Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 16, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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By Gertrude Bobisoa
COM IX' J a a complete surprise to
li t but Saleia friends, announce
ment i made of the engagement
of Lieuteaent Lunar Tooie to Mia
Marie Sheahan, an Oregon Cily girl
temporarily residing ia Canada. Lieu
tenant Tool i the ob of Mr. an. I
Mr. Walter 1- T.uozr, and i une of
far most widely known young men in
the atate of Oregon. He ha recently
returned from overaea and ia at pres
ent conducting a aerie of lecture thru
ut the atate for the benefit of the wo
mii'i building fund of the laiversity
of Urvaon. The wedding will be at
Ocean Falls, B. C, September 11. Mr.
Tooie will give bia laat lectur of the
tour September 2 at Pendleton tir-d
will leave for Canada the next day. '
Both Miae heahan and her fiance
ttere student ml the University of Ore
gon in lit' 4. Mist Hheahan continued
her tudiee tt the 1'niversity of Wis
consin and Lieutenant Toone, after hi
graduation from the 1'niversity of Ore
gon in 1U10 went to Harvard law
school Before hie enlistment. He tervea'
wilh Company L, 3iHth infantry of the
91st division, and Inter atudied law
and Freneh at the Sarbonne. He ia
lieta Theta l'i nian and Mis Rliouhan
is a member of the Chi Omega sorority-
After their marriage they will leave
over the Canadian a'acific for Cam
bridge, Massachusetts, where they will
make their home during the next two
year while Mr. Toor.e complete hi
atuilie. They expect to return to Ore
Son. Undoubtedly one of the mutt im
portant eventa of the soasoa wan the
aiait of the national editorial eonven-
tion laat Sunday. Aa nual, the Kalcm,
'Women' club, taking the matter ia
Said, carried it on w;th eharucturiatte
Initiative and made it a remarkable
success. Under the experienced direc
tions of Mra. Zadoe Biggs, president of
the club, the park surrounding the rap
itol building wn appropriately, dero
gated, and tablet plaeed in group, for
the proper aerving of the banquet. A
bevy of young girl misted tht wo
men ia serving. After tht speeches fol
lowing the banquet, the visitort were
SueMs of the Commercial club during
tight teeing motor trip about the
city. The party left on an evening
Popular member of the younger nodal set, who baa returned
tended Ylmt with relative! and friend In California.
from an ex-
Mr. and Mra. P. E. Fullerton and I Tmong thoee who have returned aft-
Mr. and Mra, Lee C'aufiold have re-er tpendmg their vucation out of the
turned from a delightful two weekaietate are Mr. and Mra. A. A, Gueffroy
I motor trip through Washington and
liltriti.h I'nlitnihiH 1'k nrinitiiit Hnnnil
. ....... . ...w , r
cities were visited and a brief itnp
made at Rainier National pink, Ve-i
toria and Vancouver were among tho
British H'oluinlia cities) viwted. The
party hat the tame tale to tell at oth
er northern travti'ora, concerning ab
normal tourist traffic, and the diffi
culty in securing accommodations.
Announcement it made of the en
gagement of Misa Ituth Hodge of 158
train, highly pleased with Hnlem and North 12th. street, and Kdward Paul
very appreciative of the cordial re-; Todd of Tacoma, Washington, the wed
reution tendered them while in the
late rapitol.
A pretty wedding took place at the
loin of htt. and Mra Thad Hiding of
l.ebsaon, Tuesday, August LIth, whea
If is Hiella ltlinston was united in
Marriage to Sylvester A. Perry, both
, t Selera. The house waa attractively
iecoratrd with tweet peat and fern.
The bride waa attired in a dainty dress,
f white crepe de chine and carried a
hower bouquet of tweet peat and
fern. Reverend Varnes officiated, ut
lag the ring ceremony. Tht terviee wat
followed by a delicious wedding lunch
eon, and immediately afterward the
ronng couple left oa a ihort wedding
rin to l'ortlnnd.
