Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 25, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Pies and Tea The American Y.W.C.A.
In France Is Famous for Both of Them
t y '.J "-.
2, -rjfv "If
v) "til B?NiMrif
) vU1 J "y2 V 'fVt'S V $&J
-11 ' , . g v.w.co itmaTit tvun
r' ft "'fkitw
. ,.TH!I..
The fottndlttfins Of the Y. W. C A. tiire, snapped at Angers, France, lias was once an old monastery. But
111 I runic were laid not upon a rocl: (Cen repelled a thousand afternoons where the quiet brown-clad monks
as per Biblical instruction, but upon j,, cvery corner where the Blue Tri- once chanted their prayers, jolly
tea. Wherever it went it got out a ,e f0uowej the Stars and Stripes. American nurses, in white aprons, red
testable, set forth the cups, brewed This nurses, hu js M of rcJ Uned capes. and jaunty caps, run back
, , some tea, found the lemons and then brick rough beam ceiUng h cov. and forth frolll hospital ward t0 bar.
mdrelsS,ofr'cuos of tea were with pine braaches and leaves rack. : .
passed to nurses 7 director? of the from the forest outde U. doors. It And every aftemaon they come to
nurses' clubs. The scene in this pic- is located on lb grounds of what the hut for tea.
''( -v ' -f,fy
secund Portland "won 2 to 0. -
'. . ... )(
' .,,.-
frightened hoiso six blocks.
i thi'iv Hi'cond win of the
.lieu hi-atmi and Gould belli n ;
Dutch Reconstruction
Bofis. However, the Bees took the morn-, ' Exhibit Is Withdrawn
r (Uv I'nitfd I'i'chm.)
i . Yesterday 'n winiiem: Kent tie 2, Ver-
non, Voi-thi'nd, Knit Lake, Him I-'iiuicIhi-o,
ho Aitgelea, Baerumttiitn. :-; ' '
ILnne rum; Muesel, Vermin, I
BlnnkiuK the Onlis in both Biindny
Kiimes, Seattle Won Its lunt moi-Uh ill In,
tlu-e many weelid. Hi-liin-r nml TlioninH
were yentoriliiy ' nii-riiii lienvcrs. i
' Everybody hit in the eurly name nt
I'nrtlui'id, u honier, two triples, soyen
kem k -d a i-nl't of single" being
knado before Vernon won 8 to 5. In the
...in... 'i i.. rrii1a ii'im nlnn tenfin-od1 .
hy pitchers battle betwcii Stroud Midi, The IlaRue, Aug. 23. ftTnitcd Press.)
Scott. , I Owing to the feelifig hero ngainst the
Aftei-clubbing down the to muiipaHty of The
ono in the opener, thu Annels wiie mi-, ' L . , .
able to hot effectively in the -second I Huguo has orderc dthat the Dutch goods
eiune. ftacrnmento wihiiing six to one. I sent to Brussels for the reconstiuction
No baseball at (sail l-rnnciHi-o tomoi- "
row, owing to Inability of the Oaks to
get there from Seattle.
Following the reuuest of the Putch
legation in Brussels for the original
text of the cofidential Belgian order
Minneapolis, Minn. It was a wild; with regard to Belgium propaganda in
night f.'ir Olini lie Crist. His popcorn j Dutch Limborg,. the Belgian foreign
wagon took firo anil the fire depart- minister sent the text to The Hague to
meut chased the wagon drawn by a day.,
table beverage
iS your solution
ojftKe increas
ing high price of
the price
the same as before
the -war.
imgbDui cojffeelmrm
T ELI ABLE for over half a century.! Just j
call on him, when you want to get real
cigarettesthe cigarettes that cost you least;
the cigarettes that please you most.
He gives you 50 cigarettes from one bag of genuine
"Bull" Durham tobacco. The government tax on 50 "Bull"
Durham cigarettes that you roll yourself is less than V2
cents; the government tax on 50 machine-made cigarettes
is 15 cents. It's real good sense to roll your own. c
nfir u n n n n
With IVIU'V. papers jrou can
roll the best "Bull" Durham
Many Returned -Soldiers At
tend Demobilization
' The jiutriutH' service at the First
Methoilist church last niaht drew a
large audience,' in which there were a
considerable uuinber of returned sol
diers. Patriotic songs were sung by the
audieuco under the direction of Mr
Todd, sevetat selections were rendered
by male quartet, and Miss Johns ren
dered verv effectively "The Rose of
i: ,..).. '.. -
The ' centrul object of the oi-casion
was the'"demVbiliiation" of the
,.k,,,..i. .rv!..n fl.m and nrnner reco
n'ttioii of the soldiers who had returned
as well as of those who would never
. 1 tl.n mitfT la Still illCOlll
plete, the rolj call was not read, but
the panto! noted tne taci m mm
w.t !..,., 1)1 .,n cnrnllcil from the
n ...I mi w mi. u -
church, of wlAch number only 63 Iran
thus far returned, ana u was wtiom
An... i. ti in romfiin in oosition
wi - . t
until nil the men had been mustered
Half done brief addresses filled
.... il.o Ullu, nnrt if the CVCnilie. Pl'Of.
