Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 28, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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IN ': -r '
"The Silk-Lined Burglar'-;
The latest adventures of Boston -Hlac'aa;
Loveable Crook of the Red Book Stories.
They're still Laughing about "Jazz Monkey"
- r
J - A
(.".; --ax"
II &
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... ...... . . - "'.vT "':
Benjamin- Stanton artd the southwest
corner of land owned by W. J. Hum
phrey, bei? in the wwt line of the
D. L. C. of David Simpson and wife in
T. 8 S. E. 1 west of the Willamotto
meridian in Marion county, Oregon;
running thence south on the west line
'of the J). LC,?80 rods; thence east
80 rods; ,rtbence north 80 rod to tho
south line, of the Wm. J. Humphreys
land; thence west 80 rods to the place
of beginning, containing 40 acres of
land. -.
Tract No7. Also the west-one half
of the' following described premises,
towit: Lots. 1, 2 and 8, section 9, and
lot 1 of section 10 in T. 8 8. R. 1 west
of tho Willamette meridian in Marion
countv. OreEOn. containing - 160JM
acres, save and except the following
described tract towit: Beginning at
the northwest corner of Benjamin
Stanton land; thence north with Dav
id Simpson's lino to the Win. Pattons
land; thence east along mo saia rai
tons line to the southeast comer;
thence outh to Benjamin Stanton's
northeast -corner; thence west to tlie
place of beginning; containing 53 acres
and J 33 rods. ' .;
r Said sale toeing made subject to 're
demption in the , manner provided b
lw., . -, . j ' -
f A Dated this 20th day of July, 1919. i
--:V- v- W. vl. JEHDHAM,
".Sheriff of Marion county, Oregon.
By O. D. 'Bower's depufy. 8 28
Quick Reference TFimV That Gira Serrice On ShorS,
' Where'' Buyer Ahd Seller Meet We 1
- ' 5. ' Recommend Our Advertisers: ,
Salem Electrie Po., Mosoni Tsmpla, 127 Kortn High
-iUi ISO
Expert machine shop serv i by Mr.
Borgman at high . sch6 machine
hop. 13, years experience. Gear cut
ting a specialty. Hdgh clasa- machine
tools. Quick service. Phontf 448 8-15
! Ti an news I
Sept. 1; iuonday-vIiKbor Day.
Judicial holiday.
.:. Wept. 15, Monday 'Fall term
Willamette university begins.
Sept. 22-27 Oregon state
fair. .
Sept. 29, Monday Opening
of public schools of Salem.
thv during the final illness and after was the case of the fire department of
the death of. Mrs. Lena. Haggerty. Bend, which recently aent its apparat
us eigut macs out iu ine uuiurjr iu
help fight a disastrous lumber fire.
Deputy Geo. W. Siokes, of the fire
roarfhal'a department defended the. ac
tion' of the mayor of Bend ou tho
ground- that the " lumber -'industry cou-
cerned was of vital importance to rue
eity,' and that much Joss was prevent
ed "bv the work ofthe fire trucks.
Drg. Cashatt and Pembfrton ha-re
moved their office to 508 Bank of
Commerce bldg. Phono SOa. . 9-Y
Army discharges were filed today
and vesterdav bv R. K. Davis, CI. M.
Watson, F. h. Treesli, W. A. Wood and
8. M. Kochstcttler.;
Dance tonight at Brooks. Big crowd
and fine music.
