Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 22, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAGE ciiX
In "The New Moon" a story of Russia. Coming to the
Oregon next Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
Ask Yourself
What gives
better service
for the price
than a pair of good shoes. '
A "BETTER PAIR" is the only
answer and we have them ready
for you to try on and of course at the
Buster Brown Shoe Store
- 125 N. Commercial Street
To Merchants
Cash renter and stand, 2 computing scales, one balancing
scale, show cases, grocery display counter, electric fan,
Colo's electric coffee mill, cheese cutter, trucks, meat slicer,
computing oil tank, safe, desk, office chair, tables, coun
ters, shelving, 25-foot awning, check protector, etc.
Soldier Help
Underfed In :
Spruce Camps
Brattle, Wash., Aug. 22. Suldier la
borers in the spruce production divis
ion would not work for the simple
reason that they were underfe'd.
This accusation wag leveled at the
heads of the spruce division of the ar
my by William J, Cbisliolin,' manager
of the Maryland Lumber company, of
Deer Creek, who was a witness before
the congressional investigating ." com
mittee this morning. . '
That the logger of the northwest
were barred from bidding ou spruce con
tracts duriui; the war but were offered
sub contracts by the fciems-Carey-Kcr-
baugh corporation which they indignant
ly spurned, was the main featuro-of the
testimony yesterday afternoon of J. E.
Frost, president of the Cedar Lake Log
ging company. ,.'.
' "We felt that the loggers ' of the
northwest were not given an opportun
ity to bid on spruce contracts," Frost
told the committee. "Wo were animated
by patriotism as well as a selfish desiro
to escape the strain which we felt was
bound to come from the waste, ineffi
ciency and incompetency of the Siems-Cnrey-Kcrbaugh
and Warren Spruce
company outfits. .
'Anyway," Frost added, "I did not
want U make money bad enough to be
mixed up with what I thought was a
bad outfit."
"No attempt was made to consult
loggers who knew the northwest like a
book until after the urraiBtice was sign
ed," Frost told the committee.
'There was not a logger in the north
Pharmacist Sought to Make Fortune
By Trading Upon Reputation of Well
Known Tonic, Strength, Tissue and
Blood builder Imitation Did Not
Contain Strength airing Properties
of Genuine Product.. ,, , , .,.
Milk Fed
Hammond, lad., ''Aug. Sl.-i Tinted
Tress.) Five companies of statue militia
patrolled the steel district lien' today in
n effort to prevent renewal of labor
jioting by strikers of the Htuudard
fiieel Car company. Six other compmiies
,-ere on the way hero and y,c to ar
rive before noon.
The rity was quiet." Police were iibte
to cope with the situation during the
night when there, were several minor!
utbrenk, in the foifig.i quarter where!
most of the steel workers live. I..fii.l
f the workers to return to work or to
accept compromise offered by (he runt
gitwiy caused city and euuty officials to
ask fur urate trou; j as a precautionary
(toveriM.r ,T. 1'. Goodrich ami Adjutant
(Sellout! Smith ordered eleven companies
f the linliauu militia- to Hammond up
on tile receipt of word from Lake coun
ty and city officials that tho labor sit
uation there was threatening. ;'
Hundreds of foreign born worker in
the car plant rofuscdto listen to tlm
dictates Of their lenders and Were ;.
on strike following rejection of com
promise wffered by the company. The
telegram sent by Sheriff Barnes and
Mayor Brown of Hammond asking for
troops said the situation had got beyond
their emit nil. " ,
London." Would the person la the
green Tyrolosr. hat note that though n
may be a custom on his own courso to
pocket golf balls on the fairway, il is
not done elsewhere," reads a Times
The ideal
meat in warm
i Legs of veal,.vhole or half -i
per pound 25c
Veal steak, per lb.: :....25c
Veal. to stew, per lb.: 25c
Choice beef roasts, per lb 18c
Pot Roasts of beef, per
pound .. .....15c
Beef to boil, per lb...l2 l-2c
Fresh young beef liver
per pound 5c
Pure lard, No. 5 pail.... $1.65
Crown Shortening, No. -5
pail ........v..........,...$1.30
Pure rendered suet, No.
5 pail ...' 65c
Eastern sugar cured pic
nic hams lb.. 30c
Originators of Low Prices
351 State St.
Phoenix. Ariz. The arrest of a phar
macist of this city revealed a gigantic
plot to violate the state, and federal j
statutes by selling a cheap, inferior;
! substance represented to be genuine!
