THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1919. PAGE TWO : society ' : By GESTSCDE EOBISON tED BOBS CROWDS WHEAT FRONTIER 100 MILES FARTHER NORTH Tomorrow and Saturday TOMORRQJ? AND SATURDAY S 1 5 -J ( ) ' - I : Iff , j ji ; 1 i v WALLACE REID IN "The Love Burglar" lallaBwHWifMlila i CONGRESS RELUCTANT (Gontinued from pago one) thoritiea iere today at the warehouses of the Central Cold Storage company. Officials previously had announced no seizures would be made until a com plete survey of food conditions in Chi cago had bt'cn made. first steps in the campaign against liomlers aud profiteers were to be fur thered today in the. soir.ure of 700 bugs of sugar to bo stored in the Cen tral Hugur company ' warehouses at Kockford, III., where it wan alleged the rotupaoy h;.il been filing it Bloc k at 14 Vi cants a pouni. This action was announced by Henry Eolapp, head of the sugar distribution fomm union of the food administration. Officials of the sugar company were arrested in Pittsburgh last week. Similar actio:! will be taken m other ease, Rulapp, prosecuting under tho libel clause of the food control act which provides seizure and resale for hoarded food. DON'T DESPAIR If you art troubled with palm or aches ; feel tired; have headache, Wiiteation, iiisoiiuii ; painful pass ive of urine, you will find relief in GOLD MEDAL The world's siandaid rsmsdy for kidney, wr, tiUd.Ur aod utlc acid troutilM and Nan.! ftainedy of Holland since 16M. T hr silts, all druggists. C uarantaad fat taa noma CeU MaJal mry Woa PACKERS TO BE CALLED UPON TO'EXFLAIN MEAT HOAEDING Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 14. "Those highest In authority" of Swift & com puny, Morris ft com puny, and Wilson ft eompany, great Chicago packers, will be summoned to testify before the grand jury Investigating the price of foods hero, unless the managers of the hw branches provide tho desired Informa tion, County Prosecutor Doeflor said to day. The local mnnngera were summoned to give tcatimouey today. Doerfler said ho had information that huge quantities of meat were held in storage here by the foot packers. i Eight Tlnns Indicted. Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 14. Eight food concerns ,one of them the Rock falr.nd Hotter company, n national business bouse, were indicted here today by a county grand jury, on the rhargo of vio lating the state anti trust law fixing a minimum price on oleomgrgnrine. County Priwocntor A. J. Hewy, char ged the eight concerns with being in agreement not to sell the consumer tin der 32'4 cents a pound. UNITED 8TATE8 RAILKOAD ADMINISTRATION PIHECTOn GENERAL Or RAILROADS SOUTHERN PACIFIC R K It, BOA I LI N E8 NORTH Of ASHLAND OUTING PLACES Outing means vacation, tiiiiii(e, res! mid relaxation of the body, rejuve nation and renewal o spirit, invigorating and refreshing the n.lrul. Many attractive outil.g fk-vea arc nimby. Summer cicuraiua iwkeU are oh Mile. NEWPORT Season Tickets from Salem Week end Tickets from Salem Corresponding fnres from other points, TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES Heasoa Tickets from Hali'in 5.8S 4.5 - 7M fares to Nenh Kah-Xie, Manrsnita and Ttayeecaa aiightiy higher corresponding ftrrs from other poiata, DETROIT BtBwin Tickets from Salem Corresponding farej fror, other points. UcCREDIE HOT SPRrNOS- 8esso Ti,-k,-t from Palem ABATER LAKE K,-aim Ticket from Sidern . 13 Day Ticket from Salem MAE1LE HALLS OP OREGON Heeon Titketj from S.item 15 Dsy Tickets from Salem ..4.00 -M.55 t?.30 --!4B5 ....13.30 Currespending fares from other points. VAEX0U8 Pfweial Tsres in effect te Columbis, River Hea.b, Mt. KiBier National Tark, Shasta Resorts, Yellowstoae National fark and Olscier National Park. Inquire of Ticket Agent JOIIM M. SCOTT, G enc ral Passer rr r Agent Joe Martin is the Big gest Fool Monkey on earth, and he proves it in THE JAZZ MONKEY" A 2-reel laugh fest in addition to our feature picture ' " . 