Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 15, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of The Cq
jr B W
Ilitor and Pblihr
Aiinst 1", 19:9
pimi j
Ll Jl.AI ww 1
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon,
AvMreaa All Communicationa To
(The 3aihi .Mai Journal
138 S. Commereial St.
PwlTy, by Carriar, pet year.
Badly by Mail, per yer.
JTUb LfcASfcD WlliK
W. D. Ward. New Tork, Tribune Building.
W. H. 6tofktr:i, Chicago, Paople'i Gm Building
. l : . i. . ., I ! Miini tna t mil
e.a determine whether or not th. e.rriert are following Induction. Phon.
befort T:30 o'clock and ft paper will be aent you by ipaei! meaaenger If tt
Barrier has missed you.
le the only newspaper In Salem whoae emulation U guarantee1 by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulation
Dispatches from Texas tell of a conference of demo
crats there who are seeking to "reform" their party, or,
in event of failure, form a new organization. They are
apposed to prohibition, which over-rides the old-time
democratic opposition to all sumptuary legislation af
fecting personal and religious liberty and to socialis
tic tendencies which are now rampant. Since Texas is al
most solidly democratic the movement naturally starts
among the democrats there, but there is no use
overlooking the fact that many voters both parties
'are wondering if new and vital issues will not produce a
r.ew political party in this country which will better serve
"the interests of the nation than the present organizations,
now controlled by two contending sets of office-seekers,
the only real difference between the. democratic and re
publican parties being that one is in and the other out of
the political jobs. The democratic leaders have forgotten
Thomas Jefferson's injunctions except for platform use
and the republicans use Abraham Lincoln's precepts
mainly for camouflaging the voters on election day. f
The gravest danger to the existence of a democratic
form of government is no doubt radicalism, which fur
nishes the unscrupulous and ambitious politician with the
appeal to passion, prejudice and class hatred that is nec
essary to assure his advancement in his struggle for pow
er and nelf. Today many senators, congressmen, govern
ors and even judges listen to the clamor of the mob of
alien bolshevists while the rights and interests of the more
substantial citizenship of the country are disregarded.
The professional politicians, who are of course the office
holders and therefore the actual government of the nation,
are driving the United States toward radical socialism,
if not anarchy, at a headlong pace because they lack the
l.onest convictions that should be possessed by every citi
zen of a real democratic government like ours. The coln
paratively few of the people who want to substitute bol-i-hevism
for cur democratic government 'and its institu
tions are noisy and aggressive and the politician natur
ally overestimates their strength and proceeds to line up
with them and actually takes leadership of the radicals.
There is no doubt "a meat deal of unrest in both of the
By Walt Mason
As man grows older in hoof and shoulder he has a fre
quent pain; his back is aching, his heart is breaking at
every little strain. We should remember that life's De
cember is cheerless, cold and sad; and nut act bearish, but
help and cherish the poor old failing dad. The old man
tumbles, and snarls and grumbles, but we should patient
be; for time is sailing, and we
day, as he. uere hale and
. .
feems afar, remote; but Time
winter will come and get our
Mid fuss and potter, as weary old nun will, may those
around us not stab and wound us, but ease us down the
li ill. As hair grows whiter the wayworn blighter needs
kindness all the time; if you remind him that love's be
hind him, you're guilty of a crime. The flippant teddy
who's ntde to daddy can be no friend of mino, though that
s:ime criter may fairly: glitter where social lions shine.
Established 1SG3
General Banking Business
Commencins: Juno ICth Banking Hours will be
from 13 till 3 p.m.
Per Mont.
Per Mont..
in the hist?ry .of the Un5ted States-is breaking and
im i inn mnuivrav kuia a as uv j
11 be ailing, and weak some
. . . . i
hearty; Age is a partv who!,.,ir r ,v,
s a sprinter, and soon life s
goat. And when we totter,
S'i V-,'l'&.i?
old political parties on the
stantial voters who fear the drift of he times. They are
wondering whether a new political party will be formed,
or the old party names used to designate the new align
ment which is sure to come before long. The old issues
that divided the parties are dead, buried and all but for
gotten, that is generally admitted, and new and more
momentous problems face the nation. It would seem wisest
to discard entirely the old political parties with their cor
rupt leaders, in many instances, little cliques organized!
for stpte or municipal loot, their undesirable hangers-on!
and camp followers, and build a new and virile organiza
tion to grapple with the great reconstruction questions,
and all those issues which our advent as a world power
nas Drought to the lore.
we should not view its many
glasses colored by the old
allow shallow, self-seeking
blindly to destruction.
