Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 25, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Minimum charge, 15e.
MODERN" 5 room cottage for sale: In
quire 1135 Waller. 8-29
resaiiiv na for b1i - heavr milker.
I registered, largo type, golden brown
nnlnr 1R41 D Bt. 8-23
WANTED Modern houses and fruit
ranches to sell. 1 have the Buyers.
F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 8-26
"MARTIN" painter. Phone 704. 8-26
BABBITS for sale. Phone 40F5. 8-25
LARGE front room for rent, with
board. 461 N. High. tf
IX)ST A cover to a Ford top. Please
at Journal office. 8-25
WANTED Married man for ranch,
permanent job. Geo. -.1 kobo. . s-n
mrrYr om fnr sale, with steady .iob
una TraH St. 8-27
WANTED Hiirl for house work, no
cooking. 461 N. High. Phone 1627. tf
piTttWTSTTfiiTri ilnoDini? rooms for rent
At Ida N Horn '1. tf
"WANTED Second hand Cyphers in
cubator. Phone 649. 8-25
CANNING peaches, all varieties, bring
r . i . i .. i
uoxftB, naif mue . irom ena or. unugo
on Wallace road. The Imlah fruit
farm. Phone o'J&ll. 9-4
HOUSE for rent, some furniture, wood
and garden tor saie, possession cry.
1st. Phone 885.' - 8-25
CEiAIWFOKD peaches: for canning,
pnone orders to mi. ui utmt-.
8-25 :
FOR SALE House and three lots on
ID street. All paving assessments
.paid. Barn and outbuildings. Apply
499 Court St. 8-26
WANTED Young lady clerk. Apply
The Pac. lei. leu wi., iiv i-ri-u
T.ihm-tv :J " 8-25
FINE HOME 7 room modern bunga
low, fungwooa parK, ior nair wuai
it. ; worth. F. I.. Wood. Bavne iblde.
FOR SALE Modern 7 room house and
lot in West Salem, good location.
Phnno 1581. 8-29
A GrOOD investment, 00 acres level
innri 5.tmiaa nut nn mm menwa.v.
$75 per acre. F. L. Wood, Bayne
bids. 8-26
BARGAIN (For a few days a nifty" 5
. i ' .OOAA
room Dungaiow, Close in, at v-avv.
F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 8-26
FOR EXCHANGE For prune ranch,
large stock and dairy rancn wen io
Rated. Address J B care Journal.
FOR SAXiE-r-Or trade, nine room mod
ern house on paved street, full ce
ment basement, three large lots, all
kinds fruit and berries. Call at 1936
iN. Commercial St. . 8-30
FOR EXCHANGE For Salem income
.property, fine large ranch well lo
rhtnd. Address B J care Capital
.Innrnal. 8-26
160 ACRES in Grant eounty, Wash.,
nn.1 9ft Durna in rtowlitK COlintV tO
trade for land or town property hore
5 or 1U wanted. vo -in. nagn ou o-u
HAND auditing neatly done. Phone
J572J. 8-25
WE have two bargains in good used
pianos, one ror &iov, uie outer wi
nK nripAa ATA ftlwAVS lower
thnn nlRBwlierfi. easv terms. The Wi
ley B". Allen Co., 519 Court St. 8-28
"WANTED Cattle and calves, any
kind. Phone 1576W. , 9-5
YOUNG Jersey" cow for sale, giving
milk. Price $55. 504 Belmont St. .8-23
uawBU, truck for gala. new. For
nu c.lr train S1IUU. loi B. VOm i. rnone
399.: - - 8-25
QBAVENSTEIN npples 7nc per box.
delivered, fttone wu.
i OAiTCT.A'NT) oix Inat overhauled for
hnrcam at 1( a. uom i. iruvuv
0 .