Dance tonight at Brooks,
W. H. Iralryntple is the owner of a
jie,ce of land along ,thc, cast aide of
17th street that has a length of, 2So
feet along 17th street, but tlie width
facing on" (Center street is only 10 feet
. At the ot,her end of the strip there is
no width, as it happens to, 'bo iu tjie
tha.pe of a triangle and the land' ta
kers to a point. In 1909 Ihe city coun
v'.l vacated this strip, which was part
of the street, and Mr. Dairy mple again
became the owner. He now wants 'to
.build on part of tho land and will
bring the mnrtor of the m vacation,
Ibeforo the council at the meeting next
S'liesdsy evening, jnsl to iiaUe sure
bis title is good before he begins the
- building. 1 . " ;
. As the law now stands, the Chinese
pheasant season begins October 1 and
extends includink October 31.: The. bag'
A. E. Haggcrty and family
Apparently the prestige of Willam
ette university has made its way round
to the antipodes, for the latest appli
cant's for- entrance at the iaistitution
were two Filipino boys,, who arrived in
this 'country only u couple of mouths
ago. .These' two .boys Mariiuii- Callo
and Luis TnmanH-wore in the office
of Pres. Doney this, morning with let
ters of introduction from Andrew
Warner of Sunnyside, Wash. In reply
to queries they stated that they sailed
from Manilla early in the summer,
landing at "Vancouver Wash, and
since that time have been working at
different points in that state. Friends
of Willamette, learning of their ambi
tion to secure an American education,
recommended the university, in this
connection Dr. Doney reports applica:
tions coming in from wery direction,
.indicating", such au influx: of studeuts
that the housing question is going to
ben serious one. Up to date there nave
been about 40 applications from re
turned italdvers alone. MortJand.. will
contribute a considerable number -:..as
the result of the work, of faculty mem
' (Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Or., Aug. 28. Charles A. no..'
nett ,a- prominent resideut of this city,
passed away suddenly at his homo at
818 Jefferson 3treet late Sunday after-
noon with heart trouble. Mr. Bennett
had not been ill previously until few
minutes before his death. He had s.pent
the day working about the place and his
death er.ino as a great shock to Bis tarn
ilv. ;
" Mr? Bennett had been a resident of
Dallas for mauv years. He had been
employed bv the Willamette Valley
Lumber company sinco that concern, was
first, organized and was one of its most
trusted and best respected employes. He
leaves td-Jiiouru his death besides his
widow, four children, two sons and two
dauahters Arthur and htewart ami
TVTiao rwntliv Bennett, of this citv and
- "" " Mrs. Cocil Bennett of Washington.
r " j Funeral services over tho reinains of
Dance. M. B. A. ball near Chemawa 1Uc dcceagca wero held Wed'icsday aft
Sat. night.,, Thoyusualtaod., music nd prml interment taking plac in the
gooij time. , : ;." " local IX). O. F. cemetorv. 1 '
There is a dog living at 2101 Lee
street that-will be given a vacation
into thcv country for. his health and
for niorojfresh air. Jt seems that the
dog was a fine playmate for a dozen
or two children in the neighborhood,
but when, tho play got a trifle rough,
he was inclined to uitc tlie cnuureu
during the "excitement. He also was in
tho habit of greeting people who pass
ed his heme with several unfriendly
will' leave the latter part of tho Week
for the national encampment, and con
tains besides booklets showing what pro
ducts are raised in the county, other lit
erature tolling of the advantages of
fered homeseekers and farmers in the
great Willanietto -Valley.' " ;" ' ' .
9 :'
Edward P.- Brown and Warren Bart-
ges, executors oi tno oaiam ui vimum
F. Simon, have been given permission by
the court to sell all porsonal property
was not included in tho bequests of the
will. .... -.: ,'- -
Coi'.stantinoplo Tho Shah of Persia
has rnnounced he will visit the United
States within the next few months- -
Viavi, the o d honie remedy for men,
women and children, prevents opera
tions., Mrs. Poor, representative, Ma
rion hotel. " . ..
of the State of Oregon for the, County
:-; "-,- '. s -vof .Marion -i t
In 'the matter of the estate of Sam
uel R.' Baldwin, deceased. Notice to
The undersigned having been .duly
appointed by tho county court of the
state of Oregon for Marion county, ad
ministratrix of tho estate of Samuel
R. Baldwin, deceased, and haying qual
ified, notiee is hereby; given to; the
creditors of, and: all persons having
claims against, said deceased, t pre
sent the same verified as required by
law, within six months afton the first
publication of this notice, to said ad
ministratrix, at 1212 Gesco building,
Portland, Oregon. - '
Date of first publication ; Aug. 21,
Date of last publication Sept, 18,
Acfministratrix of the estate" of Sam
uel R. Baldwin, dsoeasetl. ( , .
William A. Carter
Attorney for administratrix. " 9-18
-nu T. W A T.T. WTLSON Spe-
. .:.ui ;n ha Mntiam cienimc
Application of Glasses for the aia or
vision ana tne roua ui
Hesdache. Office closed Saturdays.
