THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1919. PAGE FIVE. GtiOD farm team for sale. 6'J6 TraJe stivet 8 19 FOR SALE 58 head of breeding ewes. J. H. Rkotea. Paytoa, Or . 8 t) GIRI wanted at the Glove Fsetorv. 1435 Oak street, steady work. 8 23 iTHE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY i i JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTEZtiT IS TEE BEST SEUJXG UM1 IN HAKIM COUNTY-TRY TEE! F03 RESULTS CI.MmB JlDVTSTTSINO BATES: iuu pat srord Kew Today: Caek iaaertioa Is On uk (I insertions) S Um wonts. (2 insertions) 17a Tk Capital Journal will sot be rtv . wpoiiibla for mors thaa oaa Insertion, tl errors i Hassified Advertisements Bead your sdvertsen-ent the first day it appears and notify a imaieduvlcly if rrwr man. Mimiaa ' charge, 15a. "MARTIN" painter. Phoaa 704. 8 28 WOOD for sals. Phone 2093M. tf FOR KENT Bed room with private bath. Viek Apts, above garage. 8-16 JXR KKN'T Furnished house, close in. ., Call 538 Btate (St. 8 16 .WANTED To rent furnished apart-' stent or house. Phone 4U. 819 WANTED Cattle and calves, anr kind. Phone 1576W. 9 5 WANTED Hay or straw to bale. Phone 1372J. 819 . XEW bicycle for rule. 1650 X. 5th fit. 8-16 GHAVEX8TEIN ipi,los 7ne per box. delivered. Phone SOPH. tf WANTED Three st four room furnish ed houso. Apply 38? Comt St. 8-18 CHEAP apartments for rent, with use ' f well water. Phone 1731 W. tf .1. WANTED Invalid 's aheel chair. Ad dress 220 D St. 818 lUT yonr propertv with 8900LOF SKY. tf tB. BEAVER well driller. Phone 827J. 1165 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 9 9 , IMT your property with SOCOLOF . SKY. . tf UOT your property with SOCOLOF aVKY. tf FOR SALE Elgin tix, 1918 model at liarioa garage. tf FOB the best shoe repairing, go to N. Brueck, 163 8. Coin'l St. 913 BAND quilting neatly dine. Phone 1573J. . . 8 16 FOB hauling and truck work try the Farmers Transfer truck, phone 1608 J, 1170 ri. 13th St. A, U. Biedor , aw. ..,,,.. , . g 4 FOB dress making see Ms. A. IT. Bie derman, 1170 X, 13th St. Phone 1608J. 9-4 XEWPORT cottage for rent in Sept., completely furnished; Xye beach. ; Phone 71. 8 20 - "WANTED To rent S to 7 room mod ern house possession on or before Nov. 1st. Dr. Fred Ellis. tf 'WE make the best power prune dippers. Salem Mfg Co., 1396 N. Front St. tf JAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone 704. tf W. T. WRICHT, Turner, auctioneer, Why not get hiint tf CSOVEBNMENT lcnns at 5 percent. W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com sneree. tf DEKOBATO sanitary wall tint, best made; beautiful new colors. Bnrens Com'l St. tf WALL PAPER 15 cents per double rcll upward. Buron's Furniture Store. 179 Commercial. tf FOR SALE Cheap, 5 rncm house, two lots, plenty fruit; no incumbrance. Phone 1393. 9 9 FAP.M" 60 acres, 45 in cultivation, 15 in timber. A snap. $6000, J1500 cash, balance to suit. 40 acres with first class improve ments, all in cultivation, fine family orehard, s11,000. John H. Scott Ecalty Co., 404 Hubbard bldg. FOB SALB With possession at once, seven room bungalow, lath, toilet, eleetrie lights, one bl".:fr to paved treet, with eorner lot; on easy terms Se P. X. Audresea, sTd X. 14th St. r Thomas E. Cole, 3S7 Mission St., owners. 8-16 h We buy and sell notes, mort- 4c gages and all kinds of bonds. HAWKIrfS k ROBERTS 4 814 Mssonie Building Mt - Balm, Oregon tern mi WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS ii I 314 Masonic Ml Salem Ore. FOB KENT S sleeping rot mi ia Hub bard bldg. Call at loom 304. tf FOR SALE Cheap, berry ranch, 15 acres. Writs Henry Crane, Aumsville. Ur. 823 FOR SALE (New modern bungalow with full sise lot, very reasonable. 