M a 5250 ORCULATIOir ; (25,000 READERS DAILY) ' Only Circulation in Salem Ouar- nnteed by the Audit Bursa, a of Circulations. Tc Rc - FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES . 8PECIAI WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS 8EBVICB Oregon: Tonight and Friday w fair, gentle westerly wind. , u Tfili . OSfcTRAINB AND Kiw t ; bt andh nv J ours J FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO. 198. TEN PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ' ra rt n '7n r n ? rrtrir Krtv c " I 1 C U U t IU U I U U I U U t- t . m i mi . t t v . A, i: FOUR MEXICAN 1MB SHOT BY Pursuit Of Banfits By "S. Cavalrv Troon Goes v V Despite Protests. EVERY HOUSE SEARCHED FOR MEMBERS OF GANG Captain Matlock Returns To ; Marfa To Report Progress . Of Invading Force. ; Marfa, Texas, Aug. 22 With four Mexican outlaws, killed by American troops in Mexico, the United States cavalrymen resumed their saddles ear ly today to finish their cleanup of the bad lands south of the Big Bend. " iC&ptain Leonard Matlack, who ar rived by airplane last night with the niinii nC fho ftrut ifarrl fiaht wirli ilmp-' ' der brigands in a canyon blockhouse, A . i . . i.;- 3 l iL. 1 was 10 return to ills men iuuv uy iuc , same air route. His explanation that he galloped off with Lieutenant Paul I Davis without nayine the balance of ' the $15,000 ransom beeauee the Mexi-1 caa kidnapers treacherously plotted to 1 ma mm, was huuujjicu vy mnjur ucn- eral J. T. Dickman, commander of the southern department. At a conference between Dickman and leading officers here it was decided to continue tha nere H was ueciaeu io conuiiue iuu hunt below the iborder fail a chance i remained of encountering any Mexican "bandits . .. .A v& ; . .. .&'.. . ! The troops are following the trail of j before the pact is ratified. . .. V Mexicans who escaped in yesterday's I This argument that normal coiidi fight. The six were surrounded in an tions and lower prices await peace is adobe house in a mountain pass. In the ( regarded as the pne th president is faee of the Mexicans fire from win-most likely to stress, if ho goes on the 1'raneisco Jauif and a fourth unidenti niajF nuiDU t n u if ''n fied Mexican. The trio were bandits witi records of murder and other ' crimes.' ' ; 'Every heuse in the path 'of the Am ericans' advhnce is being searched and other possible hidSng places of bandits are being sought out by the United States troops, trovisions bought in Mexican hamlots or at ranches are be ing paid for with American eurrency. Besides carrying orders to the cavalry men in the field, tiirplanos carried funds to the commanders of the Am erican columns, Despite absence - of suitable landing places and danger from Mexican snipers, the American aviators are keeping up communica tion and liaison with the pursuing forces. Both air and mounted forces Ifave so far suffered no casualties al- . though undergoing severe hardships. , Carranzisrta troops encountered in the', pursuit have . offered no opposi tion to the Americans. Captain Mat lack declared that the Carranza com mander when the bandit hunting mis sion of the Americans was explained to him. said "go ahead," to Matlack. PRESIDENT AJSi SECRETARY Wnshinirtoil. Aiiw. 22 'PresiflPTit Wil son and Secretary Lansing conferred tor more than an nour at the White house today. It was intimated that thev had un der consideration the reply to the pro i . ir..;.... ..-A the request that troops of the Eighth cavalrv sent across the Mexican bor der in pursuit of the bandits be with drawn immediately. Lansing was expected to forward the reply to the Mexican government to day. The state department will ex plain the necessity for sending an ex "edition after the .bandits who, this'gome orifice in return for the fillies' country wi.;:, ssa i captured by 1 gervices?" the troops on the scene. ' 1 Mexican press dispntdhes received in Washington today indicate that the general public is not alarmed over the present situation. The war department today was informed that army air planes and border patrol cavalry are searching for the two aviators, Second Lieutenant Wahrhouse and iHilot Con nelly who disappesred Wednesday near the southern California border. The course of the aviators was prac tically parallel to ami 6ver the Mexi can border. It is foarcd the. aviators may have landed in Mexico and suf fered capture by banuitaas did the two army aviators recently kidnapped in Mexico near the Texas border. -Laredo, Tex. Aug. Zi. Mexican of ficials in Nuevo i.aredo today were investigating a report fro m Albert' Von Hotfman, who said that he was1 a "business man of St. Louis and that he was robbed of $10,000 in cah and a Masonic charm, valued nt 2.100 by Mexican soldiers, presumably Carran zistas. - . ; London. Carifully bnr:iislied eon- dewed milk cans and Bovril bottles formed " currency for the troops oper atinir in Portugese East Africa. The mnT milk run were nisniv reieeniea dt ... .... . native belles for nerklacea. PRESIDQirSTOUR AGAIN FOREMOST IN TREATY DISCUSSION Wilson SHU Considering Dir ect Appeal To People In Fight For. Ratification Of Pact Unamended. Washington,, Aug. 22 (United Press) President Wilson's proposed tour of the county was again coming, to the front in treaty discussions today, as a result of developments since Tuesday, when the president met the senate for eign relations committee. Boports coming mostly from the Capi tol that the president's trip had been abandoned are denied nt the White House, although it is admitted that plans are still indefinite. - : Developments have not been .such as to- encourage the belief that the presi dent would be able to get the treaty and ler.goe covonant ratified without an appeal direct to the pcoplo, it is pointed out by the president 's support ers. Some of the. developments cited are. The White House conference so far apparently has changed no senator's at- 'titude toward the treaty, although ad- ministration supporters - are still eonfi- J..-I. 1.1. .1. ........ 14. -.Ill U IU o I ueuv mat icsuiis ni uo m mu hl-i. a benefit. The Pittsnian resolution, embodying rnsnrvHtinna to bo adouted genarato from the ratification act, which the ref)iderit jlag indicated is as far as he jg a present "Willing to CO toward compromise, lias been pigeonholed. j Thfl fienate foreign relatione commit- tee has decided to go ahead with hear- . ... ,,, t.(,, ,i.t..,i 'nSs ' w I1 de aJ .K' the declaratiou by the president that the country cannot get oacn to uuriuui ; ...... , , LONDON INTEREST IN ' PEACE PACT REVIVED President Wilson's Testimony To Senate Committee Is Cause. v London, Aug. 22. (United Prcss.r Kevived interest in the league of na tions and in the proceedings at the peace conference has resulted hero from President Wilson's testimony before the senate foreign relations committee. The allies' concealment of secret trea ties strengthened Wilson's morai posi tion, says the- Manchester Guardian, which wonders why tho president did not use his position more fully. The pa per supposes he was forced to niake a iliffiniilt (linine between the acceptance !..,. vow iinfuvorahle tmint or the possible breaking up or the peace co rL t. .L. 1. l.u. ! terence. It hopes the price of nil these concessions, paid in return tor tne league of nations, will not be lost. The Daily Graphic, commenting on Wilson's conference with the "senators, declares there is one aspect with regard in the difficulty over Article a which w'8n heavl,y 0,1 America. Had it not been for the endurance and sac rifice of the allies, the editor declares, the Monroe doctrine would not be much today f besides a sweet memory .con trolled by Germany." "That being tho case," the paper fciaks. "why shouldn't America maKe Sieep Herder Heavily Fined For Causaig rire In torest Pendleton, Or., Aug. 22. James Ross, shecpherder paid a hoUvy fine here ycs - terdav following his arrest ana conres- .ion that a camp fire he left burning, caused a forest fire to bum over ;wou acres of greasing land in- the Wcnaha forest. Other valuable land and timber is en dangered by. the Wenaha blae which is still burning.. Those battlii.g the flames have made little progress due to winds. The fire in the Salmon river district is still raging, having swept into the dense timber. It has burned over thou sands of acres. Portlanders Purchase Armv Eoods To hkai Of $6,009 Portland. Or., Ang. 22. Six thousand dollars worth of army , food has been sold through the Portland office lo date. The canned cherries allotment has ' . . . i . j-. j i heen exftnustPd. vorn, pens nnu were also popular sellers. THREE RAILROAD STRIKES LEAVE LOS ANGELES CUT OFF FROLI SHIRE WORLD ' Los Angeles) Cal., Aug. 22. Thie separate strikes of railway switchmen of the Southern Pacific, Santa Fe and Salt Lake steam lines last night resulted in the complete severance of Xm An geles from steam railroad connection with the rest of the nation. . Cars lire lined on the tracks this morn ing and being switched by officials of the railroads. , The strike grew out of the present Pa cific Electric interurban strike, when several switchmen, were discharged for refusing to handle P. E. freight trains. The switchmen's strike followed a de mand for their reinstatement. Compan.i officials claim they were not given time to act upon the matter. . Hundreds of