre quantity has accumu- tract that the state highway commission lated in German" stations awaitinc ship-'recently awarded to Frank C. Oxman. ment. This machinery was identified by ! The reason is that Oxman was one of Moonoy, the corivictod San tVanciaco bomb plotter. ! V':, T U s ' Hi 4.- ' . (Continued on Page Ten., Tu' Little Gem resturint advertises rinutin' ears raised by contented farm- ' ers. Most of our senators seem t be in th' chorus. , Paris. Auc. 30. Bringing down Boihe aeroplanes and dropping bombs on Ger man railroads aro excellent training ior construction bosses. "At least so says Henri Bouchc, Paris contractor, who ad vocates the employement of I' raneo s air force in aiding mo rtwn,niuni i.wii.int in northern France, According to mr rjouciie immensely facilitate, the Jollowina three phases of the work: (1 Obtaining valuation of damages, (2) Planning the reconstruction work., (3) Superivising actual rebuilding. Taking a census of tho damages will be a work involving innumerable physi cal obstucles if undertaken only by in specters on the ground. Bouchc point) oiit that aviators, unhampered by tho impassibility ot tno roaus ami ircm-n-lined fields, can easily reconnoiter tho whole front, take pictures when neces sary, and in 8 lew nours -ueeuuipuim what it would take months to do by any other means. AHU..kin.r the reconstruction problem savs Bouchc will be not unlike attacking an opposing army. At first the recon noisance must tic made, exact anuwiengu obtained of conditions prevailing, wheth cr it be an army or an immense waste that isto be attacked. Just as the fliers used to look for German batteries they must now seek out ruined towns, destroy od bridges and shell ridden fields. , Finally, the actual suprcvisinj; ol. tne best he carried on from the t.w .limt na the aviators used to'report J the results of the artillery fire, they can in the ruture report tne uuny yw. of the various rebuilding projects. i ti.: n,.nn . real coordination ran m- obtained and the work carried out along really comprehensive lines. Seattle, Wash., , Aug.; ,30. Biamon brooches and tiaras were bestowed upon sponsors of ships lau iched In Seattle, and the bill "charged to Uncle Sam dur ing tho height of tho war when national thrift was the cry from coast to coast, according to testimony placed before t'.ih congressional investigators here. Although it was generally bolievcd that shipyard operators bestowed the costly gifts to sponsors at launching ecreniouiies, O. P. Deane, district comp troller of the Emergency Fleet corpora- ii.m infnrmeil the investifators to the contrary; when he took the stand yister- day afternoon. Ho deelared that the shipyard people had been permitted to spend-tl500 far launching ceremonies and charge it up tn thn irovernme'lt but that the allow ance was cut to 500 a launching later. Twenty launchings cost tne govern ment 30.000. Denn testified. v Bavarian Townspeople Storm Postothce; several tuned Berlin, Aug. 20. (United Press.) Ammil with revolvers and hand gren ades, throngs of rioters at Ludwinshay- en, Bavaria, stormed the postoii.ee ir dav. Several persons were killed in the fightl-ig. Later troops occupied the post office and stopped the telegraph and telephone service. ' : '' Banks have been closed, in the fear that further trouble will oeenr. It la feared a general strike will be declared. Ludwigshaven, a manufacturing city in Barvarlo, is situated on the Rhino, opposite Mannheim.