Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 12, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Among all products there U invariably on
that towers above the general masa. Among
cereal beverages the pinnacle product, we feel,
is RAINIER SPECIAL You may or may not
agree that this is so. The clamorous appeal
for your patronage made in behalf of the
numerous meritorious rival cereal beverages
may have caused you to lose sight of the nota
bly superior qualities of RAINIER SPECIAL
So we urge comparisons thai the relative merits
of each brand of cereal beverage might impar
tially be determined. We urge that the offer
ing of any other manufacturer of cereal bever
age be purchased and tested side by side with
RAINIER SPECIAL Such a test should ban
ish all uncertainty of superiority and mark for
once and all which product is best In advocat
ing a test of this nature it would be manifestly
unfair to point out a single one of the favorable
qualities of our own product Our contention
is that it should be accorded no advantage
whatsoever. Our plea is to let each cereal
beverage make its own uninfluenced appeal for
your favor. Such a test is fair. If the result
of such a test indicates that RAINIER SPE
CIAL is the superior of all other cereal bever
ages, we feel that in fairness to yourself you
should always call for it If the result of the
test U unfavorable to RAINIER SPECIAL you
will know it is a cereal beverage to avoid. For
the sake of being informed you should make
the comparisons we advocate. Today is a
good day to do it Practically every grocery,
drug store, fountain and soft drink parlor car
ries RAINIER SPECIAL and several other
brands of cereal beverage.
IUMot Ftvdnets C.mp.ny, Seattle, U. S. A, Muufactunr at R.lnU
Special. Rainier Bock. M.lt Rainier, Rainier Cereal. Syr ad Deaa,
tared AlceheL
Cii!lU0"G CK-
Trial Of Edward Langdon
For Murder Of .Watch
man Opens Today. j
San Luis Obispo, CaL, Aug. 12. Char
acterized as "one of the most remark-'
able young criminals of the ago," Both;
Burt, aliaa Edward Ltngdon, 22, .
brought before the UH-rior court here
today for trial on a charge of murder
ing Dnvid liorehouse, a night watch
nian at Pao Boblea.
Burt ii alleged to have confessed to
the murder. With biia h;;s bees held
Hugh Moore, 1 who is charged with
complicity iu the murder.
In his alleged confession to Sheriff
Taylor, Burt frankly admitted the
crimp of which he has been charged,
lie said that Moore, although with lain,
was not a party to the murder. He
cooly described how ho and Mooro en
tered a hardware store iu i'aso Rubles,
and were discovered by Morehouse. Burl
then fired on the night watchman, and
the two exchanged several sliots before
Morehouse was fatally hit.
The two young men were apprehend
ed the next eveuiug in a stolen auto
mobile, while en route" to Los Angeles,
three high-powered shotguns and am
mu: ition w hich had been stolen from
the store being found iu the 'car, ac
cording to the police.
Burt, who claims to be the'gon of a
Btirliiigtune judicial officer, is said to
have confessed to hundreds of automo
bile thefts and other robberies. ' The
police say he also told of how he kid
napped a 16-year-old high school girl
of Ashland, Oregon.
Arthur Taggert walked into the sher
iff's office at Boulder, Colo., and con
fessed to the murder o George Spen
cer, 2 year old pr-wppctur, t Ward,
22 miles away, with an ax.
1 (21 rifrA&MC&tfa
..aV I ., '"-. Y. Mj I -a Ir . lin ... .y.'V .:-4Jtamaak SMM
IV T . W ST '
a?a JMW ll 'jsr a i
Nothing Like Plata Bltro Thosphata to
Strengthen Weak Neive and
Increc Strength and
According to a noted Fli nch scien
tist, the most effect. ve leiuedy for
nervousness, insomnia and hilmcnta due
to depleted nero force, is a form of
organic phosphate aawvu timong drng-
Igists in this country n bitto phosphate
It is described as a si .balance which
Is similar in composition' to the phos
phorus naturally found in brain and
nerve cells and, being (asily and quick
ly assimilated, the worlt of creating
nerve force, strength and vigor begins
immediately it is taken into the human
There aro many reKrt of astonish
ing results from its use, scn.e showing
remarkable improvement even in stub
born cases of long sin iling nerve
weakness. As there are many kinds of
phosphates, caro sho ld bo exorcised
to procure the genuine bUcvphoitpkute.
es mat
You Make G
CLOTHES that help you
make good, are worth buying
that is the only kind that
B-shop has or sale.
GOOD ; is the ambition of
every man, those men reulize
the great help tin. good
clothes are in attaining this
CLOTHES were never so
scarce before in the history 3.
the NATION and they are
gcing higher.
OUR EASTERN represen
tative informs us that manu
facturers are many months
behind with their orders, and
conditions for the future . p
pear ho brighter.
This information is gii n
for YOU personally; to decide
for yourself, your actions for
the months to follow.
Service is one of the many
things that has ijivan Bishop
the confident; f ihe m y
thousands of satisfied custom
ers and friends.
