Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 26, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Advance in Price
' fN and after Mbnday'September ls, 1919, the
-' selling price of will be $1.75 the
suit. u This slight advance in price has been made
imperative owing to the increased cost of all kinds
r . . v iTr- ... a , .1 - i t -
or materials. we wouia not lower tne niga
i standard of I" ttt so were compelled to raise
""the price; You cannot buy another suit one-half
i so goqd for as little money. . -
' IZHliilj e 'deal garment for children 1 to 8 yean, V
Tie brant rVtftds Trar QMl The Goaraatee Protects Ym I
Those who have already bought genuine KOVERALLS know
of their worth. To those who have not yet tried them invest in
! a pair, and see how they save time, trouble, laundry and darning,
At Good Dealer
' Price $1.75 Everywhere n,
. A New Suit FREE If They Rip
Kade tod Gaarantaad or
Ban Pranclaco, CaL
Chlcaro Offieai
I0& Madlnah Building. Carrier Jackson and Walla'
r York Offices 377 Broadway ;
' ' v.ANewSuitfifEIfTleyKp, 1
" Vnda and Gnaranlaad by ... . I
fyfssxil LEVI STRAUSS & CO..
tJ " f San Pranolaeo, Cat I,
Wa Z' Chicago Offieai
I Si-yia "dlnh Bnlldimr. Corner Jackioa and Walla JF
f T -jZ- S -lyr Office! 377 Broadway ; Vv
3M -"T!rA-rf- QVERALLS
C Ut BtlBMJPMlVn to
u Htm letbcl la on iW km
tlMflvawsa. TUa label Uoew
. (Continued from page one)
fceen distributee!.' Mail service rom Ban
JFfuneisco stopped with the trains.
1 Officials of the tio Angeles, Railway
pjunpanv claim that full normal day'
liht sjrvice ie being given, although
ers are crowded to the steps every
morning and evening y'. ":
meinc. jsioetrff offiolals lso state
normal service has been agalu icttorod
and khat might, began moving yester-
i No iiigbt service is given on either
te pat eff to-day's dnty ontil to
morrow. If yonr atosnnek ia
acid-dlatvrbfd take ,
the new aid to digestion comfort
toefmy A pleasant relief from
the discomfort of add -dyspepsia,
(Continued from page one)
stociia. They, had made no preparations
for the .emergency they now are calls!
upon to meet, dealers gay, and are look
ing to consumers to practice he most
rigid economy in the use of sugar In
order to prolong the supply. .
That - the sugar stocks in Portland
are far from the high water mark was
the statement made yesterday by a
representative of the wholesalers. And
with the expected, stock of new beet
sugar unavailable on September 15. as
expected, the prediction was made that
housewives of Oregon probably would
icei tne pmcu, even as their sisters of
eastern state have for some weeks
past. The announcement .comes in the
midst of the fruit canning season.
when the domestic demand is at its
height. -A sudden slump in the call for
fruit for canning, it is feared, will fol
society joacred Heart
... . -
1V1 w,eddin V.hr'ls.E- 55 Under the direction of the
honor at a prettily conducted kitehen i OlSUJIj Ol., Lug H01V iameS,
Salem, Oregon. Boarding
, and Day school
Cwt Approved Methods
Primary, Grammar and
High School Departments
shower last week at which Miss Irene
Curtis presided.. The affair wa held
at the Cnrtis resideBce on South Gomj
mercial street, which had been artistic
ally decorated with white sweet pea
and fern. Miss Hughes was the reelp.
ient of many useful gifts. Those pres
ent were Miss Hughes Miss llaT8paulo
urn. Miss Olifa Urev. Miss Jlara mreit-
enstien, Miss Grace Holt, Mis Marie j Complete Courses in Hai'P,
Chittenden, Miss Mane Marshall, Mis Wo ' Ti r-,,14-
Laura Marr. Miss Vera Kosemmest, I j uivc vuiiui , v JJHU
Jiisii Gertrude Kast, ilisa Ruth tjchultas, 1 3HQ. HarmOnV
Miss Ethel Jf'razicr, Miss MsrjDelie pi , , r . ,
Heinhart, Miss Edna Howd, Mrs. Iarly ElOCUtlOn and PhySXCal Cul
Proctori and Miss Ethel Ferguson of .- r- tlirp l,laSRP,
San IVaneiscb, tlie house guest tif Missr '
Chitte4cn. sr, ll J ? J
(Continued from page one)
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
September 8th .
