Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 16, 1919, Image 1

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Only Cireulatioa in SnJem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bare! of
tlVttU.wi lkv. wt u
Oregon: West portion, tonight
and .u'.day probably apnwrrs,
cooler. Mvdvruate winds, bf-1
coming southerly.
I M 11
i raiTiois TO
Wilson's hHsal to Accept
Amendmenuuts End to
Senate Negotiations.
i. By L C Martin .
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, Aug. 16. All efforts by democratic sen
alors to agree with republicans on a program of reserva
tions to the peace treaty were abandoned today as the
result of word from President Wilson.
The prosi.cnt, in a talk late yester-i mmmmmm
day with Senator Hitchcock, urn to ad
ministration leader, strongly diseour-
aged even tlie discussion of reservations
by democrats. He made it plain to
Hitchcock that, in his opinion, the day
tor discussion reservations is a long
way off.
What democrat must concentrate j
their efforts on, ia the president's opiu-
ion, Hitchcock said, is defeat of all pro-
poals to amend the treaty.
At the president 's suggestion, there
fore, Hitchcock begin a drive next
week in a speech to the senate ugniust
acceptance of unieiulmeuts. While it
ha been generally recognized for weeks
that there are not enough votes in the
senate to make general textiuul i;inend
nients, the president is said to feel that
the slightest possibility of amendment
of any section must be removed before
he will even consider reservations.
The president' attitude, as stated by
Hitchcock today, broke off virtual nego
tiations' whieh promised to develop into
National Championship to Fea
ture Eight Continuous
Pittsburgh, Pa.. Aug. Ill With 141
starters, the SUrd national amateur golf
championship tournament got under wayj
at the Oakmont Country club at iiulton'
The first play was an eighteen hole
elimination roond to cut the field down
to sixtv four entries. On Monday the
Viiii.I qualifying round at 3ti holes will
lie in I'll, HI "Him ...............
.,, , ,. .11 lO
entrant, will be eliminated, leaving
by Monday night to resume uiittcB piuy.
The field will lie the strongest that
ever tackled a championship. The "big.
it c IV. T.. ..... anA
,or, r.v..... wu.iu. ., vate ms4ie it necessary to negotiate a sep- ,IOwn fteuttle's system of port cominls
Gardner-are ready for actum. They arate with Qftmanr h, woa(1
will be opposed by such stars as Bobby !.u K(.n,ltor Knox and , BerUn; Washington
Jones, Bill fowne, Osw-ald K.rby, Max to make ,hp pw troRt), j, n .,,, ,
Marston K. M Byers. Dave I.erron , ,,,, j,0lJjrp ,uil, to(a7 Aa, ,f jt , mfrfl ( in ,tion of thf , ,om
Perry Adair, JohnG. Andersoa and becomes nppr.rent that a majority of thelmission dwks.
uaruiner rtnue.
(harle. ((h.ck( Lvan Jr., the pre.w.r ros(.rvation." he will vote for'farr of the Xavy Joseph-.. Daniels,
ent champion, Is expected to arrive to
uay. ne win ump a viinnrr t.u,jiK '"-
first sixty-four without a trial round. i
The course is in splendid condition,;
hut the large number of trans and hunk ,
ers ingeniously placed over the vast;
a. reage makes it one of the niot diffi-l
i ult scoring grounds iu Aun-u. a. WeutU ,
er condtiioiis this morning were fine. Tsenms, Wr.h., Aug. IA. Jack Mere
Tomorrow, there will be a trade tro- dith. 2-'i, Portland mountaineer and
phr competition, squeezed in on Hun- nu mber of a partv of mountain climb
day because of the larg number of en- , " '
- . , ers camped on Mazamas mlge in Rami
trsnts for the nrtional title. . . , . ,,
Held in abeya.ee for two years b- j"'r a,?nl I". fs nst.mtly kilVdL
cause of war conditions the ualional Thursday night hen the rocky cliff onLj
title ia proving more attractive this! nhich ml, .tanding on Little Tahoma
year than at any time ia history. Otll-.peak, on Mount Tacoma, gave way and',
ciala have freely predicted that the re- j he plunged sixty feet, alighting on a pile I
cord entry list would tee aft today. iof jagged rocks. I
. Todav s pli y was to le a weening oun
process at medal play, sixty four survlv j Portland Madams ciub, Meredith climb
ors being a hedulcj to go on with medal 'cd to the ridge early Thursday evening,
play again on Monday. The surviving, They were standing on the edge of the
tiitrty two will th.-n o,cn with matrtiiro,. when it suddenly crumbled. Bene,
play which will be continued for five diet navel himIf and hurried back to
days. ' lesnip to get sennhing )artiis. Later at
The roiirsr of th Oakmont eluli is night Meredit'a body was found ty
ceesldercd ideal for nr.tional play. It is! fwt Meredith evidently hsd
built so that suremcr diwights haveistrm-k a sharp rock projections in his
little effect on the tairwavs. A flay
effect on the tairwavs. A flay
suliM.il has heen built underwent, hold
in" niriisliire i h.se to the surface.
