Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 28, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Advertisement : -In
this week's - '."..
Saturday Evening Post
Is a reminder that ARMCO IRON
.. is used in the construction of
'- - - J
coil. wood. Jfc
Resista Rust.'
It really doubles
the life of a Gas
Aide to see the
Wedge wood
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.
Tne Best Plaster
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain '9 Liniment and bound on
ever the seat of pain it often more ef
fectual for a lame back than a plnstor
lend does not cost anything like as
, outing party composed of Dr. M.
XX Findlev and two sons, W. H. Trin-
die, W. C. Winslow, Walter 8pauldingj
.nil unas. Vick will leave tomorrow
with complete camp outfit, guns and
fishing tackle, for a sojourn of sev
eral weeks in the wilds of the upper
Horllck'Sth Original
. Malted Milk. Avoid
Imitations and Substitutes.
Umpqua. Tho party will be joined lat
er by Judge Bingham and O. B. Ging
rich. The results of thi trip will be
watched with interest for the ques
tion 1s at issue as to whether the pon
derosity of tho professionals, the ora
tory f Winslow. the trrand oner'a of
Gingrich or the salesmanship of Vick troitj. (Pittsburg, Milwaukee, Trenton,
ill : I .1. I 1 . ' I m-.il 11 n 1 n 11 .1 nfA. AA U- Ifl.mn .it.
: society :
OLOOTT x eturned yesterday
from Salt Lake city, Utah,
where the former has been attending
the -national governors convention. The.
session this year was one of the moat
important cveifheld, many vital sub"
jects "having been discussed, and some
important resolutions adopted. At the
conclusion of the business sessions, the
executives and their wives-were gnests
of the state during a tour of Yellow
stone National park. t ..
V ? .
Mrs. Charles K. Fisher returned last
evening, from an extended ' visit in
Portland.;; - ;;. ,. . - .
' ::. v '"X'C ,''!' '?' v :
Mrs, .Toll n Roberts and two children,
Mildred and' Helen, and Robert Bishop
left yesterday: for an outing at Agate
BeatA... During,, their stay at the, resort
they will 'tie domiciled at the Roberts
cottage.-. - -. ' . . . , ' i
.. A ; ' " ; "
Salem- friends were welcoming Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Metsehan of Portland,
who stopped in the capital -city yester
day for a ;brief visit while en route to
Agate beach for a two Weeks outing.
Mis. I. 15. Myers and son L. N. My
ers, are entertaining, one of their for
mer neighbors of Wisconsin Mrs. Lil
lian Hunt, now of the Red Cross head
quartern in Spokane, Washington, who
is spending her vacation with them at
their residence in tho C. R. Gregg
homo, 2270 Mill street.
Twonty Polish girls, members of the
Polish Grey (Samaritan unit, which has
Been trained in this country By the x,
W. C A. to fit sirlg of Polish birth or
parentage to do reconstruction work
in their own country, have sailed for
Warsaw as the advance guard of a
large eroup which will be sent if funds
for transportation can. be provided by
tho iotiBh reconstruction committee.
The unit was made tip of girls from
t, LOuis, 'Rochester, Hew York, JJe
Gives Comfort to
J&pectant Mothers
By making lattic (he tnutcks, during
the anxious months before maternity.
Hathar Friend renders the ligaments
pliant for expansion as the system Is
preparing for the coining event. How
natural then that the new dawn is
looked to in happy - anticipation.
Mother'a Friend Is wed extemoilj.
' 'At aH Druggists. .
Spcclml BooUet on MotlMffcood mi Baby ftec
Bm4fiMItanaMovC, Dpi.F-6,Atlnta.G.
throats tor holding . the attention of
buck deer. While the - other mem'bers.
of the party expect to return in a few
weeks, lr( Findley will be out of town
until after the first of October, as he
expects to take another trip later with
his family. ;
lliicago None of them weighed' 2,
000 pounds but what' we started out
to say was, 671 Tons attended the an
nual reunion of the Ton family here.
ieg where Polish Grey Samaritans have
been trained at the local Y. W. c. A's.
Four counsellors, Martha Chickering,
Los Angeles, California; Emily Grace,
Baltimore, Maryland; Frances West,
Chattanooga. Tennessee, and Stephanie
ivoslowska, -New Xork city, accompan
ied the unit which will proceed from
Lo Havre, the land port, to tParis and
thence to Warsaw, where they will be
gnests of Madame Paderewski. wife of
the famous pianist, Ienace Paderewski,
now president of Poland.. A hotel has
We Vouch for Them
Of all the tires that are tnade,
why do you suppose we
prefer to sell United States
Because they are made by
the biggest rubber company
in the world. And they know
how to build good tires.
They have choice of ma
terials, they have immense
facilities, they employ many
exclusive methods.
They can go to greater
lengths in testing, improving
and perfecting the things that
make good tires.