Sister Superior
Mrs. Theodore M. Barr, accompanied I
by her sons, Karl, Henry and Lawrence I
and small aaugnrer, josepnine, nave re
turned from Newport where they have I
been summering at their cottage ' Barr
Honorine the sixtieth birthday anni
versary of her husband, Mrs. w. f..
Johnson entertained a coterie of
friends at an informal ' dinnei last
Thursday evening. Circling the prettily
appointed tablo were Miss Teresa
Fowle, Mrs. Anna Oreutt of San ajVan
eisco Miss Virginia Malloy of San
Francisco, Mrs. A. I Johnson, Misses
Kuth, Mary and Thelma Johnson and
Mr. and Mrs. W. JE. Johnson.
Interesting visitors in Salem are
Mrs. Anna Oreutt and Miss Virginia
Malloy of San Francisco who are spend and Mrs. Todd will reside in Taeoma
mg the summer as guests of Mrs. A. where the gentleman in principal of a
Johnson. I hizh school. Those from Inderjendence
who attended the weddinor were Mr.
The arrival of Miss Elizabeth Free-1 and Mrs. W. E. Craven. 'Iean Craven.
man jox as uean or women at tbe um- Mrs. O. , A. Kreamer, Mise aretehen
versity of Oregon this autumn will Kreamer and B. E. Smith. Indo.Deiid-
mar mo compioicQ ena oi ine war ence enterprise.
penoa ior. tne women or tne scnooi.
Uean Fox has spent the last year and Mr, and Mrs. T, B. Kay. are home
nan in xmuce unuer ins aervicea i rrom, .a motor triw durittir which ,thev
Of the Y. W. C. A. In one of the lareerl were ffuestS if. -friind anrl rrtlatives
iiies oi ir rauee sne was put in cnargeim Eugene and other valley towns.
ui an American women ana nan unaeri -
her diireiction a large force of assist-1 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pohle left to.
ants. &ke returned to her home in New day for Pacifin-itlity foi nn .outing.
V Ml' If Offl.)v in til. BiimmA. U ma X'rt I fl.1 1 . 'lit. 1 L '
... au......v.. -wmM lony.' niKn VIMIC HHVeriU WSBCtt IV
was rormeriy nonnwesi stuaeni seersr I torts before returmnir home,
. JJ . L .1 . .1 . . . . ... I u
nrjr jur iu, auFuwwi uiBiriui. o lav
the happy couple will make their home.
Both young people will be greatly miss
ed by their many friends in Salem.
At high noon on Wednesday,' Augunt
SO, at the home of the bride 's parents
in Salens Miss'Ruth Hodges, a former
resident of this city, was united in
marriage to Edward Pnul Todd1 of Ta
eoma. The father of the groom, Rev
E. H. Todd of Taeoma, officiating. Mr.
New York, Auir. 26. Liberty bond
quotations! 3 's, 99.82; first 4s, 94.20
second 4's, 92.88 first 414 ', 4.22; sec
ond 4i's, 92.94; third 4'A 's 94.90: i
fourth 4 's, 93.15; victory 3 s. 99.36
victory 4 'a, Utf.&a,
Y. W. C A.
Mrs. B. F, Dimeler and daughter,
Miss Gludys, accompanied by their
house guests, Misses Eleanor and Lena
Huckestein, returned last evening from
a fortnight's outing- at Newport.
Miss Mary Cunningham of Vancouv
er, B. C, is in Salem as the guest of
her cousins, Mrs. C O. Hice, Mrs.
George Cavanaugh and Miss Florence
Miss Mae Oephart of Los Angeles is
visiting at the Charles A. Park home.
Miss JCephart is en route to her home
from ; Alaska,, where she has been en
joying a vacation.
