Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 26, 1919, Image 1

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    . aBan
t (25,000 BEADEB8 DAILY)
Only Circulation in Salem Guar-
anted by the. Audit Bureau of
Circulations. -
" Oregon: Tonight and Wednea-...
day eloudy west portion, fair
and cooler east portion, gentle 4c
westerly winds. ; . . t -."-.
' - j - - m . . i . ii i fc e- sr-ia luiiuiummi-iF am uir"- it i . - . j , ., k
Mil B,9
nun vti
Repetition Of Politf Bel
oian i nrnire Are i.
"edF Poland
Organized Effort Made To In
sure Plebicite Favorable
" To Germany. '
London, Aug. S6. 'iUiiitea Press.)
Charging that the Germans are guilty
of t,he same practices'' in upper Silesia
as in isolgiuni,'inii'i, me Mimes
Morning. Post correspondents in Poland
cabled a combined appeal to Great Bri
tain to come to the aid of the Poles.
The dispatches, which appear In i
day 's pnpers, accuse the Gcrinuus of
massacres and wholesale deportations of
able-bodied, men for work in tire devas
tated .'areas' of .Prance'' and' Belgium.
There also" have been systematic' of forts,
the correspondents charged, to discree?r
the Poles and drive them out ,of Silesia,
thus insuring a. plebiscite favorable to
Germany.. T ' .'".
The Morning Post comments on what
it describes as ''organized crime" com
mitted under the nose Of the victorious
' allies, who are-to--be-held responsible
for the massacres particularly Presi
dent Wilson anil Lloyd George.. The lat
ter, according to. the. Post, imposed the
plebiscite policy, on, ITpper' Silesia;
" They f ought- to hove known, 'the
paper ', declares;- '. 1 that such a policy
would' provide the Germans with temp
tation and -incentive to crime.. 7 It is a
hellish cOispiracy. i We regret to say we
believe several of , the allied statesmen
have fallen too ;easy prey to , German
cunning; 'iThe plebiscite is now: a mock-
en- of justice. The situation demands
nrnmnt action and niittishmcnt.
"The; Poles should be empowered to
take oMoasion. of ,'Unpcr,' , Silesia and
tlie GciiriMis informed tint' they have
forfeited all -claim to the territory.
,"What dnes Wlhrtn think lie who
Vit"d in.' Boston 'ijit the Poles were
his special care? . What doos he think
of the mannor in which the Germans
live jTnpwn nntemjt for his democratic
The corresnnnrlnts "iv tlio dtnils of
fi" shooting nt Mvfwz, fnrtv e
f..,n,ni. of Orossdombrowka and forty
f "H-'iishntte.
T)i Ti-nos ,t" rh erlitorinl, asserts the
f'.'"i hv" feofl ornetlv r. anv hndv
Pnmili'ii thij litnry and clinrac
fp- wonW hove fnrsfon.
"Tim Silesinrl tvlnn wns in accordance
with th bet tnrlitins of the Wilhelm
!trnsse," the Times said today. " Kbert,
Bauer and Erzbortrer have no mmt
scrnplos th." the Machiavellian states
men of old-".
A New Agency disnatch from Corien
hnwn rennrtu tliot tlm Pn1e suffered
Tienrv losses flndnv niprht in fighting at
Gleiwitz,: In the, Silosian district.
V . -
Gompers Returns From Europe
Facing Complex and Serious
Situation Throu ghout Go u n t r y
By Tred S. Ferguson v
(United Press Staff Correspondent.) "
New York, Aug. 26. Samuel Gompers
returns home today trom turopo to iae
the most serious and complex si
tliat has arisen durin" his rtitirc regime
as president of the American Federation
of Labor.
Gompers was aboard the transport
George Washintrton. the "president's
shin" which has already played its part
in American history. But in landing
Gompers on American soil the famous
ship played its part in a drama, the
ronscnuencea of which are eonbidered
second onlv to the peace conference,
The George Washington was due to dock
this afternoon.
Gonioers was the first many down
the eaneulank when the George Wash
invton clocked nt lloboken about 12:30.
A crowd, assembled at the pier eheer
, ed wildly as the labor ler.der cam
ashore. One man shouted, "three cheers
for the smartest mai in America.-"
A group of lrial lenders surrounded
Onmuers at once to welcome him home.
