PAGE NINE. Journal "W a&i A& Luke ' Lemery has brought suit against Leonard Bros.- farmers, for $174 got sheep, lie, cluiuw th Leonard brothers unlawfully took from him. in hi ouiplaint he- alleges that he was the owner of 11 ewes and 8 lambs and that the ewes were worth $10 and. the Quick Reference To Firms That Gira Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller MeetWe Recommend Our Advertisers. lamb H-erh. That Aug. 5, 1919, the Leopard brothers unlawfully took pos session of thein. lie also asks for $50 other damages. . THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1919. The emptier a man head the bigger rtoi$e hk makes IMPEMAIES MOUTHPIKB ; CIGADETTB5 quietly speak quality through .their mouthpiece because they're full 6t real quality in tobacco Appealingly blended. 10 for 13c r -The John Bollmaa Co. Branch ManufBltHAM CITYNEW5 I - : COMING EVENTS Alio;. '20, Tuesday Lamar Tooze nt armory, auspices Sa-. lem Woman's club. Sept. 1, Monday La-bor Da'. Legal holiday. Sept. la, Monday 'Fall term Willamette, university begins. Sept. 22-27 Oregon state fair. '-. Sept.. '-29, Monday Opening of public schools of Salem. sc sc - Drs. Cashatt and Pembf ? ton have moved their office to 508- Bank of Commerce bldg. Phone 8'Jj. 94 Canning corn delivered immediately, Cumuiings, 9AP13. 8 25 ,"-.... o Whenever . Jens Christian Jensen moves, lip, changes his nationality and doesn't wait long to make the change. He- was horn about half a century ago ia Denmark, When 40 years old he left his native. home, went-to Canada and soon became a subject of the king of Great Britain and Ireland. He arrived in this country April IS, 1(MS, ana now I makes declaration of his intention to become ah American citizen. Having wade declaration, in about two years, ho will appear before the commissioner end eh'euit.vjudge and prove whether he is worthy of citizenship. Also pass on examination as to the workings of this goverwjent. j ,;a;'H . o Harry Levy of 67S Oourt street, -is short one IFord touring car. While out falling Saturday evening, he left his Ford on the outside. When he got ready to go home, the Ford was gone, . -o . Tor those interested in flowers, there is- the' night blooming eereus which on ly blooms at night and then,, for only a; few hours. Those who love' flowers are invited; to call this evening at, the borne of ; Mr. and Mrs. 1. V. Brown, 1199 State- street. There will 'be five blooms this- evening and the bet .time to see them will be betwen 9 and 12 o'clock, " i ' 0 -- Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hamilton are home from a real' hike of 123 miles lonx the coast of the strait of San Juan de Fuea and the Pacific ocean. The hike started at Twin Rivers on the ornlt. about .11) miles from Port Ange les. Thence along the- shores of the trait over, wagon roads and trails, thence along the Pacific through the cedar and spruce belt of Moclips, he terminus of a railroad n few miles north of Grays Harbor.' The uiiibts were spent in. camping out. or staying with farmers or at the Induing houses of loggers.: The most ewiting thing that happened to Mrs. Hamilton was when she was walking about a quarter of -a mil? in advance of Mr. Hamilon and a cougar crossed the trail about 50 feet ahead. When it come to real scenery and a tine hiking trip, Mr. Hamilton says no country is. finer than that along the coast (between Newport nnd Coos bay. In their jrveral annual hiking trips, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton have covered about all the coast line between the strait of Sun .Tuan de Fuca south to Crescent City, California. Take 1 5 or 20 cents from the price of tea and off goes half the quality. - It costs as much to cure, pack, and transport common tea as fine tea, and that is the biggest part of the cost. . Schilling Tea is the fine practical economical tea of this country. There are four flavors ol Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers every here. A c,r. .. t- f c JT.