Offioe 210-211 XJ. S. Bank building.
Phones, office 145; res. !.:
Call 398. Highest (rices , paid to
Junk, wcond band goods and macbi
ery. Be sure and call 398, get th rtgb
prices. Th square deal housa.
271 Cbemekets St Salem, Of.
;,'.;: cars of
f!hiese Medlelns and Tea ?
t Has medicine which will nre sny i
Open Sundays from 10 A. M.
uniil o .
153 South High St.;
I Salem, Oregon Pnono zaa
Bricfeoux Captured Near
Bend And Returned Today
To Finish Out Sentence
f Of Real Property on Fqreclosurs
. Notice is hereby given, that' by. vir
tue of an execution duly issued put of
tho circuit court of the state of Ore
gon, for-the county of Marion and to
me directed on the 24th day of July
1919, upon a judgment and decree duly
rendered, entered of record and dock
eted in and. by naid court on the 15th
uay of April, tvia, in a certain 'ii
then in said court pending, wherein
Georgo. Harvey was plaintiff and Tcx
anna Rogora and J. M. Rogers, her
husband and J. B. Ashby, were de
fendants in falvor pf- plaintiff ' and
against said defendants Texanna Bog-;
ers and J. M. Rogers' by which execu
tion I am commanded to sell the prop
erty in said execution, and heriinafter
described to pay the sum due the plain
tiff of one hundred and ninety four
and 00-100 (194.00jdollaf8, with,, in
terest thereon at the rate of ten per
cent per annum frouj the 16th day, of
September, 1918, antil paid and the
further sum of fifty five and 00-.100
($55.00) dollars attorney's foes - to
gether with the costs and disburse
ments of fid suit taxed at fourteen
To all whom it inav concern; Notice
i hereby-:given thtt the undersigned
executrix of the o,stUe of .Richard H.
iWollcr, deceased, hs this day filed her
final account in sa:d- estate and that
the honorable county court of Marion
county, Oregon, has fixed and appoint
ed Monday, September Sth, 1919, at
the hour of 10 o clock a. m.,. or saw
day at tho county court room in the
county court house, in said eounty and
state, as the tuna ana place tor tno
hearing of objections to such final ac
count and for tha settlement thereof.
Executrix of the estate of Richard
H. Woller, doeoag.& " 1 '
Dated Angust 4,;UU8 , ' i V t
Carcv F; Martin, " , 1
'"Attorney for pliintitf. 9'4
ed his heme witn several unirieumj 'pQmpton returned to the
dog barks. Playing the game h the fte fngitive and placed TTi
dogs play it, but not according to the uind tho Uta just twQ ww
latest civiliKi'd ideas, cpmpluint
Another chapter in the' variegated
i career of D. V. Brichoux came to an
,i end this noon ' when Parole Officer
the city with
m again be
eeks after his
"as , ?n. H.u flrnnn MtntA Hnoiiitnl.
made to. the city authorities and. now . Wmntotl telMrt.A thtt the orisoner
to-stiaiglitou matters oift,, the, owner HI.,r,t ,to r08isr ..;..... ami
live a lite acc.oritagj: dog-& ideals., (lBys ag0 thwe ha(1 come to the peniten
' 0 : ' itiarv officials a rumor of Brichoux '
1 west of I Remember the big dance at .Macleay.iftl"carance .i,L the"" vicinity 'of Bend
Saturday night. Real music ;by one I nud Officer Coiupton was dispatched
Salem 's best orchestras. , ; .., .- S 29 j to tne pojnti although this was only one
0 - . ' .,f fjvurpl rmnnred uiinearane.es of tho
John W. Roland, who-has . f or , so : f ugitive ir, was takun by a posse of
ilnv mid not of the dog has agreed : tp: take.- bit Out j ,., ' .
iiKlo.nii fltA nniivTiPv from
io ex,'eed ten in any seven consecutive , into the .open cmintrv,; where, fci :.a-( BeB(l) wnorc.he was apprehended. Some
days with not more tnan taree lemuie
iheasants in anv baa of ten. This re
fers to came district Xo,
the Cascade mountains.