With them was hi ' .n. Movie men and
photographers were ready aud Gouipers
Rain Needed
To End Linn
County Fires
Albany.. Or.. Aug, 26. Only rain can
stop the forest fire on Crabtrce ercek,
east of Lacomb, which has . already
swept .through 350,000,000 feet of tme
timber. , . ' .
Men have arrived here from Portland
in. largo numbers to fight the . flames.
Nearly 300 are now trying to check the
fire", r , '- ' '.
Eugene, Or., Aug. S6. The foretfire
situation in the McKenzie river district
.ia-niore serious today, according to Btt
Dervisor R. S. Wallace. .
Several. new blazes nave .stnrtca ana
arc out of control. - - -
-. Albany, Or., Aug. 20. A new forest
fire" in- the-"Santiani national forest,
which was discovered yesterday, is re
ported to be under control today. ,;
Hugh Moore Charged With
Complicity In Murder Of
J Watfaa.
Ran Luis Obispo, Cal., Aug. 26,
(1'nited Press.) Hugh. Moore, 19-yenr
old farmer lad of Hoguo Eiver, Of.
fwid trial here today tii a chargo of
complicity in the murder of Driyid More
house, night watchman at Paso Kobles,
Hts jiarcnts are here from Jackson coun
ty, Oregon, for the trial, and they have
implicit faith in their ability to show
that -their .son was merely the victim of
bad' compavnionship. - ,
Moore was drrftited with Setu Burt,
cJias Edward Langdon, -22; after More
house-had been shot by the two men lie
found burglarizing a Paso Bobles store
Burt, insisted from the time of his' ar
rest that he shot Morenouse, ana inat
Mflore while with hlin in the, robbery
venture, fired no shots.-
A defense of mental deficiency will 1
bo entered, it being contended that
Moore was a good boy, working on nis
father 'sfarm -until he suffered an In
jury in runaway. After that, he ran
away to Medford, 'met Burt, who was
known in Medford as ljangdon, ami got
into trouble through his companion, a
youth regarded , by authorities as a
brainy criminal. 1 -
Court Supports Managers
Against Striking Actors
. Hew York, Aug. 26. In the case of
the Producing Managers' association
against the striking Actors' Kouitv
association. Justice Peter A. Ilendrick
of the state supreme court late this
afternoon gave verbal decision sup
porting the managers.
He said he would hand down a decis
ion Wednesday afternoon, restraining
the actors from breaking existing con
tracts. He urged both' factions to get
together and settle their differences
out of court before that time.
He upheld the rights of the nc-tors to
join any association they desired, or
enter into any contracTrs in the fu
ture. posed sd bowed for them
Ho seemed
happy to be home.
- Gompers is 09 years old. For thirty-
. - he nM-dirertca the labor
- . .,..i,l..nt r.r
the American Federation of Labor. And
due to the power that has come to labor
the entire country was looking to Gom
pers today for an announcement of pol
icy. With strikes in progress or pending
throughout the country and workers de
manding increased wages and coupling
their demands with protests againrt the
high cost of living, observers believe the
meeting of the labor executive council
. . . . . n- l Ml I. .1.
jn Viasauigion liiursimy win uc mo
most important in its history.
Because of the demands of the rail
road men for nationalization of tin. rail
roads with participation in control, and
agitation throughout the country,, the
- j
A. F! ot L.
must soon decide whether it
F.ndorse the principle of demof ratiza
Hon of iudustries-that is workers par
t ..IimiI fij in eontro .
(Cmtinued on page two)
oreign Relations Comzdttee
Adopts Resolution Propos
ed By FalL
President Views Action Of
' Opposition As Dangerous
To Early Peace.
By L. O. Martin ' ; -(United
Press Staff Correspondent.) "
Washington Aug. 26. The foreign re:
latious . committee today again amended
th peaw -treaty,-by- dot,ing Senator
Fall 's prosaL to- eliminate the United
States from membership on the inter-;
national commission to trace the boun
dary between Belgium and Germany.
