Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 20, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Ladies' Silk Hose f
All Around
fj Incorporated
It Will Be of
To the Ladies to hear of the arrival of a nice
line of nifty
You should come and see what $1.98, $3.98,
$4.98, $5.90, $6.90, $7.50 and $8.50 will buy
you in this important line.
You Will Pay More
Goods Do Not Have To Be
Bargained Off At Special
in .
few hours on the day to serve the early
morning trade.
Never hag Salem experienced such
a demand for houses, as at this time,
and never ias there been such a dearth
of houses for rent, building material
will be no cheaper for years to come.
Why not buy one Of vour own. or build
j to suit youf 1 have, plenty of money
to loan on easy payments, and funds
advanced to build. See me for full par-'
ticulars.- H. E. Bolinger, 328 Hubbard
building. ' tf
Peppy orchestra, Brooks dance Thura
day night.- 8-20
Dr. w. Carlton Smith today filed his
armv discharge with the office of the
county recorder. On the discharge is
noted the fact that he was1 in the St.
Mihiel engagements, through the
Meuse-Argonne advance and later .in
the Lys-Schcldt drive in Belgium when
the armistice .was signed. Tho hospital
unit to which Dr. Smith was attached
was not under fire in the St. Mihiel
drive During the Meuse-Argonne ad
vance Dr. Smith was close to the front
lines with the 91st division. In the
drive into Belgium he was under shell
fire from air crafts. At one timet his
hospital was erected close to the fight
ing line at night from tho light gven
br rocket signals. Within the 48 hours,
the hospital was erected and evacuated
and 771 patients operated on and sent
to the rear. On the discharge of Dr.
Smith is tho notation that ho was com
missioned a first Untenant March 24,
1917, ivcn the commission of captain
iNov. 13, 1917, and promoted with the
rank of major Feb. lo, 1919.
A new shipment just received. The famous Cadet : :
Silk Hose, by far the best we have yet had.
Colors: Black, Cordovan and Dark Grey.
$2.45 Pair
1x09 yards report no trouble in regis- trade and' a few medical purposes, the
terms nough pickers to handle the- great bulk of tho bumness is djne with
nop this year. While there may be the English representatives of ; the
tome, picking in a few yards early j great English browing houses. '.'.
next woek, the season In general will . o .
Jet opeuntU the first week in Sop-1. ' Woodry( the auctioneer, goes to
tember. Pioker, will- be paid 60 cents x " Thursday August 28th to
box an advance of 10 cents over that 1 t blio U(fu fl furnlhed
of last year. The ease with winch pick- ' wMey.ntn 1npllto, . Brooks
jrs are found is due partly to the fact -' h known ag h peJ
that there is an acreage this year of , '.,. Th' .nttapa ftr0 now
hopswprcowncd by Harry Borfern of Newport.
about one third that of a
go. (several small tracts Of hoi
plowed .up even as late as last year and
now it is estimated thut the entire
ereatfe in Oregon is only 8000 compar
ed to 25,000 of a few years ago. About
Warner T. Cropp, administrator of
tho estate of Dr. C. F. Oopp, hn8 filed
witn. the county court his final report,
Instantly Removed
Try this simple formula: Go to any
toilet countor and get a bottlo of IVr
willo; apply two or three times daily,
then watch the-'freckles disappear. The
very first application prove it. Once
you try it you will never be without
it. Thousands use it in place of faoe
powder, as it not ouly; removes freck
les, but instantly beautifies the com
plexion as well. There is no substitute
Independence for Derwillo .as no other freckle re-
last year and mover does thi;"Tt gives yon "oay,
90 per cent of tho erop has been con-(showing property on hand worth
tracted for and again sold by local ,Q."9.5.r and cash, fiO.'i.SU. The court has
buyers. Sontxacis run from 25 to 30 j set Sept. 22' as'tho date for the final
cents and were sold on this basis to Rearing and closing of the estate. Ur.
'ringtisa buyers. .yvntlo tbe marltet now ; yropp Kriiiiia,liy.., , or
is from fit) to 52 cents, it is understood i went into the service
that th buyers here did not got ia on .died, of influenza. last .Christmas while wjiitc, .velvety skin everyono "just
lUl radical advance, as they sold early visiting in the city. .. . loves to touch." Sold at. all department
on their contracts, while a few small . ; o - ii.. .--v . . and.'drug stores with, tho distinct un
rales'in five sud ten hale lots are made Lowell L Will, of the Wil music dcrstanding that if you are not pleased
tm this country, for the yeast and dye ihrmo. mH ttnth K, 8im,tl . nf Hulem m every way you eet your money back
' ' "' ' " ' . y NOTK A leading druggist, recently
" - - : ........ .i ..... .. .. . . 3 interviewed, said, "Wo have never sold
any freckle remover which gives 'bet
ter satisfaction tlwin Derwillo. It is
having an enormous sale and we glad'
Jy refund the money, to anvone dissat
isfied. It is guaranteed absolutely harm
less, and is sold at all toilet counters
in this city, including 'the Fry and the
i erry mug stores,
Don't overlook the fact that we made a reputation
by giving quality and service that are unexcelled.