' If you are in need of any
honest straight from the
shoulder information, Mr. Bis
hop would consider it a pleas
ure to advise you, in these
times of uncertainty.
We are not merely merchants, we are here to serve YOU; in
serving you honestly and faithfully; we are serving ourseUts.
SUITS FROM $35.00 TO $50.00
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron.,
Salem WOOleSl Mills Store
( 5 i r
. 1 1 ; : -r ! , a
' ;'! 'Ml i:
is j. tit
f, It'
j ; il
Copyright 191 S Hart SchaHner & Matt'
The Rainier Products Company relieves retails and consumers of the necessity!
uj. pdjng jveveiiue aes on maimer leverages 10 paying an taxes tnereon direct
to the Government.
LANG & CO., Distributors, Portland, Creon
secured in Sublimity, Stayton and at
points along the jnoposed roule, and
the eomoanv deemed it necessary to
Silvertun is now n the throes of a i have a franchise through ims city bo
feer which started from agents nsk- j foro they could work among tho farm
ing a frunchit through (he heart of i ers adjacent to the city,
ur eity for the Portland and South, j Tho proposed railway will connect
eastern railway. The franchise ques I im with the Willnmette hoiithern at
tion was brought he'orn the council in
the, proper manner on Monday evening!
and the ordinance .ranting s:une wail
read twice and referred to the judi-'
eiarr eoinmitteo f jr its si.iion at an
Mt. Angel. The power for this new
electric company will eom from tht
Marion Lake l'owi-r coin; any.
Right of wny hm been secured to a
point from the wv below the Doer-
adjourned meeting the following Mnn- :l.'r farm and it is but a matter of a
day evening. j few days until the solid right of way
Bight of way frnrhTes have been will have been secured.
If the proosed ordinance passes Mon
day evening the electric road must ba
in operation iby January 1, 1U22.
M. Iynott, president of the company
Virgil H. Masey iittorney for the com
pany and C. O. Williams, civil
eer for the conipiinv, together with J,
W foster on rt V,... 1 1,. : I
. - . . ...... - . i -in j nriB jii
attendance at the council meeting last
Monday evening. Silvertou Appeal.
civil engin- t,'
. I
Thus far 18 privato achouls have filed
with Deputy Sheerctary Kozer their lit
erature and statement of qualifications
for the soldiera' and sailors' education
al aid provisions. The first approved
applications of students for admission
under this act are in the hands of Mr.
Kozer. These arc Dewey L. Hull and
Frank O. Crawford, of Kugene, who
will take rceular business courses at
ft, . - "
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i $
' fMRIONjpS.
(Capital Joiirncl Hperial Service.)
Hev. aid Mrs. A. W. MiFariauu are
the proud parents of a b..Ly boy.
J. K. I'resnnll has goto to the teach
I for a vucation.
Mrs. Kennett Pearson anf, Mrs. Ter
liu ne had a picnic for their two ein.idny
school clases Friday afternoon in the
Olin lladley was in Marion last Sun
day night at the Friends church. He
gav a very Interesting tjlk about some
of his experiences in the iuns.sltuction
work in France. He did some woii un
der the Friends while tliert, but most
of his work was done u-lc. Lie super
vision of the Ameriran ked Cioss. Hil
uia waa certainty enjoyed a.ia a,ipre-cit-d
by his Marion frit rids.
Wayne Barber, Lester Davldsot and
Blaine Broaner were Bootdaie visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Brnnner ar 'pending the
weekend in Rfsedale. Mr. B.on.nr 1
helping C'rester Hndley finieli big prune
Secretary Ooodin, of the bonrd of con
trol, ia in receipt of frequent communi
cations from individuals in diff"rent
parts of the state calling his attention
to violations of the female labor law
on the part of hotels, restaurants, etc.
The late lamented and mack fired lawn-man of the Feeble Minded, will ap
pear at the Grand Opera House Thursday evening at 8 o'eWt. Mr. Ander
sos will read selections from his owa poetic works, and give a prose narrative
e titled "The Mysterr at the Feeble Minded." All men and women who be
lieve in a square deal and the proper protection of the wards of the atate are
iavnetl to be present. A'lmiwuon free.