1 Lni . UssLfliLwjiNi ; Polk Fanner Is Arrested For Setting Bresl Fire (Capital Journal Special Service.) DrUbs, Or. Aug. 14.J. H. Janes, a prominent farmer residing northeast of this city was arrested the first of the week upon a complaint filed by W. V. fuller, supervising fire warden for the county, charging him with having set out a brush fire contrary to the laws of the state passed at the reeent session of tho legislnture which forbids the set ting out of fires in the summer months without a permit from the district fire warden. Janes wr.a tried before Justice of the Peace Sibley and pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined the usual amount This is tho first ease of an arrest by the fire wardens this year for parties setting out fires and Mr. fuller is anxi ous to have tho season pass without fur ther arrests. Ist year several parties were arrested for leaving fires m the timber and it was undoubtedly a good lesson for them as tho firca this year from the snrne cause have been reduced to practically nono at all. A Bilious Attack' When you have a bil'ima attack your liver fails to pertom its functions. Von become constipated. The food yon eat ferments in your tomach instead of digesting. This inflames the stom ach and cause naes'a, vjmiting and a terrible, heailarhe. Take three of Chamberlain 's Tablets. TI.ev will tone tip your liwr, clean out your atomach and you will soon he as well as ever. They only cost a qu.irer. f ; ADGB KEHNEDV, Goldwyn Rctur.atar. BEAR OVERACTS IN I KEMSEDT PICTURE M.idge Kennedy lot h"f dignity dur ing te faming of a m-eue in her ne ;(illvn Mi-ture, "Tl rnith the Wrong lir, to be seen it the Liberty the' ater, hegiiiuing todav. I Made Kenne ty, sitk the aid of a ladder, found a pln-e o a secure boirjh; and then tt.e bear was told to go to it. He did. A i.! he didn't stop going. Not eri!e:)t with acting the part eipiH-teil or hiti, ke e-uttej every one sad kept en tbmhiig, Tkca the thrills began. llnwcv. r. the acr c SMht up with kis four footed c h- r' hcmie he tin I a ehanre to evritiij V si K ra Jr. THE call f the beaches atid moua taia resorts it as insistent and ia . vitiag a ever, aad daily the ) ranks of Msilea fsaili-s who answer 'it, are beinjf swelled. Notwitbstaading the fact that eastenvrs, visiting tka I city are enthusiaitte ia their praise ', ef t'k auld weather of aa Otegoa suat jmer, aid consider the little city a veri ' table Kdea in compariMia with the at most us bearable heat of the east, Sa , lemites after readiig the weather re port look) t;aMeral.'ly at the ther mometer, and call ui the nearest de pot for a Uaia ached lie. Newspaper jeorreepondeDee fro a tht various suus ' mer resorts ia filled with names of j capital city visitors, and the list is i rapidly becoming loader. As long as the 'exodua continue it is meiisa to ex Ipect any great amount of social activ ity ia the town, and one ea;i only look , forward to the fall easja .tad its itt jevitable rcsumptioa of cbiu aihe-Mijjs, dancea bi.i dinner part'es. t Governor and Mrs. Ben W. Olcott have returned from Crater Lake where they went a guests of the National Editorial association. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Hahn arrived home yesterday from a two weeks mo tor trip through 'Central Oregon. They report a most eajoyaulo time, aud the roaiie in comparatively goud condition. Mr. and Mrs. Car.;y V. Martin and children, Frances Mattie and Carey Jr., left this morning for Belknap Springs. They took with then as their house Iguest, Miss Evang.'me Powell, daugh ter oi nevereoa auu Airs. n. roweu of St. Paul's church. Mi. and Mrs. Mar tin enjoy an outing at the springs ev ery year. The party plans to spend tlfc remainder of the lunmer there. Mr. and Mrs. WUl'ma Motiilchrist Jr., are home after an enjoyable outing at the coast. Miss Grace . rtmit.-. left for 8ebeck thig morning ts a'leiut the WW. C. A. conference which it being held there. A resolution akin; Governor Olcott to call a tliecial mscfing'of legislature to ratify the national amendment to the federal constitution granting equal suffrage in each state was adopted Tuesday by the Woman s ad club of Portland at it wckly noon luncheon held in the Benson kotoi. The resolu tion waa adopted with the understand ing ithat it did not vir.lnte the club's that polities of anv nature have no place ta it session. "The presentation of this resolution before our club Is the presentation of an Issue bigger thai polities and which affects all womankind,'" declared Mrs. William P. StTandborg- speaking ia the interests of the matter. "It Is the least we caa dsy for the women our country. When -women of Oregon were endeavoring to win ejiial suffrage eastern women cam heie tvith funds and worker to give i assistance. Now we have the privilege of voting and the,y have not. We have til money with which to help them mid if the adop tion of tbia resolution to be sent to the governor can in any v.t y assist, it is our duty to give it our full approv al." The resolution win presented by Mra. Ocean Jolly who in addition gave a short history and explanation of the national and local at't'ragc situation. WW Mr. and Mrs. Guv