3HB. o-su
w np.Avir.B. well driller. Phone 827J
ii us v 1011. St. Salem. Or. ,. 9-9
... " - . -
JX8 SALE Elgin tix, 1918 model at
Uanon garage. - r
wv-t ii. .nat oline rerairinir. eo to N.
n...onk 1fi3 S. Coml 6t. . 9-13
1 v mntorcvRle. r A-l condition, a fine
buy at. $120. J.o ss. .vom i: jrnuno
399. , , B-zo
"WILL sell a. nice piano for $150. 'Call
at 519 Court street afternoons. 8-28
(PEACHES Early and late Crawfords
and Tuscan ciing ior cauumg. .
1 FORD touring 5 passenger, a good
(buy at $300. 187 S. Com'l. Phone 399
,k ' . . . 8-25
1 STWDEBAKER chassis, Just' the
thing for a bug, goes ai
QOQ 1 ft7 ft rnm 1. . ' 8-20
FOR SALE Set harness and wagon,
. $80; mare and colt $60. Bt. 7, box
ak 8-2o
FOR SALE 1 secondNhand VA ton
Federal truck, good repair. Capital
n:t f -uncfor t'n. Phone 933. 8-23
FOB RENT 40. acres." stock and im-1
plements for sale. F. L. Wood,
Bayne bldg. ,' 8-26 j
rrune picaers, summs ai ureia
wanted wncn erop is reaay oy m. a.
Tilison. Call at 1105 Mission St. er
phone 1425W evenings. 8-26
SCHOOL girl wanted to do housework.
Will pay small wages and give board
and room. Address J G care Journal.
Do you want a good man to run it
; Best of reference. Phone 5F13. Ward
C. Russell, Gervais, Rt. 2. 8-29
ORDER canning peaches now, early
. . . a ii.ii r ..11 1 11
(Jrawroros are reaoy. mu oai, .
W. Gibson, box 13. Wallace road.
GOOD BUY 5 acre tract all in orch
ard, good-buildings, tine location,
$2850. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 8-20
RYYft SATJR .American Radiator Co.
water heater, new. Phone llsti,
T. .Pray. " . - . 8-27.
FOR SALE Pure bred Duroc sow to
farrow in 3 weeks; Phone sum.
WANTED To lease a 5 or 10 acre
tract with chicken houses tor ouv
to 1000 chickens. Et. 6, box 22, J. E.
Kirkpatrick. 9-26
WANTEDsTo hear from party who
.. . . . H 3 1. 1. 1
will sell a iracx oi guoo. vauvy in.nu,
some improvements preferred, and
who will defer payments and accept
only interest first two years. Ad-
dress a IU n care journal. o-iu
BUY of owner and "save commission,
most desirable 3 acres, 7 room nouse
'running -water, cherries and apples
in full bearing, less .than mile
from carline on iirst class road. A
very attractive place. $3000, terms
if desired. Rt.. 5r- box 35A, Salem.
FOR SALE Or rent, 1 acres logan
berries just out Ot City limits on.D.
Commercial St. C. H. Fake. Rt. 3,
box 56. - 8-25
WANTED University girl as room
mate during school year. CHU aw
Division after 0 p. m. or phone 2454
W. , . . : 8 25
1 FORD bug, new, overhauled and re-
. -rii . .nna i n. d IT.
painted, a. rnoue joi ouuw
Commercial. 8-25
A-l- STENOGRAPHER -wants perma
onint Tinaitinn witK rp.sDonsdble nar-
ty. Six years experience legal and
. other work, nancient,.. reuauie, ueai.
references Address & S eare Jonr
nal. " 8-30
WAITED House or unfurnished
apartments in east balem. tan an.
. .... 8-25
BUYERS are you looking for a good
home in a clean cityl We have them
fnr anlft.
Beautiful 8 room home on paved Sb.
4UUV. - ,
Fine 6 Toom house on large lot ov
eroA with fruit.. $2700.
