Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 27, 1919, Image 1

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    I 5250 GRCULAHON J
4i Only Circulation, in Salem Guar-
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
- " Circulations. -
M m ! IK H D o n
v Oregon . Tonight and Thurs
day fair; warmer southwest por
tion gentle winds, mostly west
erly.' '
." -. . . . ' . A -
Jaunt To Start As Soon As Ar
rangements Competed, An
nouncement Today.
Plans To Meet Pershing In
New York May Have To
Be Altered, Report.
Washington, Aug, 27. President Wil
son will start his speaking tour as soon
as arrangements can be made, it was
stated at the White Honso today. .
. This will be in ten days or two weeks,
. it was said, since plans cannot' bo com
plcted in a shorter time. A corps of as
' sistants arc working on the itinerary to
day. s ;
' The president does not feel that it
will be necessary for him to wu.lt until
:the peace treaty -is reported out of the
senate foreign relations committee,
-. The-.trip: will occupy 45 days, if the
president can stand the strain of con
tinuous speaking, it was said. It is con
sidered possible that tho president will
be in Ban Francisco in time to review
the fleet.
The plans for meeting General Pcr
suing In New York on September 8 or
9, as well as those for the review of the
first division by the president here Sep
tember 16, may have to be changed, it
was said.
Developments of the past few days
have convinced the president it will be
possible for him to begin his speaking
- tour in behalf of the treaty in a short
The Mexican situation has cleared,
. with the withdrawal of Ainorlcan sol
diers following tho punishment of ban
dits. . '
The campaign to reduce living costs
is showing results in a way gratifying
to the president..- The threatened strike
of railroad shopmen has been averted, at
least for the present.
Administration leaders have expressed
themselves as well satisfied with the
treaty situation in the senate.
These facts have again forced con
sideration of the speaking trip to the
front, and advisers of the president ere
urging that tho time for it is opportune.
The itinerary has been completed and
needs only to be filled with dates. It
calls for a journey to the Pacifie coast
through the more northern border states,
occupying about 12 days and a return
through the southern states by way of
It was possible, it was learned thnt
.the trip will be undertaken before the
arrival of General Pershing and the van
guard of the First division, which would
prevent their review, by the president in
New York as suggested. Pershing is
expected to reach America about Sep
tember 8 or 9.
.Senator Hitchcock, who culled at the
' White House late yesterday, indicated
that the president lias not changed his
position on amendments or reservations.
"We are satisfied that the Shantung
amendment will be voted down with a
comfortable margin," Hitchcock said.
-Democrats in
tUC Senate. Who fflvnr
, - ...u-i, iiiLIIUUb UU1BI1U-
ments will be joined by twenty odd re
publicans. Senator McCumber drove the
last nail in the coffin of the Shantung
amendment in his speech.
"The treaty should leave the commit
tee the latter part of this week or the
first of next. Its adoption should fol-
low during the month of September."
Present Is Time To Settle
With Japan and Establish
Chinese Friendships-Tooze
"Xow is the time to settle witn Ja
pan and to tell thnt country precisely
where Bhc stands,'' declared Lieutenant
Lamar Tooze in his t-ddress last evening
at the armory. "Japan is the greatest
menace to the world. She is tho Ger
many of the . Orieni. If -Japan gets
Shantung, she will get a firm hold on
China, for Shantung is the gateway to
Pekin. If Japr.o is allowed to develop
China and secure control of its great in
dustries, the two countries in time will
be a menace to the white raec,"
"In case of a. war with Japan, it
' would be of great beuefit to us to have
the friendship of China. But we Jiave
lost this friendship," said Lieutenant
G Comment Officials Wait
Ky y of Railroad Workers
It president's Compromise
Washington; "Aug. 27. Government
officials and labor leaders hero today
were waiting indications of the effect
on the rank and file of American labor
of President Wilson's plea for a truce
in industrial disputes. ,
With President Samuel Gompers of
the American Federation of Labor due
in Washington to attend a meotlng of
the federation's .executive council to
morrow, it was predicted that the situ
ation will comcto a head before the end
of tho week.
Moves which were eagerly watched
here were: .
1 The vote of 500,000 inilrw.4 shop
men on President Wilson's proposal that
they accept an increase of four cents an
hour and abandon their original de
mands of a wage increase of approxi
mately 25 per cent so as not to interfere
with the government's attempt to bring
down living costs. . .