-.-. : . . ow tMntjprtrtian ! eoatl m& tnA I -t dymltty distinction e- - o The government is now selling a few ji&dfcieks that will not be needed on account-of the early closing of the war. Tb offering: j . 14,75-wrought , steel padlocks. With galvanized chain,., six lever, self locking. Only .10 dozen lets will bo sold. Thev arc now at, Jotter.- sonville, Indiana. ; . . ;,-. 0 i Ralph Davis, who was with the army Of occupation. in Germany, nnd wo sta tioned at Coblena arrived home this morning, having received his' discharge a few' days ago at Camp Lewis. Ho was with, the . 51t telegraph battalion as electrician. He- is the son of Mr; and Mrs. .1. F. Davis, of the Hubbard biiild- lug. He is entitled to wear the two stripes indicating one year, of service ! overseas. t , : j According to information received this morning, about 12 - car loads, of surplus aimy food has been shipped to Portlajid for distribution. Orders may ilow be accepted for this food as in structions have 'been issued by the post office, department at Washington, that the- sale of food' will continue until each Citv has received its quota. This will give the people of Salcin and vicinity.-.' the advantage of. the postage , rate of the first zone. It was the fourth I zone rate to San Francisco that prac tically prevented people in Salem, from getting, in on this sale ot government foods.' ' " ' 0 Judge George H. Burnett will preside-a,t the lecture-to be gWen Tuesday evening at the armory ,by Lamar Tooz.e Besides members of the Salem lodge, of which Mr, Took Is. a member, the American 'Legion of returned soldiers are taking an interest, in: the address.; It is given to aid tho women of the state in providing funds for, the wo man's building, otJ'tHe-. University of Oregon. S- T-0 Milton L. Meyers of the Meyers de partment store, who fell from a ladder about two weeks ago: fracturing a bone in hi super right arm, underwent an operation this morning it the Salem hos pital. The physicians cut into the arm to the bone to determine exact condi tions. The opinion is now expressed that Mr, Meyers will now make better nrosress towards roeoverv and that he' can be taken home. within a day or two! Ho was under the influence of ether from 10:41) o'clock until 2 o'clock. iMelson Bros, plumbers, ia the only tirm in this line of business that, had taken out a plumbers license up to 2 o 'clock this atternoon, .'. At , tho lasti meeting of. tho city council, it was voted that the plumbers should com ply with tho law and- take out licenses. hi lUlH tlt council -passed-' an ordi nance providing for,, an annual fee of 20 for plumbers and nlo providing for a sanitary inspector. The plumbers paid their licenses regularly until ear ly in 1810. After a plumbing firm, from Portland came here and put in the plumbing work for the Court apart ments without taking out a" license, and after- there , waa-no sanitary In spector, the plumbers' refused to pay their licenses, and the matter was dropped until. called up by Gerald Volk at . tho last meeting of the council. The plumbers any- they are willing to pay if the remainder of the ordinance is complied . with which provides for a plumbing inspector. Stop Itching Eczema Never mind how often you uave tried and failed, you can stop biu-ning, itching eczema nuicklv bv arjolV!il a Ittue zemo furnished by any druggist for 35c. Extra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the moment zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, Vimples, rash, blackheads: and similar c'tin rtivnaefl will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, always use zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a sreasv salve and it doea not stain. When others fail it is the one dependable treat ment for skin troubles of all Kinds.