Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 20, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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At no time in the history of Salem's "Great
est Women's Apparel Store" have our prep
arations been more complete. We began a
, study of the market early, and placed our
orders only after careful and thorough in
vestigaton of the styles, merchandise and
values. The resuft is evident in the superior
merchandise now displayed in our Sales
room and Show Windows. Greatest variety
of styles in New Suits, Coats, Coatees,
: Skirts, Dresses, Millinery and Furs ever
shown in Salem now ready for your inspec
tion. ;
Salem Or,
Salem's Greatest Women;s Apparel Store;
THE JUST WRIGHT shoes ate distinctive in quaErj, and range of
THEY come in the popular two-toned effect; in COCOA BROWN,
CORDOVAN, and all the popular colors, so much in demand.
A very pleasing shoe is the two-toned effect in a CHOCOLATE
BROWN, and combination last, this last is one of the most comfort
able ever designed, giving ease, comfort and style: in a snappy, pop
ular snoe.
OUR shoes range in price
from $00 to $15.00 and they
come in all the many, shapes, col-
THE latest and most popular
and the PLAZA.
' ors, and in the two-toned effects.
We have shoes for all your needs
THOSE who are
, troubled with sore
feet, we have a com
fortable shoe; it is
- in a VICI KID and
is : made on . the
'. MUNSON last, in a
stiff toe giving you
good protection
instead of the soft
toe in the Army
THESE are the most .used"
and snappy models that are in
fashion now.
' THIS shoe has
been very popular.
and will be more so
in the future. '
IF you are troub
led by sore feet
come in and let our
shoe man try this
number on you. '.
" FOR real QUALITY, COMFO RT and SERVICE-the three most
important points the JUST WRIGHT shoe sold by BISHOP is beyond
comparison with commonshoes - - -
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron.
Salem WOOleh MillS Store
' (Continued from page one)
dred tanks of tho one man type anrt
three thousand rifles have been shipped
from tho army reserve depot here to
forts on or near the Mexican bordeT
-within the past week, it was learned to
day. The consignment was divided between
Ban Antonio and Fort Bliss.
Officers at the reserve depot declared
the tense Mexican situation had nothing
to do with the recent shipments and
that orders ta transfer the equipment
bad been received weeks a-go. - ' " '
Washington, Aug. 20. The war de
partment received confirmation today States -are better each day," President
of press dispatches which said an ob- Carranza of Mexico, is quoted ns saying
servatiou plane returning to Marfa, Tex in an authorized interview, published in
as, had bes fired on by bandits. the Nation today. '-.
This, it was stated, was the only bor-, ' ' Having passed through tho period
dor communication received by the de- of the war," Carranza said, "the Amcr
partment today. - ' Mean, people are. now convinced that we
Three bandits wore seen about ten remained actually neutral during an
miles west of Candelaria. '.They firod epoch when it would have been to Mex
on the plane. The fire was returned, ico's advantage to enter the world
One horse and one bandit are believed war."
by the aviators to have been killed, j 'Carranza said tho beBt proof of friend
Annfhpr handit escaped to a nearby can- ship the United States could give would
von with his horse going in another di- be to establish freedom of commerce and
rection. Both wings of the. airplane j communication with Mexico, follow h
show bullet holes, it-was reported.";, ' policy of nonintervention and exercise
' V '' - .' ' greater caution in making claims on be-
CAREANZA. SAYS RELATIONS , 4 half of. foreign citizens in Mexieo.
. New York, Aug. 20. (United Press.)
''Our relations with the -United
If hjs, administration . could obtain
arms freely f ro'n the United States, Car
ranza said. Mexico would be pacified by
tho end of the next year, with no help
from the United States beyond vigilance
on the border.
"But to c.chievo' this," he said,
' ' maintenance of an army will' be re
auired at the approximate expense of
150,000,OiU fiC8Q8."
(Continued from page one) .