The verdict for damages of six cents in favor, of
Henry Ford and against the Chicago Tribune is signifi
cant from at least'two different angles. It may mean that
the jurymen thought Henry's character not very valuable
at best, or that the Chicago Tribune's reputation was
such that its attacks were not necessarily of a damaging
nature. But the Tribune will have a fr'g bill for costs to
Quite possibly, as the opponents of the League of
Nations maintain, the League will not end the war at
once and forever. But what alternative is there that of
fers any hope?
Of course 200,000,000 pounds of army food will not
last a nation of 100,000,000 very long, still, its distribution
may serve to send prices down temporarily, at least, and
set a precedent for lower prices.
The first typewriter vvas made some. 200 years ago.
And many a weary stenographer, as she reads this will
suspect that she has inherited it. ;
There are said to be thirty-five wars still going on.
And we'll bet that Pershing, with the army he had in
France last fall, could stop all of them together before the
combattants knew what had struck them.
Hunting at
It lins happened! Ho .-uililenly tin t
I have not been able to catch my
breath. Nor to think. V d net want to
think. Hut 1 MIXT.
I hato been slujiii;' on sid e" ft
Hurt iet's. l'e been making her u fioekjj
nr And Me nii been so ui'tigtiteii .
uh niv sinirte skill.
til ten in the afternoons I It :i V
trolled nut -Hi Lover's l.i" . '.'tty
wulk it is. Hriglit -colored vines creep;
over tlie mi.i.ui'i; siotie ,iis. - ite
sei'ted line (N.ept for rie an! 1 r.
For in some wav he le;ir:ied tltni 1
walked there, (t'tei in the afternoons
lie would eliaiue by. Or i 1 thought
Ami 1 played mv game. Mr gnu." of
i'lnttorisg I'liu, In il'it'4 at tut ; lis
tening to him, and. I mi ashuue it :.
w.v, leading li in on.
But lie has been so indifferent. Some
time I caught a flush from those red , . Washington, Aug. 14. Attorney Ooit
biowu eyes, but never nnytmng more., eral I'aluier late today issued o state
So luive gone on. An I t'ud.iy Inunt iiiiuouni iiig that he hopes tti keep
He told e that lie is roim j mmv- Ithe price of sugar at 11 eenta under the
to be in a hospital m il over t'lcic j mwer given the government in the fooi?
1 was not n.-livned to sh m hi mi how (control act to withdraw licenses from
I felt. I knew lie wn goiii;; to risk his dealers who profit teer,
life in the field service.
I said in a low, trembling voice, "1 Washington, Aug. 14. Louis V. Swift
wish you did not have to go." in a telegram to Scnntor Mi'Kellar made
lie 'aid, "You caret" I public today, denied he was opposed to
I did not look at him. "Of ronise I "sane regulation of storage methods."
cure," 1 said with lowered head. Swift is the head of one of the five
The u vt minutes his amis ere abou' ,big packing plants.
ire. Me tare .is erusneit agninsi nin
. . . ' . . . .',.- ..... . 11 Tk. 1....... Ia
hiiul. r. l lien nol kisses envereu m
i MrM-.tu nu-a nst him
I triid to
He re i.l mi t
V'on said you
hm nit. vt v. i a
otf a uiitiut
can !
Yf.it '"ii-
ti, i.. -,iiiu " I j. sped
I,. Uv n br.-at' .
He ii .most flung me fiiiiu tiiT
r.lge vrns sudden Bud terrible. "
hae lucn playing with me yo
" 'i. rvi v.e:e burning. fieJ
- i- fm "veiled up in the low pas.
i vmi
wonts he fi.mg (it til.
I "No. no, no! ' 1 cried,
jdaying with you."
"1 was not
Perfect Health Is Yours
If the Blood Is Kept Pure
Almost Every Human Ailment
I Duectly Traceable to Ira
pviitica ia tU EliKxL
You shout! pay partkuUr heed
to ary indication tliat your blood
fjvply is becoming sluisuh, ir
thii there is a keniug in its
Strong and viul force.
