PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1919. Get Acquainted With Your Own Teeth DR. PARKER By DR. PARKER Foudw ud Exscativa Head of ths E. R. larkr System T RUSHING the teeth two or three times a day is fine, but it doesn't go far enough.: No toothbrush ever made and no amount of brushing with any tooth preparation will altogether . stop the tendency to the formation " of tartar upon the teeth, and when . tartar forms, the foundation is laid vfor tooth troubles without 'end.;,... Your only salvation lies in having a thorough ex amination of your teeth made by a dental specialist who knows how. Registered Dentists using the E. R. Parker System make these examinations without any charge, and the examinations are so complete that you have the satis , faction of finding out. the condition of every tooth in your mouth. ; ' You can also find out in advance How small the price will be for such dental work as you may need. . Why not have a free examination of your teeth today according to the accurate E. R. Parker System? . Dr. Wallace Hylander, Dr. Fred G. Bunch, i Dr. Ray J. Greer k Registered Dentists Using the E. R. PARKER SYSTEM M sSYSTEMj 303 State St. Salem, Ore. RAILWAY TRAFFIC (Continued from page (racy Stone's instructions will be present ed to a mass meeting of local railroad strikers this morning. At the same time a mass meeting .will be held between striking street car men of the ho a Angela railway and official of that company in an effort to break the deadlock which has effec tually ended negotiation!. The com pany offers torecoive the individual application ofjho strikers. The srrik. era refuse to return Artless taken back s a body and given their original Stat- 'US. Tons of' decaying fruits are either lieing thrown into the river or turned ver to the aity'a poor, as a result of the freight tieup in the Southern Pa cific yards. . Auto trucks are said to be proving bio to supply city and outlying dis tricts with, gasoline. ucki itics is said to have broken the mail blockade In Southern California. Daily improvement on both Los An geles and P. E. systems Is claimed by road officials. (Businessmen admit in dustry has been slowed up and a gen eral business depression is prcvulent. Santa Fe Refuses Freight Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 27. The Santa Fe railroad has refused all bus iness to points south) and west of Bar-stow;-iCal.; because of "the rail strike af footing Southern California, ft was learned at the office of the division : society : . . ." - -.. Bj GETXTDE EOBISON . .-.-v.' A party composed of Mr. and Mr. P. M. Hill and children, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones and children and Miss Jermie-foM hove returned from. s two weeks outing at Newport, reporting highly enjoyable time and claiming the uniqua distinction of having devoured moro clams, rock oysters and fish than any other crowd of their size at tie- resort. -While ae .Newport :they were domiciled: at the T, D. Jones cottage. .1. '''! , ' Mrs. J. I Stoekton and Miss Zoe Stockton" , returned Tuesday ' from , a three weeks' stay at Seaside. -; y -- . . ' A lawn party' and ie cream social, given -tinder the auspices of the ladies of the Jason (Lee church, will be held at the home of ' Mrs. E. E. Dennison, 1475 Korth Commercial street, this eve-t ning. ; Everyone- i cordially invited to come and enjoy a pleasant evening... ' Savenay, for two months a huge em barkation Hrrp for American army nurses, holding as many as 6000 nurses at a time, is closed. . The campwas to remain open until September, when suddenly word came to move into new barracks. Twelva hundred itourses) and heir baggage moved in one day. By the next day, Miss Flora Ourtiss, head of the Y. W. C. A., hastily packed and left, six workers had knocked down several partitions to make a. huge recreation room, had hung curtains and -moved furniture so that the nurses, might have their usual cup of tea that after noon and a party that evening, The day following word came that Savenay was to be completely evaeu ated and everything hospitals, nurses, units, convalescents and Y. W. C. A hastily packed and left. At the end of the second day after evacuation or ders were received Savenay was again a quiet French village despite the fact that a train load of patients and 600 nurses came in that night and had to be sent out and on to 'Brest as they wore. ' , Choosing Spong's landing as an ideal picnickinc spot a merry party motored there Sunday everting and spent a most enjoyablo time. Those in the group were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glover, Max ine Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ijam port., Miss Margaret Goodin, Mies Hel en Dcckebach, Miss Ruth iBoor of (Port land, Mark Skiff Jr., John Carson and Charles Craig. ' ' Mrs. R. B. Houston of Santa Rosa, California, is a house guest of Mrs. Paul Schmidt. She will remain for sev eral days. w Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Griff th. who have been visiting ill Marysville, Cali fornia, returned home Monday. The Eugene Mornintr Register last Sunday carried an attraciv picture of Miss Marjory Kay, charming member of Salem's younsrer social set, with tha following!