Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 22, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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itorialPageof Hie
. August 22, .1910 1
Editor and Publisher
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Addreu All Communication! To
136 S. Commercial St.
n.m tinr Tear '. 5.00 Per Month..
Dally by MaU, per year '. 43.00
W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Stockwell, Chicago, Peopled Gas Building
Cke Dully Capital Journal carrier boys, are instnicted to put the paper on the
Borah. It the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglect getting the paper
taVou on time, kindly phone the elreulatlon manager, as this is the only way
w. eon determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone
fl before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the
sarrier has missed you, .
Li the only newspaper In Salem whose circulation Is guaranteed by the
. . Audit Bureau Of Circulations
Nothing could better illustrate the wrong way to go about
remedying present economic evils than the program of the United
Mine Workers of America, as outlined by some of their representa
tives. ' ;' ' ' ,
It is said that the miners, most of whom are engaged in the
coal industry, are going to ask for a wage increase of -about 50
cents making probably $8 a day or more, and along with it a re
duction of working time to six hours a day and six days a week.
That would mean about $50 a week for 30 hours work.
Thirty hours work, if divided as usual among six days, would
mean five hours a day. .A-
It may be that the miners need a liberal wage increase to meet
the rising cost of living. It may be granted, too, that miners ought
to be well paid for the time they put in, because their work is hard,
disagreeable and dangerous. But when the demand for a big wags
increase is coupled with the demand for a big reduction in work
ing time, the absurdity of it ought to-be apparent to anyone fa
miliar with present economic conditions, , ;
We might leave out of consideration the insistent fact that the
world needs coal, as it needs all other commodities, and that any
industry which deliberately does anything to curtail production is
btiirking its duty and refusing to play" its part in the general re
. habitation Of the world. Considering the matter purely f rom the
standpoint of the miners themselves, we are likely to find the plan
operating in a vicious circle which defeats its own aims.
The .miners,' working shorter hours, naturally produce less
coal. That makes coal dearer for everybody. Obtaining higher
vvuges, they add still more to the cost of coal, ' Everybody elsp,
liaving to pay more for coal, has to charge more for his services
or output. Thus everything the miners themselves buy will soon
cost more. ' If everybody else put into effect this plan of the miners
we should simply have everybody doing less work, making less
wealth, and at the same time getting more money and prices gq
ing up an'd up and up, so that even the high pay would buy less
tlian usual, liecause there would be less to buy, since production
would be materially decreased. It would make money more and
; more worthless and in the end virtually destroying its purchasing
.value.; And the world would be ill-fed and poorly clothes because
the people had to a large degree ceased to work, just as the Rus
sians have since they adopted a similar program through revolu
tion against organized government. L'i
- There is really only one way to restore comfortable liv'ng con
ditions'. It is to increase production tof all the necessaries of life.
By Walt
The grocer overcharged two cents last evening, in his
tinhorn store; and he may raise some loud laments, but I
t-ball go there nevermore. Most any man may sting me
once, but that one instance should suffice; methinks I'd
be a first class clunce to let the same man sting me twice.
' I'll pardon any-man's mistakes, if there's no guile within
his heart; but when he makes malicious breaks, I say,
"Farewell- We twain must part! You classed me with
the easy jays, you hung the boob sign on my brow; hence
forth we go our divers ways, companions once, but stran
gers now." My trade the grocer soon will miss; I bought
large quantities of prunes; and he, his bosom filled with
bliss, raked in my hard-earned picayunes. The giant swind
; ler may arrive, and sting me sore in my own hall, sell bo
1 gus stocks in blocks of five, and I admire him for his gall.
'The polished grafter may appear, with every smooth and
modern curve, and leave me broke, or pretty near, and I
respect him forhis nerve. I smile-when highly gifted
gents get all the coin I have to spare; but when I'm stung
for seven cents I walk the: floor and tear my hair.
. Established 1SG8
! General Banking Business
-Commenci?" June 16th banking Hours will be
t from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
Per Month..