1475 N. 4th. 8-16 FOR SALE American adding -taeniae Call at 480 6. l'th St. after 4 o'clock, 8-19 MEX wanted at tile works aear fair pounds. Apply Salem Tile and Mer cantile Co. tf FOB SALE Baltd clover hay sad grain 20 dollars ton. C Huller, one mile south McX.vy stauoa. 8 19 WANTED (Women and girls to work on pears, steady work. Apply Ore gon Packing Co. Thone 226. 8 19 FOR SALE Fine brwd man, 10 years old, weight 1700. W. J3. Farrier, 6 miles south on Priilt tsad. 8 20 FOR SALE Cheap, well improved 5 acre traet 114 mlls from Salem. M ' P care Journal. 8-10 FOB RENT Niee front sleeping room will consider board. 7.5 S 12th St. 8-18 EXPERIENCED man warta to rent prune orehard nnl berCes. 830 Di vision St. 9 14 ELEVATOR girl wanted, day work. Apply in person to Elmo S. White, manager Masonic Tempi. Boom 4C2. 8-16 LIGHT four Studohaker bag. Its a dandy buy and will sell for $300, easy terms. Salem Velie eompany, 162 N. Com. . 8-16 PEACHES for sale, Crawford and El bert as, Vt miles from bridjge on Wallnee road. Phone S6F13. C. C. Chaffee, 9-16 WANTED To Tent five or six room modern house with garage. Phono 1013J or 926. tf i)R SALE A moJern house ready to move into. Come and look it over. 645 3. 12th St. F. A ErUon. tf ! FOB TRADE 320 aere rateh In Har ! ney Co., Or., for Willamette valley property. Box 77, Bt. 4 Salem, Or. I . 8-23 FOR SALE At a 'bargain' 30 ti 40 tons wheat and ont hay in shock. Walter H. Jory, Rt. 3, Phone 30F4. 8-18 BEST business location In the city of Newport for sale; modotn store build ing and improvements. If Interested write W F 25 care Journal. 8-16 WANTED Position in Salem by com petent bookkeeper and stenographer. Will substitute during summer vnca 1 tions. Address Ct 8 Journal. tf EGOS, EGGS, EC1GS Poultrymen 1 can sell your eas and make you a profit. Address II T, 204 Henry bldg. Portland, Or. 8-22 FOR SALE Nine room honss, large lot modern-conveniences, double garnge close in, on street ear line and paved street! G L eare Journal. tf NURSERY STOCK Italian prunes, grafted walnuts and all other kinds of nursery stock for fall delivery. Also a second hand Marweld auto will trade for a good team. Brooks Nursery, Lafayette, Or. 8-28 FARMERS ATTENTION We handle the old reliable Tags fenee direct from factory in ear load lots; Per fection Automatic Gates Milwaukee air pressure water systems, fresfc wa ter direet from spring or well. I J. Davenport, T. D. Allen, Silverton, Pago fence men for Marion and Clackamas counties. 8 18 HOP plekere wanted ia Mitoma yard, we furnish wrood and tents, store on grounds, all former piekers, welcome and new ones ea well, at 60e per box, 114 acre of the very beat la Oregon, register at Adotph ;Hrnj., State St, er Homer H. Smith, Me Corniek bldg., Court St tf BARGAINS 8 aerci river bottom land small bouse, close to town, only $i0. 14 acres same locstioa, good bund iugs, $2300. 23 acr js, new bungalow, river bottom lau 1, $3000. 40 acres close to Salem, fair building, $3000. 40 acres good piuoe land 0 V" acre 7 room bnngi'ow 8J.100. 7 room cottage $100. 5 room cottage, raved stet $1200. F. L. Wood. Payne building. 815 mm WANTED To rest S ar 6 no aue ttese in, prefer one with jsraje. Ad dress) V B care Journal, tf FOit SALE 9 sheep, ia fine condition. J'hon 60F3 after 6 p. m. I Is WANTED Experienced saleslady for millinery. 23 ear Journal 118 WAtXTED 4 or 5 room unfurnished apartment, with bath; close ia. Ad dress J R eare Journal 8-19 FOR SALE One half interest ia saw mill. Write for particulars, B V T (are Journal. 818 BALED HAY All kinds 817, in field st Waeonda. C. a RusseU. Phone 3F3. 822 FOR SALE A few bi.j husky regis tered Angora yea;-iii.g and kid bucks Come and see them. R. W. Hogg, Sa lem, Rt. 2. 8-l FOB SALE 7 roo n house, corner lot, facing east and uj;th, Lew garage, garden spot. All clear Csa give pos session at anr timo. See property at . 