Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 27, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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iUw per word New Today:
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The Capital Journal will not be re
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lor erron in -Classified Advertisements
Bead your adverti&earent the first day
it appears and notify us immediately if
rror oeeurs.
Minimum -charge, 1S&
IY)R BALE Small Dies. weeks old.
F. J. Wolf. Rt. 9, box 13. 8 28
OARAGE and barn for rent. -1159 N.
Commercial. 8-29
FOR SALE Folding baby go-cart.
1519 N. Liberty.
i NEW. Superior ' 120-eg'g incubator.
1310 N. Summer. - 8-29
TWELVE A-l White Wyandotte pul
lets for sale. 1310 N. Summer. 8-29'
.FOR SALE 'Ladv's new bicycle very
reasonable. 1475 N. 4th St. 8-29
TOR SALE Reasonable, new 6 room
bungalow. 1475 N. 4th St. 9-2
liA,RGE front" room for rent, nitb
.board. 461 N. High. - tf
WANTED Married man for ranch,
permanent job. Geo. L. Rose. 8-27
FOR SALE Or trade light spring wa-
son for good ' horse. Phone 1891W
r -GOOD team for sale, -with steady job.
696 Trade St. . : . - , 8-27
WANTED irl for house work, no
cooking. 461 N. High. Phone 1627. tf
FURNISHED sleeping rooms for rent.
At 749 N. Com'l. tf
WANTED Cattle and calves, any
kind. Phone 1576W. 9-5
OBAVENSTEIN i-pples 7oc per box,
delivered. Phone SOFli.- tf
H. BEAVER well drilleT. Phone 827J.
1165 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 9-9
JX3R the best shoe repairing, go 'to N.
Brneck, 163.8. Com'l St. 9-13
TVILL sell a nice piano for $150. Call
- at 519 Court street afternoons. 8-28
PEACHES Early and late Crawfords
and Tuscan clins for canning. Phone
1700. tf
WANTED To rent or buy second
hand drag saw in good repair. Phone
' 754 evenings or call 500 N. Capitol.
. - . ,8-30
WANTED Good automobile for Sa
lem residence or close in aercage.
Ihnno 1481R. 8-27
FOR SAiLE Cheap, 2 horses, will ex
change for anything useful. 2500
Fairground road. 8-27
NOTICE For those that are registered
to pick hops at J. A. Krebs will
tft nickinff Fridav. 29th. 8-28
- r a v '
WOMAN wanted for general house
work. Mrs. F. G. Hale, 1190 S. 14.
Phone 1629W. 8-27
FOR hauling and trues work try the
Farmers Transfer truck, phono 160S
' J, 1170 N. 15th St. A. H. Bieder
man. "
HOR SALE A moJern house ready to
move into. Comm and look it over.
615 S. 12th St. F. A. Erixon. tf
WANTBD For slftsh, a modern bun
iralnw bv Oct. 1st. Mrs. L R care
FOR dress making see Mrs. A. H. Bie
' derman, 1170 N. 15th St. Phone
1608J. '.- ; -4
WANTED To rent 5 to 7 room mod
ern house possession on or betore
Nov. 1st. Df. Fred Ellis.
WE make the best power prune dippers.
Salem Mfg Co., 1390 a. front t. u
JAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone
T04. .
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner, auctioneef,
' Why not get himt tf
flOVERNMENT loans at 5 percent.
' W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com
awre. tf
DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best
made; beautiful new colors. Bureut
OomT St. tf
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
nnward. Buren 's furniture Btore.
1TV Commercial.