Technique in shot rather than strength j 1
of drives, is thtt necessary to make tie' Jovpb P. Kaiser has petitioned tiie
best of approach bots. T"r n.c yjrscoart for si order to sell a I'xKt mort
layoff in nation.! enmpetiti !is bca'gae held by hims-lf, William Kaiser
utili'.ej t.y the Oakmont cli'h in bu'.'.d jand Angi.' Kaiser, deceased. As ai'min
icj its course until "t now is r -i-BideTi d ietrator of the etatc of Angie Kaiser,
one it the bs-st ii the eonnfy. X. jhe alleg.l she held r.n andivided one
tr-ps i.avr h- d liit i-J, th the na- thir4 int -rest in the mortgage and that
tnrsl hazards, it is a s Je a mnt diffi .as there ws ti 'e J of money, he als for
tu'; urse. an or ter to eli. It wa (;i.iiiti .I.
Washington, Aug. 10. The
first amendment to the pence
treatv offered in the foreign re-
latinns committee wits proopsed
by Senator Fall, New Mexico,
to section 54. This section re-
quires Germany to renounce in -
favor of Belgium the Kreise of
Kupen and Mulmedy.
Full's proposed amendment
would require a plebiscite on
this question and would have the
result of the plebiscite commtmi-
catcd to a commission appointed
by the allied powers, uot iuelod-
-ing the I'nited States, instead of
timing tliR league of nations is.
oversee the transfer of the terri-
torv u the treaty new provides.
' "
A compromise on mild reservations. The
negotiations were begun by some demo
erats without consulting President Wil
Following his talk with Wilson,
Hitchcock said "iu the end a compro
mise, may become necessary," but, hi
auueu, tlie president is not all si: re
reservutio js must be accepted aud ut
any rate, won't cross that road now."
K.mnntioiis are regarded by WilMili
as likely to be embarrassing, Hitchcock
said. Their adoption wouid iiulicate, in
the president 's view, that the Vnited
States has little faith in the treaty.
llitfhroi'k, iu his speech next week in
i the aelinte will ttnitit nttt tin .....1 a li...
,,,.,,,,,,,, in t!u.ir ,uk vu,nhlY
jthut amendments would mean that the
1 I'nited StMos would lose the benefits
j conferred by the treaty. He cited tie
iCess to Germau dyestuffs as an exam
ple. "Amendment, iu the president's
.,,. M .1 llitrhriwk. won . ni,.i.l
1 ' ---- - " , ......... .......
3-)hBt ,,. llitot, Wol)(, o
,... , iiel.man,.. hnl i hnlll,
for accentanee of rondi
i.Tb(( prMi(,,nt tl t th
'senate is willing to accent "milk and
rejeetio-i of the treaty rather than ac-
ceiit such a
Pnri10 J If ..,-,1 rl
1 011131 lllOuIUvUn til
Killed By FaO Into Chasm
-yiith Lee Itenedirt, also a meinb of
he was terribly mangled and
crushed. Meredith is survived by his
mother aad s sister in Portland.