! bitro-phosphate. 1
.the auttaorrf ie& found thousands of.
counterfeit labels and materials indi
cating elaborate plans for tho nation
wide exportation of tho spurious tonic,
This case is unique in the criminal rec
ords of Arizona and serves as a warn
ing to the public against worthless im
itations designed to sell upon the-rep-
llhaCnn r.P l.;k ,.nrl.. etii ........
orations. ' . .
For many years Bitro-Phosnhate has
enjoyed the confidence of its millions
of users and the fact that reputable
physicians prescribe and recommend it
in coses of nervousness, - excessive,
thinness and general weak ncss makes
it the natural target, for the unscrupu
lous substitutor. .
'Frederick Kolle.. MV I).. editor of
New York "Physicians Who's Who."
says Bitro-Phosphate should be pre
scribed Iby every physician and. used
in every hospital - to . increase the
strength and enrich the blood of weak,
thin, nervous or anaemic people.
Tho gerfuine bitro-phosphaite is sold
by all first class druggists under a
dofinito guarantee of satisfaction or
money baek and eases of attempted
substitution or the ale of imitation
should be reported to Arrow Chemical
Co., sole "manufacturers, 31 - Union
Square, Wow .York City.
west who) could, not have built the
Sicms-Carey-Korbaugh railroad at a cost
of less than $30)000 a mile, yet the road
as built cost the government from JilOO,
OOOto $112,0Q a mile."
Prior .tot the .appearance of Frost on
the witness stand. Representative Clar
ence Lea of California protested against
what he termed browbeating and bully
ing of witnesses.
"We are going ahead with this in
vestigation and get at the facts regard
less of whoso head is hitfi' reported the
chairman, J. A. Fear, of Wisconsin. "I,
fo.r one, am not here to cover up a single
fact. If so. it'resignnlioH goes back
to congress, " " ' ' "' -" '1 '
(Capital--journal Special . Service) ...
The niiiBfearScomcdy given- by. Miss
Judd, 3H.if-;rJKi.ljses, Mr.- .Stovev-J Mr.
Craven'' aiif'Tm: MfliyT&l' Salefn, last
Tuesilny-'eiiiflig was well' attfndeii
nnd quite a sofccBss. The Brush .Bolloge
folks spent ja 'Very enjoyable evening,
and appreciated their coming out. and
hope they will come iback again. ..
Quito a lnimbor bt our peojile are at
tho coast '.' enjoying ' their vacations.
Among the recent " coasters ''.live Ed
Loare and family, A. R. Ktling and
family, -lifforiv and Harvey Smith. Sir.
Beckett and family, are .still 'there.
Asa Smith has so far recovered from
the 'operation on his knee that he will
be able to resume his duties Monday;
we aro glad he, is doing so nicely and
think a bouquet is due Doctor Fisher
for his speedy irrocovery.
Mrs. Jeanetto Conncl, children and
grand children have returned- to their
homo at Wluttier, Cul. They spet a
month visiting with relatives and
friends. The founds are quit extens
ive walnut growers and. enjoy a good
income and living from their grove.
They like Oregon but are loud in their
praises for California. Mrs. C'onnel is
Mrs. C. H. (Smith's oldest sister and
has recently lost her eyesight and of
course her visit was not as pleasant
as it would have been had her oye
sight been good,
Mrs. George Oonnel is a prominent
worker in the ; Christian church at
YVhittier. The t'onnels are pleasant peo
ple and we are, glad to see them and
know them. ,
Brush college is all swelled up over
the Salein jiirplaue pilot, Khner Cook.
Lieutenant Cook was the f ii-srt young
man from .Brush, college to volunteer
for service when the V. S, declared
war, we are glad he. is back nnd glad
he has the position he has, and we
wish him success in his work.
Mr. and Mrj. I. L. Oliver are having
their home remodelled into an up to
date home; it is very beautiful aud
mav thev enjoy It for years to como.
Will Patterson ha returned from a
trip to Astoria, Seaside, Portland aud
Columbia highway.
Mrs. H. Smith, Mr. ami Mrs. C. A.
Smith and baby and Clifford Smith
spent a few days in iVillnmina.