Then, if profiteering is, generally, speaking, curbed;" prices and
wages will pretty well take care of themselves. "
When the Oreconian was hailitid1 Canorni r;artn&' Vm
spruce production division, as the
ui uauu namoer or commerce was banqueting him as the city's
most valuble asset which he was for a time The Capital journal
was soundly abused bv the Portland fn;u .- .
the acclaim for the heroic commander of the slackers, who were
, u .u ulore money ana
shipbuilders. We remnrkfiH or i
been promoted for his fearless dashing raids on the national treas
ury was either the biggest fool or smoothest grafter who ever
operated m the Northweste, whereat tho nffnn:an co
lundlegs and howled at The Capital Journal for its density in fail
ing to note the halo of greatness surrounding the popular hero of
Portland s leadirur social clubs tmH tha k;
bam s money that ever came down
wmilcu lls "naie oi coionei uisque already and has sent a spe
cial correspondent to Seattle, wWo ni
7 -"- '""v kj Vt-i Ufiuiiu Cli V Ulllg
investigated, with evident instructions to make the testimony
Kuuti. u.e cuionei a gooa aeai worse thaq it really is. The object
of course, is to saddle Discme off
as one of its blunders. Now that
; n i i i i' i , i
m iwwauu, a veiy ungraieiui
since most of his extravagances
businessmen. ', . : .
The employes of all the railroads centering in Los Angeles
walked out on a strike last night, tying up all trains. The action
was taken in sympathy with striking employes on the electric rail
roads. If this is a sample of the way the employes would run the
railroads were thev turned over to them nnrW tho Plnmh hill Vip
InilVlli. Il'MilI nvnlioKK. 4-ni..
i"""" vivuaKiiy gci, nam
notion to work possessed 1 the
wouldn't be very often judged by
possible excuse.' '
AVashhigton, Aiff;. 82. Ooneral Per
shing todav cabled the war department
a list of u.iits which will constitute the
Amoricau forces iii OcmiKiiy after Sep
tember 30. Tho units are: '..
Eighth 'ittfautry, Hoventh machine gnu
battalion, Second battalion of the Sixth
field artillery, 3ith field Bi'mil battal
ion, 1'irst supply train, First mobile ord
nance repair shop, cfllnprniy A of nrs
engineers, field hospital number 13' arid
aiiiliuli'.nce company No. 28.
Emergency men in 'the units to bo
held in Germany arc expected to' be re
turned as casuals to (his country as soon
as they con be replaced by recruitb from
the United States. '
Jinjor General Henry T. Allen will be
in chargo of tho American forces on
tho Shine,' end 'Brigadier General Wil
liam D. Connor will be in charge of the
forces in' Franco. Tho two forces amount
to separate expeditions.
Ooneral Allen is a Kentuckinn. He
served as a major and lieutenant-colonel
in the Npiimsh-Amerii-an war and Hill
ippine campaiun and. was mndo a cap
tain in the regular cstablixlunent in
1918. The distinguished service medal
was awarded him for. meritorious serv
ice in France as n division commander.
H'-iiriidier General Connor was horn
. iu Wisconsin ill 1874 and was appointed
to the military academy Horn 1,0 wa in
lHO.i. He is nn rnuineer officer.
(By United Press.)
Vestenla v 's winners: Honnl
land, Los Angeles, Halt Lake.
Bunts peopled the bases for Seattle
in the Uttli inning yesterduy, then Mur
phy singled, shoving a run across end
defeating the Oak's, t I.
A heaving duel between Wheezor De:t
and ited Oldham wns won by the sorrci
thatched one, the Beavers winning 2 to
1 a gnmp-with eleven hits. -
The Heals were harpooned again
their thirteenth defeat in their hift 1
gf.mes in tho home lot. Lefty Levcrni
nml born-headed base running held the
Heals to one tally, while ten hiU, wild
pitehhig and poor fielding netted the
busy bts five runs. .
Just to show his appreciation of
-'Kiilie Kliia day" at l.os Angeles,' the
veteran outfield an Angel since Ga
briel was appointed angelic bugler
scored the first run and singled to score
another. The Angels won five to two
from the SenatOs. Ellis wns given many
presents by fans and players.
150,000 Chicagoans Bay
Surplus Army Foodstuffs
I Chicano. Aue. 21. More than 150.-
000 Chicagoans today had availed them
selves of an opportunity to swat the
lujth cost of living. That number of
persons have bought food from the" gov
ernment since the snlo began Monday.
Declaring he will prosecute profit
eeriiig retailors hv the score, District
MP rinting
- v viuwv, ncau Ul li
greatest hero of the war and the
do less work than the wooden
tlm.t ii;
the pike; But the Oregonian has
w "M VJUJliC! lAVtlllilUklC-l- Ci 1lVjil
he has no more money to spend
- - . .
ming ior . tne uregoman to do,
imured to the benefit of Portland
: T . i
service oniy wnen an occasional
"one big union" fellows and
the way they strike now on avery
- v .;.