H. Pohle and two dai&hters. Miss
Edna, Pohle and Mrs. Floyd Utter,
have returned from a three week out
ing at Breitenbush hot springs.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Xi. tifft have re
She will remain several I turned from a delightful motor trip to
Newport. Thev -were - accompanied By
Mrs. 8. Broitenstien : and daughters,
A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. I Margaret and Helen, Mrs. E. . Qumn
T. S. Golden,' Misses Vera and Annl-1 and , Ted Btiff, 'i'he- party has 'been
bello, Miss Edna Aekerman, Miss Pearl I gone a week,
uoorge, Mrs. i. E. Ackermun and Vir
gil Golden are enjoying an . outing at I
Newport. They plan to be gone 'for I
several wceKs.
I A Bad Tooth Never Grows Better
Unless Good Dentists Help It
Founder and Executive Head of the E. R. Parker System
rPHE first duty of a dentist is to
"' save teeth, and when they are
past saving he must resort to arti
ficial plates.
Some dentists can save teeth that
others can't, because some men
know, more than others.
The advantage of having your
dental , work done under the E. R.
Parker System is this:
The System is employed by Registered Dentists work
mg together, and the dental work they do is the result
'of all their knowledge combined, each one doing that
kind of work that he best knows how to do.
The judgment of one man in dentistry is never so
dependable as the combined judgment of several men.
. Registered. Dentists using the E. R. Parker System
make examinations and give advice free, and they tell
all patients examined what their teeth need and how
little the price will be for doing the work.
Everyone should have the teeth examined at least
twice a year, and the plan of charging nothing for ex
aminations is something you ought not to overlook.
Dr. Wallace II lander, Dr. Fred G. Bunch,
Dr. Ray J. Greer
Registered Dentists Using the
303 State St. Salem, Ore.
The American Voung Women's Chris
nan association was presented witn a
gold medal by the City of Lille on "Au
gust 11, in recognition of -the work
which the association has done for
Prance. The ceremony was held at T.
W. 0. A. headquarters in Lille, the
medal being presented by the mayor
of Jjilie to Miss Harriet Taylor, direc
tor of Y. W. C. A. work ovorneas. Prom
inent officials of the city, members of
the committee assisting the Y. vv. C
A. and secretaries of the association
wore in attendance. Mrs. Evelyn W.
Pox, director of Y. W. O. A. work in
Lille, assisted Miss Taylor.
tne American Y. w. t. A. is in
charge of recreation for girls at the
large camp which has been opened at
Ktnples to enre for 10,000 children
from Lille durincr July and Auffust.
Miss Emma Ross who is in charge of
' Wash with waak olu-
I r tion of blue atone or
lime water, dry thor
oughly, follow with light appli
cation o!
Y0UR BODYGUARD" -30. 60'.
(Continued from page one)
president's appeal and whose lenders are
conferring here today.
The shopmen are to issue a statement
setting forth their position on the an
swer to their demand. This auwt of
fered them an increase of four cents an
hour instead of the increase they were
this work plans the program and trains asKmS ranging from 17 to S7 cents an
French women, who have volunteered '10ur- 14 was accompanied by un appeal
for service in order to learn American I to their uatriotism to forego demands
recreational- methods, that, each mavlrr wage increases until normal eondi-
taKe charge of a unit of fifty girls to tions could be restored.
direct them in their play. The camp Ik wee the general belief hero that
was formerly a British barrack con-1 the ahoumen would take unothor trik.
tcr, the sea air, wide beaches and sand I referendum on i, nr;Afm .t w
" JUlKL lur rore acting. It was Understood that
the f v v:.;rTV: ;J muca aunn House meet
..rut, iyn au.iux ine vntiuren ur xjiiiq t .. . .....
i. kn..i..,i k k i-reniuenr uson "s appeal wua eener-
rr iKoui ii "J iiw t-mnc 1I1UUII IPflUl T( I , . - . . "
The Y. W. C. A. will carry on its roc- . ",,cwea here 7 ,u the aspect of
rent ion work for girls through its Toy- 'ii. v uruiwu iaDor as a wnoie,
or dos Al ies in L Ho aftl-r achm.l hn- "w n rrom tne aspect of its im
gins and the children return home. The (mediate reaction on the shopmen's lead-
war work council of the Y. W. f Aiers.
