THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1919. PAGE FIVE. i THE JOURNAL'S NEW TO DAY 1 EHEY HAVE AMOVED JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING UEDIUT.I IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THE! FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISINO BATES: 'JUte per word New Today: ach Insertion ' 1 One week (A insertions) So One month (26 insertions) - 17e The Capital Journal. will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, tai errors in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day tt appears and notify ns immediately if rror occurs. " Minimum charge, 15c "MARTIN" painter. Phone 704. 8-26 GIRLS wanted at tho Glove Factory, 1455 Oak street, steady work. 8-23 BUGS cleaned 40 cents per rug. Phone 16. Buckner. 8-23 CAlNINDJiG peaches. Phone 56F12 Rt. . 1, box 10A. Wallace road. 8-23 'YOUNG man would like job driving car or truck. Phone 762B. 8-21 iVANTEI To rent modern house. W. H. Prunk. Phone 144. , tf FURNISHED sleeping rooms for rent. At 749 N. Com 'I. tf SHOVELERS wanted. See Street Com missioner Low. 8-21 WANTED Second hand Cyphers in " cubator. Phone 649. 8-25 FOR SALE 45 new hop baskets. J. ,W. Maruny, 211 Miller street. tf "WANT to list fruit tracts. Soeolofsky, . 341 State St. - tf HAlNO quilting neatly done,.. Phone 1572J. 8-25 JERSEY and Guernsey eow for sale. Phone 942. , 8 21 WANTED Cattle and calves, any kind. Phone 1576V?. 9-5 EAVENSTEIN .'tipples 75c per box, .. delivered. Phone SOPH. tf t?HEAP apartments for rent, with use fjot well water. Phone 1737 W. tf U, BEAVER well driller. Phone 827J. .1165 N. 19lh St. Salem, Or. ' 9-9 FOR SALE Elgin six, 1918 model at . Marion garage, i " . ' : tf FOR the best shoe repairing, go to N. - Brueck, 163 S. Com'l St. v 9-13 FOR SALE One 9 year old mare, weight llvv, worKg single or aouDie. tii lAinnta Q 91 Phone 1071P12. FOR RUNT ' Or sale, 5 room house close in, $750 buys this place. In V quire 755 iN. Church St.- - - 8-22 FOR SALE (Pianola, an instrument . that will play any- piano, also 76 - rolls of music' Call 785 Court St.. tf FOR SALE Modern ..bungalow; will consider light car as part payment. Enquire 1135 S. 16th. St. 8-21 WANTED Place to store household goods. Address W-20 care Journal. ' . 8-22 FOR hauling and true- work try the Farmers Transfer truck, phone 1603 J, 1170 N. 15th St. A. H. Biedcr man. 9-4 FOR SALE A modern house ready to move into. Come and look it over. 45 S. 12th St. F. A. Erixon. tf WANTHD For cash, a modern bun galow by Oct. 1st. Mrs. L R care j Journal. tf FOR dress making see M-s. A. H. Bie derman, 1170 N. 15th St. Phone 1608J. ' 9-4 WANTED To rent 3 to 7 room mod ern house possession on or before Nov. 1st. Dr. Fred Ellis. tf WE make the best power prune dippers. Salem Mfg Co., 1396 N. Front St. tf JAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone 704. - . - tf W. F. WEIGHT, Turner, auctioneer, Why not get himt , tf GOVERNMENT loans at 5 percent. W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com merce. tf DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best made; beautiful new colors. Barons Ooanl St. tf WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store. 179 Commercial. tf FOR SALE Cheap, 5 room house, two lots, plenty .fruit; no ineumbranoe. Phono 1393. 9-9 MRM WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS ; : 314 Masomc Bldg Salem Ore. EDISON disc phonograph- for sale at 1403 N. 16th St. 8-22 BALED HAY All kinds $17, in field at Waconda. C. C. Russell. Phone 3F3. v , , 8-22 WANTED One drier, one trayer and shaker and three prima pickers. John Kuhnke, Rt. 4, box 70A. 8-21 52 ACRES improved farm to trade for larger" acreage. C. A. Boling, Rt. 6, box 36A. Phone 10SF21. 