PAGE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAYAUGUST 26, 1915. I . -t ...... ; - '"."' .. v V The Greatest Name In Goody -Land TO TO TO "I,111 "" 1 111 111 llLMILyii-' I'XMS I II I fl I II II I I T , II II 1 k J v II . .... 7 - J Kept Rlfiht WHO'. ESCAPED ARt CAUGHT Eighteen Of Twenty Germans Returned To Camp Sher man Barracks. i Chilliothc, Ohio- Aug. 23. Eighteen of the estimated twenty interned Ger man sailors who escaped from the bar racks at Samp Sherman, near here dur ing severe electrical storm were -recaptured, authorities say. . . The sailors crawled through a tunnel, running from the barracks eoliar to a company street, thirty feet away an offi cial said. It wag believed the men com pleted the tunnel some time, and only wcited an auspicious time to, use it. Discovery of the wholesale escape fol lowed almost immediately - and soldiers and police from surrounding towns en gaged in the hunt which yielded the 18 in jrronps of three to fire. ' All were found in nearby towns. " The 9ailors"wero members of the crew of the German raider the Kronprinze; who have been interned here since 1915. One prisoner said the tunnel was dug by thirty men,. in one man shifts in six nights. The dirt was carried out by the pocket full. Six of the sailors were crptured within the camp limits, five were found in Columbus, about 40 miles away, two were found in Chillicotlic and five" were taken from an electric car at Circlecity, 20 miles from here. WHITE SOX LOOK LIKE II Gleason Tribe Expected To Meet Cincinnati Reds In World's Series. . . New York, Aug. 26. The White Son now seem to be .the choice of the Am eriean league for the championship set to with tlio Cincinnati Keus. ; The Gleason tribe of white stocking ones aro now on the front with a lead of six games over the Tigers. And thej are going strong, having a run or ten straight victories before being ' set buck yesterday by tlio yanKees. . .foe Jackson is mauling tho pill again and his club means everything when it is working right. Collins, Weaver and Kelch form a combination with nun that is hard to beat. And as to pitching woll, it seems that Cicotto and Wil- liams can go out: every otner nay anci bring a game back with them. Jennings has. a tornnaaoie ciud tnai must be reckoned1 with but the Tigors haven't been getting the breaks. Tris Speaker still maintains that his In dians' have a iook in ror me nouors. Hut it seems to be a very remote chance. ' " " " . ' ', However,' the big chance of the Clevo land club comes this week and 'next The Tigers open a three game series' at Cleveland today and then comes the White Sox for a trio starting 'August 20. ..: . -y, If the Indians take 'all -six and gel nny help from the other clubs of the league, the series might be played in Ohio. . . CROPS ALONG COAST ARE NEHRU -Hops To Exceed Estimates While Prune Harvest Is Below Average. Hun r'nineiwo Oil., Aug. 0. (Piiitud Vrixui.) The ."twelfth fi'derut reserve diHt rict ' review of general business and njji-ieiiltuinl conditions reports that the harvesting of gruin has" been practically completed in tlio southern part f the tliHtiint. It is in full tiwing in tho dis trict's northern portion. " Less danioge to grain, on the whole, lias resulted from the. unfavorable con ditions roportodfjust mouth than was anticipated, although there aro i.dmlt- HOW TO STOP tedly serious losses in Utah and the dry farm areas of southoru Idaho," tho ro view states. Tho following aro ex cerpts: . "Tho estimated Pitcifie. coast hop crop of 100,000 bales will be somewhat exceeded if tho damage by lice, 'apparent in some sections of California, does not become more serious." "In Oregon mid Idaho, prunes an dropping badly, but the Culiforma crop will T probably exceed previous esti mates." "A heavy crop of hivy is Wing cut in Oregon aud Washington, and a very light one in Utah, further cuttings parts of California, Idaho and I'tuh wlft be seriously curtailed by a shortage of irrigation water. "Livestock throughout the district is rtportod in good to excellent condition, the market is fuirly active under a low er rnngo of prices ,aud the banks arc re ported to ba able to extend the neces sary credit to prevent the forcing of .1.. TV i T " , ' T " "7 8k Francisco, Aug. 20.