Heleai and in tho lower Rattlesnako val
ley, five miles from Missoulu, four big
ranches are in ashes. The flames there
are sweeping on, fanned by a strong
wind. Three small fires near Bozemau
caused alarm, but are now under con
trol. :
(Continued from page one)
powers. -France
went on record at the plenary
session at which the league covenant
mi n ilrmt or! with the expression of her
belief that an international army Bnould
be maintained on the Rhine, but such
an army will not be maintained.
European diplomats look upon the
Washington fight on the treaty as en
tirely an internal political affair and
while any interpretation of vital arti
cles that may be made by the senate
will carry a certain amount of weight,
it is hard for a European to undor!:ind
the division of treaty making -powers
under the American constitution. Until
there is some tangible case in wl.'.cli the
American interpretation is enfneed, it
is not likely that a separate senate reso
lution wouid be interpreted as changing
the sense of tho treaty in any way.
Information available to the senators
yesterday stopped at about the same
point that information from the confer
ence ended in Paris.
cer every
where sells
Kellogg's every
The Awcthemt
of the covn
iJuL StcaAxsti
dreds of head. of stock have been de
stroyed and several ranches . burned
north of Missoula by forest fires. The
flames are beyond control. " .
The town of Monarch, in the moun
tains, was surrounded by flames yester
day ev.euing, with the entire population
fonning a living barrier against the
It is feared that several lives have
been lost. "
The Couer D 'Alenes arc smoko palled.
The Placer creek fire, near Wallace is
sprcadiua rapidly. Ncz Perce, Sclway
and Clear jyiter fires are out of coiltrol.
Jacob Curry ,an ngea rancner, is Be
lieved to have been burned to death.
Wililam Johnson of Great Falls, fight
ing the flames in the Sun river district,
was killed by a falling tree.
Many narrow escapes are reported.
Ten men fighting the flames near Mis
soula were cut off by the flames, bnt
Nn towns appear to be in immediate
danger of destruction by the forest fires
according to latest reports. The village
of Monarch, in the Little Belt moun
tains, threatened last night, is reported
out of danger today.
A big forest fire is burning fiercely
at Dry ercek guleh,. three miles from
skintrvuMe apply
It improve a poor complexion and
preserves good one, in tint yuu need
no artificial means to enhance your at
tracrjvermm. At the first atgn oE skin irritation, of
a blotch or a pimple, itching or burning,
apply Reainol Ointment, and see if ft
doesn't bring prompt relief. It con
tains harmless, soothing bataams. and
is so nearry flesh colored that it may be
used on exposed surfaces without at
tracting undue attention.
- Yonavhrietttlk
Dallas, Or., Aug. 20. Information re
celvcd in initios lino ouunuy uiiemuuu
staled that F. E. Davis ,a former promi
nent Dallas business and city council
man, had been killed accidentally by the
discharge of a revolver at his homo in
Phoenix, Arizona. .
Mr. Davis left Dallas "a few months
ago for the Arizona city in-hopes that
the climate would be of benefit to the
health of Mrs. Davis but she gradually
grew worse and passed away several
weeks co. Mr.- Davis was packing tho
household goods for shipment to Port
land where he intended to tnko up his
residence and where ho had accepted a
position as a salesman when tho deplor
able accident occurred. - -
Tiie deceased who whs prominent in
n.illim business circles was for a num
ber of years proprietor of the Davis
Furniture company, the largest estab
lishment of its kind in . the county.
Hhortlv after the war with Germany be
gan he disposed of his furnituro busi
ness and cntercfl tne r. M. J. a. service
us a war worker and was sent to Ban
Diego, where he rcseived a discharge
llil" Inst spring, when ho sold hi resi
dence r:nd other real estate holdings
here a'd n:,-"d to Phoenix.
Mr. Davis ! nvi u two children, a boy
and a girl to mourn ha death. 1 he re
main will in til probability be laid to
rest beside those of Mrs. Davis in the
Phoenix cemetery. ? .
mor years was considered worthless.