9-1 FOR TRADE Rough fruit farm, 25 acres, for small acreage or city prop erty. Write J. Mather, gen. del. 8-25 DUCKS 12 wild mallards - for Tel 254. - . $20. 8-22 ALL kinds of hauling and truck work. Phone 100, A. Gruiber. 9-18 WANTED Girl for general housework Phone 105. " 8-22 FOR SALE One mare about 1100 lbs. gentle. Englewood store. 8-22 MOTORCYCLE to trade for oFrd. M S care Journal. 8-22 7 ACRE fruit ranch for rent for a year, corner 8. Com'l and Jefferson road, oall at noon or in evening. 8-22 WHEN in need of a carpenter for new or repair work. Call 80$"2 after 6 p. m. 8-26 FOR SALE Rodgcrs Brothers all steel trailer witji .attachment for- Ford car, $65. Phone 89F22, , 8-21 HAULING wanted with truck, either grain or other products. Phone 1563J or call at 1862 Broadway. 8-21 WANTED To rent 5 or 6 .room house - close in, prefer one with garage. Ad dress V B care Journal. tf FOR SALE 1 1000-gallon galvanized tank and 50 feet 1,-in. pipo. Call 1279 Nebraska St. . 8-23 FOR SALE Cows that are milking and coming fresh this week. Call at 725 8. 13th St. 8-23 FOR SALE 5 passenger Ford, old . model, in good running order. Price $275, Call at 504 Belmont St. 8-19 FOR SALE Cheap, berry ranch, 15 acres. Write Henry Crane, Aumsville, ' Or. ;;: r . . 8-22. EXPERIENCED man wants to rent prune- orchard. mnl,,bon.!os. 330 Di vision St.' . . ,,, 9-14 PEACHES for sale, Crawfords and El bertas, 1 miles from bridge en Wallace road. Phone 56F13. C. C. Chaffee. . , 9-16 WANTED Modern house, responsible party, no children ; will lease for 6 months or year. X Y care Journ al, tf WANTED A truck drivor, must be ; able to take care of car; steady work for good man. Address K care Journ al. - -21 FDR TRADE One lot and two resi dences, close in and 'of security $1, 600 for farm; will pay difference. .Apply 469 State St. tf FOR SALE One . fine three-year old colt; also ene work horse. ,nrile south of Shaw, Or. W. W. Elliott. 8-25 WILL pay half cash on louse,, bunga low style preferred. Well located. Possession 15 days. L. B. care Journ al, tf AUCTIONEER G. SATTERLEE, Office 215-216 Mason ic bldg. Phone 1211, 1000. Real estate and stock sales. FOR' TRADE 320 acre in Har- ney Co., Or., for Willamette valley property. Box 77, Rt. 4 Salem, Or. EGGS, EGGS, EGGS Poultrymen I can sell your eggs and make you a prof it. Address H T, 204 Henry bldg. Portland, Or. . 8-22 FOR SALE iNine room houss, large lot modern conveniences, double garage close in, on street ear Hne and paved street. G L care Journal. tf NURSERY STOCK Italian prunes, grafted walnuts and all other kinds of nursery stock for fall delivery. Also a second band Maxweld auto will trade for a good team. Brooks Nursery, Lafayette, Or. 8-28 BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS LOM-6 WANTED Furnished house or apart ment for 6 months, close in. Address BO care Journal. ' 8-21 iROB- SALE 50 head of shoats, weight ou to ivo lbs. will seil all or a part. John H. Scott 404 Hubbard bldg. Phone 254 or 622. - 'FOR SALE Four acres land with sev en room bouse; just outside south city limits. For particulars inquire 148 West Wilson street. 8 - WANTED Head laundress and two women to have charge of little deaf children out of school hours. State . school for deaf. . 8-26 i O. A. C. Barred Plymouth Rock and White Leghorn pullets for sale, also, some choice Now Zealand rabbits. R. E. Waldorf, Rt. 5, Salem. 8-21 2-TON truck and trailer for salo; this is not junk but a good buy, can be Been at 1731 Broadway St. Will give terms. . 8-21 POSITION wanted by young man, competent store salesman and ship ping manager. Address A IE 1947 Mill S 8-21 SIX room bungalow for sale, 24th St., paved, near State St., lot 50x200. Prico $1850. Terms. See owner Ros tein & Greenbauni, 246 Commercial St. . , , 8-22 LOST Somewhere on street, black poekctbook containing about $35 currency, owners name and address written on inside; finder please leave at Journal office; reward. 