FACE EIGHT SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1919. l "' ! i l ' " " 1 N A 1 A - ew Arrivals Await t Your Selection YOU SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS ADVANCE OPPORTUN ITY TO GET THE NEW FALL GOODS WHILE YOU CAN GET THE BEST NUMBERS IN YOUR SIZE. THERE IS A SATISFACTION IN GETTING YOUR FALL SHOP PING DONE EARLY RATHER THAN BEING BEHIND. DO NOT WAIT A MINUTE. Ladies' Coats A visit to our store will demonstrate our early preparedness to save you considerable money on the Newest Style Coats NOVELTY COATS $18.50 to $65.00 PLUSH COATS $24.50 to $59.00 GIRLS' COATS $5.90 to $22.50 PEOPLE ARE APPRECIATING More and more the great savings we afford them in SHOES You should supply your wants in this line before the new advances take effect. Ladies Waists We announce the arrival of those nice new Georgette Waists for which you have been waiting. Note the Prices Here And an inspection will surprise, and convince you of their great value. $4.98, $5.90, $6.25 and.$6.90 PETTICOATS . In a great variety of materials, sty les, colors and prices. SATEEN AND HEATHERBLOOM $1.25, $1.49, $1.98 and $2.98 SILK FLOUNCE PETTICOATS $2.25 and $2.98 ' SILK PETTICOATS $3.98 and $4.98 'J . Incorporated S i All Around Town j im Jj WALLACE REID IN THE LOVE BUKOLAS JOE MAETIN IN THE JAZZ MONKEY' Ik r even rented that in order to save ,the workmen the trouble of answering questions, these "not for sale" signs were posted. Dane at "armory Sat night I WllUrd Storage Batter; Service Sta tio will move to 238 S. High St. about Sept 1st. Yours for better serv-jle- . 8 30 Harvest dance Macieay Sat night 8 13 Boy a Melson, formerly with the Capital National bank ami former al Willard Storage Battery Sonde Bta- J"rlnan, is home once again in Salem, tioa will moTe to 238 N. High St"'1 8"-Vs ,hat intend to make Sa about Sept 1st. Yours for better erv- . "in permanent home, lu Mareh of is. 8 30 i ls)!i Mr- Melson left for Bcthune. Mskateuewan, alluit 3C miles from Gale & Company HEADQUARTERS FOR DRESS GOODS SILKS, ETC. WARNER CORSETS STANDARD PATTERNS LADIES COATS, SUITS, DRESSES AND MILLINERY t Dr. Mott Bank of Commerce, 407 8. tf A full and complete rssort merit of drapery, materials utwd ri(jht at Ham ilton's. 8 15 While aome counties, especially linn, are feeling tome alarm on aceouut of the shortage in teachers, no lack of in structor is reported from the office of W, M. Smith, Marion county's su perintendent of schools. There are 13U districts in the county, and alt have contracted for teachers with exception of LT.The districts thnt have not as yet secured teachers are those with but a few pupils or not especially desirable on account of location. However, the county superintendent 's office reports no special alarm felt iu Muriun poun jty and there is a feeling that all : schools in the county will be properly cared for. This wsaJc's drapery fecial, ' Or. tonnes, values to $1. 47c a vnrd. Hani- I'ltou s. 8-13 i- 1 The People Cash utor ta paying the I highest prices for potatoes and eggs. 180,194 N. Com'l. Phone 4.53. 8-16 Mooeciaw. and went into thi. f mi in J business. He notes a remarkable dif ference in Vic general business of the city, compared to what it was when he left about a year and one half ago. Champion Prone. 