Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 18, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Editorial Page of The Capital Journal
I Jit or nai Pui-itBiar
August 18, 1919 g2u
m :
Perished Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Addraw All CoaUsnaieatioM T
)t 3ailnl Journal
In nine ways this man was square and public-serving.
Now how are nations who think in straight lines to
i know how to help a people like that
138 3. Commercial 8t
ky Carriar, vet yet 13.00 Per Montk-
Bally by Mall, per Jr 13.09 Per Month-
W D. Ward. Kew York, Tribuna Buildinf .
W. H. Btoekwell, Chicago, People's Ou Build'uf
t"ae Dlly Capital Journal eirrer boyi r instructed to pot the plers
rtk. II the earrirr doei ot do this, mine yo, or aegleeti gottipf the pa
yon oi time, kindly pkone U eirtulatioa manager, u this U the anry s
j . v.tk.. an ka pr"ipr fnllawinr instructions. Fhi
I paper
nrr kit
w. 7v. - r - --- --:: uv..
mm Ml determine vbHbf or Sot tne earners are iuuuwing iu.iruci.uiw. .
IX before 7:30 o'clock tad paper will be sent yon by ipeeUl tneeseager 11 Ue
sarrier ki i missed 70a. ,
la tke only aewspaper ia Salem whoae escalation U guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulation.
That Russians are more foreign than other nations
is the belief, expressed in Harper's Magazine, of Arthur
P.ullard, who spent a good deal of time during the war in
Petrograd and Moscow for the Committee on Public In
formation. -
"Once you get really to know a Briton, a German, an
Italian or a Turk, you can prophesy with fair accuracy
what he will do under given circumstances. We expect
certain combination of qualities. If we know such a
man does not cheat at cards, we are pretty sure he will
not steal from the collection-basket at church. If we
know he is cruel to dogs, we don't expect him to be kind
to children. But such combinations of character do flot
always hold true with Russians. A Russian acquaintance
nine times running may do just what, from your previous
knowledge of him, you would expent, and then, the tenth
time, act in complete contradiction to what you thought
was his character."
The charming family with whom he lived, for instance
to all appearances trustworthy, entertained lavishly with
his store of provisions while he spent two weeks out of
town. Upon his return everything wa? gone, but the cod
fish which they did not know how to cook. They were
fcincerely sorry 'that business kept him away while the fun
was going on ! The supplies from' America---would have
kept the whole family all winter. It never occurred to
them they were doing anything out of the way.
Every well-to-do family had some "system"" for get-'
ving food. One clever family had traded "some useless
thing like a gold-mine or muniti.on plant for a cigarette
factory." They could buy anything with cigarettes. They
even had white bread for which they bi ilied the chief sur
geon of a hospital with cigarettes. It was part of a small
supply bakc
black bread.
Another man, honest, public-spirited, intelligent, had
himself elected a meaiher of the Food Committee so he
could pet all the food he wanted for hrs own table. Mr.
Billiard says he can imagine a man in some other country
who would do that but he would be otherwise a vil'.ian.
The recent statement of the Japanese government,
through Foreign Minister Uchido, regarding Shantung
peninsula, was not as explicit as many Americans had
hoped. Still, it goes pretty far to clear up an unpleasant
According to his statement, Japan is willing to re
store to China the whole of the territory in question, and
to enter into negotiations with the government at Peking
regarding the necessary arrangement to give effect to
the pledge at the soonest possible time after the Versailles
treaty has been ratified by Japan.
The Mikado's government formally disclaims, as it
has done before, any intention of retaining political ju
risdiction in the Shantung; province that is to sav ruling
over the Chinese there. The territorial sovereignty is to
be restored to China. Japanese troops are to be with
drawn as soon as the necessary arrangements can be
made. In compliance with assuranre given by the peace
delegation at the peace conference, Japan seeks only to
keep the economic privileges granted by China to Ger
many. There will be a Chinese police force for the rail
roat, with Japanese officials approved by the Chinese
government, l he city of Tsing Tau is to be made a "for
eign city , dominated very likely by the Japanese, but not
excluding any otner nationality.
