Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 13, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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Shoes of Guaranteed Quality at Prices That Are Much Below
- Their Actual Worth .
Ladies' white 8-inch lace shoes, French., Cuban" or military heels $2.93 to $7.50
Ladies' -White Reignskin Oxfords, French, Cuban or Military heels-..$5 to $3.73
Ladies' White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords, all Heels and Styles ....$1.93 to $3.63
Misses White Reignskin lace shoes, extra good quality, sizes 11 to 2 ........$2.65
Misses' and Children's White Canvas "Lace Shoes to f insh the season
v sizes 11 to 2 .1 $133 to $2.23
Sizes 8 to 11 - $1-63 to $1,80
Misses' and Children's White Canvas Pumps, sizes 11 to 2 $U5 to $1.93
Child's sizes 8 to 11 - - 95c to $1.83
Small Child's Canvas Strap Sandals, sizes 5 to 8 ...90c to $1.33
Sizes 2 to 5 : - - 80c to $1.25
Black or Brown Elk Out
ing Bals, Elk Soles, the
Ideal Harvest or Summer
-Men's sizes $2.59
Boys' sizes :..$2.20
At the Electric Sign "SHOES" - ' At the Electric Sign "SHOES"
' i, . -i i which hloitmth. Falls is to offer. This
i includes a trip to Crater Lake, a genu-
Two Coaches . To Be HldTr"
And Many Make Ti By
AutomobOe. v
- - r- -
Although a large uuislier of.fitilejn.
K'ks hnd already left for Klamath FaJlsi,,Hj "otM,r spellbinders,
by automobilo to, attnad the anniiul ,i.eHving Salcra shortly after noon in
stnte convention of Elks at Klamatsl '"""'h d oaeh 1, the two specials
1'alls, there was enough left todt.-y n.
till one Pullinuu aud about two-thirds
of another when the special pulled into
the uniou dopot shortly after noon to
d;ty. - -
In all it is estimated Unit about Jut'
members of the Saleai lodgp wiU attend jniRl't Haturdny night,, with arrival in
fie convention, all imbue with the Kwlem about 8r0 o' cliwk Htuiday even
one desire that of bringing to SalemM11!-
Mie litiu state convention. It is not j Aniung those whe had leaervatious oa
k wn just how big K fight IVndJetoiit the special today tire the folloniujj:
o- Mnrshfield will make, but there isj Miller Hrevier, Kud Audersou, Robert
i,ii iiupressiou in Klk circles that with' Havage-, Charles Pabst, Charles Kurth,
the support of Tortlaud and Albany
It eenffl (T.-wl riiVMttfHI
and reaular bowd movements. Con-
tans nothing harmlul no alcohol
no opiate JUK the finest vege
table properties. Epo-iaUr ncnar
mended for teething time.
At all druttiiU
3. C. PerrT.
c. i
'"MaketX t. j
Happy t l
Ty i
t -
Buster Brown Shoes
Buster Brown Shoe Store
J25 North Commercial Street
and possibly Eugene, the capital city
will be selected t tho scssiuu next
For tho Elks will first give their time
to the busines of the convention and
jtlten proceed to e,jo ithe hospitality
August Huckesteiu has been named
as chairman of the Hulem delegates aud
will present, the capital eity's claims
fr Ihg next contwntion. Thejclainn of
weoifdad" bV Walter f
,Tuoe. 1. If' D'JSrcv. TS. fnnln. I'n(
with Klks from Portland, Hulein, As-
toiin nii.l other points are scheduled to
reauh Klumath Fulls ubout 8 o'clock
Thursday mnrniug. The Pnllmaus will
be the lioiuu of thosa going by train.
The return honie is scheduled ior mid
J - W. Welch, I. Wroten, John Oralier,
nicnaru ityiey, i .iKejoii, uscar
Hteclhuminer, Ivan Martin, Clarence
Ctrsy, Kdwnrd Tolman, Warren Htiut,
Bernard Ritchie and Hurry Heard, all
aicinlH'rs of the Balem Klks band.
