PAGE rilX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1919. .3 X i .it ii St Superiority is a question of degree. Some men are big because other men are little ' , 1MPEMALES MOUTMlCa ClCAJtCTTtf excel through comparison. 'Of course there are others hut none a9 good every body says se. 10 for 13c Ti John Bollman C. Brtnck , I STAYTOfT NEWS. (Capital Journal Special Service) Hhiyton, Aug. 21. Frank Lesley re turned Saturday with M. Lynott and the oilier fnilroud men whom he took across tlio mountains to Bend by auto. They went via Lebanon mid visited Histcrs and other points on the railroad survey. The trip was made in good time and without any trouble or acci dent. Mr. Lesley says the company has it couple of good sized crews of men working on the. other side of the range A short Kubens tins moved onto the old delink place, west of the red mill. " Ralph Tate has returned from east ern Oregon, where he has been for sev eral weeks. . 8. It. lloltael returned Ttifgjiy eve ning from a trip through eastern Ore gon and Idaho, lie says that craps are good and money plentiful in that sec tion, and that most of the towns he visited arc shoi on houses. He con templates locating in Portland. lioren Wilson returned Saturday Groceries j Dry Goods I Clothing IT Notice CASH STORE On account of our enormous trade (and we expect to do a bigger business this Fall) we have decided to re-model our store room by adding balconies and us ing the basement. This will give us more space to display our ENORMOUS FALL AND WINTER STOCK and will make it more convenient for our thousands of customers. We bought our stock in time and bought it right and we will continue to follow the policy of dividing our profits with our customers. In these times of advancing prices for all classes of merchandise we will PROTECT OUR CUS TOMERS and will HOLD THE PRICES DOWN in all our departments of Dry Goods, Clothing. Men's Furnishings, Hats, Shoes and Groceries. OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING LINES MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING Winter Suits Overcoats i Raincoats Mackinaws Woolen and Cotton Sweaters Woolen and Cotton Underwear Woolen and Cotton Socks Hats and Woolen Caps Peters' High Quality Heavy and Dress Shoes for Men and Boys Rubber Boots and Shoes from the Best Factories. We want to impress upon the public that they can really save money by supply ing their needs at this big, busy store. Our prices on all kinds of high class, standard merchandise will save you at least 25 per cent. Money is hard to earn and hard .to save but you can save it by coming here for your food and clothing from the east, having finished his term of service. While away he saw many foreign countries and enjoyed his work but is satisfied to now try some other occnpation. He went Sunday to Browns viile for a visit with relatives. W, 0. Yost, who has been in service overseas, lias returned home. Miss Myrtle Knauf, of Scio is visit ing with Mrs. Fieklin. She has been for. some1 time employed at Camas, Wn. i Miss Knauf was formerly in tho local telephone orfice. Mrs. Wui, Mnag of Salem, was visit ing in town several days this week. W. H. Hobson returned Tuesday from, a visit of several davs nt Seaside Mrs. E. B. Waters and Mrs. Wm. Harlan and children of Idatiha, have been visiting at W. 8. Waters for sev eral days. Joe Klecker has gone to Portland, where he will be employed. Luther Cole, who has seen service overseas, returned home Tuesday. W. L. . Kimse.y, who lives east of Town a rew, nas ooeu quire sick for several days but is reported im- proving. His daughter, Mrs. Dean Crawford .of Portland, is visiting at his. home.. Lnu and Van Handel have lately- finished sceptic tanks for Forest Mack and V. P. Lnuceficld. W. V. Mokler, who lias been employ ed in the Mail office, has returned to his home at Clayton, Wash. 1 rof. iord made a business trip to t'ortland Wednesday. The Portland Railway Light and Power Company is now installing in the Valley Packing C'ompuny plant north of tho city 15 motors which will carry 150 horse power necessary for the plant's work. With the exception of the Kpaulding Logging Company and the two gravel plnnts