ST" Rush
lo Argentine
Is Not Likely
Xew York, Aug. 10 (failed Press)
Fundamental national principles of
the Argentine government will prevent
any overwhelming swarm of Herman
emigration to that country, according
to Dr. Romulo S. Kaoa, Argentine min
ister to the United States. Naou's opin
ion was set forth in an interview with
the New York correspondent of "La!
Prensa" of Buenos Aires, just before
the South American diplomat sailed for
"I p!uc little credence ia the report
that the German government will en
courage emigration and settlement ia
Argentina of some fivo million Ger
mans, said .Naon. "The policy of Ger
many iu the matter of emigration was
always opposed to propaganda aiming
at encouraging nationals to leave the
country and settle abroad. I don't think
such policy will be modified iu mo
ments like the present. Today, uiore
than ever before, Germany needs
co-operation and the assistance of all
her children for the reconstruction of
her economic and financial capacity.
"Hut even admitting that the Ger
man government of private German cor
porations cherish sui.h a plan. I think its
execution is equally impossible, because
fundamental reasons of national Argen
tine policy are opposed to it. Argentina
cannot admit coloniiations favored by
foreign governments because this would
be highly detrimental to the formation
of national sentiment which needs to
be fomented, especially' in countries ill
process of formation.
"Nothing that might even remotely
cause the formation of a state within a
state, could be viewed indifferently by
the people of Argentine."
National Editorial Association
Visits Seattle Shipyard
Seattle, Wash., Aug. It! Springing to
the fHaiteuil aid of the Chicago Tribune
five nie'tnbers of the Oregon Kditorial
association attending the National Kdi
torial association essions here opened
their check books this looming and in a
ii.ui veluuslv phort time subscribed a to
tal of six cents to satisfy the veidict of
the jury in fsvor of Henry IWd.
"We wou!d have paid it had the
amount been twice what it was, yr,
even three times ih:;t," was their gen
erous a"nonncetnent.
More tiiun "UO delegates to the na
tional association wer. g'lests cf the
Skinner nod Kildy eoropratlon this morn -
ing when the 10,0')O ton steamship Kdi
I u.A f... II.... 1' TT.,.,1-
Or TTMI. IBM .IVIl.'U. tUl.i 11. , I.UMI-,
CMngmMmn Hsrdv of Colorado
roiinwing tne laiincning tlie neiegaTesi
ibonrded s Port ferryboat a:id
n ani.i Rr.J
the j
visiting editors will be admitted to the
I'uget KounJ navy yard at Bremerton j
tomorrow. They will also take a trip to
Victoria, B. C.
Man Murdered In New York
Student At University Of.
Oregon And War Veteran
New York, Aug. 19. Tlie man
murdered mysteriously at the
McAlpin hotel Thursday had .
been identified today ts Cecil K.
Landoa, a student in the Univer
sity of Oregon, whose home wus
at f.324 Kighty niath street,
Portland, Or. He returned from
service in France on the trans
port Great Xorlhern and was
discharged Tuesday as a ser
geant ia the quartermaster's
The police had no clue to the
murderer teda, but feared he
had been lured to the hotel with
the view of rubbery and murder
ed whe i it became evident that
was the only means of obtainiag
his moiiey.
fit. Louis, M, Mrs Harrr L. Mounts'
mouth saved hr jewels. She put fcerj Th' hardest thin' is t' finj sJtiiebut
rings in her month when attacked byjily t' ar.-e with you on a resemblance,
rubbers. They chsA"d h 'r but she only j Who icmemWrs when wotnesi stepped
'Creamed for help sal f.'ijjhtcned Ihe out e' tht-r skirls instead o' aipilrmin'
robbers. nt of 'em.
hoarders are
under Arrest
Officers Of Caspbel Cca-
pany Held For Yiclatisa
. ' Of Food Act. .