Others to reserve and who will innke
their homes hi the Pullmans during their
absence ore: Mrs. Ed Tolmuii, Mrs.
Clmrlea Kurth, Mrs. John timber, Mrs.
Karl Anderson, V. H. D'Arcy, H. V. ltiin
ball, F. B. Routliwick, Will K. Purdy,
Chillis, A. H. Hunt, Miss Hunt, K.
Cooke Pattou. John Cochran, i. It. rears
Icy and Roy Hicks.
lu r ouch No. 7, in which there will be
several Portland people, the following
hud reservations: Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jermuu, Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace Couh-y of Kilverton,
ZariiH Rim;, the (lilisou Kisters, Miss
! tost sturdV youngster's shoo
tkat utweara ths orJuury
lib 0.
.. lsstksr aaj stylos.
And are Exclusive Agents
Bnrhan, Julius Pinnus of Portland, A.
R. Dole, Walter Johnson of Wooilhuru,
Frtd Williams, Capt. Walter Tooze,
Frank Light, John Kirk and (ivorge E.
Natives Of Iowa Hold
Annual Picnic Today
: A big,- jolly, variegnteef group of
erstwhile 'MTatrkeyc'4 dentuns is iu
poasession of the fair grounds this af
ternoon, it ; being" the occasion of the
aun&irtbWk piehi. 'TWold -fashioned
pinic dinner of the"ora belt" was
duplicated with . Oregon produets and
''gone, one bettet" . and he tables
held lepresentativPs of three genera
tions of Iowa -Oregoninos all glnd they
were there. The program ia made up
of brief addresses, reminiscences and
vocal solos. There are in the group
people whose heads whitened in their
sojourn In the land of corn and bacon,
who can recall experience with cy
clones, bliz7.ni ils, droughts the grass
hoper the "mulct" law and the early
day politician. There are people In the
crowd who 'took ti cent eggs and 10
cent butter to market, and burned 15
cent corn for fuel. Home of them have
been privileged to see the "ould sod"
both in the days of its penury and in
its present-dny opulence with corn
lutid at $4D0 s'u acre and an automobile
at every cros roads. They all agree
that Iowa w a great state they help
ed to make it so; but the tenor of all
addresses i tnst they are glad they are
in Oregon, and there is a determination
ttiat the same enterprise that made
Iowa great shall go to innke a greute:
Oregon, In tact, the picnic program
radiated optimism and was a general
Wist for Oregon. It is one of the hap
piest events of the season.
Bequests To Local Church And
Lodge Reach Total Above
The first rongrrgrinim? church of'
Salem will profit siiimt H"'M1 by the
i will or A. JesjMip Htranj. if the value
j placed on Bit lots ie Mtnvg's addition
to Portland is ncarh- rorrec:. Three ap
jipraiaers seloeted iy the Multnomah
county court plaod this valuation on
the 3(i lots.
By the will of the late Mr. Btranf,
10. O. Brownj Mrs. Fred Ptewart anil
lim J. Fry of the Virt onsregation
' nl church or their in Trssurs, were
"named a trustee .f the t.ind, with an
Itliorify to jell and rimvy the lots and
invest them in fun-Is for the church,
j Dc Molar t'omcinndi :y 'o. 5,
i Knights Templar of Sal-'n. Oregon, al
io received a beiiet from Mr. Htr.Mg.
sThis was in the na'ore of lots in Mil
Jwaokie, riackumas initnty, appraised
!at Aim in lofj in t!r- Kat 're-
ob addition to IVI-iiid, which have
lieen appraised at Si",m.
