" msmss t : FR R J7 f ?e can of Crescent Baking Powder free with Every Lemons, per dozen A 33c Oranges, per dozen j5c Tomatoes, per lb 10c Shrimps, per can ; 19c Diamond Salmon, per can 25c Crisco, 3 lbs. can .....$1.23 Royal Club pure Honey, per jar....23c White Navy Soap. 4 bars 23c Libby's Pork and Beans, per can 18c Roman Meal, pkg 33c NO-VARY GROCERY 383 Coyrt Street If Schilling Tea is really tea, common tea ought to be called something else, SchillingTea is rich and delicate and fine and in ; vigorating.- Common tea .is mostly tannin that they tan leather with harsh, puckery and bad for diges tion and nerves. . . . loin in 4iuui ui lur JjiuriiF iiicii,,-, fl'ine tea COStS leSS per;uturdny evening at ::M' o'clock. Us- cup than common tea. Nowwhichdoyou think is cheap and which is dear? There are four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan,' Ceylon-- India, Ooldrig, English, Breakfast. All one quality, in pardisiyn-liaed moisture-proof padc ages, At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co Sun Francisco T7AY FEVER im Melt VapoHub In aapoon and Iniul f mm vapors. "YOUR BODYGUARD" "30f, 60. l.20 PROMINENT PORTLAND WOMAN CURED OF STOMACH TROUBLE Cortland, Or.. June 14, 1919. Whom it May Concern; I have been a constant sufferer cf . K.oniacti troubles for the past six years. Have suffered untold aguuy and mis-1 e-v ami spent monev- doctoring with f,rst class doctors. Have been told liy Iheui thut I had ulcers, cancer and a growth .in the stomach. Have tried so ..any kinds of patent medicines and remedies which helped others. Was on. let. losr niv m'oeiite. broke down in I my nerves, couldn't ent, drink or sleep in a minute of pcnccwisa wreck in f-,ct all over. I finally lost in weight i oiii ion poiinos ru si noi i.t iiiiins. i llNcd and existed on cold, fre-h, sweet U 1.1. to allien t ie tloctor oi i cre.l me to e Id one tespoont'ttl of lenltH ov'k in g ass of milk I drank. 1 suffered no o ie l.nnws but myself the uuk.ioun in ward iiii'ry with that cuiistinit nag g ng, liurniiig thrlibiiig sensiition iu soy stmunch. At times 1 would a't M-r foctlr desiMindent and raram'ly piny to die. 4, i over a year ago i heard of lr Stone 's tsioinii.-li I'owd.'is and lilnes 1,','lief and tliouglit I'll tnke air e'.Uer chance, ami thank (fod, my heav fnlr Father, it did and lias proved inc relief iin I hel and I believe cure. 1 it and drink anything I see 1 want oid crave at any lime. As 1 say it is in er one 'year ao but 1 constantly leep the powder in my h 'ie and ssh. n I feel the V ast distressed or any tte of mv faniiic or friends coniplnin I an only tio a'fid to mix Idem a doe n il how qu ckly t'lev are relieved. I can't rt-euiiuueud it t.i bUlily, neither ;n I s;iv by writing ami make one In,, nn, I understand the relief it has j",ven me fr,,m suffering anto'd Jigony id I .iv to e."u h and everyone who i eiffeing with in,liesti4tn tomsch t.-ouldes tliis jww,b-r is W'frta i weight i" gold. Am only m glad tu tell uth' er sufferers bat rehned tec and t"B,fiiT!v 1rt.fiev will relieve tlieM. Mlis. f i.l.A WA' K.NA AK. 4!I Williams Ave., Portland, Or, Manufactured by Or. (". Sto-ie. Ha leia. Oregon. Price "iKe. Fjr ss!e by all ' tt "isisn. GROCE THE QUALITY STORE . H. Mfir lirmin CITY NEWS jji - 1k 0 'Drs. Cashatt and Peiiibtrton ha movm weir ornee to oof liana ot tioinmerce bliljf. l'hone SU3. 