Scope Of Federal Investiga
tion Spreads Kap:dly Oyer
Chicago, Aug. 16. John F. Camp
bell and John E. Hunker, officials of
the John F. Campbell company, here,
were arrested today oa charges of vi
olating the food control act. The war
rant alleges the two exacted an undue
profit in the sale of 40,(MH) worth of
sugar purchased fioia Arbiiekle Broth
ers of Xcw York at $M.K2 per hundred
pounds ami sold to retailers at $U per
In a formal statement, District At
torney Clyne said the arrests wore on
ly a beginning and that more will fol
low enrly next week.
dyne's statement called npou the
consumer to be patient, a it might
take much time to digest the evidence
beforo kini and to undertake prosecu
tion. .
More evidence was to be gathered
today before sei.uie was made of two
large supplies of sugar which federal
officials declared were stored hcre ac
cording to announcement made bv it.
'A. Millroy, in charge of the govern
ment s investigation,. f hoardmg and
In spite of steps already taken by
authorities, it was declared scarcity of
sugar has steadily grown worse an t
that there is still a tendency to keep
the price, at from 12 to 14 cents.
, By BaJph F. Couch
(Hulled Press slaff c.iirrespondent)
Washingloii, Aug. 16. Officials of
the department of justice today plan
ned an investigation of storage houses
ia nhich holdings of butter, eggs, dairy
products and poultry have increased
from 20 to 2M9 percent since lat year.
'Prices have soared for poultry am!
all dairv products during the same
Bxact data on the holdings of all big
storage houses in the couutrv are now
in possession of tlie bureau of markets
winch has lust finished a careful sur
vey. Justice department otticiais pioa
. to nsk for all the facta brought out In
thls survey, results of which have just
been announced.
"Steps are now being taken to com
bat this situation," said C B. Ames,
assistant attorney general in chargo
I t.n i.ni.mnit.n l, nrnutKiil. fnn nr.if-
' " ' ;! !' . . '
itecrs (Hiring tne aosence 01 Aiiorncy
(Continued on page three)
Brown's Loganberry
Crop Was Immense
Sum II. Brown informs us that his in
gaiibcrry crop this year amounted to
liT'i tons and that he paid out over $1V
mil) for labor. A great industry for this
section. Gcrvnis Star.
: 1
!klu -
i ''." '
Hans Prepare
For Return of
War Captives
By Carl D. Groat
(I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.)
Berlin, Aug. ltf. Germany is pre
paring for the homecoming of thousands
of its prisoners. While their return will
probably inflict on the labor market a
great new burden, Germany hasn 't reck
oned that ia the reckoning, and just now
is jubilant over the fact that they are
soon to be released.
Their return to the fatherland will be
accomplished with customary German
methodical plan. A complete reception
machinery has already been erected. A
number of alons for delivery in Ger
many territory have been erected, and
there ttie homecomerg wi'l be officially
greeted. , From these delivery stations,
the prisoners will pass to transfer camps
where they wiu. remain three or four
days while they reeeive military dis
charges and are exu mined to ascertain
whether they are in need of horpital
Each man will receive 50 marks and
an additional sum which will permit Mm
to have au eight weeks' vacation. From
the trausfer camps the men will be dis
tributed to stivtions, nearest their Own
homes Provision has been made to fur
nish all with tobacco, cigars and ciga
A for their future, the government
has devised means whereby temporary
aid can be furnished each prisoner if
he cannot at once find work, but every
effort will be made to assist the men to
places in the industrial structure.
in i mm ii
Mrs. Eunice Freeman Beaten
To LeathWith Cas Pipe;
Ex-Convict Sought
Portland, Or., Aug. 16. Returning
home vesteidnv evening, expecting to
find a cheerful mother to greet him
Cecil Freeman, 21, fun ml Instead her
dead body. Beside it and adding to the
horrifying scene wis a gas pipe with
whieh the woman's skull hud been bru
tally crushed.
The police tielieve robbery was the
motive for the crime, for the murdered
woman's money and jewelry are miss
ing. Mrs. F.nniee W. Freeman, the victim
of the gas pipe thus, wus press repre
sentative for the Oregon w. C, T. TT.