8-22 WANTED Party who wishes to run a boarding house during hop pick ing time, concession free; yard em ploying 300 pickers. Inquire Adolph cigar store. . tf SELL FOR US We have choice trees of varieties greatly in demand now. Liberal commission with cash ad vance. Secure copy of contract at once. Salem Nursery company, 1030 Chemeketa St., Salem,. Or. 9-16 WANTED To exchange 80 acre im proved farm in southern Oregon to gether with 100 . Shropshire sheep, (no incumbrance) for small dairy and fruit ranch near oalem, will as sume. W. A. Liston, 484 Court St. 8-23 FOR SALE 6 acre tract, all. cultivat ed, one acre of prunes, 1 acre rasp berries, house and barn, close to pav ed road. Prico $2650. See Fred Dur bin, 275 State street. 8-21 FOR SALE iGood five room house, large lot. Price $2500. Good 8 room modern house, corner lot, .both streets paved, good location. Price $2500. See Fred Purbin, 275 State street. ., v '.'... ' . ' 8-21 FOR SALE 10 acre tract located on main Pacific highway, all in fruit, good modern bungalow. PriC9 $6400. Terms. See E. B. Grabenhorst, 275 State street. 8-21 WANT TO BUY Small ' suburban place, three or five acres with good improvements, family orchard. Must ibe near school and on good Toad. Describe iully with price. Address "Suburban" care Capital Journal. 8-21 HOP pickers wanted, will furnish tents or will allow $2.50 if you furnish own tent; free transportation from station to yard and return. Pay $1.20 per hundred. Phone 59F1I, Orey & Bishop. tf HOME fer sale, 8 room house, hot wa ter heat and every ccnenience, all kinds of fruit, garden and berries. One acre on paved street near car lane. Beautiful grounds, for limited time prico on reaaoncble terms. Phone owner 2440 or call 1S05 Msr ket St. tf PRUNE orchard for sale, 20 acres bearing prunes, 10 acres in apples, pears, R. A. cherries and loganber ries, up to date drier, good house, barn, 2 chicken houses, 8 miles from Salem on good road. Must sell on account of health. Prico $14,000, $8000 cash, balanco at 6 percent; crop to go with plaee. J J care Jour nal. Price $10,000 without crop. 8-23 FOR SALE On easy terms, one of the very best 8 room modern homes in the city. If you are in the market for a home of any size and price, on terms to suit the needs of any one, call at my office at 484 Court St. We .buy liberty bonds, and write fire insurance. W. A. Liston. 8 23 FOR SALE 70 acres choice land on good road, one and miles from R. R. staHion, fajr buildings; 40 acres or more cultivated, family or chard. $100 per acre on easy terms. Square Deal Realty Co. Phone 470. I WANT houses to sclL While I claim the best list in the city bar none "I want more." I havlheJbuyers. For the next sixty days I am mak ing a special offer to owners. Call or phone for appointment. C. W. Niemeyor, 215-216 Masonic building. Phones 10OO and 1014. tf OLESON'S AUTO EXCHANGE 849 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOITX USED CARS BOUGHT FOB CASH OR SOLD ON COMMISSION. Hudson Super Six $950 Studebakcr bug $225 6, passenger Studebaker, electric lights and starter, $4S5 1915 Buick 4 cylinder. $600 Chalmers 5 passenger, A-l eondi- tion $275 1916 Maxwell $400 5 passenger Orreland to trade for lot 1917 Saxon six $700 1915 Overland $500 We sell oils, greasj, gasoline, used auto parts, tire find acc-tsoriea, BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS rt 'x It. W 1 New Arrivals m Stamped Goods Visit the Art Deoartment LOST Small purse on street. Finder please call 626 FOR SALE 10 acres all cultivated, 5 acres bearing prunes, good erop; small housrf, 4 miles out. Price $3, 500. See Fred Durbin, 275 State street. - 8 21 FOR SALE 5 acres in loganberries, apples, peaches, a snap at $1275. 