204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Building . .
Buy a Home at Auction
Thursday, Aug. 21, 1919, 2 p. m.
At the corner of South 16th and Mill street, No. 404
This property has fair sized lot with some fruit and
room for garden and near the S. P. depot. Only 3
blocks off State street.
A Nice Little Home
Terms : $500 at 6 per cent "to be carried on place .
Payable $11.00 per month. Balance cash on day of
sale. - Subject to good title. Stop Paying rent.
G. SATTERLEE the real estate auctioneer.
, . ' . Phones, 937-1211
Come and see me. I can sell your farm, city property
or stock, 215-216 Masonic Bldg.
were married, lest cv.uing ut, the per
sonage of the First Methodisl church
by the Rev. R.' N. Avison. Besides tho
mother of the brido and parents of tho
groom, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Will,
a few friends were present to witness
, the ceremony. The newlywcds left for
a week s visit at. 'Newport. The wed-
ding was somewhat of o surprise to
the friends of Mr. Will and in order
that the news might not get out last
evening, Mr. VV ill did not apply for
his license until just as the county
clerk's office wa9 closing. Mr. Will is
a member of tho Iocnl Elks lodge and
a Shriner nnd is well known among tho
business men of the city.
Word was received in the city yes
terday of the death of Emma Rebecca
KightlhiHor at Riverside, Cal. August
li. Tho funeral services were held last
Saturday at titifl Magnolia street, Riv.
eroide. (8)10 was a former resident of
this city.
E. H. Choate, president of the Busi
ness Mens League of the Commercial
club, .is spending the day in Silverton
on Dusineas matters.
Should any one happen to be going
to Kansas Citv. along about September
20th and would like to represent this
part of Oreeon at the fourteenth In
ternational Farm congress, to be held
threo days beginning September 23,
there is a chance to secure proper cre
dentials at the Commercial club. These
credentials as delegate will entitle any
one to take part in all the meetings
and also entitle the holder to pay his
own .expenses,1 as no provision is made
to pay the traveling expenses of dele
gates. ....
New York Seventeen years aso Pa
trolman Cnddell of the New York po
lice wished a tramp good luck and
bought him a suit. Yesterday the tramp
redo up 4n an automobile and invited
him to California."
On vacation, office of Sr. O. L. Scott
chiropractic, closed from August 10th
to Aug. 24th. 8-24
, . , 0 -"
Artificial teeth, have expert plate
man, ' witn over ao years experience,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechlcr den
tist, 302 V. S. Nat, bank bldg. ,tf
Two men wanted to work in vinegar
factory. Gideon Stolz Co. -21
Lieutenant Lamar Tjoze. who was
initiated into the Salem lodge of Elks
at the meeting held August 7, is to
speak next Tuesday evening at tho ar
mory to aid in raising funds for the
women's building at the University of
Oregon. Due to the fact that his fath
er Walter L. Tooze, is also a member
of the lodge, and his brother Captain
Tooze also a member of 336, it is un
derstood the Elks hero will make a
special effort to turn out for the ad
dress next Tuesday evening at the ar-
morv. The last legislature was gencr
ous. enoueh "to give about half Jhe
amount necessary for the. erection 01 a
woman's building at the university,
withra string to -it. This string was
that the university was to get the mon
ey provided a certain amount was .rais
ed. Hence tne eirorrs now uemg inuuu
through the Woman's club of Salem.
Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your
reipair work. Phone 1668, 220 N. Com.
street. ., tf
0 ...
Willard Storage Battery Service Sta
tion will move to 238 N. High St.
I about Sept. lsti Yours for better serv
ice. ' 8-30
They come from everywhere. ..This
morning there was" seen driving around
town a iFortt witn tno loanncr niumi.
The folks weren't real Hawaiian na
tives but just regular every1 day Amer
icans who happened to be living in,
that sugar and pine apple country.
Newport fishing "season opens; ling
cod sliced, 15c, and whole fish 12c per
ponnd; red cod 10c pound. Fitts Mar
ket. , w
We buy liberty bonds. Sit Masoric
building. '. , :r ) tf
We wish to thank our friends and
noighbors for kindness shown during
our recent bereavement inline cieam
of our son, especially do we wish to
thank the K. C.'s and mennbors of CO.
It Mr. and Mrs.1 Rocque.
Try Northern Flour, it's a Bear,
every sack guaranteed. At your gro
cers. '-.' tf
Willard Storage Battery Servire Sta
tion will move to 238 N. High St.
about Sept.' 1st. Yours for better serv
ice. 0-00
We wish to thank, our neighbors and
friends for their kindness and for the
flowers sent during our recent be
reavement. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Grif
fith. - '
The town will be closed Monday,
September 1 as this Js Jt legal holiday.
This closing includes tho po office,
all public offices and also the banks.
In fact, according to Oscar Steolhain-
mcr", secretary of the Business Men's
Ijeaguc, the business men are all lining
up for an all day closing. The only
exception is the meat markets and
bakeries and thev will remain open a
orchestra. Brooks,
"Our Prices Always The Lowest" ,
; Phone 1072
Coml. & Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store
Dallas. Texas Elsie Bashful has fil
ed suit for divorce from John Bashful.