Another son, Roy K. Freeman, resides
i i Oukl.mil, 'al. Mrs. A. A. Griffin of
Olympin, Wash., is a daughter
Clarence Johnson, 28, an exconviet
from Knn Quentin, is being sought by
the officers, being inspected. of the mur
ler. Asa member of the Prisoners Cor
respondeiice society, Mrs. Freeman was
instrumental In securing Johnson's pa
role. Coming tn Portland a year ago,
the former Sun (jueiitiu inmate boarded
with the Freeman's until two months
ago. .
Johnson has apparently disappeared
from the city leaving a note that would
i tli.'Ute he made a hurried and nnex
oeeted dennrture yesterday.
Johnson'! Record Bad,
San liafael, Cnl., Aug. In. Clarence
Johnson, sought by Portland authorities
in connection with the murder of Mrs.
t reeman, a prison reform worker, enter
.il San Queitin prison Dcrembpf 23,
llll'l, according to the warden's office,
He was convicted of assalt withj Intent
to commit murder in San Diego county.
Johnson was paroled March 1, llllfl, to
the custody of W. (1. McLaren of Port
Fourdin? Of Willamette
University 75 Years Ago
Today Will Be .Observed
Todsy, August !. is the 7'ith
snniwrsary of the founding of
Willamette Cniveisity an
! event that has had a grcster
tearing uj'on the destiny of the
rity of halem than any nlher
feature ir: the history of the
state. This, anniversary has si-
ready ben most strikingly and
s): appropriately observed in the
historic pajeaut of the com-
mencement season, but it is
deemed appropriate that it
should be further noted at this
tine. Tomorrow night in the
First Methodist Church, Charles
B. M'Mirc of Portland, who
graduated from the university
with the class of 1S70, will de-
liver an address dealing with
the early history and the after
influence of the institution. Dr.
Car! t'regg Itoney, president of
the t.'aiversity will also apeak
at the evening services.
End of Wheat
tion and Price Fixing Is
Requested of Congress.
By Raymond Clapper
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, Aug. 16-A program calling for the re
peal of war time food control, abolition of control of ex
ports and enactment of legislation to protect farmers was
announced today by the National Grange, representing
700,000 farmers.
The grange plan to be urged
congress at once ia aa follows:
Ending of wheat price regulation and
nil price fixing on primary food or cloth
ing material at the end of the present
crop season.
Removal of all restrictions aud regu
lations based on war powers of congress,
including the food administration lie
Clear definition; of the constitutional
power of congress to deal with hourd
ing, conspiracies and combinations to
enhance prlcea and with waste or de
struction of food or similar products
under peace conditions.
Immediate termination uf the powors
of the war trade, board.
Removal of all internal revenue taxes
on Xood products.. s ..
Immediate revision of discount and
grading rules, especially on, wheat and
adequate represent ation to actual pro
during fanners in tha formation of
gradea and discounts to be adopted iu
the future.
Liberal appropriations for Increased
work and legislative authority, if neces
sary, extend activities of the Inter
state commerce commission federal
trade commission, tariff commission and
the department of justice on the basis
of tire wnr In-ws.
Recognition of organisations of pro
dining farmers in making lip the per
sonnel of committees, boards or commis
sions to direct enforcement of existing
or proposed laws.
Immediate restoration of government
to pre-war condition by hastening the
demobilization' of fight forces and su
perfluous government employes.
Abandonment of unnecessary govern
ment functions.
Knnctment of laws to define legality
of collective bargaining among ngrlcul
tural people.
Knaetment of mws tn safeguard pur
chasers of feedstuffs, commercial fertil
Izers and farm seeds.
Appointment cf a speclul committee
to prepare and Issue official statements
to inform the public of critical conill
tions affecting agricultural production
for the coming year.