9 I WAXTKE-4 or 5 r.":'i Ji-use, furnish- jil-airflinhls along tliut.part of the ed or partly fnriih vl. fall 81, -S::!0 jcOHSt. 4.toria lias uo suitable landing morning. 'f. field tmd'is nut J err invitinir conn- Hill- RK.VT (iarnge. Hump 8t:!. tf Examinations were held today In the office of the county mpeiiuleudcnt of schools for special permits. These spe cial teachers permits will jive the teacher the privilege of feaehiiur until.,' m?n "PP"1" to he sick. I pon in- the next regular examination tor school certificates, which will ba m December ''- To demonstrate what proper physical training will do for a 1-i pound uiuu, lljjyd irelHiid, formerly wrestling iu- structor at Camp Lewis but now in Jaiem with the intention of establish ing a school of wrestling and physical culture here, will stago a deinoiistra- .1... i :!.... ing nil r.iin car, luruisneii ni, 1.. (iilliert, distributor, lis the s'.age for his stunt Ireland will lift five men to - taling a, leastJOOO pounds iu wight. Wallace Eeid, hame and ven- tue, sups awny iruoi ine roie oi uie so- ciety man und appears touigiit J umay nt ine wregon inmier mo Ijovb Burglar" a whirl of mistaken identities and plenty of actwti. bun-1 day and Mon.b.y the Oregon shows Margu'rito lark.in - ''(..rls'' - .ana.lap - tntion of Clyde lit. h s famous singe suecesa. This is a picture that eiuries nili . .....,, comedy from start to finish, in it Mar guerite Clark appears in her most win some form ns tho avowed man hater alio eventually falls a victim to Cupid thru a trnin of strange situations. , . .. . .,. Salem has the edge over all compet- itors ut Klnnuith Kails for the annual state meeting of K.m fiir lUiO. Word received this morning indicates that j 'Pendleton hns practically given up it'jjjt cliiini Jor tin) iv-v meei anu win u) pel Sulem ill order to lay the wires for the 1!2I nnntinl meeting. This tnem1" that Sulem will be selected ns the pla"e i'or the .Ut-i) session ttjiiili will br:u' Hi KM) or more Klks and friends to the icitv for three duys. - An automooiie oriven oy mu.iuuw ,r,tAN..;T(( Mf Mr( ,,nn? f of Milwaukie, Oiegon, collided witb .1, Slli...., ,,,. , . 4 ,u, street ear liixt evening at .Commercial .and 'Ferrv streets, resulting in consid- crnble ih.jurv to the nuto but none ;.) , H.e o;u,nts. Mr. Mmidorf refused U give his name but it was learned troo ., ,j Uinber on the car. He sn 1 he thought the street car would fur.i'j' ff at Kerry and t hew-fore he made iioj attempt to keep off the track and away from the street car going north, llcnce, J(il(,n s . denulv -in the the uto .! I Ke street car arrived at y . jj visi(i . the same point at the same tune. -,.,lHd for a few daa-i, the guest of 0 .'friends Tor the past ihree and one half, u:' ,. ,,, ., ,, ... . . month, there has been but little ram-, tall in Nil, lu M uv the precipitation - was only .SI of an inch, in June here . , , I an inch and in July it was still dr us mere via- ni .' , ' so fur none in Auot. The oal ;.,r the three and one half munt'is is only .W of nn no h. The river is :iniiig the effect of the dry season and ;s new one and one half feet below ,bc lew water mark. Real estate rontinries to more In 8a- lem. Herbert l-'nrrar h;,s piirehax-d a five room IiiiiikiiIow from Kalph llnuup; son tor $2.'UHI. The property i on l.in i I coin street in Mouth S;ilcm. V. A. Pen ' in y h.'.s also bought a home in (south .-nleui on Mvera street paving s-i.: Moth sal, were made by W. II. (,ia- In niort a Co. Ceorge L. Cooper, former Tice con- s it l iiili. ll cceupr the pulp.t of ; the Kir( Christian church next ciiin-! ,'ny irorning. Sunday school will be! :it the nsiisl hour, but there will e . i'0 services in the evening. A traveling salesman for a Bridge port. C corset house was in the city this nmrning. He brinas the disquiet ing liens that on account of strikes at Hridgit'rt in sesersl of the big corset factories, prices have advanced considerably and that or-p: wiil be scarce on the market this f:i;. J. M. Peterson of O reel jr. Colorado. writes the Coutmcrcial club thnf hf- snts' to come to tins is'ley st I a-i THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, Mason Fruit Jars, quarts 9Sc Mason Fruit Jars, 1-2 gallon 81.20 Economy Fruit Jars, pints $1.15 Economy Fruit Jars, quarts $1.33 Economy Fruit Jars, l-2gals : ..$1.65 Sauer Kraut, 2 cans 25c Parawax, per pkg . 25c Spring Clothes Pins, : doz. pkg.... 25c Cream of Barley, pkg 25c Mt. Hood Pumice Soap, 3 bars 25c Phone 409 ea for literature. James F. Fieittress of ' Exeter, Mo., is feeling the simp -way ja,'m,, !t ai"1 W0"U' li,ic i!,for"'ion- jj.(He writes he is coininjj for his health. , J As there aw no sultabla landing ! places at Astoria, the airplane Web- f,1(1 lu,i,1IU,i . . o,.iom r . (.---.. - company will not give exhibitions ami comiuer- l. trv for the aviator that miyht be obliged to make a landing suddenly. A hair tonic drunk was picked up hift evening by the police. A telephone call came in from the north part of the city along in the afternoon that ! vest igat urn, it was found that the ill ness wa caused by the wrong implica tion of the hair toflic. As he seemed to be anxious to mnke good and work, and an he had no money, .Tud'rp Race de cided that the best thing that could be done for the limn was to get him a rub. Ho is now-working. So far this month only three build in , permits have been issued. Perry Taylor will spend tout) in repairing a house at 1 :!i:s rtagiiiaw. Kimis West will put on 4IK) worth nf repa.'1" on a one storr frame nt 4111 North Front. J. C. ; J " ' '""'l .7 - . . 'f? month to spend ",U0 0,1 R h-20 Mill street. j)r y q rrankUn of luaiversitV. is spending u Willamette part of his vacation with the .Vfi ' u: aytnas on Mt. He made the official climb B.ith rt f fi, nfy (hc ni(jht at c.,m Muif ftn(1 tho ',,,., .loill gnJ ,,. ,he eVmb fU f(),()W. i1Jf (av ,0 fho mlmmit of M( Klii(, , H 408 fept Mulln(uil riiiibiiig is noth- enpetjBiiy llpw for J)r Frank in. A few years ago h spent 0 dnvs with the famous Sierra club of California, ascending Mt. I.yell. He hus also tramped through tho Yusemite valley and for iiihiiv years has made it a cus- torn to live near to nntiiie for several .' BORN. I ! AM.KY To Mr. nnil Mn. George W. Smnllev, living north jf f.ile:ii, August 14, l!l!l, a dung li ;'. twin girls. h( t)(i hnnp ()f Mr y j ,., BHV mi wfci . the ( lini ng winter. A,forn(,v T A Bl. ;,; of , . torney gcncrnl's office, returned to his I desk today after a vacation of two weeks, which he spent in the Silet. cuuntrv and on the const, j K. F. Carleton of the education de jpartment, is absent from the office i this week, rnjowng an voting in the ; hills. State Kti'jineor Cupper returned this anon from id ml, where he" has been Doctor Tells How to Strengthen Eyesight fly tbe sr- , simple r - use o (f ' Bon-Opt) . hav eveaivht J -, - strength- V 4 .- --,lri. inaweek'B time in "'s...t....-' many instances, and c.'rh relief brought to int'amfij, a h.i if. l.irg, burning, work-trutr-(,', s a .- '-yes. Read the doctor's full .. ci t aton to appear ia tr. s a; e( ;; -..i jptois sold and tfin:ei,,ieil , Druggist. Outing after progress of aa irrigation ,,,., an.) Onion; Murray, HCg Mrs. M. R. Oilmore and F.diih F.'.., i ..;. iiarroit of Lugrne wort among the ar rivals at the Bligh hotel todar. J. M. Meyer an d L. ('. K.s.stmat wercl tarn fiiverton citizens isi t injj briefly ia Salem. Among the gtiesls at t lie Marios ho tel to.br sr.. IV J. Neff of Mcdtord and H. t. Howard of Curvallis. J. T. (ri'O'liiirm and wife, formerly residents of tli.s city ami Looking Hsss, arrived kt last evening from Salem, here they are now located. They will visil here for mime time with their two sou, Ben and Jsme. Rosa burg News." tieorge li. lr of Hsieiu, district deputy for the order of .Modern Woofl- maa of America, ia m hugene for won nine, ,w r. sieper wis rorsieriy at Lima. Peru, where he acted as Am erican vice consul. He will now havo iicau'iuaricis bi nieiii, anu win miiv Oregon his permanent home. Ht for- i uierly lived at Lincoln. Nob.. whir he ' waa ia the, head office of Ihe Mode vtooumea tnere. tie has mane a spfViai I tv of foreign traite ami commerce fo several years Kuetie Register. TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORE! Kirst panic H H. Cincinnati : 4 It New York 3 6 r.ner mm iiik-.; rarncs, imiouc nnu Gonzales, Snyder. Oiueiuiiati 4 4 Xew York 0 6 Fisher aud Rnriden: Benton and 8nv der. Brooklyn 3 9 0 Martin, Carter and Killifer; Grimes and Miller. Pittsburgh 3 7 2 Koatop 5 7 A, hints ami BbirkwcMI; (Vusev and Gowdv. Pittsburgh 5 Boston 2 Karlson and l.ee; Fillingiin and AVil son. (Twelve innings.) Ht. Louis- 7 12 Philadelphia 2 ' 4 ' 1 ;' appetizing OLIVE OIL "alwayt fresh" Choice of Good - Housekeepers Sold Everywhere C WIS. M.Jli.r a To.. He. if , t ' if SaMSJI.I. '(f'-.IMIWYM V iTIIROUGIITIIE WRONG DOOR ty Jm lyrJiWir,mt Armed bf CKrrnae O 6wr JJieSkxircfatt Accidental lloacymoon Ye LIBERTY Now Showing f""V ' I'm ii I r III I I gxgm iff TT '- ,''i!'"i;' mniiiiMiiitmi r 'lliPISI FRIDAY, AUGUST 13. 1919. Philadelphia 3 srd, Tu.ro s ml .Seniiis: Mea ili.s and Tisgr.'s..r. (Jvveu iuniujis.) a T t.'e r-r1'f i j A Nutritious Diet for All Aflea " Quids Lunch at Heme Of Ollks Aroid Inilatiea aaj Substitutes REAL ESTATE- BEST BUYS. 10 acres '-i mile Palem, black gravel i soil, familv orehanl, bat-', hue house, . -ii . ' ..i.i. i . i .ii wen, ware auu cut., inuu-i tow, . uozeu chickens, 5 tons nar, cil acres corn go at ll'ilW. t, .., fnwn ,;ill,ln is Uleared, it) acre. Bottom; fair honse, 2 jirood burn; trade for f ace half aa li large. 40 acres all cleared, IS aces fl vear old prunes. bnildinBs, tiVi uiilej Salem. Cheap at T.iflO. ;t acres in Salem, on nuuadnm street, all kinds fruit and b, Tries, good 7 room house, outside cooler, on water sya- j j tein, bant woodshed, only $1000, -o arres goou sou, roil ng; iu acres cleared, good family orclia d, buildings, 2 springs; .1' miles Sa'cm mile school; ,ti-"iO. 10S acres well improve, on t roads to be Kived, 70 acres cultivated, bal ance brush pasture. 190 per acre, 2 1 worth more. 3 , 22 acres close, to Chemnwa, best soil, all in cultivation; 7 acres (lover, young family orchard, building:; about 30 tone clover nmt oats huy goes with place at ssiiiiu. 5 acres, 2Vfc miles Salem all cultivat ed, good soil, email houso aud baru; easy payments) $1.7)0.. - 5 acres lt.j mile Saleie, berries; S acres prunes, building. 12500. , 10 Ml acres dark loiiin, S acres culti vated, balance stunp pasture, 1 acre beaver dam; gond buildings, family or chard, mile town; only $3700, 797 acres cut over, escc ient pasture, beat soil, spriflg water, tog house, born; $20 per acre. : . 41 acrei all cultivited except 2 acres evergreens, good Bottom iand, water piped to house aud barn; 2 miles town on gravel road. $5i)" 0. Half cash. Huv a home. S0C0L0FSKY. 341 State BUYAHOML 6 room bungalow in good condition, fruit, sidewalks, pavement, good lot, 1 block car; $1000. cash m incut, bal ance 10 montWy, t- fl pi scent. (I room strirtlv iun,len bungalow, full baseDient, furnnre, f'n place; nice lawn, flowers, berrcn $.I2"i(i, $750 cash balance $2.1 month'y at percent. 0 room buni'alo.v, full basement, largo lot, fruit, la vn, '. block car; $23.i(. Hninll payment; i.T (ailments at 0 per eent. ; room bungalow, al tractive, Hood lot, east front, 3 blocks srhool ;$2, 2.)0. $1000 down, '.enns. fl room iiinilern iiongiilow, close in. $:t200. $1000 cash, liBlmici i per cent. 0 room col Inge on graveled street, Hot 75 bv 150, fruit; pricj $l!hjD, $000 t-'. ... .1. 1. 1 7 . vnii, uutumc I p,.f cent. 0 room buiigulow in ftiie location, paved street, close to seluol and car, shady lawn, only $'1200; :f00 down, bullion' to suit ut (I percent. We chii uit von SOCOLCFSXY 31 8tto NOTICE (IF SALE OF OOVElt.NM KNT timber, general land office, Wiisliing ton, D. C, June 27, luiv. ivotico is hereby given that subject to the condi tions and limitations ot the act of June 9. 1010 (3D Stat., 21N), and Uie instructions of the secretary of the in terior of September 19, Jt)17, the tim ber on thtf following lands will bo sold August 20, lltltf, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction nt. the l intrd Status land office nt Portland, Oi.igon, to the highest bidder at not less than (he ap praised tuIuo as shown by this notica, sale to be subject to tho approval of of the secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, biSng commissions allowed," must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, other wise patent wit! issun for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will bc'rcccivcd from cili tens of the United States, associations of such eitir.ani and corporations or itanized under the law of the United States or sny etate, territory or dis trict thereof only. Cpnn application of a qualified purchase, the timticr on any egai oniiviion will be off-red aena rately before 'being included in any of fer of a larger nnit. T. 2 N., B. 3 W., See. 11, NW' SW'4. red fir 510 M., cedar 53 M., KW HW'J, red fir 7t0 M., none of the red fir or cedar to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. T. 0 8., K. Z K., See. 5, NKV4 N K '4 , fir 1090 I Vf.. hemlock 270 M.. N W V S V. V. lit sso M., hemlock 150 M., hK'4 nV:'4, rir 1770 M., hemlock 2,0 M., 8WV4 NK'i, fir 2W M., hemlock 200 M., SE NWii, fir 6.10 M., hemlock 1.10 M., SWti VWt,. fir 1700 M, HFM HK'4. fir 1170 M., hemlock 120 M., MW4 HK'4, fir lfl'.O M., hemlufk 50 M., Hr. HF., tit 1190 M., hemlock 30 M, HWV, HKi,, fir 700 M., NKV, SWI4, fir 1950 M., .VWV4 8WV4, fir 2100 M.. SK', RW',, fir lfi-50 M., H 8WV,, fir 1250 M., no'e of the fir to be sold for lees than $1.;j0 per M., sv.J none of the hemlock to be sold for lese than 75 cents per M. T. 9 8., R. 3 E., Bee. 25. RWii NWiJ, red fir 600 M., HK SRi, red fir 350 M., 8WVi NKi4 red fir 500 M., none of the red fir. to be sold for less than $2 per M. CLAY" TALLMAN, Commiseioaer, Gen eral Land Office. 18 , sv w r. -. 'f v t .r , Safe 1 V v w.iit. Quick Reference To Firms That Gira Serrice On Shoif Where Buyer And Seller Sleet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVEKTTinyQ Salaa Elaetrit Co, Uoei T:ail, MACHINE SHOP WORK Export machina shop aerr hy Mr. nerjtnaa at mna achCv.. mafhiae ahop. IS yenra extierience. Gear tut ting a specialty. ILigh class machine tools. Qukk service. Phona 448, 8-15 OPTOMETRISTS. DR. L. HALL WILSON Se- V: "alist in the Modern Scientific Application of Glasses for the aid of vision and the relief of K vest rain and I Headache. Office closed Haturdnvj. Office 210-211 IT. 8. Bank building. Phones, office 145; res. 1244. L.M.HUM cart of Yick So Tosg Chinese Medicine and Tea Ob, f Has medicine which will cure any known disease. Open Sundnys from 10 A. VL until 8 P.M. 153 South High tit I Balem, Oregon Phone 231 $1 4 W. T. EICJDON ft 0O Undertakers 58 North Uiga StreH PORTLAND CARMEN GRANTED 12 PERCENT WAUK INCREASE New York, Aug. 12.J-(Unitc4 Press) The war labor board lata today grant ed a flat wuge increase of 12 percent (pr employee of traction lines in Port laud, Or., East Ht. I.ouls aad the viclnl ty of Cleveland. The increase it was stated, was based on the Increased cost of living. 4,a $t Tls IAvsffnl Infiiefttsl Capital Journal VstlfslOl JOuIImJ $1 Daily Market Report Oram Wheat, soft white No. 1 $2 Feed oafs ... ..- 80c Milling Oats OL'e Hay, cheat, new - $17 Hay, oats, new, -...- $lS(ii20 Mill run mm . Butterfat. Hiilterfnt 11c Creamery butter 61(0 82c Pork, yeal aod Buttoo Pork on foot . ... , - 1c Veal, fancy 81C2e Bteers 7(.lf Cows . - 0t5Vc Spring lambs - Wo lie Ciwes - i''c Sheep. Tcarlings - 7 Eggs and Poultry Tggs, cash ' Hens, live - - 25c Old roosters -.- - 18 Broilers - '- 2;lfn 24c Vegetamea New polutoea - - "Vjf Orien onions dos 40c unions, per suck ... i. 4-1 7". I Celery tins - UO. fn 1 (HI Tomatoes ' . $ I. "( 1.W Iralt Peaches SOfo75e Watermelons I H-4c Oranges $5.7'fu)(l.jO Lemons, bos $7.5Ouv8.."0 Bananas W? Uey. ertrastod (anteloupes , $a.7.i $.'1.2' Bunch beets - 43e Cabbiign . ui" Head lettuce an Carrot - 5c Retail Prices. Kggs down .. . 60c Creamery butter - - 70e Country butter OOt i'lour, hard wheat ..$.'.. 10(3.2; Portland liaiket l'ortli.nd, Oi., Aug. 15.- Butter, city creamery SHfa.Wc Kggr si:lecied lo al ex iiiole 11, us 2::tu I'm Bi'iilers 2(c -.n; Cheese, trijih'tn 3'i(i !8c dailV live btoo KMABSET Oatua Itcccipls none Tone of mnrket steady Onod to choice ,eers $IO..Wn 11 Fair to good steers $7..i'"iri 8.5(1 Oimrnon to fair steers $7(y7.50 Choice to gjod cor.i sud hcifen ..hum a Medium to good cows and heiferj $7.r 7.311 Cnnners $tu 5.50 Hulls $(I.257!J Calves $or 15 dogs Receipts none Tone of market firm Prime mixed .tn 20.50 Medium mined $ 1 1). Wu Rough heavies tltt.Wn 111 Pigs lt ' Bulk $20(tf20.-',0 Rtieep Receipts none Tono of market steady lrnne lambs $ll.5iiio 12 Fair to medium lambs (r 11.50 Venrlings $7ri 7.75 " Wethers $7rti 7.50 Kwcs $5fi 7.50 PAGE SEVEN, A Talapkaaa -Mala 11D ELECTElCAi 127 North High- JUNK WANTED Call 398. Highest price paid fv Junk, second hand good Ml machla ery. Be st. and call 398, get the lU&t prices. The square deal house. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 CtemekeU St SaJea, Oc ...... tttntttltttttttt.ttttitit WHY SELL FOR LESS? We will pay you more cash for yew household goods. Qot our bid be fan) you sell Peoples Furniture and QarAs ware Store, 271 N. Com. St. DwM 734. SECOND-HAND GOODS NO CASH BEQU1RED Good oseieect hoes and suits, all kinds of nnsisv al instruments, shotguns, rifles, teas ing stoves, gas stoves, suit easae aa4 1000 other tfsrful articles to sell ear trade. What have yout The Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 491. WE WANT TOUR used furniture, stoves, carpets) and tools, as we pay fair prioes f o everything. Call 47 CA11TAL HARDWARE YXMHb -Tl'KE CO. 283 N. ComT Bt. Hats Blocked I EEXOVATE, block and trim lad aud men's bats at 1017 prices, and bettor work; material ia scarce, bate are expensive, what's the answer! C, B. Kllsworth, 493 Court St., Sa- leai, Or. STOVE REPAIRING. STOVES REBUILT AND BEPAI&X4 50 years experience, Depot Natlosaj snd American fence. Bi7.es 23 to 58 in. high Paints, oil and varnish, eta. Loganberry and kon hooka. Salem Pence and Stovr Works, 250 Court street, Phone lit. SCAVENGER SALEM BCArENfJEHT-Clarbaga sag refuse of all kinds reoloved oa saoata ly contracts at reasonable ratet Cess pools cleaned. Dead anlnalt tm moved. Office phone Mnin 167. MONEY TO LOAN On Oood Real Estate Sncority " THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd A Bush bank; Harem Orefes FEDERAL. FARM LOANS 6 "4 He. cent mterest. Prompt aervioe. yeart time. Federal farm loan bon'ie; for salo, A. C. Bolirnjtedt, 401 it sonio Temple, Sulem, Oregoa. I INSURANCE COCNtitr For free ix formation about Life Insuranes se J. F. Hutchason, dint, manager fet the Mutual Life of N. V., of fiee a , ... ,.,-,, ,. ... Qfflae. ' WOOD SAW PHONE 1090B (bir Prices are Right W. M. ZANHLKK, Propneter 12.'' 5 N. Htiaimer Htreet, Halem, Or LODGE DIRECTORY KNIOHTS OF PYTHIAS MBRT A McCornnck hall on every Tneadaj; at 8. Walter Lenoa, C. C, P. J, Hunt i, K. B. 8. ROYAL Noighbors of America, Otm goa Urape ramp Ne. l.IrK) meet earf Thursday evcuiag in McCornaek hail Klavator sc'vice. Oiac.le, Mrs. Cars ne K. Bonn, H4H Union Ut; rre dor Mrs. Melissa Porioas, 1411 M, 4th' Rt. Plione 143(511. li'NITKf) ARTISANft-CapitJil Asserae bly No. 84 meets first Thursday at ench month at 8 p. tu. in Ma-son'.e Temido. Glenn C. Nib's, M. A.j C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. MOD K UN WOODMKN OF AMKRICA Oregon Cedur Camp No, 5216,meet every Thursday evening at 8 o'cloek in McCornaek building Coart at: 4 Liberty streets. W. M. Persona, V. ('.; Prank A. Turner, clerk. WATDR COMPANY 4ALEM WATKB f)U PANT Of flea nrner Commercia'. snd Trade streeM Bills payable monthly in advance. Chime 60S. Out of $0 students in tne pnarmaey department of the University of Wash ii jton this year 30 are women. To replace the old building reeeatty burned, the school district of Empire, in Ccoi county, has voted fond l 12,o00. $$5 Keep ITi n war Oamma ItVati UsriilV Vt'f