Todd, at the head of the war camp
community service, spoke of the work
rion county for the benefit of return-!
ed soldiers. He also took up .briefly the
matter of the soldiers and sailors edu
cational aid act, which he anticipated
would .bring a largo influx of students
into Salem. Along with this ho called
attention to the privilege which the
government was extending to the sol
diers in exchanging their war insur
ance for regular iusurance policies in
six different forms.
Attorney W. C Winslow took the
platform with a humorous allusion to
the fact that his subject had been
chained several times in the anuouce-
ments and the speech he had prepared
would have to be discarded, and he
wouldn't confine his impromptu ad
dress to six minutes. He paid a vigor
ous tribute of commendation to the pri
vates in the ranks, citing the fact that
he American private had proven him
self vastly superior to the German pri
vate because of his intelligence and
initiative. He went so far as to state
that the greatest proportion of effi
ciency in the American army was with
the privates.
Harry Q. Mills gave the audience
some of his impressions of the French
race as he had observed them in his
travels, and especially in Paris. He not
ed among other things that the French
had an infinite capacity for detail,
and thai in all vocations there was
the evidence of the artistic trend.
Rev. James Klvin, who spent a long
period in the Y. W. C. A. work in
Franee, testified to the grand work ac
complished by live latter type of Y
worker, both in evangelical efforts and
in eamp, service. He held that the as
sociation had fulfilled its mission
among the soldiers hi a way that re
flected credit upon it. - ' -
President Doney, who has had to do p iCes were -no longer wanted. That aa
with the rank and file .both on the ' experienced foreman, he is callable cl
French front and among the students I e. in $33 t $40 k H ,
iV of the weUomi VhOTh th. that th l miU has taken
church and the school extended to the vantage of the workingmen 's compen
rctnruing soldiers. Ho held that the sation act and that he has been drawing
boys wo had gone into the war with $70 5Q & month and aMOri tQ U Hw
he influence ot these institutions upon! wi t0 draw thig nmount f
them had come back stronger in faith i . , .. . . . . .
and character, and assured them that 1! mo"th- As h,s in',,r-v " sutcb
both the school and the church woulV,h.c ,tannot 1rpm1ove T fot
do their dutv in making plans for their! c,8ht months, he asks 99.50 damages
future and 'in renewing the bonds of i t'or the comonny s refusing to re-employ
he past. him after his accident.
Pastor Avison, referring to the fact
that boys had gone from the church to! To have a stauding in court, if one ia
all parts of the earth, reminded his an- J doing business under an assumed name,
dience that the boya who wore the I such name must be filed with tho coun-
uniforni at home were worthy of the ty clerk, all according to section 1, chr.p-
i .1 u j : i . . ... . . K
same honor, for thev had manifested
the same spirit of devotion and will
ingness to serve.
ter 134 of tho eeneral laws of Oregon.
Hence Lothar t'llman of New York city
who is conducting a business of buying
I and selling hops has filed tho name at
Carl t'llman & Co. under which name he
I .. jTI Floyd D. Moore, county clerk of Polk
Z -ii4t 4' count v, made very important visit to
iJJT I Marion county late yesterday afternoon.
Ed Swallow of Stavton has brought' He caUed on thf clork of Marion eonm
suit against the Wilbur. Woolen Mills! ? to secure a license to marry Manon
compnnv of Stavton for $979.50. Ia his r- W'ven. vt Salem, whose oecnpatioa
complaint ho alleged that oa JanAy!!a a'11 89 stenographer. They will ba
20, 1919, he entered into a contract withjtnaiwd in Dallas tomorrow,
the mill to work as superintendent of j , m
the carding and spinning machines used, T.v Twf Til "YnnU t mtnr.
Lin the mill at Stayton at a salary of 33i A p . R hi midnieht rid
a week. That he entered into tae work B11(l a9ke(1 him for match," stid De
February 24, ana that he was injured tcctivc Matheni) assaaintr a patrohnaa
April 24 to such an extent that he was who jtopped for speeding after auto
incapacitated for work. He alleges that vJIII1aitfc -the
company then notified him his serv- - ..-
and plans or tne i)rg:w'-i'