Mrs. Harvey Stantou was a dinner
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Smith
lust week. Mr. and Mrs. . K. Smith
spent Sunday with Mrs. Smith's moth
er, Mrs. Wilson on the Oak Grove road.
New Fall Hats
TIrs s-'ors hat offer-
inor ii rriairminor lrirl -rl "
There's $U2h ai arkty of shapes and
designs swell chic Turbans with
Tan effects.. C
Big drooping hats, beautifully ornamented with the
popular trimmings now in vogue. It will be easy to
find one that is just made for you.
$4.50 Val. $3.48
$5.00 Val. $3.79
Special for Sat-
urday .
$2.25 Val. $1.98
Simplified Word List For
Use In Schools Is Issued
Teaching children in the public
schools who have advanced as far aS
the first reader will novf be made eas
ier, iby means of the word list recently'
issued. This word list shows exactly
what new .words aro inducted. into, the
vocabulary of the young citizen, from
page to page. For instance, on page 8
of the new yeader, the child is made fa-! page 104 and by the time tho 126th.
miliar with tSo word " twinkling" for ! page is reached, the young student is
the first timo. After studying for 44 introduced to the word "hocus pocus."
pages, ttje word "chicken" is intro- ' " " '
duced. Having arrived at the 52d page, London. Gassed at Vimy Eidgo In
the youngster becomes acquainted with : March, J918, Private A. B. Peaisou,.com
"Tedily Bear" as it looks' in print. pletely lost tho power of speech. Lark
T!? wo' ds " fraiulinoiher, woodcut- ring ivt home with his mother, the latter
icis and wolf" are first seen on page pinched him, and Pearson yelled 'Don't'
.."8. The child reads as far as page 73 recovering his speech sinco . I
Jirore n gis us rip.it -acquaintanceship
with the word "spoon." "Ginger
bread is found for the first time on
"Forget It" Buy At Home
I imk CMM. if, '
1 JsJLi J -f '' I '
b, M AKKIiAOK AND .1)1 V OKI K Phise arc tho three, subjects taken nv) bv the writer of "A house Divided'
photodramntized by Anthony Paul Kel y, author of "Three 1'aees Kast,:" tho biggest hit on Broadway, and produc
ed by J. Stuart Biackton. At the Lilierty theater starting. Sunday. First time in this city.
Washington, Aug. 21. The total
amount of wool coiiHimed during .lune
was 53.01)0,0000 ptiuuds, grease equiva
lent, which exceeds that of any other
month this year and is more than twice
the amount consumed in February, ac
cording to the monthly wool consump
tion report just issued by the bureau
of markets, Vuitcd State's department
of agriculture. June f onsiiniption rep
resents an increaseof fi per cent over
the amount used in Mar and 22 per
;"ent oyer the amount used in April.
Monthly consumption of wool haa in
crease! . steadily since February, which
is said to indicate- continued activity
in The textile indutry;
T:1 nmovuts of wool used during
Ji' '9t9 by condition, in pounds
were: Urease, ' 40.332.6tH; seonred, 6,
0l4,2i;t; pulled, 2.432.9S3.
PEANUT BUTTER 16c per lb.
Lighthouse Clams, per Can ...10c
Brookf ield Creamery Butter, per lb.6 1c
Ralston Bran, per pkg
Sauer Kraut, 2 for .'.;.-
Cere tana Kolled Oats, pkg
Wheat Nuts, per pkg
White Navy Soap, 4 bars
Mason Fruit Jar.s, qts.
Mason Fruit Jars, 1-2 gals.......
Bordan Milk, tall can :
flj Q)
.....15c ,
...,..2oc ft
30c 0 J
-34c O-g)
..$1.20 0 g
16c 0
Cream of Barley, pkg 20c
Borax Soap Chips, pkg. .. .....:...30c
Oranges, per doz. ....... ......:....... 25c
Booth's Sardines, per doz. 23c
Washing Soda, 7 lbs. for..r..:.:...;:.25c
White Seal Coffee, per lb.:.:....-.-..: 48c
Folgers Golden Gate Coffee, 2 1-2 lbs.
for . ,;i.35
Old Faithful Catsup, per bottle...:... 25c
6 bars Toilet Soap for ,: 25c
Wool Soap, 3 bars for 23c
383 Court Street
Phone 409
. i
$$ Keep em In The Circle $$