disappointed travelers crowded tho Southern Pacific depot here last night All were refunded inon ev on tickets purchased. Although rail road officials hold out hope for a quick recovery, they will not guarantee that service will be restored today. LEGION PREPARING FOR STATE SEMI Committee Named To Com plete Arrangements Of Big Convention. At a recent meeting of the temporary stnte exeoutive committee of the Ainer- ean Legion, the national organization W1 men wuuh ui .me iuiuiui iwcea ot tiie United fctates in the war uoiia17t.i..D u,8""ait"" was completed preparatory to. handling the Oregon cqnventiou in September. The state executive committee an nounced to continue in office until the election of September 17 is composed of the following: E. J. Kivers, chairman; W. B. FpUettlof Eugene; vice-chairman; Dow y.: Walker, 'secretary; Barge E. Leonard, treasurer; ' Prescott , "Rooklng ham, chaifniau finaiuse committee; Jer irold Owen, chairman publicity commit tee; C. R. Peek and T. A. Sweeney of Portland, Charles Erakine of Bund, Ivan G.. McDaniels of Salem, Dr. L. Scaife of Eugene, Bpv Sparks ,of McMiiinville, Asa W. Battles of Prinevillc, J. B. Hin- mnnn nt & etnrin . Tlnn FUher nf MarRta- field,- Fred Stoiwer, of Pendleton and Everett .May of La Grande, members of the state committee; . ..On the state convention committee were named E. C. Sammons, chairman; Ben L. Norden, Harry M. Grayson, X. A. Sweeney -and Dean It. Hayc. Theo dore Roosevelt Jr., will deliver the open ing address of the convention, to which former sorvice men from all parts of the state will be delegates. PRESIDENT WAV MEET: PERSHING ON REUTRN Wilson Not Expected To Be In San Francisco For Re view Of Fleet. Washington, Aug. 22 (United Press) President Wilson may go to New York to greet Genoral Pershing) who is expected to arrive from overseas about September 6 or 9, it was announced r.t the White House today. It was also announced that the presi dent will declare a holiday for the pa rade of the First division in Washing ton, bepteinper ltt, aitnougn no may not be in the capital on that date it lie goes on his league of nations tour It is not believed probable that the president will be in Sau Francisco to planned. It would be necessary for him w ; - to go direct to the coast and give up his plun of niuking speeches en route. Paris, Awe. 22. General Pershing re turned to Paris today from liis visit to jjome mi italiau battlefields, m P I noA, T, Iln Vnr Ujivtu vvuiuuo awuv vijj a i Elgin Road Race Saturday Elgin, III.. Aug. 22. (United Press.) Final triul spins on the eight and one- half mile course were scheduled by driv ers Wduy in preparation for tomorrow's 301-mile road race. Kurt Hitke still held the trial record of 6:17 for the stretch ,or two seconds slower than the 1913 record. $ $ . .LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS ; New York. . Autr. 22. Liberty bond quotations 3U.'. oo on- first A' ftim second 's, 92.80; first 4Vi's, 92.92; i.. mil!. a i i m ?a. 4......i. mini , . ""' ""'" vietory 3 ', 99.66; 4 99.00 'Mf PRICES SHOWS LITTLE EfFEfiTSO FAR No Consistent " Reductica In In Cost Of Living Yet Ap parent In US. UNITED PRESS SURVEYS MARKETS OF BIG CITIES Drive 0a Profiteers Nets Small Resslt At Close Of Firstlontii. New Yorkt.; Aug. 2. America 's war against high prices and tie profiteer has not yet reached a stage where any consistent (eduction in the cost of liv ing is perccpitblc. Food prices in some cities have taken drop In the past month, "'buf; m 'Others ttey have ad vanced and in Si great many instances they have: remained stationary. , , These are the exclusions based on re ports received today- by the. United Prcsa from nine cities, representative of mi -A j.- . ' . niwui x lie repuruf.aeui wiin live com modities butter, eggs, bacon bread and potatoes.' All. the prices quoted were obtained fro mtlic "cash a:-d' car ry " stores, where additional charges for credit accounts and delivery are 'elimi nated, :nnd where prices aro considered to be lowest and moro uniform. New York still maintains its rcputa tion as the highest priced city, although i the figures show that the downward ten dency has. been mora general in that' ?ity. ". St. Paul is tife cheapest city in which' to live, the reports indicate,' J 'Tho prices aro comparative for a month's time, those of July 21. being matched against thos,e of August 21. New, York during that time saw de creases in three products. The best lk bttcr topped from 87 to 63 cent a pound, the price of eggs fell from 80 to 78 cents a dozen -and standard becon decreased from 57 to 55 cents a pound, i Bread Tomained stationary at 10 cents, a loaf, and potatoes, priced