By a vote of "9 to 7- the committee
struck ont)f article 35 of the troaty the
words "and associated. " This articte
creates a boundary commission ef seTen,
five' members of which -are to be ap
pointed by' " the prineipal ullied and as
sociated "powers, ' Kmmutioo f the
words "and assoejated"" reaidvos th
VJnited Stateit, which during the war and
the peace negotiations was kuowu as an
"n.ssociato " and jiot an ally of tho en
tente powors. - :- -
' All tlio. democratic members of the
committee voted -against the amend
. - The iiouiiriiueft quickly adopted other
"FalLtMiendinents of the same charuc
tcr by the -same vote. -.
While thrs$ amendments were being
adopted." Preatdeilt Wilson summoneii
Senator Hitchcock, administration lead
er to tho Whit House for a conference
at 3 p. m. The eoinmitte also voted to
give an hour to reports on ludia protest
ing against inclusion of that nution in
the league of nations. The committee's
(Continued on page two)
on hot ip ii i n
liUHdl Id Hill!
Diversion Of 200,000 Bags lo
Eastern Market Means
Scarcity In West 4
Whatever other ills may betide her,
the Salem housewife has congratulated
herself that she has done with'war sub
stitutes and war rationing of the nc
cessiies of lifft- But-here in th midst
of the strugglo with the high cost of
everything cumes the prospect that the
old county food : administration may
resume operations and dole out -sugar
to the householder in two pound lots
as in tue war times.
it develops that there is . a serious
snortage or sugar in me easiern sraies.
and to meet it the sugar equalization
board hat ordered the diversion of 200
0O0 bags of sugar from he coast coun-
irv w me csw .
It is esUmated that raw matoriali
will not be available for thi section
until after the first of January; and
furthermore, the paelters and canncrs
of the northwest will -be taken care of
by the wholesalers first. Consequently
a situation akjn to war days is expect
ed to exist in the west as it has in the
east for some time, but the card system
probably will not be brought into vogue
for tho reason, as one dealer expressed
it. "that there Will be no use for a
card system if there is no sugar."
Announcement of tho critical condi
tion of the sugar market came as a
clap of thunder from a clear sky to re
finers and wholesalers, who had no in
timation of the impending diversion of
(Continued on page two)
Armour Declares People To
Protest Over Kenyon Bill
Chicago, Aug. 26. (United Press.)
The whole country will protest eguinst
the passage of the Kenyon bill for regu
lation of the packing industry, wnen
"the people understand what the bill
really holds," said J. Ogdtm Armour,
president of Armour & company, pack
era, here today, eouunentf ig on reports
that numerous protests have been wtreft
- 1 to congressmen in opposition m .
- Armour denied any employe, of his
, ....... itla ......rail in wirlfli in xtrtt-
""i"; r -
'tests against the bill and signing other
people 's names.
, v - '- '. -
"i A truce iu the contests ovor
wages and-working conditions
called 'for. ;by President Wilson
to help ' the government -cut liv
ing costs,' would mean the tem
porary abandonment -. of : d
mantls by : ' '. '
f 500,000 railroad shopmen de-n
mending 23 per cent additional. -
187,000 -trainmen seeking in-
creases averaging 40 per cent.
; 112,000 raitroad firemen pian-,
uing'wBge demands. ' ' -'-
- 22,000 corrduetOrs asking 35 '
per cent additional. .. - . . - i
; 300,000 workers in -steel and :
allied industries.
200,000 ' workers, some of
whom now are on strike in gen-'
eral tradei, .lueluding builders, i
machinists, '-'&ilOrs, fishermen, .
cigarmakers, streetcar workers, '
butchers. and meat packing em-
ploy es and shoemakers. ' '
$5,000,000 : is being . slashed
, daily "from ',the -American pro-f
duct ion by strikes and lockouts,
according to estimates based ou.
; reports to various government
departmenti : .;;' .'.? ;
, "The primary stop," said the
president,"'!is to increase pro- ;'
-.duction and faoilitato transpor- c
' tatioii so as to make up for the -
destruction wrought by the war,
' th teirible scarcities it created
as soon as possible relieve our
people p the, cruel burden of ,
, high pries,, ..;;Tlie. -railways ftre .
the very center "e WK .;
" '
Offer Of Washingtsa Loggers
To Fill Big Contract
Was Ignored. ?
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 26. The logging
industry of Washington was threatened
with extinction Unless it n-cccpted sub
contracts from the favored Siems-Csrey-tterbaugh
corporation in tho production
of airplane spruce through labor diff er-
encinls and prohibitive wages to govern
ment employes, acoonaing to William i.
