Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 26, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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T- . '.I. L 1 '. ' i - I . ' . " I.I..- . I ,.... , 1 -.
Rate per word New Today:
Saeh insertion , , . 1
One week (6 insertions) '5
One month (26 insertions) 17e
The Capital Journal ill not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
for errors in Classified Advertisements
Bead your advertisement the first day
It appears and notify us immediately if
rror occurs. - ....,.;. - '
Minimum charge, lSe.
MARTIN' painter. Phone 704. 8-26
X.AROR front room for
board. 461 . High..
WANTED Married man for ranch,
permanent job. Geo. lu Kose. o il
HOR SALE Or trade Jight. spring wa-
fion for good horse. Phone iswi'w
- , ; 8-28
-V, - ., ,,
ford $1.25 bushel. Phone 641F1". 8-30
GOOD team for sale, with steady job
69ft Trade St. 8-27
WANTED lUirl for house work, no
cooking. 461 N.. High. Phone 1627. tf
FURNISHED sleeping rooms for rent.
At 749 N. Com'l. tf
"WANTED Cattle and ealves, any
kind. Phone 1576W. -o
ORAVENSTEIN nooles 7?C per box.
delivered. Phone SOPH. . tf
m WEAVER well driller. Phone 827J,
1165 H. 19lk St. Salem, Or, 9-9
TOR the best" shoe repairing. --.'BP to N,
, RrnBck. 163 S. Com'l St. 9-13
'"WTLI. nail a nice piano for $150 Call
at 519 Court street afternoons. 8-28
REACHES Early and late Crawfords
and Toseaa cling for canning. Phone
I7nn . 1 tf
"WANTED To1 rent or buy .-second
hand drag saw in good repair. Phone
754 evenings Or can ouu n, vapuw.
- .. . -. r- -! . 8-30
pRAifiTT nickers wanted at once, at
Pcttys orchard, VA miles -north of
bridce on . Wallace road. tf
WANTED A woman to care for in
valid lady. Address 2090 Perry St.
FOR SALE--5 room modern house on
inatallfnanta Tnnnire nt elevator Sar
km bank of Commerce. . . " .- . tf
DVANTED-rGood automobile' for Sa
lnm .mnideriee or - close in acreage,
,Phnn 1481R. . ' 8-27
NdTBOB For those, that are registered
tn n!V hons at- J. A. Krebs - win
start picking Friday, 29th.
"WOMAN wanted for s general house
work. Mrs. P. Or. Hale, 1190 S. 14.
ThnnA 129W 8-27
VftR RALE New vibrator with appl:
pntnrs. and irood top buggy. Box 176
Salem Or, ' 8-26
IKR SALE White, fir $3 on place, $5
delivered in town.. Write W' X care
Journal, ,' 8"ao,
FOR hauling and true, work try the
Tnrmorst Tmnsfcr truck, phone 1608
J, 1170 N. 15th-St. A. H. Bieder- j
9-4 i
POR SALE A modern house ready to
move into. Come and look it over.
645 S. 12th St. F. A. Erixon. tf
WANTBD For cash, a modern bun
galow by Oct.. 1st. Mrs. L R care
- Journal. , ..' tf
FOR dress making e"ll?fr A. H. Bie-
derman, 1170 '.Hi.
lStE ' St,
1608J. '
WANTED To rent S to 7 room mod
ern house possession on or-before
Nov. 1st. br. Fred Ellis- tf
WB make the beat power prune dippers.
Balem Mfg Co., 1390 a. nonx, ou m
JAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone
, 704. i f
W. IV WRIGHT, Turner, auctioneer,
"Why not get himl tf
aaVERNMENT loans at 8 percent.
W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com
merce. tf
DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best
grade; beautiful new eolors. Buren
Coml 8t.
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
npward. Buren'i Furniture Store.
179 Commercial.
FOR SALE Cheap. 5 room house, two
ttm nUnf- fruit;: no ineumbranro.
, r j n n
Phnn 1393. -9-9
314 Masonic Bldg Salem Ore.
MODERN 5 room cottage for sale. In
quire 1135 Waller. . ,8-29
FOR SALE Modern T room house and
lot in West Salem, good,, location.