Corporal Forest J. Walker, Co. A,
lldq. Bin. U. H. CJ. lite. Aim. thaumont
tt'Vance,' has several letters awaiting
Mm at the Salem potdoffice. The three
addressed to him traveled to his ad
dress iii 'France but when he left that
countrv, the only forwarding address
was Saiem, Oregon. But he has failed
to notifv the Salem post office offi
cials of his present address and there
fore, unless he does make, known his
address, the letters written from Los
Angeles mid Portland will finally find
their way in the. dead letter office at
Washington, D. C.
IV- nuAa-p
12 PERCENT WAUti jLnv.Mux
New York, Aug, 18.-(TJnited Press)
mu m. lnlnt. hoftra mic wuar
AllO " ia
ed a flat wago increase oi ,P'"'
for employee of traction .
fir Kast HI. JjOUIB kuu '
t.v f Cleveland. The increase it was
stated, was based on tho increased cost
of living. m ' ;
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Sarah o. Moult
cr. deceased. All .persons having claims
against the estate are hereby notified
to nroscnt the same, properly verified
dollars and costs 1 he.m""w'P'flVj!r'lat .
a d expe i'of ;UoTl wlU office of Donald W Miles attorney
1 . . i . . ,rni, hi afftnrit na mhnvn TiinTitionen. in
on Saturday the 30th' day of August,
1919, at thi) hour of ten o'clock a. m.
of said day at the finest door of the
county court house in Marion county,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on tho
day of sale, all right, title, interest
and estate which said defendants Tex
anna Rogers and J. M. Rogors, and all
persons claiming under them subse
quent to the' execution, of plaintiff's
mortgage deed, towit! September 16,
1915, in, of and to said premisis here
inbefore mentioned and described in
said execution as follows, towit:
Tract No. 1. Beginning at a point
8.82 chains south and 30.91 . chains
jonn w. ftoiano, wo-u.ioi.v fugiUve. He was taken by a posse or P"" no"tho,a,t CQrne;-0f see-
many years been in the insurance bus- fouf d tie8 at , point on Tumalo ast of thc b 1 tt? tho Wit
iness in Salem i.ported ' creek, about six nule, from Bend, the Tm ,
seriously ill it his lion u ,-4i , utn le tipa covering him with their "fl Oreimn- thenco rnnnins south 1 de
High street. However, his condition a8'he came down to the ereak t0 drink, ' un chains-8 thence south
this morning was ported as .l.ghtiy.The capture wa8 made thrmlgh tho as. f 4.71 hain. ttonso
better. -; '- ..- ' . - - sistance of Mrs. M. Kecney, the witei n degreeg and 84 millutci wett 43.62
n , 1Tri,p of a former Prtlar'd n,a1 t0 w,'om. he , chains to a stake; thence north 8 de-
STATF HlillSh NEWS !had -lPlied for aid- Brichoux at firs' eRst 29 m ehains. thence north
pi AlliUVIUJiinLiUJ ; attemptcd to bluff the officers as to g f2 chai to a gtake thenco south
his identity, but was presentea witn a S9 degr0es 43 minutes cast-41.51 ehains
the City, ef Salem, Marion eounty, Ore1
gon, at room 304 umtea atutes ia-
tionat (bank ibuUdTOg, withui six
months of the date of the first publi
cation of this notice. The first publi
cation of this notico is made this 31st
day of July, 1919. .
'' . Administrator,
Donald W; Miles.
Attornev for- tho administrator.. 8-28
The -.goVC-Mior's 'office has received picture in tie hands of Officer Comp
a communication from ,T. 3i. Burgess ot ton ceonjing to his story, he had
Pilot Koek, ,in which he expresses his 1)een robbed and deserted by his two
honor conferred
j" Allen state Big cmb leader and 'i him in his flppointnient to the of
, J. Alien, si-"' i"8 -"'" ;,.-f j,rK-nv poinnnssiuner to sac-
W. L. Smith, formerly county -, "". ; jTholnp9011 f andleton. In ,
isor, this morning wem i .'"' .,. f the 'letter he savs: :"1 will
institution tor the feeble mind- "'."V iB that
to 4,,A.i ni. A number of pig croo i" - . ., ..j " ...ui,
1 mav bo nuie io mi iur ywuimn r.....
companions, the Smithwick brothers.
been Qualifying for
judges went with them to try their
hands at judging. -
The case of Marie Shelton against
Mr. and Mis. Llovd Weeks, in which
Mrs. yhelton seeks to secure possession
of her 11 vear old daughter, occupied
the time of Jndge Kelly until a late
hour last evening, viiin an inr i
offered as to warmer
honor to yourself and credit to the
state. This appointment was qune u
surprise to me, as I did not expert it
and in fart, did not want the position.
