THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1910. PAGE THREE. Tomorrow and Thursday LILA LEE 1 j '"pt .-: w.:; ft a 1 1 i I ! a IN "Rose of the River" FULL OF THRILLS, HEART THROBS "AND JOY "THAT WELL DRESSED LOOK" : SHOWS WHAT TO WEAR v :: THIS FALL ' PICTOGRAPH TRAVELOGUE JONES PROPOSES TO . AM LEAGUE PACT Washington Senator Would ! Force AboEton Of Con scription Entirely. TEN SEAM FOOD Wholesalers Charged With .Hoarding 283,900 Pounds : Of 1918 Potatoes. - pounds of potatoes since April 21 1919, 'rock, seventy toot below street level. Henry J. Mignery, 1202 Western ave-1 Architecturally, the new office will har. nue charged with hoarding 32,500 mnnize with the Sub-Treasurv buildine. pounds of potatoes since M'ay 21, 1919- j which it will adjoin on Wall stroet, andjunaor the bill, but must be confirmed 1 Washington,' Aug. 25. Withdrawal of the United States from the. league oi nations two years after ratification, of the peace treaty,, unless all nations abol ish conscription within that. time,. . wat 1 provided for la a bill introduced today i by Senator Jones, Washington, a repub lican. ...... The bill directs the secretary of stato to give immediate notice to - league i members of the -United States intention to withdraw because two years' notice is required by the league covonant. The bill also calls for election of American ' representative to Jlhe council and assem bly directly by all the people of the iUnited States and provides that. three members of the assembly, elocted for four years, 'must be native born Ameri cans and at least 35 years old. . Their election. is provided at the same tkno and. through the Biuno electoral sys tem as governs the election of the presi dent and vice-president, . Under the bill the first election would be i'ii November, 1920, and those elect cd would begin serving on March 4, 1021. . Temporary representatives to sorve until the elected onos takes their seats are to be appointed by the president, Search For Lost Airmen San Diego, Cat, Aug. 25. (United Press.) After another 48 hours of fruit less search for Lieutenants- Frederick W aterhouso and Cecil H. Connolly, army flyo's missing since last Wednesday, the Seattle. Wash.. Aug.' 25. Charged hunt was renewed -today with a dutach- with illegal hoarding of 283,900 pounds "lt of troops from Fort Bosoerans E-id- of potatoes of the 1918 crop " in the " -Spokane Street warehouse ten Seattlo!'S the country to the east of here.. Wholesale produce dealers ere arrest The only authentic, traee of the two edby deputy United States marshals I y""g officers, who left Yuma lor the today on complaints filed by Associate I return to Rockwoll Field, is the report TJnited States Attorney Conway. They by -'J- Adams, a mining cnginer, that were released on $500 bail each. '" ho ha dsecn an airplane pass bis mine Tlioso arrested and held for violation ; 40 miles south of Campo, Cal., on Wcd of the Lever food control law -are:- nesday. Campo is a mountain town on A. U. Herret, 1113 Western avenue, ; the Mexican border. The search "today liBTrfi.l with hoarding 30:800 Dounds of centered in Lower California, where with the banking institution opposite. making a very, handsome trio oi build ings for this section, of the city." Is Resumed This Morning XSX&SiSSSi & Co., at the corner of Broad and Wall streets. -potatoes since Ma? 26 1919 a H. Hohag, W. H. Hohag, and J. T. Bice, 1015 Western . avenue .- charged with hoarding 114,100 ' pounds since May 13, 1919. - . ' - '' ' - John Doe Nomi Kichard Doe Nomi, : Thomas Styles Nomi and Edward Gody Nomi, owners, of the Western Produce company, at . 514. Sixth, avenue south, charged with hoarding 6600 pounds of potatoes since May 24 1919. C. W. Chamberlain1 1101 Western avenue,.' accused of hoarding . 40,000 .VICTIMS. RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous beta-use of their, insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they giva that they need attention by taking GOLD MEDAL Tfc world's standard remedy for t! disorders, will often ward off thes a. mo and strengthen the body againt. farther attacks. Three sizes, all druggists. Leak lor ti uum GaU Medal on mwr ham end ccpt bo imitation Governor Cantu is offering every assist ance to the American searching parties. Two squadrons of planes were in the air yesterday, one flying from North Island and the other from the border patrol base at Yuma.i -- '-.