' FOR SALE Cheap, 5 room house, two
lots, plenty fruit; no Incumbrance.
fknt 139.1. -
314 Masonic Bldg Salem Ore,
MODERN 5 room cottage for sale. In
quire 1135 Waller. 8-29
FOR RENT Five room house, modern
except furnace. Phone 2442. 8-27
6-HOLE RANGE for sale. Inquire 175
S. 19th. 8-28
BARGAIN 5 room house, good condi
tion, $700. Wood, Bayne bldg. 8-28
FRESH Jersey cow for Bale. Farmers
Feed barn, 160 S. High. . , 8-28
FOR RENT jFurnislicd 8 room mod
era house: will sell furniture. 1740
Court. 8-28
;fob SALE Or rent, 4 roam house ou
earline. Inquire F. Barber. 642 N.
liioerty. . ,
WANTED For cash, one 5 to 7 room
house South loth street to 20th.
(Enquire at 265 South 18th. 9-1.
WHITE Leghorn roosteTS, Royal Tan-
cred strain for sale, 3 months old,
$1.50. A. E. Allen, Rt. 4, feox 112C.
: - -; :; - 8-30
WANTED Triiy and dining room
girl at Willamette ganitorium; must
bo over 20. 754 Ferrv St. tf
W ACTED A fresh milk Cow, must
.be first class. Will pay the top price
for the right kind. Address Box 62,
Salem. 8-28
FOR SALE Good oats and vetch hay,
baled. At ranch .on Howell ,praine.
Price $17 per ton. Address box 62,
Salem. '
ROOM furnished house at 679 N.
High for rent for 6 months. 8-27
PEACHES and pears, 1 mile ' from
bridge on Wallace road. .Phone obi
12, Moses i. Adams. 9-1
GOOD BUY 5 acre tract all in orch
ard, good buildings, fine location,
$2850. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 8-26
FOR SALE Amorican Radiator Co.
water heater, new. Phone 112F3, W.
T. Pray. 8-27.
CANNING peaches, all varieties, brihg
boxes, half mile from end or Bridge
on Wallace road. The Imlah fruit
farm. Phone 52F11. 9-4
WANTED To lease a 5 or 10 acre
tract- with chicken houses for 500
to 1000 chickens. Bt. 6, box 22, J. E.
Krrkpatrick. 9-26
WE have two bargains in good used
pianos, one for $150, the other for
$225, Our prices are always lower
then elsewhere, easy terms. The Wi
ley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. 8-28
52 ACRES improved farm to trade for
larger acreage. C. A. Boling, Rt. 6,
box 36A. :Fhone iWJrzi. v i
WANTED To rent 5 or 6 room house
close in, prefer one with garage. Ad
dress V B care Journal. ' tf
EXPERIENCED man warts to rent
prune orchard nnl bcives. 330 Di
vision St. 9-14
WANTED Party who wishes to run
a boarding house during hop pick-
nisr time, concession free; yard em
ploying 300 pickers. Inquire Adolph
dear store. tf
PEACHES for sale, Crawfords and El
bertas, 1 miles from bridge on
Wallace road. Phone 56F13. C. C,
Chaffee. 9-16
WANTED Modern honf, responsible
party, no children; will lease for 6
months or year. A x , care Journ
al. tf
APPLES-Choico apples wanted, any
Quantity, must be free or any dis
easo or worms; no culls wanted.
Phone 10. 9-20
FOR TRADE One lot and two resi
dences, close in and of security $1,
600 fo farm; will pay difference.
Apply 469 State St. tf
WILL pay half casn on house, bunga
low style preferred. Well located.
Possession 15 days. L. B. eara Journ-
G. SATTERLEE, Office 215-216 Mason
ie bldg. Phone 1211, 1000. Real estate
and stock sales.
FOR SALE Nine room houM, large lot
modern conveniences, double garage
close in, on street ear line and paved
street. G L care Journal. tf
NURSERY STOCK Italian prunes,
grafted walnuts and all other kinds
of nursery stock for fall delivery.
Also a second hanfl Maxweld euto
will trade for a good team. Brooks
Nursery, Lafayette, Or. 8-28
WHEN in need of a carpenter for new
or repair work call S0F2 after p.
m. 1 5 .:. 8-30
FOR SALE Or .exchange well improv
ed 160 acre valley farm; terms to,
suit. R B care Journal. 8-28
WOOD SAWED Sproed boys will saw
your wood. Phone lbisw, can eve
nings. 92
FOR SALE Remington typewriter.