-High offi . , ,,....,..,. uns yeur . c. p o. , : I cials in the district council of electrical ,V, .1 ' , ,i u ' I workers expressed "every confidence " s ight v in excess of 19 8. - ,oday ,ht the 15.000 telephone opera- ... til wib "t iv uwtwi iiiiu i unit t j n jt'ti v,lh the exception of prunes and apples,! ()ml)l,olll.n aB1,,mnt tll!lf BnLa its height throughout the entire I., ,,n,iet,7i,) .... . from six to eight weeks. Once a week plne.o the ibrush in boiling water giving it u thorough scalding. 1'ou would not think of using tho same table knife and fork day after day without cleans ing. There is nothing dirtier put into the human mouth than a tooth brush used weok'aftor.week without cleans ing. If you could see all surfaces of each tooth as you can see all surfaces of the fingers the, cleaning of the toeth would be better done. But no amount of brushing will thoroughly clean the teeth, aud your own inefficient efforts should be supplemented at least twice each year by a thorough cleansing at the hands of a competent dentist. The cost is nominal, and the investment will produce speedy and excellent re turns, . Strike Settlement Turned Down By Telephone Workers Nothing- Like Plain Bitro-Pliosphate to Strengthen Weak Nerves and Increase Strength aud, - Vis or According to a noted French scient ist, the most effective remedy for nervousness, Insomnia and ailments due to depleted nerve force, Is a form of organic phosphate kuowu among drug gists in this country as Bitro l'hos iphatc. , ft is described as a substance which is aimilar in composition to the phos phorus naturally found in the train ind nerve cells nml, being easily and tquiekly assimilated, ' the work of or fcting nerve iforce, strength and vigor Ibegins immediately it is taken into the human system. - There are many report of astonish ing results from its tise, some showing remarkable improvement eveif'in stub born cases of long standing nervo weak ness. As there are many kinds of phos jihotes, care should be exercised to pro ture the genuine F!:trt-l-,liO!ipltnte. ut district. IVa-rs are of excellent (imilitv ! but ponchos a little under normal, both ns to sue and u,unlity. The nppio crop shows a marked increase over that of l!H find the quality is unusually good. "There is a pressing demand for lum ber, and mills are working under heav ily increase-d eosts of production. Prices have Increased from t4 to $0 per thou sand. "Labor conditions on tho whole are fairly settled in the district. A feeling of iinrestis manifest in portions of western Washington only." CLEANING THE TEETH. (Ry Dr. K. R. Parker) irse liquid mouth wash, assisted by the tooth brush, once or twiee a day, and also by rinsing the fluid vigorous ly in the mouth. It will reach into erev- acis and cavities of the teeth that brush cannot. Ho particular about the cleaning done just before retiring. n food debris left in the .mouth over niuht is esneclallv injurious, t).i not ne a tooth brush until the hrUtles are worn down to the handle. No. b:u!i should he used, longer thin The vote is only partially counted. If tho vote is against the compromise ottieers, ncotiutiouA will be re opened effected bv the operators' international with the telephone companies for a high- c wage scale. Chicago. "Ton bucks If you save my teeth. They're on tho tenth flood," after which the bell boy performed s real service to a guest caught in a hotel fire. The Joy Of J d c t ct,: :k,Know the joy and f happiness that comes i,to one thru possessing la skia of purity and beauty. The soft, div tiniuished appearance it nnders brinas out your natural beauty to its full est. In use over 70 year. 