Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 22, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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r f r TIT rV
Satnrdnr you can buy 6 rnl of toilet
paper for
(Limit 6 to & customer)
... Saturday we will soil Del Monte or
"Venbest" Catwup, large size bottles
-for ,
(Limit 3 to a customer)
- You can buy the ibest parlor match
es, Saturday, at per box
: ' (Limit 5 to a customer)
. ; The best $1.25 brooms to be closed
out at
k lb. :ite
sale 2 for
Dunham's- C.ic-oanut, on
270 North Commercial St.
89 c
Preferred stock pork aud beans,
worth 23c on sale two cans for
25c :
' (Limit 4 to a customer)
i lb. sacks of table
close out, per sack
salt on sale to
Tho beat Pea-berry coffee to go on
sale, per lb. ...
. Limit 2 lbs. to a customer)
liquid blueing, worth 50c,-
': 'Buckeye
on sale at
Saturday is going to be one grand big Bargain, Day at the big bankrupt
sale. Don't compare this sale with the many so-called "SPECIAL SALES",
Don't glance at this announcement and pass it up as every day talk. RE
MEMBER! This is a real, genuine, bona fide bankrupt and closing out sale.
The building we now occupy has been leased over our. heads and every ar
ticle must and will be sold regardless of cost; profit or present. value and
there will be no let-up to the cutting and slashing of prices until every ar
ticle in this store is sold out completely. There still remains here thousands
of dollars worth of Dry Goeds, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, etc. The kind
and quality of merchandise you need to eat and wear every day in the year,
'and right in the face of the ever and constant advance in price ox au juuu
of commodities and at a time when the whole world is fighting the high cost
of living, we are actually selling every day needs at prices less than the pre
sent wholesale market value in almost every instance, and at a saving no
person or family can afford to miss. All throughout this store there are
vast merchandise displays and exceptional chances to save money. DON'T
MISS SATURDAY. We are going to make it the banner day of this great
closing out and bankrupt sale. '
Old! fashioned pure New Orleans mo
lasses, worth 20c on salo 2 cans for
. Hcintss ripe olives,
sale 2 for
5 pz. cans on
2 on. cans of spices, a!l kinds, worth
up to 25c, on salo at
Economv and Kerr Self Sealing Ma
son jars quart size, on salo. per dozen
Permanent C-b Here To It
Formed At Ti:-
KUto Street '.'!!
- -.- Talcums. - . i
l'u Air 1 luut
"afl.iHe-lCX X.
2oc V rights ...:.....
i ic l'.UJi s - -
23e I-aseJI's .
25c Colgate's ......... ....
Fao Bamlsrs,
Toe Vogue- Koral
50 lb. sacks of the best dairy salt
on salo per- sack
50 lb. sacks of
salt on tale at:
half ground stock
Men's Gordon hats, worth today $5,
on sale at
Ide collars for men,' newest styles,
on sale 3 for
' "2 in 1" white. liquid shoe dressing
15c sizo on sale at
Biuaf ord-B8kine powder, none bet
ter, 1 tb. iii8 oji -sale at .,
. K, 0
sale at
Baking powder, 15o size on
2 l'b.cans of full- grain hominy worth,
20a on sale, por can
"Premier" Pennsylvania parafino
base, motor oil, worth 1.20, on sale,
per gallon
5 bars laundry soap 10c 10 lbs. of sugar tor 73c
Saturday, August 23d, from 12:30 to
8 o'clock p. m. we will sell, with a pur
chase of $2.00 or more (in any de-
Saturday, August 23d, from 9 a. m.
until 12 o'clock noon, we will sell,
with a purchase of $2.00 or more ( (in
any department except groceries) 5
bars of the best white laundry soap
for TWc
(limit 5 bars to a customer)
partment except groceries) 10 pounds
of the best' cane sugar for -73c
(Limit 10 pounds to a customer)
' Tho bent' (iOc Japan Spider Leg. tea
on sale per lb..
. Black and wool Tricot dress goods,
worth. $1 oiKsale per. yard; ;
Schoolboy 'Peanut abutter, worth 33e
on sale at
" Hill firos. red package Japan, tea
30c, sissc on sale at
Children's white summer vests and
pants worth to 75c, on sale per garment
Men's genuine- Spauldiiig tennis
shoes, worth $3 on salo at
You can buy Cooper's and Chalmer's
underwear, . Gordon hats, Ide shirts
and collars, , ani the best - makes of
heavy flannel shirts, etc. at less than
present Wholesale cost. . "
Cccpcrs Underwear, Ids Shirts and Collars, Gordon
Hats for men on sale at fess than wholesale cost
Jde shirts' for men, newest styles,
with French cuffs, worth today. $2.50
on sale at ' : '"'-.. y '.