1291 N. 4th. Phone 3iFJ. S-l STUJIPAGE for saV, -vcy easonabl for whole tract. Will be at my eabin on premises half cOe north of Quin aby station, Sunday Aug. 17. Alma S. Johnson. 8-16 WANTED Modern hor.K, responsible party, no children; -will lease for 6 months or year. X Y , tare Journ al. tf BARGAIN Five roo.u cottage on pav ed street east Sa?em good plumbing, 81200 .8300 cash bsUm-e monthly payments. F. L. Wood, Payne build ing. 816 I WANT houses to soli. While I claim the best list in the city bar none "I want more." I have the buyers. For the next sixty days I am mak ing a special offer to owners. Call or phone for appointment. C. W. Nwmeyer, 215-216 Masonic building. Phones 10OO and 1014. tf WANTED A truck driver, must be able to take care of car; steady work for good man. Address K eare Journ al. .21 BARGAIN 160 scale stocn and dairy ranch for sale or trade fo property in Maron county. 3 miles from Toledo, Or., M asres level land fit for cultivation B acre has been under cultivation ia oreh ard and grass. County raad through place and school housu ca land. 1 million feet of fir and alder and plonty of vinemaph), 1)4 miles from tide water and all down hill. Wood sold last winter for 912 rt cord at Newport j more thnn emrcgh wood to twice pay for the place. Over three miles of outrange lor cattle, goats and sheep. Adjoining place held at $3000, $2200, three nr.rmni and two creeks on place. Write W F 25 care Journal. 8-16 OLESON'S AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK USED CARS BOUGHT FOB CA6II OR SOLD ON COMMISSION. 1915 Buick 4 cylinder. W0 Chalmers 5 passenger, A 1 condi tion 8275 Studebaker chamij for bug, $125 1916 Maxwell ftOO 1 W 1 8 Chevrolet sednn 5 passenger Ovreland to trade for lot 1!)18 fitudobakcr tKO 1917 fiaxon six 8700 1915 Overland 8500 5 -passenger Studebaker, $180. We sell oils, grf", jjfmline, used auto parts, tirej unA Reccibories. GOOD BUYS 4 acre tract, nearly all cultivated, running ereek, best of soil, small barn. Price $900. $30i) down, balance $100 per year 6 percent interest. SO ncrc tnu't, 63 acres of farm land, balance timber and pasture. Good 8 room house, jbnjn, 10 aires Italian prunes, 6 miles from Salei.i. Price $12, 500. 19 acre tract, nearly atl cultivated, 8 seres in three year old prunes, some cherries and peaches, some fine bottom land, small house, 'bam, good hard road. Price $4300. Well improved 7H acre tract, good house, located on paved road aud street ear line, all kinds of fruit. Price $7500. . 1 acre all cultivated, good 5 room bungalow, close to cariine, good soil. Price $2.-00. Well improved 8 acre traet, bear ing frsit, fine 8 room modern house, water system, cherries aud walnuts, some apples. Price $10,000. Good 8 room modern house, located on paved street, eorner lot, good loca tion, east front. Price $2,000. Well improved 12 aere tract, good 7 room honse, barn, eheiries, prunes and loganberries, good road. Price $10,000. 50 acra tract, 20 acres prunes, 5 j acres of pears, some timber and pas jture, good house, barn and dryer, rock road, 4 miles out. t rice $10,500. 15'i aire traet, pastnrs and timber, Vi acre bottom land cultivated, 5 miles out. Price $1000. 5 acre tract all cultivated, good lo ganberry and strawoerrv land, located south of Salem close to hiWsy on good hard mad. Price 81000. 40 seres of good fruit lanct all cul tivated. Price $4000. $1000 down bal ance 6 perpent interest. 320 acres located two miles from Pn jCifie hichwsy, house ami .lrn; 80 acres cultivated, balance fine timber. Price $40 per sere. 100 seres close to highway, house and barn, good frnit land. Price $O0. 10 sere Kact, si cultivated, S acres in fruit, apples, peaehes and loganber ries, house. Price $2000. 