7 room house complete, weH ocated
at $3200.
fNnnt .hiiticnlnw 5 inOItlB. 2 COOd lots
near pawed street, 9 slocks from car
line at $15016
5 room bungalow, full basement, en
mavnrt afrdnf clnan down town. $2.-
fm Snnare Deal Rcaltv Co. U. S.
avational bank bids. tf
52 ACRES improved farm to trade for
. t. . i Ti i a
larger acreage. a. ovuug, w. u,
box 36A. Phone 109F21.. : . . 9-1
MAN wanted for general farm' work
Ml.! a v.l tn-m
on coast, no miming, guuu
right man, single man preferred. Ap
ply 1237 Chemeketa St. - 8-25
FOR TRADE Rough: , fruit farm, 25
acres, for small acreage or city prop
erty. Write J. Mather, gen. del. 8-25
WANTED To rent 5 or toom house
close in, prefer one with garage, au
Arrya V H euro Journal. tf
EXPERIENCED man warts to rent
prune orchard anl bon:es. oau 11-
vininn Rt. ! 9-14
WAMTRD Part.v who wishes to r.un
a iboarding nouse aunng uup pil
ing time, concession free; yard em
ploying 300 pickers. Inquire Adolph
rtiirni atnrA: 1 tf
ot a wpi?.nTn hiiv sccnnrl hand Ford
trucK, must Be in good conumuu u
cheap. Address Ford care Journal.
iwvt!. SATiT !Fnnr acres land with sev
en room house; just outsioe soutn
city limits.- For particulars inquire
148 West Wilson street. 8-28
WAfMTisn Henri laundrees and two
women to have charge of little dear
children out of school hours. State
school for deaf." -26
va at.i? iPinnola. an instrument
i.4. tar;u nloir. flnv niano. also 76
rolls of music. Call 785 Court St.
TOR hauling and trues work try the
Farmers Transfer truck, phone 160a
J, 1170 N. 15th St. A. H. Bieder-
man. ""
fort SALE A moJern house ready to
move into. Come and look it over.
645 S. 12th St. F. A. Erixon. tf
T?rvt?. RAI.Tl Onn International tract
' or, 8-16, in good running order, at
n .Q.rifiM.. 250. Phone 399. 187 S.
rv.m'1 8-25
pu-AmTTTR fnr sale. Crawfords and El-
bertos, 1 miles from bridge on
W linen rnnrl. Phnnfl 56F13. C. C.
WASTRD MoHnra house, responsible
I party, no children; will lease for 6
i mnn'tii. nr venr. X Y Z tare Journ-
ol tf
WANTED For cash, a moilem bun
galow by Oct. 1st. Mrs. L R care
Journal. J . tf
FOR dress making see M-s. A. H. Bie
. derman, 1170 N. 15th St. Phone
1608J. 9-4
APPLES Choice apples wanted, any
quantity, must be free or any uis
!u. r wnrms: no culls wanted
Pknn. 1(1. 9-20
1TANTED To rent 5 to 7 room mod
ern house possession on or before
Nov. 1st. Dr. Fred Ellis. tf
WB make the best power prone dippers.
8lem Mfg Co., 1396 N. Front St, tf
mnrt tt? A Tv. rmn lot and two resi-
i denies, close in and of security
600 for farm; win pay- uuumuw
Apply 469 State St.
j WANTED About Sept. 20 by small
Ta-mi v. witnout cniiuren. a hiuiu.
modern unfurnished house, near car
line, between high school and Wash
ington Behool buildings. Send infor
mation to Box 4, Milner, Idaho. 8-27
FOR SALE (Dairy and miik route,
$600 per month income, 20 to
"Sows, bottles, utensils, horses, autos,
silos, corn and feed on hand. Every
thing to make a first class dairy. Ad
dress E 11 J care Journal. 8-29
FOB SALE Well improved 40 acre
farm near miu wty, win accept s
part payment, a small home in 8a
lm. TT. K. Bolinirerj 328 Hubbard
pap SATF fllieaD. house at 780 S.
Cottage St., also lot la, diock u in
Yew Park. Write Mrs. J, Knapp, Rt.
