Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 22, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Healthy Babies v
Every true mother realizes tho fact that licr baby's health de
pends upon hor own, taat t!ie Tory -vitality u( her child is influenced
by her own physical condition. How important it is, therefore,
to guard against any derangement of the female organs, which
induce general weaknoss, nervousness, constant fatigue and utter
inability to properly care for her child. Please remember, that
Lydia. E. l'inkhaiu's Vegetable Compound has brought health and
strength to thousands of such mothers.
Mitchell, Ind. "Lydia E. Pinkhaoi's Vegetable Compound helped mo
o much during tho time I wai looking forward to the coming of my littlo
one that I am rwommendine it to other expectant mothers. Wore tukins
it, tome lav I niffercd with neural u'b so badly tliat 1 thought 1 could not
liro, but after taking three bottle of Lydia . 1'iuLham'u tgetable Com
pound I was entirely relieved of neuralgia, I had gained in strength and
wu dw to go arounu ami uo an mv nousoworK. - juy uaoy wneu i uiouuu
old weighed 19 pound and I feel better tlum I hare for a long time. I
never bad any medicine do me go much good,'
juucneu, inu.
Good health during and after maternity 1 a moil important factor to both
mother and child, and many letter have boeu received by the Lydia E.
Finkhaitt Medicine Co., Lynn, Mam., telling of health restored during this
trying period by the i of Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Coupuuud.
Veae table Comoound
Wmwhs Pwt c mm
(vontinued from pago 80ven)
J-MHf SAId'J Toam, wagon und harness
. for sale' chnp. Fairgrounds black
. , aiuitti lio. , .sua
AViA.Tffl--iirl for houso- work, no
ooking;-401 N. Hijfh. I'hone 1027. tf
IiAIKlK front room for rent, with
board. 6I iN. High. ... tf
aiAUOAlNS dladnllff linn them, Here
ar two for your , consideration 0
i ,ncre that in a homo, a living and a'
bunk nccoiint. joeated nhout three
mili!8 from Bttlom-on piivoir road. All
in cultivation,, 14 scres.of loganber
rieB, IS acres at prunes,, balance In
crop; nee inp tor price, und terms. s
S room niodfirn bungalow, located on
paved slreot nnrl ear line,, garage,
some fruit. J'rice $1500. Term, if.
H. liailcliff,..Ua,yaie Ijldrf. 8-23
JVHt SAIVfC " 'room modern bungalow
. locate at 140 iN? l"th street, base
ment, 'furnace, fireplace, gnrnge,
paved 'street, 'block from carline,
fine location, mid all ready to move
. into. I'ricn 330. 8'ee E, B. Orabcn
horst & Co. 875.. State St. - , 8-85,
A UNE farm at 12" ner ncre, 7 miles
from Siilem on Rood road' house,
mini, 3 work horse, harness, 'wagon,
all farm iniplemeiits, cow, hay in
(nnrnj half bottom, half pvftiriej all
; fine laud. Kee J,; H, Mnran, Mon
' mouth. . ' . . 8-22
! ncres, house and hum, well, logon
hurries and cherries, located 4i miles
south of Salem. Price 1(100.
10 acres good loganberry land, all
cultivated, ll'ric shuu. .
Well Impvovod U ucre tract, good
house, born, bearing fruits, gravel
street, Close in, Ifrure s;swi.
Improved 8 acre tract, mile from
carline, sit room house, bearing fruit.
J'rlce $3000. ;
Improved 10 ncre tract, good modern
house, family orchard, timber and pas
ture, close in. Price $5000, '
fl() acre tract located 4 miles south,
1!0 ncres primes, 5 acres of pears, some
timber and .puslure, lionso and barn,
dryer, rock rond, close to pavement.
I'rice 16,500.
TVs acre, tract located on car line,
good house, prunes and cherries, ber
ries, barn, paved road. Price "500.
' 1 acre all cultivated, good 5 room
plastered bungalow, close to carline.
I'rice 2")00.
20 acres all cultivated, 4 acres lo
ganberries, 5 acres cherries, a acres
hemes and apples, good 5 room plas
tered cottage, barn, chicken house,
well, rock road nud close to highway.
Price $7000. -
(food S room bungalow' located at
020 8. 18th street. I'rice $1630.