O. -imith and chil dren have gone to Newport for an out ing of indefinite l.mgth. Mrs. Frances Smith of G-aneville, Idaho, has been the :uost ot her daitgh ter and son-in-law, Mr. nod Mrs. Carey P. Martin, during on ctendd virit in Salem. Khe left yesterday for southern Oregon where she will visit with rela tives before return, n !,mi e. Dure for Dysentery "While I was in Ashland, Kansas a gentleman overhea 1 b e speaking of Chamberlain's i'olie and lMarrhoea Remedy," writes WhLtelaw, of Des Moines, Iowa, "he tod me in de tail of what it had done fot his fam ily, but more especially his daughter who was lying at the point of death with a violent a'aek of dvsenterv. and had been givrt up by the family phvsioan. Nome Of his neighbor ad vised him to give Chimiberlain 's Colic! and Diarrhoea Remedy, which he did. and fully believes thai by doing so saved the life of ris i-hilii. He stated that he had also acl th'n reuiedv him self with equally gratifying results." Chicago Thirtv nMiopalitie will sing here next .Sunday IJut not all Bt once. They are to sdvi rtise the nil American exposition to be held here, Oakland, Cal. Mrs. Sarah Mathewn admitted in a civil jiiit that she killed her pet parrot but said she did so to protect its morals, as it hnd taken to swearing since her son ran e to live with her. "5 A rx?r-tune'm . ri . j V. t , 'l "r?FV J t f .1 ' ' f -- vA'--;-:- ymtefyXt$--J!$i - .v r ,1V1' i f' j..' 'J - Wheeler-, kU- il r:. it Mm j i i Deordlew Headj- Hed Boba wheat, a new variety lived by Seager Whicler, the eat wizard of Canada, is expected push the frontiers of the western nadia!i wheat belt 100 miles far r north. Red Bobs seed has been ie!y distributed thruuKbout the tins provinces by the land depurt rit of the United Grain Grower t great co-operative) farmers' or i nation and will be given its first J tent this year. l.'orrjui wheat, which is jrenerally ;wn throughout tha Canadian "t. was also the inventicn of Mr. i tjie''. He evolved it from Red v. It was a heavier yielding cat and ripened a week earlier, .rquis wheat carried tha wheat ;a 100 miles farther north than i Fife had ever (frown. Red Bobs ana a week tariier than V!rquis and ia expected to add millions r-fl acres to the wheat growing lands of i : Canada. ! its early ripening quality renders lit immune from any frest but those! , . -1 i ' u . ui& may viianr? in suuic- iirnn oca son. It also renders it practically immune from black rust, that annual i plague of the wheat ntlds. KuM makes its appearance in ('ami da ir late July or ewrly eXujtiat. By this time. Red Bobs will bt so near ma turity a to escape damage. Red Bobs rvas prorluee.l by Mr. Wheeler' from carefully selected red-grained heads of White f'obs, an extremely early, beardless wheat or dinarily of white trains. White was the result of a cross between Australian white wheat and Nepaul barley. Red lobs has not only a full round berry jut ..-.u'kable strength if straw which enables it to defy any but the most destructive hail storms. Scnger Wheilor, internationally famous as a wheat grower, farms only a "selected" farm of 160 acres in the fine mixed farming country alcng the Canadian National line near Rosthern, Saskatchewan. He j has won five championships at inter- I national exhibitions with his wheat I and holds the world's wheat prodtic- ' ing record with eighty-two bushela to the acre. His first big prize was the $1,000 in gold offered at the New ; -rk Land show in l!il for tlt nest bushe! of wheat crown on lite conti nent His prize bushe! was of Mar quis wheat that yielded "nty-liva ; bushels to the acre ar, veighed sixty-two and a half pouuus to tha bushel, "Which was two and a half, pounds more than standard wrght. Successful men and women are partial to frdpeMs for this great food keeps the ion Tit" 77iervs a Reason t . DALIASKEWS. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Pallas, Or., Aug. 14. Professor D. M. Metzger, who is an. instructor la tho Pe Mara college at De Mars, Iowa, was ia tha city Moaday greeting old friends. Professor Metxger was for many years connected with the Dallas College and is one of the best English teachers in the state. Mrs. T. J. Coad, Miss Alice and Miss Prankie Crider returned Monday even ing from a sojourn, at Newport. L. D. Brown left the first of the week for Roekaway Beach in Tillamook coun ty to .visit with his family who are spending the summer at that resort. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Tooxe, Jr., end little son were Newport visitors the latter part of last week, returning to Pallas Monday evening. Mrs. Asa B. Bobinsoa returned Mon day evening from nn over-Sunday visit with relatives at Independence. Wtlter U. Vassell, vice-president ef the Dallas City hank, returned this week from a trip through Yellowstone NatlfMnJ al Park. Charles Bityeu, proprietor of the Gail hotel, spent Sunday with friends in Newport. Mr. Bilyeu was formerly a resident of that place-. Dr. and Mrs. V. O. Staats end little daughter and Mr. aud Mrs. II. G. Black returned this wetk from aa aut'omobile trip to Crater Lake. Mr C E. Howes, Mrs. Sallie Sevier and Mrs. Lillian Fellowes Marshall re turned Sunday from a short visit at the home of Mrs. Fred Rich tt Linger Long er Ledge, Newport. P. A. Fiiieth, proprietor of the Bee Hive store, left the first of the week for a short visit at San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Kngene Hnyter have re turned from a month's visit nt the home of their douchter, Mrs. H. K. Pat terson at Blind Skinab, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. W. F.. K earns of New port are visiting in Pallas this week. Mr. Reams was fnrmerlv nn-nBi?er of Ike rWtrie light reuipanv in. Dallas and (or the nst few vears has had charge of the etewtrie Hirht plant ia Newport. Hob. and Mm. W. V. Fuller are srwnd ing a few ilars this week at the beach if Nye Crek, DONALD SUTHERLAND DIES Australians And Americans Settle Championship Today Boston, .Mass., Aug. 14. Australia faced America today for the right to play for the tennis doubles champion ship of tho United States. William M. Johnston and Clarence J- Griffin, the brilliant California team, and Nomina E. Brookes and Gerald Pat terson, the Antipodean cracks, yester day finished up the field and today were to meet in the final round. Johnston and Griffin triumphed over Maurice E. McLaughlin and Thomas C. Bundy, also Calif ornians, in a close match, during which "Bed Mac" play led liko the comet of old. Pattorsou and Brookes had small trou ble in conquering Fred B. Alexander and 8. H. Yonholl. 1 i .. ; , . - , .t The Best Plaster A piece . of flannel dampened Chamberlain's Liniment ami bound on lover the seat of pain is i.ften more ef fectual for a luuie iack than a plaster land 'docs not eoot anything like, as much. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS .ft "a sajMsWMMMiaTjaBXL The Car Lasts Longer because Zerolene meets with scientific accuracy the lubrica tion needs of the car. It is refined from se lected California crude oil. Deposits least car bon. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPAKT (California) R. II. CAMPBELL, Special Agt, Standard Oil Co., Salem. At lHHt bis 90th milestone. Donald Sutherland, father of Mrs. Phil Mets- chaa Sr. ef Portland, pawed away at the Home or kis gTaaUiiatiKnier, .ms. n.. M. 0. Neil cf Grants ! , August a. ; He waa bora ia Scotland February 14, i 1H.W, going Inti'r to Ontario, Canada. where his children were bora. - j In 1 K,, mnved to Se.a Kafnel, Cnl.,1 where he was fur many years ia charge of the- harne-. and saddlery works at ' the federal prison at Sa (juentui, leav ing this to eater business far himself. Mr. Kntheriand came to Oreeoa ten years ago, making his home at Ardea- rraig farm, whwe .Mrs. rn nven. ite is snrvived by Mrs. Metnrhan and aa other daughter, Mr. Louise Whitney of AshkcaX His sea, 3 oka D. Sutherland, who died lat wiater ia Balem, was for ?, year chief clerk ef tar state trees nrrr 's offioe. (levr'and, Oliie ri-l Wc stermsa went fiihing at f'l at.p. Pome one hevked him fur hi watch and money. 1- -ii l 1 Li rfi'r"jy 4J LUleftftVi.iOi.jU.llJ AJL r i II? i ft 1 1 ? -li'- m -"m i .rsm urrmirs a profit mrr. KBin: (!. SHprd H.M-tnnescmaini)cceft. It s ev ti prooticr where yoa can rue O to Sh.ol wheal to tb acre and bus ea easy terms. , :f Land at $15 to $30 Per Acre ji Good Crazing Land at Much Less. V 7 SuNrsv end t.e-l Cn'a. er orTrrtne awmal lwt.Bla to bean jf ,T' fl !'' m - nnd amt en., her propii t. Losuw mx1 puuw u auu , oiim immuug rrqairci.miu cn oc nad st low uiereat. T (-rnmTt of the Dwrnmr nt Provinces of Manitoba, Sukalcho waa aod Aibcria extend eetnr eftcouremeat to the larsaceandrftncbiauM. i I,! Yi csa obtain evcellent land at low nricm tm untmn ! r kih i if it Tir aiftin. cattle, ftln-nand boss-low tanon on . rv ' - y lmororwwi. fn irark-ra and shiroraw tacaatka, free '"" I ... B ... nMrb. ax i . t ' L . I . . 3 r. i-iiwjii, c&ucrwa. aiiiemia Oiniitft aod awe crops. RMf Ui tm k. ft,..,.,.,. m iaxmmmomn, Intaam, Caaoaa, aft- ' ' 4 4 i. fsria, tar. M asi hat lis, Saakana, Hash, ar s -5