China, it appears, is not fully satisfied with this. She
would rather have the Japanese ousted entirely, business
men as well as soldiers and political officials. So would
the Americans. It is clear, however, that if Japan fulfills
these promises, China is at least in better plight than she
would have been had Japan left the Germans in posses
sion. 1 .
Japan therefore appears in the light of having done
China a favor, but not so great and disinterested a favor
as the Chinese and Americans hoped she would.
If the government is to buy the railroads, why not
the packing business? And if the packing business, why
not the steel business? And then the auto business, the
newspapers, and farms? It would only take two or three
hundred billions to make a cleaasweep r nd we could all go
on a vacation while the government officials did the work.
They are trying the scheme out in Russia now and to a
limited extent in North Dakota. Why "not adopt as a
national slogan, "nobody works but Uncle; Sam?" 1
Butter is said to be $7.50 a roll in Petrograd and
mighty poor butter at that. One of the blessings of bol
shevik rule where nobody works because politics takes all
their time, and therefore there is lack of organized indus
try and production.
New Mexico claims a half-mile strip along her north-
for soldiers too badly wounded to digest! tin boundary, and is suing Colorado. for it. In Europe
tney would go to war. over it. -
Those opponents of the League of Nations covenant
in the senate seem more concerned about the rights of
China than the interests of the United States.
By Walt Mason
Nearly everybody seems to be striking except Mr.
Common People, alias Consuming Public. And if he gon
dii strike and stops paying something is going to happen.
I own my home, and life's a pome, from outside to the
tenter; I'm full, inside, of honest pride; I'm sorry for the
renter. I own my shack both front and back, the kitchen
and the porches; and here I sit and feel I'm it, and smoke it
. a. a . 1 rr l a i . .i I
iny nve-eem; lorcnes. i ne iree ami vine are stncuy mine,
the concrete walks and hedges, the elms and yews, old
cans and shoes, the ax and saw and wedges. The house
is old, the rooms are cold, the roof is often leaking, and
iti the night, when men sleep tight, I hear the front gate
creaking. But it is mine, this shack of pine, and there's
mortgage on it; and here I sit and do my bit at writing ode
Mid sonnet. My house is cheap; no footmen keep their
vigils in its hallwaysi no butler stern with pomp to burn
here cembs his auburn galways. My louse is punk, the
doors are shrunk, the windows shake r.nd rattle; and on
the stairs and under chairs the vats and rats give battle.
It isn't fine, but it is mine; with smiles I bid you enter; I
pm the king while here, by jing; I'm sorry for the renter.
(Written for the United State
School Gnrden A i my, Depart
ment of the Interior.)
Then Hhe knew that she was again look
inj; lit the poor home of little Marie.
All the Fairies seemed to be dancing to
wiird the little French girl, who was
Mr.n'riing ill .front of her poor imit
'Oh," cried Marie and Dolly could
understand her although she, wan speak
ing rrcmn. "Mow iivciy- now sweet
Established 18G3
General Banking Business
Commencing June IGth Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
how benutiful! "
She rim to the doors of the poor
houses and cnlkd out ull the other cliil
! dren.
Thev came rnnntfi fr"m every aide
jnnd when I hey saw the Fairies they were
Th ii crime n pioi'c!i"n (if ull theaii ext iU'd an Marie had been.
IVwilnip Kf.lrii'H that Dolly knew n id' " Look look," cried n little Imy.
many more that nhe had never wen. " They are American Fairies they earry
There was the Kailili. with hi luilit the Ntar nnd htnpen." He brought lip
roil f:i' e nad his (jieen suit. He seemed Jus little hand in a m.lnto. "See, there
to like to jo aloiij; on hi IiiimiIh hi Hint, in the flau of the United rtate Sehool
lin hen.l, nus down Hilil hii lex up in (iuiden Army!"
the air mint of the time. The yneeu of the Fairies tepd for-
There wan the Pea Itliuutom in her ward,
sweet while rohea. There was the tiood' "My ihililrei," nhe wiid, "your
Natuied 1'aiiy in her tiht diegs aud. Auiernau linuhern and niMern have .!
there mil the Fairy in the Pink Vest al ' us to toil yon that never again, an long
imipt rolling he ii! ,i fat. a they have food, ehall von he hungry.