6 room bungalow and two fine lots
on paved atroet. I'rice 2300.
ihioii 5 room modem bungalow lo-
. ated in South Halem, paved street.1
rnc.e 9X100. ' .,
Hood 7 room moilcin bungalow lo
cated at 140 S. 1 7 1 h street, basement,
furnace," garage, paved street," vacant
and readv to move into. Price 3tiW).
H room modern house, corner lot,
both atrceta paved, located in the
south part of iSnleni. Price 2"00.
4 room modern bungalow located in
south Salem. Price 1.300.
lfl.l acre farm nil cultivated; good,
set of modern farm buildings, good
road, best of soil. Price i(H per acre,
15,000 down.
03 acre farm, nearlv alV cultivated;
house and Ibaru, well, orchard, five
miles east of Salem, Price 1.30 per
, acre.
li acres of bearing pruno orchard 6
and P vears old. rock road. 4 miles
out. This orchard i in first class shape
I'rice 5500.
v 20 aero tract located 4 miles out,
small house and barn, som cherries',
prunes and peaehe, several acres of
fine bottom land. Trice 1300.
RAHlllTS for solo. iPliono 40F.3. 8-25
WILL sell a nice piano for 150. Call
nt SIS Court street atteraoous. 8-!dS
WANTBD Young lndv clerk. Apply
The l'ac. Tel. & Tel.' Co., 170 ISorth
Liberty. 8-25
MAXWiKLL truck for sale, new. For
quick sale 1 100. 187 8. Com' 1. I'liohe
3H9. " "" 8 2j5
1 OAKLAND six just overhauled for
bargain nt 400, 187 S. ICoin 1. Phone
8. ',''. ' ".';' . ' 8-25
1 X liiotorcyele, A-l condition, a fine
buv at 125., 189 8. Com 'I. Phone
399. ,. ' 8-25
1 FORI) bug, new, overhauled and re
. painted, $275. rhoue 399. 187 South
.Commercial. . " '' 8-25
I JTORD touring 5 pimscngcr, n good
buy at $300. 187 iS. Com 'I. Phone 39
1 M'UiOKHAKKK cliiiHHis. iust tho
j thing for a bug, goes nt $75. Phone
399. 187 8. Com 'I. ..... ' 8-85
FOl? SALE Set harness and wngon,
$80; maro and coll $00, lit. 7," box
45. 8-25
WAXTKD To buy second hand Ford
truck, mjtt be in good condition und
cheap. Address r'ord care Journal.
FOR 8 ALU One International- tract
or, 8-1(1. in good running order, at
a sacrifice, $250. Phone 899. 187 S.
Com '1. 8-25
MAX wanted for general farm work
on coast, no milking, good place, for
right mii'n, single mini preferred.' Ap-
. ply 1237 Chemeketn St. 8-25
FOR 8ALE Seven room bungalow at
15th and O Sts., tbusemeut, bath, toi
let, electric, lights, cement founda
tion, $70O downr' -balance $200 per
annum at 0 percent interest. Price
$2150 for further information call
at 870 Jf. 14th St. or phone 1IS9U. 8-28
WAXTEIDI Ctfan :jr traictor and
plowing demonstrations. Apply iia
lem Velio company, 102 N. Commer
cial street bat. a. in. 8-22
FOR KALE Maxwell
FOR SA'LK Cheap, good 5 room house,
city wuier, pipeu ror not anu com
witter, electric, lights, good . well,
largo lot, fruit trees, some .berries;
easy terms. T. I). Wallace,. Salem,
Oregon, Hi. 5, box 125. Phone 8F23.
- ' tf
80 '.ACRES 40 in cultivation, .-'-some
very chuice; 20 acres timber, balance
, brush and istump pasture, only (J
miles out. .Good spring, fair improve
ments., Only $80 per acre. This is a
good buy, owner siclivaud must give
up 'farming. John ,1. Scott Realty
C6. - ' ' '" . ' 8-22
"' WHEN V BUY ' '
Father a farm, or home, buy from
someone that gets Tr your money's
worth. We sell good' properties; try us
and imake a littlo money for yourself,
5 room modern cottage nt $13.30.
8 room plastered, good Basement,
large lot with nice fruit, at $2200, $500
cash. ,
7 rooms, plastered, 2ilots, $1400, $400
cash, balance tenn9. f
J room modern bungalow 2000.
TT onn'f lnoa Un II l,,. ,,., T..1..