Phone 1581. M
BARGAIN For a few days a wf ty 5
room bungalow, close in. at $22v0.
R L. Wood, Bayne bldg. a ; ..,.8-26
GOOD BUY 5 acre tract all in orch
ard, erood . buildings, sine location,
$2850. P. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 8-26
FOB SALE American Kad1tor Co.
water heater, new. Phone 112F3, W.
T. Pray. ." V. 8-27.
FOR SALE Pure bred Duroe sow to
farrow in a weeks. Phoaa 80tFll.
-, . "' . ..-... ' -..'.. 8-26
FOR RENTi-4404 aires stock, and im
plements for sale. Jr. J Wood,
Bayne bldg. ., ; ., 8
WANTED-Modern houses and fruit
ranches to sell. I have the buyers,
F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 8-26
CAN1NTNG peaches, all varieties, bring
boxes, half mile from end or oriage
on Wallace road. The Imlah fruit
farm. Phone 52F11. 9-4
FOR SALE House and three lots on
D street. All paving assessments
paid. Barn and outbuildings. Apply
499 Court St. " - ,'. ,. 8-26
FINE. HOM&-i7 room modern bunga
low, Kingwood park, for half what
it is worth, F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg.
, 8-26
A GOOD investment, 00 aeres level
land 5 miles out on main highway,
$75 per acre. F. L. "Wood, Bayne
bldg. 8-26
FOR EXCHANGE For prune ranch,
large stock and dairy ranch well lo
cated. Address J B care Journal.
" V, , "' .8-26
FORf EXCHANGE Po lem income
property, fine, lhrge' ranch- well lo
'cWe 'tAadre .B J1 re .Capital
sQEburnal.'; vii- v':!r: ;8-36
160 . ACRES in Graat county, Wash.,
and 20 aeres in Cowlitz county to
trad for land or town" property hera
& or 10 wanted. 754 N. High Bt. ,8-ao
WANTED To lease a 5 or 10 rfera
tract ' with chicken houses for 500
to 1000 chickens. Rt. 6, box 22, J. E.
Kirkbatrick." . .- 9-26
WE have two bargains' ia good used
pianos, one for $150, the other for
$225. Our prices are always lower
then elsewhere, easy terms. The Wi
ley B. Alton Co., 519 Court St. 8-28
52 ACRES improved farm to trade for
larger acreage. C. A. Boling, Rt.. 6,
box 36A. Phone 109F21. , , 9-1
WANTED To rent 5 or 6 room house
close in, prefer one with garage. Ad
dress V B care Journal. . tf
EXPERIENCED man warts to rent
prune orchard nnl bcn.'es. 330 Di
vision St. . 9-14
WANTED Party who wishes to run
a 'boarding house during nop picn-
mg time, concession iree; yaru em
ploying 300 pickers. Inquire Adolph
ciaar store," ' tf
PEACHES for sale, Crawfords and El
bertas, 1V4 miles from oridge on
Wallace road. Phone 56F13. C. C
Chaffee. 9-16
WANTED Modern hons, responsible
party, no-children; will lease for 6
month's or year. XY2 care Journ
al. . tf
APPLES Choice apples wanted, any
quantity, must be free of any .dis
ease or worms: no culls watted.
Phone 10. ' 9-20
FOR TRADE One lot and two resi
dences, close in and of security $1,
600 far farm; will pay difference.
Apply 469 state at. .
WILL pay half cast! on house, bunga
' low style preferred. Well located.
Possession 15 days. L. B. eare Journ
al, tf
G. SATTERLEE, Office 215-216 Mason
io bldg. Phone 1211, 1000. Keal estate
and stock sales.
FOR SALE Nine room honse, large lot
modern conveniences, double garage,
close in, on street ear line and paved
street. G L care Journal. tf
WTmsKKfT STOCK Italian prunes.
grafted walnuts and adl other kinds
of .nursery stock for fall delivery.
Aln m. second hand Maxweld auto
will trade for a good team. Brooks
Nurnerv. Lafayette. Or. 8-28
SALE Fine Crawford - peaches,
one mile and a half north of fair
grounds on Pacific higuway. Box 83.