The Very Tall Fairy was one of the Thev are woikinjj for you in their 1". s.
piettient, with hei l g pale yellow hair i H. (i. A, jrnrdens. Far out on the r.ig
1 treHiuiiiu out ill the hreeffv The " Low prair es golden (Train ia ripening in fh:'
hy Wm hi" wn there tmi, nnd the "Oar-1 fields o that yeii.mny have bread.
den Tark." The "Oarden Aoe" wa loi a in the earth tlie lirown potntuea are
lwiftle flutterinc above, ami near h!m growli nnd the white onion for your
'm the Winged Flower-the Huiterfly jicw. The United Mate Ht'heul ttatde
that had ut.i be u nothing but a eater ! Army in fmlitir.g agsumt hunger, and, s
pillar. jthey have he!ed to aril great Metories
MMi- oh oh!" rrPii Dully, each on the battle fields, they will help
Mlh" louder than the but: "I never .your country to live until ymi ran rie
ftiiUhing flo l-iautlfol. Oor IVgea'it year own frii again. VVV route to
I fimi 't o pretty! " bring ynu this mcyaagc"
' Mie taine.l anuind to ieuV tn the1 Do'ly heerd all the rhildren ekr.
Fa'uv luieii. Hut the (jtiren Wks uo Then nhe heard the fairy muie nsain
longer b, nle her, nud w hen Dobv bxk very faint and weet. Kvervthi ig faded
ed into the ibilrep ajin, there wa the awav and ahe found herself looking at
jyneen floating along in her lovely dtew her own garden and it? neat town of
that Lx'Ved a thought It had been Ppun , beam gad pen aud er.blrt and torn
out of the rainbow. ,m-. Mu drew a long breath.
UmIIv limkt'd with alt her eye when "H..w glad I am.'1 ahe said oftly.i
'suddenly the tree .-r-d to W 'hang-, "that I trlMi to the Ui't'd State1
ieg into ineks and temb!e' e"iwB btaM a. rvhwt Cat den Ana jr.
Hunting A Husband
"I've Rot to run over to Morely for a
new blade. Won't you girls go with
met" asked Jaek Wilson at luiieh.
"Sorry, but I eau't," said Harriet.
" Vou go, Sally, it "a a pretty ride. Aud
you've beeu newing too much for mc
. Ho Jaek Wilson and I drove out In
the runabout ou that bright crp after-1
uoon. . I
ivvi.;..k it v i. 1
v . '. . ,, .,, . ,'ionlv know I must get awav, that Harriet
' kmiK- iut !r iUiih 1 miiiiI -
"Don't tall me Mr. Wilson, call mei
Jaek," he said.
All right," I uetiieseod faintly. I'lj p tTT'll n '
am sure iny feeling about Harriet hus lieW rrenCII AlUly Villi D8 i
baud is wrong. For he has been veiv I Tt ri . ne it ' I
niee to me aiure I visited Hatty. But
somehow he does not attraet me.
But this afternoon hp talked most in
terestingly. He told ine about the farm,
aud then bruuelied off to hims'df. Jle Franee will maintain
things I eould think of. And I thought I present demobiKzmtiOa plans rail for
very fast just then. JUle diehare M nil bat fii)O.00; bffora
He looked at me sullenly. At last hj November 1. Germany now has about
said, "What do, you take me for any-j 40O.O0O tuo la her voluntevr t armies,
how, living in the Itonse for a month 1 This number mnvt lie redueed to 200,000
with an attractive girlf during the next few mouths. Henee, iat
-" I took vou for a tenth-man," I said I v. . ... ' , ,
' NovemlK-r. with France s drnnLuiza-
"I wv, Sallv, if vou wn't sav anv-''"" completed and Germany reduced to
thing to" Harriet about it, I wont cven i ,h arnl.v ln'd her by the treuty,
l(H.k at you the rest of the time you 're j France will still have full control of tu
!,,,, " " I situation.
I haterl to make a compact with this n -Mur,;h 31. ,!-0. Gvrmaiy wiU
man. But it seemed the simplest -wnrin 'lv" dcniobilm-d all. but a lr
out. So I consented. mnnent staudiug force of tttO,f00 men.