Ly keeping )our bloovl purifjerl.
your ytem nmre tsi'.y wardi etf
d;5eii$e thit is ever preent, wit
i.'i tj stuck wherever there u an
part of the conservative, sub
Evidently the dawn of a new
perplexing questions through
and senseless partisanship pr
politicians to lead the nation
'Then you will marry me!" It was
more of A roniiur,nd than au entreaty.
"(live me (inie," I whispered. "1
must think."
, I did not look ul him ngaiu. I only
heard his horse gn stumbling down the
lane. in
1 am so ashamed, llorriblv itkliumcil.
thought 1 wanted him to care for me
.w tlmt he dues 1 find I cannot,
: What d
s it niemif Am I empty, skill-
I ' No, no, no,
1 said the word r.irnin.
j. ,, marrv him in honor bouii.l.
no wav out! Xo honorable wart
(Toiuoriow liet
I '0l
:,i,v pn...i n resolution of Kcpresenta-
i as uni'ion. ."xiiff. o.-on- m.iw i
tiie Hlniiion. Tesss, mkiuu for more -!
formation regarding' the actiMttea ot ,
John It. Ih'iismore, si-eem! department 1
of lalnir investigator- in the case of
Tl,mim .1. Mooner. convicted of bomb;
il...-ln., u nr.,,.i,.l,-fM iiai-s,le St
8im Francisco.
The resolution asks copies of a'! in
, Seretsrr of I .a hot
Ml Wilson to IVnsmere iu hi investigation,
i iat. , the names of all ersoiis who had i.y
.thing to do with i ivestigatiott and what
eonneetion the ih isrtnient hrs had wltn
the eae since November, 191S.
openinjr. A few bottles of S. S. S
the great veectable blood medi
cine, will revitalize your blood and
che you rrw strenjth and a.
heilthy, vigorous vitality. Every
one net.'j it jut now to krep ths
system in perfect condition. Go
to your dm itore and get a bottle
to-day, and if you nee l any medi
cal advice, you can obtain it with
out cost by writing to Med'cal Di
rector. Swift Specific Co, 6 Swift
Laborittfry, Aim?!, C
Dorft use COSHietiCS
tohide Skin trouble
aids poor complexions
If your complexion is rough, red, or
j SwicUmicawhich do ml con"
ceal, but usually attract attention to tin
reason lor their use. Begin today t
clear your akin with Resinol Ointment
and Kesinol Soap.
This treatment nut only cleanses the
skin and enables it to breathe,' bu
usually removes blotches, redness atx
Adk your dealer for Rwiiiol Smp and OitiUD.nl
(Written for .the Tcitrd States
School Garden Army, Depart
ment of the Interior.) '
Mothermine and Dolly aud ila'ria
MacDougall were taktiij; an earlv walk
in the V. . S. O. A. garden. Dolly trot
ted alonif by the side of Mothermine,
holding her Hand but Maria scampered
about us if she couldn't be in enough
places at once. Maria was a very pret
ty Maltese eat. Her coat was as smooth
as velvet. Hoc eyes were a bright yel
low. Her tail was long and she held it
up very straight. Sometimes she waved
it. like a flag.
Maria seemed very much excited
about Something. She made funny litMe
side-wise jumps. She would run as fast
as she could for a minute and then
pretend to fall down in the grass. She
chased a butterfly. he put her paw on
a toad, but she didn't like the feel of
his euld skin so she rniraway again.
''Mothermine," said Dolly, "do you
snppose Maria could see a Dewdrop
"1 don't know Dolly," said Mother
mine. ''What made you ask thatf"
'Why, she acts just like she eould
see something over there in the corner
Don't you see how funny she is? She
runs up to that bunch of dusty looking
plants aat dances around and then she
lays her ears back just like she does
when I ruh her head. I'm sure she sen
nomethin there."
"Well, suppose yon go over and look.
I will go hack into the home. Kairies
ever come to see grown ups.
1'crhsps you v ill he more likely to see
one if 1 go n way."
"Oh, no please stay." cried Dollv.
Hut MoiUeiioi'ie had inuuy things to
do and she went into the house. Dolly
followed Marin into the corner of the
garden. Maria certainly nas "acting
mi. '' Her tail was all fuzzy on her
hack and her tail was twice, as larfe
as usual.
"R rg r m- " siiid Mar'.a.