2 What coarse railway trainmen, con
ductors and other rail unions wiil take
now that it has been indicated their de
mands 'will meet the same answer as
that given the shopmen. , . . .
3 Whether ' . union steel ' workers,
whose committee is in New York seek-
mil a coiitorenco with steel magnates,
will push their efforts now or await nor
mal conditions as the president has ask
ed. Officials of the railroad administra
tion were extremely hopeful today that
the shopmen s strike would be averted.
They pointed out that shopmen leaders
President s Answer To In
crease Plea Endorsed By
financiers. 7
New York. Aug. 27. (United Press.)
New York bankers approve President
Wilson's stand on the wage demands of
tho railroad shopmen, according to a
statement issued today by Dow Jones &
company, Wall street news bureau. It
is declared that opinions in financial
circles' agree upon the soundness of the
president's argument, "which stands
out in sharp contrast to the more or less
socialistic reasoning from the labor cle
ment." "If the president had taken his pres
ent stand some months ago an effective
readjustment in price and wage condi
tions might have been realized before
this, according to the interpretation of
the bankers atttiude.
"But there is no certainty in fi
nancial circles," says the statement,
"that the railroad shopmen, nor indeed
other branches of labor, will acquiesce
in Mr. Wilson's counsel. The remark
able success of traction employos lately,
it is expected, will have
Mnflnanoa with Inlm. liaentjafinl
existing conditions.
"It is also believed that Mr. Wilson.'s
remarks as to high prices have reached
peak will increase rather than
abajc discontent. Judging from tlte
present temper of tho union, it Is be
lieved this will be accepted as the last
opportunity to obtain wage increases bo-
fore tho recession in the cost of living.
Tooze. "At Paris, the Americans re
versed themselves on China and that
country has been discriminated against
in favor of Japan." , "
Speaking of the league of nations, the
speaker snid that the defensive alliance
whereby England and America were to
protect France if unjustly attacked, was
bad,, He thought it was a bad contract,
claiming that Ameriea awed France
The league of nations, with its subsi
diary treaties. Lieutenant Tooze sui.i,
was weak, although the principal was
right. He thought the present league of
(Continued on pae three)
iiere were inclined toward an immediate
strike after the president's rejection of
their wage demands. After considering
the matter overnight, however, the lead
ers decided to comply .with the presi
dent 's request that the matter be re
submitted to the men and the letter sent
out calling for the now vote pointed to
possible difficulties in the way of a
atriko now. Officials believe tho same
reaction will show itself among the shop
men themselves. : v
Labor leaders doubted, however,
whether the shop workers will abandon
their demands even at the instance of
tho presideut since their previous vote
just completed showed they wore almost
a unit for striking if the demands were
refused. : . " ." . '- . . .
First results of the vote are expected
to begin coming into headquarters here
within the next few days. .
The course finally decided upon by
the shopmen "is expected to greatly af
fect the course taken by the other rail
way unions, some of whom are expect
ing an answer to their dcmtuids by next
week. - - r .,......,..
The decision in tho case of tho steel
workers is exported to rest almost whol
ly with the federation executive council
since the federation itself started the
steel workers' unionization move at its
recent Atlantic City convention.
Director General Hincs has notified
the shopmen that the four cent per hour
increase offered by the president will
be effective from JJay 1, 191. .
Prosecution May Follow As
Result Of Lax Methods
During War Time.
Ser.ttlc, Wash., Aug. 27. That ccr
taiu shipbuilders in this district arc fac-
ring criminal prosecution as a result of
their lax methods during war time waj
brought out at the hearing before the
congressional shipyards probe committee
which Tcsnined its sessions here today.
The committee, composed of Congress-
men James J. Walsh of Massachusetts,
I. M. Foster of Ohio, P. H, K'ellcv of
Michigr.il and L. H. Hadley of Washing
ton, called Captain Sverre Rustad, the
emergency fleet corporation 's acting as
sistant in charge of wood ship construc
tion for this district, as its chief wit
ness today.
Captain Bustad testified that he had
occasion to make adverse reports to the
fleet corporation about the construction
of certain ships built at Grays Harftor.
One of these ships, ho said, had to be
docked twice for repairs shortly after
its completion.
Howard G. Crosgrove, counsel for the
fleet corporation here, was questioned
by the committee concerning the legal
department and how it functioned.