We find it good business to
sell United StatesTires.
And you will find it good
business to buy them. They
are here-a tire for every need.
been- taken over as headquarters for
the Polish Grey Bamaritans, who have
been trained in social' work, first aid,
home nursing and elementary dietetic.
After a pleasurable - outins of two
wceKs duration, Captain and Mrs. W.
D. Clarke, and two small children,
lioris and Robert, hove returned from
Newport. . : ,
Mrs. Leo Schmidt and two children
are the guests of friends in Portland.
... - .
Mr. and Mrs. C. W Dyer and chil
dren are home from a delightful out
ing at Newport. :
Mrs. C A.,;Dotson of Portland, ac
companied by her small daughter, is a
guest at the u. s. iiotson home, 1UOS
Union street. She plans to - remain a
ween. .
. Miss Lucille' Saunders of Portland
was a capital city visitor Monday and
Tuesday. Miss Saunders who was for
merly connected with the Statesman.
i Mir employed on the Oregonian.
C. B.i Ctoney'the. man who designed
the Cherrian float which won first
prize in one of the Rose Festival pa
rades, is at the (Seward. Mr. Clancy
has a florist shop in (Salem and in
cidentally has charge of the floral ex
hibits at the state fair. He is an active
commercial club member and every
time a committee-is wanted to accom
plish some difficult undertaking, the
chances are .pretty strong that some
one will nominate the- flower fancier
as chairman. Portland Oregonian.
- .
Dr. Mary iBowerman-rurvine is
spending the week at iCcdai -Crest farm
near. Portland,-' during the- absence of
ur. and Mrs Frine. - .
Miss Frances: ffSehards, dean of wo
mei at Willametftt' university, i spend
ing a two weeks holiday at Manhattan
beach. t . r,
Miss Elsie Dorsey of this city leaves
tomorrow for her former home in V11
ginia. While here in Salem Miss Dor-
sey has beon very active in church
work. She is a member of the Leslie M,
E. .church. Under the direction of the
Bpwarth League the church will give
Miss Dorscy a farewell gathering in
the basement of the church at eight
o'clock this evening. Miss Dorscy has
made many friends in Salem and it is
with regrot that, they .learn ot neT ae
parture. "
utnm uvvuu nunv
The latost in the series of changes in
and about the state house occurred yes
terday when State Printer A. W. Law
rence, who has suprevised the public
printing since 1915, presented his resig
nation to the board yesterday afternoon,
to become effective within two weeks.
No reason is assigned for the action
other than the statement that he eon
templates going into the printing busi
ness on his own account, having pur
chased a plant at Corvallin. The resig
nation was accepted and the Vacancy
promptly filled by the appointment of
H. 8. Bosshard, who has stood tecond
to Mr. Lawrence in the state printing
office during his administration of the
office ,and is therefore thoroughly com
petent to take up the work. The posi
tion carries ti salary of $2400. .
Governor Olcott pulled something like
a blush of embarrassment ycsicrAny
when ho found himself in reeeipt of a
United States Tires
arc Good Tires
We bow United States Tires Are GOOD fires-THATS
Oscar B. Gingrich Motor & Tire Co.
G. G. Quackenbush
Salem Vulcanizing Works, (W. XL Hughes)
Lilly Hardware Company, Stayton.
A. L. Bones, Turner, Oregon. .
C. G. Miller, Jefferson, Oregon.
W. J. Pierson & Son, Marion, Oregon.
RickreaU Trading Co., A. R. Cadle, Rickreall, Oi-e.
When is tho time to buy jew
. elry We certainly say, when
there's such a store as this at
jour elbow. For who ever jets 4
Z too mueh of it!
T And there's magie in every
X piece of jewelry, in 'every watch, T
in every diamond we show.
- An unceasing effort to pro
duce the cleverest stock makes
this store always unique, always
brimful and overflowing with
new surprises seldom equalled.
Hartman Bros. Co.
Jewelers and Optometrists
Salem, Oregon
MMiHftriwA n Economical, Delightful, Light Place t o Tradea
We Will Be Located
In Our New Quarters
September 1. i
' We are busy this week moving our stock from its present
1 location at 416 State Street to our fine new 'store at 466-;
474 State street. - " 1 " '
Our new quarters are commodious, light and fitted up in;
a strictly modern manner. We are receiving large quan
tities of new goods and the stock will be comlepte in
- every way, ... . ,.; - '
' , We have established a reputation for offering the pub.-.
. lie the best quality goods at reasonable price and we wish
to inform the public that in our new store we will be bet-.
ter equipped than ever to render the best possible service
to our customers.
. You are invited to visit our new store where you will find.