The H.ilem eommsnd-rr .was also
wifled a note of the Oregon Wuod com
pany of Oregon CM f for im and the
note of Oerge A. Rrodt of Oregon
City for i;3i.l. Both ..f these note
were given Mr. Htrana aboat two years
sgn and neither are secured. The'com-
tnanderr was also -vim j feven lots in j
Astoria, but these ha not as yet been I
appraised. j
On a ban's that the twj notes willed
the eommartoVry are food, nd that the
appraisement of bus a J'ortUud and
!Miiaiili n &rti.a '.y enrmt.
the autouut n tu d 'Le e.uunuutdery U
: : !! without tr.shi into account
jlhe seven lots in Asn-ia.
I It was provided -n hi will te.a!
Uleorge H. Hurntt M. L. Movers and
10. ir. Brow n r thf .:.- srs as trus
tees, should have the Sl'.ilOrity to sell
land convey the Jots and ,evt the ri.v
feeeds in funds for the- benefit of the
The- ttal- awwHt of the rotate of
A. Jessmi Straug,' not ineluiling ths
Astoria projHTtr S'neunts to l,.Jtf 4
The appraisers of the Murioa county
wupe-rty, T. B. Kay, XI. L. jieycrs ami
VV. 1. ftnlvv. placed no valuation
j20 share of Rogue Rivet Irrigation
ami rower company, with, a face value
of $KM).
( Drs. Caabatt aud Penb-ton bsvs
I moved their office to 50S Bauk of
Commerce bldg. Phone 9-'
i We wish to thank our bvhy frieiuls
'fur their kindness snd s iti.athy dur
jing the receut illness am: death of
;our la'e son am! Niother Lawrence;
'Also for the ninny beautiful tloral of
jferiiigs. Mrs. Marv II, Sim ai d family
1 Prepare for tha futiira! Call at Bish
op 's and they will explain.
Prof. E. 8. Hammond of the Kimball
School of Theology, left last evening
on an extended tour of the various
conference of the northwest in the
interest of Willnmett university. He
expects to be gone about five weeks
and wil) travel as far as i astern .Mon
tana. e
Palm Beach, suits at Bishop's read
our ad and get yours 'ally.
',. Special Meeting of De
Mwhv Cotimuudiy o,
w-. ;i. Jn. i. tomorrow eve-
-Jr ning Aug. 1 Ith, Work in
the Temple ui'jjrrc. Visiting Hit
Knights welcome,
B. O. Brichoux and Edward . Bouth-
wick, convicts, but Doth temporarily
committed, to tho unano asylum, es
caped today. Tho men jumped from a
truck in which they, tcgc'.ucr with a
number of asylum innate i, were being
taken to the state' prison flax fields.
Attendants saw Iiiiilioux and South
wick entur ua aiitonmbile shortly after
jumping from the truck. Hoiithwiek's
sister, who has bqen here tor a month
in an effort to effe-t hi release, is
believed te have arrange-l for the get
The Salem Mill Clry stage leaves
Oregon Kleetrie denol Snlem, at lOtM
a. mi, and 4;2( p, m, leaves Mill t'lty
at 8:40 a. ni. and 1 p. iu. The Ham
mon Stage. 811
Among the nuuay rf ret uni trig Amert-
can soldier who arrUed in New York
yesterday etr boanthe,U, 8. 8. Impcr-
ator were the fsflowiag halent nienj
Alvin W. I'arrish of the r'econd engin
eers; Jesse K. Itieharthn, casual;
William Smith, eauual; Cloy Toothaure.
Other Willamette valley leys arriving
on the Imperator wsro Geo. P. Down
ing, rhw Jas. r. Eldet, Lebanoa;
Win. IV Butchek, t'nrvaliia; Henry F.
Rauschner, AumaviUe; ( hri Ruhr Kil
verton; Capt. . A. H. Rosj, Li banon;'
Irfe Bynuni, McMir.nvilIe; T'ugene L.
Jones, Chemawa: ianlc W, OrVivea,
U'tmiioii; Ti n inn nt 0, ('aibpbell, Albany
O. A. C. ficmlc. All alunnl and itv
ilents come. At Wol farm Thursdsy
night. Meet at WiHson rrk 5 p. m.