7e are in the market Deliver to Phei company plant opposite Southern Pac. Co. pas scnger station or phone 204. tf On vacation, of flc of Dr. O. L. Scott chiropractic, closed from August 10th to Aug. 24th. 8 24 o Artificial teeth, have expert plat mu, wnn over jo years experience. at my office. Dr. D. tist, 302 U. 3. Nat. X. Beechler, den bank bldg. tf Furnished 400. house for rent Phone 8 1 ' Army dischargee were filed for rec ord yesterday in the county recorders offiee by L. L. Case nud L H. White. ! There is special book in the office kept for miscellaneous recording, and any one may have recorded any kind of a document, the fee of course being charged according to the length of the document. iKor a discharge, the fee is KO cents. Highest pric pall for chickens. E. C. !ros, A Son. 8 15 6 . lie Menma City" Is It G eneva or Jerusalem? Lecture by C. J. LeRoy of Portland, auspices of the In ternational Bible Students' Association Salem's Eccle'sia. If there is to be a League of Nations it will demand a World Capital and much has been said about Geneva, but will it be Geneva or Jerusalem? Mr. LeRoy is an able lawyer and will prove by the Scriptures which it shall be. Don't fail to hear this subject of the day. Moose Hall, Sunday, August 1 7, 3 p. m. Seats Free No Collection DANCE AT I MO Y SATURDAY NIGHT Th prosperous condition of tho country amy he noted from tho num ber of satisfactions of mortgages that are being filed each day with Mrs. Mildred K. Brooks, comity recorder, lestenlny tint two mortgages were fil ed, while I lit. number of satisfactions of mortgages wa ten. This has been about the proportion for several weeks' Th prune market is quiet and ha been In this condition for the past two weeks. There is no selling or buying in general although occasionally contracts are made, even as high as '; a bushel. The slew market now is due partly to the low price at which the California prune uss.-inilr.ii opened its market and also pa-llv due to the government probe as to prices and a desire on the part of the big eastern hovers to Iby low until the storm i over and until it can be learned whether the govern ment's probe into high prices amounts to anything. This it the situation as it looks to one of the prominent umne buyers in Nnlem. ' o - Const ii.it ion npso s the eu:i;e v li tem causing serious tlleesses the human finally. Ion 't woijv tlollix ter's Rocky Mountain Tea will (hive out emistipaton. regulate the bowel, tone the stomach, ptirifv, cleanse. Without foil give it a (ho.ro trial. 3,v! 1'. J. Fry, (f Th harvest of strtn beans i prac ticully at its height this week and thev are being received in fairly gen emus quantities at the ,w0 rannenos and the Salem King, plant. The crop Is considerably better this season than last, but is far below what it would have been if the exacted ri, had '' July. There is a large acreage and the vines are generally well set, and the caunere state that even now there n.iht be a lumper crop if rain fell in the near future. A lima will, !,., beans the canneries are receiving their fust consignment hf Jtartlett pears, which are in very fine condition. The mdicnt-na are thnt there will lie a much larger crop that at first anticipated. Tobacco Habit Dangerous says IVitor Connor fornierlv of Johns 11'1'kin. hospital. T)inl.n.i. ..... suffering from fatal diseases would be in perrect health today were it not for the uYadly drug Nicotine. Stop th, habit now before it's too late. It's a simple process to rid vouraelf of the tobaceo habit in any form. Just go to any up to date drug store and get some I .,, laoieis: tane them as directed jand lo; the pernicious habit quickly .vanishes. Druggists refund the lionet if they fail, lie sure to read large (a'd interesting announcement br Doctor i.""" "" ,0 ", t,'r ,hl Tf- u mi, oanger or nicotine pois oning and how to avoid it. la the mean tm.c try Nicotol tablets; i-r.n will be surprised at the result. D. J. Fry, County Commissi on en Hunt and oulet are east of the city today in specting the work being done by the countv paving plant on the Salem-Turner road. Houdmaster Culver reports everything progressing in fiue shape and a record being made for laying the base for future paving. Work" on this rond will be continued as long as wcath or permits. Highest pric paid in 0. Cross & Son. chickens. 