' a modern merchandising establishment and a large stock
of strictly first quality merchandise . '
New Location
State Street
- Salem's
: Exceptional
bunch of telegrams from prominent wo
man suffrage .workers congratulating
him upon his action at Salt Lake, in
agreeing with eight other western gov
ernors to call special sessions of the leg
islatures at once for the purpose of rati
fying the national suffrage amendment.
In appears that while & conference of
governor was held and such an agree
ment made, Mr. Olcott was not present
at the meeting and knew nothing of the
matter until he saw s report of it in the
Salt Lake papers. He hastens to make
public a statement expressing, his regret
that such a report got into print, and
reiterating his determination to adhere
te the policy of calling a special session
only on the conditions which h? has laid
down in the past. .
Elizabeth Efelly, connected with the
navy department at Tacoma, has recent
ly addressed a communication to Deputy
Secretary Kozcr' asking information
witn. regard to the operation of the Oro-
gon soldiers' aid law. She was furnish'
ed with, a, synopsis of the various ap
propriation laws, and in acknowledging
reeeipt she expresses the highest com
mendation of the state of Oregon for
its policy in this regard, and goes on to
say that if all the states had adopted
the same generous policy there would be
less danger in the country-from bolsho-
vism and I. W. W. outbreaks.
One of the peculiar cases thnt illus
trate a particular trend of human na
ture eame np to the industrial accident
commission recently and again impress
ed upon the claims department of than
body that they need to be on the alert
to protect the interests of the state. A
certain shipyard worker in Portland put
iu a claim for injuries to one of nis
eyes, alleged to have been caused by r.n
accident in the yards. On making an
examination the specialist found that
the organ was defective from what ap
peared to be natural-causes. On investi
gation it was learned from a former em
ployer and also from a nurse at tho hos
pital that the eye had been defective
previous to hij employment in the ship
yard. On the strength of this testimony
his claim for $850 was denied.
The office, of secretary of state has
certified the issue of $400,000 in bonds
for the Warm Springs irrigation dis
trict, in accordance with the amended
law of 1919, .whereby such bonds ar
virtually guaranteed by- the state and
made available for bond companies, snd
other purchasers of securities.; This
district lias, previously issued' ubnds to
the amount of $730,000 for construction
of its project, which is located in Mal
heur county and comprises 30,000 aeres
of laud. This project is in charge of
John H. Lewis, former state enginoor.
Although not so fully attended ss
might have been desired, tho confer
ence of governors at Salt Lake tity re
suited in 'organization work and agree
ments that are of the highest import
ance in the opinion of Governor Olcott
who returned to his office yesterday aft
er an absence of two weeks. Prominent.
among the actions of the conference
was the formation of a league of the-
public land states with a view to facili
tating tho settlement of such lands, .
aad to secure the allotment of such lands
to the several states. Aside from the
business phases, the visit of the gov
ernor in the Mormon stronghold was an
interesting one through the courtesies
extended. On tho return trip Mr. and
Mrs. Olcott joined the group of govern
ors in a tour of Yellowstone Tark. Al
though enjoying. tho trip immensely the
couple wore well pleased to got back
into the green of the Willamette valloy,
for the greater part' 'of the country cast
of the Cascade- shows disastrous effects
of the heat and drouth. ' "
Used for 70 Years
Thru its use .Grandmother's
youthful appearance - has
remained until youth has
become but a memory.
1 he soft, retmed, pearly
white appearance it
renders leaves the toy
ot iieauty with you
tor many
years. J
if' i
f k ! ' kSl h t !''p k :jv
ik X i t I! $ 1 w M Wit V jn"5 -r""4!" - "A
W ft D J fM I W&JSAsf&iJl
'r "iiZffii A I ft Tf a'-ft?- f.lt w '.-';'
( -'ill mm$e&&&- I
..laK.i'tlll -iiiti'i Mill
l it )
1 " .J'
tl'.'IMI i' I I iH'l ("" " I
jjm umnmi uiliilliiimuii ,) (r
SAY, youll have a streak of smokeluck thatll
put pep-in-jrour-smokemotor, all right, if you'll
ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and
nail some Prince Albert for packing!
Just between ourselves, you
never will wise-up to high-spot-moke-joy
until you can call a pipe
by its first name, then, to hit the
peak-of-pleasure you land square
on that two-fisterj-man-tobacco,
Prince Albert!
. Well, sir, youTl be so all-fired
happy youH want to get a photo
graph of yourself breezing up the
pike with your smokethrottle wide
open! Talk about smoke-sport!
Quality makes Prince Albert so
appealing all along the smoke line. -Men
who never before could
smoke a pipe and men who've
smoked pipes for years all testify
to the delight it hands out! IP. A.
can't bite or parch! Both are
cut out by our exclusive patented
-process 1
i"' MP umt
Right now while the going's
good yon gel out your old jimmy
pipe or the papers and land on
ome P. A. for what ails yoar
particular atnokeappetite I,
imm ni nil fmta