Butler, of Everett, one of the biggest
operators iu the state, who appeared be
fore the congressional , . investigating
comniittee this morning. Butler is a
brother of Nicholas Murray Butler,
president of Columbia University. Aside
from extensive logging holdings, Butler
is president jjf the .First National Bank
of iSverctt, president of tho Lyman Tim
ber eomparay and is a director in numer
ous other -corporations. i
. The congressional committe as well ai
a large audience of lumbermen was vis
ibly impressed by Butler's testimony. ,
.f.'The loggers of Washington were in
it position to produce 10,000,000 fcof ol
spruce 4 mouth when war loomed,"
Butler told the committee. "We were
a position to supply a very suustan-
i tiul amount of equijj
cnt. Our employ-
es were enthusiastic and anxious to aid
the government in its effort to aid the
aircraft program.
"On February 17, 1918, the loggers of
this state made a distinct proposal to
Lieutenant Colonel Bisque, head of the
I ,. J ::! nrn4no. n MM .MM
1 . , . '-r .. , r .. .
day for a thousand. To this
?ay tha proposal, sent in the form of a
, 'eer to bisque na nov ueen ci
-"Charles Cobb, one of the Nestors of
tho logging industry in the northwest,
told inc personally after no acknowl
edgement of the letter had been made,
that he believed Bisque did not want to
produce spruce. Whereupon Cobb pack
ed his grip and went to southern Cali
"Humiliating to the logging industry
of this state as well as to the nation, a
year Jind seven months passed after
the entry of the United tates into the
(Contiuned on page four);
Ptomaine Poisoning Ends
Life Of Argonne Veteran
Alliance, Ohio, Aug. 26 Ptomaine
poisoning, it was believed, resulted in
the death here today of Colonel C. C.
Weibrecht, world war veteran, his wife,
two faimily friends and a waiter. It
was believed that olives served at n pri
vate dinner party Inst Friday were the
The ehef who prepared the dinner w
also stricken and is believed dying.
Colonel Weibrecht commanded the
146th infantrv of the 37th division In
the Argonne drive. ! He was formerly
adjutant general of Ohio. -
AS Goyemir.ect Concessions
To FoKaw Example Made
! ToShopsen.
Wlsde f Isibn Waits Answer
Of Labor To Ccsprczdse
Offer Of PresijhsL
- WasUnCton, Aug. 28. A new
strike iipte .by , 800,000 railway
sboiittMn on ; prealdeat J Wilson's
proposition for watt increases of
four cents an hoar was ordered to-
day by President Bert M. jewell,"
of the railway employes depart-.
meat , of ' American Federation of
; I Washington, Aug. 26-(ITnited Press)
-The irovernmcnt's.eonccssions to other
railroad unions will be the same as that
a-ivey the shopmen, Birector -General
Hines clearly indicated today in a letter
to M.' O. . Wharton, chairman of the
jjoard- of railroad -wages' and working
renditions. , - . . -
1 Demands already, before the ruilroad
administration include requests for a 40
per acnt increase for 187,000 trainmen
and for a 35 per cent .incrcaso tor Za,
000 conductors, i Other railroad brqtncr
hoods also are ready to submit .derunftds,
Trainmen say they are expecting mnes
to answer thenr bv September. ,
Hities letter fa Wharton says:
' ' The position: of the government -m
that, in view of its campaign to reduce
the' cost of. living and of the .strong
prospects that substantial relief will be
achieved,- it is not proper now. to mane
general increases in wages on I no as
sumption that the present cost of Jiving
will be permanent and that pending the
efforts of the -government to bring down
the ost of living, the highest cost of liv
f ig ought not to be accepted as a per
manent basis of wage and adjustment.
"It is recognized, however, that if
(he efforts of the government to bring
down-the-cost of Eving should fail, rail
road wages should be readjusted in th
light of any permanent higher living
costs which would thereby have to bp
recognized. "
1 ! " Nation Waits Answer '
' Washington, Aug. 26 (United Press)
The nation today waited anxiously for
organized l&bor's answer to President
Wilson's appeal for a truce in industrial,!
The eyes of labor lenders hore wero
turned toward Samuel Gompers, head of
the America n Federation of Labor, who
is due to land in New York today from
Europe; - Labor officials here hope
Gompers will come to Washington at
once; ' '
. A ineetini of the executive council of
the federation Is scheduled soon after
Gompers' arrival.