1J. 8 13 Pickers wanted Camp nut or live ers 370. . for blackberries. n town, l'houe Mv-8-io Cretonn skirt length for 94c. All colors. Hamilton's. 813 Do you realise jrour opportunity is passingf Head our ad Bishop's is the place. A marriage license was issued yes terday to tllonn Robert Harden, 26, a mechanic of liolianon and Marv E. Thucker, a telephone onerator of Sa lem. Both of the contracting parties were bofn at lebanon. Dane at armory Sat. night. Today is th day to grasp your op portunity at Bishop's. It is th Intention of the Portland Hotnry club to install a Hotarv club in Salem, the members of which are to be confined to the leading business men in the city. The club v. ill be similar in all respects to the Rotary club of Port land where only the liveet wires in the city are admitted to membership. Ac cording to word received today, sev eral members of the Portland club will come to halem next Wednesday August "Our Prices Always The Lowest" GALE & COMPANY Phone 1072 Com'I. & Court Streets . Formerly Chicago Store '4 20, to meet at luncheon a number of prominent busins and professional men when a charter membership wrll be selected which later will have the naming of those who may become mem bers. It is understood that in Portland, no one can be a member of the Rotary club unless he has demonstrated in many ways he is willing to work for Th big dance Sat. r.tght at M. B. A. hall near CherHnwa. At. to haves Ma sonic Temple 8:30. ' 8 13 Going to Stayton Frluay night? A big dance and a fcoil line for every one. Bound trip in the bij White auto "Oc. 8-15 Great excitement prevailed along a certain part of the Garden rond last evening. Mrs. Percy I'ugh, while look ing towards the orchard of Uerald Volk saw a man drop from tree and then cautiously creep towards her fence. After nuting thnt he was making his way towards her house, she became alarmed, thinking possibly tho man might be the escaped convict, convict ed t rolling "tafik recently at Boaverton. She telephoned a neighbor. W. V. Crig, ho took the precaution of telephoning the state prison author ities. In a short time several peniten tiary guards Were on the scene. While they could find his trucks and saw where he had crept towards tho fence, the man could not be seen anywhere. Uiter it was rnported that he had been seen going north towards Hollywood. The description of the man tallied with Hint of the bank robber who had just escaped. Salem Cigar Factory U now making "La Corona" and "Little Salem" ei gnra exactly as they were mnde before the war. Smoking them reminds you of old times. tf o Try Northern Flour. Ift a Bear, every sack guaranteed. At your gro eers. tf Don't list your farm with SOCO- jU-1-SK.-r. unless you want to sell. 341 taie. tf Failure to place on th upper left hand corner of the envelope a return address, is making extra business not only for the Nolem rmst office but es jpccinlly for tho dead letter office tn Washington. Within the past week the, lantern post Office has forwarded to the jdond letter office at Washington, J). X'., 121 letter thnt for some reason could aot b delivered. On noae pf j these letters was the return addresa of the writer given on the upper left hand corner. The letters will now be 'opened by the dead letter office in I -niiiiiiiis ana returned to me writer : n 1 TltC. Tll on. I f there happen, to be any information ! PKg- JHly JeU -C , that will give the writer address. If i not, after a certain period, thev go into the furnace. lUSICK'S 4 STORES IN SALEM Phones 198 and 186 Office 456 State Street Crown flour $3.00 SnowAVhite $2.95 Brilliant $2.93 This flour is from old wheat and is much-better than new wheat. 