Chalmer's union suits for men worth
$3.50 on sale at
i A temporary organization of tue bu
ll: ni Rutnrv rluh whs effected this nfter-
' noon at a mectinr beld at tho of tice of , v ' t'r -
rl. IB. UUC. . Until a permanent, oi jiamzH. j i ................
lion is made Mr. ttilo, will act as gen-, I'"!!'
eru-1 cuumiittVeiiiun on the appomtnumt , "M htta.ru Hupremw .
of the parent Kotury club in i'ol tlaud, Uorodoiit
of v.hu-k he is a member. "IU"Jl
" Twontv-five men who aro piouuneut . c Vogue Pewder
the affairs of the city hve boon iJutolaltiee
Imimcd by Mr. (hie as charter member, j ' Tatle. rraparatlOMk
I The first meeting, at which there will (iOc 8upnma Oem
do a permnneut .orfftiauaiiim, urmieu, 50 'Beiuwi. Almond Cream...
will be held nert Tuesday noon at the 1 25e Vogue Liquid Po. - . -
Marion, hotel. Mr. tiile will addroas the i gnj )opilntory Po. ..
meeting and tell of tho reason why a Se Borodent Tooth Pmte
Botarv club was ergauiacdiin tms City
After the organisation, is. made porm
nont a'ld officers electedi a membership
,nnmittee will be appointed aud Hume
who wish to join will have, their nmii
considered by this committee as to thiol
fitness to join such an ortfHiiiaK-tioii. -.Aecordiug
to a pamphlot issued by the
Iutcrnntionul Kotury club, it is to bo
composed of men selected from euch ol
the distinct business orgauiisations ot
tho city und also from the professions.
The Hotnry activities provldo for ex
tendina the business horizon of its mem
bers and to stimulate their minds to
travel ill unfrequented chiiiincls of
thought. Also to -arouse their interest
in others, to help oaeh member to attain
greater possibilities and to maki. each
a leader of men.
Chartor members arc as follows: Chns.
JVrcherd, Jos. Hiuimanrtuer, C. V. hishop
j C. B. Clanccy, F. O. Deckobuch, r, fc.
Fullerrou. H. 8. Gilo, Otto Martmnn, vv.
T. Jenks, CUas. Miller, John JVltNaiv,
T. E. McCfoskcy, C. W. iemeer, J
C. Perry, O. E. Price, Tlteo Holh, Dr. B.
L. Sleeves, Frederick Schmidt, John K.
Sites, John Todd, Fred Thielacn, Wil
liam Walton, Hoy B. Wise, Hal icy 0,
White and Paul Wallace.
...a o
2!io Pcroxo.Toath Pnste
m Selox Pasto
2m Selox Po . .
'Zia Zvmule Po. .;....4......:.
1 O. Oolgates .
1 Oz. PuroWl ...)c
41 Oi Hilbert's -
1 Bo?. Aspirin TablotB . 1
2 Uox Aiiuiin Tablets , 26c
4 Oi Glycerine . 26
1 Lb. Epsom Emits .
Just Received a New Lot of
Women's silk lislo hose, old stock,
worth $1 today, -sale at
Men's black all wool cashmere box,
worth oyer l; today, on sale per pair
Flcisher's knitting yarn on salo per
double skein -,. ( .
44,inch navy blue storm serge, worth
over $2.50 on sale, per yard .
Chiidrcn's, misses and boy's all wool
vests and pants worth over $1.25 on
sale per garment
Misses white
vests and pants,
per garment
ribbed fleece . linod
worth over $1 on sale
'Cliieago U-t tho wedding bell ling
out- A clothing store ol fiMTjLji Iwibhs
of 10 percent of each employes s!vy
who marries and $100 bonus fur .tuck
-baby. ? .." ':,.-,;': ' ." ?.
Trio Lost In Olympics
For Week Without :focd
Fouad Nearly Starved
Des Moiiuw, Iowa hmoliu envelop
ing cells and pouring from city jail
windows last night caused panic in
side and fire alnrnis outsiide. Firemen
found prisoners ibnttltng bed bugs-.
'O.lialuoisn, JoWif Cope Fewisuii aind
ladv Shoemaker were houeyinooiiuig
toitay--ten dajis after the license wn
procureit.. The pretty bride rottised to
"love and ubey " suouer bcwMise aiwil
t uddculy developed -on her nose. ,
UosrSKirg, Or. !. J. Mniiiiing, 5,
secured n niarriuge liceusn so ho could
wed a third wite, Alice 'Filley, 20.
