Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 21, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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M: ' "i iiilll
! W". -"r ;; III
! " J " " 1 " ' '
country was able to forecast the- pos
sibilities of the movement in Salem.
Tentative plans were discussed for a
campaign in the fall in which, it is hop
ed to double the present scout, enroll
ment. Mr. Miller expressed himself as
pleased with the situation, and also
with,, the disposition on, the part of the
business men to. cooperate with the
boys. Ho believes there is a bright fu
ture for the movement here. ,
Tax Commissioner Galloway, Private
TJie gilded ball at the apex of the
steeple of the First Methodist -ehurclt
has ibeea replaced and all painting and
repairing -on the nppcr part of the
steeple completed. The ball, which is
11 inches in diameter, was sawed off
from his high station in life' and
brought to earth 'to "be covered once
again in gold' :
:; " r dure for jjysentery
t" While I was in Ashland, Kansas, a
gentleman ovcrhea.'l n;e speaking of
Secretary Upjohn and W. J. Kirk of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
the industrial accident Commission, are I Remedy," writes William Whltclaw, of
among the state officials transacting Des-Moines, Iowa. "He toid me in de
business in Portland today. - - Itail of what it had done fot his fam-
o ' lily, but more especially his daughter
Lieutenant L. D. Mars, son of Editor Jwiio was lying at tho point of death
Mars of the Gervais Star, is visiting 1 with a violeiit at'aok of dysentery,
briefly in the city today in course of 'and had been givn- uj- by the family
a short .lea ve-from military duty,' He is
assistant sanitary engineer in the pub
lic health service, and has been sta-:
tioned at Little Bock, .Arkansas. He'
expects to return to that point in a
short time. . " ' - ' . , '
Atttyney enetaL Brown ' petuiVMd.'
last night from Douglas county where
he has been engaged with land busi
ness. Saturday he willleavc again with
the securities commission on a trip to
the Warm Springs irrigation project,
and will also visit the Malheur lake
region to make a personal investigation
of the controversy as to the title of
lake bed lands.
State Engineer Cupper has Just re
turned from a trip to the Benham Falls
irrigation project. He states that the
Ochoco irrigation district has mnde ap
plication fot '$1.10,000 of additioiial
bunds for construction and also asked
the securities commission fo guarantee
the interest on their entire issue of
A Bilious Attack
When you have a bilious attack your
liver fails to perform its functions.
.You become constipated. The food yon
eat ferments iii your stomach instead
of digesting. This inflames the stom
ach and causes nausea, v.miting and
a terrible headache. Take three Of
Chamberlain '8 Tablets. Tl.cy will tone
up your liver, clean out your stomach
and you will soon be as well as ever.
They only cost a qii.iner.
nhvsician. Some of his neighbors ad
vised him ito give Chamberlain's Colic
and Diarrhoea Remedy, which he did,
and fully believes thai' oy doing1 so
saved the life' of "Mi' child. He stated
that he had also use! this remedy him
self with equally gratifying results."
s(c sfc " sfc sk sfc sjc sjt s(c sc )(c c sc
- ;
Dra; Cashatt and Pec.bfrton have
move,d their office to 50 Bank of
Coiiiiuerce bldg. Phone S'JJ. 9-7
WAN'TED i or 5 rooiu lvuse, furnish
; ed or partly furnish id. Oall Si, 8:30
' mornings. " tf
. 0-' -'' . '
FOR EEXT Garage. Phono ' 843.. tf
A few months ago, the Commercial
ctub niado a eall for the most suitable
name by which Oregon products might
v - v
,4-5 !i "
be advertised, following the idea of
California in advertising ." Sunkist
To all whom it may concern: Notice
is hereby given th.it the undersigned
executrix of tho esnte of Richard H.
Wcllcr, deceased, has this day filed her
final account . in sa:d esta'c and that
the honorable county court of Marion
coiintv, Oregon, has fixed and appoint
ed Monday, September 8th, 1919, at
the hour of 10 o 'slock a. m., of saw
day at the county court room in the
county court house, in said county and
state, as the timo arid place for tho
hearing of objections to such tinal ac
count and for" ths settlement thereof.