Call Miller Bevier, 775 N. Cottage.
v 8-28
$2500 WANTED on first class Salem
residence, 6 percent interest. C. W.
Niemeyer, Masonic bldg. 8-29
FOUND Pair of boy's trousers near
Electric Machine & .engineering co.
175 S. Com'l. 8-28
BOY, sixteen.wnnts job driving deliv
ery car, Oall 'between to ana
7. o-2o
WANTED A family to help during
iprune harvest. Write or phone J. u.
Alexander, Bt. 4, Salem. 8-27
WANTED Housekeeper for about 10
persons; no children or washing. Ad
dress box 45 Gervais. Rt. 2, phone
3F11. - 8-29
FOR SALE 1913 model Maxwell,
passenger, 4 good new tires. Cash
$225. Inquire Cherry City feed barns
HAvE YOU A GOOD FARM for rentt
Do you want a good man to run it
Best of reference. Phone 5SF13. Ward
C. Russell, Gervais, Rt. 2. , 8-29
ORDER canning peaches now, early
Crawfords are ready. Call 524, U,
W. Gibson, box 13, Wallace road,
BEACHES for canning. Come to orch
ard and bring boxes. Phone 4D 2, m.
8, end of river road pavement. G,
W. Weeks. - 9-5
A-l STENOGRAPHER wants perma-
anent position with responsible par
ty. Six years . experience legal ' and
other work. Efficient, reliable, best
references; Address S S care Jour
nal. - 8-30
FOR SALE ' heap, house at 780 N,
Cottage St., also lot 12, block 17 in
Yew Park. Write Mrs. J. Knapp, Bt.
5, Aurora, Or. 9-20
FOR SALE 6 room modern house at
1245 North Cottage street Full base
ment, furnace heat, fruit, berries,
etc. Phone 1671J. tf
FOR SALE Or trade for good Salem
residence, 100 acres me prune prop
osition; 5 acres improved, close in
fine road. G. F. Booth, 416 Masonic
.bldg. tf
FOR SALE Or trade, nine .room mod
ern house on paved street, full ee
ment basement, three large lots, all
kinds fruit and berries. Call at 1936
N. Commercial St. 8-30
WOOD to sell on rock road 2 miles
south of the feeble minded institute
on William & Donison place, $4.50
per cord. Boatwnght, Turner, Or,
FOR SALE Well improved 40 acre
farm near Mill City, will accept as
part payment, a small homo in Sa
lem. H. E. Boliuger, 328 Hubbard
bldg. - tf
SELL FOR US We have choico trees
of varieties greatly in demand now
Liberal commission with cash ad
vance. Secure copy of contract at
once. Salem Nursery company, 1030
Chcmekcta St., Salem, Or. 9-16
HOP pickers wanteff, will furnish tents
or will allow $2.50 if you furnish
own tent; free transportation from
station to yard and return. Pay $1.20
per hundred. Phone S9F11. Orey
Bishop. tf
HOME for sale 8 room house, hot wa
ter heat and every convenience, all
kinds of fruit, gard-m and berries.
One acre on paved streets near car-
line. Beautiful grounds, for limited
tune prico on reasonable terms.
Phone owner 2440 or call 1805 Ma:
ket St. tf
I WANT houses to sell. While I claim
the best list in the city bar none
"I want more. " I have the buyers, j
For the next sixty days I am saak-'
mg a special otter to owners. Call
or phone for appointment. C. W.
Niemeyer, 215-216 Masonic, building.
Phones 1000 and 1014. tf
BEAD THIS 263 acres, 100 acres in
cultivation, 65 acres heavy timber,
100 acres pasture, family orchard,
8 room house, good barn, silo, out
buildings, running water, springs,
2 miles from R. B. station; also. 10
registered Jersey cows, 4 horses. 100
goats, 13 registered hogs, all farm.
machinery. I'nce $55 per acre. Will
accept house and lot in Salem worth
$2500, some cash, terms on balance.