F. J. Rosche. , 8-26
WHITE Leghorn roosters, Royal Tan-
cred strain for sale, 6 montns oia,
$1.50. A. E. Allen, Rt. 4, box 1120.
. ' " . , 8-30
GOOD 8 room house, three lots, plenty
fruit. Prico $3000, $500 cash terms on
balance, E! B. Grabenhorst. 275 State
St'. , , A 8-26
GOOD 4 room house," lot-50xl56, ;
t block from paved sreet, Price $600,
$30O down, balance $20 per moatn
with Interest. E. B. Grabenhorst, 875
State St. , V V ' .. 8-26
FOR SALE 1913 model Maxwell,
passenger, 4 good new tires. Cash
$225t Inquire Cherry City feed barns
' ',rr- 8-27
Prune, pickers, shakers and dryers
wanted when crop le ready by w, o.
Tillson. Call at 1105 Mission St. or
phone 1425W evenings. - 8-26
HAvE YOU A GOOD FARM for rentt
Do vou want a good man to run it
Best of reference. Phone 5F13. Ward
C. Russell,. Gervais, Rt. 2. 8-29
ORDER canning peaches now, early
Crawfords are ready. (Jan ear, u.
W. Gibson, box 13, Wallace road.
. 29
PEACHES for canning. Come to orch
ard and bring boxes. Phone 4F2, Rt.
8, end or river road pavement. i.
W. Weeks. 4 , :' ? 9-5
A l STENOGRAPHER wants perma-
anent position with responsible par
ty. Six years experience legal and
other work. Efficient, reliable, best
references. Address S care Jour
nal. , v ; 8-30
WANTED ttead laundrewi and two
women to have charge1 of little deaf
children out of school hours state
school. ' for" -deal. V ", V - 8-26
FOR SALE-Cheap, ioiwe at 780-N.
uottage Bt.j- aiso lot it, diock. xi m
' Yew Parki Write Mrs.- J. Knapp, Rt.
5, Aurora, Or.-- . "::..;'" : : 8-20
FOR SALB-6 room modern house at
; )245 North Cottage street. Full base
ment, furnace heat, fruit, berries,
etc- Phone 1671J. ' tf
FOR SALE-Or trade for good Salem
residence, 100 .acres fine prune prop
USltHm; .-a. -acres Uliuruvcu, vimu: Jit,
'fine road; G; F. Booth, 416 Masonie
Wdg. -" . ; tf
FOR SALE-Or trade, nine room mod
era house on paved street, full: ce
" ment basement, three, large lots, all
kinds fruit and berries. Call at 1936
iN. Commercial St. 8-30
WIOOD to sell" on rock road 2 miles
south of the feeble -minded institute.
on William &"Denison place, $4.50
cer cord. Boatwrijthi, Turner, Or,
. 8-27
FOR SALE Well improved 40 acre
farm near Mill City, will accept as
part payment, a small home m Sa
lem. H. E. Bolinger, ' 328 Hubbard
"bldg. . tf
WANTED--A miadle aged lady to care
for?' two old people as houseKeeper.
Everything convenient and modern.
If agreeable to all parties a long
time position may be had. Write X X
care Journal, . tf
SELL FOR US We have choice frees
of varieties greatly in demand now,
- Liberal commission with cash ad
vance. Secure copy of contract at
once, Salem Nursery company, 1030
Chemeketa St.. Salem, Or. 9-16
HOP pickers wantefl, will furnish tents
or will.'allow $2.50 if you furnish
own tent: free transportation from
station to yard and return. Pay $1.20
per hundred. Phone 591'11, Orey s
Bishop. - , tf
TWTM V. far nlo. 8' rnnm liaUHe. hot wa
kinds, of fruit, garden and berries
nne. reautiiui gronnui, ror nmnea
tune price on reasonnoie lerius,
Phone owner 2440 or call 1805 Mar
ket St. tf
I WANT houses to sell. While I claim
the best list in the city bar none
"I want more." I have the buyers.
For the next sixty days 1 am man-
ing a special offer to owners. Call
or phone f or appomtmemt. C. .W.