Exocutrix of the estate, of Richard
H. Weller, deceased. -Dated
August '4,'1H9 '
Carey I Martinj '
Attorney for plnintiff. 9-4
line, between the lands of W. J. Hum
phrey -end W. 8. Taylor M rods;
thence east 70 rods; thence- north 14
rods, thence east 70 rods to the "place
of beginning, containing six acres
more or less. "
Tract No. '6.- Also beginning -t the
norhhe ast cornor of the lanji owned by
Benjamin Stanton and the southwest
corner of land owned by W. J. Hum
phrey, "being in the west lino of the
D. L. C of David Simpson and wiie in
T. 8 S. R. 1 west 'of the Willamette
meridian in Marion eountJV Oregon;
running thence eouth on the west line
of the D. 80 rods; thence east
80 rods; thenco north 80 rods to the
south line of the Wm. J. Humphreys
land; thence west 80 Tods to the place
of beginning, containing- 40 acres of
land. ' ' ' ;. ' ' ' ' '' .
' Tract No. 1, Also tho west one half
of the' following described premises,
towit:- iotfl 1-, 2 and 8, section 9, and
lot 1 of section 10 in T. 8 S. R. 1 west
county, Oregon,. ..containing 1G0.94
acres." aavo and -.except ;the, iollowing
described tract town: Beginning at
tho northwest corner . of . Benjamin
Stanton land; thenco north with Dav
id Simpson's line to the Win. Pattons
land: thence east, along The said, but
tons line tb the' ; southeast Corner;
thence south to Benraraih Stanton's
northeast corner; thence west "to the
place of beigimnng, containing 03 acres
and 133 rods. '.
: Said sale ibeing mado subject to re
demption in the manner provided Bylaw.
Dated this 2Gth day of July, 1919.
. Sheriff -of Marion, county, Oregon.
By O. D. 'Bowers, deputy. 8 28
Justice C. A. Johns of the supreme
court, left yesterday for a brief visit
in Portland. . . ' .
Superintendent Bennett of tho bank
ing department left yesterday on a
tour Gt inspection of the banks in the
lower Colimibia towns.
Valley people registered today at the
Bligh hotel are Harry Mrown of Dal-:
las, iH. A Hanford of Corvallis, D.
Gottfried of Falls City.- ' "
.Labor Commissioner Oarm Tctumcd
last night from-'' Visit of several days
at Marshfield and points in the T!mp
qua valley where he was called1 on
matters of business. ,
To improve Tour Digestion ?
"For years my digestion was sp poor
that I eould only etH the lightest foods
1 tried everything th-if T heard" of to
get relief, but not ;-,ritir about a year
ago when I saw Ohntrferlain's Tab
lets advertised and not a bottle of them
did I 'find the rilit -treatment. Since
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has boon .appointed adminis
trator of tho estate of Sarah S. Mosh
er, deceased. All persons having claims
against tho estate are hereby notified
to present the same, properly verified
in the manner (provided by law at the
office of Donald W. Miles, attorney
for the estate as above mentioned, in
the city of Salem, Marion county, Oro
gon, at room 304 United States Na
tional (bank . fouduwg, within six
months of the date of the first publi
cation of this notice. Tho first publi
cation of this notice is made this 31st
day of July, 1919. "
V. tt. MUvSJtliXv,
.'"' Administrator.
Donald W. Miles, s
Attorney for the administrator.. 8-28
oranges. There was a liberal response,, ng thera my d'aestiur. is fine."
and thereis now filed, away in the Tee- jMl,s BIanche Bowers Indiaifa, Pa.
uruo' ml , nw Clint 'tin- -BugKiraiiiuiis iiwuv
loJdvvyn pictures '3la.vm
IN -
By' -Lewis
Allen Browne
Directed by
Laurence Trimble
Powder and Paint ;
Silk Stockings and
'-. Laces " "
It's a Goldwjn Picture
at tli? time. Now comes -the Oregon
1 rowers Cooperative association which
really wants a suitable iinine by which
to advertise 'nationally the products of
Oregon. Early this fall the association
will. announce prizes for the name that !
suggests all that is best in tho Oregon
products. The" namo must be an easy
ouo to pronounce, suggest Oregon and
one that a six year old child might re
member while, traveling half ..a .'doz.cn
blocks to grocery store.