The list of wedding guest included
iA. M. ltllnaton, Mr. and Mr. T. M.
lone, Mra Daisy Melntyre, Mas Anni
Wrlntyre, r. and r. O. 1). Noedliam,
Albert Needham, las Beryl iNuedliam,
r. and Mra. Thad Sterling and Miss
Jlsiicl Sterling.
ding to take place next Wednesday,
August -2lHh. Misa Hodge is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mra. 1), A. Hodge, prom
inent Salem people. Mr. TooM ia the
son of ibdward 11. Todd, president of
the lacoma college or Christian Set-
ence, and formerly vice president of
Willamette university in thit city,
A large number nf Hnlem women ae
eompaniud the Kike on their trip to
Klamath Kails to attend the ttate eon
vention in that city. A great many of
them inotored down with the variuut
automobile partiea who chose car in
preference to the Pullman aceommoda
tion. Others chose tho latter method,
however, among whom were Mr. Ed
Tulinon, Mr. Charles Kurth, Mr. John
(trailer, Mra Karl Anderson, Mist
Hunt, Mrs. Robert Craig, Mrs. Pert
Jerman, Misa llallio 1 Gibson and
Miss Verne C. Gibson.
An interesting visitor in the eity is
Miss Helle Granger, a navy Red Cross
nam., h k I. u . , U...
Among the many eastcrneri who are ij,,,, 01 , ,th's furlough and is
Visiting in Selem this seaiion tome of
the most interesting are Mr. and Mrs.
V. J. Perry aud liaby of .New Vork
ity, who ere guest, at tho 1'. (. Per
rv residence, Mr. and Mrs. Perry m
tared from their home, making the en
tire transcontinental trip in twenty
two ila.s a. They will rcuiniti in Mnlein
about a week and motor from here to
':i!ifuniis.. A is usual with tourists,
thev are entranced with Oregon, es-
ie'ially the Willamette valley, and nre
4'ein riMn iu their pruise of everything
pertaining to the stale.
a guest at the home of her sistert Mrs)
). A. Mel guard. Miss (Irnnger has been
in the service for more than a year,
ii ml in stationed Inst winter at Mare
ilslsnd. Whe is a charming young larly
aud possessed of a moat engaging (lis
itisilion. .Many little informal social
affair are being planned in her honor
during her visit here.
Miss I.eona Wiednier, who has been
soen ling the pnst two weeks at the
Wiedmor eottngo at Newport, will re
turn homo this eveninjf.
and little dauvhter Claudine. having
returned laat Saturday from an auto
mobile tour of Washington. They vis
ited Seattle, Tacoma, Camp Lewis and
kuinier National park, spending three
do v in Paradife valley in the park.
They were unable to mike the ascent
to the ton of the mountain on account
of weather conditions but they did go
up to aoout 8000 feet where they had
a wonderful view of the peak and it
slopes, einyont and glacier, They ttiil
found a considerable amount of eaow
in Paradise valley.
Mr. Gueffroy reports that they found
so mo bad roads in Washington and
lot of road work, and paving ia being
done which causes a considerable
amount of detuuring. All together they
drove nearly a thousand mile. They
also visited with the O. K. tinstave
sons, formerly of Haicm. They report
a wonderful trip, especially the one to
Mt. Rainier, but are glad to get bach
to Salem. Mr. Gueffroy it receiving
teller at the Capital National bank.
Word has bee a received by Rever
end and Mr. U. Y. Holt frwm their
son. Lieutenant Herbert B. Holt, that
he U at Brest with 10,OW other off:
cere, awaiting1 order, to fail for home.
Lieutenant iioj has beea ia Belgium
for some time and hi parents are ex
pecting a telegram any day, now, an
Bouncing his arrival ia the atates.
A motor party included ia which
were Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Darby and
daughter Helen, Mr. and Mrs. B. L.