The rest of the drive was a silent Oue.i W'U date still have 6U0,-
When we reached the farm, Harriot 000 ""obiliied. or a superiority of
said, "Dr. liixbv has just gone." It0 l- ' "lv 1,111 rrauce men ue m a,
I eould not think of Dr. Bixby. -t'lwaition to wuteh Germany elosely, but
she. win oe aiaiM also uy tne occupation
must not be hurt. ! 'owes or tne l mtea Males, tngtana
(Tomorrow The End of the F.pisnde.) "d Belgium.
nun vtormanv raus reuueeii in iniu
tarv strength, France has hopes cf al
lessening the term of service for her
T arrfAr Trtnn TKf Of H.mc' "! Th" Frp,"'h i;l ,n, r""
.Hugw mail !JUt vi HUdJ Woit driven to Img term obligatory ser-
I vice by Germany. The future promises
raris. -(By Mail.) Though eugtgit,to remove this cause permanent. TI10
in demobilizing her entire reserve aruiv.i tiOO.tKMt men France will for the time
a nuuierieal au- beins retain under crms consist of two
was still talking about himself, while j prcmary of at least three to one over classes, those of 1018 and 1919 as well
was idly watching the grey haze thut Germany 's military forces, thus guaran- 119 the professional and colonial troops,
covered the hiils, when we passed Dr. I toeing the outenrryiiif! of the treaty' ' '
Bixbv's buggv.
I thought in the fleeting glimpse
Have Us Examine Your Eyes 4
If its ghvsses yon need we can fit you no matter bow difficult your
enso may be. We .guarantee eTery pair of glasses wc make. Come in
and have your eye examined. '
Jewelers and Opticians
Northw est Corner of Slate and Liberty Streets
terms. i Oregon and Washington veterinarian
At the present time France has nei;r-iure meeting at Tacnuia in ?nn;ial ses-
cnught of the doctor, that his expression !y two million men under arms, but the tidn.
was rather queer. His eyebrows lifted , m
in an odd wav. "
"Bixby ' a fuunv fellow," an id Jack. HNMMHHBMHB
"lie iiws that old buggy to make his '
country culls. Snv's it makes the native
trust him more!"
At the mention of Dr. Bixby's name I
looked tip into Mr. JVilson'g fi;ce. '
"By George, Sally," ho said, "you
have pretty eyes."
Somehow I did not like to hear my
mime on his lips. J. felt the color rising
up to my temples.
"Your eyes aren't the only pretty,
thing about you, little girt," he said.;
He put a strong hand over mine. i
" tt me go!" I said angrily. '
He continued to hold my hund. Hoi
looked down into my angry face. j
"Not before I've kissed you," he!
said. -j
I twisted aside my head. i
In' the struggle the ear had run to'
the side of the road. It was onlv bv the
(iiiek turn of H14 wheel thut he stopped
it frost mulling into the stone wall.
"You're a little devil!" he said.
I caught my breath. Then I snid to
Jack Wilson all tho biting garvivtie
JobP r lilting
The Quickener Press
193 N Com'l-ovor Gale A Co.
Q. E. Brookim, Proprietor
When you start for "the yards" you will want to prepare yourselves with
comfortable, easy shoes that will at the same time stand the wear and protect
your feet. "We've got 'em" for you, call and examine them.
For the Ladies and Girls the most of them prefer
the Elk Outing Shoes that have been so satisfac
tory, at
Then some like Kids, Gun Metals at from up
and others like the Canvas Shoes at $1.93 up. Most
of the Men and Boys prefer the Elk Outing JBals
in either Brown or Black at for Men's Sizes $2.59.
Boys' sizes
For the Girls and Children the Elk or Brown Elk
Shoes at $2.93 up or Canvas from
$1.95 u?
Or Gun Metal or Kids at
$3.65 up
We can only give a iew suggestions of the many good things but you can see
anything you want when you come. Dress fchoes for every member of any fam
ily, in all sorts of kinds and "L LKl i Alit WAKKANTED TO WEAR". Get
your Fly Swatter I ree if you haven t already done so.
Littler &Upmeyer