Frank Bligh announces that on every
Sunday, at the Liberty theater, there
will be shown a picture known as the
"Chester Outing" token from stories
iu the Outing magazine. Last Sunday
the picture was from Alaska, while
next Sunday the reel will show an ani
mal hnnt in Africa."
The rural pastors' school which is
now in session at Willamette nnivers-1
ity, will -meet tins evening at the lirst
Methodist church at S o'clock. The ad
dress -of the evening will ibe delivered
by Prof. James T. Matthews. The pub
lic i welcome. rf
The Oregon Growers cooperative as
sociation is now doing its correspond
ence on a new letter head. Underneath
the 'name o1' the association is the in
formation, "A state wide marketing
organization for Oregon growers. Ore
gon fresh and dried fruits, vegetables
and nuts." The officers of the associ
ation as shown, un the letter head are
as follows: Isaac D. Hunt president;
W E. St John, vice president; Sey
mour Jones, secretary: Robert C. 1'anl.-
j us, sales manager; J. O. Holt, packing
manager; (;. 1. 1ewis. organization man
nger; Earl Penrey, field manager. The
executive. committee consists of Isaac
I). Hunt, HeVraour Jones, II. M. Har-
jlow. B. W. '.Tohnon and WK. St.
Johns. Senator Charles L. M.cNary is
I named as nre Of the directors.
- Returned ' sotWera are now begin
ning to realize that just on general
principles, it is well to record their
army discharges. Ycsterdav discharges
were filed 'for record by T. R. Mc-
Clellan- E. D. McVicker, W. B. McMur-
rav and J. D. Stettlcr.
Quick Reference To Firms That Giya Service On Shorl
Vhere Buyer And Seller MeetWe
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Electric Co., Masoni Temple, 127 North. High-
Expert machine shop servj by Mr.
Bergm&n at high schfr.'. machine
shop. 12 years experience. Gear cut
ting a specialty. High class machine
tools. Quick service. Phone 8-15
Of Beat Property on Foreclosure .
Notice is hereby given, that by vir:
tue of an cxesution duly issued out of
the circuit court of the state of Ure
gon,' for the county of Marion and to
me directed on the, 2-lth day of July
1919, upon a judgment and decree duly;
rendered, entorcd ot, record ana docK
eted in and bv said court on the J5tb
(lav of Anril. 1919, in . a certain 'suit
then in said court pending, wherein;
George Harvey was plaintiff and Tcxrj
anna Bogers and'Ji 'M. Sogers, hefc
husband, and' J. B. (Ashby, were de
ferfdants in falvof of plaintiff and;
against said defendants Tcxanna Kog-j
ers and J. M. Sogers by whith execu
tion I am commanded to sell the prop-,
erty in said execution and hereinafter!
described, to pay the sum due tho plain:;
tiff of ono hundred and ninety four;
and O0-100 ($194.00) dollars, with in
terest thereon at flic' irate of ten per
cent per annum from tho 16th day of
September, 1918. until paid and tho-
further sum of fifty five and 00-100;
(455.001 dollars attorney's fees to-.
gether with the costs and disburse
ments of said suit taxed at fourteen;
and 50-100 ($14.50) ' dollars and costs,
and expenses of said execution; I will
on Saturday the 30th day of August,;
W19, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m.;
of said day at flic west door of tho:
county court house in Marion' county,!
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the;
day of sale, all right, title, interest
and estate which said defendants Tcx
anna Rogers and J. M. Rogers, and all
persons claiming under them subse
quent to the execution, of plaintiff's
mortgage deed, towit: September 18,
1915, in, of and to said pienusis bere
inbeforo mentioned and described in
said execution as follows, towit: ;
Tract No. 1. Beginning at a- point
8.82 chains south and 20.91 chains
cast of the northeast corner of sec
tions 9 T. 8 8. S, 1 west of the Wil
lamette meridian in Marion county,
Oregon; thence running south 1 de
eree west 4.71 chains: thence south
43.75 chains to a stake; thence north
77 degrees and 84 minutes wost'4,i.tK
chains to a stake; thence north 2 de
grees east 29.5(i chains; thence north
9.52 chains to a stake; thenco south
89 degrees 45 minute east 41.54 chains
to the .place of beginning, containing
183 acres more !T
of the State of Oregon for the County
of Marion ;
In tho matter ot tho estate of Sam
uel R. Baldwin, deceased. Notice to
The undersigned having been duly
appointed by the .county court of the
stato of Oregon for Marion county, ad
ministratrix of Jhe estate of ; Samuel
R. Baldwin, deceased and having qual
ified, notice is hereby given to the
creditors of, and all persons having
claims against said deceased, to pre
sent the same verified as required by
law, within six months after! the first
publication .of .this notice, to said ad
ministratrix, at 1212 Gasco building,
Portland, Oregon.