Darby and daughter Louise ef tiles
dale, went te Vaacoaver Wednesday
for a brief visit with their sister aaa
brother in law, Mr. and, Mrs. Heary
Cross. ,
- '
- The board of regents of the I' adver
sity ef Oregon yesterday authorized
L. H. Johntoa te turn over to the Mate
treasurer $50,000 ia gift money, receiv
ed from more than 300 individuals and
30 cluba and organization for the
building of a woman I gymnasium and
social center at that iastitution. The
state will match this gift and the
$100,000 will cover the contract for
the foundations, walls and roof of the
..u.n-. back ef thit simple announce
ment ia a story of toil and sacrifice
on the part of friends, students and
alumni who have beea waging this
campaign for funds for aix years. Tht
need tor the building was great and
there wat no relief in sight from the
legislature, to determined friends un
dertook to raise the mueh needed mon
ey by email gifta and pledge secured
throughout the state. The last legisla
ture conditionallr gave fl00,000 to
thi fund if tho "other $100,000 needed
was raiaed by private g'.fta. With half
the amount in the hands of the state
treasurer and the building under way,
the students and friends must now re
double their effort and raise the re
maining $37,000- necessary to eomplete
the $100,000 in gift money.
..Mra. A. W. Howell waa hostess for
a pleasant dinner party oa Thursday
evening at her home on Jerris avenue.
The honor guest was Mrs. MaeNider,
mother of Mrs, F. J. Rupert of this
citv. During the afternoon Harold Ru
pert took several photographs of the
group. Those circling the Unner table
were Mra. MaeiNider, Mr. and Mr. P.
J. Rupert, Mrs. T. O. Davidson, Mies
Ethel Rnpert, Harold Rupert and the
hostess. Mr, T. C. Davidson very gra
ciously assisted the hostess during tht
afternoon and evening.
Mis iDocothy Pearct left yesterday
for California for a visit with friends
in Berkeley and San Francisco. She
will be in the southern, state duriag
the review of the new .Pacific fleet
and will return to her home in Salem
ia time to resume her piano work oa
October first.
'. VCecl But that's
- - Jood coffee." .
For Breakfast
Good coffee and good butter are essential.
Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is rich but not
Different in taste from other coffee and
Remember the brand Folgcr's Golden Gate
An attractive young visitor in tht
capital eity ia ants Lena emergent, who
is the house gtiest of her aunt, Mrs. J.
B. Rosa, at the Ron residence oa
Mouth 17th street.
Misa Hargenf plant lo remain in Sa
lem as the guest of relatives for about
two weeks before returning to her
home near Spokane.
A letter it being sent out te the va-
Monmouth, Or., Aug. l.-(Speeial) w.ppe inrougnou, xn si.ve
Announcement ia made thit week la'1 Mr. Robert MeMurphey of Eu-
gene, SIMS uircctur lur re,OD wi uw
Oakland, California, of the engagement
of Mist Julia France Bray, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Bray of
IPruitland, Col., to August Arthur
Hurkhead of Monmouth. The wedding
took place vesterday. Mr. Hurkhead is
a graduate of the Oregon (Normal
school and took a special course at
Columbia university while in tht Unit'
ed Males navy service. He taw active
duty also on a submarine chaser in
Kuropean waters. At present ha ia in
the service, connected with educational
work at Fort XIayard, New Mexico, but
expects to secure Ms release soon.
A motor party left last evening for
Silver Creek Falls planning to spend
the week end there. Hponseoring the
informal outing were Mr. and Mrs. C.
B. Shumwav and they were accompan
ied by their on, Rny thumway, Mis
Kllen Owen, Judd thien aid Jack
Mrs. Anns Turned and Mr. Lizzie
Newton of Corvallis were Salem visit
ors thit week.
nation wide campaign to combat ua
American radical doctrine by the pop
ularisation of the constitution of the
United State, which Is being promot
ed by the National Kecurity league
and other leading patriotic, aocietiea in
the country. Thin campaign will culmi
nate ia the celebration iu all the states
of "Conttitution day" on September
17th, the anniversary of the signing
of the constitution.