Go half way and endorse democratiza
tion of sueh industries as are possible, of
aatiobalintion, euch as railroads,' mines
and monopolies, or,
Continue- along present trade union
linesba&uig alt action on the question
of wages and hours..
The railroad brotherhoods- have led
tn way in. an effort to. brcii away
from the "wages and hours" fight by
adoption, of the Plumb plan. . r ,
Tiioeo supporting the movement to
ward democratization of industry de
clare they ."do not want mere increased
wages, but release from the servitude of
the wage system." , . .
They point out, as President Wilson
poiu'ted out in his statement that to
prices- gu up with every wage increase,
a vicious circle is being maintained un.
dcr the old. system. The workers, there
fore, want n veice in control
Thi- George Washington, carrying
Gompers and the labor party, reported
off Sandy Hook at 10:20 and was ex
pected to dock lit Hoboken shortly att-
vr noon.
lor tbe first time ia the history of
Omipcie' leadership, reports are begin
ning to cucuitita from ome centers of
the iniiis of laout in those regions " be
ing out of control."
Iu Chicago the labor ptity movement
is said tu ivui shadow, the strength or
the A. P. of .L. The same conditions
are beginning-to be felt in New York.
Gompern has always "opposed. & labor
p-uty. But the leaders of the party
movement are now confident they will
forced new decision. No ono in touch
with the situation is willing to hazard a
guebb as to what the decision may be. .
in addition to working out a definite
poiicy and program for future action the
following are a fe'w of the immediate
situations Gnmpere has to meet: ' J
Threatened strike of steel workers,!
whoee representatives are now in New
Yorn seeking to lay demands for in- j
crenst-d wages before the United States
(steel corporation.
The railway shopmen's demands,
wnicn f resident' Wirson asks to be hew
in abeyance dari'ng the high cost of liv
iug fight. . , .
The railrcud problem. At the execu
tive council meeting fourteen railroad
union heads,: representing - the four
brotherhood and ten ether railway un.
ions, will urge strong endorsement of
tbe Plumb plan. ..
rwv . i . , . . . .
jus miners situation, in. which a
strong movement is under wav to come
out ior demands, for nationalization of
mines, This issue is scheduled to be
voted upon tt the miners convention in
Cleveland next, month, v.
Gompers cancelled encasements he
had standing m Paris in order to eaten
the ueorge Washington and get home at
tne earnest possible moment.
mtA Million Babies -and; "
vjne ra.iv .01 riiiK wiieejtu
WHEN my doctor Void me. to give mj
baby Mestle's Food because I couldn't '
nursr him, I said, "Have nftnjf babies been -,;
broueht up on it?" - . "
-Js-"r'' He smiled. "Right here in' the Un'ued
-.. . . .1. . . tlntniMinila a( t Vi tct '
5,r" ho id ' atthis-minute mere arc iniiiy :y
kecpine well and strons on Nestle s.
-All over tbe world. it's the
, l - ' .mi mm. itl.9 ti hnw many babies
same t av-ana tnai wm ki u.,..v... , - -
have kept well on Nestle"s Food dur.ng the past fifty years. . i
And vet it wasn't all those your baby has the food nearest
millions of habies that convinced
me. jt was the pink cheeks of
my own baby. . - .
Nestle's Milk Food is made
out of pure milk, to which has
been added just the right sroount
of cereal and of pure sugar.
This is made into a white fluffy
powder, which mtkes the curds
of the milk easy to digest. Ycu
just add cold water, boil,' and
to mother's mtlk-free from -jhe i
germs of raw cow's milk sate,'
clean almost siire'to bring htm
pink- cheeks-"' and a sturdy ,.:
dimpled little body: - " ! :.
I found that" the Nestle Com- '
pany likes to save babies and kecp v
themwell. They sent mtfrceenougrr'
Nestle's for 11 feedings end a vtiy
interesting and valuable Mother's
Book a ut how to lake care ;-f
babiis. . I you have to do is to rid
cut the coupon below.
N;r. u mite milk mpy" form ta mircaa, nwaiiiM ami oon no,
.rqmie Ihc further aiMkion cf milk Alw") P' sral te, always unfform,
ano rr from .hr-fanfm of roma modif ition, Ntic :h oc6 die tot rf
tl.. rentration. and tas uty rf g' ''V htkyfiod tn ,t, vmli.