I appreciate however, the confidence
vou have placed in me bv tendering
one of the most important appoint
ments under your jurisdiction.".
to the .place of beginning, containing
183 acres more or less. ',
Tract No. 2. Also commencing at a
point 17.43 chains south 20.83 chains
east of the northwest corner of the
southwest quarter of section 1ft T. 8 8.
R. 1 west of the Willamette meridian
in Marion comity, Oregon; thence west
42.60 chains: thence north .. chRiits;
nnr.'it., .Tnni'tinl ftnniMnl Rervire.1
' Dallas, Or., Aug. 28.rAt a meeting of thec f",h, V 3i minutes
a number of interested members of the
Modem Woodmen of America held m
the Knights, of Pythias hall last night
steps were taken for the, organizatioT
of a lodge of the order in this eity. i
f!..r..a 1. f'.nrfti ni u)i'm. district or-1
gauizer for the Modern Woodmen, was
present and assisted in getting matters
u shape for the formation of a lodge
We will pay you more cash for yoa
, household goods. Get our bid bef or
you sell. People Furaitur and Bard
ware Store, 271 N. Com. St. PhoM :
73.'. - ' '.-" '-- -
shoes and suits, all kinds of -
1 instruments, ahotgunt, rif lei, a
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases
1000 other ifiefnl articles to sell 4 .
trade. What have yout The tapital
Exchange 337 Court St, Phono 4W
- W. T." RIGDON ft CO
252 North High Stroot
-i- -i- -
Cauital Journal
Daily Market Report
Wheat, softiwhito No. 1 w-
Feed oats
Milline oats
Hay, cheat, new
Hay, oats, new ...
Mill run
, ..8C
.;. eic
YOUR used furniture, otoves, oarpot
and tools, as we pay fair prieet
everything. Call 947 .
. , TUBE 00.
285 N. Com! St.
I RENOVATE, block and trim ladioft
and men's hats at ivti pnw, -
bettor workj material is scarce at
are exjienaive, what's the anaworl
C. B. Ellsworth, 495 Court St.,
'lem, Or. :. ; ' ':
60 years experience, Depot Aavoaai
and American fence. , :
Sizes 29 to 58 in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, t.
Lejraniberry and hop 'hook-.
Salon; Fence and StOTf JRoika,
250 Court stroet, Phoaa 124..,
Knttartat i
n. "- t.ut.nr --
r-oit, - inn
. . Jt A, "
fort on iuok
Veal, fancy
Steers , -" R&fLtC
1 fin
Spring lambs ...v.......-"- ""'."'i'fflSe
.i 7o
refuse of all kinds rflrtoved on moat
ly contracts at reasonable rata ,
Cess pools cleaned. Bead ninalt T
moved. Office phona Main 167. -
On Good Real ' Est at floeurity X
Over Ladd & Bush bank; Salsm .Orofoa) ,
The new volume of road laws of j
the mother was. fit P--- Z V' bei.V VVoX' of Dallas cities
1-er daughter, and t ie home tribllt(.rt bv Deputy Secretary Kozer. affiIia,ed with tho Modern
Wool,: taf m" le i Aee will The book compriw. 270 J many of them belonging to
be hat of snbinitthig to the court tains al the stati cs pe a, n, oW ar C,11X,0U1
written briefs. 'Within five days Mr. ways br, dg . ml ten A " "Ij,, haC a ,0(lse started here So that
flli'V (-,11 U hli;uu im
and Mrs. Weeks through their attor
nevs will submit a brief and Mrs. ue -ton,
through her attorney will then sub
mil a, brief in her behalf. Then the
matter will be taken under advisement
by Judge Kelly.