Portland Youth Drowsed
Wkii Canoe Is Capsized
Portland, Or., Aa ;. 1 1 Capsizing
with a canoe in the Wiiliiinette river
last night, liar I Joigfnen 18, was
Peter Jesperson, the r.ther oeenpsnt
of the eanoe, was recned ry the harbor
Waves from a ftrnr eansed the
craft to ovprturn.
$$ Dsa't Let 'era Roaa $$
Peanut OH
tian an inJmdual
flaror and "life," due
o tKe (act that it ia
made by the cold
preaaed process and
Dot subjected to cliem
ical treatment of any
r The food oil ivtth
' the nut flavor
As-no signature is attached, they are! Major Albert D. Rimth, in charge of to 120 miles an hour; hence will be well
promptly consigned to tho wuntc basket, the forest patrol plane located in Ha-! adapted for a wide rnngo of patrol fy-
t lem, nas muue arraiugemenis lur an w liijr. iiiey bisu carry raoio e(uiiiiieiiu
Among the list of companies filing ar- change of mnchines, whereby two of the Two of the planes which have been sta-
ticles with the corporation department heavy, speedy Pelliivimml plnnes will, turned hero wera dispatched to Roso
during the past week i that of J. Wol-,le stationed here for patrol duty. Thuse burg yesterday in charge of Lieutenant
fard & Co., of Hilvcrton, who have been 'machines, which proved most effective Goldsboroua and bergoaut McKee,
In business In that city for hall a een-;in war uuty, are equippea wn uiuuny i.im win ne iieiu mere iu seivn um
tury. Tho Incorporators are J. M. Wol- motor and capable of innking from lull southern Oregon region.
fard, Ads. Vau Valkenbiirg, Lewis J.
Wolfard, Donna Aldrirh and Grace W'ol
fnrd, and tho capitalization is M,00n,
Other firms of importance are: Rogue
River Canning Co., Medford, l.",000;
Coast Bond & Finance Co., 1'ortliind,
2'.,000; (lordcn-Adiims Mfg. Co., Port
land, IHMI.IWO; Mutiil'.l Water Co., Pnrt-
and. 14,00(l; Interstiitfl Slotor Co
ortland, l.",OII(); Columbia Ranch Co.,
'art land, 100,000; Alnea Fishermen's
Canning Association, Portland, $l",000;
fnternntinnnl Lumber, Mill k hxpnrt
Co., Portland, IO),OO0; Havers Pacific
Motor Co., Portland, tl.i.OOO; American
I)i;..to Co., Portland, 1!IO,000; Ace Air
craft Company, Portland, 2O,0O0; Fred-
erdick Pout Co., Portlnnd, $10,000; Wil
Inmette Telephnnn Company, Portland,
7.",OnO; Modern Printing Company,
I'orthi 'd, 22.:.nO.
Hevi'ral additional letters havo lieen
received at the governor's office from
members of the legislature regarding
the special session, and also n petition
from Federnl Employes Tnion No. 7, of
Portland. Dr. Owen Adair, author of
the much debated sterlization bill, is
ftne who f: vors the action. Kcnator
John II. Niekidson, of Hmid River,
agrees to waive mileage and per diem
in case the work of the session is con
fined to ratification; otherwise he
onld expect compensntion. Represent-
K. P. IVMlge, of Vmntilla, would
iht ''' wnive ruuapensation but
thinks o.ii '' ' -rd to the dignity of
Hie state the I ''-'"'or should not te
expected to meet without pay.
amis sTvr t fM
A r.'cent order of the puli'ic service
commission reduces certr.irt i'lt'Tiirhnn
fnres out of Portland from 7 cents to fl
cents. The order also provides for a
children ' 10 rid" book on a basis of
phout one half the present cn-h fnre.
Where the fare between stations ex
ceeds a rate of tl cents per mile under
Ihe present schedule a reduction has
be". Ordered.
I ttS, BfisMr a C-, f.
Ptate Insurance Commissioner Unrber
has appointed ss his deputy in the de
partment J. E. Thomas of Portlnnd, for
merly associated with the Aetna Fire
Insurance company of Portland.
i n i i m in :.n.
siii'sawaSMMsassssr-v imm in s msasisi jn y
Don't Dread the Damp
Nntur never meant you to b racked with
Khoumatlam. Wet won't hurt you If you ar well.
If dampness swell your Joints sad make fever In
your bone, you need RHRUMACHOL, nature's
M ature gar curative power to th hot and cold mln
rul water of Idulio Spring, In th heart of th inow-
"aiped Rockies, where thousand of desperate Rheu
i.iitlcg have found relief. II. E. Maehol, a renowned
'i.rma eiitlenl chemist, studied th disease at tliN
:ir.ven of suffereis and found certain medicinal spc
IMes which he there blond with nature' healing
-uter and prixhices UHEL'MACIIOL.
hmw away ynr croti-hes. canes and bllstsr-ralslne
intnur.'s itltr.lMA' llllI.. tkn Intsrnully. Hires iaH
'l"ss dully, prxrbir? micti marvcltuin riulis that I,. IV
!! umsr. a dini!kisi. r.-i "iitly stricken snd now well
itt'-s: "I sell I'.MKI'MACHOI, wlthuut any trouble when
l.t.y scs me without atjr emi."
suffsrvrs from front, himbsso. sciatica or rhr-nmatism tn
an form nec mly l t a II 00 bottls ( HHKLMACltUL.
at tbslr druaalsts' to kaw rslisf. . .
On Hale tn .-ialem at J. C. Terry rharmaey, The Red Cros
Pharmacy, Crown Irug Co., Central Phcrmacy, William
' it l.l t