H. Scott Realty .o., 404 Hubbard bldg.
"Aiwayi at Your Service"
Help of all kinds Furnished Free
to Employers
uvoiisnu, ifoiABix raoNc, wiM ot mm.
J. P. C0X0.1. awfir.
HI-tM BunuM Strxt. Portland. Orwoa
ATTKXTrOX people, household furni
ture including beds, springs, mat
tresses, couch, dressers, dining
chairs, rockers, tables, rugs, kitchen
cupboard, just like new, for Bale.
mile from city limits, 3d house on
right after crossing R. R. on Port
land road; also fairly good top bug
gy. r 8-28
A FflNK milk route or dairy farm hi
edge of town, 80 acres, good build
ings, 20 head of cows, 50 tons of hny
in barn, 7 acres of kale, 18 acres
corn; milk route with farm, water
system, all kinds of farm implements.
. 5 head of work horses, hariess, wa-
gons, garden, chickens. Everything
goes with farm, $13,000, reasonable
terms. ee J, H. Moran, Monmouth.
Or. -22
27.3- State strct
8 2.3
LABORERS wanted for paper
mil.l STKAUV WORK. Splen
did new hotel, pool room, bar-,
her hop in lobby. Free bnlhs.
Rooms 20c to 33e, meals 3.3c.
Beautiful little city on tho
banks of Columbia " river, 20
miles from Portland, 2 boat
lines, bus line, and railroad
connections. Apply Crown Wil
lamette Paper Vo., Camns,
Wash., or 510 Oregon bldg,
Portlantl, Or. Fri. tf
BUV-KRS are yon looking for a good
home in a clean city J We have them
for sale. '
Beautiful 8 room home on paved St.
4000. ;..''
Fine room Wise on large lot eov
ered with fruit, $2700.
7 room house complete, well located
at $3200,
Neat buulow 5 rooms, 2 good lots
near paved street, 3 blocks from car
line nt 1500.
fi room bungalow, full basement, on
paved street, close down town, $2,
000, Muii a re Deal Uenlty Co. IT. S.
national bank bldg. ' tf
.. . " t
Real Homes
" A real bungalow, everything
built in, furnace, etc. 1 block
off Capitol St. If yon have $3700
for a home don't miss this; good
terms. . ,
5 room bungalow, Dutch kitch
en and everything convenient,
$2700. ... .
5 room bungalow, good base
ment, nice lot; $2450, terms. Lo
cated in South Salem.
Nice 5 room bungalow, good
lot, basement ,ete. 2350. South
Salem. About 10 minutes walk.
flood 7 room house close to D
St., gara','0 3 fine big lots, fruit,
house on corner. A bargain for
someone at 3200.
7 room house, good shape, big
basement, garage and ou paved
street, close in, $2500.
5 room bungalow, basement !5
Mocks from court house, $2000;
some terms.
Laflar & Laf lar
40d Hubbard bldg. Come up
To Moines, Iowa N'ot a word was
apuM-u, ponce sain, wnen nn unknown
woman entered Mrs. H. Slater's bad
room here this morning, dragged her
out of bed and beat her seriously.
2,000,000 CAMS OF
Salem Plant Of Oregon Pack
ing Company Sets Record
This Season.
Two million cans o? berries and fruits
will be handled this season by the Ore
gon Packing company at its plant ei,
South Twelfth street, near the Southern
Pacific depot. These 2,000,000 eans are
of three sizes, two and two and one-half
pounds for general retail use and the
10 pound cans for the convenience ov
hotels, restaurants and large users of
canned goods.
With a working forco of 150 women
and 50 men ,and with an average of 250
employes daily for the seasoi, the Ore
gon Packing company is one of the larg
est packing concerns in the northwest.
As fast as the tock accumulates, ship
ments are made to the jobbing whole
sale centers in San Francisco ar.d the
During the fruit a:id berry canning
season, the p!unt pays out daily to work
ers in Sulein and vicinity the sum of
$700; and this will "continue until ahout
October 1. After this date, thtfre is bat
the apple Crop to be cared for, which
does not require such a large force.
Just nt present the canning compoxj
is busy handling 700 boxes of Barttcvt
pears dnily. In addition to tho peeling,
which is done by hand, and the canning
process, there is the work of daily sort
ing. Pears are picked before they ripen
and tlrcre is now stored in the plant
8O00 boxes. These must bo continually
sorted, in order that they may. be
handled ns soon as there is signs ol
ripening. Under ordinary circumstances,
the pears are -stored about five days
before being canned.
