S7Xo33otXXI50cXI r , 1 Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon Address All Communication To , aurual 138 S. Commercial St. OEEQON 8OT8CBIPTI0N BATES wn v- rturriar. tie Tear..- 45.00 ''.;.' Pet Month.... Daily by Kail, pet yea Per Month, 5e -35e FULL LEASED WLEB TJBLEGBAPH BEPQBT FOBEION BEPBESENTAT1VES W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building, W. H. Btockwell, Chicago, People' Gu Building The Dily Capital Journal carrier boya,are Instructed to put the Ipe' the poxtlu 11 the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects Bating the paper ETyoa on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, a this is w. n determine whether or not the earrier. ere following instruction.. Phone l fcefore 7:80 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by speeurt messenger If the Mirier has missed you,, - THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL j the only newspaper in Balem whose circulation is guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulations LAUGH CURE FOR THE EASY MARK. revelations given to the Prophet Joseph Smith as to the destiny of the same," Senator Smoot says. Next we may have Senator Borah explain that he read the future in the cards he held in a certain poker game, and is there fore certain that the League of Nations is at variance with the destiny of this great and glorious nation. Senators' Lodge and Poin dexter do not give any par ticular reason for their opposition to the ratification, of the peace pact. They are against it just from pure cus sedness and don't care who knows it. ; A medical authority says that "the minimum heat production of basal metabolism is increased 17 per cent by merely chewing gum" by which jargon he seems to sig nify that by chewing a stick of gum in hot weather you make yourself 17 per cent hotter. Moral:' Save your gum for next winter. The government saves the American public a billion dollars a year by enforcement of the laws prohibiting the Cfl f mnik for fraudulent purposes. If it were merely n mot I.' I' fit enforcing laws many more might be saved. The real remedy, however, lies m public education. , , . . '; j tn As long as the average human being is so willing , to be caught and so eager to fall for every new wile of the swindler he will step into every trap set for him. Wheth er the crook uses handsomely embossed stationery as evi dence of reputable position and prosperity, or whether 'v. o!hr anriai! t.n t.hp common desire to get something for nothing, he continues to catch his thousands of dupes. At the same time ne injures uie uuomcoo b"""""1- order enterprises and honest advertisers. . . .There is one ray of hope. Green goods and gold bricks have about disappeared from the swindler s mar ket The public was ridiculed and laughed out of the habit of purchasing gold bricks. The jokesters and comic cartoonists may be said to have assisted the authorities in ridding us of that particular pest. Perhaps if a great nation-wide laugh could be started and directed against the foolish ones who' are caught by the mail-order frauds, ' these too would be put out of business by a slump in, trade. The kind of man who "bites" for these things usually hates worse to be laughed at than fleeced. WHY SMOOT OPPOSES LEAGUE. According to a dispatch in' the Oregonian, Senator Reed Smoot, g. o. p. leader of the senate and Mormon apostle, opposes the" League of Nations because it doesn t fit in with the revelations of one Joseph Smith, star pro phet, it 8.3'ema, of the Church of Latter Day Saints and Plural Wives. .: ' 1 . . "I ask you to read the many passages of the book of Mormon "referring to this nation, as well as the many . They're getting ready to link up an intercontinental railroad system running from the Great Lakes to Buenos Ayres. That's very fine; but who wants to go from the Great Lakes to Buenos Ayres by railroad? A Russian paper complains of the scant recognition given Russia in the peace treaty, saying, "Russia seems not to exist at all." That's the-truth and likewise the reason for the omission. Of course they might, for some time, study only French and Italia i music, but they will have to come to Germany COMES TO SALEM i Sydney. An inland sea, 30,000 acres !in extent is to be formed by damming Arthnr B. Stillman. for two years con-! the junctions of the rivers Murray, Dar- sooner or later. Thev will find it almost nccted with the University of Oregon, line and Mitta-Mitta. ine cosi wui uo impossible to be without German musie,1 and at one time employed in the ac-1 $30,000,000 ,and mostly ex-soWiers are and will soon- want to hear Wagnerian ! counting department of the Southern ( ta oe empioyeu. ".. operas again. : Pacific railroad, has been engaged as I - . "Peace lias been signed: lot us have! instructor at the Salem business college; I pence then at least so far as music w and entered upon his new duties yester- ;wpwfpl ' ! KlIV At 1101118 concerned." day. Eugene Register. There will be another telephone strike right away, u ' 1 nA nnaanrUlthe employes having voted heavily in favor of it. This hundreds of thousands i . .WJ 7QV tLipiv,ro n- f some of the older organizations set up and take notice. Some persons used to be always worrying because there would be nothing to take the place of the hop indus try. How about loganberry growing. A Roseburg banker flew to Eugene one day last week. Another proof that money has wings." Hunting A Husband BY MARY DOUGLAS NEW QUARTERS. j Tint the boy man whatever lie Was Bvt-im:u ti uv iuuiijij ' lor Bunu'umig more than my mero outside. I .thought a while. '.. - ''No,. I don't paint, write aet." "Then, what do' you dot" Nothing but curiosity held him now. '! I live" I said suddenly. Vi ''Oh one of the idle rich investigat ing Bohemian conditions?' "Do 1 look it!" The boy shook his head sadlyf and was i gone. I jiVm left to my' scrubbing; and dreams of my new life. Tomorrow The Threshold of Bohenv.n. RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt Mason HOT ENOUGH. 2L Qnl Mo y A re D TO BUY 1 1 " ew ays . CHArTEB LI. , I met Wornia (,'arewe yesterday, when I was hunting for a place to hoard. ''Why not come' down 'near met" stle asked. So it has all changed. Tliiiigs happen so suddenly. I am to have a room Dear Norma Curewe. No I mean a studio. It is all so fascinating. Yesterday we spent a good part of tho morning, Norma and t, going around from building to build ing. Some of the studios were beautiful Tint fur beyond my means. Others 110 room.. . ; " " At last wi! came to this old house. Tho outside looks battered and worn. The iron vailing can still stand. That, is all. And the inside! We climbed a dirty, narrow stuirease straight to the top.' A child led us up. She brushed aside her shaggy hair with a torn sleeve On the top floor, ve stopped. A room of many angles with (lust appalling with mines unwashed was the one. Norma Curewe gave one ... -, .. ci H. quite 1 una noout, aociureu August npuum, i wi ll known musii al critic today, "but Huns Looking For Influx ; ! Of American Musicians Berlin. (By Mail.) Musical circles in Berlin and Dresden expect Ki great in flux of American musicians as scon as enough time has elapsed to allow what ever rancor may be felt in that -country against the Germans, and providing tho United States government places no re strictions upon such emigration..' Tho belief provails here that it will be but a short time before ait relations between the two countries will be re sumed with greater energy of purpose comprehsa-1 ,'lttu before the war. ! "I am sure it will take time to bring Kara, ' she sum Charming, . . , , .,, ..... . ...,il I hail moed over to "lie dirry wimiow. ' 1 uciicic im uik n-" .....o.v... Pushed it up. AVhat I looked" out upon! public will come to a realization that was ."quite charming." jart is above personal and nationalistic A tiny square of park. Kngi4;' l ehil-1 hatred. ,',r,.n iilii'viiiir there. Beyond au arch of "Tim Hermans uroduccd many of white, wliicli oeciconeu wuu trace. 'VI like it. Norma " I snul The v:cw iiiul won mo Hi mi t ll( VJt'llliaiI3 (luruuvLU ....... j stately Shakespeare 's tragedies while the w wivs on, just as they played Verdi's Z At S roni Prices "Tsithotenouchforvou?" It's a silly, idle question; and it makes me sad and blue, and it gives me indigestion. I could stand the sizzling heat, and look pleasant in my sorrow looking forward to some sleet, or a snowstorm on the morrow; I can take the cheerful view; till some jay comes up inquiring, "Is it hot enough for you?" when with heat I am expiring. Then my rage I scarce can quell, and my ire I scarce can bridle, and I feel my bosom swell with emotions homicidal. Commonly Tin meek and mild, yearning for a: life of quiet, but this question drives me wild, and I gladly hail a riot. - Commonly I sing and smile, lM.it this query, vain and brutal, always seems to stir my Wle, makes me feel that peace is futile. Calmly in the heat I stew, till I hear some fellow asking, "Is it hot enough for you?" Then I cease my patient basking. Then my war paint I put on, green and crimson, blue and yellow, and I strew the sunstruck lawn with the fragments of that fellow. It is hot enoirgh for me; all my organs melt to gether; I'd be swinish, you'll agree, if I asked for hotter weather. . : ;; ' LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1868 . . General Banking Business Commencing June lGth Banking Hours will be from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. 'VAnd the rent?" Norma was business-like. "Twenty-two a month " said tho frowsty little girl. ''Taken," said Norma, ''beginfrtng tomorrow.". So horo I am, in my studio in Wash ington Square. A scrub pail of water on the floor and I on hands and kucea working away at my new home. One-half of my room already h:w a wet, clean smell. ' A knock. Then Norma Curewe She looked dubious; at an unromantie Sa.a Lane scrubwoman. "You could get a woman to do it for you .Sara," sue said with both lunula in the pockets of her smocn. "Hut I'm poor. I've got to." ''Oh," suid Norma when you come to the decorating I'll help you." 1 thanked her gratefully. And th was gone, A double knock on the doo "Como iul" A stout youth stuck in a head of long hair. '! say, you're going to bo-my neigh bor," lie said "1 thought I'd intro duce myself." -He said it all with a strong Scotch burr. "Oh yes," I withdrew my hand from the dirty water, a little startled I at this informality. 'What do vou dot ' Taint t Writot ;Aett" llis questions were followed by i lus person into my room. I knew l was '' not a pretty night. A big checked ging i hnm apron covered mc to my nock, 1 could feel my hair straggling-down my cheek. operas and sousa s murcuos. "-" tho American people have too much common sense to neglect the study of German music. It would mean cutuug into thoir own flosh. JEWELRY BUYING elrv i there 's your el too mi X " And J piece ' X in eve When is the time to buy jew- We eerlainly say,- when s such a' store us tliis at Ibow. For who ever gets too much of it f - And there's magic in every piece of jewelry, iu every watch, ry diamond we show. An unccas.ng effort to pro; duce tho cfevercst stock makes this store always unique, always ibrimful and overflowing with new surprises seldom equalled. Hai tman Bros. Co. Jewelers and Optometrists Salem, Oregou Our prices on shoes in stock are much lower than shoes coming in for fall, and i we want all of our customers to get all of these low priced shoes that they can use before they are gone as they are going fast. We are receiving express shipments of Hanan Shoes each week and will continue through the season. .''.' ''.' We are having such demands on these popular shoes that it is almost impos sible to keep a complete stock. Buy your shoes early is our advice and it will only take a very short time to prove that this advice will make you money. OUR NEW REPAIR SHOP IS NOW OPEN. NOTHING BUT THE HIGHEST GRADE REPAIR WORK DONE Robber Heel Day Wednesday ALL HEELS PUT ON ONE-HALF PRICE ai'S obPrintin PHONE 499 ThaQuickener Press .193 N Com l-oer Gala &. Co. G. E. Brookins, Proariata Hanan Shoes Selby Shoes Fox Party Pumps Bergman Boots Witch Elk Boots Ball Band Boots Wizard Foot Appliances Next to Ladd & Bush Bank, 326 State Street