The Loyal Women '" c'asa of tha
first Christian chr'h-w'll meet at
Marion square Thussdnv al'lemoon. The
I'nited (;ircl of the. dumb will meet
in the-church parlors Ftiday afternoon
ut 2::i0 o'ciock.
Constipation upsets the entire sys
temcanning serious illnesses to the
human family, Don 't "worry Hollis
ter's Rocky Mountain Tea will drive
out constipation, rcgulote the bowels,
tone the stomach, purify, rleaase.
Without fail give it a thoro trial. 3..
D. i. -Fry.
WANTBI 4 or 5 rooi'i hotise, furnish
ed or partly furtUh 'd. Call Ul, H:,t0
mornings. tf
Mrs. Martha l'e'ers is seriously
at her home 2H .Norm tli'h street.
M. U. Opdvcke of irai'.t 1 ass is in
the city today, having iiwoex, with
the slate highway eomm ssuin,
Mr, and Mrs. Han'iurn of 5orth Vnk
ima are in the city toduy the guests
of their relative, 0. K. Ross of the
Northwest I'roducrs f'o.
Among the Oie-4011'aiiS legiitered at
the Hligh hotel ti,r mm Xn. and Mrs.
('. (;. 8tewart, Hrnohinjca; C. A. Mace,
Alliany; John i'inker'on, limallis;
Clinton Beckett, Donald; J. L. Ppry.
"A'nllen; J. A. Car-oil. 7nia:uook.
R. R. Hoettecber, field jigrnt of the
va 1 1 up Canning company, is in the
city this week on bus o"s.
Kariol Ie Oilbeit, wh ihas bees
spending the summer in I'srkelcy, Baa
Francisco and other California points,
passed thru the ei'y recently on her
way to Hensi-te, wacr, will spend
the balance sf the stat.u with her
Governor Oleott end wije and Mr.
and Mrs. J. BnHth-iHr. returned this
morning from their tri t'i the southern
part of the siate v.ilh the esciirsiun
train of the Nationnl" Tutorial associa
tion. There v. as a gr ind time all along
the line.
Mrs. Edward Whition of Yakima,
Wash., wife of the late Jii'ige Whiton,
is a guest at tho home of C, B. (Ian
The Amfrif an Nitrogen liMturtn torn-
nan ta r.I ti tl ifi (if in tlttatta tla f fi
Grand plant, nea, Wo...-, u a U
l ,;.i,.fi. of nitrates.
MU VapoRub in j'-'
spoon and inhale ? -v
tha vapors, J j I J
vicks VAPor.u
mi, a -1
numbing and 'Water Systems Installed
if GRAliEB BSOd, Ul South Llbartj
St, Phone 650, Also agent for Fair-baaka-MorM
Gaa Sngtsea.
10 acre 'i mile Sulcn, black gravel
soil, familr orchard, taie. hog house,
well; mare and coif, brood sow, 2 down
chickens, 5 tons nay," r.l acre
corn go at $:i."i(Kt.
AS acres at town, all tillable, 43
cleared, 20 acres bottom: fair house,
good barn;' trade fdr J.!ace half as
40 acres all' cleared, IS acre 6-year
old prunes, bnilitins) 6'j mile's SuUun.
Chivip at HoOO. -
3 acres in Halem, on nwcadsm street,
all kinds fruit and berries, good 7 room
hotrse. outside cooler, on. water sys
tem, barn woodshed, only 4000.
20 acre goxi soil, roll ng; 10 acres
cleared, good family orcha d, buildinsis
2 springs) V4 miles Sat'en H ulil
school; :i250.
108 acres well improve, on 2 roads
ta be- pnved, 70 acres cultivated,' bal
ance brush pasture; $10 per acre,
worth more. N
22 aereis close to Chcmawa, best soil,
all in cultivation; 7 acres (luver, young
family orchard, building:; about 30
tons clover and oata hay goes with
place at $8000.