which are heavy users of electricity, the packing plant will be the heaviest users of electricity in the' city. y F. W. Bosebraugh and W. M. Price have filed their array discharges with Mrs. Mildred M. Brooks, county record er. tTMJNBURN Apply VapoRub lightly it soothes the tortured skin. VICE'S VAPORl ''YOUR BODYGUARD" -301". to the BY THE ThefiremiwStore s PHONE 453 - 'jtm 60MT2Q LADIES' DRESS GOODS ' Serges of all Colors Woolen Plaids of All Color's Plushes Velvets Outing Flannel White alid Colored All kinds of silks , Crepe de Chine and Taffeta Ladies' and Girls' Woolen and Cotton Underwear Up-to-Date Sweaters Woolen Stockings Woolen and Cotton Blankets Comforters of all sizes and kinds For Itching Torture J There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve skin irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you with Zemo, which generally overcomes all skin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples, rashes, blackheads in most cases give way to Zemo. Fnsuently, minor blem ishes disappear o'.v night. Itching us ually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c; an ex tra large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, sensitive skins. The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland. 0. Fire Situation In Polk " County Not Threatening . TnBre u thin,r threatenino nhm.t the forest fire 9itution in Polk "couMt according to Supervisor W. V. Fuller of Dallas, who was in Salem for a short time today for a conference with State Forester F. A. Klliott. : With tho. exception of the fire arouno the camp of the Willamette Valley Lumber company, above Black Hock, there are no serious blazes anywhere iu the county, Mr. Fuller Tho Black Rock fire has so far been kept well in hand and iu the absence of any high winds should be entirely subdued with in a day or two. While he has not yet had the oppor tunity to judge of the efficiency of the airplane firo patrol system through its work in his district, Mr. Fuller is con fident that the plan will work out fully us well us it is expected to. Forest Fires Break Out In Baker And Grant Counties Baker, Or., Aug. 21, Forest fires havo broken out anew in Baker and Grant counties. . ' Reinforcement's are being rushed to the sceno of the blaze near Whitney, The flames iu the region north of Granite arc burning fiercely. Tho Cath erine creek fire is uncontrolled, with 100, men trying to combat it. It covers more than 4000 acres. Public MsAyms ...lotions., Crowd At Newport Beaches Is Largest On Record; Train Service Causes Complaints Newport, Or., Aug. 21. The season at this beach is without doubt the best that has yet been seen here. The travel to this date easily eclipses anything of the past and is growing in volume daily and it seems now that .the. height of tue summer will yet be extended an other two weeks at least, during the week the weather conditions have been a good deal varied. Sunday evening it was cool enough to make an overcoat feel very comfortable to the summer visitors while Monday refreshine show er of rain tempered the atmosphere to a aengntful degree of mildness, The agitation over the train service between -Xewporf and Vaquina is ap parently reaching a climax. The assist ant director of railroads, is now en route here from Washington, D. C, to give the matter a thorough and per sonal investigation. The" 'Newport Com mercial club is making' active prepara tion for his reception and entertain ment. The Willamette valley commer cial bodies will be invited to attend. the Southern Pacific stronalv and sue- ctssfully has opposed every effort thus far to secure this train service. Just why the 8. P. should make such stren uous objection to it is not apparent on the surface. Work on the macadam highwav bo- twocn Newport and Toledo is beins rushed as fast as possible. When this Highway is completed to the Willam ette valley it will be of inestimable value to tins citv as well as the entire bay country. The county court has made large purchases of road building machinery and is carrying out cxtens ivo work on the Siletz road which com- nccts with tho Newport road a mile west of Toledo. There are some nine miles of this road and not many years ago the county expended about $35,- O00 on it between work and machinery and made a dismal failure in road building. Col. Ziun, U, S. engineer, was down from Portland Friday inspecting the harbor improvement work bcin? car ried on here and consulting with the port commissioners regarding tho pos sible failure of the contractor to car ry out. his contract. ' . 