'BOUND COAST LEAGUE BASES " (By United Press.) r. '-, Owing to long jumps, two of them made still longer by tho Los Angeles transportation strike, there will be no Coast league baseball today. Most of those postponed games will be ployed in double headers Saturday. Vernon goes from Portland to Los Angeles and the Angels from their hoie lot to Portland. Tho Oaks come here from Seattle and the Bees journey to Rniniersville from tho bay region. Curlev Brown has again been eased out of Coast league pitching premier ship, this time by Crnudall also an An gel who has won 21qnd lost 8, POTATO WASTE WILL BE SHOWN IN GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT DURING FAIR How pntaoes are wasted between fnrm and kitchen will be shown in a picture storv from the bureau of mar kets. United States department of ag riculture, in the government exhibits at the state fair. Beginning with po tato injured by a fork in digging, t,hil panel shows how rot develops in the injury,' and how such "potatoes packed with others, or with 'potatoes that are diseased, result in immense quantities of tubers arriving at market unfit for food. Potatoes are wasted by careless handling, grading and packing, and this exhibit points out that such scenes as those showing cars of potatoes be ing thrown away at large market cen ters are all too eommon. Another t of four pictures shows. how many different kinds of hampers, round baskets, and market baskets are now in use for handling fruits and veg etables; also how this number could' be cut down by standardising on a few siaes which cover all the needs of ship per and dealer. The present large num ber of sixes of such containers results in confusion at markets and does not make for economieal marketing of fruits and vegetables. Another set of pictures illustrates how butter and syrups may be shipped by parcel post, and shows a basket of vegetables sent to .the city on Satur day in time for Sunday dinner. A pic ture of sausage packed for shipment by pnrcel post is also shown. 1 HE carfwitti two" or three : or four different brands of tires reflects I on the owner's ability to buy judiciously: , i People who try Firestone Gray Sidewall Tires are no longer in theranks of the tire doubters. ; ,h-.1.'".-. '! . -; - : ' ' ',''.. "' " They ' fcnow that at least pne make of tires has more miles of wear: They know that, the Lname Firestone carries 'assur ance and that the tires are uni formly good, f i $ji()0i)( -TIMES Most Miles per Dollar -SS)5rV. s-1 UNITED STATES GOLFERS AT ST. AN D RE VVS-B Y -TH E-SE A r-y, fl m Il - "' " i S' i. rl ? I 1 . - ;v: ' ' !. .'. 'Jipf - 1 I 4 'k f -.n;-..v--- v---... v-J.-. V. '.s i MMIWI i JSjeWvWi-.'O Bss3sw3i8ii While puttinf, ecawd -oh , Charles (Chick) Evans Jr., Oswald Kirkby, D. E. Sawyer and Gardiner! ; White, four noted United State igolfera whj recently loured eastern 'Canada for a week for the benefit of ithe Canadian Red Cross, all agree that one of the most beautiful links :they saw was St. Andrews-by-tho-(Sea in New .Brunswick. The scenic surroundings wore not only most et Itractive, but the links themselves were a fine test of (olf. The fair 'tfreens wer in excellent condition land the puttinc trreena showed that itney wero un..?- er-pers 5Uiir.3ion- any ol uc tatr rr.'V4. wanea m on one or more "sides by majestic trees, overlook beautiful r'assamaquoauy Bay, an arm of the Bay of Fundy, and the shores of Maine, St Andrews, not unworthily named in honor of Rolf's home club, St Andrews. Scotland, is about (000 yards in length, and par is 72. The amateur record, also 72, was made by tha late Vernon Booth, who was killed while fl-rhtin-r for his coun try as en aviator in France. This record had nover bees equaled until the United States players, Evans end Kirkb7, vlayn& at the very top of their gamo on Jen 23, mcceeded m doing so amid the applause of a large gallery. - The professional record, 71. made by John Peacock who has had the links in charge for years, still awaits the attempt of some ambitious pollers to equal or lower it Six hoes are of 4(H) yards, or over, nine are 300 yards, or over, the longest is 500 yards and tha shortest 125. If the golfer who visits St. An drews, wishes to take a day off from his favorite sport, he can turn to fishing, swimming', boating and ten-, nis. There are first class hotel ac-. commodations near Jie 'inks. Journal Want Ads V