The letter follows:
The success of all important patri
otic Work dependa to a great extent
upon the pre. 'We are therefore ap
pealing to you for assistance in a pa
triotiu work of vital and pressing im
portance. "The developments of the laat few
months have served to emphasize the
need of popular knowledge concerning
American ideals of government. With
this object in view the eight national
patriotic associations whose names ap
pear above have united in an effort
to bring about a nation wide campaign
for a better popular understanding of
the constitution. We have selected the
Golden Qgfc
When You
The Detroit Stove Works have finally
decided to establish an agency in Salem
A complete line of
will be
On Display in
Salem in a few days
r :
A Stove for Every Home
Gas, Wood, or Coal
Combination And
birthday of the constitution, September
17, UH9, a a, day te be especially ded
icated te constitutional celebration.
We wish meeting for a atudy of the
constitution organised in every city,
town aad village in the ttate. This it
a work which caa have its fullest meas
ure of sneers only if the loeal press
lend its assistance. It importance will
be doubted by few Americans who be
lieve in eur institutions. Secretary Mor
rison ef the American Federation of
Labor, in a recent letter regarding im
migration and eur alien population,
write: ' What can Americanism mean
to these people! They do not even un
derstand eur language. They
know nothing of our theory of gov
ernment. We must vitalize our
declaration and our beliefs that injus
tice hat no place on American toil.'
The need is not confined to our alien
bora peuulation. Many of our alive
born Americana do not understand the i
meaniag of the institutions under
which they live, and are being deliber
ately nticinformed regarding them.
)nr aim is to unite into one na
tional campaign of education upon the
essential principles ef our government
all who know their meaning and are
willing to aid in interpret ig them. If
every intelligent, loyal American could
be aroused to a sense of our danger and
inspired with a sense of our opportuni
ty, we could make our present safe and
uur future certain. May we count upon
the osi-Ulanee of your paper f A pre
liminary article regarding the national
camnaiga and its importance, to be fol
lowed b- occasional articles based up
on the news sheets sent from the New
fork office and giving the names of
local workers will be of the greatest
value to the cause which is everv man
"The Store of Housewares'1
Fnleiuite hud the measure, dining
the first ef the week ef hearing Miss
dances ToMzr!, nctcd juvenile violin
ist ot Seattle, Misa To.iir.el has be
come acted ns a child genius aud dur
ing the late war won a great many
laurels ia concerts for the benefit of
the various patrintie organisations of
the northwest. Her appearance at -the
Oregon theater daring her brief ttay
the city were- greeted with the
Miss Bess Tatnek ef Des Moines,
Tewa, is a guest at the E. llofer resi
dence on Bouth Commercial street.
Armin Site of Montana is a guest
at the home of his parents, Professor
and Mrs. John R. Sites.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman, Mr.
and Mrs. Burton A. Myers and Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Miller will form a party
and go to Vitae Spingi tomorrow for
an all day picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Virgil, Ruth and
Leonard Virgil of Mason City, Iowa,
were nniong the many tourist partiea
that stopped in Salem during the past
Mis 11a fpaulding returner! recent
ly from a short stny in Newport. Her
mother, Mrs. Charles K. Spanning, is
spending the summer at the beach re
Guests at the L. T. Larson home
during the past week were V. ". tHd
enburg and familv and Ben Huntley
and family of Albany, who motored to
Salem for a brief visit.
William 11. Hamilton and Mrs. W.
A. (Irippin of Bridgeport, Connecticut,
ami Mrs. C. X. Wilkei of AVashington,
1). C, composed a party who visited in
Salem during the pnst week.
den of the penitentiary and the family
it prominent in local social circles,
Mrs. Ahley White has as her guest'
her son and daughter in lnw aud their
children, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. White
of 1'alo Alto, California.
M ft
Miss Anna Mullen i in Minneapolis
whore she has been caMed by the ser
ious illness of her mother.
Mrs. Ella R. McDowell is in Salem at
the guest of her sisters Mrs. Arthur
Plant and Mrs. B. Wilson. Mrs. Mc
Dowell, who now resides in . Snn Jose,
California, wns formerly of this eity
and her aumerous friends are buy
welcoming her.