Notwithstanding the fact that the
pear crop is not very good in this lo
cality, the Orego:i Packing company ex
pect to handle 20,000 boxes this season.
With the Bnrtlett pear season there
coiiics the evergreen blackberry to be
cared for at the, same time. The plant
is now receiving daily about 1000 crates
and it is estimated that 30,000 crates
will bo handled by this one plant alone
this season. The price is about one
cent a pound higher than last year and
the -crop estimated as twico as large.
The loganberry pack was tho largest
this year in tho history of the Oregon
Packing company. It is estimated that
very close to 11,000,000 pounds were
handled by, this rOe cannery ,inore than
double the puck of last year. With but
tew contracts, , the canning company
paid the average market price. For the
convenience of the retail trade, the lo
gans were packed in two pound cans,
and for the trade such us hotels and
restaurants, packed in 10-pound cans.
It is estinittfe'd. by Edward C, vuinn,
manager of the plant, that the canning
company will run nt its full capacity
handling prunes .and pears up to October
1, after which date a smaller force will
be sufficient to , close the season with
apples. The plant is in active operation
about six months in tho year ,employlng
a force varying from 200 to 400 accord
ing to the supplies received, with an
average daily of about 250.
(Capital Join nul Special Service.)
Mr, nud Mrs. lfcter Herr of Silverton,
and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Herr and family
spent Suiulnv with Mr. and Mrs. WU
lium Roth Sr.
J. W. Daggett made two business trips
to feiileni last week . - t
Mrs. Carl Mikkelson hns been visiting'
ncr parents near Eugene.
Mrs. George Kalb spent Monday shop
ping in Salem.
Miss Audrey Bnggett was the guest of
friends last week end in Salem.
-Miss Olga Ask spent Saturday and
huiiuuy in safem.
Mrs. Francis is to have an operation
for cancer ot the stomach this week
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Janz spent Sun
day with friends in Salem.
Abe Steffen had the misfortune of
losing n $50 hog.
Miss Gujdie Steffen wns the guest of
Miss Esther Natzieger of Salem grume
inst Tuesday.
Miss Lotha Moores has returned from
Portland, where she has been visiting,
her sister, Mrs. Annzcl Oeardorf.
Mrs. Julia Simmons and daughter,
Airs. Ada Bums, have gone to Newport
for a short stnv. . - -.
Frank nnd Clarence Simmons had one
acre of oats which yielded one hun
dred bushels.
Miss Letha Moores was shopping in
Salem Tuesday. ,
Miss Audrey Baggett is assisting Mrs.
Arthur tloffin during threshing.
Mrs. Karl Adams of Hilverton spent
Wednesday afternoon with her mother,
Mrs. Albert Jiuz. ....
Miss Nellie and Verna Milne have re
turned from their vacation nt Newport
where they had a very enjoyable time.
Henry Werner finished cutting oats
Albeit Kikkelson threshed for A. Tay
lor Thursday.
Mrs. Ella Steffen and daughter, Miss
Qolda, helped Mrs. Peter Steffens cook
for the threshers Tuesday.
Three ef Chris Lichty 's children have
been on the sick list this week.
Mrs. Wes Spit tier hns been on the sick
list lately.
Roy Rnmsden of Portland has been
visiting his brother, Ray Kamsden, and
motlu-r, Mrs. Anna Francis.
Acting Governor Vinton, of McMinn
ville, has received a request from Chief
of Police Johnson of Portland that a
substantial reward by posted by .
state for the capture of Clarence John
son, charged with -the brutal mutdcr of
Mrs. Euriee Freeman, in Portland. As
there is no fund in the state treasury
from which such a reward could be paid
the official can only make a recom
mendation to the legislature that such
a reward be Drovided.
K . : -
State Forester Elliott has received
word that one of the fire patrol planes
engaged in making a survey of the
North Uinpqua region was forced to
land near Lone Bock yesterday after
noon. The pilot and his passenger, For
ester 8. C. Bartrum, received no injury,
and nothing was said with regard to in
jury to the machine.
San Francised, ,Aug. 21, The trans
port Sheridan, in tow by a naval ves
sel, is expected to arrive here at day
break tomorrow, according to infor
mation wirelessed to the transporta
tion section of the Western depart
ment here. On board the transport are
troops and passengers. The Shetidsn
bound from Honolulu to San Francisco
damaged a propeller 1700 miles out.