8 are oa main highway, 5 ares in fnin. 4 miles out. .'rice t220O. W. IL CRAWTOST & rn 273 State street 818 girL 223 X. 8-20 RUGS cleaned 40 tents per rug. Phone 18. .Buciner. 8 23 CAXXIXW peaches. Phone 56F12 Rt. 1, box 10A. Wallace road. 8 23 3 ROOM house for rent at Newport for season. W F 25 tare Journal. 8-19 WILL make all kinds of trips with truck. 8. B. Dabsey, Anmsville. 81 YOrXG maa would like job driving car er truek. Phone 762R. 8 21 WANTED Situation as elevator op erator or extra elerk for one. week. Blanche Wilev eare Journal. 8 19 REGISTERED Shropshire sheep for eale all ages, rfoha Doerfler, Salem, lit. '2, box 129A. 8 20 WANTED Middle aged woman who needs a home. Anply 1760 Waller street. 8 20 FOB SALE 1 1000-gallon galvanised tank and 50 feet l'u-iu. pipe. Call 1279 Nebraska St. 8-23 WANTED 3 or 4 evergreen berry pickers. Phone 2061 or 336 N. High. 8-18 FOR 8ALE Cows that are milking and coming fresh this week. Call at "25 8. 13th St. 8 23 FOB RENT Small house, modern, partly turnisnea, f to per month. n X. 16th St. Key across th street in white house. Roy C. Shaw. 8 19 TOR 8ALE 1600 pound team, wagon and harness. K. B. Dabney, Anms ville. 8 18 LOAX wanted from private party on local rea lestate. 1'hone 9i2tt after six p. m. 8-18 FOB ALE Jersey cow, heavy milker registered; test 04. 1541 1 St. Call after 4 p. m. 8-16 PIANX) Excellent instrument for sale less than V4 purchase price. Call 140'J N. 18th Bt. . tf WANTED Boy over 16 to wash clinh es fct WiUamiette eanilaltiuii;. 754 Ferry St. tf WANTED For cash, a modern bun galow by Oct. 1st. Mrs. L B eare Journal. tf WAITED Experienced saleslady for dress goods, silks, etc. 13 care Jour nal. ;, I., 8 18 L08T A small 'whito .female Spitz dog, on Garden road. Phone 66F21. 8 16 IAXST Brown kid gloves on Commer cial or High St. Leave at Journal office. 8-18 EXCHANGE 2 lots, cost owner $680 for Ford, in good condition. Box 16, Marion, Or. 8-16 FOB SALE Wicker bnhy boggy, al most new. Phone 1129 or call 1140 Onk St. 8 19 FOR TRADE One lot and two resi dences, close in uud of security $1, liOtt for farm; will pay difference. Apply 4ii!t State St. tf SELL FOR VS We have choice trees of varieties greatly in demand now. Liberal com .mission with csss ad vance. Secure copy of contract at once. Salem Nursery company, 1O30 Chemekcta St., Salem, Or. 9 16 WILL pay half cash on house, bunga low ulvle Preferred. Wi.II lrunte.T. PoRsession 13 dnvs. L. B. euro Journ al, tf AUCTIONEER G. 8ATTERLEE, Office 215 210 Mason ic bldg. Phono 1211, 1O0O. Real ostate and stock sales. FOB SALE A fine home place close to Halem, SO acres, acres in prunes, good buildings, good road. $17,000. Boom 8, Bayne bldg. 8-19 FOB SALF 70 acre choice land on good roud, one and Vj miles from R. 1. Btafion, rfaJV jUifililings; 40 acres or more cultivated, family or ehard. $10O per acre on ensy terms. Square Deal Realty Co. 1'hone 470. LOST Child's small handbag and hankerchnS between numbers store and six blocks east. Return to city treasurer's office. 8 16 WANTED To buy of owner, 5 room bouse, modern. Describe honse, lo cation and price. Write H M eare Journal. 8-18 7 RKM house for sale; barn, lot 6Hx I '.10; walnuts and other fruit trees. Can keep chickens or enws. Look this tip, it's a bargain. Address 497 8. Capitol. 8-16 U CANT GO WRONGT 20 acres all under eultivation, fam ily orchard. 8 room house, bara, good well, 1 miles from school. Price $2, 500, terms. 3) acres, all under cultivation, 7 miles south ef alcm, at $75 per acre. No improvements. Terms. 120 a'res ea Howell Prairie, $173 per aere. Terms. 13 acres, Inm . swmI improve ments, a fine eWken ranch. $1000, one half cash. 5 acres, close in, fair improvements, 2 sers primes, good fsraily orchard, berries end graphs. $2300. 