Ni-emeyer. 215-216 Masonic building,
Phones 1000 and 1014. . tf
READ THIS 265 acres, 100 acres in
cultivation, 65 acres heavy timber,
100 acres pasture, family orchard,
8 room house, good barn, silo, out
buildings, running water, springs,
2 miles from R. R. station; also 10
registered Jersey cows, 4 horses. 100
goats, U registered hogs, all farm,
machinery. Price $55 per acre. Will
accept house and lot in Salem worth
$2500, some cash, terms on balance.
Thin is for quick eale. J. E. Scott
124 8. Liberty. 8 30
S49 N. COM. T. M. C. A. BLOCK
Hudson Super Six $950
Studebaker bug $225
5 passenger Studebaker, electrie
rights and starter, $485
1915 Buick 4 cylinder. $600
Chalmers- 5 passenger, A'-l condi
tion $275
1916 Maxwell $100 '
6 passenger Ovreland to trade for lot
1917 Saxon i'i $700
1915 Overland $500
We sell oils, greas," gasoline, n"e
anto parts, tires and aec itones. .
FOR RENT 5 room house. Phone 2442
. - 8-27
FOR SALE Columbia . plums, Phone
FOR SALE Good milk cow. 1795 S.
Liberty. - - . 8-28
WAITRESS wanted. Boyale Cafeteria.
FOR SALE; Chevrolet touring, run
less than 110O miles. Inquire at 880
N. Winter after 6. 8-1
FOR SALE 1500 lb. mare, good single
or double, food condition. Rt. 7,
ox 93, Silverton road. . 8-20
WANTED-H-Housekeeping rooms, reas
onable distance- from school. A 26
care Journal "... , 8-27
HAVE a car of nice old fir and one of
nice dry second fir wood" now being
unloaded. Order at once if you want
; wood. John H. Scott Realty Co. 404
Hubbard bldg. . ti
PRUNE- dryer, 2 miles in Polk coun
ty starts about Sept, 10. Phone. Eu
gene T. Prescott about drying your
prunes. Phone 58F24. 8-27
LOST Coat on S. Commercial St.,
tiank book m pocket containing
name and addros. Finder phone 62F
21. Jas. Hall. ., H-zi
FOB SALE Well improved farm on
gravel road, olose to school and mar
ket, take some trade, Dallas or" Sa
lem property. Address box 633, Dal
laVOr., ...r
WORKING man' will purchase small
home- on installment plan, Fruit and
good lot. Have good job in city, can
pay $20; 8w month. Don't want any
agents to pay commission to.. H care
Journal, w- . - tf
WANTJ5D To hear from party who
will sell a tract ot good vaucy iana,
some improvements preferred,, and
who will defer payments and accept
only interest first "two years. Ad-
dress R KJ W eare Journal. 8-26
BUY of downer and save commission,
most- dosirable a acres, I room nouse
running water, cherries and apples
in full bearing, Usa than mile
from carline on first class road. A
very attractive place. $3000, terms
if desired. Rt. 5, box 35A, Salem.
- 8-26
BUKERS are you looking for a good
home in a clean cityj we nave worn
for sale. "' .
Beautiful 8 room home on pated St.
$4000. . ,
Fine 6 room house On' large lot ov-
ered with fruit. $2700. '
7 toom house complete, well ocated
at 43200.
Neat bungalow 5 rooms, 2 good lots
' near paved street, 3 Hocks Irom ear
line at $1500.
5' room bungalow, full basement, on
paved street, close down town, sj5,
600. Sauare Deal Realty Co. U. S.
national bank bids." , tf,
a : .
WANTED About Sept. 20 by Bmall
family, without children, a small,
modern unfurnished house, near car
line, between high sehool and Wash
ington school buildings. Send infor
mation to Box 4, Milner, Idaho. 8-27
FOR SALE Dairy and- milk route,
$600. per month income, 20 to '4
cows, bottles, utensils, horses, autos,
silos, corn and feed on hand. Every
thing to make a fwst class dairy. Ad
dress E 11 J care Journal. 8-29
FOR SALE Cheap, good 5 room house,"
eity water, piped tor hot and cola
water, electrie lights, good woll,
largo lot, fruit trees, somo berries;
easy terms. T. ' D. Wallace, Salem,
Oregon, Rt. 5,. box 125. Phone 89F23.