in ten pound! lots were the same at 30 cents. Only three cities, Now York, San Francisco and St. Louis were spared in- J creases in price. In Washington only .ono product was lowered in price. The litem was potatoes, which sold at 43 cents for ten pounds yesterday com pared with 46 cents a month ago. Eggs roso from 50 to 53 cents. Other prices remained the same, as follows: Butter 61 cents, bacon 60 cents. The drive on the profitteer brought scarcely any more comfort to Cleveland. In the Ohio city eggs which sold for 51 cents a month ago were quoted at 12 cents more yesterday, while the amount asked for potatoes had risen from 45 to 52 cents. Butter now selling at 57 cents had registered a three-cent reduction, while a half cent was being saved in bread, whieh was formerly 11 cents a lonf. Bacon was nt 50 cents, having dropped ono cent. Typical of their rivalry on all mat ters, Ban Francisco and Los Angelesies to oust Joseph ng head of" the Hun failed to agree, even on tho high coat of living issue. Snn Francisco, however, seined to be somewhat less expensive. At tho Golden Gate they , aro pnying 60 cents for butter, the same figure which prevailed a month ago; the price . j Aneeles had dropped from 66 to 03 centg Ran Francisco Pggs c03t 60 cpntg ypBtcrdfiyi iiavillg dropped two tche whie in ti,e movie city the , , , , wns vnl(ed at 63 cenl ft. , er aluinijincf from OH. In San Francisco, those who paid cash for their bacon and liberally brought It home, expended 63 cents, five cents less than on July 21. In Los Anycles the prico had dropped from 63 to 60. Bread had remuined at 10 cents in both cities. San Francisco continued to pay 30 cents for potatoes while the Los Angeles gro cers demanded 45, 'a five cent rise in a jnonth. ' -( PALMER URGES HASTE XH ORGANIZATION OF FAIR PRICE ORGANIZATIONS Washington, Aug. 22 (United Press) Hcste in the organization of fair price associations was urged by Attorney Gen eral Palmer today as a means of bring ing down retail prices, shown in data enthored by the United Press to have been practically unchanged during the nast month The associations will be made up by Representative retailers, wholesalers and representatives of the public. Thej ill make up fair price lists with wluctt v.im. nia. in halt profiteering by. re ........ 411. Di.'vn can lieur h ' door slam with vour'tioiis annear to 'be the chief factor. As h,,,,,, formed in Washington, Cleveland I '": T : ' (Continued on page tnree) CAKT2RES BUSY THIS WEEK PACKING PEARS mn ALL OVER STATE A visit to the Salem canneries this morning shows the Barlott pear as tho big idea for the time being, with' several hundred women hustling them into cans. Probably there are from 30 to 40 ar loads of the fruit now ripening in the storage rooms and as many more are on the way, some 15 to 20 cars coming from the Rogue River, valley. Of necessity the canning stock is of medium bizo an to all appearances the quality is up to the standard of other seasons. It be comes more and more evident that the early estimates on the crop were too conservative. Along with the pears go thousands of eratea of evergreen black berries the fruit which a few years ago was treated as a pest and a joke. It is now oomiug in by the ton and has gain ed such a prestige among canners and shippers that it ranks close to the logan berry. There is an outside demand for every pound that can be picked and re ports from other points in the valley go to show that it is proving a most valu able crop. One cannery has an order for 30,000 worth of the fruit from one company in the middle west. Tho rul ing price is about 8 cents a pound, which means a larger margin of profit to the growers than was realized on lo ganberries, since the evergreen requires less' culture. 'Along with these two fruits, tho can neries are still handling string beans in limited quantities. The hot, dry weath er has ent short the crop on the uplands, but an immense tonnage will come from the Lake Labish district and other bot tom and the local plants expects to work on the different varieties uiitil the first of October. '' ' Head Of Hungarian Govern ment Resins And Returns Paris, Aug, 22.