Now Dolly knew "rat talk" pretty
well. She was sure Hint Maria was
pleased about something, she looked
at the spot upon which Marin's yellow
eyes were fixed. It was just as she had
thought there was a Fairy, and Maria
could see her. More than that the
Fairy was talking to Maria. I won't
try to tell you how Maria's tulk sound
eil. I will only tell you what it meant.
"I am an glad yon have come into
the garden" said Maria. 'So many
cople forget nlxint rats when they
plant a gardvn. Did Billv bring you
"Ko." said the Fairr. "The wind
brought mo. I eame very near being;
torn up for a weed, but FatherlM.h saw
ine and told them to let me stay. He
said I wouldn't make any trouble and;
that 1 would be good for yon if you,
should ire I si. k. Fathcrhult said that
rrnre herbs sheuU he grow n in garden?
fr instance Thyme lavender anil
r,mPiary. "
" Fatherbo!, is a nice man, saiil
Maria. "He lets me sleep on the tush-
1 ion on his eha'r IB IIP iiorsr.
'day when I was asleep there he pick
ed up the cushion and put it on another
i chair. And he sat in hs chair without
anv cushion si Iceuld go on sloping
I like him."
Istillv thouijHt 'ha' " Xfrr of
her father, she wws much intereterl in
t this Fairy, The Fwiry was not quite so
i prettv as some he and seen but she
had a very bright, snsppv ej).ri-ii.n.
j Her drc w as rather d ill sha le of
!ureen with a e;od deal of fringe en it.
j It liHiked as if it hid been spric.kh-d
over with fnie dut. "Maria " said t;o
j Fairy, "I ho you sie a g"l est m''1
i do riot tiv to c-iteh itii w'ar'U n A'e
or any ot &u lamsiy:
Nn indevil, ' said Msri 'hut
mav I catch the fold nine?''
"Y'rs if y,,u will not make t-em
suffer by r'.avme wilh them. They
niske a great ,bal of trouble in a tar
I don fe. you ti ay cadh the l'i. !d
j SM' f. "
I "(A. I'm Stint eranT ttUtut yt-Ti."
1 said Maris. She tnrie.1 over on h-'r
j bark . its! hf ;sn T r, ;l be-.t e tke
J dusty bokiei leaves of the plant.
1 tar;a - -Mars cried !, l!v. "Oh
what is the r afer with her Mi- art
as if she was having a fit!"
44 Xo, indeed, my dear." said the
Fairy with a langh. "She is only hap
py to have a Catnip bed to roll on.
Maria is a very lucky cat. 1 hope she
will remember what 1 told her about
the pur dm Ace and the other air-
' friends. She must never never touch
! one of them. You ni"st be sue ? to feed
her well and keep her happy sv she
wnl aot want to dioley me.
will bt) the b.st t in the
wtrlvl," said Maria. because I ?av
ibis iJce catnip bed to play in that
wiii keep me out of iiiisul.ief. Herbs
are tine! I hope the litle buys and girls
of the United Hates Sch-xl (.tardea
Army will plant sage, thyme rosemary,
0'ii, ratni Aid miny herbs."
Soap should ho u"d very carefully,
if you want to keep your. hair looking
its best. Most soajis and prepared sham
poVs contain too niiieh lkK. This
dries the scalp, makes the hair brit -
tie, and ruins it.
The bcst thing for steady use is mill -
Kified roroanut oil shampoo (which Is
pure and greasele!w) and is better
than anything eUe you ean use.
One or two tenspooufuls will cleanse
I the hair and scalp thoroughly, .Simply j suffered a great deal with rheumatism
(moisten the hair with water and nibiin mv lrnnds, nnd sometimes inr fiug-
'it in. It makes an abundanet of richt;ers would be -o cramped and drawn
creamy lather, which rinses out easily
removing every particle of dust, dirt,
dandruff and excessive oil. Tho hair
ies quickly and evenly, anil it leaves
the scalp soft, and the hair fine audi I was nut able to sleep on account of
silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and elsyphe pains in my hnu, is and stomach.
to ma mi go
Von can get mulsified coeoanut oil
shampoo at any pharmacy, it 'a very
cheap, and a few ounces will iiipply
every member of the family for mouths
Extension Of Centre! To
Cover. Clothing Is Asked
Washington, Aug. 14. Immediate ex
tension of the food control act would
give the department of justice its most
powerful weapon in the fight against
profiteering, Attorney General Valmer
told the senate agriculture committee
Palmer proposed that tho law bu amend
ed to rover clothing and the penalties
for profiteering he added.