4 Beliable properties C lOMHSmirwuTYCO 404 Hubbard bnlMlnj WANTED Dining Com. . k j ITY. in an Fall Showing of Ready to Wear Here you will find SUITS, DRESSES, COATS, that have been most carefully chosen for our "exclusive and particular" customers coveriing the demand for Character, Style and Quality r-w-.-:.i'i: , v---- tut ir m m,. FOB SALB Shetlajid pony. Thons 2510J2. 819 MAXWFlLL runabout for sale. Phons 25O0IW2. 818 I)ST Bunch of keys; finder return to Salem Automobile Co. Reward. 8-19 .NOTICE Dirt free for tho hauling. Hoe Dennisoii, 238 High street, Me Gilchrist building. 8-19 I WANT 20 to 50 acres of cleared land within 8 miles of Salem. Can iy 2 or 3 thnuMind down; prefer buildings. Address K K eare Jour nal. 8 23 Ktm HALE 10 aeres of good logan berry laud nil cultivated, located 8 miles south. Price $1400. See E. 1. Graoenhorst, 275 State street. 8-18 KOIt KALE -liurgnhi, fi room house, lnrge lot with fruit, on paved street, at 1.103 N. fit h. Impiire at Gilberts grocery or 424 N. IXth. 8 2 ARE you looking for a hornet I have 2 fino lots on N. Liberty St., will build home to suit you. IMl rventngs C. W. Slist, 1432 N. lth St. or phone 249rl. . 8 16 I HAVE $2000 cash and an 8 room modern house, hot water heat, bunn :n(ht, lights and gas; located in the uiisincps district, bringing in $10 per month for 4 bedrooms upstairs, to trado for a farm, Address 170 Court St. Salem, Or. 8 19 CAPITAL JTItNlSUED Organic and finance industrial, oil, mining and patented enterprises. Handle slock jne commission bSsis. Sell in facilities. Established clientele. References exchanged. Thompson, Martin Co., 1211 Chestnut St. Phila delphia, . a. FOR SALF 63 aere farm located east of Salem, all cultivated, good house and liarn good soil. Price $ir0 per acre. See Fred W. Ihirlin, 275 State street. 8 18 FOB SALE Or Esehange. 60 a re sheep ranch, $33 per aere, fir Sa lem rcsidenes er small farm, or v. hat have you Jit. 1 box 66, Ilrowns rille, Or. 8 22 WANTED-Two boys 18 to 21 for ad ertising. Call llut.-l Marios after 5 p. m, Saturday, after 10 a. m. Hun day. Mr. Shank. 8 16 WANTEDTo vint and repair your leakr roof before rainy season. Ex aminatioa and estimates free. AH work gnsrasteed. Addrees Frank Mays, Oca. Del. Salem, Or. 8 19 FOR SALB 5 room California bunga low, eleetrie lights, bath, fireplure. elie in: will take an auto as part T-svme7it time on part; block from na74 street, on block to ear Hue. Enquire of J. W. Jones, 1H2 X Commercial street. 8 21 I v iJOOOliLciC0DG Character and Quality WE URGE YOU TO COME AND SEE OUR Advance Fall Showing The Styles have been selected for their f CORRECTNESS and SERVICEABIL There is a treat in store for you. examination of our beautiful rr FOB RENT--Three flats, unfurnished, walking distance,' first elaxs shape. Address Flats care Journal. 819 IXH'UT.FtrL you are a wonder, rente out in the open, let's get acquainted. You can have your old job again. 8-18 WOOD for sale; wo arc now unloading a car of nieo second growth fir wood Order at once if you want wood. Phone 251 or 622. 8 19 FOR HALE A sow with ! pi:s and one sow ami 2 pigs. F. J. Wolf, 111. 9, box 13, I'i miles north fnir grounds on J'neifie highway. Call bet ween 12 mid I p. m. 8 1H EOH WALK Five good milk cows, fresh and coining fresh; ul"o 1 span mules. liHjuire Cherry City feed bams. 1'liouo 2109. 8 18 0 R(M.M house and two lots; douse in need of some repairs, located on S. 20ih. You make tin) terms cud any offer that is reasonable will not be refused; or will exchange. Sec H. H. Kudelitf, Jluyno bldg. 816 A SEAL HOME 5 room strictly modern bungalow, full basement, all nuilt in features; largo lot. ee it. $7.Vl. $154)0 cash, balanco terms. John II. Kcott Realty Co., 404 Hubbard bMg. PGR SALE Nearly new Ford worm drive truek with platform body, new tires; a iNirgain at ?."