While results of the president's ap
peal to labor as a whole turned about
Gompers, early developments are sched
uled from' railway shopmen whoso de
mands were the immediate cause of the
(Continued on page two)
I'm nlad we bought a- limousino
when we did," said Mrs. Lafc bug,
t'day, when she discovered she didn't
have enough money Dy so eents i ouy n
dozen roastin' cars. Th' Elite Drug
Store is advertisin' 8 yeur-old Kendall's
Spavin Cure.
Innocent Boy
Is Killed In
Illinois Riot
Springfield, 111., Aug. 26. A filtecn-year-old
boy wag shot through the head
and instantly killed and a man was shot
in the leg during a pitched battle at a
mine near here today between Insurgent
coal miners and miners wanting to re
turn to work. " .. r.
i The boy was watching the fighting.
Kot until, the youth fell dead did the
battle in which revolver shots, bricks
and elobs were used, subside.
The death lightened co'iiservatives
and they returned to their homes with
out further, attompt to go back to work.
. Two men wore arrested and held pend
ing investigation. '
At the insurgents roceut convention
here it was voted to call a strike unless
operators remittud fines assessed against
strikers..:, A conservative group refused
to abide by the vote, t . -- v -
Location Of Riley Trid to Be
Decidsa In Pcrtb:d
; 1 Today. '. ,"
Portland, Or.," Aug. , B6.-r(Unitcd
Press.) A hearing which-is being con
ducted here today by United States Com
missioner Drake will determine whether
Joseph E. Biley and his attractive -18-year-old
brldo, Doretrry Tld Riley, shall
bo tried in Portland orv han rrsnoisco
on a1 eharge of eoiinterfMititig. -s; " '
Hi ley, 32, Was arrested hero with his
wife early in the month by secret-serv
ice agents.' A counterfeiting outfit and
a. quantity of gold .and silver bullion
were found in, their rooms at the. time
they were taken into" custody the gov,i
crnment operators reported.
lTic federal aUthOrtties nlaim that lit
ley is . the kead of "America 'rtnost
dangerous band of counterfeiters,'? who
have been operating on the 1 acilio coast
particularly California, 'for. scvetil
years. .-' ' -:..--.:,
- Like Fagan in xhckclis novel; Kiley
is alleged to have trained young men
in the counterfeiting game,- regulating
their operations us a chief would ills
tribe. '. ',-'.''
Secret service agents say that seven
&1 Riloy's pupils were captured in San
Francisco in 1916, -being-sent to prison
for 18 months. The present Airs. Biley
is said to have been taken at the same
time ;and sent to a reform school, Fol
lowing her release, the alleged head of
the colony of counterfeiters married her
and brought her to Portland,
The government agents ulso. charge
Kiley- with being a bigamist 'and a do
licitcr from' the army." They claim Ki
ley V gang contemplated an early
"clean-up" along" the Whole Pcific
east. Two of tho alleged members of
the ring, Fraiik O 'Toole and his wife,
Isabella, were' recently arrested in Sac
ramento, and are now awaiting trial in
Sun Francisco on a charge of passing
spurious money. .
According to information which was
sent hore from San Francisco, membots
of Hiloy ' gang charge him with dosort
iug Laura Biley Ms companion of years,
when he became infatuated with Doro
thy Tidd, daughter of Mrs." W. H., La-
Point. The latter and her husband h&ve
served time for counterfeiting,' the' fed-
nl authorities assert. "
Southern California Railway
Service Is Practically Halted
By Sympathy Strike of labor
: Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 26. Transpor-1 f(1 bl(.killr 0f the state-federatioa ok
tat ion by rail had practically ceased in j whieh professes to be ia exact ae-
southcrn California today as a result of I c,)r( witn th(, af. of L. .' r
strikes of steam road men in sympathy o. : Murphy,' president of tho
with the Pacific . Electric intcturbnn j, iUfo.uia St,t yr deration of Labor, in
strikers. . . - ' ' v- 8 statement to the United Press, de-
Thousands of tourists in this center ,ared that ,,Lo(l Angeles is the battle
of that industry were marooned. ..round of tabor in California." Be said
The paralysis bad rcacneo oui 'n'"
it touched Fresno on the north aud Yu
ma. Ariz., to the southeast.