-ttorney Clvno said he -was keeping a
secret watehon 210t) of thorn in the
city. -. -
Moro Mail Rescued By Expert
Swimmers In Seaside Surf
Seaside, Or., Aug. 22. After several
bathers had .unsuccessfully tried to res
cue Eugene Cushnian of Moro,. Or., C.
M. Godfrey arid W. W; Gerlin, swfrh
ming instrjiclors here, swam through the
surf nnd saved' tho man's life yesterday
'afternoon. s ('H 1 . .
Cushnian liad been swept into a deep
hole by an undertow. He was floating
face downward,.; into ; tho sea when
reached bv Gerlin
reBuseitato tftor being brought ashore.
Boy Wonder Wins Champion s
Belt By Defeating O'Brown
Battle Crook, Mich., Aug. 22. Leo
Alexander, the Bussian boy wonder, won
the world's heavyweight championship
wrestling title here last night by throw
ing "Red" O'Brown of New York two
straight falls. Both falls woro secured
with the headlo'ck, the'first in 58 min
utes and the second in 15 second.
Tho chamnionsluD belt.
i by O'Brown in a New York tournament
anil said to be alued at $1000, was im
mediately presented to Alexander.
... - . .
Faas Dissatisfied With
Farren's Win Over Baird
8nn Francisco, Aug. 22. Tho fans
were much omtosed to tho decision
Krankio Farren; was awarded over Earl
Baird last night. Tho bout was clever,
, but Baird was entitled to a draw or bet
ter. Walter Schiller drew with It-try
Jones in. the former's first professional
Workers And Steel Trust
Officers To Confer Today
Chicago," Aug. 22,-rE. J. Evans, ono Of
tho six steel union leaders upon whom
may rest the responsibility for calling a
nution-wido strike 0f 250,000 steel work
ers, left today for New York.
There he will- meet other members of
the sub-committee to confer with offi
cials of the Vnited States Steel Cor
poration. ....... . -
"We hope it won't be necessnry to
call a strike," Kvans said. "But if the
Vtvel corporation heads don't grant our
demands and we are forcod to i.ssuo the
strike order, every union steel worker
ii the United States will quit work.
Many of the unorganized workers will
strike with us.
"Steel production will not be entirety
flopped liecunse of the many unorgan
ized workers." Kvans said.
Vionton, Pa,, Aug. 22. More than
$100,01)0 damage wns done in the Con
nelsvillo coke region early today by fc
cloudburst, which flooded mines, swept
away buildings, street railway and rail
road trucks. Several persons aro re
potted to le missing at Herbert, several
mile north of here.
Try Salem First In Bavi
The Quickener Press
193 N Com'l-ovcr Gale & Co.
G. E. Brookins, Proprietor
Contractor Curtis Works
. Every Day Now Sincce Tak
mg Tanlac-Rheumatism
. - -Is All Gone.
"My wonderful improvement since
taking Tanlac is the talk of all my
friends and: acquaintances,"' gaid W.
E. Curtis, a well known painting and
decorating contractor who lives at 812
West Grace Ave., Spokane, a few days
ago. - " - -
'' lTp to the time I commenced tak
ing Tanlac," continued Mr. Curtis,1
"1 hadn't iboen abio to do any work,
for about six months. I took to my bed
last Japuary and stayed thero Sor
three solid; months; and at one time my
tplks had given mo np to die. My kid
neys were in terrible condition, - and
nobody will ever know how I .Buffered
frum the pains in the small of my
back. That wasn't all that was wrong
with me, cither, for I had rheumatism
in my hands and feet, and : it just
deemed' that the awful aching pains I
had1 on this account would kill me. I
was down and out, all right, and I had
no idea that I would ever bo a well
man again. j
"A friend of mine, an insurance
man, "came out to see me ono day, and
he told mo how much good Tannic had
done, him, and advised me to give it a
trial. Well sir, I never saw anything
equal the way Tanlac. got after that
rheumatism, and in little or no time
the swelling was all . gone from my
hands, and feet, and now I never have
any sign of that awful trouble. The
pains in my hack are gono, too, and
my kidneys seem to ibe in porfect con
dition. I don't have to lie awake and
suffer agonies everv night now, but I
just stretch out in bed and sleep like
a boy-all night long: J have gained a
lot in weight and) strength, and in fact,
I was never in ibetter health in my
life. : Am back on the job, and never
lose any time nt all from my. work. So
you sec Tanlac ha proved to bo a real
medicine in my case, and as long as I
live I will boost it as strong as I can'"'
Tanlac is sold in Salem y X)r. S. 0.
Stono, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drng
Co.,. in Mt. Angel by Ben Gooch, in
Gervais by John Kelly, in Turner by
H. P. Cornelius, in Woodburn by. Ly
man H. Shorey, in Silverton by Geo.
A. Steclhammer, -in' Gates- by-M.- J.
P. McCurdy, in Stayton by C. A.
Bcanchamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
Store, in St. Paul by Groceteria Stores
Co., in Donald by M. W. Johnson, in
Jefferson by Tosh ay & Macon, and la
Mill City by Marketeria Gro. Co.
New York Mrs. Kathleen Sinclair
could-stand a' lot, but he sued for di
vorce - when her , husband denied her
silk stockings. . ;
IBrokklyn The cost of beauty is to
be probed here. The district attorney
has tbceu asked to look into the high
prices charged by beauty parlors..
Hunting A Husband
I have been hunting for a place to
board. It all seems so hopeless. Small
dingy rooms, at fifteen dollars a week.
I can't pay that. My nest-egg has
dwindled so, that I must live carefully
as it is. So I turned away from the
only nice-looking boarding houses. i
Fifth avenue with its hurrying foui
o'clock crowds, I hardly saw. Only the
uniforms and the straight, tanned men
in them, I always looked at.
Much a splendid, well-groomed uniform
was. coming toward mo. I liked the line
of white showing above the- collar. I
liked the shining leather logging. And
yesr I -liked the nice boy 's face titular
the visored cap. 8uch a clear light in
the "blue eyes. Ho must be seeing vis
ions! " - t
Next minute those clear, shining eyes
were glancing at me. Looking at mo-i
mid then, "My little traveling compan
ion, he suid. Ho wns saluting me! '
Of course, it was my rrico boy! I had
met him on tho train traveling to Har
riet's. ;
Ho turned and walked with mo up the
aveirie. I found I was standing straight
er. I felt proud at the sidelong glances
cast nt me. He is such a- nico boy. Wc
mado the usual polite inquiries about
each other. Wo were .well, thank yon.
Yes, our parents were well. s
I said, " You look so happy." r
And he. "I am! I am loing to be mar
ried." ; He said it all with such pride.
"You arc 1 To whom?" I asked. ;
"To the loveliest little girl in tht
world AnneJones!"
"Anne Jones, you don't mean "
Yes, jt was the same one. I had so
much to say the words stumbled over
each other. . '
"But I don't know your name I "the
nice boy said. Of course, he didn 'i.
"Sara Lunc." ,
"Sara La'c;',' The boy spoke with
surprise. "Then you 'he the girl -who
started Anne. You took her to the see
retarial school. And it is yon slie speaks
of, as encouragine her. You were her
splendid example!"
"If I could onlv sav with little
gasp iu my voice.
Now the boy was telling me about it
all. . I did not see ajiything but hU vivid
fare and shining eyes. ,
"1 had always known Anno. When
I left to go 'out there' she was just the
gayest, prettiost girl that I knew. But
when 1 came back p month and a half
ago, all that -was changed. Anno was
working away at hep secretarial school.
She wanted to do something to help
along in tho war work. Something worth
while. - She was a more 'serious Anne.
And she said it was all duo to a girl
she had mct-a Sara Lane who had
been her inspiration!" The boy ended.
"I'm going back again. She's com
ing with me this time." Again he was
seeing visions. "Tou should come, too.
They eould use you out thero! "
We said good-by. The boy had reach
ed her corner. I turned one to look
after that tall figure, swinging along
wth firm step to her.
A warm glow of happiness was sweep
ing over mo. 80 I had encouraged Anne
Jones. I had made her worth while.
And I was her inspiration. That seem
ed almost impossible. But oh; how hap
py it mado me. That I counted. I had
been of some use in these last months.
Sometime, I too, may see vUioug as
bright as my nice boy's. 1
(Tomorrow A Man Speaks.)