10 lbs. Rolled oats 65c Lge. pkg. Golden Rod ... 30c 2 pkg. Grape Nuts 23c 2 Kelloggs Corn Flakes 27c 2 Post Toasties 26c Armuors Corn Flakes 27c Shredded Wheat 14c 50c Postum 43c 30c Postum 25c 25c Postum - 22c 2 pkg. Jell O A.22c APPLES! APPLES! We are on the market for your cull apples. Don't let them lay nnd rot. Remember a few extra dvir always come in haniiy sj pick up your good cull APPLES and take tli.'m to the COMMERCIAL CIDER WORKS P. M. GREGORY", Mgr. Plvna 2194 1010 ;j. Co'" '1 St. Did You Read This Advertisement? Newport fishing season opens; ling cod sliced, 15r. and whole fish 12c -pet pound; red cod 10 pound. Fitts Jdar keu tf W buy liberty bond. 311 Maaonlc building, tf 011 Patton Plumbing Co. for your cpl SAFELY Opf OosECUREDOo FARM MORTGAGES Invest in Farm Mortgages and you will not have to consult the financial pages of your news paper every morning to deter mine what you are worth. Tou can always inventory your farm mortgages at par; they possess greater stability than almost any other firm of investment. We offer for sale the highest type of these investments first mortgages on improved produc tive farms in the Willamette val ley. Hawkins & Roberts 314 Masonic Bldg. Nalem, Oregon. After Sept. 1st we will be locat ed in enr new quarters :04 Oregon Electric Building. the welfare of the city and willing to give his time and attention to any mttt ters that the liotary club may doom worthy of support. o For thoa who would really lik to have an idea us to what the poppy fields of Plunders might look like, ill tention is again called to the poppy bed on the west side of the comt house lawn. These are now very sug gestive of the red field of Flaader. The beds were prepared and planted under the direction of the War Moth ers club. Salem's a Good Place to Trat'c Wm. NEIMEYER DRUGGIST State Street SATURDAY SPECIALS Talcums. l-'c Air Float Cc. -." Sdex . lbc 25c Wrights ITo 2")C Pages ISe 2."c l.azell's I.tC 2.1c Colgate's 23c Tact Powders. 7."c Vogue Royal 52c li'ic Vogue Rice Powder 4R 0e Corona Rice .'. 3SO 'Mle Pages 33c v "iOc Stearns Supreme- 83c 2."c Dorodcnt r 15e 2.)c Mury Stuart l&C 2 "mi Vogue Powder 15c 21c Purola Kice '. lbe Toilet Preparation. , 60c Suprcma Crown 43 0c Benzoin 4 Almond Cream 33c" 2!"e Vogue Liquid Po If ")0e Dcpilntory To 33 2."c Borodcnt Tooth Pnste lt 2.V Peroxo Tooth Pnste 1!C 2.")c Selox Paste IOC 2.-c Scloi Po IOC 2"c Zymolc Po 10c -Perfumes.' 1 Oz. Colgate 60e 1 Oz. Pnrola 500 1 Oz. Hilbcrt's ....600 Drugs. 1 TViz. Aspirin Tablets 15o 2 Pox. Aspirin Tablets 2.r;o i Oz. lilvccrine 259 1 Lb. Epsom Salts 15 Just Received a New Lot of BATHINO CAPS PHONE 167 Salem. Or. I MM . SPECIAL Valley flour $ 2.G5 Karo Amber No. 5 48c Karo Amber No. 10 93c i Bob White No. 5 50c Bob White No. 10 9Sc Molasses No. 5 43c 2 oz. Cinnamon 9c 2 oz. Cloves 9c China Cup and Saucer 20c White and White Enamele'd Plates 20c We will save you money on matresses. Reduced prices on ranges. 2-Burner Perfection Oil Stove $14.00 BARGAIN DAY EVERY DAY Peoples Furniture Store 271 N. Commercial St. Salem. ' MM 4 repair work. Phoa. im, 220 N. Com. 2 oz. Nutmeg 9c . ' 2oz. Pepper 9c Th demand for house In Salem Is 9 n7 Hinrror n so great that when anr house is under- 1 " Z' , ,""" 5,0 going repairs aad unoccupied at thej2 OZ. Gold Star nine, it has been found necessarr to T - ' nn. I...- . . - - i Ajcriuuii .ir iig sign, i tiis souse is aot for'n , , I rent." At tare hiso. now being re- 1 OZ. UUCkej'e Lemon 22c built there were so many inquiries a 1 9 QV BuckpVP VsniHl to whether the house could be bought U) V ar.liia ...-C Do you want your Freight and Ex press out of Portland to arrive quicker? SHIP via Willamette Valley Transfer Co. PIIONE 1400