Or. 9-20
FOR SALE 6 room modern house at
1245 North Cottage street. Full base
ment, furnace heat, fruit, berries,
etc. Phone 1671 J. tf
FOR SALE Or trade for good Salem
residence, WO acres nne prune pruy
osition; 5 acres improved, close in,
fine road. G. F. Booth, 416 Masonic
bldg. : ' tf
VOOT) to sell on rock road 2 mHes
south of the feonlo minued institute,
on Williard & Dcnison place, $4.50
per . cord. Boatwright, Turner, Or.
wa iSrTF.r) A miadle asred ladv to care
for two old people as housekeeper.
RvoTirtliiniT convenient and moilem.
If agreeable to all parties a Ions
time position may be had. Write X X
earn Journal. tf
P.F.AfJHT'.S fnr canning. Come, to Orch
ard and bring boxes, rnone ajez,
0 otiiI nf rivpr road navement. G.
W.- Weeks. 95
Do you want to buy a good ranch
tru ice Buuuruuu jiuuic
. linn A TPrfidenee In Salem
5,. 10 or 2l improved acreage
(InnA atnoXr rntich. if fin
B-4-U-Buy.CUs. Or if you -want to sell
KDf vnnr nrnrorttf with lift ftflV VfiSUlt8.
Perrine & Marsters, 306 Hubbard build
FOR SALE One firi three-year old
colt; also one work horse. mile
L south of Shaw, Or. W. W. Elliott.
JA& LYONS practical painter,
"W. F. WRIGHT, Turner,
yfhy not get himt
WILL pay half cash bn mouse, bunga
low style preferred. Well located.
- Possession 15 days. L. B. eare Journ
al. , ... - tf
GOVERNMENT loans rt 5 percent.
W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com
saerce. tf
DEKORATO sardtry wall tint, best
soa.de; beautiful new colors. Bureur
Ooasl Bt. ; . . . tf
win. Pipm in rent ner double roll
, upward. Buren's Furniture Store.
1 1T Uommereiai. -
G. SATTERLEE, Office Z15-aio Mason
ic bldg. Phone 1211, 1000. tteai estafe
and stock sales.
SELL FOR US We have choice trees
of varieties greatly in demand now.
T,!hrni commission with cash ad-
. vance. Secure copy of contract at
once. Salem Nursery company, 1030
Chemeketa St., Salem, Or. 9-16
HOP pickers wante, will furnish tents
or will allow ja.ou u you luminu
own tent; free transportation from
t4tinn n Tflrd ftlld FCtUm. PaV $1.20
per hundred. Phone 59F11, Orey &
Bishop. tf
Essentialsfor Good Dressers
Frcsl or Back Lace
These fashionable Corsets
are sold by the most reput
, able houses, all over the civ
ilized world.
Front or Back Lace
Economical women have a
corset preference just as
they do for other apparel.
THese 3 are the Pick of the Best
Royal, Nemo,
The Nemo line comprises eleven models
in which a number of hygienic features
are incorporated. ' . '
most complete in the state; all sizes, sty
les, qualities and prices. ,
Why not wear silk? It
is most pleasing, com
fortable and far more
serviceable and econom
ical than you imagine.
They wash like
a pocket handkerchief.
For the week end visit or for
every day use this dainty, yet
durable silk underwear is the
ideal choice.
They are ready
to put on.the mo
ment you unpack
FOR SALE Nine room Sons, Urge lot
modern conveniences, doable garage
close in, on street ear Hn nd paved
street. G L care Jonrhs. ti
TOR SALB-Cheap, 5 room house, two
lots, plenty fruit; no incumbrance.
NURSERY STOCK Italian prunes,
grafted walnuts and all other kinds
of nursery stock ii
Also second hand Maxweld auto
j ,4,. tnr a frnnA IMS. BrOnkS
wm . " a oq
xr.,..o Tifirnt.te. Or. B-zo
.i ui m . i , j .
nnuu. fnr al R rn.nm house, hot wa
ter heat and every con lenience, aii
kinds of fruit, gardm and berries.
One acre on paved strett near ear
Hne. Beautiful gronna, for limited
time price on reasonable terms.