The burned over areas in the timber in
tho western part of the county is liter
ally alive with the berries which thrive
on tho mountain sides and near, springs
in tho foothills and tho Falls City can
nery sends out a truck each morning to
gather up the fruit gathered by tnfl picK
cis. . Numbers of people- from Salem and
other valley cities have boon making
Sunday trips into tho hills weBt of
Dallas and gathering tho berries which
woods and during the past wook aovcrnl
parties have been frightened by the ap
pearance of a boar on the other end of a
log from which ,thcy were ' gathering
fruity -. : '' : : ' : ' "
Portland Streetcar Men
Reject War Board Award
Portland, Or., Ang. 20. Tho war lubor
board's rceontly announced wage sched
ule was rejected by the Portland street
are found in largo numbers there. Many .car men's union following a referendum .
of the housewives take cans along with . vote, off lcinls announced today.
them and can the fruit while other mom- Tho vote was 921 to 291. Tho carmen,
bers of the family gather thorn in. " however, voted to work under the sched-
Tho large amount of berries tiavc'ule until tne peace treaty Bnau navo
brought out the bears from tho denser been ratified. '
How Much More Tobacco
Will My Heart Stand?
A Vital Question for Every Man Who
Smokes or Chews to Answer.
and to really quit tnkes more will pow
er than they have and causes more
suffering than they can voluntarily cn-
The heart of ' every user of tobacco l,irK. To nnit tho habit, make H easy
bears a double burden. It does its al- for yourself by getting Nicotol tablets
lotted task and then fights nicotine an(j taking them as directed. The habit
for supremacy. As long as the heart lraanv quits yon and its departure is a
May Cost a Life to Find Out
By Experiment
of tobacco
wins he lives; when it loses he dies, but
before tho final victory of nicotine
vou aiass through many stages of de
cline and decay and suffar many pungs
iiearis are use numau duuiki oumc .
are stronger than others, therefore-
Polk County Evergreen
Crop Largest Yet Known
(Capital Journul Hpecial Service.)
Dallas, Ore., Aug. 20. The crop of
evergreen blackberries in Polk county
this year is bigger than in many years
past and women and children who live
near the canneries near Falls City and
Salem are reaping quite a harvest of
eoin in fathering tbia fruit that in for-
pleasure equal to its indulgence.
If you want to know how much ens
icr it is to quit the habit with Nicotol
than without it, go twenty four hours
without tobacco and noto what on ei-
titri it. 0;nat vmi. then bepin usinff it 9
tome hearts will stand more tobacco ju8uni ttnfl take Nicotol tablots. At tho
than others, but there is a limit to cn(i tff a ygg discontinue smoking or
what any heart can stand. Tho man j chewing for a day and it is probable
who puts this additional strain on hisyou wjh navo n0 desire to resume. At
heart a dozen times a day by smoking ;icn8t Vnur desire will be greatly dU
eiearettes, a pipe or'cigars or chew- niinisliect and another week or two
Inir tobacco is taking a madman
hance with health' and lifo to lose
and nothing to win but the chance that
he may lose them He is indulging in
a costly habit at the expense or pre
cious health. Ask any doctor anywhere,
and he will tell you that using toDacco
should make it not only possible, but
a pleasure to quit.
Manufacturers' Note- Nicotol is sold"
tinder the positive rguanetnecmifwyp
under the positive guarantee that it is
not injurious; that it contains no min
is Injurious and that it is far better to it forming drugs; that it will help any
quit the habit than to experiment to man to throw off the tobacco habit,
ind out how much tobacco your heart
will stand without serious results.
But the thought of quitting is un
pleasant to most men even to those
who know that tobacco injures them gists.
and thnt any druggist will retuno tno
entire purchase price if it fails. It is
dispensed in Salem under this guaran
ty by U. J. iry ana oiner gouu mr.-