Dato of first publication Aug. 21,
191S). .. '
' Date of last publication : Se.pt, 18,
1919. .........
..Administratrix of the estate of Sam
uel B. Baldwin, deceased. " '
William A. Carter
Attorne for administratrix. " 9-18
cialist in-the Modern Scientific
Application of Glasses for the aid of
vision and the relief of Eyestrain and
Headache. Office closed Saturdays.
Office 210-211 U. S. Bank building.
Phones, office 145; res. 1244.
Call 398. Highest prices paid fear
Junk, second .band goods and machin
ery. Be cure and call 898, get tba right
prices. The squire deal house.
271 Chemoketa Bt. '; " Salooi, Ox.
ear of
ChineBO Medicine and Tea 0 X
Has medicine which will euro any
known disease.
t Open Sundays from 10 A. II.
until o r. m.
' 153 South High Bt.
I Salem, Oregon .. Phone 238
NO CASH REQUIRED Good ovteeoaej
hoes and suits, all arads ot mat
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, ieat
ring stoves, gaa sroves, suit case aaA
.1000 other ifeeful articles to sell W
trade. What have yon Ths Capital
Exchange 937 Court St. phone !,
. . W. T, EIGDON ft CO. . .
52 North High Street
Notice is hereby given-that tho un
dcrsigned hiis been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Sarah S. Moshcr,
deceased. All persons having claims
against the estate arc hereby notified
to present the same, properly verified
in the manner provided by law at the
office of Donald- W. Miles, attorney for
the estate as above mentioned, in the
city of Salem, Marion county, Oregon,
at room 3(1 United Btates JNotionai
bunk building, within six months pt
the dato of the first publication of
this- notice. The. .first . publication of
this notice is made -ft Kip tftf. Any of
AUgUST .lilW. J : .1
ft ..Pi; ,H.r MOSHER,
1' Ad-iiiinistrutor.
Donald W. Miles. , ... m : . .'
Attorney for the-adininistratori
New York, Aug. 12. (United Press)
Tho war labor board lute today grant
ed a flat wago increase of 18 percent
for employes of traction lines in Port
land. Or.. East St. Louts and the vicini
ty of Cleveland. The inareaso.it was
stuted, was based on the increased cost
of living. -: .
The two members of the forestry de
partment who went to K'il u-I'hIU yes-
(eruuv iu lnvesimaie un1 me irnuii(u
rettirncd last night With Report con-
f 01ftt(1ial. Ttt flr.H nf tho can ilfi ffrnf imt
j has been surrounded by fire break so i
i that there is no'dajiger of spreading to!
the green rimber irnlens- a strong wind
jspringrtip: " f J -
f f Wi
Caoital Journal
Daily Market Report '. J
ik '
. . 'V- Brain'
Wneat, soft white No. I 2
Fcfl -ts-;-...-!----"'-',"'0
Milllne oats '..t:...,..-i:....4 -,-86c
rToxr nliaflt nAW
Hhv. oats-, new flats'!"
Mill run ... -48(S
Creamery buttor 6l(g)tMc
um1 tWH -SBLaaA sMTtttin
ITVlaV vm saw ------ .