- The E. W.Rose Co.. Cleveland, a .. . '., , PERSONALS. Albert Anderson, the contractor in charge of a 12 mile stretch of macadam oa the Pacific highway near Drain, was in the eity on .business today. iPntil Wallace left by the Oregon Klcctric this morning for a brief visit in Portland. B. R, Perkins, formerly of tho inter national Correspondence schools, has just purchased a neat little bungalow on .North 5th street from Mrs. Jalor cuce Corey, and cxipects to make his permanent home in Salem. E. i Carleton is back at his post in the department of public instruction at .the state house after an outing t a week or ten days. Included in the list of Sunday Guests at the llliah hotel were the group of airplane pilots from San Diego, made up or iMa.jor A. u. inita ana juieuien auis Ned Schramm. Q. A. Mellenry, Henry Webb, Wilbur A. Wright and .Sergeant B. W. Staeey. An automobile party compoaea ot Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Black, Mrs. A. B. Black nnd Mrs. Vt". M. 'Black all of Corvallis, wrc visitors iu the city Sun uav. Anions recent arrivals of Oregon .soldiers in New York wctP Clarence L. Paruienter and Earl C. ..Nichols of.Sa lem. Sereeanfr J. K. frail of Eugene, W. T. Sehrock of McMinnville and Ed ward Cutler Dallas. MR" and Mrs. Hiram Smith of Port land spent the week end with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith in this citv. W. K. Smith of Spokane is spending ia few dnvs with his uarents. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith. 176.) Center street E. Cooke Patton spent (Sunday is Don't stay indoors because your skin is unsightly Resinol will heal it quickly The discomfort of hearing unfavor able comments upon one' s complexion, and of realizing that one's skin is un sightly, can be prevented by Resinol Ointment, which not only heals a.-eick skin, but protects a healthy one. Aided by Resinol Soap, it heals eczema, helps, to remove other eruptions,., excessive dryness or oiliness ot the skin, and enables one to have a' complexion that excites compliment instead of unfavor able comment. : ' , At all dcaleri. . . : , "WE, MUST l NOT SEE each other again because I DAHE NOT." . - . .-, WHAT DID SHE MEAN! ; SEE, . A HOUSE DIVIDED I'Stuart' Blackton 's Masterpiece . ,Rv Aiitoie Paul Kelly :'.' -.-;.". , I'eaturin" ; Sylvia Bremmer s J':- : ..and ; - -. Herbert Rawlinson 1 An I'nusual Story " with Tense 'Situations and "Extraordinary ; ' Climaxes THE PLAY OF THE YEAR NOW SHOWING YE LIBERTY Portland, returning to Salem this morning. While there he witnessed a performance by Alexander, the noted psychic, whq is attracting a, great deal of attention, there. afternoon on a business trip in Port-laud.- -- ? - v.-"- -' ' Mian Frances Gellatly is again at her desk "injhe offieei-of the. board of control aftiw' an outing of ten days which is spent at torvallis and at New port. JS.-' VVithycoiiiDe ot Kiainatu rails is spending a few days in the ciy, stop niH2 teninorarilv at tho Bligh hotel. Amoue the rucent arrivals at the Canitnl hotel are-Wui, ;Bourchrd and fnniilv of ..(entmliay1 Wash., and E. Henderson and fainilv.of Portland. 60 PLANES IN NEW iVORK-T Kooscvelt Field. Mineola, L. I., Aug. 25. Lieutenant P. 11., Logan, in a Le pere airplane, took the air here at 1:55 p. in the New . York-Toronto airial derby. He was accompanied by (Sergeant VL U. SShackleford as, naviga tor. The other planes were expected to ascend at short intervals. Forly-1hrce airplanes to start from New York and 17 from Toronto will cover a total distaiice of 1142 miles. Both army and civilian planes were entered. The army entries included every type of cratt in the United (States nir service, American and for eign. The wido varict yof entrants was expected to enable a severe; com- Pln.