IM .! v
Next time yoti buy new
shoes for the children, try
oiling them wltn
Just as coon as yon get
them home.
You'll find they won't
rmrt their feet lit all, ani
they'll vear half as lonsr
again, and be waterproof
in addition.
COMPANT, Portland, Or.
IKK Uruf. F A IruM 4
J HRlan f"' ' 8b..piwl '-1
t sn4 Ft,-arswiy vws IA
I ' Mors li-
he Love
A Senational Drama
I Hill
j Williams Was Nenrous Froa
20 Years Trouble Wants
World To Know Aboat
"Of all the modici iio I have takcit,
during the last twenty years, Tj elite ia
the unlv one that 1 have yet fouoi
i that will do all they say it will du,"
;aid David Williams, who is enijiloyLHl
,as saw filer ia one of the large mills
,iu Seattle, un l lives at 114 east t'o-
i lumbia street, .Seattle, the other day.
"When 1 . commenced taking Tuu
"ac," he continued, "it had been at
; leant twenty years siuce I had betB
j able to eat anything without suffering
1 terribly afterwards. 1 was very careful
about what 1 ate but my Miwnuch tiu-
1 ally got iu such bad condition that tli
very lightest kind of food would sou
and cause me to be bloated up with guar
fur hours at a time. X won 1 1 often have
craiiijiiiig spells after eating. I also
that 1 would have to stop work auvl
rub tliem tor a good while before 1
eould hold my file well enough to g
hack to work. Mure than half the tint
and would often have to walk the floor
all night long. 1 finally got so rumlowa
arid wutu out that I was hardly able
do any work at all.
"That was the condition I wag ia
wlien 1 began taking Xaiilae, but X
want to aay right here,, that by lb.v
time 1 bad finished my firt bottle of
this medicine, everything was very dii
ferent with me. Why, Tanlne Iwit -.
eiiiupletely overcome my trouble thut
I ean truthfully say that 1 am as well
and' hearty now' as I ever was in nijr
life. 1 have a good appetite, au.l I can
eat and digest anything anybody elso
can. In fact, my stomach seems to l
in first claw condition. I don't hav-a
to atop nit work aud ruh my fingen
now, for the rheumatism has left inv
altogether. I work hard every luiy, and
when I go to bed now .1 have no trou
ble getting eight or nine houu good,
sound sleep every night. I can hardlr
realize the fact that I am a well, strong
man again after all these years of suf
fering, and 1 am so happy over it all
that 1 jimt want to talk about Tunlae
all the time. I am glad to have ths
nhanee to publish mr experience with.
Tanlac, for I just feel like I want th
whole world to know what a wonder
ful medicine it is."
Tanlne is sold in Salem by i. P. C.
Stone, In Hubbard by Hubbard Dm
Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben finoth, iat
Oeryais by John Kelly, in Turner br
H. P. Cornelius, in Woodburn by I.t
man H. Shorey, In Silverton by (,m,
A. Rteelhammer, in Gates by M,a. J.
P. McCurdy, In Stayton by C. A.
Boaiiehamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
Store, in St. Paul hv r,i,ii.ri
I Co.. in Prmald by M. W. .Tolinson. lis
Jefferson by Foslmy t Macon, and In
Mill City by Marketeria Oro Co. .
New- York. Fiddling hushnnds ar
poor support, said Mrs. Hose hdilics, "1,
who ndinitted in court she broke bottle
over her violin loving husband's hi. u vl.
Hempstead, I. I. Woiknun excavat
ing here found a eentuiy old hotllo of
whiskey, l'oiiee rushed in to enforce tiia
diy luw. The bottle crashed in t
Kansas City, Mo. "Honey,' I'm po
ing to trer.t you better. Y'ou need a
vnentlo'i," said Haswell encouragingly
tr Mrs. Haswell. Ho handed her 2.S0L
Mrs. Kent charged noa aupport.
of Metropolitan High Life
A Big Special
Vaudeville Sunday
PHME 199
nfj Tha Qulckencr Fresc
f1S3 R Com't-or Gilt & Co.
Q. E. Irooklni. Prosriit-r