Wo wt'h horehr tn extend our sin
cere tharilfs to the mauv friends who j
a h-H'"""1'" . Sltuf V' a .miwin nma.lt. will be start
nilat on is much nicreaseu m o"--- " .. , r , t, t
conr will be placed in the hands of all ed immediately and after a number of
road supervisors-throughotit the state, (candidates hr.ve been secured a degree
. . j team from the capital city lodge win be
Notwithstanding the recent opinion brought here to put on the work .
. i, attornev general that the state ' '
It Oregon has" aSthorit v to forbid the DALLAS MAN TO BOOST FOR
li ,,f f 1,1 fish taken outside the Co ! OREGON AT G. A. R. MSET
cere thanks to the mauv irienus ,u , - - con,ravention 0f regu- '
ottered kindly assistance iu ,",.-, the mlmm packers of Astoria , (Capltai Journal. Special Service.)
east 43.02 chains to the place of be
ginning, containing 20 acres of land
in Marion county. Oregon.
Tract No. Also beginning at the
southwest corner of Wm. Morley's'.D.
L. C. in T. 8 S. B. 1 west of the Wil
lamette meridian in Marion county,
Oregon; running thence west 52 rodsj
and 14 feet; thenco south 37 roas ana!
12 feet; thence cast 52 rodd and 14
feet; thence north 37 rods and 12 feet
to the place of beginning, containing
12 1-11 acres more or loss.
Tract No. 4. Also beginning at the
southwest corner of Wm. Morley's and
Margaret Morloy 's D. L. C. T. 8 8. U.
1 west of the Willamette meridian, Ma
rion , county, Oregon, running thence
south' 37 rods to tho north line of
the D. L. C. of Davie Simpson in said
township; thence east 15 rods; thence
in a northwesterly direction to the
place of beginning, containing-, one
aero more or less. "
Tract No. 5. Also beginning at the
northwest corner of the portion of the !
10 acres blac) loam, all cultivated, at
school, 3 miles Salem; ?;H)U.
137 acres ZVi miles McCoy, so clear
ed, running water, stock barn, good
pasture: onlv $nu per acre.
24 acres good valley sou, 10 cleared,
10 ucres vouug prunes and logans
buildings; stock and equipment goes
at $7000.
40 acres 2 miles Woodburn; trade
equity for Sulem residence or acreage
close in. -
2 acres mile city limits, good soil,
buildings, family orchard; price $2,-
000. . '
. 240 acros, 15,5 cleared, good buldings,
silo, spring water, close to Oak Orovc;
price $22,000. . '
36 acres red hill soil, IS acres fruit,
build'ugs, spring; 7 miles Balcm;
103 acre ilairy and grain farm, on
rock road, 4 miles tSalein, fino build
ings, silOi only $20,000.
100 acres in Lake county to trade
for house in Halem.
40 acres best valley loam, 30 cleared,
7 room house, barn, rock road, 8 miles
City liirlits; only $200 per acre.
-love into 6 room furnished house
for $1500. :- ;
15 acres 4 miles Airmsvilie, all
cleared, familv orchard. t'A ' acres
strawberries, buildings, V mile school;
$1900 with stock and equipment.
383 acre hill dairy, 340 acres clcarca,
Qk..n vnnrlinSB
. 42c
Eggs, cash 2224c,
Old roosters
Heavy Springs -
New potatoes - -
Green onions dox
Onions, per a -
Celery doz
Tomatoes -
Lemons, box
... 90c
.. 7."icfi 1
...1 3-4c
.i. 9Vi
cent interest. Prompt oervico. Wt ;
years time. Federal farm loan bond
for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Maw
sonic Toniple. Salem, Oregon.
3 3-4c
- 60c
Ecus 'dozen
Creamery butter
Country butter
Honor, enrasvou $2.75$3.25
riitcloupcs .. .
Buncb beets .
Head tettuce 45c
carrots .
Retail jriiuoo,
" 00c
-t ir'l or.
i 1 wheat au.iuvsi-"-
i.....iu..,l. Or.. Auit. 28,-Butter, city
creamery fi062c .