- . Trinidad, Lower California, has been selected as the base from wlucn the riy erswill'pursue 'their. hunt today. , - If Adams' report is true it means that the missing young men are jar into Mexican torritory. . The jnine whore Adams is employed is 40 miles below the lino and in especially rugged eouu try. New Vaults Big Enough To. Store AH Of World's Gold Now York, Aug. 25. Huge vaults, made Si stone, marble, . steel and con crete, with ample capacity for holding the gold supply of the world, were un der construction todav for the new as say office in Wall street, which will be completed next March.- . . , The now building will be a potential storehouse for billions of dollars in but lion. . Not only will the building hold much of the gold and silver depot of the United States but a vast amount of the bullion collected from foreign lands, "We shnll have room in our vaults to hold all the available gold on earth," snnd Verne M. Bovie, superintendent of the local assay office. "All the vaults will be underground. There will be five stores of them, running down to bed Thev ARMCX) IRON Advertisement In this week' Saturday Evening Post Is a reminder that ARMCO IRON is used in the construction of , RANGES f AMERICAN., j - , I- ' yt the " 1 iL Mm t"-ca wnn A '4 ' m Heater bura 'Tn ' ' " COil. Wood, " j ARMCO IRON Reiists Rust. It rnlly double! the life of a Gat Range. . Ask to sec the Wedgewood Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. roR s COAL. J v. STATE HOUSE NEWS . by the .senate. All questions of policy upon which American members of tho council or as sembly are required tp vote must first be submitted to congress for its advice, the bill provides. . SCORES SYSTEM OF REFRIGERATOR CARS Trade Commission Report Says Private Owners Abusing Uses. Washington, Aug. 26. Recommenda tions that private ownership of refrig erator and livestock cars be prohibitctf were made in a report by the fedoral trade commission today.. The commission declared that all such cars should either be acquired and oper ated as a governmcntjinonopoly or own ed by. the, railroads. nd, operated under government liconso &ad regulation. ? , The commission says Utat the big $10, 000: Coast Securities Corporation, s . . . 1 ., . rortland, $10,000; Astoria News com I J"Wt and hvestoek ears are enabled . ' . ' n . . rn n-ni-n nnvnnr.nirA.AVAi. smnllrtir t'nrlA. pany,- Astoria, $7auu; jsagie it iour , r, . B-?- - Mills, Portland, $100,000; Transatlantic Estates & Credit Co., Portland, $25, 000; Sunset Farms Co., Tillamook, $5,-000. iPive new automobile hd garage firms were among the list of new in corporations, .filing articles at the state house during the past woek. .c These were the Monarch Motor Co., Portland, capitalized at $25,000; Henniman Mo tor Co., Portland, $10,000; 'Auto Sales oo., Portland, $10,0000; Brown Motor Co., Medford, $10,000; Auto Sales Jo., Portland, $25,000. Other important cor porations were itarpentcr in vestment Co.. Portland, $50,000; State Orange Cooperative Exchange, Albany, $5000; EndicoM Paper Co., - Portland, $75,000; Mortgage Kuarantee. Co., Portland; wpringiield Mill Urain vo., Eugene, $30,000; Pacific Coast Supply (Jo. Portland, $50,000; Mutual Invest' ment Co., Portland, $50,000; Sumner Loan & Ocvelopment Cp., Marshfield, FALL OPENING At Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store Friday and Saturday AUGUST 29-30 1919 v : Presenting the Newest Fashions " FOR FALL AND WINTER This store was never so inviting and Autumn Styles never so -alluring as they are this season. , , , ; , We have put forth our best efforts to make this the most complete and attractive showing of Women's Apparel ever known in Salem, and cordially invite you to come and see how well we have succeeded. , Authentic modes in Suits, Coats, : Coatees, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Millinery, Furs and Outer Apparel, of all kinds, now wait your inspection. i Courteous, experienced and competent saleswomen will take pleasure in showing you these new models in Fall and Winter Ap parel whether you are ready to purchase or not. . Salem. Ore. White Corner Building Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store The public service commission . held a hearing yesterday at Hood River re garding freight rates over the Oregon Washington railway lines. , Tomorrow there is an important hearing in Port laud with regard to tho so called