This program was laid before a joint
session of the house and sennte ngrieul
.v..l BnmiO.. I,v nuiionnt Irisnire ren-
resentatives. They said it is supported'
in whole or in part by other farm or
The effect of legislation which may
reduce the price tho farm receives fori
his grain, livestock r.nd dairy products,;
would beto decrease production, Charles
Lyman, secretary of the national board
(Continued on page eight)
New York Mayor Exposes
Transit Eraoloves Strike
As Frame-Up Upon Public
New York, Aug. 11. Mayor flylnn jthis morning,
wns to ask a "shown down" this after j Although tickets are sold to Han Pe
noiin in the threat of fl'100 employes of dio service is said to be im-ertai i. Over
the Interl.oroiigh Rapid Transit com IW sailors wer,. marooned at Sixth and
oiieratiug the principal sutiay,.viain srreei eariy this momma;, iim.
and elevated
lines In Manhattan and
the Hronx- to go on trlke at 4 o'clock
Sunday morning unless their wage de
mands were granted by 6 o'clock to
night. The men were just grunted a 10 per
cent increase, but now they ask an ad
ditional 50 per cent Increase, which
Mould mean tl an hour for motormcn
nod slightly less for other employes.
In a formal statement Hylan intl
mated that the strike was an "inside
job" meaning that the emploves and,
company were in collusion to roice xnc
I ...! ! ...I Tl... r P
ptIOIIC IO mv lliciem-.i laien. ...t . ...
. T. has been nuitatinir fr a fare raise
j. from fiveto eiL'ht cent for some time,
Hylan cr.lled a meeting of the public
service commission, a committee of the
brotherhood and officials of the com
pany for this afternoon.
Price Regula
E. Cofke Tatton, one ef the
Balem lodge delegate to the
state convention at Klamath.
Falls wires the Capital Jour-
nal as follows:
'Salem was selected a next
nrrcting place. Vote was unan-
Imou. "
This meaus that .1,000 Elks
and their friends will spend a
few dnys ia "lien! next year.
Harry j, Wieilmer, secretary of
th lodge received the following-
telegram from August Hncke-
stein, chairman of the Baiem-
delegation fnlens-sv vnlw.t'.,.
honor to entertain next eiotf
Oregon Klks State Association
IP'.'O." v -
Inter urban Transportation
Out Of Los Angeles Tied
Up By Strike,
Log Angeles, Cat, Aug. 16 Serv
ice will be discounted on all Pacific
Electric lilies at 8 p. m. tonulit,
Oeueral Paaeenger Agent Kelly an
nounced at noon today. Service will
be resumed Sunday, be said.
Los Angeles, Cnl.. Aug. 14 Ticun of
interiirbau transportation between Los
Angeles and citli s of four ad jacent 'nun
tics was complete today with the walk,
out of IHfMM) trainmen of tho Panful
Klectrie Interurbsn Railway at 2 a. m.
Tickets are sold exclusively to Baa
Pedro. Hirs lines and steam trains are
the only commuting lines open. They
will not be equal to tlcinn 'ds, commuter
Simultaneously a strike of conductor
and motormcn on the l.os Angele Klec
trie Railway was culled.
Officials of the local lines declared
declared that service is between 6j and
70 ier cent normal.
The strike of Pacific F.lectru-al em
ployes has been declared a miee.es. Los.
Angeles railway strikers did not as rcad-
lily respond to the walkout call.
Four counties Orange, Na 1 Hernnnli
no, Riverside aud Los Aiigele are cut
off from interuban connection with thi
city as a result of the strike. Hhipyar.V
workers who depend on P. K. transporta
tion to the bnrbor received ao aervie
to return to their ships. Veswing nto-
molulcs were commaiineerci ny many.
The demands of the striking employe
of the Pacific Klectrie company and the
ls Angeles company are:
Pacific Electric Wage increase front
Pai to IH0 monthly, accoidi g to claim,
of t lie company. The mm tlaou they
arc now receiving mure tian $lftn. Aa
eight hour dav, time and a half for over
time ami the right of rollective tf;;aia.
in jr.
l.os Angeles Railnn.v Right ef eol-
lective bargaining, retroactive pay " P
1 ir..:i 11 nn .ocottt ! n.Tease ' 1 S ted bf
. ....... -
the confptsnv ,a d reln-tnt-mnt ef pmt-
i form men disehaied .the
iiuinn claims.
j because of organization a -tivity. There
ere no wage leuamis ih-iot ie s,r.-,
but employes announced that if a striae
was called there would be.