This is for quick sale. J. E. Scott
124 S. Liberty. 8-30
U9 N. COM. T. M. C. A. BLOCK
Hudson Super Six $950
Studebaker bug $225
5 passenger Studebaker, electric
lights and starter, $485
1915 Buick 4 cylinder. $600
Chalmers 5 passenger, A 1 condi
tion $275 -
1916 Maxwell $400
S passenger Ovreland to trade for lot
Studebaker chassis for bug, $125
'1917 Ssion six $700
. Wo sell oils, greasl, gasoline, used
auts parts, tires sad acc-isories. .
FOR RENT 5 room house. Phono 2442
. . ' 8-27
FOR SALE Columbia plums, Phone
SOit'll. - ,. tt
FOR SALE -Good milk cow. 1795 S.
Liberty. 8-28
WANTED iWoman to come in once a
week to do washing and ironing. 744
N. Cottage. Phone 655M. 8 27
HAVE a car of nice old fir and qne of
nice dry second fir wood now being
unloaded. Order at once if you want
wood. John H. Scott Realty Co. 404
Hubbard bldg. tf
PRUNE dryer, 2 miles in Polk eonn-
ty starts about Kept. 10. 1'hone Eu
gene T. Preseott about drying yenr
prunes. Phone 58F24. 8-27
LOST Coat on S. Commercial " St.,
Dank book in pocket containing
name and address. Finder phone 62F
21. Jas. Hall. 8 27
FOR SALE-WWell improved farm on
gravel road, close to school and mar
ket, take some trade, Dallas or Sa
lem property. Address box 633, Dal
las, Or. 9-8
WORKING man will purchase small
home on installment plan. Fruit and
good' lot. Have good job in city. Can
pay $20 a month. Don't want any
agents to pay commission to. H care
Journal. tf
CENSUS CLERKS, (men, women.)
4000 needed. $92 month. Age, 18 up
ward. Experience unnecessary. For
free particulars of examinations,
write J. Leonard (former govern
ment examiner) 1382 Equitable bldg.
Washington. - 8-30
BUiEES are you looking for a good
home m a clean cityT We have them
for sale.
Beautiful 8 room home on paved St.
$4000. -
i'ine 6 room house on large lot or-
ered with fruit, $2700..
7 room house complete, well Aieatcd
at $3200. -
Neat bungalow 5 rooms, 2 good lots
near paved street, 3 Hocks from car
line at $1500.
5 room bungalow, full basement, on
paved street, close down town, $2,
600. Square Deal Realty Co. U. S.
national bek bldg. . tf
WANTED About Sept. 20 by small
family, without children, a small,
modern unfurnished house, near car
line, between high school and Wash
ington school buildings. Send infor
mation to Box 4, Milner, Idaho. 8-27
FOR SALE Dairy and milk route,
$600 per month inf.ome, 20 to 2H
"cows, bottles, utenBils, horses, antos,
silos, corn and feed on hand. Every
thing to make a first class dairy. Ad
dress En J care Journal. 8-29
FOB SALE Cheap, good 5 room house,
city water, piped for hot and cold
water, electric lights, good well,
large lot, fruit trocB, some berries;
easy terms. T. D. Wallace, Salem,
Oregon, Bt. 5, box 125. Phone 89F23.
' : i '", ' .- tf
FOR SALE 4 room, dwelling, good
condition, small store building and
Btock of groceries on stroot oar line
and paved street. A'l clear of en
cumbrance: nice, little home and a
chance to go into business. H. E.
Bolingor, agt. 328 Hubbard bldg. tf
FOR SALE Soven room bungalow at
loth and C sts., basement, bath, toi
let, electric lights, cement founda
tion, $700 down, balance $200 per
annum at 6 percent interest. Price
$2150 for further information call
at 876 N. 14th St. or phone 1696. 8-28
Do you want to buy a good ranch
iNiee suburban home
Good residence in Solcm
5, 10 or 20 improved acreage
Good stock ranch, if so
B-4 U-BuyCUs. Or if you want to- sell
list your prorerty with us for results.