Burleson schedule of rates on the lines of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company. Both the fairness and the validity of the schedule has been chal lenged, and a thorough investigation will be made. As the rates affect a large number of .communities it i$ ex pectod that delegations of interested citizens will be present. Possibly the investigation will occupy several days. Tn behalf of the eastern Oregon ship pers, "who have long felt the handicap of discriminatory rates under the pre war schedule, H. Corey of the pub lic service commission, has addressed letters to members' of the committee charged with draftinir legislation reg ulating railroad operations under peace conditions, urging favorable provis ions of this territory. John A. Perry of Bend has been awarded the contract by State Engin eer Cupper for the drilling of a num ber of test holes into the bedrock at the .Benham (Falls reservoir site, to de termine whether it will retain water. Several holes will be drilled to a depth of from 20O to 300 feet, and a larger number of lesser depth in order to demonstrate whether the formation is erupted or stratified in such a manner as to allow water to drain away under areat pressure. The investigations at the Bite are in charge of Prof. W. O. Crosby of the V. S. reclamation serv ice. -. - 2,000 Dallas People Mob Army Foodstuffs Store Dr.llas, Texas. Aug. 20. (United Press.) A crowd of 2000 persons, in cluding hundreds of women, today rush ed the city's first store sale of army food stuffs and carried away consider able quantities of food wtihout paying for it. Police squads were unable to handle tho throng. Dozens of persons, including women, were injured by riolice clubs. Tne srore was finally closed. NO TRACE OF AIRMEN San Diego, Cel.; Aug. 26. Another night and day of searching has failed to locate a iTy trace of Lieutenants Water house and Connolly, army flyer miss ing since last Wednesday. Mexican troop detailed by Governor Cantu are searching the Gulf of California ls trietg. ' . i i m )$$ Keep 'era In The Circle $$ pendent concerns, Cars of the big five" packors are granted "expedited service," the com mission charges. - : i "The cars of small independent pack ers are misused and diverted," It say.s, frequently being out of service for ex tended periods, in sovcral instances for as long as six months." ' The commission cites traffic figures showing how this "expedited service" works out to cnablo.tho "big five" to deliver their products in quicker time than their competitor. Cars of tho "big five" in 191? .averaging 80.8 miles tr- vol per ear, the report says, while those A Fit that is not merely "satisfac tory", but is so much better that it can truthfully be call ed a perfect fit in every pair of of tho small independent competitors traveled 54.5 miles per day. Tho "big five" on December 31, 1917, owned, according to the report, 15,154 brine tank cars, or about 90 per cent of the total number in use. In some cases, the commission charges, railroads pay packers big allowances for performance ol part of the transporta tion service. Favorable arrangements for the lease of stockyards to the pack ers by the railroads also tend to make favoritism of tho " big five" natural on the part of the roads, the coniiiission declares. Another factor the commis sion says, is tho sale to tho railroads of "bumper posts" which are manufuctur ed by a subsidary of one of the "big five." -.. The commission also traced allogcd re lations between tho packing and the private car companies which ldaso tho refrigerator cars in which fresh vege tables, aro shipped. , , One company is the Fruit Growers Ex press, which owns, the commission says, 5840 ventilator refrigerator cars and en joys a monopolistie contract with ser en railroads. The Fruit Growers Express is owned by the stockholders of Armour & com pa'ny, according to the commission. "The exclusive contract," says the commission, "has in some cases oper ated to the detriment of both producer and consumer, "The Fruit Growers Express has fail ed to maintain its refrigorator car equip ment in satisfactory condition with the result that shippers have frequently suf fered unnecessary impairment of their products. " Immediately following tho publication of tho commission's report, Tlioinns E. Wilson of Wilson & company and presi dent of tho Institute of Meat Packers, declared the commission's