.. Your grocer pays your
money back if you'd
rather have it than Schil
ling Tea. We pay him.
Perhaps you did(n't get
therightflavorof Schilling
Tea. Get your money
back and try again. Do
this until you have found
the kind you like best
There are four kinds of
Schilling Tea. "
Now please do this.
We mean it-and so does
your grocer. -
There are four flavor of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon India, Oolong,
English Breakfast An one quality. In
parchmyn-liiwd moisture-proof packages.
A StAiig& Co Satt Francisco
Salem Cigar Factory is now making
"La Corona" and "Little Salem" ci-
2 nrs exactly as tley were made before
the war. Smoking thom reminds you of
old times. tf
R. F. Peters, who was formerly in
the piano business here, and now lo
cated at Hoquiam, :Wn., is in the city,
called here by the serious illness of his
mother, Mrs. Martha J. Peters, who
recently suffered from a stroke of pa
Dr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, 407-8.
- tf
Dance at Brooks Thurs. night 8-20
Special meeting of Pacific lodge No,
50. A. P. & A. M., tomorrow August
21st at 10:30 a. m. to attend the funer
al of our late Bro. N. B. Brown, of
(lladstone lodge .No. 39o, Gladstone
Mich. Visiting brethren welcome.
Dance Independence Thurs. night.
Overall and apron dance M. B. A.
hall- near Chemawa Saturday night. Of
course dress suits are not barred. Come
and enjoy a real good lively dance. 8-22
The prune market is quiet today and
has been for a week or so or ever since
the government began investigating
'the high cost of. living, linstcrn buy
ers are timid and have sent orders v
erywhero to discontinue buying for the
present. Hence there is no buving or
offering of prunes and the market may
Ibe said to be extremely dull.
Dance Independence Thurs. night.
You can miss anything else but don't
Miss Norma Talmadge in "The New
Moon,' ' Sun., Mon. -or Tues. at the
Oregon. , 8-22
Dr. X O. Matthia will be out of town
for three days, We-., Thurs. and Fri
Herbert Savage of Salem happened
to be one of tho last American soldiers
to leave for America from the army,'
of occupation in Ocrmany. Ho writes
home that he hopes to arrive home ear
ly in September.
Special meeting of Pacific
lolgc No. SO, A. P. & A. M.,
this evening. Work in the M.
M. degree. Visiting brethren
After slowing up for one day, busi
ness again opened up brisk at the mar
riage license counter in the office of
the county clerk. For .be it known, be
fore a marriage license may be secur
el, there are quite a numbe of ques
tions to be legally answered, although
if the prospective groom is a trifle
eni:vc as to the age of the prospect
ive bride, he may simply place on the
record that she is of legal age. Yester
day threo licenses were issued: Edward
Paul "Todd of . Tacoma a teacher and
Ruth E. Hodgesa teacher; John Ktevo
'Saiban, a box maker of Salein and
Marearet Cason Ramsen of Salem:
Lowell I. Will of Saiein, a salesman anu
Ruth E. Smith of Salem.
Bishop's have new styles and lasts
that are the latest styles at moderate
Dance Independence Thurs. night.
You have to walk you will walk
right if you buy shoes at Bishop's.
Dance Independence Thurs. night.
Parcel post packages which are to
ibe registered and letters to be regis
tered must have on them not only the
address of the sender, but tho name as
well. For instance, to have the return
address as 138 South Commercial
street would not bo, sufficient. There
must be also the address of the send
er. About 90 per cent of thoso send
ing registered mail fail to have the
return address properly placed. This
necessitates much explanation by the
registry clerks when a package for
registration is presented and takes a
lot of traveling back and forth be
tween the reaistrv window nnd the
writing desks to get things properly
o ..
Dance in the new hall at Ttarner Sat
urday night; music by Metropol orches
tra of Salem. ......
Hot water
Sure Relief
bUPfor indigestion
We Want
We furnish boxes and crates. Come
and see us before you sell.
We are also in the market for canning
and evaporating apples.
Warehouse High and Ferry Sts. .
Office 542 State St. Salem, Oregon
We buy and sell notes, mort-
4c gages and all kinds of bonds.
S14 Mssonio Building
Balftn, Oregon .
We are on tho market for your cull
apples. Don't let them lay and rot.
4 4 vf
ranges $42.50 to $75.00
SILK FLOSS MATTRESSES... . ... .-$170, $24.00
T 1 T1 1 TUT A -T TTTTnXr T XT
IilVVjlxl.X Ml III V II. IV 1 liai
Peoples Furniture Store
271 N. Commercial St. Salem.
Remember a ew extra d.vrs always
come in haniiy sj pick op your good
cull APPLES and take them to the
P. M. 0EEG0H7, Mgr.
P:.no 2194
1610 N. Com! St.
Did Ton Bead This Advertisement?
Do you want your Freight and Ex
press out of Portland to arrive quicker?
. Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1400