FREE! Enough Nestle's for
12 feedings. Stud the couponl
229 Call Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.
Please send me free your took and
trial package. - v
Name ....., .
Address : ... . i .
..... State
' sohools nb DipanTsnnTs apaoiM. FtaTunca .
mm rniranitr iaelutea tka Collar of A bwaUful cunpw, tacuttin of ipccialr
Literature. Bciaaoa and the Arts, and tte lata, modem faciUtias. low cost, with taanj
rHi Hnhaoii- M lAm. MaaWac. (at OMwrtuaiUaa for aelf-heln. "athtoties - for
a rail? democratic atmotphu
Portland), ARhfteetnre. jonrnaliim, Ooav
shim, duoattoa and Mow.
For a Mtafecaa, fthwtiaM twnkM nr icwlfte rafonoattoak addraat: ' .
administration demands for wage In
creases averaging 35 and 40 cents re
spectively. Officials of these railroad
unions have not yet reeeived a reply to
their demands. Trainmen expect their
-answer September x. . .
Uffieials of the railroad admitiistea-
tion at the White House today made no
attempt to nsinimise the seriousness of
the present situation. ,
The president said yesterday that we
"are face to face with a situation which
is more likely to effoet tho haunincss
ana prosperity, and even the life of our
people, than the wav itself."
Again he declared that failure to
solve tbe priee situation now faeinc the
country "will mean national disaster."
On one hand,, the president pointed
out, is the government trying to reduce
prices, a'nrt, he assured the shomm.n.
with every hope of success. The penk
of Mn prices has been reached, he said.
yjn ine otner hand, the shoumen anrl
other unions are demanding wage in-
oreuses wnien wiu rurnish a further oi
euse for hiarh prices and profiteering.
To graut these demands, the president
wua, wouia m-reat the govermnent 's cf-
tort antt ne 'declared tliat it is the li,tv
:f every eitizerr "to insist upon a true
in eucn eentests."
Presence of Gompers in Wasrino4nn
will have a beneficial effect no nnU
on the railroad situation, officials feel,
..ut uisu airau tne attitnne of organized
aoor in an crafts, m line with the
ertl appeal of the president. With
Gompers here workers will foel their in
terests are beinz contiiiunllv
officials say, '
burden of the conversation. The presi
dent was sid to view with concern the
possibility that the action of the for
eign relations committee in amending
the Shantung provision So as to return
the territory to China, instead of giving
it to Japan, will be approved by the
.lull senate. . a
' Senators of both parties today , agreed
that the hostility to the Shantung pro
vision had increased since tho commit
tee's hearings began.
The general opinion, however, is that
the president regards Shantung as the
test; upon which the fate of the whole
paeti- . ...'
If . the Shantung cmendnie'nt goes
through, ecnators predicted other pro
visions would be changed and that, In
the president's opinion, as expisjssed to
senators would spell disaster by post,
poning for months the day of normal
things. ..
Senator McCumber, North Dakota, the
leading republican friend of the treaty,
planned to open tbe fight in the. sen
JDoesn'tdturt a bit and costs only
" -' - ; :? .. few cents, i. ' ' ,:'"
Magic! Just drop. a,. little FTeezcire
on that touchy corn, instantlj It stops
also announces tho arrival of the first
unit of Polish Wray Samaritans in
Franee. This unit is lodged at Hotel
Trianon, a Y. W. C. A. hotel in Paris,
uud will nturt for AVarsaw Wednesday
where they will bo guests of Mine.
Paderewski in headquarters which she
lias stxtureu tor theim This initial unit
consists of four couneelors and twen
ty girls of Polish birth who have been
trained for reconstruction work in
their own country by the Y, W. C, A.
Miss Mentha Huuhes and Charles E.