(; will accept liberty bonds, or small ear as part payment. 147 S. Com'l St. Phone 037 or 1I25J. tf WANTED To hear from party who will sell a tract of good valley land sonic improvements preferred; suit able for small fruit, from 20 to r0 acres, and will defer payments, and accept only interest firnt two ywrs. A B Y, Salem, Or, gen del. 8 23 40 ACRES A Ttnnk a'counl wsits you if you buy this. All in cultivation, 13 acres of loganberries, 13 acre.i of primes; loeated about 3 miles f'em Halem. On the paved road smth. We can show you this is a big dividend pay; the pi ice is less than any prop erty in the same vieinity is selling for, can arrange terms on part. If you have property for sale list with me. I waul si veral cheap city prop erties, ii, S. Iladeliff, r.ivne build ing. 8 16 WORKINU man will purchase ' home on installment ' ian. Ftult nd good lot. Have (rood job ia city. Can pay $20 -a mouth. 'Kin't want any I agents to pay conn ilssion to. H eare Journal. tf' SALESMAN wan'n!, man experienced in farm machinery preferred. Apnly Salem Velio coaipanv 102 N. Com 8 16 mereial. POSITION wanted by young man, eimiCtcut xtorc salesman and shiu pin Marnier. Adduss A If 1W7 Mill 8 . 8 21 -O s m The most pleasing show ing of charming Waists In Dainty and beautiful GEORGETTE CREPE, In those new flowered ' and fancy figured de- signs. BEST BUYS. 44 acres on Howell prairie, 'j cleared 4 aeres prunes, 8 room house,, barn, new woveu wire fence, running water; can bo bought for $1000 down, balance at 6 percent. 160 acres in Lake county to trudo for house in Haleis. 7 room plastered house on graveled street, cur lino, large lot, fruit. $laOC. $300 down, balance to suit. 40 acres, all cultivated, 15 logins, some primes, eloe in on pavement; on ly $:il)0 per acre. fi room house c!ee to Englcwooil school, 2 lots, gai-aic; $1150, t room house oil ruvilid street, close to Grant s.'IumiI, car line, good lot, only $IOiil. 20 aeres. 10 cull'.vute 1. ftorini water. finally orchard, buildings, rock rend, I ti loile sellout a lid Nation, miles Salem: 3-,.1t). 40 acres best valley loam, 30 cleared. 7 room limine, burn, spring and wellj rock road, 3 miles city limits, only $200 per acre. 7 room bungalow with basement; htuuly for man working for oil com pany, $1300. $100 down, balanco in stallments. 10 acres in crop, U mile Salem, fam ily on hnrd, burn, hog house, well, crop and stock goes nt f l'.'iO, 160 acres, !23 acres clouted, family orehard, buildings, running water, rock road; S miles Salem; $23,000. 3 acres just outside rity limits, good house and Imrn, fruit and berries, own water svstem, gravel stree' ; cheap at 4D00. 6 room liiingntnw in god condition; fruit and garden, pavement; yonr chau.e. $100U. Final! pimttent. Good fl room burgntow in fino lo cation, liaved Hlreet. e.lnso par nm! school, shady lawn, I.I20O, $1000 down oaiiineo to suit. I 22 acres 1 mile lown, gravel road, best soil, all euftivated; 7 acres clover 1 family orchard, buildings; priced right at $S000. 10 aeres in fruit, 4 lngaiis, 8 cherries close .alein, $12'0. A good buy. 10(1 acres on good.rrmd, to be pavetl, 70 acres cleared, shoot 30 acres brnsh pasture, family orchard new modem house, dairy barn, silo, well and ereek, onk- 4 miles Halem. at 8190 per acre. Le-d all around it 2uf and $223. S acres in cultivation, in good loen tie. close Halem; tl.'Ofl. Move into ti room furnished bunga low; 1 .1(10. I 1 SOCOLCFSKY 341 Siate F R SALE Huid fpur 3 passenger 'ni in good eomli'lor; rfo this ear t appreciate its reel smth. Halem Velie company, 1(3 N. Com. 8-16 NEW TODAY ADS C0NTINUEDPAGE6