(Continued from page one)
tomatieally to China at the peace con
ference," Williams said.-
"I called attention to the fact that
under the treaty of 1858 the United
States was bound to use its good' of
fices in such a case to help China and
suggested that a clause be drawn up
providing for the return of -the -territory
to China. -
"I was told to draw it up and to
confer with Dr. James Brown Scott of
the American delegation.' I did both.
Dr. -Scott suggested that the territory
and rights Germany- hod iu Shantung
bo hold in trust for China by the five
great powers.
"On . April 22- President Wilson ask
ed inc to consult widh the far eastern
experts of other powers.
'The president fold me that Great
Britain and France were bound to sup
port Japan by socre treaties.; . that
Lloyd George had said he . was bound
only to support the transfer of Ger
many's rights! and no mOre.
"I suggested as a eomproiniso a pro
vision that the German rights be trans
ferred to Japan, bocauso Japan .had
possession of rhein on condition that
Japan return everything to China with
in a year.
"The president said he hadn't con
sidered the question " from that angle
and asked mo to write my proposal.
"Two days later the British and
French far eastern experts and I join
ed in a memorandum which went to
President Wilson, Lloyd-Georgo .and
Clemenceau, stating: that in our opin
ion it would 'be less injurious to China
to order the transfer of tho territory
to Japan than to have the 1915 treaty
carried out. I told the other experts
that I-intended to write an independ
ent memorandum, declaring that neith
er of these things had been done, and
the British expert said ho Would do
tho same thing.
"1 . therefore, sent a memorandum
to President Wilson pointing out that
ho treaty of 1915 was extorted from
China !bv Japan through force. I ask
ed President Wilson if ho did not think
tho 1915 treaty was contrary to the
fourteen points, and lie replied that
unfortunately he did not believe the
fourteen points covered it. I pointed
out that the fourteen points had been
broadened in the president's Mount
Vernon speech and T believed this did
cover the matter. I said that in my
opinion his fourteen points ns later
elaborated had - been accepted aa the
Food is th.e
Best Medicine
Most of ihe ilb of life
are due to wrong living.
For a building food, try
-a cereal devised io re
build tired, overworked
tissues. y
Full of flavor, quick, to
digest, it supplies real
food for mind and mus
die. bone and brawn.
"There's, a Reason "
AT nTrrtrrrS ? i
Your Glasses now and then, should b
literally overhauled. .
A slight fault of adjustment or a loosa
lens will oftentimes cause no end of
trouble. .For that reason we ask you to
call on us - frequently and have . your
Glasses inspected and put in form. '
j This, of course, is a part of our every
' day service which entails no expense
nor obligation on your part. ,
Henry E. Morris & Co.
Opposite Ladd & Bush Bunk
London. The compulsory elosing of
all stores at 7 p. mJ four nights a week
is included in a bill now-before' parlia
ment.' IVWH
nR:-:-"..v: - A
If you freckle easily, this is. the sea
son, to prevent their appearance or re
move !thcse unsightly defects. Here i -a
good old fashioned formula whiek
doco the work,
Derwillo, 2 oz.
Oatmeal, 2 tablesipoonfuls.
Use as directed in every package of
This formula can bo used freely, as
it is absolutely harmless and will not
stimulate or produce a growth of hair.
Mix it at home then you know you ,
have- the. genuine article. Do not accept
a substitute, as there is nothing tester,
just as good or just like it. Try it to
day and yon will be; delightfully' sur
prised. Your freckles and tan wilt dis
appear as if by magic. The first appli
cation will astonish you. This splendid
, formula not- only .prevents and removes
I .i,i.. a .1...4. n
.-it-iivit-s auu itwi, uiiv oicauiiKic as vvcn
and brings to. any skin that rosy white
velvety softness so much desired by
everyone. No other freckle remedy does
this. lit is also splendid for darkt sat-
low -skin, roughness, pimples, "black
) heads, sun spots, wrinkles, - chapped
skin, and puts the bloom of youth on
lyour cheeks which will cause admira
tion everywhere. You will look many
iyehrs younger and have a skin every
one "just loves to touch."
XOTK 'When nsked about Derwillo
ione cf our leading druggists faid:
H' Derwillo is surely a wonderful aid
jin removing freckles and tan.( It is
I away ahead of anything we have ever
sold before, and we are authorized to
refund the money to every dissatisfied
purchaser, We would not. permit the
; use of our name unless the articlo pos
sessed unusual merit." It is sold in this
city under a positive money refund'
'guarantee by all department stores and
r druggists including the .Fry and the
) Perry drug stores.