-Arcli(luko Joseph has resigned as head of the Hungarian gov ern-meut and has left Budapest, a VI enna dispatch to the Agences Dadio ro ported today.. Archduke Joseph surprised the world when he regained power for a Htpsburg in Hungary at the time the Kumnman. troops occupied Budapest. His ascent to control of the government followed the brief administration of Premier Julius IVidi, who formed a socialist cab inet after Bcla Kuu had been over thrown. Joseph's government has been held unrepresentative of the country and has been charged with reactionary inten tions, even the restoration of the mon archy. Foreign Minister Lovassy, how- cvor, in an interview with the United States published yesterday, declared Joseph would resign in a month, as soon as the national assembly was establish ed Joseph never received recognition from the allios, although it was report ed-that entente representatvics in Buda pest had established an understanding with him. Allies Refused Recognition. Paris. Autr. 21. (Delayed.) After Herbert Hoover's protest against Arch duke Joseph, in which he urged the nl garion government and permit the es tablishment of n-popular government the council of five notified tho arch duke that the allies would not treat with a member pf tho Hapsburg dynas ty. They declared also that thev would not recognize his government, it beca-nis known today. ABE MARTIN like about Ford is that covered," said Miss Tawney Ap- n!- t'.iiv Tt .noma llkn Siinrf.iv t' be r . V . " ' out o aeui. "What I IIS II POPULACE Of UPPER SILESIA IS CHARGE i :" 'By Carl D. Groat ,v (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Berlin, Aug. 21. Declaring that Ger many ha-d resorted to massacre in Upper Silesia in order to establish her power before the plebiscite was held, the Pol ish secretary of war, Yorfahti, pleaded today that the allies send a commission to organize the country and preserve order. . 1 ' The Germans are killing peaceful citizens in Upper Silesia," Yorfanti in serted, "Travelers from that district told me that sixteen persons were exe-' cuted at Gleiwitz in one day without a trial. Tho impression is that the Ger mans are trying to shoot prominent Poles so asto disorganize the country and have an excuse to massacre the pop ulation, thus improving Germany 'a chances in the plebiscite." Yorfanti declared that Hoersing, Ger man commander in Upper Silesia, was well aware that Minister of War Noske was responsible for introducing, martial law against the Poles in order to aid tho German movement for a tavorable ple biscite. 'At Myslowiw," Yorfanti said, seven workers were killed , while" awaiting their pay. Peaceful citizens also were killed at Zalez and were or dered to raise their hands and then were shot. 'Near Rybnlk a woman was shot in the back while searching for her husband. "The miners strike, in which 200,- 000 men are participating, is a monster protest of all the Inhabitants against the German administration. There a no Bolshevism in Silesia' tout we must de mand that the entente send a military commission immediately to install, a loint German-Polish ; administration. The alles must exercise their authority to withdraw the German troops, raise tho siege and halt the massacres. If the entente nations will not send troops to pacify tho district, lot them give a mandate to tho PolcV" It is believed likely that tho Jfolieit delegation will leave for Warsaw to-1 morrow. ..-'."' . ' ' ' Coeiir D'AIene Forest Fires Still Rage Unchecked Today . Coer D'Alene, Idaho, Aug. 22,- Fitcs ar unchecked today. Tne upuer D'AloneB are' smoked-palled. Business is Interrupted Jn many cities, ; A. rain of ashes is falling in Wallace. ' Tho Placer creek fire south of Wal lace has jumped its bounds and . has ad vanced in the teeth of a- wind. , - Crown fires are leaping tho tree tops on Steamboat creek. " '' America Fe e I i n g R e s u 1 1 s of I World War Nearly As Sharply As Europe Declares financier 'New York, Aug. 19. This country is passing through one of the great, if not the greatest, crises in its history. Though far distant from tho sent of war, and much less injured than any of the combatants, we are feeling the economic results almost as sharply, a they. The. very fact that we suffered less means that we must help more; hence in tho work of reconstruction our burdens are actually much heavier than we had ever expected them to be. We havo not only been obliged to feed Burope moro freely than usual with our spar grain and meat; but -n,ow that peaeo is here we are also called upon to suddenly furnish immense quan tities of cottonj copper, petroleum and steel products, in order to till up the void created by five yeara of intense destruction. Europe 'g demands are not cany to measure. In addition to those just mentioned we have been called upon to provide ships, coal, credit and many other things formerly obtained from other Bourres. Bucn exceptional demands forced high prices in every direction, and the urgency of thcae re quirement enubles liubor to insist upon higher and higher wages, uomestic ex trttvugnncc is ulso an important cle ment in high prices. Whether these movements have