Senttle, Wash., Aug. 122. After being
lost in tho Olympic mouutiii s near Alt.
La Crosse for a week without any
food savo a small amount of sugar, Clun-
cy M. Lewis, secretary of the Munu-i
facturcrs association of Scuttle, Ins son,
Palmer, and. a friend, riinold A. Pott,
were rescued Wednesday by a man
named Schluss of Taooma.
Lewi and hi party stwrtud. -out -on
August 10 with sufficient food to Inst n 1 have dtictorcd nine years for
them ten di:vs. Thcv becamo lost when 1 H .,,iu-li and liver . trouble and
trails woro obliterated because of forest mw,in of dollars,,, ibHt. iiutuad of
fires. ,. j, f I bucoining -cured of these uilmeuts my
Thoir shoos wero completely goilo und bloating and pains and attacks beeaaM'
their foct, whea found, wero wrapped worsei I was persuaded a year ago 1 to
in canvas shreds torn from a shelter take Mayr's Wonderful Remedy aad
tent Their clothes wero in shreds. hnvo never suffered since taking tae
Lewis is said to have collapsed whin first dose. 1 wi,h 1 had tho money
" L "nn,i . ' back 1 spent for other medicine." tit
shown some food ,u ft .tarw,..,w(.partio that
Ti'.kiiwr- Vi-eiich ' removes the catarrhal nitidis irom wmj
- ------ .....
I intestinal tract and allays Hie intlain-
For Sale
London. Tho term
leave" having been used in connection , . . , , . nructically all
with desertion, Judg? Ifet'nrdie explain-!, oiiinch, liver and intestinal ailmunts,
ed that it4oallv aroB from certain including appendicitis. One dose will
"nouvenux riches" depaiting without 1 convince or money refunded. J. U 1 er
snyii.g "goodbye" to their hoxts. . Iry rnd dmygis's everywhere.
Salem Sample Store
" San Diego, Cal., Aug. 22. Organized
"search, for Lieutenant Frederick Wat
erhouse, Weiser, Idaho and Lieutenant
C. H. Connelly of San Diego, army
flyers connected with Eockwell field
was underway today. The . men have
been missing since Wednesday noon
.when they left the hangar on the reg
ular airplane patrol of the border. It
is thought they were torcea 10 ranu
in some out of the way .spot, probably
fcelow the international line in Lower
Tobacco Habit
i Dangerous
- -eays Dostor Connor formerly of Johns
Hopkins hospital. Thousands of men
suffering from fatal diseases would be
in perfect health today were it net for
khe- deadly drug Nicotine. Stop the
I tait now before it 's too late. It s a
- simple process to rid yourself of the
tobacco habit in any form. Just go to
- ny up to date drug store and get some
' IVicotol tablets? take them as greeted
"I nd lo; the pernicioos habit quickly
vanishes. Druggists refund the money
T If they fail. Be sure to read large and
1 Interesting announcement by Doctor
Connor soon to appear in this paper.
It tells of the danger of nicotine pois-
- toning and how to avoid it. In the mean
-Sime try iNieotol tablets; yon will be
-surprised at the result D. J. Ttj.. .
California, which is largely desert and
Fifteen brother flyers were in the
search, yesterday, but were unable to
find a trace of the airmen.
Lieutenant Colonel Arthur J. Hanlon
commandant at Rockwell field, said to
day no further word! of encouragement
had been received and he had not yet
decided what his next move would be.
It is thought that strong wind cur
rent from the mountains back of Ja
cumba Springs, east of here, have driv
en the pilots off their course and forc
ed them to land in Lower California,
a barren country where food and wa
ter are searce.
Work On Salem-Aurora High
way Being Rushed to Es
cape Bad Weather.
Granted a long working season, the
3-mile link of highway between Salem
and Aurora should be finished this year
and the two points thenceforth will
be not more than one hour apart for
real, live machines. Only the man who
has bumped and splashed over the old
road during the winter season can duly
appreciate what this means; and espe
cially the farmer with a load.
Hard surface is aow being laid on this
stretch at'the rate of 1600 yards per
day, two eight -hour shifts of men being
worked; continuously. Kapid progress is
being msde with the Oscar Hubcr eon
tract of five miles south from Aurora,
which it is thought can be finished
about the first of September. About
150 men, with 14 trucks, are at work on
this unit, grs-vcl being takeu from a bar
in Pudding river about a mile from the
plant. This imit has an ' unusually
smooth, even base, snd will make a most
excellent piece of road. This will be
one of the most valuable sec tons of high-
V '
CASPELL At her home 2i.)2 8tate
street, Aag. 21, 1919, Mrs. P. A. Cas
pell, at the age of 60 years.