- i . . ' - , Miss Marjory Kay, popular student passenger agent here. Traffic to points I a' University of Oregon, and mem- in California north of Barstow was un hampered early today, it was stated. Officials admitted that all trains running into California may bo order ed cancelled today, because of the striko which was reported to have- in volved Sau iFraftcigeo. Yes; S. S. S Is Purely Vegetable Nature's Safe Blood Treatment On th Market Half a Century. When you are in perfect health, and are enjoying a strong and vigorous vitality, It is then that your blood is free from all impuri ties. You should be very careful and give heed to the slightest indica tion of impure blood. A sluggish circulation is often indicated by an impaired appetite, a feeling of lassitude ami general weakening of the system. It Is then that you should promptly take a few bottles of S. S. S., the great blood purifier and streng'iiener. It will cleanse the blood thoroughly and build up and strengthen the whole sys tem. S. S. S. is sold by all drug gists. Valuable information about the blood supply can be had free by writing to the Swift Specific Co, 50 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Gaorgia,. ber of Gamma Phi Beta sorority, who has gone to Ienver, HJolo., to attend the national convention of the soror ity. Miss Kay is active in all student body activities and will be a senior next year. She is the daughter of For-' met Stato Treasurer and Mrs. T. B. Kay of Salem. Before 't to Denver Miss Kay, with the alumnae represent ative from this state- and the delegate rrom tne ennpter at u. A. u was en tertained in Portland." Swimming, hikmr and a sumptuous picnic supper were ths principal fea tures of an all day outing, Sunday, at Mehuma. Those that enjoyed it were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk, Dr. and Mrs. Delhert Burton, Mrs. E. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burton. Mrs, Mary K. Kirk of Pavette Ida ho. i9 visitino- at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Kirk. Mrs, Julia Head of Boise. Ida ho, is also a guest of the Kirks. Both visitors will .remain several weeksi - ,"'"' V t Autumn Coats and Suits The woman who thoughtfully expends her money and who makes sure of purchasing quality as well as style, will delight in the Autumn suits and coats which we have assembled. Economy ever lies in buying right buying the suit that is correct in style and that is so well tailored that it holds its trim lines and smartness through much service. :. -.. ' Our suits and coats come frbni makers who up hold the best ideals in garment making iii every detail from cloths of assured quality to the finish of the slightest detail contributing to effective style.' r . :. v.-' '" '.; V-'V-'--'.v'"- "Where Shopping Is a Pleasure'1 30 A WEEK I Plushes No woman with any thought of style needs to be told that "Plush" is the big word in her wardrobe this Fall and Winter. For Coats, Capes, Scarfs, Throws, Trimmings PLUSH is the fabric supreme. We announce the arrival of our new Fall Plushes handsome fabrics all 50 inches wide and of various qualities to suit the purpose for which thev are intended Esquimette Plush, a swell coating, black only at yard ............$9.00 Saltex Plush -a beautiful beaver coating, at, yard $9.00 Crushed Plushes are very good, we have them in Mole and Beaver, per yard ........ .......$130 Saltex Fur the very best imitation of a genuine seal skm, yet produced in a pile fabric, yard ..$17.00 A popular priced line of Plushes suitable for Scarfs, Throws and Trimmings, in black, brown, green and taupe, yard ............:...$5.25 Another fine trimmerArabian Lamb, black only, yard .. . .... .....$6.00 The very newest in Plushes a silver tone effect, color is taupe, very sty lish suiting, yard ! ....................