Pnrk on foot L ....w.....w.IBC
Veal fancv -L. ,........!-.-"" 22c
Stnera i - , , ..; -f-i
We will pay yen more eaA for yoaa
household goods. Get our bid before)
you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hard
ware Store, 271 N. Com. Bt. Flos
734. :
YOUB used furuiture, atovea, supes
and tools, aa we pay tair prices lost
everything. Call 97
285 N. Coml Bt.
I RENOVATE, block nd trim ladissl
and men 'a hats at iu pneew,
better work ( material 4 aesaoe, aass
are eicpensive, what's the anawart
C. B. Ellsworth, 495 Court St., Bar
lem,' Or. . i
SO years experience, Depot NasiosMi
and American fence. - -
Sizes 86 to 58 in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Warks, ;
250 Court street, Phone 12.
refuse of all-khd rentoved on moat
ly contracts at reasonable jratas
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals ra
. moved. Office phone Main 167.
Tract No. 2. Also commencing at a
point 17.43 chains south 20.83 chains
east of the northwest corner of the
southwest quarter of section 10 T. 8 S.
R. 1 west of the Willamette meridian
in Marion county, Oregon; thence west
IL'.GO chain1: thence north u.AV chums;
thence -south 77 degrees 34 minutes
east 43.02 chains to the place of be
ginning, containing 20 acres of land
in Marion eountv Oregon,
Trnct No. 3. Also beginning at (he
southwest corner of Wm. Morley's IX
U C. in T. 8 8. It. 1 west of the Wil
lamette meridian in Marion county,
Oregon; running thence west 52 rods
and 14 feet; thence south 37 rods and
12 feet; thence east 52 rodj and 14
feet; thence north 37 rods and 12 feet
to the place of beginning, containing
12 1-11 acres more or les.
Tract No. 4. Also beginning at the
southwest corner of Wm. Morfev's and
Margaret Morley's D. L. . T. 8 S. B.
1 west of the Willamette meridian, Ma
rion county, Oregon, running thence
south 37 rods to the north line of
the .D. L. C. of Davie Simpson In said
township; thence east 15 rods; thence,
in a northwesterly direction to the'
place of beginning,,, containing one
acre more or less.
Tract No. 5. Also beginning at the
northwest corner of the portion of the
D. 1j. C of David Simpson and wife
Maim No. 56 in T. 8 S. B. 1 west of
the Willamette meridian, Marion fooi;
gjir., Miner, who irom nis own erper- , m J tv, Oregoa, as set apart to Julian A.
Sjjienc and observation throughout the V, -J THEATRE . Simpson; running thence south on the
A group of enthusiastic boy scout
workers" and members of the local
council met with National Commission
er C. N. Miller at a luncheon at the Spa
this afternoon for a conference with
regard to the work of urnanizution. Ail
-nliarien of the work wm vnavmuA hv
i r M 1 1 l.'V u Ln ffAn hia avh amcv. I
44 acres on Howell prairie, Vi cleared
4 acres prunes, 8 room house, barn, now
woven' wiro fence, running water; can
be bought for $1000 down, balance, at
o pereeiu. ; '. ,' v:
160 acres in Lake county to trade
for house in Sulem. . :
7 room plastered house on graveled
street, car line, large lot, fruit, $1800.
$300 down, .balance to suit.
40 acres, all cultivated, 13 logans,
some prunes, close in on pavement; on
ly $300 per, acre.
6 room house close to Knglowood
school, 2 lots, garage; $1150.
4 room house on graveled street,
close to Grant school, car line( good
lot, only ifiuuu.
20 acres, 10 .cultivated, spring water,
family orchard, buildings, rock road,
Vt mile school and station. V miles
Salem; 3230.
40 acres best valley loam, do cleared
7 room house, barn, spring and well,
rock road, 3 miles city limits, only
$200 per acre.
7 room bungnlow with basement;
handy for man working for oil com
pany, $1500. $100 down, balance .in
stallments. . . .
10 acres in crop, Vi mile Salem, fam
ily orchard, barn, hog house, well, crop
and stock goes at $3500.
160 acres, 125 aci'es '-cleared, family
orchard, buildings, running water,-rock
road; 5 miles Salem; $23,000.
3 ,acres just outside city limits, good
house and barn, fruit and berries, own
water system, gravel street; cheap at
6 room bungalow in good condition;
fruit and garden, pavement; -your
chance, $1000. Small payment.
Good 6 room bungnlow ,in fine lo
cation, paved street, close car and
school, shady lawn, $3200. $1000 down
balance to suit.