-Mft.tQ Shoes Don't buy cheap diocs for cbiUren buy good ones tuy Pla-Mates " anJ your srioe till will be less at the end oi the year. Real leather in these sturdy hoei. ito.wsjiylrr I " ! t .n 'i -rm.iii . m NOBMA TALMADGE IN THE NEW petitive- test fei efficiency 1 and per- 'forniance. . v .,-',.' ;1 ;. The prizes totalling $10,000, com- priaed: .. Priaes for fastest flight- -first,, '1300; second, JifOQ; third, $300. . Prices UBdcii handicap conditions: for best perforHianccj-rnPirst,. $2,100'; sec ond, 1300; third,; $800? fourth, $000. fifth, $550; south $500; seventh, $450; eighth, $400; ninth,-'ftttiOi, The race may. cover most of two Mays. All machines iiiust land at Al bany,: Syracuse -.and Buffalo, where they must remain at least, thirty luin ntcs while representatives-of, the con tcsji, committee,: after ; inspecting the planes will, determine whether they are fit: to continue .in he raca Just before Lieiitonant Logan left Ihe ground the sn- appeared and the machine got off to a good start, dart ing! through a hole in the clouds. Major ..General Charles T. Menoher. chief of th army air servicer was of' ficial started, dropping a white hand herchief'ag the startiug signaL Good weather was reported' from Al bany and conditions in the Toronto district were said to be fair;' Under good conditions it. was said the first of the machines to depart would be ablexto cover the.;disnuce by 9 o'clock. Tho distance to Toronto is 520. miles and it -was saut .tno Dest of the planes would average, nearly 100 miles an hour, weather permitting. Among tho planes speeding from To ronto to New York is a German Fok ker, piloted by Colonel W.-.-, Barker, Canadian ace, who .s carrying a lot tor from the Prince of Wales, to Pres ident Wilson, ; -.! " Stop at Buffalo ; Buffalo. N. Y.. Aug. 23. - E. B. Coombs in a DH-9-A was the first bird man , ja the Toronto-iN. Y. aowal handi cap to arrive here. He lander! at Cur- tiss field at .t:2.i p. in. Koianii ttonirs, holder of the world's altitudp record, came in second, one minute-: behind Coombs. . :'r- The aviatorS ran .into two rainstorms while crossing Lake Ontario. '. Major L Hcharder, in a. IR-7, who left Toronto, at 1?;54, arrived third, landinir lit 1:31 o'cloek and 'Captain H. W. Cook, who left at 12:52 o'clock, arrived at, 1:32. Eohlfs loft Toronto at 12:56 aiid Coombs nt 12:l; A tremendous crowd greeted the air men and a cheer was sent up by thous ands around -the field whan Coombs stepped from" his airplane. .. -Xiolonel W. u, UarKer in a tokkci-, arrived fifth. He left, Toronto at 12:53V., arrived at 1:38; Bsrt Acost, Curt'iss Oriide sixth, lft 12::57, arriv ed at -1:41;- Lieutenant C. A, Schiller, JN----D," seventh, left it.liU, arriv ed 1:51; Lieutenant Wallace Young, .IN-4-1), eighth, left 12:50, arrived nt 1:52 .(went past field, losing 12 miu- utes .) .j 17 Ieave Toronto Toronto. Out.. Aug,' 25. Seventeen airplanes, entrants iu the race to New York and return "hopped off at the Exhibition grounds here shortly after noon today. The start waif inuilo de spite, the delay in the departure or the -iow lork.macliitLCS.,. .. The first plane rose nt 12:05 and the others followed rapidly. A, slight show er of rain fell about, 1 o'clock,, but lasted onlv a few minutes, after which the weather becamo clear, The nlanes had all left the exhibi tion grounds before tno arrival mere of the Prince of Wales: . ASK FOR and GET Horlick's The Original Waited mm TO MY SALEM FRIENDS AND PATRONS I wish to state thet I am new lo cated in .Portland with . oftices at 414 Failing BuudiaZ. Sly new offices are fully equipped with all modern appliuntfcs for tho scientific fitting if giassc? and correction of eye troubles. Sa lem people are eoriiiaiiy invited to call on me when in Poitiand. DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN 414 Failing Building Portland .; . O i gon Keen Them Home! Don't Let 'em Roam MOON' PLAVIXG OREGON Peanut Oil Is a wholeaome and easily digested Amor , lean food oil 'ideal (or both table and cookintf purpoeea. It ia rich in food rich values. A.k fov PIEDMONT Th food the nut oil with flaver -r- PIED HAHN AA the- home near Qtiinaiby Snturdav n i tt h t August 23, 'Mrs, Lewis Hahn, aged 53 years. The fHmrnl srvices will be held from the