Low were quietly married Monday M
tcr noon at the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Huges, 1211
Suuth Liberty sUreet, Dr. K. N. Aviaonl
read the snort impressive service. Thej
bride is Vermont girl who came to I
Salem five years ago. She attended Sn-1
lem high school, urudiintinir with the!
class ut' HHH. She has a host of friends
among, the younger set of this city. I
The groom is a salem bov and the
son of Mr. end -Mrs. W. S. JLow of 245
Washington street. He was graduated
with the class ef J1S from Salem hiah
school and later attended the Oregon
Agricultural college where he was al
member of the Phi Delta Thete fra-l
trnity and a very popular member of I
he Vbrsity O athlet. association. I
Since his reurn from overseas he has'
been employed at Forest tl-ovp, wicrj
The appeal was addressed to the shop
men, but it was aimed also-Jit otner or
ganiwd railway workers, includiaer
members of the four great brotherhoods
who are framing demands, and tt the
steel workers.
The action the shopmen take, liiiiv In
fluence tho eoiirne of 52.000
conductors and 187.000 trainmen whom
official, have placed before the railroad
Best Thing
the grocers sells
rv a . v
tor years I have doctored for in
digestion and severe bloating with gas,
all my money had gone for doctors and
medicine which did me no good. I had
lost all faith in mcdieines and as 1
have to work lard for the few dollars
I earn, was afraid tr risk any more
money. A year ago my neighbor told
me to try Mayr's Wonderful Hmedy. I
have found it te be the best medicine
in the world and am glad 1 made the
sacrifice." It i a simple, harmless
preparation that removes the catarrhal
mucus from the intestinal traet and al
lays the inflammation which causes
practically all stomach, liver and intes
tinal ailments, Including appendicitis.
m uose wiir convince or money re
funded. J. J. Perry and druggiss ev
erywhere. -
i the, sen-, aching, then you life the corn off with
ate todi.y. on Shantung in a speech at-, the fingers. Truly! No humbug! ' '
taeking the committee action against! -Try Freezonoj Your druggist sells a
which ho voted, as unjust and improper. , llny oottie r few eents, sufficient
MeCnmber'a nrnnoMitioii ia that, it I to rid your' feet of every hard corn,
would be unjust to Japan to turn over ou" corn' or com wiween lire ioe,
te China the territory Japan took from
Cicrmany by conquest and concerning
the disposition of which Japan had trea
ties with China and the allies. The ac
tion was improper, McCumber holds, be
cause, it goes further than the senate has
a fight to go.
The foreign relations committee met
tuday to resume votina on amendments."
A block of twenty-three proposed bv
and calluses, without- ena particle of'
pein, soreness- or irritation, iireezoutt
as the discovery of a noted Cincinnati
genius. .,
torney Civile today,
In sddtiou to the brokers, practically
2Ql) saloonkeepers in Chicago,, will be
arrested for -violation of- tho- war. time
Senator Fall. New Moxieo. eliminttiito- prohibition act, it was said. Thii ty-one-
the United States from membership on wcre arrested yesterday. .
various commission supervising Enro- . ,llluIuuy uenerai r.warii j. urunaago.
issued n statement today ihat evidence
(fathered hy his office shows th&t prac
tically every saleonkeeper in Chicago JS
a violator of the prohibitioi law. . .
Springfield, 111. At least one loeaT
hen is trying to beat the high cost of
living. She was said to- hav9 laid an
egg weighing 15 ounces.
peau settlements is te be voted on.
Arrest Of Brewers And
Saloon Men Is Ordered
Chicago, Aug. 26. Fifteen brewers in
Chicago and the northern Illinois dis
trict are to be arrested end indicted by ,r ' , .
the federal grand jury, according to in- All1 hU"mie. must. S'
. . " decree oOO dancniK masters in national
convention here. The "jazz side step"
is 'the substitue offered. - , '
detractions reeeived from the department
1 of justice at Washington by District At-
(Continued from page ene)
action was baaed oh the grou.id that In
dia's protest agrunst being forced into
the league was not heard at Paris.
Preeide.it Wilson has taken personal
charge of the" fight against' the Shan
tung amendment to the peace treaty,
senators believed today fallowing his
unexpected call en Senator Swanson In
Swnnson's office late yesterday. . !
ewanson today declr ed te discuss for i
publication the result oi the conference (
but it was learned that in the forty-five I
minute conference Shantung wan the
so- I
Cleans all white
shoes quickly and
easily. - Leaves the
fabric or leather
natural looking.
A dense lily white
that makes white
shoes look clean and
new. Get a cake
at the nearest store.