Among the numerous Salem folk en
joying their holidays at Newport are
Mrs. James MeOilrhrist and two chil
dren. Miss Lena Cherrington and her hou
guest. Miss lleth Brifss nf Portlanl
are spending a fortnight at Newport.
Misa Loretta Wise i in Newport as
the guest of Mrs. Walter Smith.
Miss Fannie Morrison and Mist Bes
sie Curtis are spending a ten day visit
in Portland as the guest of frieds.
during her mother's absence.
W ft
A party composed of Dr. and Mrs. H.
hi father whom he has not seen fori"- Olinger, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Brown,
twenty five years. He in sojourning on n(l lrs. Oeorge u. yrown, Mrs.
the t.reat Lakes and rerrts a most oyo oniaier ot Uumtburg and Mr.
473 North High ttreet.
X. IX Elliott ia in the east, visiting
enjoyable time..
A party composed of Mrs. Robert
Henderson, Miss Oretel Cnpps and
Misa Kulti Parson are enjoying a so
journ at "ye beach. They are domi
ciled at Sunset Cottage and p!aa to
be gono about ten daya.
and Mrs. Knlph Matthews of Wood
i Kiver, Illinois, left Friday for a two
weeks tamping trip at .Xcsiiowiti.
Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Schei have been
spending the week at Cnseadia.
After an enjoyable visit ia York,
Nebraska, Mrs, C, C. Henderson hat rc-
A congenial group composed ef Mr. J turned home. - " t .-
aad Mr. Homer Ingrey and little son,!
heartiest apflauae aad the public wssrs. Allie Cooper and son Kermit arc! Xfr- an I Mr" Ben West are at Xcw-
nnaiiimuus in its verdict that she is
one of the coming muairiaus of the age.
Mis loo ml who i only fourteen
years ef age was aeeompauied by her
mother. They returned to the-.r home in
rVattl af'er fiiiing the Salera engage
ment, having cimii It trd a tour of the
principal cities in ttrcjou and Vah
passing a week at Pacific View rol-',,r mief 'v.
l.ges. EXiS
, iae ministers and their wives wbe
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Klgin and re attending the rural conference at
children, Kathryn and t l.f lord Jr., are j Willamette were entertained last eve-
among the Palem fol spend. ii; inching or Mr. aud Mrs, Carl Doney at
season at Nve beach. Thev are at Sun ! their home, ti antes, and mnsie filled the
nysida cottage.
from a
T. C. Davidson has returned
short visit in Koeda!e where
nV.noiing the birthday aiiniversarv
of hej daimhter, Mrs, J. L. Waters, i, he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. K.
Mrs, l. I. tHmMrad eatwtained a D. Jorv.
group nf friends at dinner lat Tiles
ijday. Tho present were Mr. aad Mrs.
J. I Waters Mrs, Fred Norton, Mis
Norton, Mrs. John Norton, .7. Olm-
stead and Mr. aid Mrs. l. 1. Olm-stead.
The Many friends of Milton L. Mey-
evenm and light refreshments were
served. About ftftv guest were present.
Another family to choose the north
for their summer outing is Mr, ani
Mrs. George Riches who left Thurfrtav
far a teur of Kainier National park. I
The trp is being made by auto.
Salemites are -welcoming ia their
t -- sm eee44sve-ee-ee-e.
ers will be 1.1. a-.d to hear that he s -ri,!.. Vr. and Mrs. Charlc. A. MnmH
a trifle nettir and is restinf as easily B1e returned to Salem to make!
as can be expected nader the eircnm- tBci, lonlf. iir. Marphv waonce war-staaces.
Mrs. Emil Eoss, accompanied by her
two sons, Carlton and Edward, left
Mrs. Melviu Gslnsha and dauchter Tuesday for a three week visit with
LEloiae of Mew Vork are visiting the r sister in Weiser, Idaho. Miss Alice
former's sister, Mrs. Calvin Gregory, ' oin is me guesr or irieaas in Jjanas
Salens a Good Pics to Trade
1- s