She is survived by 13 children: Mrs.
Ernest Long, Mrs. Lida Brown. Miss
Leta Caspell, Miss Fay Caspell, Miss
Marcell Caspell, Miss Hazel Caspell ana
Prank Casnell. all of Salom; Archie
Caspell of Stayton, Fred Caspell of Mill
City and Weorgc wispeu or onaw, nnu
Mrs. Orpha Cliildsworth of -Macleay,
und F.lmer Casnell who is in tho navy.
Funeral announcement will be made
later. : : ' ,' , ' " '' ;
T,nndnn Thcr doa 't die often enough
iTTxhridire. Gravediggers complain
,.Arala durlnur the last .three
months averaged less than one a week., way in Marion county because of the
immense farm and interurban traffic It
must carry. .
"Work is now being pushed 011 the
Blake-Conipton contract on the Salem
Aurora route, which comprises 11 miles
north from this city to join with the
Huber contract.
It is to bo regretted that the Salem
Dallas link canuot also be completed
this season, for this also is a hard
worked highway with the traffic of the
fruit districts and the terminal cities.
Preparatory work is well under way by
the Huber operators, who are regrading
the old roadbed in the vicinity of Eo)a
where a new and modern paving plant
is, to be located. It is expected that
the hard surface can be laid from West
Salem to Eola before the winter sets in.
This will prove a great benefit to the
intermediate population.
The link between Independence and
Monmouth lias been completed by the
Warren Construction company and it is
expected that the hard surface can be
carried on to Rickreall this season.
Austrians Will Receive
Tretay Monday; Answer
Must Be Made In 7 Days
Paris, Aug. 22. The peace
treaty with Austria- will be
hunde3 to the Austrian delegu-
tion Monday. The allies will
give tho Austrians seven days
in which to submit an answer
to the terms.
Dr . Karl Benncr, Austrian
chancellor, has notified the
peace conference that the treaty
will be taken to Vienna before
it is signed.
; London. The renaming of German
named streets in London proceeds. Haig
street for Munator street; Ueatty street
for Osnaburg street; Cavcll Mjiuire for
Mecklenburg square, and Fryitt street
for Hanover street aro suggestions.
Wilkes Barre, Pa., Aug. 22. A 60
per cent increase in wages a six hour
6y, a closed shop and a two-year agree
ment, are the principal demands of
which the anthracite mine workers will
submit to the coal operators. These de
mands were revealed here today, when
the sealc committee reported to the Trl-
district convention which has been in
session all week. The delegates are sow
diseuesinir the report, which will un
doubtedly be adopted.
Paris. The famous Enbhein Casino is
threatened by the bill now before parlia
ment prohibiting. gaming establishments
within a radius of 60 miles of Paris.
General March, chief of staff, in
formed the senate military committee
that the army of 510,000 atd compul
sory training proposed by the war de
partment hill will cost $J00,00O,OOO li
Keep Them Home $$$
141 North Commercial St.
Men's Extra Trousers
To go with that coat and
vest--Blues,' greys, and
mixtures and stripes
$3.00, $4.50 to $6.00
Khaki Iants
With, cuff bottoms: Belt,
$1.65 to $1.05
Corduroy Pants $3.75 .
Whipcord pants, $2.25
Moleskin pants, $2.45
Cottonade Work Pants
. Grays and Stripes
Blue Bib Overalls
Full Cut
$1.60 to $1.98
Jumpers to match, sam3
price as overalls
Men's Work Shirts
Blue or khaki
85c to $1.25
Children's Blue Denim
Play Suits
Men's Athletic Unions
No sleeve, Ankle length
75c to $1.00 J
- 1
Men's Khaki Mechanics :i
or Auto Suits. - Roomy! 4
and well made
$29 and $2.98
Same, blue denim $2.95
Men's Sample Gloves
These come auto, wrist,
gauntlet and dress
styles, priced ,
$1.00 to $6.50
Boys Knee Pant Suits ;
School time soon! Get
his outfit here and save 3
They .come in greys, '
browns and mixtures ,
$3.95 to $8.45
, Boys Heavy School .
Shoes, Brown Blucher
$3.85, $4.20 to $4.95
Boys' Soft Shirts
Dark or light patterns.
65c, 75c to 79c
i C J. Breier Co.l
You do better here for less
M '"