Phone owner 2440 or call 1805 Ma?
ket St. tf
T wiKT linnuM n While I claim
the best list in the city Dar none
"I want more." I have the buyers.
For the next sixty days I am mak
ing a special offer to owners. Call
or- phone for appointment. C. W.
Niemeyer. 215-216 Masonic building.
Phones 1000 and 1014. tf
in ncr rvwr v m. c a. kiajca.
Hudson Super Six 950
8tudebakcr bug 225 .
5 passenger Studebaker, electric
lights snd sfarter, 485
1915 Bnick 4 cylinder. 60
Chalmers 5 passenger, A-l condi
tion $275
mm ir..11 iiflrt
5 paswngor Ovreland to trade for lot
1917 caxon six '"u '
We sell ils, greasi, gasoline, used
nrn. well, locan
berries and cherries, located iVt miles
south of Salem. Price $1800.
10 acres goad loganberry land, all
r.iilHvntn,! Prifln- 1400.
I WaU inxnrnvoii 'A RPVP. trflct. OOd
house, barn, bearing f wits, gravel
.i AQHtt
street, ciose -m. 'rrivo fuw,
imn.nvn 9. np.rA tract. V. mile from
carliue, six room house, bearing fruit.
Price $3000. . '
Improved 10 acre tract, good modern
house, family orchard, timber and pas
ture, close in. Jt'nce $;uju.
50 acre tract located 4 miles south,
9ft anrAi nninpn. 5 BCroB of TJearB. SOU1C
timber and pasture, house and barn,
dryer, roek roaa, ciose to paveiiioiiv
tid Ron.
I .. 7U. na locfiteA on car line.
good house, prunes and cherries, bcr
.:na Vi.m niiuiirl mail. Vrien S750O.
..a 'oil m1Hvn.t(t. innA fi room
plastered 'bungalow, close to carlino.
on ...ui all onltiratpd. 4 acres lo
ganberries, 5 aeres cherries, 5 acres
a... .I ami ninn fs. crnon a room uiua-
tered cottage, barn, chicken houBe,
well, roek road and close to highway.
Price $7000. i
Good 5 room bungalow located at
,620 8. 18th street. Price $1050.
6 room bungalow and two fine lots
on paved street. Price $2500.
Good 5 room modern bungalow lo
cated in South Salem, paved street.
fnce fzvou. -
Good 7 room modern bnngaiow lo
cated at 140 8. 17th street, basenent,
furnace, garage, paved street, vacant
and Teady to move into. Price $3950.
a nrm mnrin hinse. corner iui.
both streets paved, located in t the
south part of rjaiem. xtico iuu.
4 room modern oungaio w jocbicu- m
11V 11.11 '"'i' . . . ..
165 acre farm all ; cultivated; good
set of niodern tarm uuuiks, g"u
road, nest of soil, mee per acre,
$15,000 down.
C3 acre farm, nearly all cultivated;
house and barn, well, orchard, five
miles east of -Balem. rnee siou per
acre. . . -.. .
10 acres of bearing prune rrfl. 5
and 9 rears old, rock oad , 4 M'les
out'. This orchard is in first class shap
Price $5500.
20 acre tract located 4 mnes out,
small house and barn, some cherries,
prunes and peachiw. several acres of
fine bottom land. Price $4500.
Reefer's No Modi
Makes a cedar chest out
of any. clothes closet.
WORKING man will purchase smnll
home on installment pian. irun.
good lot. Huve good job in city. Can
pay $20 a month. Don't want any
agents to pay commission to. II care
Journal. '
You Can Always Do Better At
11 v xioo
pa r.-
TOR HALE 7 room modern bungalow
located at 140 N. 17tn street,
ment, furnace, fireplace, garage,
paved street, blo.-k from carlme,
fine location, and all ready to move
into. Price $3950. See E. B. Gruben
horst k o. 275 State St. 8-2o
FOR BALE 4 room dwolling, good
condition, small store building and
stock of groceries on street car line
and paved street. Aa eloar of en
cumbrance; nice little borne and n
In nn itltn tltlSinCliS. II. E.