'I MissCs Holmes and Topping of Ev erett, Wn., are passing an extended va cation at Nye beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hibbs of Inde pendence are domiciled in their Brook street cottage for their summer "outing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durbin depart ed Friday for- Vancouver, Wn., after spending two weeks at Nye beach. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar" Hayter and chil dren of Dallas arrived Wednesday for a week's outing. They are staying at Nye beach. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. C'ronise of Salem arrived Friday for an extended vaca tion at this beach. ; Mr. and Mrs. S. L, Parks of Altany were week end visitors at the beadh. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Irvine and chil dren and-. Miss Olive Skinner arrived Thursday rom Independence, for their summer outing, Rev. nnd Mrs!' J. J. Canoles, Mr. and Mrs. Langston and Mrs. Charles Rals ton arrived Tuesday from Lebanon, and will remaiu'.for a three weeks va cation at this resort. Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Wilson and daughter of Waterloo, Iowa,. Mrs. C. A. Dobell and Miss Lila Dobell of Cor vallis are at Agate beach for a mouth. Misses Elizabeth and Ethel Knotts of Corvallis are guests of Mrs. Wm. uroders at her jNye beach cottage. Mrs. John II. Stevens and son and Miss Nellie Baine arrived Friday from Albany for a brief vacation outing. Mrs. A. A. Childs and daughters and Miss Irene Eddy of Independence are enjoying their summer outing at this sea beach. . C E. Knowland and family arrived from Salom Sunday for their annual summer outing. Miss Anna Chambers of Corvallis ar rived Saturday and is a guest of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Belt. """ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burns of Albany aro located at .Nye beach for the week. Airs. J. .N. Smith and daughter and Miss Grace Sherwood arrived this week from Snlcm, and will remain indefi nitely. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Whiteside and Mrs. Ormand Outhcrie have returned home to Corvallis, after an extended vacatrbn at this beach. Mrs. Kepner of Butte, Montana, ar- ivett Thursday for a summer outing oy tho sea. M. Hnhn and Miss Margaret Hnhn Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on arrived Saturday from Salem and are over the seat of pain 1 often more ef at Nye beach for an indefinite sojourn 'fectual for a lame back than a plaster uy me seasiue. Mrs. Lucy Francisco has as her guest Mrs. Martha Burnett of Corvallis. Mrs. Florence Kohlhagen of Rose burg arrived the first of the week and has opened her Nye beach cottage for tho balance of tho season. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Farrar are at this beach for their summer vacation. Mr. Farvar is assistant postmaster at, the capital city. Mr. and Mis. Walter L. Tooze Sr., Capt. and Mrs., W. L. Toone Jr., and child and Lieutenant Lamar Tooze are registered at the Cliff house this week Lieutenant Lamar Tooze ha. inst nr-! rived from France. I nr: m ,, . . , i Miss Florence Custer arrived Tues- dav from For, nmlae Tn for n T. tended visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wilkins. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Billings of Ash- ln.l nr. u Mu luiuiiv- arriveu iuesuav ior their annual vacation. The Billings have been regular lar visitors at this beach ' tor many years past. Dr. E. H. Taylor and Si Orchard ar rived Monday" from Corvallis for a brief vacation. . Mr. Williams and familv of . Flor-i ence aro paasinsr their vacation at this beach. . Miss flernicc Chambers of Corvallis is visiting with Miss Lillian Hout at Aye, beach. Tr. v r T..,m tj:i da and Mrs! Olin Haum have arrived 1 1 rum Aiameda. i ai., ior an indefinite stay at this beach. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Cros.leyreturn ed home Friday to Roseburg, after a brief stay at iNye beach. i Prof, and Mrs. Charles X,. Johnson and little daughter of Corvallis have opened their Arcadia cottage and will remain for an extended vacation. k Prof. W. H. Burton departed for Portland Friday after spending his an nual vacation at this beach. Mr. and Mrs. A. Barden of Corvallis are enjoying a short vacation by the seaside. . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Freshhafer ad children departed Thursday for their home at Boise, Idahof after enjoying an extended vacation, outing at this resort. . Mr. and Mis. Wm. Porter and Miss Mildred Porter arrived Saturday from Corvallis and will spend the rest of the month at "the beach. Mrs. Grace Hall and daughter Mil dred Hall arrived1 this week from Port land and will remain for an extended vacation. J. J. Gatens of Ona departe'd Satur day on a visit to his old home in New Brunswick, D. C. Mr. Gatens was to mer deputy game warden for this county and is a very prosperous and substantial farmer. It is about 35 years since he left New Brunswick. Mrs. A. iB. Haight, Mrs. S. E. Shnf er and Sylvia S. Smith are arrivals from Salem this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Grunz and the Misses Rosie, Clara and Agnes Thics sen are registered at the Cliff house, from Jefferson. H. iN. Cookcrline and family of Al bany are spending their summer out ing at Nye beach. R. F. Park and family, Miss Maud Park and Miss Wiersiek and Mrs. R. Ndygellend of Oregon City arc sojourn ing at Nye beach. Mr. and Mrs. M. Golstein. E. FV Douglas and familv. Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Denton and Mis. J. L. Matthews are: Portland visitors at this beach. Mrs. C. L. Carter of Klamath Falls is spending her vacation nt this sea beach. Mrs. Myrtle Neal of Madison,' Wis., is enjoying her vacation at this resort. W, H. Jenkins, traveling passenger ; agent of the Southern Pacific, chap- eroned a large train load of pleasure seeners to the beach Tuesday. Hon. W. P. Lafferty and M. J. Young returned home to Corvallis af ter a brief vacation. . DEED . . PETERS At the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. W. A. Clement 280 North High street, Aug. 20 ,1919, Mrs. Mar tha J. Peters, at he age of 65 years. She had been suffering for the past ten days from the effect of a stroke of paralysis. MrB. Peters is survived by one daugh ter' Mr9- w- A- Clement of Salem, and one isou, rv. t. meters or iioqiiiam, wn. Also by three brothers and two sisters living at Sprigfield, Ohio. She was born at Springfield and for the past nine years has been a resident of Sa lem. The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the chapel of Webb & Clough and will "be conducted by the Rev. Leland Por tOT, pastor of . . the First Christian church. Burial will be in the City View cemetery. - The mouth of August is about to break the August record for marriage licenses. While "in some communities the reports indicate that it is a 50-50 proposition between divorces and (mar riages, it is all the other way in Ma rion county, for with but three divorce suits filed this month, there has been so far 2" marriage licenses issued. Yes terday a license to marry was issued to Pascal Kiddu -Whelpton of Lincoln, Neb., professor of fnrm management and Miss Lorene A. Parker of Orville, home demonstrating agent. Miss 'Park er devoted some time to Marion conn-, tv during the war, showing the farmers wives how to cook. A license was also issued yesterday to Robert E. Francis, 57, of Hubbard and Lillie S. Smith, 51, of Hubbard. The Best Plaster piece of flannel dampened with and docs not cost anything like as much. o Huckestein Back From Auto Trip To Southern Oregon August Huckestein is home from an auto tour extending to Klamath Falls and returning by way of Bend. He says tue rvinmatn tails people are prosperous and happy and have great confidence iu the future of that part of the state with " - .h - 87 te 6l!iw Sc em- ne rnree court nouses at K amath p.ii, .. ,ii4 i, !k t J .r " ."?. 