$6.00 Children under eight years of age of the First Methodist church will be given a jubilee party at Willson park, Thursdav afternoon from 2:30 to 4 p. m. At 4 o clock the ehildren and their mothers will go to the church and be served' with light refreshments. This Dartv is given for tfto utile xgni rtearer society of which Lea is superintendent. Mrs. A. A. Constipation "Ipsets. the .entire sys tem causing serious illnesses to the human family. Don't worry Hollis tcr's Rocky Mountain Tea will drive out constipation, regulate the bowels, tone the stomach purify, clennse. Without fail give it a thoro trial. 35c. D. J. Fry. INCREASED COST (Continued from page one) homo consumption, the V. S. was nortinu about three and a half billion board feet of lumber every year before the war. Then the war called for wood. It went :t.. tomnnrniv structures of every de scription such as camps, hospitals, ieere ; hnts. and the like. We must come up with a sharp turn on tne mmm-r .,-,- tion. A national iorcui ... adopted in this epuntry or we faco eco nomic suicide. The American Forestry -nifinn nsks for the views of the tiniberland owners and for esters on this greatest of our reconstruc tion problems in order tnata on policv may be arrived at. - We have just fought and won the fight to save us from Imperial aggres sion, but the ficht to save ns from cco numie ruin is iust ahead of us. Are w going to let the sacrifice of our heroes go for naught t What of the future In an economic sense? The situation i just this: , The original forest area of the United States was eight hundred and fifiy n'11' Hon acres. There now remains m virgin timber Tomorrow 30 - - A -WEEK- rrs A RIOT III! II LI IMSMIIII I WIIMWWH'i about two hundred and thirty million acres .or onc-f onrth of the original. Our total acreage of forest and cu over lands is about five hundred mil lion acres. One hundred million acrwi of this is waste land Which proauccs nothing and one hundred and eight mil lion acres more contain more or less see- ond growth. A large percentage of this second growth timber is inferior quality. The new growth of tunber is not moro than one-third of the amount which Is being used or destroyed every yocr. Thore is plenty of food in that las paragraph but it s food for thought What of Our home building program when we realize that the center of onl lumber industry is fast moving to the Pacific coast? What of our home build; mg program, when we realize that New England is no longer self supporting in lumber and that the Lakc'statcs, one our createst producers of lumber, are tnow importers of it frsm other states! This means long hauls and high freight rates which tho home builder must pay. The time to build a homo is now for without a national forest policy I do not believe cheaper lumber can be predicted. The forests of France, millions of acres of which are sow" in ruins, kept the Hun from retching Paris. Otliet vast acreages had to be cut down for war purposes. Civilization can thank France for having a forest policy of more than a hundred years standing. Her forests answered the call of war when war eamc. Had the war come fif teen years later we would have been pressed to met the lumber program. Let us- heed the call of the forests before it is too late. AN ENDLESS CHAIN Hero is the endless chain of recom mendations for Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. There is hardly a town or village in the United States from whicn women have not written lettors telling of health restored by Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound.!, f you are suffering from some female trouble, ask yiur neighbor if she has ever used Lydia. E. Pinkhaw's Vegetable Compound. 1. many casts you will find thut she has regained health by its use and will recommend it to you. .. . Chicago Autoists from the city will drive around Evanston, a suburb, from now on. Police said complaints had! been filed that urchins pelt drivers with over ripe tomatoes. WHITE AMERICA'S HOME SHOE POLISH Cleans all white shoes quickly and easily. Leaves the fabric or leather natural looking. A dense lily white that mattes white shoes look clean and new. Get a cake at the nearest store. BLACK TAN WHITE RED BROWN mm !inn;tr,igimi m;t;H;n'Hmm;i:tTH:tiiiCTBHBfim S llJvl Inlillnl tIMi(lliltlliMI I IIH m .1 .s. TQM MOORS Tho all-year -'round soft drink. Leadership, siC2 esiablishod, is strengthened and confirmed by its followers and imitators . Bevos leadership is proclaimed by the largest rear uard that t ever followed a leader. r Sold evryvhr '-Ftnili fupplid by grocer, druls nd dealer.- Viiloi r cordially invited! to injxtt our pldrt. AISIHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS Blumauer & Hoch. Wbolesilc Dwtributnr. PORTLAVD, ORB. Dan. J. Yrv. WsrehoQse Maimsrr SAI.EM. ORB 1 i-i ui.ii.iM.ehMu.u.i.ii.t.t.tir.mii.t.i.afc yrr er ,gvt ;J22S?;3 . -As i i i f .T11'. r. j. inn b sfc- Ye LIBERTY