Bolinger, agt. 328 Hubbard bldg. tf
FOR SA1LE Seven room bungalow at
15th and O Hts., ibasemcnt, oain, 101
let, electric lights, cement founda
tion, $70O down, balance $200 per
annum at percent interest. Trice
$2150 for further information call
at 879 X. Hth pt. ot phone 101HI. 8-28
All umler cultivate", 40 acres grain,
10 corn, 25 hay; good family orchard,
i..i....n noajiiru- first MaKS nlkstoreil
room house, hot and cold water, large
stock barn tmd out buildings.
milk cows, 1 bull, three horses, 1 colt,
Wfl heifers, 3 brood sows, 1 boar, 200
ohickons, first class farm machinery.
All grain and hay goes if sold soon.
rnce uoine in xor
. 40 in cultivation, 20 timber, balance
pasture nnd stumps, guod spring; 6
miles out, fair improvements; this
a real buy at S0 per acre.
Ucliablo property bargains i what
IT et when U buy from John II. ftcott
Realty Vm., 404 Hubburd bldg. ,
PARTY is known who took liluo silk
sweater from Roth's grocery bvii
,Vn niiinnR asied if return
ed to Marion hotel or Koth grocery.
8 25
WAITRESS wanted. Royalo Cafeteria.
- 8-30
FOR SALE Cheap, good 5 room house,
city water, piped for hot and cokl
water, electric lights, good well,
lurgo lot, fruit trees, sumo berries;
easy terms. T. I). Wallaco, Salem,
' Oregon, lit. S, bijx 123. Phone 8F23
MARRY IF IjONELY For results, try
me; best and most successful iiomo
Maker;" hundreds rich wish mar
riage oon; strictly confidential uiid.
reW'le; years of exporienoo; de
scriptions free. "The Successful
Club." Mrs. Ball, Box 556, Oakland,
FOR ft ALE 1500 lb. marc, good sinKjc
or double, :od condition. Jit- '
box 93, Silverton road. 8-20
U)T Lady's hand bag containing,
puree, .bank boon, etc., in cam
Hnn.Tur vpninir. l'hone 2408R. Re
ward. ' 25
WANTED At once sovorul ladi'is in
terested in child welfare, (ruarantecd
$00 for few weeks work, good chaneo
' for advancement, nu permanent
work if willing to travel. Answer at
onie E G care Journal. ' 8-25
HAVE a car of nice old fir and one of
nice drv second fir woo l now being
k unloaded. Ordnr at one if' you wnt
wood. John II. Scott i.ealty Co. 404
Hubbard bldg. , tf
PRUNE dryor, 2 mi'es in PollE.coun
ti .brii iiliant Hr it. 10. 1'hiuue Eu
gene T. Present t aoout drying your
prunc. 9"hoiie 5 -. 8 27
Umm s
CreaK Eggs, Lire
rtti Ih Prlctt tat Tu
5 room cottage, electric light and
bath, near high school. $1K0. .
7 room, plastered house, S. Salem,
good corner, improved street. $1750.
I 3 room modern Dungaiow, iuu uunu-
ment. $2000.
rnmn lllllutnTOl. CTfiml baSOmCllt. .
large lot with choice fruit. $2200, $500
cash.. -.' .
7 room, plastered, 2 lots, some fruit.
$1400, $100 cask,, balance terms
. room eottage ut $850.
8 room modern house, clone in. A
snip at $3300, $1000 cash, balance to
suit. i -
,Vw, modern 5 room bungalow. The
best in Bolem. $2750.
. We muke good towns on any proper
ty we sell, if it is what U want. O us
4 reliable properties.
: 40 Hubbard building
FOR SALE Col unbia plums, , iPbons
80F11. 11
II EU' wanted for peach picking; Iraas
portiuiou irom lown, i. vi. nwjru,
1 miles from bridge on Wallace
road.-Phoe 66F14 aftor 7 Uoak.
- 8-25
314 Kascsic Bldg Salem Ore.
anto parts, tires snu hixx tro.
275 State street