I Cosgrove told the committee tht.t
criminal action involving certain ship-
bu,lucl' 18 contemplated Hut He would
not give names,
West Side Highway Work
Near Monmouth Is Rushed
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Monmouth, Aug. 27. The highway
work is progressing nice)', tho tenden
cy being to speed up as fast as possi
ble while the"weather is favorable. The
paving on Monmouth avenue was fin
ished as far as the county road, north
of tha dormitory Wednesday, when the
paving crew moved several miles north
to the Mulkey cutoff and began work
ing this way. JVTien this portion 'is fin
ished the mixing ,pfat will be moved
to Rickreall and the contract finished
from that place. The work went on all
day Sunday. .
Normal School To Open For
Fall Semester September 15
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Monmouth, Aug. S7. The fall se
mester of the Oregon Xormal school
will begin on Sept. 15th. The opening
date fur the training school ha not
been definitely decided, but it will
probably be a week later. The high
school will not begin until about the
first of October, to allow students the
opportunity ib ueip nrvei mo uup
sod prune crops.
Strike Not Expected To
Extend To ;Oregon Lines
Portland, Or., Aug. K7. Tbe
' railroad ' strike which has para-
lyzed transportation in Oalifor-
nia, Arizona and Nevada is not '
likely to spread into Oregon. -
That is the opirtion which was
given to the United Press this
afternoon by J. T. Clow, repre-
sentntivc of the trainmen's :
brotherhood in this district.
Clow said theri is no inciina-
tion among the mymhers of any
of the railroad brotherhood
members here to strike unless or- $
dercd to walk out bv their na- '
tional officers. I
flhio Workers Exnected To :
Refuse Presidents Plan
Cleveland, Ohio,4 Aug. 27. The esti
mated 25,000 organized railroad ork-
ers in Ohio will reject by an overwhelm
ing vote President Wilson 's offer of
four cents, an hour increase, according
to reports here today from railroad
shops throughout the state.
Compromise Scale Turned
Down By Big Majority
- Grasser Announces.
Prospect " Of Renewed Strike
Declared "Ridiculous'' On
Face Of Returns.
Sun Francisco, Aug. 27. (United
Press.), ' ' Tclcphono operators and elec
trical workers on the Pacific const, in
their referendum vote, rejected by a
large majority the compromise agree
ment under which they recently return
cd to work." . . . -
TliiB statement was made to the Uui
ted Press today by L. C. Grasser, inter
national vice-president of the electrical
workers union. The official count was
completed last night at his home in Oak
land. This is the first statement Grass-
lias made since the count wa cum
Urasser retuscd to state how-large a
percentage, of the operators and elec
trical workers voted. "It might handi
cap me in my further negotiations," hp
It was learned from another source,
very close to Grasser, however, that
"only a very small" percentage of the
operators voted, and that some of those
who made the county said u strike wuld
be "ridiculous" under the circumstnnT
Orasser said his next step would be
to open negotiations with the Pacifie
Telephone company the only company
with which the operators are now nego
Grasser represents the international
and the operators by their vote arc re-
jocting the wage compromise which the
international signed,
(Continued on pare three)
Courtesy pays,
but it don't seem t
attract most folks,
pa- enough f
..Vothln' in th
mornin' filled with
downtown in th' mornin' filled with
life an ' hope, only t ' find that your
iv,inr uii-kvi UM" j" "
other cent.
San Francisco And Oakland
Trains All Held Up By I
Spread Of Strike.
Yanbasters, Switckmen,fire-
men, Engineers And shop
men Out.
Ijos Angeles, Cal., Aug. 27. Califor
nia, Nevada and Arizona are almost
entirely . isolated from : the remainder
of tho nation today as tho result of the
railroad tieup. The Southern Pacific
railroad admitted that it is not moving
trains in any of tho three states;
The tieup of the Salt Lake road ex
tends as far eaBt as San Bernardino.
Santa Ve service ig cut off west of
. On both, tho Salt Lake and Santa Fe
the danger of the spread of the strike
further eastward ig imminent. Ho San
ta Fe trains enter Nevada.
No trains are leaving or entering Los
Angeles today, according to the United
States railroad administration.