reached' their climax or not depends upon how far the de mand has been met. When buyers cease striving for goods, because either sat isfied or exhausted, then the advance will surely end and dullness ensue un til demand receives fresh stimulus from new inquiries or lower prices. As ! long as these conditions laat, it is use-1 less to expect industrial .stability. He- turn to the normal will require many months of largo. product and hard work The federal reserve board wisely said that the only cure for the present crisis j Stockholders have little to fear in is '"work and save." This applies to either direction for the roads are at all classes of workers, those of hand; low ebb in their financial affairs, and and head aliko. ithe government will be obliged to pay Washington as a Factor . a fair price for properties which could Wnnliiiurtnn will he the center of in-i nut hit timiIuckiI nt anvthins- like pres- 'terest for the ibalance of the year at i least. On the surface our foreign rela a matter of reality, our industrial prob lema are at far more Dressinir import - mi ' . io oiujhujo ui r'ii PUITIO! o f ii e liii 1 1: c is BADLY SCORED Deliberations Of Fcreia Re btioss Ccsssittee To Ee . Further Drawn Out. . FRIENDS OF TREATY TO seek Aaicn at c:;ce Far - Eastern Expert Tells Keassns For hrecits Stand. On Sharfu. By Ik O. Martin (United Press staff correspondent)!, Washington, Aug. 22, Decision ot the senate foreign relations commit tee to lengthen hearings on the" treaty ' still further by granting a hearing to Greek, Irish and Egyptian and mid Kuropcan rcpreecntntives, threatened today to renew the agitation for tak ing the treaty out of the committee ' hands. A majority pf the- committee tiofc the position that tflie subject oeoplea . who did not get satisfaction at Paris - should be -allowed to . air-their griev ances..-' i - r-T ; I" Senator Hitchcock ndminietraUeB. leader, was preparing today to deliver his speech ngaiuat textual amendment, but may not be able to get the (floor. President Wilsoij felt that, unfor tunately, "-his fourteen, penee .points were not broad enough to onable hita to prevent the transfer; of Shantung to Japan, Prof, K. T, Williams, of tha University of California, far eastern expert who was technical adviser to the American peace ide.legktion in Par is, told the foreigrl- t&ittiiqn3,livi1tte , today. ;': ";.'".' .;;:- ," The president told me. Franc and Great Britain had agreements with Ja pan for the disposition 6f Shantung," said Professor Williams, "'iue war, b said, seemed to have been (fought to establish the sanctity of treaties and that though some treaties wero uneon scienable, they would have to be sup ported. '.-'. .'"- : '. ."I believe the Kian Chow and Shanr : tung railroads ought to have gone - Continued on page four) at the moment of greater consequence than playing politics with the peace treaty. It whs urgent that an immedi ate check be placed upon the rise in prices, which may modify tho advanco in costs somowhiit, but. ennnot atop tha demands for high wages. The latter aro based not altogether . upon high prices, but in part upon tho, desire to sccuro a larger eharo in the general prosperi ty as long as it lasts. The railroad brotherhoods very sensioly took Presi dent Wilson's advice in regard! to their tiiglier wage demands, postponing them for more deliberate consideration ana without striking. The public weary of innocently suffering, not only tho inconvenience of these transportation strikes, but also of pnying their costa in higher fares or taxes; and, if labor leaders persist in pushing those tactic too far, an unpleasant surprise may bo in stole for them. The movement for government ownership has been fairly launched, and it is practically certain, that it will be a live issue next elec tion. The disinterested an thinking clascs of the United States are on record as opposed to government own ership because it destroys personal ini tiative, the most powerful ineentivo to all progress. The radicals and the ig norant favor government ownership for socialistic and other reasons., Tho great middle class, the one that will probab ly ultimately settle the ciuestion,- i j undecided and slow as tutual in making up its mind. If the subject is thorough ly discussed they may prefer privota ownership, backed by efficient regula tion, which hitherto has not been in evidence. Labor eems hardly likely to jerr by deliberately choosing a system .that if adopted will eventually result j in fixed waaes and enmnulsory work. ent market values. - 1 Business and Cropo The vacation period is now at iti height and 1 . initiative in the financial i. .n.:,i . ,. "i uu. ra-