Perrino & Maraters, 306 Hubbard build
ing. tf
5 room cottage, electric light and
bath, near high school. $1750.
7 room, plastered house, S. Salem,
good corner, -improved street. SJ7UO.
5 room modern bungalow, full oase
ment. $2000.
8 room plastered, good basement,
large lot "with choice fruit. $2200, $500
cash. . i
7 room, plastered, 2 lots, some fruit.
$1400, $400 cash, balance terms.
t room cottago at $850.
8 room modern house, close in. A
snap at $3500, $1000 cash, balance to
New, modern 5 room bungalow. The
best in Salem. $2750.
We make good terms on any proper
ty we sell, if it is what U want. C us
4 reliable properties.
404 Hubbard building
Plumbing and Water Systems lostalleo
by GSABEH BROS, 141 South Liberty
St- Phone 660. Also agent for Fair
-wink-Moras Gas Engines.
We are here to serve you and make your life
more comfortable, by taking the hard work of
baking from your shoulders.
Cherry City Baking Co.
Good 7 room house on paved
St. bath etc. Small lot, just 5
blocks from ourt honso. A bar
gain if sold by Sept. 10 at $2500
Nice home. East front on 8.
Liberty St. Good lot, and house
fairly modern. For quick sale
$2300. ... .
10 acres just 3 miles from
Salem, tt acres in fruit. No build
ings. A good buy at $2000.
- .Nice ,5 room bungalow on N.
Cottago St. Paved street. A bar
gain for someone at $2200.
2 modern bungalows in Sonth
Salem, 3 blocks from Commercial
street. One goes at $2250, the
other at $2500. Seeing is believ
ing. 64 acres, 7 acres timber, bal
ance in crop, only 5 miles south
of Snlcm; fair buildings. For a
few days $125 per acre. $4500
will handle.
.14 "acres in crop, very good
land with fair buildings. 6 miles
north on good main, gravel rouU.
A real siiii.p $3000.
If its snaps you Want, we
have them.
Laflar & Laflar
406 407 Hubbard bldg. Come up
WAITRESS wanted. Royale Cafeteria.
FOR SALE Chevrolet touring, run
less than 1100 miles. Inquire at 880
N. Winter after 6. - 0-1
Oood 5 room modern bungnlow lo
cated in east Snlein. Price $2250.
cash, balance to suit.
Oood 6 room bungalow, two large
lots, paved street Price $2350; $1350
down, balance to suit.
9 room modern homo, large lot, east
front basement, fireplace, six bed
1 r00nig, priee $5500.
5 room modern bungalow located on
South High street, basement,, east front
lot. Price $2750.
5 room modern cottage located in
Highland addition, about 20 bearing
cherry trees. Price $1500.
7 room modern home, basement, furn
ace, fireplace, -garage, paved street, aH
ready to move into, located at 140 iN.
17th street. Price $3950.
6 room modern home, located in east
Salens Price $2000; $11)00 ea"h, balance
7 room mpdern bungalow loirtited
close in, paved street Vrice $3600;
$600 down, valance terms.
8 room house and three lots, bearing
fruit. Price $3000. $500 down, balance
5 room house located in cast Salem.
Price $950; ah.
8 room modern home located at 944
. Cottage street. Price $2500.
8 room modern house located at 7il
Ferry street. Price $3500.
7 room house located at 735 Ferry
street. Price $2000.
9 room house located at 1010 Oak
street. Priee $3000.