Eggs selected local ex
Hens 22o 28c
Broilers 2.i(i2Cc
Cheese, triplets 30-8c
Receipts 30 .
Tone of market toBdyj.inin"rn
Good to ehoiW steer. , 010.-0
Fair to good steer. 7-5!i5"
xnnra 7uD7.50
formation about Lire jnsuranio m
J. F. HuteHason, dist. manager 1
tho Mutual Life of N. T., offloo ,
871 State St., 'Salem, Oro. Offla
phone 99, -residence 1396. ' w.
1255 N
Our Prices are Right
M. ZANDLER, Proprietor
Summer Streot, Salom, Ueeg
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Walter tenon, C. O., P.
Kuntz, K. R. k 8.
ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore
gon Grapo camp No. 1380 meet every
Thursday evening in McCornaek haB
Elevator scvico. Oracle, Mrs. Cmf
rie E. Burnt, 648 Union St; roeo
der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 14U
4th' St. Phono 1436M. -
good bouse, dairy Barn, spring water, 477.50
3-4 mile school and station; only $100 Medium
per aero.
10 acres all cleared, 3 acres logans,
red shot soil, pood house and barn, 4
miles Salem; goes equipped at $3500.
11.71 acres red hill soil, slightly roll
ing, family orchard, buildings, 8-4 mile
school: our 3j(I0. .
r . . ,.t..
10 acres m iruit, logans ana encr
D. L. C. of David Simpwin and wifelrics, close fo Salem; $4200. A good buy.
room Dungaiow witn uasviiit'iii.
tflaim No. 58 in T. 8 8. fi. 1 west of
lit I m.-k uti.i 1 . . , , ,
propose to bring a test case in court, Ao(p .ched by the ! otte merunan r, on conn-
? demonstrate whether i J.. wjth n i- Commerei,, lul B Lovelace, t ffZtt
the 3nnsd.et.0n of the s The ma.n o g Grajlts Pofl. G A E ,h ,andg f j Hum.
point in th' ae'.on of JPt'"s " 'of this city, who will attend the national h aud w. 8.. Taylor 14 rods;
that the effectiveness of J0"r'f . eonwntioa at Columbus, Ohio, will ear-jfhonce east 70 rods; thence north ll
law depended I'ou tne J w.shin-ton ' rr with him to the convention litercturc I rods, thence cast 70 rod. to the place
similar law by the state of ""' advertising Oregon arid especially Polk J of beginning, containing six acre,
which was not done. . u.i'MtT of the atate. .more or less. 1
I 1 Wash with wealt sola
I r tion of bluo atono c
lima water, dry thor
oughly, follow with light appli
cation of
tinnilv for man woikinz at oil tanks;
$1500. $100 down,' balance on install
ments. ' ,
For BTOT BT'YS see :' '" .
341 State. . ; . , " Phone 970
Choice to good
to good cows
and heifer
Can ners .(
Bulls 0C.7
Calves 10(slpw
Hogl. .
Receipts 118
Tunc of market weak
Prime mixed 2l.)fn-22
Medium mixed .2 1 fl ..uO
-Hough heuMes $HMff,Z -
. ls, U.H(b 21.50 .
, Bulk 21.50 32
Receipts 234 4 ; -
Tono of market steady
Primn lambs $12.50i l3
Fair to medium lambs $11.3012.50
bly No. 84 meets first TBurnv
m. in Masons
ites. M. A.: O. A.
Vibbert, secretury, 340 Owens streot..
each month at 8 p.
Tonvplc. Glenn C. Nil
Oregon Cedar Cainn- Jto. oo,me
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ,
in McCornack building Court and
Liberty streets. W. M. Persona, V.
C; Frank A. Turner, clerk.
corner Commercial and Trade street
Bills payable monthly In advance.
")ifo 606. '
Out of 60 students in tho P""f
department of tho University of Wash
ington this year 30 are somen.
To replace the old buildina rocaatrj
burned, the school district ofe Empire,
in Coos county, has voted fundi M
$12,000. :
Yearlings $"C 8.60
Wethers VMh
Ewes A5IS7.50
Keep Them Home $$$
- - .! . . ' . . . .. , ' . . . . I T.a.1 Kn A Alan hAfflnmnv t thtt
Keep Them Home!