S acres, 2 miles Salem all cultivat
ed, good soil, amail houso and barn;
easy paymenta; $1300,
5 acres Wj miles Hnleie, berries, S
aerea prunes, buildings. $2500. , j t
16Vj acres dark loam, Bcff culti
vated, balance stuoip paslure, 1 aera
beaver dam; good buildings, family or
ehard, k mile town; only 370O. '
797 aores eut over, exec lent pasture,
best soil, spring water, log house, bara;
20 per acre,
41 acres all cultivited exoept S acres
evergreens, good Cottons iand, water
piped -to house and barn; miles town
on gravel road. o 0. Half cash.
Buy a homo. '
341 State
6 raom bungs low is good condition,
fruit, sidewalks, ipavenentf good, lot, 1
block ear; 1800, rash ment,'' bat1
a ice $10 nioutniy, at 6 peiaent.
room strirfliy modntn bungalow,
full basement, furnnee, fircpliwe,; nice
lawaBflowers, berr'ej; $:ii."i0, $730 cash
balance $25 month'y at tl percent.
8 room bungnlo.v, full basement,
large lot, fruit, burn,. Yi block car;
$23o0, Hmall payment; in'tnllmenta at
6 per cent. t-
8 room- bungalow, att-aetrve, good
Irrt, east front, 3 bloeks school ;$2,
2.10. $1000 down, terms.
6 room mouunt oiingsiow, close in,
$.1200. 1000 cash, balaaes 7 per cent.
8 room rottage on graveled street,
lot 7 by 150, fruit; Iric $10, !ti0
cash, balance 7 per eaatk
6 room bungalow in fine location,
paved street, clostt to sclnol and car,
shady Utwn, only $1200; 1000 down,
balance to suit at 8 percent.
We can suit you
341 fitnte
timber, general land office, Washing
ton, D. C, June 27, Ifiv. fiotacs is
hereby given that subject to the eondi
tions and limitations ot the act of
June 9, 1918 (3 Stat., 21H), and the
instructions oftbe seerotary of the in
terior of September 15, 1917, tho tim
ber on the following lands will b sold
August 20, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., at
public auction at 'the I'nited States
land office at Portland, Ougon, to the
highest bidder at not less than the ap
praised value as shown by this notice,
ale to be subject to rto approval of
of the secretary of th Interior. The
purchase price, with as sdditionnl sum
of one fifth of one per cent thereof,
besnz communions allowed, must be
doposited at time of sale, money to be
returned if !e is not approved, other
wise patent will iseus for the timber
which must be removed within ton
years. Bids will be received from eiti
aens of the United Ktates, associations
Of such citizens and corporations or
ganized under the laws of the United
states or any state, territory , or dis
trict thereof only. Upon application of
qualified purchase, the timber oa any
legal subdivision will be offered sepa
rately before feeing included in any of
fr of larger unit. T. 2 N., B. 3 W,
See. 11, N W Vi HWij, red fir 510 M.,
edar 55 M., HWi, red fir 710
U., none of the red fir or cedar to t
sold for los thin $1.50 per M. T. 9 8.,
R. 2 F... See. S, NEii Uf., fir 1090
M., hemlock 270 M NWi, "NKVJ, fir
N0 M., hemrork 1J0 M., BE'4
fir 1770 M., he-nlock 250 M., BWV,
NK'4, fir 2390 M., hemlock 200 M.,
NE!4 KWK, fir fiO M., hemlock 130
M., KW'i, ffWH. ir 1760 M , KF.
SKU, fir 1170 M., hemlock 120 M.,
KW4 WVt, fir 1B30 h,emlock 50
M. HEVt SEVJ, fir 110 M., hemlock
30 M., HW4 8E14, fir 70 M,
SWV4, fir 19.i0 M., .VW 8W, fir
2100 M., RUM BW14, fir 1650 M,
SW14 8Wy4, fir 1250 M., o- of the
fir to be sold for less thaa $l.uO per M.,
ai.J none of the hcmloek to be sold for
less thaa 75 cent, per MT T. 9 8., B. S
K., See. g.',, SW14 NW'',, red fir 800
K., BE NK(4, red fir 35 M, 8WH
NEU. red fir 500 M nons of the red
' ?',M 'V M'
Cl'k TAL I.MAS, ComnusM.er, Gen-
ral Land Offles.