3 aero tract iust outside of the city,
be .ring fruit, -ood house, barn. Price
w. H. GRiWWq & W
275 State street 8-29
Marion County Holiness ;
Association Camp Meeting
July 31-Aug. 11, 1919. Statement of
collections and disbursements.
iGoncral collections $963.19
Wanda Stemmctz school fund.... 2Q9.4)S
Hud Hobiuson .. 116.00
Pacific Coast rescue work 34.60
.Evangelists . .$400.00
Tents 101.11'
Chair rent 35.10
Printing 18.75
Advertising 8.00
Song books 12.00
Incidentals 78.60
Bud Robinson , 116.00
Pacific coast roscuo
work . 34.60
Wandu Stcinmotz school
fund 50.0O-
Amount on
Cash .... .,....
hand $471.31
( 1.5ft ,
10.00 i
, $898.58
'CJiJcks drawi 427.21- '471.31
This is to certify that wo have care
fully checked the records of collections
and disbursements of the Marion Coun
ty Holiness association and find the
above statement to be correct, same
being taken from the records held by
treasurer of said association.
Auditing committee
. . 10. A. StOVKR.
W. , W it Rill T.
WANTliD Housekeeping rooms, roas
onable distance from school. A 26
care Journal. 8 27
WOOD for snle, if you want 1st c'ass
econd growth or old fir wood. Phono
254 or 022 at once. Cur now being
unloaded. ' 8 2
FOR SALE Five room house, modern,
big lot, four blocks from car line,
i-riee $1700; $500 down. See Prod W.
Durbin, 275 State street. 8-28
?$ Keep 'em In The Circle $$
Outing means vacation, change, rest and relaxation of the body, rijuvc
nution nnd renewal of spirit, invigorating and refreshing the mind.
Many attractive outing places are nearby. Summer excursion tickets
arc on snle.
Season Tickets. from
Week-end Tickets from Salem
Corresponding fares from othor points.
Season Tickets from Salem $7.95
Fares to Ncnh Kah'Nio, Manzanita and Bayoeoao siightly
, higher corresponding fares from other points.
Seasoi Tickets from
Corresponding fares
Season Tick' t from Ba'cm ,
Benson Ti ket from Salem
15-Day Ticket from Salem
Hcasoi' Tickets from Bale in .,
15 Duv Tickets from
Corr; sponding fares
Sp' cinl Fan's in effect to Columbia. River Bcaohts, Mt.
Bninier National Pnrk, Sh.-ista Resorts, Yellowstone National
Park hud O Wider Nstionnt Park.
Inquire of Ticket Agent '
General Passenger Agent.
5 AiCR-EB of bearing cherry orchard
' 8 miles from city to exchange far
city property or sell on small pay
ments. -.
3i 'acres river bottom land located
146 miles from city; a snap; easy,
5 ruom bungalow, cement bnsemeut,
good location on car lino, $1500.
If you want to buy, sell or cxclmngo
see me, H. 8. Eadclif f, room 4 Buyno
building. 8 2.1
Reservations Needed To
Make Clear Viewpint Of
American People, Clah
Washington, Aug. 27. Necessity for
iej;uo (ofl nations jrcswvations "to
mako plain the American viewpoint"
was urged today by Representative
Slcmp, Yirginia and -Echols, West Vir
ginia, who have just returned rrom ru
rope. ' ; : -.i-.v.,- .-.-
"Franco apparently accepted the lea
gue la oxchange for other more desir
able features of the peuce treaty,
Kchols said, "and apparently has lit
tle faith in the plan."
"All European countries are loalous
ly looking after their interests with
no thought of the United States,"
Slemp said, "and it iB time that w
limit our world views and safeguard
our own interests. I found generally
an indifference to the league of na
tions as finally worked out."
New York, Aug. 27. Liberty bond
quotations: SVi's, 99.90; firHt 4's, 94.24;
socond 4'h, 92.75; first 4'i 's, 94.30; sne
ond 4!4'h, 92.80; third-4 's, 94.84;
fourth 4'( 'h, 1)3.02; victory 3's, 99.54,
4 's, 90.56.
. .$5.85
Salem , :
from o!hor points.
. $8.53
! $26.10
from other points.