Webb & Clnugh chapel Tues (lav aiternooii nt -S o 'clack, and tn iutermciiit will bo at-' the Hayesville cometeryj the services being in cliarg of Hev. ,r J, tilllespie. Mrs. Halm came to Marion county from Minnesota in the year 1900. Be sides her huslnindshe is survived by the following' children: Alvinn, Amau da, Herbert, Mlartha, Herman, J. Kiln, Ksther, Augusta ami Lydia,. the two latter residing in Seattle. REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS 10 acres black loam, all cultivated, at school, 3 miles Salein; $1500; 157 acres miles McCoy; 80 clear ed, running water, stock bam, good pasture; only 55 per acre. 24 acres good valley soil, 10 cleared, 10 (acres' young prunes ' and logons; buildings; stock and equipment goes at 7000. 40 acres 2 miles Woodburn; trade equity for Salein residence or acreage close in. 2 acres Vj mile city limits, good soil, - j buildings, family orchard; prico f: 000. 240 acrea, 153 cleared, good biddings. silo, spring water, close to Oak Grove; price 22,000. 38 ucres red hill soil, in acres fruit, buildings, spring; 7'a miles Bnlcm; sj.z,uuu.. 106 aero dairv nnd grain rami, on rock road, 4 miles Salem, tine build was. silo: onlv 80.000, 100 acres in Lake county to trade for house in Salem. 40 acres best valley loam, 30 cleared, 7 room house, barn, rock road,. 3 miles citv liaits: onlv $200 per acre ..iove into 0 room furnished house for S130O ID acres 4 miles Aumsvillc, all cleared, famtlv orchard, 2A acres strawberries, buildings,,1 mile school; S1900 with stock and equipment 3X3 acre hill ctiury, .mo acres ciearen, 1 l. - ...nniifa., 3-4 mile school and station; only per acre. 10 acres all cleared, 3 acres logons, red shot soil, pood bupe "and barn, 414 miles Sujem; goes equipped at 3500. 11.71 acres red hill soil, slightly roll ing, family orchard, buildings, 3 4 mile school; ony 3.i00, 10 ae in fruit, logatis and cher ries, close to Salem;'$1200. A good buy. 7 room bungalow with basement; handy for mini working -at oil tanks; $1500. $100 down, balance on install- mente. For BEST TtX'.YH see S0C0L0FSKY 341 State. Phone AT ' Pierlmoitt 070 Keep Them Home $$$ EVERYTHING Salem Electri Ce.,114asoni T;mple, I11ACHINESH0PW0RK . Expert machine shop .s.cry;.:VRy.. MV Bergman at high schC- machine . shop. 12 years experience. Gear out ting a specialtyHigh class machine tools. Quick service. Phone 446. 8-15 OPTOMETRISTS.. DB, L. HALL" WILaow pe. Ng" cialast in tho Modern Sclentifie Applicatioa ol Ulasscg ror ia iuu vision and the rolief ef Eyestrain and Headache. Office closed Saturdays. Office 210-211 u; 8. Bank Duiicung. Phones, of floe 145; res. 1214... .. ,) 1L.M.HUM " . CRM Of YkkSoTcag flhineii Medietas and Tea V I Has medusins which, will eur any I I knows diSMSei, T f Opea Sundays frosa 10 A. M. I t uatiUPM. ' . J 153 South High Salem, Oregon . FhoB 288 - T. BIOPOH kJDO. TTnilavkAkarA . - 258 North High Street s .nT ivn rARMT.N GRANTED 12 PERCENT warn w"" xr. v-,1, 12. (Unitod Press) -The war labor ooarn, iai " " , ed a flat wage increase oi . .. . nf traction lines in Port- ror ouniiujv- j th vWini- land, Or., East nt, jou -u- --- -tv of Cleveland. The increase it was LeiL was based on the increased cost of living. . ... Jh Tl- Capital Jorand Daily Market Report ' araia Wheat, soft white No. 1 Feed oats - 85c 86 Milling oats .--- Hay, eheat, new Hayj oats, new ..... Mai run ... $1820 ..... 61c 8162c UiiHorfat - CreaineTy butter UUttOB Pork on foot ... ........ 22c Veal, fancy 8toers Cows .ii Spring lojiibs 7 Vac j... Kwes ; - Sheep, 7lSrSS Eggs, cash ..-" - 't-r Hens, live - Old roosters Broilers HeavrBprigs New potatoes - - Green onions doz ... 42c "2224c ....... 10c .... .. 20c 20c 3c 40c ....3.25 "" $1.00 ....1.23 Onions, per, v-, Celery doz -- Tomatoes trait ...fiOtfWSc "' 1 3-4e ', 5.Z5"38-oO " 7.508.00 Poaches - Watermelons Oranges Lemons, dox 9Ve Bananas Heuey. ertrastod Cantcloupcs 20e rr.'.""....2.75 3 .25 Bunch beets Cabbage 60c Hcrtd lettuce ... 