4f TJTy
i 3
Quick Reference To Firms That Gifs Serf ice On Short.
Where Buyer And Seller Bfeet We
, . Recommend Our Advertisers.
EVEsrrmsa electeical
SsJUns EleetHe Co., Masoaio Temple, 27 Korta High -Maia llf?f
Expert maohiao shoo service b" Mr.
wrginan at sign scneoi mm. sine
shop. 12 years experience. Gear cut
ting a specialty. High class machine
tools. Quick service. Phons 446. 8-13
V.jj' ciabat in the Modern Scientific
Application of Glasses for the, aid of
vision and the eelief of Kyestrain and
Headache. Office closed Saturdays.
(lffi,. etft.sn IT. H. Rank bnildinir.
iniones. office 1J Te. l!.
CIW Of "
YickSa Tosg ;
Chinese. Hedlelna and. Tea. Oa,.
Bas medicine which will ears any
known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 A. IL
until 8 P. M.
153 Soutn High St.
Balcm, Oregon Phono 232
W. T. SiaCOH fc CO.
Undertaker ...
. 58 North High Stmt .
New Torkf Au. 12. (trnited Press)
Tho wr lnbofboard late todsy grant
ed a flat wage increase, of 13 percent
for employes of traction lines ia Tort
land, Or., Eaat St. Louis and the vicini
ty! of Ulovotaml;. The increase1 is w
stated, was based on the increased coat
of. living. . . '
J n-Capital Jasrii J
J-' DaijKarketRcpsrt' t
;' - ,,
' . tStaW -' , . '
Wheat, soft white No, 1 $2
Feed oats.- f..-., -r-r 80c
Milling Oats ........Me
Hay, cheat, new .............. $17
Hay; oats, new $l(Tt20
MUl ran .434
BttttMtfat. -
Uutterfat - - 63e
Creamery buttitf U462e
Potav TatJ a4 Mutton
Pork on foot . .,.. 19
Veal, fancy :......', 2162e
Rtawra U
Cows - 5?ke
Spring lambs , 10ill
Ewer , , 4t'e
Shoep, yearlings - T
Eggs and Totatry
"Eggs, cash e
Hens, Iie "
Old roosters 'n
Ilroilere - 2.V 24c
New potatoes 2e
Oreen onions do ",2f
Onions, per sock $3.7")
Peaches .... . 'TS
Watermelons - I 3-U
Oranges 5.758.50
Lemons, bos ..- $7.50(ai8.50
Banana 8W
Hm,sv. extrasted
rnnteloupes $S.75$3.25
Bunch beets ........ . 3e
Cabbage - I toe
Head lettuce - 6C
Carrots - - 9
Retail Prices. ' ,
Eers dozen 60i
Creamery butter .. 70o
t!ouutry butter 60e
I'lour, Imrd wheat .U0f3.23
Portland Market
I'ortlund, Or, Au;. 13. llttttcr, city
eresmery fiH( 5!c
KgH selected lwal e luSrC
Hens !2.jc
Hroilers ii-foSSe
Cheese, trijilets 3Hyi,a8e
Kceipts 10S -Tone
of market steady
Oood to choice stceis $ll(u,l
fair to good steers $9(n. 10.50
Common to fair steers $7.50
Choice to good cons and heifer
$Sfii 8.5II
Medium to good cows and heifers
fanners $5(Ti8
Hulls l'o 7.50
Calves $(( 15.50
Receipts 174
To le of market steady
Prime mised $20ft-20j0
Medium mixe.l $l' 2.V I9.S0
Bough heavies $18 23U 18.50
Pigs tWniO
Hulk 2tifo: 20.50
KeeeiptS 27
Tone of market mUif
Prime lambs $11.50(a l2
Fair to medium lambs $919
Yearlings $7ffi 9.E0
Wethers $fi(5 7.50
Ewes $04 7.2i
Call 398. Highest prices paid fsr
Junk, second sand goods and mac&ba
ery. Ba son and oaS 398, get the right
prices. Ths squar deal bom.