Railroad trainmen will not go back
te work today. Notwithstanding orders
from W. S. Stono( president of tho
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers,
instructing brotherhood members now on
strike to return to their places, thore
will be no immediate movement back to
the job. so far as could be learned at the
labor temple today. -
L. L. tSanford,. general chairman ot
the . Brotherhood of v Locomotive Engi
neers, of the Southern Pacif io for the
Pacific divisibniwas unabftl to State'
how soon brotherhood mcmbera' wbnld
again man steam line trains.' '
Ban ford denied statement attributed
to him in morning newspaper regard
ing the resumption ef railrosd service."'
' . Strikers Ordered Back
Lost Angelos, Cal., Aug. 27 With, the
announcement by L. I Sanford,: Pa
cific coast representative of the Broth
erhood of Locomotivo Engineers, that
service would be resumed on the South
ern Pacific, Santa Fe and Salt Lake
railroads, union loaders are anxiously
awaiting action today by striking rail
road men.
Whether or not the men will respond
to the order of W. S. Stone, president
of the brotherhood, to return to work
is undecided.
According to Sanford, strikers in San
Francisco, who walked out yesterday,
are already responding to Stone's or
der. (Continued on page two)
jGary Declines To Hear Com
mittee Named By Labor
.To State Demands.
New York, Aug. 27. Elbert II. Gary,
chairman of the board of United States
Steel corporation, this afternoon formal
ly refused to confer with tho commit
te of union employes named at their re
cent Yougnatown, Ohio, meeting.
Replying to a written statement of
the committee which askod a confer
ence, Garv issued a statement this i:fter
noon addressed to tho committee in
which he said that he did not beiieve its
members represented a large proportion
of steel employes. '
The position of union employes of
the steel corporation wus set forth m a
written statement sent to Judge Gary
last night, John Fitzpatrick, member of
the steel workers committee named a
week ago ut Youngstown, Ohio, said to
day. ...
This action was taken atftcr Judge
Gary late yesterday refused to meet the
committee informing them ho would re
ceive any communication they desired
to make in writing. Fitzpatrick refused
to make public the contents of the state
ment. Tbe union steel workers, it was an
nounced at tho Youngstown meeting,
voted for a nation-wide strike and
named the committee to lay their de
mands before the corporation officials.
The latter have declared their employes
are not sufficiently unionized to make
Ian effective strike possible.
At Judge Gary's office it was stated
today that the committee's communtca-
' (Continued page three)
w .
All Strike rs
Clevoland, Ohio, Aug. 27. (L'niled
Press.) Railroad brotherhoods officials
may seek to fill the places left vacant
by railroad strikors on tbe Pacific coast
it was intimated today by. Wainn S.
fctone, president of the. Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers.
Stone was asked whether brotherhood
officials werb in a position to fulfill
their contracts by filling tho places
made vacant by strikers. Ho replied:
"Wo have carried out our coi:trncts
for a good many years and will continue
to do so now."
Stono took the pesitivo stand that the
California strikes are without the sup
port of the brotherhood chiefs, ,.
"Wo will do our utmost to carry out
our contracts on the- Pacifio coast,"
Stne said. "The strikes were-not sanc
tioned by us. Wo will insist that our
men out there perform their duties in
full as specified by our contracts."
, Railroad shopmen and not the broth
erhood chiefs should answer President
Wilson 's offer of tho wage increase of
four ceuts an hour, Stone said.
"Personally I . have no comment to
mako on the president 's offer, " ho said.
"Tho shopmen, can and will, answer
him." , ..'..-
Stono, however, said that- increased
wages will not solve the economic ques
tion. Ho advised . immediate steps to
lower the cost of living as a means of
solving the problem of strikes for high
er WHgOS . . ' . -i,. ..
'.'The same problem applies to all in
dustry,' he said.' "The railroad work
erti and,, othpr, branches of, industry are
facing the commpn question of the' high
cost f .living. Lower the cost of Hv
ing and you eliminate wage increase de
mands and strikes."
House Committee Agrees On
Advances In balanes To
Total $4(000,000.
Washington, Aug. 27 Wnge increases
for postal employes totalling $10,000,000
were agreed upon by the house poaloff ice
committe today over tho protest of the
postoffice department.
A bill was ordered reported out by the
committoo providing for a flat increase
of 150 a year in the pay of all employ
es within the limitation that fourth
class postmasters shall not receive more
than $1000 and third class more than
$2000 as a total annual salary.
All increases are made retroactive to
July 1.