The Oregon fish and game eommissiorr
lias recently received from the depart
ment of agriculture a bulletin which
puts a. wet blanket on the anticipations
of sportsmen who hr.ve dreamed of chas
ing flocks of wild fowl across the sky
by airplane. It strictly prohibits the
pursuit of any migratory fowl by plane.
Secretary Goodin of the board of con
trol did not meet with gratifying results
in his recent foraging trip in Portland i
after quotations on furnishings and
equipment fortjie state institutions. He
found that prices on furniture end bed-,
ding were running from 40 to 80 per
cent higher than they wore three years
ago. The matter will be taken up nt
the next meeting of the board.
Special Announcement I
1 In response to many inquiries Mr. Franch Riehter has just complct- '
ed arrangements to reestablish the OCCIDENTAL. STOVE . AGEXCY.,!
in Salem. The first shipment will be on display in a few days.. These
ranges come in four sizes and are finished, in white enamel, polished
tops, nickel base. Combination Coal, Wood and Gas Ranges also all the
latest features and improvements. . . ' . .. " . .
My first display of Charter Oak heaters are now on display' and a :
new shipment of. the famous Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges has jnst .
arrived. .. , .
I Hardware
377 Court Street
Aleng with other executives of the
northwest. Governor Olcott has been in
vited by Mayor Hanson, of Seattle, to
attend the grand review of the Pacific
fleet in that harbor next month. British
Columbia officials are also expected to
attend. " "..'' ' '
Eight Thousand Washington
Elks Attending Convention
Yakima, Wash.. Aug. 21. With eight
thousand Elks attending, State Presi
dent Charles F. Manning, Everett, open
ed the fifteenth -annual convention of
the Washington state Elks association
at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. .
President Manning prophesied a bril
liant future for the order in Washing
ton. Mayor Forrest H. Sweet and Ex
alted Ruler Sydney Livcsey of Vakima
welcomed tho visitors.
Iron Workers Strike Is
Second Called On Island
Honolulu, Aug. 21. Eight hundred
iron ' workers struck here today, de
manding reinstatement of discharged
union men.
AH the iron works of the-city are
tied ud and the situation appears dead
This is the first big strike in the
islands and the second of any kind in
the history of the Hawaiian Islands.
Boston, Mass. Aug. 19. Norman E.
Brookes and Gerald Patterson, crack
Australian stars, defeated Vincent ,
Richards New York, and William T.
Tilden Jr., Philadelphia in the first
two sets, 8-6, 6-3 in the challenge match
for the national doubles tournament at
the Longwood Cricket Club here this
Meats in Storage
Not "Hoarded"
Live stock is a seasonal crop like cereals and grains!
It is" ripe" and is marketed in larger quantities in
certain months. This causes a natural oversupply at
one time and a natural shortage at another.
During the time of oversupply Swift & Company
places some of the meat in cold storage, against the
season of short production.
This is a necessity in order that the nation's ration
of meat 58,000,000 pounds every day in the year
may be forthcoming as the consumer requires it.
This is not hoarding, not price manipulation, not
market control. It is mere common sense.
United States Bureau of Markets' figures of stocks
of frozen and cured meats July 1 are being used as a
basis for Department of Justice investigations in many
cities. When properly analyzed, based on Swift &
Company's stocks, these figures show:
62 per cent (approximate) is pork and beef cuts, etc.,
cured and in process of curing. It takes 30 to 90
days in pickle or salt to complete the curing process.
12 per cent is frozen pork, of which more than three
quarters is to be cured in the next few months.
7 per cent is lard. - This is a normal supply and only
four-fifths of a pound per capita, and much of it
will have to go to supply European needs.
19 per cent is frozen beef and lamb, and miscellaneous
meats, part of which is owned by the Government
and was intended chiefly for overseas shipment. If
this were all diverted to domestic trade channels it
would be only 2Y2 lbs. per capita a 5 days' supply.
From this it will be seen that "meats in storage"
represent unfinished goods in process of curing
and the working supply necessary to assure the
consumer a steady flow of finished product.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
5700123 HIT DOb'A
12LV ! :)
tmm mt VALt or Ml AT
. swift tcDunwr 'j
w tsorrr