FOR SALE 4 room dwelling, good
condition, small etore building and
stock of groceries on street car line
and paved street. Ail clear of en
eumbrauce; nice little home and a
chance to eo into business. H. E.
Bolinecr. aat. 328 Hifbbard bldg. tf
FOR SALE Seven room bungalow at
15th and C Sts., basement, bath, toi
let, electric lights, cement founda
tion, $700 down, balance $200 per
annum at 6 perccut interest. Price
$2150 for further information call
at 876 N. 14th St. or phone 1696. 8-28
D waut to boy a good raneh
home 6
Good residence in Salem
S, 10 or 20 improved acreage
Good stock ranch, if so
B-4-U-BuyOUs. Or if you want to sell
list your prorerty with ns or results.
Perrine Margters, 306 Hubbard build
5 room eottage, electrie light and
bath, near high sehool. $1750.
7 room, plastered house, S. Salem,
good eorner, improved street. $1750.
5 room modern bungalow, full base
ment. $2000.
8 room plastered, good basement,
large lot with choice fruit. $2200, $500
7 room, plastered, 2 lots, some fruit.
$1400, $400 cash, balance terms.
.. room eottage at $850.
8 room modern house, elose in. A
snap at $3500, $1000 cash, balance to
suit. !
New, modern 5 room bungalow. The
best in oalem. ?iou.
We make good terms en any proper
ty we sell, if it is what TJ want. C us
4 reliable properties.
404 Hubbard bnlldinj
FOR RENT 4Fvo room house, modern
except furnace, phone 2442. 8-27
6-HOLE RANOE for sale." Inquire 1751
S. 19th. . ; ' : 8-i5
BARGAIN 5 room house, good condi
tion, $700. Wood, Bayne bldg.
FRESH Jersey eow for sale. Farmers
'Feed barn, 100 . High. B-zo
FOR RENT Six room . modern, furn
ished heuse, close in. Phone 1432 be
tween 6 and 7 p. m. today. 8-26
WANTED Traiy and dining room,
girl at Willamette sanitorium; must
be over 20. 754 terry St. tf
WAITED To , rent a few acres near,
Salem, 'improved. J J Wi care Jour
nal. ' 8-26
FOR RENT (Furnished 8 room mod
ern house;' will sell furniture. 174
-Court. ' 8-27
FOR SALE 8ix room modern cottage,
two thousand, half down, B 3 D care
Journal. 8-26.
WANTED One copy Co.pitn.1 Journal
' dated March 29, 1919. H. C, Howard,
1309 Waller, KU . 8-26
FOR SALE Or rent. 4 room house on
carline. Inquire F. Barber, -642 N.
Liberty. ' -
WANTETV-Jor eaah, one 5 to 7 room
house South 16th street t 20th.
Enouiro at 265 South 18th. .9-1
FOR SALE Cheap, 2 horses, will ex
change for anything useful. 2500
.1' Fairgrouad road, ;. ' 8-27
CENSUS.- CLERKS, (men, women.)
400O needed. $92 month. Age, 18 up-
; ward. Expcrienee- unnecessary, For
ftce -particulars of examinations,
; write, J. Leonard (former govern
ment examiner) 1382 Equitable bldg.
Washington. , 8-30
FOR SALE a room house newly pa
pered and painted. Wired for nghtsW
wood house, ety watcr run jot; ww
include large folding bed,, cbijfoais,
writing- desk,, wardrobe , ;.osb,irieu,
with the house1 very cheap,- with
terms;, leaving city. B. M. Woods
first heuse north of West Salem
sehooL . t 8-26
15 room eottage with garage, 4
blocks from Btatft house. Paved street.
Price $2500, half caeh.
, 24 room cottage with two lots, near
school and car line. 'Paved streets.
Price $1200, ,$400 cash balance $7 per
month installments. ' '
, 37 room, house, two lots with abund
ance"of fruit; eity water and dep drill
ed well, garage, near school. Price
$1500 on easy payments,
4 7 room honse, west of S. P. rail
road, south of Marion street. Price
$2750. j
5 JO room strictly modern horns, on
carline and paved utreot, near univer
sity anil state house. Small payment
uown ana oaiance mommy, x-rice ww
. - .... ili t.; Aaiwu
6 dO room ihouse, fine home, near
high school and business section of
city. Prico $4500-, part terms.
7 room eottage near ear line ana
paved streets, six . blocks from state
house and university, will sell for $.1:150
cash. . , ,
8 14 acres of land with nice 4 rom
bungalow, six acrcB in bearing prunes
and loganberries. Hituatod within three
miles of the state house, ipobuu, pari
terms, -
9 5 acres, with nice bungalow aud
barn, nearly all in fruit and berries,
near Bchool .ami Pacific highway, 4
miles from state house. Price $2800.
10 7 room modern house, large lo,
paved street, 8 blocks from Bush 's
bank. 44000.
11 7 room modern house, 7 blocks
from opera house, for $.1500; $1000
cash, balanco like rent.
12 7 acres prunes in full bearing,
on crop payments; no money needed.
Prii-e $300 Dcr acre.
138 acres first class loganberry
land, all in cultivation, V-fr miles out,
$1500. . .
1410V. acres of land, with. 900
pruno trees, and 3 acre peaches, bal
mice in cultivation. No buildings.
Three miles from post office. $300 per
acre, terms.
15 11 aeres of land? half in eultiyar
tion, never failing spring, near station
on O. E. R. K., just outside of city,
Price $200 per acre, will take good au
tumobile as part payment.
16412 acres, with 9 acres bearing
prunes, and some logans, a 4 room
house, and barn, 'Facing on Pacific
hurhway. 3 miles out. $W)0U.
17 40 acres with acres oeanng
prunes, 2 aeres cherries, apples and
walnuts, prune dryer, barn, 5 room cot
tage, garage, on macadam road, ffa
miles out. Price witn crop, no.uuo,
1850 acres, with 40 aeres in bear
ine prunes. 3 acres logans, good 8 room
house, barn and fruit dryir. Well and
spring water. Just a little timoer,
Price $20,000: half easli.
I luy and sell liberty bonds and
lend money,
W. A. iJSTON, Agent
484 Court street
Oh mm emto 18 mU 9 sua. J cord.
Goes jbjrwkere Any Auto.
BRIGG5 k BURPEE CO. lac, Vuthomnt
tl Hawtkom Ai. Fotlaad.
3mdfrlafauioaad Bfaumu4 Cbcvkr
Si '"
uirjprise Sale
'. in .,-. , . y
Envelope Chemise
Come to This One
You Can Always
WANTED A fresh ' inilk cow, ssust
be first lnss. Will pay the top "price
for- tho right kind." Address Boa 62,
"' Salom. , , , "- ' .8 28
JFOR SALlWJood o and eteh hay,
baled. At ranch ou Howell prairie.
,i .Price $tt pet ton,-Address box 62.
T ROOM furnished ; house at 679 N:
High for rettt for 6 months. 8-27
PEACHES and pears, 1 mile from
bridge on Wallace road.. Phone 5F
12, Moses P. Adams. . ; 9-1
(Continued from page one)
three pound -canB. The government
price for the 114 pound cans is 4 eents
each. For the two pound sUe it is tl
cents a can, and for tho three ponnd
siee,-9 cents a cnu.
Tn coniDuMiin postano. tftere'.-ie-al-
way. five cents for the first peudan
then one cent lor earn oiuuiii
weisht of the case. For instance, a ease!
of 48 of the l'A pound cans or ooans
woiirhs 60 pounds. If you buy a ease
you have, tho ease price $1.92 to which
must be added' the postage 00. nu
pounds which is 6 cents.
Stringless benns are packed in two
pound cans and the government's price
is 9 cents a can. j acre are zi cans in
a case, and if vou want that many, the
case price is $2.18 0 which must bel
added the weight of tho case, 50 pounds
total postago 54 cents. The Salem allot
ment is 1060 cans.
Canned sweet com is packed in two
pound cans and the government's price
is 9 cents a can. Each can weighs 24
pounds. If vou want, a case, there are
24 cans to tho case. Total cost of a enw,
s nlus nostuge on gross weight.
of 54 pounds. 50 cents. This figures
the cost hero' at noout 1114 cents a
Canned peas are also packed in two
pound cans and the government's fig
ure is 9 cents a pound. The cans weigh
214 pounds. For the whole case tho fig
ure is $2.16. Tho postage is 59 cents
for the case and if j-eu buy Uib mucn,
it figures you about HV4 cents a can.
A postoffii'o of the first clans like Ka
lem is allotted 1 2,41)0 cans and adcord-
nc to orders received yesterday are to
be on sale until all ro sold, or until
the Washington authorities close the
sale. '
Kice may bo bought in 100 pound
baas only and tho government does not
sell in any less amounts. Tho prieo per
pound is 0.74 cents. Tno wit pounds 01
rice and bag weigh xvl pounds, as me
100 bag of rii'o costs $6.74, there muHt
be added $1.05 for postage, making a
total of $7.71) for tho 100 pounds de
livered in Salem.
Canned tomatoes are priced at 9
enfs for a two pound can aud there
are 24 cans to the case, priced at
$2.16 for the case. Tomatoes may be
purchased fin cams of voinous wises
from two pounds up to ten. Tho ten
pound tomato can is priced at JJ eents,
while the three pound can is 11 eents,
plus postage, bused on fivo eents ror
the first pound and 1 cent per pound
A 90 pound bag of rolled mats will
.,.. t.,.. Ik.. ,,.,nrnm,.nt M f,0 'Dili
luni lluili mu v ... ., - .
gross, weight is 91 pounds, llonce ths
90 pounds delivered la alu;n will col
$4.45. .....
Tomato soup is-packed in one pound
cans and the government asks 8 ccnlB
a pound. If vou want a ,ise of 48 eaus,
it will cost $.1.81, pin; of course tho
postage. Regnrdless of where one lives,
ihe postage is five c uts for the rust
pound witn one ceil, nuueci ior cuoh
additional pound.
Canned cherries :ire also included in
the surplus army supplies, now stored
in Portion d and ready for parcel post
orders. The government's figure is 2f
cents for the 2M pound can. Jf you
want a case of cherries for the winter,
'he price of tho 54 cans to the ease is.
on the gross weight of the ease 61
Do Better At
pounds,,' which is 65 cent. Hence tho - ,
24 cans ef cherries, each weighing 2VS ,
pounds will cost delivered about 24
cents a can, or total; of $5.69-.
Aftcdrding .to tho best ol information-,
received, at .Salem,"-the government Is
offering from the? Portland base, batt
ed beans, stringless beans, eorni'd beef;
canned cherries, corn,, roast beef, hash
corn beef, peas in two pound cans, jaaw
rice, soaps, tomatoes, baeon, rolled oats,-
tomato soup.,. y
It is understood that one ear load of
thesa supplies arrived In Portland to
day and that within a few days, a total
of 12 car loads will be received. Ou ac
count of tho many changes that have
been made in post office rulings lately ;
regarding this sale of surplus army
supplis, there is no aBsuranee as, to how
long tho -sale "wilt sontinue or. whc
the 9alem allotments will be, with
drawn. As the matter stands, Saloin, a
a post office of tho first class ranks in
Oregon with Portland, Eugene and As
toriu. -' -
0Mffla TA U,vft W ftJW fiflft
.ijUillV au liui iyuvvvvvv
Hotel According To Plans
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 26. If tho plans
of tho Bowman interests of New Yorli
City and group-of Seattle, financiers do
not miscarry, Seattle is to have a new
hotel, to cost $5,000,000. The decision
to co-operate with tho Hnwninn inter
osts hits been reached by tho hotol com-,
mission of the reconstruction bureau of
the chamber of commerce and commer
cial club. A. J. Rhodes represented the
local committee and Jnmcs Woods, for
mer malinger of the hotel Bt. I'rancls,
Ran Francisco, and one of the leading
lights of the Bowman organization,
spoke for the eaHtern firm.
Boston. A yegg held up Hownrd Col
lins, a milk wagon driver, at tho point
of a gun. Collins christened the yr-js
with quart bottle of milk, using pinta
as cliusors. Exit robber, .
New Today
Ye Liberty