46c Carrots Retail Prices. ... 50s ... 70e .. 60e E'28 dozen Creamery butter Country butter ...$J.103.25 Flour, hard wncat .. Portland Mailcet ... .....i n,. Auir. 25. Butter, city J'Oll'Uim, v-i " creamery 58Mc Egge scleetea t"" Hens 23fe25c Broilers 2225e ' Cheese, triplets 3(a-.'8c DAILY LIVB 8TO0 KMAEEET Oatue Kcceipt 2238 Tone of mnrket iy -Good to choice steer. f m,"0": " cow. and , heifers i t i .nni h iu jjtvw " 7(& ',,. to IOo4 eows and betters $.507 Canners Bulls $(a7 Calves 10ir- BOgS Tti-ppiuts 390 Tone of market strong Prime mixed 21.r.0(b-22 m.,.i;m tniind $2Ku21 and higher .50 Hough heavies iofa,'20, .in $19.50fti21.50 Buik $21.3622 8&eep Receipts 2119. Tone of market stendy lambs $12 50(i 13 50 Pair to medium Iambs $11.3012.50 Yearlings $7(1(8.50 Wether 7.508 Ewes 5(2)7.50 Telepboae ..Mai UN ELECTRICAL 127 Noith High., JUKX TOTED Call .398, Highest prices paid for junk, second kaod goods and maehia ery. Ba sure and call 398, get the right prices. The squats deal house. : CAPITAL JO CO. 271 Chomeketa St. Salem, Or. - WHY SELL FOR LESS? We irilb pay you more eaas. in yos household goods. Qet our bid before you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hai ware Store, 271 N. Com.. St. Fea( 734. v ' v . SECOiO-ILWiD CCODS NO CASE KEQUIBEDr-(3o4 ereeM shoes and, suits, au Kinas or vmmm al instruments, shotguns, rifles, ktsat ing gtoves, gas stoves, suit cases am 1000 other useful article to sail e trads. VtUt have yeu 5fh' Vkyilmi Exchange' 33T Ceurt 8t Phase 1 WEWM XOVS, used furniture, stoves, earpeM and tools, as we pay cau prices- ow everything, Call B - , CAPITAL I1ABDWABB FOTat TTOE CO. 283 N, Com! Bt. HatsEbcked t ut MOVATK. Moek and trim la and men's hats at lu prices, , better work;, material is scare, Bate, are expensive what's the' anawert,. a B. Ellsworth, 495 Court St., Sa.. 1cm, Or. STOYE REPAOL':i 8TOVB& REBUILT AND BEPAIBMI SO years exponents, Depot xtifiosMi aai American fence. 28 to S8 ia. higV Paints, oil and varnish, ate. Ijojranbesry and hop beeks. Salem Fence and SWvr Works, 2S0 Court street. Phone 24. ' SCAYEKO SAtEM SOAVBNOEBirrQiwnage aa refuse of all kinds removed on moat ly contracts ' at reasonable rates Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals moved. Office phone Main 167. MONEY TO LOAN On? Good Real Estate Besurity ' THOS. K. FOBD . Over Lsdd Hush bank; Salsm Orefoe) FEDEBAL FARM LOAKS Bft few eent interest. Prompt service, wm years time. Federal farm loan bonds' for sale. A, C. Bohrastedt, 1 Mat sonio Temple. Salem, Oregon. INSURANCE COTJNCuj Eor free 1 formation about Lire insurance as J. P. Hutchason, dist. manages fed the Mutual Lifo of N. Y otKea ad 371 8tate-St., 8alcm, Ore. Olfied phone 99, residenee 1396. ' W WOOD SAW PHONB 1090B i Our Prieos are Bight ot f 7NTIjEB. Prenrietor 1255 N. Summer Street. Salem, Oreej LODGE DIRECTORY KN1GHT8 OF PYTHIAS MBF!? A MeCornaek hall on every juesou at 8. Walter tenon, C. C. Jr. I Hunte, K. B. 8. ' EOYAL Neighbors of Amertta, Or gon Grape camp No. 1360 meet ewj Thursday evening in MeCornaek ssJi Elevator sfvies. Oracle, Mrs. Cat rie E. Bunn,, 618 Union St; race der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 14U e 4th' St. Phone MSCM ' ' . UNITED ARTISANS Qasital Assess- bly No. 84 meets first inursijr each month at p. m. In M" Temple, Glcn C, Niles, M. A.i O. A Vibbert, sceretary, 340 Owens strset. MOD BEN WOODMI-2 OP AMrJBICA Oregon Cedar Camp 0. oem,mnnm every Thursday evening at 8 o eloelt , jn MuCornack buUding Court and Liberty streets. W. M. Persons, V C; Frank A. Turner, elurk. WATER COMPANY HALEM WATEB COMPANY Offloe sorner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly In advaaee. Phiroo 806, Out Of 80 student in the pnarmae department of the University el Vfsshf iugton this yesr 30 are romeo. T replace the old building recently, burned, the school distriet of Empire, in Coos ceunty, has , voted funds s ,, $12,000. t. Keep Them Home!