22 acres 1 mile town, gravel road,
best soil, all cultivated; 7 -acres clover
familv orchacd; buildings; priced right
at $8000. . . ' ; -
10 acres in fruit, 4 logans, 6 cherries
close Salem, $4250. A good buy.
106 acres on good road, to bo paved,
70 acres cleared, about 30 acres hrush
pasture, family orchard new modern
house, dairy barn, silo, well and creek,
only 4 miles Salem, at $190 per acre.
Land all around it $200 and $225.
5 acres in cultivation, in good loca
tion, close Salem; $1500.
Move into 6 room furnished bunga
low; $1500.
341 State
Cows . ... "i-
Spring lambs....
r.......'...,. a5
Sheep, yearlings
' ggs and Poultry
Eggs, cash .............j.-
Hens, live - -
Old roosters
Heavy Springs
v Vegetables :
New cotatoes : "
Green onions doz
....... 42c
. .... 20c
Onions, per sack
Celery doz ..........
Tomatoes .. '
Peaches 50a7uc
Oranges - $5.756.50
Lemons, 5oY - $7.5080
Bananas r 9JC
cent interest. Prompt service. B4HI
years time. Federal farm loan bonds
fo sale. A. C. Bohrnatedt, 401 Mas
sonic Temple. Sulem, Oregon. . ;',
INSURANCE COWCttr For frsa 1
formation about Life Insuranas sesj
J. F. Hutchason, dist. manager lost
the Mutual Life of N. T., offiee af,
371 State""St., 8alem, Ore. Otfias)
. phone 99, residence 1396. l
. 4oC
..,.3 3 4c
. 45c
Bunch beets ..
Cnbbage . "
Head lettuce -
Carrots :
Eetail Prices.
Eggs dozen
Crnamorv butter
Country butter -
Flour, hard wheat $3.103.25
Portland, Or., Aug. 21. Butter, city
creamery 58(&39c
Egg selected local ex ifoc
Hens 2325c
Broilers 2225o
Cheese, triplets 3(&;;i8e
, Cattle
Jtecci(ts 213
Tone of market steady '
Good to choicu steers $10(510.50
Fair to good steers $7.50(0.8.50
Tninmnn to fair steers $707.50
Choice to aood cows and heifen
Medium to good cows and heiferJ
Ctui tiers $3((i5
Bulls $0(3,7 ' '
Calves $1015
Receipts 389
Tone of market steudy
Prime mixed $2If)21.50
Medium mixed $20.50(5)21
Hough heavies $l.50a20
- Pigs $19(5)21 - vv- '
Bulk $2121.50
. Receipts 2327 ' " ''.r
Tone of market steady ,
Prime lamb $12013 !
Fair to medium lambs $11.50(gl2
"5 " J " ,1. ' Yearlings $7 8.50
Salem s a Good Pfe to Trade ZTS'50
On Good Real Estate Security j
' TKOS. K. FORD i'
Over Ladd ?ush bank; Sa)sm Orsges
' PHONE 1090B '
Our Prices are Right ;' ;
W. M. ZANDLER, Proprietot i
1255 N. Summer Street, Salem, Oregasl
McCornack hall on every Tnesoaj;
at 8. Walter Lenon, C. C, P. J
Kuntz, K. R. 4 8.
ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ora
gon Grape camp JNo. ldou mce everj
Thursday evening in McCornaek hasl
Elevator sc-vice. Oracle, Mrs. Can
rie E. Bunn, 648 Union St; raeoa
dr Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415
4th' St. Phone 1430M. .
bly Ho. 84 meets first Thursday si
ench month at 8 p. m. in Masonisj
Temple. Glenn C. Nilcs, M. A.; O. A,
Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens strest,
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246,meet
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
in McCornaek building Court and
. Liibcrty streets. W. M. Persons, V.
' C; Frank A. Turner, clerk. ';
eorner Commercls and Trade street
Bills payable monthly in advanea.
fh.-rti 606.
Out of 60 students in the pnarmasy,
department of the University of Wash
ington this year 30 are women.
To replace the old building recently
burned, tho school district of Empire,
in Coos county, has voted funds W
Keep Them Home $$$