investigation was conducted by men inexperienced in transportation questions. Ho said the report is diametrically opposito to thn handed down by tho interstate com merce commission recently which stated the present system of ruies and regula tions with regard to private cars should not be changed. "There arc admittedly too few re frigerator cars.," he said. "Greater mileage of packer cars was possible be cause a load was waiting for every car 365 days a year. Kieth Konqueror Boots for Men and Women The combination of superior fit and superior style ele vates the K & K, shoe to heights hitherto unattained by any footwear. Our Autumn assortments now complete and await your inspection. - $4.SO Up Paris Bros. CALIFORNIA FIRES L Thousand Men Employed In Fighting Forest Blazes Keep Burns Checked, San Francisco, Aug. 2fl. Four forest fircst raging in national forests in Cali fornia hnve with ,twn AvAnnftmi. Ttnnn brought under control this week, accord ing to .me united mates forost service. Tho cost of flo-hti bocfn $13,500 and close to 100C men hnve been employed. One of the finm vat tn ha UH j uu wiuiijnt, uuuer control was a bud timber and 1.1 1. Jt! It T.. . . i.utm me in tno nue Mountains, re ported from Santa Hiirlmr,:, en by a heavy- wjnd, the fire has swept over 2000, acres and is 12 miles from Nordhoff, sceno of a disastrous firo two years ago. . Work of combatting a fire in tho Kla math forest, near Korks-of-Suimon, His kiyou county, js hampered by tho iso lated location and difficulty in securing men. After sweeping 5000 acres, the fire is only partly surrounded today and with a 20-milo wind is particularly bad on the north end, , Another Riskiyou county fire, near Sisson in the Bhasta forest, i8 reported under control today, after destruction of the Perry ranch and reported destruc tion of the Ney Hpring health rcsori. In the faco of the fire, the patients had to be removed to Dunsmuir by auto More than' 200 men, including rangers sent from all forests in tho state, buttled the fire which hus swept 8000 acre..' Three fire were reported in the Eldo rado national forest, near Caldor, south east of I'lacervillo. . This is confined to .cutover land of the California Door com pany, an naKiand concern. "Forget It" Buy At Home FIFTH AND FIFTIETH U.S. INFANTRY REGIMENTS TO BE MOVEjUNTO SILESIA Washington, Aug. 2(1. The Fifth and Fiftieth infantry repments will be the troops sentto Silesia, according to wjvp department officials, who told ttnofti- ninlltf trmfWrnflrl :!i.mtMlflH -Mint hctfnm would bf taken. president Wilsoii', It was said, has ap proved the plan.. -.,,. s . f. . , i i; Should, conditions e.liAnffO so- thnt American troops would not be needed, the two regiments would be held at Cb lenz where they are to bo equipped bo fore crossing Germany into Silesia. - The Fifth infantry is nt Camp Tnjrlor, Kentucky,- and the Fiftieth at (fiinip Dix, N, J. ' 'I Packers Wa,it Justice. Chicago, Aug. 20. (United Press.) Attacking the federal trade commis sion's report on nrivate car line as be ing "diametrically opposed to that of the interstate commerce commission," Thomas E. Wilxon, president of Wilson & company and also head of the Insti tute of America'! Meat Packers, today issued tho following statement: "The packers are willing to submit tli - '"Vice of the federal trade commis sion's i "'irt to the common sense of the American -nb". There arc admit teiiv too few r f ' tor cars. "Greater milenire cf rrrkcr cars wi.a nossible because a load was waiting for every enr 365 days in the year. "Horend.the use of the packer owned "nrs among the nhiripcrg over tho entire country and the miler.go will be reduced with a co-sequent increase in the cost of meat foods, or a necessary reduction n live animal prices." Wilson said the trade commisHjon ' report was made after investigation by inexperienced men, while thnt of the in terstate commerce commission was hrndled by experienced investigators, who spent six years on the job, try Salem First In Buyin? healthful POMPEIAEI OLIVE OIL "always freak" j Easily Assimilated . and Digested Sold Everyu)hte t iei:- itte SniSS Try Salem First In Buys: Moneyivwth -VT "h& Red Crown gasoline is high X,A'VVb quality, fuU-powered-every j wA1msA- drop. Look for the Red ', IroltClmMI Crown 'gn before you fi!1' tsyA - . . ' i,, . of Quality: R. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agt, Standard Oil Co., Salem.