5 acres of good loganberry land, close to highway. Price $1000. Bee E. B. Grabenhorst, 275 State street. 8-21 FOR SALE Well Improved 10 acre tract, 5 acres in prunes, 8 acres set to loganberries, food bungalow, barn family orchard, 4 miles out. Team, wagon, harness, plow, cultivator. Price $4500. See E. B. Grabenhorst, 275 State street. 8 21 SALESMEN wanted to visit sehool boards, high class edaeational prop osition not books.) Worth $3000 io $4000 to man or woman who eon qualify. For appointment when in Salem, address L M 25 care Journal. 8-22 Tn r all Models Suits, Dresses, Coats Skirts, Waists A large shipment of the most charming and beautiful KEADY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS have just reached us. The Chic and Individuality of these garments will appeal to all GOOD DRESSERS and those who desire to be coi reel in style and yet not classed with Faddists. You must certainly pay a visit to our READY-TO-WEAR SECTION .an dinspect the most complete show ing ever made in Salem. Our courteous sales force will give you every attention whether purchaser or not. Detailed description would fail to convey any idea of the charm, style and serviceability of this Fall Showing. You Can Always FOR SALE Or Kxchangc, 608' acre sheep ranch, $33 per acre, for Sa lem residence or small farm, or what have you St. 1 box 66, Browns ville, Or. ' 8-22 WANTED As -office position in Sa lem by young married man, experi enced in frailroUd aei"ounting and traffic work; also familiar with type writer. Can furnish first cfass refer ences. Address K, Rt. 1, box 38, Gcr vais, Or. 8-21 FOR SALE Rivor bottom ranch of 151 acTes, 40 acres cleared, house and . barn, hard eottonwood timber, tho finest kind of loganfeerry land at $5 per acre. Will tako some city property in trade. Terms on balance. Merlin Harding at Salem Hardware Co. 23 RANCH for sale, 105 aeres, 35 in cul tivation, balance in pasture and tim ber; 20 tons of hay in bam, some oats and wheat, 3 horses, 4 cows and all implements included. (Price $70 an aero. Located on the Pacific high way. 8 E L eare Journal. 8 21 J1vJLoood1 Do Better At FOR SALE 5 room house and 5 lots, ehonp. Call 1692 licllevuo. 821 FOR SALB 5 room California bunga low, electric lights, bath, firoplace, close in; will toko an auto as part payment, time on part; block from paved street, ono block to ear line. Enquire of J. W. Jones, 162 N. Commercial street. 8-21 STOP-LOOK-LlSra"" Do you want to buy a good ranch iNice suburban home . Good residenee in Salem 5, 10 or 20 improved acreage Good stock ranch, if so B-4-U-BuyCUs. Or if you want to sell list your prorerty with us for results. Perrine Marsters, 306 Hubbard build "g- tf FOB SALE Nearly new Ford worm drive truck with platform body, new tires; a bargain at $050; will accept liberty bonds, or small ear as part pavmcnt. 147 8. Com'l St. Phone 937 or 1425J. WW 1 Hf 1 - Vj FIGHTTHEMOTHS REEFERS NO-MOTH Makes a Cedar Chest out of any clothes closet WORKING man will purchase small home on installment plan. Fruit and good lot. Have ood job in city. Can pay $20 a month. Don't want any agents to pay commission to. H care Journal. t I On BALE Bargain, 5 Toom house, lurae lot with fruit, on pavod atreot, V 1393 IN. 5l;h. Inquire at Gilbertu grocery or 124 N. 18th. 8-2 WANTED To hear from party who will sell a tract of good valley laml s:iino improvements preferred; suit able for small fruit, from 20 to 50 -ncros, 'andwill defer payments, anil arcept only interest first two years. A B x", Salem, Or. gen del. 8-2J Ti C0NTINUEDPAGE3 NEW ODAY ADS