271 Cbsmoketa St. Salem, Or. ,
We will pay you mors task, for yea
household goods. Get our bid befora
you sell. Peoples Furniture and QaraV
ware Store, 271 N. Com. St. Fsoa
734. .
NO CASH REQUIRED 6ood overcoat
shoes and suits, all kinds of moatex
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, asat
- lag stoves, gas stoves, suit ease aat
1000 other useful articles to soil (X
trade. What have yout Tha Capital t
Exchange 337 Court St. Poena 491,
YOUR used furniture, stoves, carpet
and tools, as-w pay fair prises Urn
everything. Call 917
TCEEOO.. - 285 N. Com'l St.
Hals Blocked
t RENOVATE, block and trim Udissl
and, men's hats at 1917 prises, and
better work; material is wares, kts
are tixnensive. what's tho anjrwerfl
Ul Elltrworrh, 495 Court St, Bav
km. Or.
50 years expsrienea, Depot Ntitsja ;
and American fence.
Pises .29 to 58 in. hlgk
Paints, oil aad varnish, at.
Lo;;nierry and bop books,
ftatent Feaea aad Pfasvf florks
250 Conrt street, Phons 2t.
refuse of all kinds ranioved en Beat
ly esntrscts at reasonobl xataa
Cess pools sleansd. Dead animals lt
moved. Offies pboss Main Jot.
. ' ' lisvi'ti
On Good Real Estate Eoesrlty -TE03.
K. FOIlfl
Over Ladd Busa bttnkt kxttvm Orsfssl
east ' interest. Prompt servieo. itVi
years tints. Federal farm loan bo44
for sabs. A. C. Bahrastedt; 401 Maw
sonic Temple, Salem, , Oregoa.
INSURANCE OOUurof lrso Uas
formation about Life Insvraass as
J, F. Hutchflson, diet, manager fosj
the Mutual Lifs of N. T., offSo M
371 Stots'St., 8alem, Ore. Ofiisn
phono 99, residenee 1398. tf
Our Prices ate Right
W. M. ZANDLE8, Proyrietof
125S" N. Summer Street, Salom, Orsfsal
McC'ornnck boll on every TassdajJ
st 8. Wslter Lenon, C. C, P. in
Kuntz, K. R. A S.
ROYAL Neighbors of . amoiWa,
gon Grape camp No. 136ft meet svsrw
lHursiiay evening" In Mc ovae has)
l.levsmr srvks Oiaole, Ka Caw
rie E. Btmn, 648 Union fit; raoaws
der Mrs. Melissa Persons, UK
4th' St. Phons 143HM,
bly No. 84 meet first Thursday 4
each month at 8 p. m. in Ma-osa
Temf le. Glens C. Niles, M. A.; ti A
Vibbert, secretary, 340 O areas stlrsat,
llre.gon Cedar ('amp No. 5246,seet
every Thursday evening at 8 o'skscs:
ia McCornack bnilding Conrt : a4
Ubcrty streets. W. M. Persoaa, T.
('.: Frank A. Turner, elei.
serner Commercial and Trade stmtt
Bills parable montkij ia advaaua.
Pb.me 608.
Out of 60 stsdesrs In ths. paarauwjr
department of tho Vnivcrsity f Vfsda
11 ton this year 30 ars wssaaav
To replacs ths old bnilding resawUy
burned, the school dittwht -f
in Coos eounty, baa vetad. fanda ssj
$$$ Keep Them Homs-ffl