The minimum pay of temporary em
ployes was increased from 40 to 00 cents
an hour. j
Assistant Postmaster General Koons
wroto tho house committee thr.t the
plan did not have the approval of the
department, "because it means an ad
ditional expenditure of $40,000,000 and
places an unnecessary burden on the
public." .
Omaha, 'Neb. "I first studied to be
a detective, but when I discovered how
easy it was to fool detectives I decid
to become a burglar, " Frank , Carter,
19 year old Kansas City youth told
Increased Cost of Living
Reflects Higher Prices of
Products Madef rom Woods
' By Charles Lathrop Pack
President, American Forestry Ais'n.
(Written for The United Press.)
Washington, Aug. 27 In figuring out
your monthly grocery bills you find
"that things have gone up" and in any
mental battle with the high cost of liv
ing you almost always confine your
struggle to food. Go back of food a
step and you will find mnny things that
increase the cost of the food you cat,
although you cannot eat those things.
The chief item of the list is woou.
' In fact, wood is one of the chief rea
Isnns for the high cost of living and the
! American Forestry association cutis r.t
'tcntion to this with some startling fig
Three States Completely Iso
lated As Result Of Strike
Activities. ;
Striking Workers Show I!a b-
chnatton To Retam As
Ordered By Union.
San Francisco, Aug, ' 27. (United
Press.) Striking in defiance of the
brotherhood chiefs, employes of the rail
roads in California, Nevada and Arizona
hal almost entirely isolated those state
from the rest of the nation today. , '
"Some trains are moving in "theaa
states, declared William Bpronle, dis
trict director for the railroad. JQe ad
mitted, however, that the tieup was al
most complete, i ' , '
' The strike spread to San Fmneiseo
following a mass meeting which wu
organized' by men opposing the brother-. -'
hood organization. . , t "
Approximately 7500 men are out in
and about Los Angeles. The number in
cludes streetcar men and employes tt
the Pacific Electric. About 35 men are
out at San Diego. . Like numbers are
out at Bakersfield and 1'resuo. In San
Francisco about 300 men are out.
"The men are not striking,-" Bpreu-le
told the United Press. "They frre re
signing as individuals." It Is hard to as
certain why they are doing this. They -
ay they are quitting In sympathy with
employes, of the Pacific rjlcstrjc, dm
that st "ho is over.. ,1 hare ivttj oonfi- ,
deMi'b the meu.are oHitg out ihtmgh ft
misapprehension and . that when they
take: council -with' their Advisers they,
will return.:- There Is no adequate reason
for their action. So far as the govern
ment is concerned it is universally con
ceded its attitude unwarranta anything;
but reliable servtco by the men.' j -Reports
from Los Angeles today wera
that service on the P. E. WBi."simw
normal." . r . -,;.-. -,::.v '
W. B. Scott, federaj manngor ol tha
Southern Pacific, said no men had been
discharged because they had refused i
move freight to and from the P. K. in,
Los Angeles. '
(Continued on page six.)
Self-Styled War Hero To
Be Returned To WasJsingtan
Austin, Texas, Aug. 27. ifioveraor
Hobby today honored the application
of the governor of Washington for the
return of A. McCowan, alias D. M. Del
mas, self styled former lieutenant col
onel in the British army and veteran
of the world war.
MWwan was recently pardoned by
tho Texas governor, He had escaped
from the Texas prison where he was
serving a term for forgery and was re
arrested in Seattle and returned to
Texas, Dallas newspapers took up the
case, repeated McCowan 's story of how
as Colonel Delmas he had won the Vic
toria cross for gallantry in the eastern
campaigns against the Turks, and even
tually secured his pardon.
"I went through the ordeal of fire
and have come back purgod, " Delmas
as he was known here, said.
Then came news of additional alleg
ed forgeries on the, went coast and
hearing on the Washington extradition
request. Now Delmas is to go bach to
Washington with his Victoria crow
and British army citations to begin a
new fight for right to freedom he
claims he won on Turkish battlefields.
ures. For example the box in which your
berries or peaches are displayed at mar
ket costs about three times what it did
in "the good old days." The barrel in
which your flour found its way to tha
grocer has gone up in price. Tho paper
in which your meat is wrapped is "away
up.' None of these things caa be put
through your digestive apparatus .with
any degree of success but tha eousuamr
pays his share in tho price of the ber
ries ,thc flour, the peaches or tne .
There is scarcely a commodity that is
not shipped or handled in a worn! con
tainer of some sort. To say othi-g of
(Continued on page two)