0 "P'e by the fact that originally the county had a frame court house and then on one end was added a stone annex and then on the other end k briek annex. Later 'a Calif oinia svn , .... . . d.w,T .bn " thc J'can hotel just a lit anl 1m ,ne "" business part of town and to cause things to grow that way, gve land on which was erect ed the second court house. This was never used.- The j a new set of comniis- s,0"ers al ftlo"K huilt a fine ,l - ,,.w0 court house in the center of the town. This one ha not been used and the courts are grinding away in the orig inal, part briek, part stone and the rest frame. . Not being accustomed to a sandy r.ountry. Mr- Huektestein and his party i v" - ''" i I dry looking, although fine crops can be (raised where water is available. The - i i FeT ONLY ALL-AROUND HOTEL AT THE BEACH . Location, Service and Accommodations the Best. 5 BUY YOUR MEAT AT VAN ORDEN'S MARKET AND SPEND YOUR EVENINGS AT THE Royal Theatre HOT SEA BATHS W. T. Crocker. Prop. OPPOSITE CLIF1' HOUSE, NYE BEACH, Newport, Oregon. WRITE FOB RATES ON A FEW NEAT AND CLEAN HOUSE- . KEEPING APARTMENTS. A. L THOMAS Newport, Oregon. Agates Cut and Mounted Watch Repairing 23 years in business L C. SMITH Front Street. K 9. Cross & Sons Meats Groceries Fruits Vegetables Out-of -Town Orders Carefully Packed!. Vl'KX DELIVERY WILCOX STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES NYE BEACH city of Bend is booming, he said, due to the big lumber interests and sawmills. Directors Of Commercial Club Vote To Co-Operate With Breeders Of Da: cs Co-operation with tho Oregon State Duroc Breeders association was voted by the directors of the Salem Commer cial club at the monthly session held last evening. The co-operation voted is that of nut ting the Commercial club back of the annual meeting and sale of the Duroc association which will be held at the state fair grounds either the last week in January or during the first week In February . The co-operation of the club and the help that will be given the Duroc breed ers means that at tho sale nnd meeting to bo hold in thc city, from 50 to 75 breders of the finest Duroc swine will be present, besides about 25 from other points in the northwest, with an ateend anoe of about 500. With proper recognition by the club R. H. CAMPBELL Special IB 111 I lt$5S.a00e tun mm E3 Cllkfi.-CV 4 NEW CUFF HOUSE Hot and cold water. All mod ern conveniences Furnished tents and cottages CLWAIT Agate Cutter and Manufacturing jeweler Open the Year Round NYE BEACH, NEWPORT RH.SAXT0N (Formerly of Salem) BARBER SHOP Post Office Block BATHS SHINE! VAN'S MARKET FRONT STREET PHONE 3452 .;. . BEST LINE OF Staple Groceries AND LUNCH GOODS IN" THE CITS' PUTNAM'S Newport's "Big Town" Confectionary And Ice Cream Place. Front Street, Newport. ROGERS GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN Everything in Groceries, Confectionary and Ice ' Cream, Fruits, 'Vegetables, Cigars and Tobaccos. Both In end out of Season. - ;. " ' Also Fresh Fish Corner Coast and Beach Sts. ' NYE BEACH, NEWPORT, ORE. Phone 2303. " : WE HAVE COME TO STAY' and the citizens of tho city, it is felt that Salom may eventually become tha northwest headquarters for thc sale of thorough bred swine. J. W. Fruit, of. Brooks, has been ap pointed chairman of tho sale committee and Duroc breeders throughout the northwest will be informed "of the com ing sale. - Blazing Tree Crushes Life From Forest fire fighter BLAZING TREE " Oregon City, Or., Aug. 21 Boy Mitch ell, 2C, was instantly killed while fighfr ing a forest fire in the Blaza range 30 miles east of Sundy, Or., Wednesday afternoon according to news which was received here today. A 110 foot cedar tree which had been burned through at the-baqp fell on thc fire fighter. Mitchell, who had been in the employ of the forest service since he was 17 years old, with the exception of tw years during tho war, returned from France two weeks ago. Good Oil Is Cheaper Than Parts Freedom from unnecessary rep and longer life for your car results from correct lubrication with Zerolene, Scientifically refined from se lected California crude oil Gives auimtna lnbricitioa with llast orbon (fep.t Get a C.rrect Luhr" mum Chart for year er. STANDARD OIL COMPANY .(CsiifornU) . Agt, Standard OU X Salem: