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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1919)
Journal SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1919. '"Ili.ilUMIHIIIItllHIIIHIIIHmilHIHIIIIimilUHIIimMIIIIIIIIIIIII ALL AROUND TOWN Ladies' Coats and Suits Come In and See Our Fine Line of the Latest In PAGE TEN YT7: Wan The Quality, Style and Price will Please You - GEORGETTE WAISTS ......$4.98, $5.90, $6.25 and $6.90 VOILE WAISTS..: ...................................... $1.49 We Have Petticoats That will satisfy all : You will find theft in Silk, Heatherbloom and Sateen in Plain and Fancy Patterns in Prices from -'. $1.25 to $4.98 New Minerva Yams just received in a Nice Range of Colors. NORMA TALMADGE IN -"THE NEW MOON" BENNETT COMEDY VAUDEVILLE . PATHS v Incorporated 17 :.V Portland, Or., assisted ' by workers from Dallas. The full Gospel will be preached- on , justification; sanctifica tior, a second definite work of grace; the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire; divine healing; tho eternal pun ishment of the wicked, and othor Bi We truths. Good ; music end ; singing. No eollcctions, .ji ; .. 8-25 Salem Cigar Factory Is now making "Lb Corona" and "Little Salem" ci gar exactly they were mode before the war. Smoking thorn reminds you of old times. - tf Toe candelabra offering box of St. Joseph's church was broken into last evening at about 8 o'clock and the of ferings of tho past two or throe months carried away, but not far as the thief upon hearing the 'burglar alarm,- drop Bed the money and fled. The contents f the box- have been stolen once or Iwice boforo and In order to guard against theft, a burglar alarm had been attached which was to give the alarm at the homo of Father Buck. As no services wero being held last evoning. ae was not at home at 8 o'clock. The 4citit9cf(tiAftitirtc4:4c3(ctc We buy and soil notes, mort- ; I cages and all kind of bonds. , HAWKINS & ROBERTS J 14 Mfwnio Building i Balrm, Oregon 1 APPLES! APPLES! housekeeper heard the alarm but be fore aid could be snmmoucd, the thief had mado an .escape. At tho Sacred Heart academy, tho ularm was heard, but it was supposed to be some one's alarm clock end no attention was giv en to tho alarm. - M Crawford; canning peaches now ready at Louis Lachmund's, ranch in Koizcr bottom 5 miles north of Snlchi. Bring our boxes. H. W. Bowden, foreman, 'hone farm 2!,F3. tf ; 0 '" Mrs. Stith will move her millinery dopartment in the balcony of Kafonry Bros, new store Sept, tat. 1 8-26 Loganberries having made' such a fine record . the past two years, are now attracting a number of capital ists, who are investing in suitable land. Louis Lachmund and Vvm. 8. Wal ton are reported to have purchased the Hinrlcs Winkler farm or WU acres in South Bottom. It is understood the greater part of the tract will be plant ed to loganberries, m. L. Jones, tho i Lake Labish, farmer is reported to be planning to go into loganberry raising to such an extent that in a few years ho will be one of tho ibig growers of tho valley. L. H. McMahon haB trans ferred his holdings, part known as the Oliver Beers tract to the Hunt Bros, cannery and the tract known as the Hubbard farm to H. 8. Oile. Dr. Kott, Bank of Commerce, 407-8. tf 1 i. r-0 - We buy liberty bonds. 314 Maeorjc building. tf JOB We ere on the markot for , your eull pdcs. Don't let them lay and rot. Bcniamber-a few extra d iirs always Mrs. A. W. Bartlett and son Willard were in from Rienroall this morning on a business errand. The farmers in thoir section are in the height of the thresh ing season, and thev state that, the grain is making a fine showing, some of the wkent coins as hiuh a 70 bush- Borne in handy , sj pick up your good i els to the acre. - eull APPLES and tako thorn to tho COMMERCIAL CIDER WORKS P. M. GEEGOHV, Mgr. P:..o 8194 1010 N. lom'l St. Did You Read This Advertisement? TSY THE SALEM STUDIO FOB PHOTOGRAPHS Try Northern Flour, every sack guaranteed. It's a Bear. At your gro- tf 384 STATE STREET BALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP - Radiators, fenders and gas tanks repaired. Tractor radiators a specialty. (Ford radiators for sale. 190 S. -12th flt., Salem, Or. 9 22 Special revival services, location cor. 14th and A streets, Salem, Or. begin ning August 24th and continuing two weeks. Conducted by evangelists and workers from the Apostolic Faith Mis sion, Cor. Front and Burnside Sts., o A recent report from the camp of the Mn.ainas on Mt. Rainier states that out of the band of 103 who start-1 ed for the summit, 03 hold out to, the,; pValf, which is over 14,000 feet nlti-1 time. Among this group was Prof. F. (J. (Franklin, of Willamette university, who is nn enthusmt in mountain climb ing having past experience with the Sierra club in California. The city of Salem Is now running an employment agency since the fed eral government went out of business. The office of the agency is at tho city hall and thoso who are looking for work should apply to City Recorder Race. The Ctumiiercinl club is cooper ating with Recorder Race and every thing possible will now be done by the should be invested and work ing for you. Tour first con sideration should be SAFE TY, INTEREST BATE should be. fair and conservative. A high interest rate very often means a smaller margin of safety and security. COis ENIENCE AND SER VICE should be valued high ly. We collect and remit IN TEREST and PRINCIPAL -PROMPT and. without charge. , . OCR FIRST MORTGAGE FARM LOANS on improved farms In the WILLAMETTE VALLEY are always worth PAR. WE purchase LOANS if you need to CASH your se curities. .... FARM MORTGAGES are held in highest esteem by LIFE INSURANCE COM PANIES and SAVINGS BA..&S. No , investment can give you better satisfaction. THEIR MERE POSSESSION BEGETS SOUND SLEEP. Nine years in the business of loaning money safely on farms. OVEj TWO JdTL-LlO-i LOANED without the loss of a DOLLAR. We will .be glad to talk to you about YOUR MONEY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 314 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Ore. After Sept. 1st we will be lo cated in our new quarters 204.207 Oregon building. Artificial teeth, have expert plate man, with over 35 years experience, at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den- tist, sua v. B. tw. oans oiag. u o The mills of the Gods grind slowly and the same may be said oi the fed eral government when it conies to hav ing some work done on government property. About six months ago he postoff ice department at Washington approved of the pet-tion of Postmas ter Huckest.ein to have a vestibule placed at the south entrance of he post office and to dispose of the two heavy swinging doors at the south en trance. After several months spent in Securing drawings and specifications, plans were finally sent nere ana bias called for. This required hair a year. However, bids were submitted Friday as follows: Erixon & Jones $1685, O. Van Patton $1788, George E. Wright of Chicago $1900. Instead of the bid being awarder! at once to the local bid der, thev must be sent to Washington where in the course of time the eivil sorvico architects will think it over and eventually there may be a fine vestibule at the south entrance of the post office. , For rent, a nicely furnished room in a modern house, cose in, setting room with bed-couch at $5 per week, or a bedroom for $ 3pcr week: Phone 1709. The old flouring mill elevator on Trade street between Commercial and Front is now on its travels. These trav els are extremely slow as the elevator was erected years ago when solid tim bers were .iised and . its method of traveling is on -rollers. A. T. Moffit has the contract for moving the old structure from its present elevation to its new home at the foot of Trade street, where it ill be nsed for the storage of pulp when the new paper mill bceins operation next spring. The concrete foundations and pilmRS for the mill have been placed so high that the floor of the v'bnildine will be 36 feet above low water mark, just level with Front street paving at the foot of Trade. ; ;. ' .i The . Biggest and Best Assort ment in town at popular prices. , New shipments arriving every day direct from the fashion centers of New York and Philadelphia. Every day sees new models here. In buying direct we save you all the middleman's profit. Ladies Coats........ Ladies Suits Children's Coats $14.75 to $50.00 $22.50to $55.00 $6.45 to $12.50 "Our Prices Always The Lowest" !; GALE & COMPANY 'rr v MjpH.'li2;' Phone IQ72 Com!. & Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store Attorney, experienced and reliable,' chants bank of S'tayton reported $17. familiar with Oregon statutes and pro cedure, desires association with lawyer or firm with estaonsneu practice. Would consider proposition of partner ship or salarv or other practicable proposition. A care journal. o-u Phone C.O.D. Orders 198-186 548 State Street 103 South Commercial Street 299 North Commercial Street Mail Orders 456 State Steet city recorder to connect the job with the worker. Round Extension Tables Oak Dining Chairs Special new $85.00 Gas Range .....$50.00 Babcolin perfect floor covering, yard.......65c and 85c Peopl BARGAIN DAY EVERY DAY es Furniture Store 271 N. Commercial St. Salem. MM MM CANNING SUPPLIES Ball Perfect Mason jars, 1-2 gallon $1.25 Ball Perfect Mason jars. 1-4 gallon .......94c Ball Perfect Mason Jars, pints ...............89c Economy Jars with caps, 1-2 gallon $1.65 Economy Jars with caps, -. 1-4 gallon $1.25 Economy jars with caps, ; pints .......$1.18 Economy caps, per doz....28c Mason zinc caps zbc Jar rubbers, 5 doz for....25c 100 lb. Cane Sugar... $9.45 Wide mouth Keer self- sealing lids 28c These specials are for a lim- sound and has proposed to turn over jted time onlv.v We advise jointly to the two institutions 3000 , . ' j acres of grain Kind m the Horse Hcav uujrui jfyur iiccuo iiun, en region of that state, the property to Become immediately available with the proviso that thjp two'schools shall joint ly guarantee to .im a certain auuity during the remainder of bis life. Whetit er this will prove au asset or a liability to the benefactees depends largely np On the climatic conditions in the afore said eqnino paradise, for it is a region where the crops are sometimes abund ant aud at other times otherwise. . ... o . Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your repair work. Phone 1608, 820 N. Com. Street tf " o- Willard Storage Battery Service Sta tion will move to i38 N. High St. about Sept. 1st. Your for better serv- . 8 30 Governor Olcott is termed ' 'The Fly ing Governor" in an article published in the HeptemDcr sunset magazine wnx ten by Milton R. Klcppcr, president of the Aero club of Oregon. In writing the story of the airplane ride which the governor and Mr. Klcppcr took to gether, the writer says that the gov ernor didn't even take a tooth brush along for baggage. Ho just placed the aviator's hood over bis head, stepped in the plane and was on the way. How evor the ride from Portland to Sacra mento had its thrills, even for a gov ernor. Mr. Klcppcr tells in the story that it was extremely exciting when going over the Siskiyou mountains at an elevation of 8000 feet for the engine to suddenly develop troubles, and it looked as if they would bo obliged to make a landing in the forest with no open space in sight. He writes, "alter landing at Heading, tne piiox congrat ulated us that wo were alive. o we knew for certain wo had come, through ov a narrow speak." .. ,;' The peach canning season will open this woek and will last about 20 days. Wring your boxes and come to the orch ard and get vour fruit. Phone 4iF2, Sa lem, Bt. 8, our orchard Is on the river road at end of pavement, north. If a bank has an account on which there has been no check given nor any deposit made within seven years, a re port must be mado to the secretary of state every two years. Or in case of a savings- account, if no money has been deposited for tho account nor any amount withdrawn for 12 years, the bank must report to tho state treasurer According to the July 1 report, here is out little money in dead accounts m Salem. The Capital National bank re ported $271.48 and the Ladd & Bush bnnk $134.64. The Coolidso & McOIaine bank of Silverton reported $6.32 and the bank at St. Paul, 25 cents. In the Turner State bank there is $3.12 and in-tho Security State bank of Wood burn, -$39.52. Tho Farmers and Mer- The Dallas National bank .reported $35.63. This money will eventually go Into the school fund of the state. Sunday afternoon and evening the maximum temperature in Salem was 80. For the benefit of those who have any doubts as to whether this part of the Willamette valley is a fine sum mer resort, the high temperature of Salem might be compared with tho fol lowing, reported by tho weather bu reau as the maximum for Sunday: Phoenix 104, Pocatnllo 100,. Salt Lak city 100, Boise 98, Medford 96, Sacra mento 96, Walla Walla 96, Baker 94, Yakima 94, Washington, D. C. 94, Spo itane 92 while at Sitka, Alaska, Satur day afternoon the maximum was 72. . McMinnville has visions of oil and sudden wealth and has tho sand stone rock saturated with oil to prove that underneath somewhere there is oil. J. T. Moore of McMinnville brought to Salem a sample of tho sandstone which , has the appearance of having been saturated with oil. He says when firut taken from the ground, tho oil can bo plainly seen. Two miles north of Mc-1 Miniiville on the Yamhill river,, oil seeping out of the bnnk. Drilling oper ations are In prdgress on the farm of J. W. Tilden; iust north of McMinn ville. Geologists from California anil Portland' capitalists are keeping a close watoh on the progress being mado . while drilling is going on. . J. B. Hawthorne of R. F. D. 9, want ed to sell his household goods bcfoio moving. Ho put a classified al in the Capital Journal and the same evening tho ad came out he sold $90 worth of goods. The next day he sold the rest and-ordered the ad stopped. That is tho way Mr. Hawthorne tells the story of Capital Journal want ad results. Do You Know That GOOD VISION not only contributes to GOOD HEALTH and to GOOD WORK, but to the full en joyment of your outing? . Better Have Your Eyes Examined. DR. A. McCULLOCH, OPTOMETRIST 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Building AGRICULTURAL LIME should be applied in cnilv fall and winter. ORDER NOW to avoid delay in shipment. Price $2.50 per ton f.o.b. at Gold Hill. Minimum order 30 tons. Cash with order. OREGON STATE LIME BOARD A. B. CORDLEY, SECRETARY, CORVALLIS OREGON . Newport fishing season opens; ling cod sliced, 15c, and whole fish 12c per pound; red cod 10c pound. Fitts Mar ket. o Willard Storage Battery Service Sta tion will move to S38 M. High St. about Sept. 1st. Yoars for better serv ice. 8-30 . . . - ) A oequest of unusual character is held out to Willamette university by an aged rancher of Washington. He holds a, divided affection for both Willamette and the College of 'Fugef tHtKtttttittttmtMtttntttMmtnttmttmtttttH4tttttttttttt: Tf Tl TT TTOti- YT1 t. maiao wmii r arm Early Crawford busc ji S STORES! SO PEACHES Noted for their flavor. Bring your boxes to the or chard and get them fresh. 3 blocks from end of Twelfth street carline. $1.50 and $2.00 per box. PHONE 516, T.L, DAVIDSON, i MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM