Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 15, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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fi error in Classified Advertisements
Bead your advertisement the first day
It appeara and notify u immeduvleiy if
rrer occurs,
alinimtua charge, 15a.
"MABTDs" painter. Phone 704. 8 26
WOOD for sale. Phone 2093M. tf
WANTED Cattle and ealvsf, any
i kind, rhone 1376W. 9.5
WANTED Hay or straw to bale.
Phone 1572J. 8-19
WORK wanted for foam, in hop yard.
Hans Popp, Gcrva:, Rt. 1'. 8 15
lOKT Bill folder .ouiaining $93.
Finder please call 773R. 8-13
NEW bicycle for f:.le. 1050 X. 5th
St. 81
CRAVENSTEIN (.poles 73c per box,
delivered. Phone Mil'll. tf
riUMSHED housekeeping
818 X. Commercial.
rooms -at
FOB RENT 2 sleep nj rocms in Hub
bard bldg. Call at 100m 304. tf
FOR SALE Xew modern bungalow
with full size lot, very ieason:tMe.
1475 N. 4th. . 8 16
FOR SALE American adding machine
Call at 480 a 1-th ft. after 4
o'clock. 8-19
Dt'CKS for sale, ana dozen Iudian
Runners for sale. I244'J State St.
8 15
M.KV wanted at tile works near fair
grounds. Apply Salem Tile and HeT
eantile Co. tf
FOR SALE Small mars, suitable for
women ami-children to ride sr drive.
Phone 1572J. 8 15
FOR SALE Ba'.fcl clover hay and
grain 20 dollars ton. C. Muller, one
mile south McN'nry station. 8 18
FOR RENT 4 room house 196 8. 23th
1 block from Stale St. earline, 87.
See R. Lamb, 615 a 17 th. , tf
11ST French blus Tarn. Phone 13S0
J. 8-15
WANTED Three or four room furnish
cd house. Apply 'Ai t'outt 8t. 8 IS
CHEAP apartments fr.r rwit. with use
of well water. Phooa 173JW. tf
(WANTED Invalid's wheel chair. Ad
dress 220 tit. 8-18
LIST your propertv with SOCOLOF
SKJ. tf
W. BEAVER well driller. Phone 827J.
1165 N.'19th St. Salem, Or. 9 8
LLST' your property with SOOOLOF
- SKY. tf
LIST your property with 3OCOL0F
SKY. tf
FOR SALE Elgin tit, 1918 model at
Marion garage. tf
FOR the best shoe repairing, go to N.
Brueck, 163 8. Com'l St. 9 13
HAND quilting neatly dine. Phone
1573J. 816
FOR hauling and trncx work try the
Farmers Transfer truck, phone 1608
J, 1170 N. 13th St. A. H. Bieder
man.' 9-4
FOR dress making see M-. A. II. Bie
denuan, 1170 N. 15th St. Phone
1008,1. 94
FOR SALB Cheap, 5 room house, two
lots, plenty fruit; no incumbrance.
. Phone 1393. 9 9
WANTED To rent 8 to 7 room mod
ern house possession on or before
Nov. let. Dr. Fred Ellis. tf
FOR SALE Fine hrd mare, 10 yeais
01a, weignt ituu. v. It. farrier, o
miles south on Prinle jjad. 8-20
FOR SALE-JChcap, well improved 5
acre tract IVi miles from Salem. M
P care Journal. 8-16
FOR RENT N'ico" front rleeping room
will consider boird. 7.5 8 12th St.
8 16
EXPERIENCED man -starts to rent
prune orchard anl bcrres. 330 Di
vision St. 14
ELEVATOR girl wanted, day work.
Apply in person to Klmo 8. White,
manager Masonic Tempi. Room 402.
8 16
LIGHT four Studebaker bug. Its a
dandy buy and will sell for $300,
easy terms. Salem Veiie company,
102 N. Com. 8-16
WANTED To rent five or tlx room
modern house wit- garage. Phone
1013J or 926. tf
FOR SALE A mojera house ready to
move into. Come and look it over.
645 S. 12th St. F. A. Erixon. tf
FOR TRADE 320 acre rar.eh in Har
ney Co., Or., for Willamette valley
property. Box 77, Rt. 4 Salem, Or.
BEST business location In tho city of
Newport for sale; modem store build
ing and improvements If interested
write W T 25 care Journal. 8 16
WILL soli a very fine piano, sweot
tone and looks nice, for 50. This is
a bargain. The Wiley L. Allen Co.,
619 Court St. 8 15
WE make the beat power prune dippers.
Salem Mfg Co., 1396 X. Front St. tf
JAS. LTONS practical painter. Phone
704. tf
WANTED Position in Salem by com
petent bookkeeper and stenographer.
Will substitute during summer vaca
tions. Address ( S Journal. tf
W. P. WEIGHT, Turner, auctioneer,
Why not get himt tf
GOVERNMENT lonns at 5 percent.
W. D. Smith, Sulem Bank of Com-.
erce. tf
DEKOBATO sanitary waU tint, best
made; beautiful new colors. Bureni
Com! St. tf
WALL PAPER IS cents per double roll
apwardj Burcn'i Furniture Store.
179 Commercial 1 tf
FOR SALE Buick four 5 passenger
ear in good condition; ree this car
to appreciate its real woith. Salem
Velie company, 16 N. Com. 8-18
WE can save you many dollars on
- your new piano. Some beautiful yv
anoe at bargain prices and easy
tms. The Wilev B. A'.cn Co., 519
Court St. 8-13
FOR SALE With possesion at once,
seven room bungalow,' lath, toilet,
eleetrie lights, one block to paved
atreet, with corner lot; on easy terms
Bee P. N. Andreeca, 876 N, 14th St.
" or Thomas H. Cole, 387 Mission St.,
owners. 8 16
EGGS, EC1G9, EOG3 Poultrymen 1
can sell vour eir and make yon a
profit. Address II T, 204 Henry bldg.
Portland, Or. 8-22
FOR SALE .Nine room noose, large lot
modern conveniences, double gafge,
close In, on street ear line and paved
street. G L care Journal. tf
NURSERY STOCK Italian prunes,
grafted walnuts and all other kinds
of nursery stock for fall delivery.
Alfo a second hand Maxweld auto
will trade for a good team. Brooks
. Nursery, Lafayette, Or. 8-28
the old reliable rage renee aireci
from factory in ear load lots; Per
fection Automatic Gates Milwaukee
air pressure water systems, fresh wa
ter direct from spring or well. L. J.
Davenport, T. D. Allea, Bilverton,
Page fence men for Marion and
Clachamaa counties, 818
HOP pickers wanted in Mitoma yard,
we furnish wooo ana ienu, sior uu
grounds, all former piekera, welcome
and new ones as well, at (We per box,
114 acre of the very beet hope In
Oregon, register t Adorph ;Bros..
State St., or Homer H. Smith, Me
Corniek bldg. Court St. tf
Wo bay and sell Botes, morf.
gagee and all kinds of bonds.
114 Masonic Building
a BaleTB, Oregon
BARGAIN'S 8 acrci river bottom land
small honse, close to town, only $050.
14 acres same location, good build
ings $23K). 23 ten, new bungalow,
river bottom lau I, 3OO0. 40 acres
close to Salem, fair buildings, $3009.
40 acres good prtio- land $80 per
'new. 7 roo tunrfilow 1.W0. 7 room
cottage 13O0. 5 room f off age, paved
atreot $1200. P. U Wood. Eynj
mm mm
314MasoidcBHg,Sakn Ore.
FOR SALE sheep, ia fine cosHlitiea.
Phone 6F3 after 6 p. m. 8 IS
WANTED Experienced saleslady for
millinery. 23 care Journal. 818
FOR SALE A few M,$ husky regis
tered Angora yearling and kid'bucks
t'orue and see them. R. W. Hogg, Sa
lem, Rt. 2. 8 16
FOR SALE 7 roo a noose, corner lot,
fucing east and nj.th, sew garage,
garden spot. All clear Can give pos
session at any time. See property at
1291 N. 4th. Phone Jt'l'-i. ' S !
FOR SALEFour year old Jersey tow,
fresh, with the calf. Cre half mile
east on Jefferson road. Phone 69F21,
W. E. Scott ' 8 15
FOR SALE Ford touring car, 1916;
sous'"? good, looks -ood; fully equip
ped. See Earl Wood, Liberty Garage.
Ferry bU 8 15
FOR SALE CHEAP 19U Elgin six
auto, A-l condition, good tires, runs
like new. Salem Velie company, 162
N. Commercial st.2t. 8-15
STUMP AGE for snV-, ve-y reasonable
for whole tract. Will bo at my cabin
on premises half ruMe north of Quin
ary station, Sunday Auj. 17. Alma
S. Johnson. 8 16
WANTED Modern Iioom:. responsible
party, no children: will lease for 6
months or year. X L tare Journ
al. tf
FOR SALE 6 room house, 2 fine lotB,
plenty fruity it'lul iiarn, 'close to
school. Will take a good automobile.
H. E. Bolinger, 328 Hubbard build
ing, tf
BARGAIN Five room cot I age on pav
ed street east Se'ern, good plumbing,
$1200 .$300 cash bnk.uee monthly
payments. F. L. Wood, Bayne build
ing. 8-16
WiANTHD To rent furrished apart
ments of 4 rooms or more, by Sept.
5th. Must be good; or will consider
small residence. J-13 core Journal.
HOP pickers wanted. Three weeks pick
ing, commencing about Aug. 22d.
Keizer bottom six miles northwest
of Sulem. O. O. McClellaa. Phone 54
F13. 813
$2500 TAKES block, witk goe. 8
room house, newly papered, bath, toi
let, eleetrie lights, cement walks,
enrage, good barn, frnit ana garden
Will sell all or part. A Wo have large
lot with 2 room house. Uwnes here
short time only. Inquire 1395 N. Lib
erty St. tf
BARGAIN 160 acde stock and dairy
ranch for sale or trade fo property
in Maron county.
3,i miles from Toledo, Or., S8 acret
level land fit for cultivation 20 acres
has Ibeen under cnltivatioa In orch
ard and grass. County road through
place and school house 4n land.
1 million feet of fir and alder and
plenty of vineaiapln, 1 miles from
tido water and all down hill. Wood
sold last winter for $12 per cord at
Newport; more than enotgh wood to
twico pay for the place. Over three
miles of outrange for i.uitle, gnats
and sheep. Adjoining place held at
3000, $2200, three springs and two
creeks on pluco. Writ.) W F 25 care
Journal. 8 1G
WILL make all kinds of tru-s with
truck. R. B. Ibney, Aumsville. 8 l!)
ALL kind ef hauling and truck work
phone lvHt. A. Uruber. 9 15
VOUXO ntaa would like job driving
car or track. 1'hcinf 7t2R. 8 21
rR SALE 1600 pound team, wagon
and haraeas, K. B. Dabaev, Aunts
yille. ". -H
RKP1"NED, competent dressmaker
would exehaags work, part board er
room, or light housework. 5o6W. 8 13
LOAN wanted from private party oa
local rea k-atate. 1'hone 9.2R after
six p. m, 8 18
FOR -Aid? Jersey cow, heavy milker
registered; test 6.4. 1341 D St. "a.D
after 4 p, an. 8 16
PrANX) Excellent instrument far sale
less thaa 4 purchase price. Call 1402
N. 16th St. tf
WAXTKlv Boy over 16 to wash dish
its at WiJUinK'tte cajiHat). urn. 754
Ferrv St. tf
WANTED To borrow $i."00 for cli
ent on propertv work $XrlK. H. E.
Bolinger, 328 Hubbard bldg. tf
VANTEl For cash, a modern bun
galow by Oct. 1st. Mrs. L R care
Journal. tt
WaaTED Experienced saleslady for
dress goods, silks, etc. 13 care Jour
nal. 8 18
L08T A small rwhite jfenuJe Spitx
dog, on Garden road. Phone tiOF2l.
8 16
EXCH ANGJ-; 2 lots, cost owner $6S0
for Ford, in good condition. Box 16.
Marion, Or. 8 16
WILL pay half cash on house, bunga
low style preferrcdt Well located.
Possession 15 days. L. B. care Journ
al, tt
FOR SALE 10 aor.'i all cultivated, 5
acres of bearing prunes, good crop;
balance fine land for loganberries,
strawberries' or prunes and cherries;
small house; 4V4 miliis out. Price
$3300. See & B. Grabenhorst, 275
State street. 8 15
349 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
rsET) -cars popgiit for cash
ll.r Buick 4 cylinder. 4000
Chalmers 5 pnssengr, A-l condi
tion $275
Studehaker cliaasii for bug, $125
. 1916 Maswell $100
1918 Chevrolet sedin
5 passenger Ovreland to trade for lot
1918 Studebaker $950
1917 Saxon six $700
1915 Overland $500
5-passengor Studebaker, $180.
We sell oils, greasy gasoline, used
auto parts, tires tnd acceisories.
10 acres of good loganberry land all
cultivated, located south ol Salem.
Price $1400.
5 acres of good l.igauberry or prune
land, located 4 miles south of Salem,
close to Pacific highway. Pfice $1000.
20 acres all cultivated, good 5 room
plastered house, bar;-, thicken house,
drilled well, 4 acr"s loganberries, 5
acres of cherries, 4 acre apples, reek
msd, close to main highway. Prico $7,
Well improved 5 acre tract, all Cul
tivated, family orchard, 2 acret logan
berries, good 8 room plastered house,
barn; on main gravel road close to Sa
lem. Price $5500.
1 acre all in bearing orchard located
just south of Salem, outside the eity
limits. Price $W0. Terms.
Good 5 room modern b.ingalow lo
cated on paved street, east front lot,
good basement. Prtce $270.
50 acre tract located in the liberty
lisrict; 20 acres bea-ing prunes, 5
vrcs of pears, son e timber and pns
ure; large house, ba-n, dryer; loeated
in good rock road, close to paved high
way. Price $!;..rix). ,
!0 seres of orchard, 9 i-crej of bear
in Italian prunes, 1 :icr.! of fine fam
ily orchard, good building site, lock
road. Price t.500.
zr ar farm, 2r0 aces t,ndor cul
tivation, balanee ti:ib'r and pnirtiire
house and barn. liark prairie soil,
loeated N. E. of Salem. Piiie $100 per
Well improved 50 aero dact located
in paved rond, gnol bungalow, barn,
fami'y orchard, sonic timber. Price
Strietly modern 5 ror.i tome located
at 1370 State sret. Fa-nirhd and
ready to move into. Price $4n0; $1200
d wn. I,f.imi tern..
7 rn
8 15
If Yea Are Looking For
Snaps Look These Oyer
Fine 4 room house on paved
street, all modern with good gar
age. 5 blocks from O. K. depot.
Price $2500. Good terms.
Good 5 room modern house on
8. Liberty street with good gar
age. $140rJ, terms.
Good 7 room modern house on
S. Com'l street. Corner lot.
About ten minutes walk from
town. A bar pi in at $3250,
Good 6 i"oom house on Soulh
Coin '1 street, lot 75x1(15. Close in
$3000, terms.
Fine modern honse, 5 room
bungalow on paved atreet, one
block from ear line. If sold this
week $2200. $1200 down, balance
easy terms.
5 room house with eight lots,
fine garden land. S. Salem. A
bnnin at $1000. Will trade for
Good 4 room home and 3 lots
.on 8. Liberty street. East front,
fine garden and trees. $1350 if
sold soon.
Good 4 room house on corner
lot on car line. t.V).
Good 7 room honse with Vj
acre of land. Good barn and well
Ixicatrd on iBroom Ave. $1000,
one half cash.
Good 7 room house on S. Lib
erty St. Good garden, plenty of
trees. East front, one block to
car line. $2300.
14 acres two and) one hnlf
miles from Keiaer school house.
Good buildings, on main road.
Nearly all in crop. $3000 if sold
Ht acres about seven miles
and a half north of Salem, on
good gravel road, about seres
in prune Extra good buildings.
Price (4000, one half cash.
7'4 er, close to Halls fer
ry. One and a half acres under
cultivation. Good timber. 4 mom
house and chicken house. For
qnick sale, This includes
a good cow and number of
20 acres 3 miles east of Sa
lem, fairly good 5 room cottage,
good Imrn and good drilled well.
About 8 acres of orchard eon
siMing of prunes, cherries and
apples. Balance open farm bind.
All fenced with woven wire.
Value $S(.x'0. Will take in trade
good 5 room honse,
10 acres, 3'i miles from Pa
1cm on fine rd; land levs fine.
6 acres in fruit, 300 apple trees,
70 pears bnlancn cherries and
peaches. A real bargain. $2000.
For Sale by
406 407 Hubbard bldg.
for Fall
1 TT
lotteries J fcttem
The Fall of 1919 will mark a new epoch in styles.
While the range will be extensive, yet there will be cer
tain characteristics that denote correctness.
Butterick Fashions Are Right
Conservative in their expression they keep away from
FADS and EXPRESSIVE EXTREMES, and yet remain
well within the circle of ACCEPTED FASHIONS.
Those who have their garments made at Home, may
be assured of CORRECTNESS and ECONOMY of BUT
Many, Many People Now Turn to
Ready-to-Wear Garments
And there is where we again help and support our customers.
Every garment that enters our establishment passss the close scrutiny
This Fall as usual wre have the merchandisehard as it is to get COR- ff
Every express and freight brings us something NEW. Never fail to walk
through the store when down town. ' . , i
4 V
t r
SdcntifoIIv Correct
- II
. : it
:L:ijj:Lrim:iLx:.- - . -
Xon Can Always Do Better At
FOR SAIJE Five good milk cows,
fresh and) coming fresh; also 1 span
mules. Inquire tlicrry City feed
barns. Phone 2199. 8-18
6 BOOaC house and. two lots; house in
need of Home repairs, located o &
aoth. You make the terms and any
offer that is rensonnblu will not be
refused; or will exchange. tee H. 8.
Hadeliff, Bnyue bldg. 8-16
5 room strictly modern bungalow,
full basement, all rmilr. In features;
large lot. Seo it. f-750. $1500 cash,
balance terms. John II. Kcott Realty
Co., 404 Hubbard bUlj.
FOR PAiLB Nearly new Ford worm
drive truck with platform body, new
tire; a bargum ut $tWi(; will accept
liberty bonus, or smnll car as part
payment. 147 S. it'oin'l HI. I'hone
937 or M25J. tf
LAlltKlfH wnntiMl for paper
niil.l KTKADY WOI! K.'Splen
did new hotel, pool room, bar
he ho in lobby, Free 'txil list.
Uoonin 20c to 3oc, meals 3oc.
Ikai'.ufnl lil'lWs city-on th
imnks of Odumbia river, 20
miles from Portland. 2 boat
I lines, bus line, and railroad
connecting. Apply Crown Wil
bimctte J n per 'o., Camas,
Wash., or 510 Oregon bids?,
'Portland, Or. Fri. tf
40 ACREK A hank a'count: waits you
if you buy this. All in cultivation,
15 acres of loganberries, 13 acres of
prunes; located about 3 miles from
Hale m. On the paved road south. We
caa show yon this is a big dividend
pay; the price is less than any prop
erty in the same vicinity is selling
for, can arraign terms on part. If
you have property for sale list with
' me. I want several chenp city prnp
' ertiis. II. H. Hadeliff, Bayne build
ing. l
WORK I NO man will pnrchn small
home on installment plan. Fruit and
good lot. H ive (rood job in city, fan
.ay $20 a month. iNm't want any
agents to pay eommiksion to. H cure
Journal. tf
I WANT houses to sell. While 1 claim
the r!St list in the city- bar none
'I want more. I have the buyers.
For the nest sxtv day, I. am m ik
ing a seial offer to owners. nil
or phone for appointment. C. W.
Nwmeyer, 215 210 Masonic building.
Phones IMX and 1014. tf
IViR 8AL4C 57 acre trnet, 30 acres en
tivated. balanee pa-tiue and 5 acres
of food timber, 10 nc-.'s of good
Italian prune orchard, some cherries
snd apples; good ginvi-l rend, gmd
7 room house and bar;; nn'es
from 8lem. Price 1100 twr acre. rW
E. B. Grabenhorst, 275 8;at St. 7 13
M acres. 45 !n i.o'ti' i 'en. 15 in
t'o.bir. A snuo. $''.0"O, $1300 talt,
I a'ance to suit.
40 "rr wih ''r.-it c'!- improve
ments, all in cu'tivn.tion. fine family
ochard. l1.O''0. John H. Bcotf
Bealtv 404 Ti ib'tard lid;;.
FOlt SALE 5 room California bunga
low, electric lights, bath, fireplace,
close In; will tke an auto as part
payment, time on part; block
from paved strett, one block to car
lino. Enquire of J. W. Jones, 183 N.
Commercial street.. - . 8 21
Do you want to buy it good runch "
LMce surmroan Home
Ooud residence in Halem
5, 10 or 20 improved acreage
tux id stock ranch, if so
U4 IMtitvCl's. Or if vou want to sell
list your prorerty with us for results.
I'errine Marsters, 3(H) Hubbard build
ing. tf
hHUt S.VLlv-Ladic Hurley Davidson
bicycle, nlimiat new. (,'ull al 1175 X.
Fourth Ml. between 0 und 8 p. ni. 8 10
tiOP pielters wanted, will furnish tents
or will allow $2,30 if you fitrn:sh
own tent; free transportation from
station to yard and return. I'ny $l.2
per hundred. Phono fiOMI, Orey ft
'iishop. If
WAN I'l.O-.Someone with truck or
tenni to lititil about 30 corda of wood.
Out aliout mx miles. II. U. JMhiirn,
l!l. .I, Hulcni, Or. 8 1H
FOIt HALE 1 tons loose hay, 1st class
nlM Wliilu Leghorn hens. S miles
east asylum. D. A. Terry. 8 IS
I'OII KALE One It year old rrarc,
weight llt'O, work single or detible.
I'hone ln;Fl2. 8 21
MOTOrM-yeLKPoi sole, its a single
cylinder but a go set cm. Do yen
want itf If o phono fllii, ask for
Fasching. 8-14
TEAM of marcs, weig'it I0.V) each,
good workers, sinsle ar.d double, and
sound; will sell separate. If in need
of a cheap team r,oh lb. r" nvC!
no reasonable ot'f"' .- ref.ised. i'M Cen
ter aik fur barn mini. H H
Tokio Newspapers Resume
Publication After Strike
Tokio, Aug. 1J, Tokio papers today
resumed publication having conceded
in port the domands ef striking print
ers. The printers demanded an eight hour
day and seventy yen monthly minimum.
Tho publishers granted a 65 yen
(11.15) maximum nnd a 33 yen
(17.13) minimum. There are increae
of 40 per cent and ten per cent re-,
poetively over tho former wages.
All the leading papers of Tokio
were forced to suspend for several duyu
by tho strike, which presented an un
precedented situation.
"t u a great mitferr fif stnmneh
and liver trouble and cannot ny
enough in praise of Mayr's Wonderful
Hemedy. It linn done much for mo
and 1 am rccom mending it to other stif
fere ut. I ai a tia.ned nurse in marine
and other hospitals years ano, Oiereforo
many come to me for advice. 1 certain
!v received great benefit from Mayr's)
Wonderful Hemedy." It is a shnplo
harmless prepnrutiou that removes tho
catarrhal mucus from )hn intestinal
tract and allays the inflammation
which causes practically all stomach,
liver and intestinal, ailments, iiielnd
iii"? appendicitis. One dene will con
vince or money refunded. J. ('. Perry,
and druggists everywhere.
orncEEs discuss akmt.
flOME for sale, 8 roam Ima, hot wa
ter heat and every eoiivenienoe, all
kinds of fruit, ;ard "I and iHTries.
One aero on paved Btreit near car
line. H"nntifiil grounds, for limit'd
time price 81000, on reasonable terms
Phone owner 2410 or cs.l lM'fl Mr."
ket HI. tf
A CfXlD improved home riin, 4 acres
well improved, vo i ig bearing prune
orchard, other ft . g"oit buildings,
good wster, grnviit-J rnaO. J miles
from eity, t.'IW0.
iood 7 room houa v..;!l p'umbed, 2
fine lots, plenty it fruit, loe.k from
cur line aad paved Vrc.-r eU-IOO.
3 neris, fair bn lil!.i :, ! .,o I soil; 3
miles from city. f.'Vei. v(p.ur(. I;1
H.-altr Co. Phono 470. tf
Help of all kinds Furnished Free
to Employers
Kffatsau. lautu
i , crton
rmi. t m m nni
fort!sn4. Ot-i"
J$ Don't Let 'cm Ream $5
"Fcrget It" Buy At Ho
Washington, An. II. Lieutenant
fienernl HnllHrd. who commiinilcd tho
Second army in Franca and Major Cen-
; eral McAndrews who was elnef or
; staff for the A. E. P., were called be
j fore the senate military affairs Coru
I mittee today to (Iibcuss the war depart
. meat's plain for a peHcxi time arov ot'
oilil.iMH) men and universal mtlitary
t raining.
Investigation Of Arm
Prison At AIntraz L$
Coimnccw! Bv Officers
Hn Franeisro, Aujj. 14.--The war dc-
jtertment toditv bryan an'livestigatlon
of conditions on Alcatras Island, army
prison. .'
i f'l"ne1 E. L. Philliis, denartnicnt in-'sf''-'or
of the wester'- department, w.isj
j li -1 11 to the investigation. He fon
jfe d with Colonel finrrard. comma id
: n:it of the island tedny.
Co'nnel (larrnrd today declined to
,n-t a statement for publication on
n.'it ions at the prison.
,'n l (lerrerd In an Infervirw fa
Jflv mid Hint nris u ers wre tiunitie,l
' .-litnrv 0"finet.ieTt ill a dime oil
in. rock of t " w'acd below tho
T. -:n floor of the l.ri.won.
' '...i.J f!-rr-nM d--ni"d that cruelty
heinir nrnetieed ut on oriso-ers.
'We are severe." he d.clnred. "but
- not r-,i. 1. T'e iic men are eo.i
- i i tiiois obuw-to's Th"V are not w!iitO
The- ere veiit.w Be."
"-"o'ies have b.'en eirep'nted in 8:m
:v.;,.,, f aPexed inhniesne treat-i.,-t
of m.- tor fined on Al-nf'.i.