Tho effects have been felt throughout i
the state of California, for norm ana
south trains, notably the Lark and the
Owl, have been annulled. I
Only by means of ocean oais can
tourists leave here, and these boats have j
experienced the novelty, of wealthy peo-
p e clamoring- ior Bire.ugr. .
r " . .. .
T 10 only apprcr.iuuie mwi o mt
of the "big four" leader, ordering .the
Tinon vannrCBiauieeriecioiiueaei.il". i -,
steam line nw u .iu nu.- ....
spread of the strike northward , and! but.ti.e supp.y is raym.y
.thward and an expressed detcrmina- .fVSM
tion of the leaders her. to ."'..ee it that the streetcars aro standrng still,
through to a finish." .- fnited States mail is tied up. Twen-
Whereas the national officers of the, tyiv carloads of mail hers ao ot
rail men have refused to saMion - ; '
strike, tho strikers have the whole-heart-1 (Continued on page two)
Local Office Fhced Upcn Par
. PcCtwl Rzs' ,
Orders To Ee Mca Hare Ua-
. til-AutfUU.ut kV.J vf vi,
Ordered Clccj.
i Surplus, army -food steeks are. new
within. the reafh ,af ithe: people ,ef Ssv-lem-ftn(Vvie.tnity.
. ., i, . Jw' , J I
, Today an order wa receive by Post
master' Unckestciu to the effect tiat
supplies will: be .shipped -from Portland. .:
and that, regardless, of location, pur-;
chasers will bc given a , parcel post"
rate of five -cents a -pound with one
cent; added for. each additional' ponnd.i
The hmit of one package is to fco 123
pounds. ; ' .
And not onlv "i nah'in ana vieiniiy
now on a par with father localities, but- -
orders have beoa ree eve at me posi-
office whereby the sale is to beacon-.'
iuued until the allotmest is sotd' out
or"ttntil th post" office' department at
Washington orders , the. sale stepped.
- Meretorore iem nas . neon1 oarreu
out on this salo-of army stocks doe- to
tho fourth daa.zono-ratos.to San'Pran- .
Cisco,' and ulso due to the first orders ,
reecived to scttthc"foorHor oaty tw
days! Orders received today savage
erything and throws the urphis ,-araiJ!
stocks, to tie stproa ( iwiuu, upen
to -tho public -v i'." ""
4 Included in the list, tt surlis ,thst ,
may "be sold st tfnlom are 260O twelve
pound cans pf bacon, The goeramcBts ,
price for. the lH'pound Is To;
this must be added IU ents for OBt-i
age, total iH-36 cents, or ubotlb 33 cents
n pound.1- " 1 S
' Baked beans are piiekosHn one; tw
or. tlirec pound c.ans.-Thsrs la allotted
to Salem, as ft postoffioe of the first
class 4750 can of 1 pounds each, bed
sides a fair allotment pf the two ad
(Continued on page live) -
Daniels And Party Leave -.
40n Return Trip To Coast
By 14. D. Tracy "
j, United Press Staff fowsponrlMnt)
Aboard' V. . 8. 8. Jew . Y ora.
Aug. 25. (Delayed.) Secretary j
Daniels and his partly left Hifci,.:
H. T., aboard the dreadnaoght
New York for Monterey, Cal,, at
1 a. m. today. - He expesU the
New York ,to make fifteen to .
seventeen knots,- arriving . tA
Monterey on the morning of Au
gust Si.- .': , V-1; ;',
Daniels will catch a train that
afternoon for San Francisco.
Secretary and Mrs. Daniels
and their , party
spent Sunday '
volcano near
''," V'V . M
visiting Kilauea
tUc Htrikcrs here would "be given every
possible support-of organized lalior."
Murphy charged an organiaed attempt
by employers here to f nree a return, w
pre-'var open shop conditioas. ,
With food piled op in the railroad
yards, but with no one to move thess,
Los Angeles could Bee hunger in tho
offing if the strike" continues. Ia the
warehouses the food supply is g' ttt 'g
j " : . i
l iAU Tiu. nflubnra annnnneMl tnev hau
. -
Unoufil, meat for J. few day, only Gaso-
U iii. is bein ir rushed in by motor truea,
- v. - . .-